#a little tiny Jon Pertwee for me!
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Wait the best part….the birthday gift my friend got me!! It’s a tiny Third Doctor! Look at him! 💕
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Vampire pertwee x reader my love
Notes: reader is a recarnation of jon his past wife takes place during 2021 the pandemic never happend au
Prompt line : 51. I thought you died (alone a long long time ago).
Tag: @watermonkeystuff
Warnings : mention of blood, murder and death
Words: 1920
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The life of a vampire can be lonely specaly in a big cold castle. But that changed when he met you, you came at his door wounded, bleeding and close to passing out from the bloodloss.
"Excuse me sir but could you please perhaps help me i was atacked by some robbers they took everything and killed my horse" she was swaying on her feet
"Of course" the tall man said "tell me whats your name ?"
"My name is y/n and i came from (your home town)"
"My goodness thats far away please come in then i can take a look at your wounds".
"Thank you" she started to sway even more with eatch step
"Let me carry you, you clearly arn't able to walk up the stairs"
"Thanks sir"
"Please call me jon" The man picked her up And brought her to one of the many rooms.
That was the night he met you changed him forever
The day he lost you was one of the days he lost his happiness.
You had gone to the market that day to get food for dinner when there was an atack and got slain in the battle it was absolutly horible, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jon was absolutly heart broken about the news he got, the men who had killed you left the town and flet, he felt anger to those men and went in search. When jon found them he kiled the men he took plesure in their screams of agony as they lay dying on the pavement of the coblestone road. After that he swore to never kill anyone ever again simply because you would have wanted that.
That was 150 years ago.
Jon had viseted your grave many times after your death, he took care of the plants and brought new flowers everytime the old once had died. "Oh i miss you so mutch my darling, no words can say how mutch i miss you, i just wish that i was there to protect you" he brushed his hand over the beautyfull headstone engraved with your name and a tiny little portrait.
Jon had a broach that was decorated with locks of your hair (that was costume to do back in the day when people were mourning a loved one) he had it pinned on he his white blouse just above his heart, jon dint look out of place of course he stil lived in the old castle and somethimes enjoyed to wear his old outfit but he needed to get with the times he had no Idea what those little boxes were that people used what were they called again? Phones or something.... nevermind he thought
"Thill next time my dear y/n"
He stood up And left your grave, When jon walked out of the cemetery he walked right trough the park, he was looking around at people relaxing and playing until his eyes fell on a woman who sat under a big willow tree that was near the lake, she wore a long back summer dress had (your color and lenght hair) next to her lay a summer hat and in her lap was a sketch book.
Jon took a second good look at her he wasn't dreaming the woman looked exactly like you , it was rude to stare he knew that but he just could't take his eyes off you, he was thinking should i aproace her or not? He srugged and went to her. The woman looked up at the sound of somone walking up to her.
"Hello miss i saw you sitting all alone drawing and i was wondering if you would mind me sitting here with you"
"Oh not at all please sit down"
"Thank you, tell me what are you drawing?"
"I saw a few birds sitting in the tree and i got some insperation to draw them "
"May i see it?"
"Sure" she handed him the book
"It looks amazing mind if i look through the book?"
"Not at all go ahead"
"My my you quite got the talent miss?"
"Oh y/n y/l/n" she held out her hand
"Jon, jon pertwee" he shook her hand
"Nice to meet you jon, tell me have we met before? You look familiar".
"Umm no? I don't think so" of course he knew that they met before you had the exact same name as his wife.
"Oh what a shame I really could have sworn i have seen you before"
"Its fine, tell me dear are you perhaps intresed in taking a walk? "
"Sure why not" y/n put her stuff in a bag and hung it over her shoulder and put the hat on her head.
Jon grabed her arm and leaded the way "tell me y/n What do you do in your daily life?"
"Wel i have a job that im working for and some studdys inbetween"
"Ah i see, what about hobbies?"
"Oh i enjoy drawing in my free time and love music"
"Oh lovely, i had a wife who enjoyed the same hobbies as you"
"Yes unfortanetly she past away some years ago"
"Im sorry to hear that, i bet that the time she spent with you were some of her best"
"Yeah i hope so she was the light of my life, Anyway miss y/n would you like to come with me i really Would love to hear more about you and see more of your art"
"Sure why not " y/n started to pack her things,
Y/n wasn't afraid of him for some reason the felt save with him "so tell me where do you live jon?"
"Wel do you know the old land house up on the Hill outside of town?
"Oh yes i do, sinds a young age i felt drawn to the place even if i have never been inside there"
"Do you have the feeling that its familiar to you in one way ?"
"Now you say so yes i do, i had a dream once that i was inside the house reading infront of the fireplace and then a pair of arms wraped around me and huged me close it was very comforting"
"Hmm strange oh wel, Ah it looks like we are here" Jon opend the door and let her in
Y/n gasped it was exactly like her dream a coutch infront of the fireplace a rug lay on the floor embroidery with flowers, red curtans and beautyfull paintings, what caught her eye was one particular painting wich hangs next to the window, it was one painting of a woman in a victorian dress her hair fell in curly locks over her shoulder and her eyes looked at her.
"She looks just like me"
"That was my wife her name was (your full name) she was the love of my life until she got killed by some robbers"
"When did she die?"
Jon sighed and looked down sadly "she died (your birthdate) in 1871"
Y/n looked at him in shock "hold on somthing is not adding up here, you said she died in 1871 but its now 2021 thats 150 years ago????, what are you?!"
Jon looked up in embaresment "wel the true is that im a vampire i have been alive for over 300 years now"
Y/n was backing away but stoped in her tracks when she got an other vision "Oh my god!"
"Whats wrong? "
"I saw her again and you were there, you took her in she was wounded you took care of her"
"Y/n do you believe in recarnation?"
"When were you born?"
"(Your birthdate) why"
"Because its the exact same month and day that she died but its more than 100 years apart"
"It al makes sens now the visions, the feeling to be drawn to this place seing you in some of my dreams but with blury face my goodness"
"Y/n i hope its not weird but i would love to get to know you better if you don't mind that "
"No of course i wouldn't mind i just need time" she softly smiled
"Are you feeling scared?"
"No not at all i feel really save so save i have never been in my entire life"
"Come with me i want to show you something" jon softly grabed her hand and took her upstairs, they both stoped at a door "this was my wife her bedroom before we got married, i havn't been in here for a long time". He opened the door and they both were greated by a big canopy bed made up with silk (favorite color) sheets
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"You can stay here as long as you like y/n, in the closet are some of her dresses they might fit you"
"Thanks jon, is it alright if i look around?"
"Sure dear go ahead, dinner wil be ready in an hour"
"Alright thanks " she smiled once jon was gone y/n started to look around, she aproched the wooden closet that stood against the wall once she opend it She was greated by dresses in all kind of difrent colors and materials " oh my gosh" she wispered she took some of them out the closet
but what was weird to her is that the clothes din't add up with the time line because there were some clothes from the 1880s 1890s and 1900s thill 1910s in there "hmm thats weird oh wel never mind a dress is a dress after all" she took a dress from the late 1880s and a pair of shoes and started to undress
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Y/n was suprised with how well it fitted the corset wasn't to tight and she could move freely "it must be faith" she giggled "now lets see what els there is to find"
Y/n aproched the desk that stood in the corner of the room, she sat down in the chair and opend one of the drawers and was greated by art suplise "oh wow" she opend an other one and in there wer some hard cover books y/n grabed one and opend it, it was a portrait of jon then y/n remembered a dream she had once but the thing is that it wasn't a dream but a memory she sat in the garden sketching jon while he sat in the shadows reading a book.
"I really am the rencarnation, my love" she wispered
An hour went by and y/n went down stairs for dinner
"Ah my dear do you Enjoy your new room?"
"Oh its absolutly perfect i love it thank you"
"Its alright dear, now come on lets get dinner i bet that you are starving"
"Jon i got a question"
"What if im in deed a rencarnation of your late wife what then?"
"Then i wil make you imortal so that we could live together forever"
She looked at him '"jon c.. can i kiss you?"
"Of course"
Y/n stood on her tiptoes and placed her lips on his, memories from her past life came back to her "Oh my God i remember everything"
"I thought you died A long long time ago" jon cried softly
"I did but i got a second chance and i promice that this time it Wil be forever"
"Glad to know that dear" he huged her "now comeone lets have dinner"
And both of them knew now that no matter what they will be there for echoter the end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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fontainebleau22 · 4 years
List which 5 TV shows make you feel better then tag 10 other blogs.  
I was tagged by the lovely @andrea-lyn​ - thank you!
1. Dr Who: Dr Who has been a constant in my life - I started watching in the Jon Pertwee era and Tom Baker will always be my Doctor; when the series restarted in 2005 with Christopher Ecclestone I was very hesitant about it because I thought it might not be the same watching it after so long, but I was totally wrong - the new Dr Who is every bit as good as the old, and it's brought me delight across fifty years of my life.
My favourite ever story is The Brain of Morbius:
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2. Life on Mars: Life on Mars came up at a bad time in my life, and it was the one thing I found that could hold my attention and make the bad stuff seem less immediate for a while. It’s probably no coincidence that it deals with a modern-day police officer sent back into the 70s, which is when I was young, and looks sharply at the differences between then and now.
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3. The Clangers: Each episode of the Clangers (little knitted creatures who live on a small planet far away) is a tiny gem, and I defy anyone not to be charmed by them and their world, from the music trees to the Soup Dragon. The way the Clangers communicate through whistling is so expressive, and the otherworldly nature of the whole series is a delight.
Small Clanger with the Iron Chicken:
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4. M*A*S*H: I feel I’ve watched every episode of M*A*S*H a million times, and all out of order, so you can never tell where you are in the narrative. But the dialogue is so sharp and funny, and the insights into war and hardship so profound: @villa-kulla’s recent posting about the show has brought it all back sharply for me, and I’m grateful!
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5. The Young Ones: this makes the list not because it’s necessarily a feelgood watch for me now, but because when I was in college my then-boyfriend was obsessed with it and we watched both series over and over again. And thirty years later, so much of what I say every day is still quotations from the Young Ones - ‘Because I’m a wild-eyed rider at the gates of dawn and I take no prisoners’, ‘Things certainly were different before all these new-fangled changes’, ‘That was a surprisingly articulate outburst, [Vyvian]’, and especially, ‘That’s very public-spirited of you, [Rik]’. It’s embedded into my personality in a truly disturbing way.
Vyvian, Neil, Mike and Rik (the people’s poet):
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I will tag @hanajimasama​, @northstarfan​, @poemsingreenink​, @lazaefair​, @inkformyblood​, @findswoman​, @iwritesometimes​, @villa-kulla​ and anyone else who wants!
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andyangus · 5 years
Sunday 17th January
Mum distracted my gaze from the TV to ask if I wanted to go to confession with her this morning. ‘Why?’ I asked as I choked on my third Curly Wurly of the day. ‘I’m sure the church walls will collapse in on me, being gay and all that. There would either be a stoning, an exorcism, or a full-on Benny Hill-style chase out of Airdrie by the entire congregation.’
Mum tied her clear plastic headscarf around her well-bundled locks and pursed her red, wrinkled lips tightly. ‘It would get you out from under our feet and give you an excuse to take a bloody bath for a start,’ she cracked like a whip. ‘God help you!’ she added, a little judgementally for a woman who carries a fake Gucci bag on her shoulder that was ‘acquired’ from Dodgy Dave’s car boot in the depths of his very shady garage. ‘The immersion is on. Wash your hair at least for Christ’s sake! You’re beginning to look like bloody Worzel Gummidge.’ The lounge door slammed behind her as she muttered something about the world revolving around me and the disregard I have for the labour pains I inflicted on her, describing them weirdly as ‘birth shakes’ and adding something about ‘hating me’ as the front door was dragged shut in her time-honoured way by one brisk pull of the letterbox flap.
The TV screen went dark, and the titles to another Come Dine With Me melded into focus. I caught sight of myself surrounded by used mugs and chocolate wrappers, my hair’s tatty and in desperate need of a trim, greasier than a seabird after the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. I’m letting myself go to the dogs, it seems, and I only care a tiny bit. At any rate, only my family see me. I’ll come out of my cocoon in my own sweet time.
7 p.m. Jon Pertwee’s Worzel’s Song has been rattling around my head all day thanks to Mum. It’s bloody irritating.
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