#a little of Benedict can be seen in both Hector AND Isaac
the-crow-binary · 2 years
Question abt Benedict: we know that Trevor had met Hector centuries ago. My knowledge of CoD is quite rusty but i do wonder how that could affect him. Even if knowledge of Hector is lost due to time or bc it wasn't recorded, i still wonder what would happen if Benedict or Juste found some old lost personal journal of Trevor talking him and having them see an example of a good intentioned devil forgemaster.
omg an ask about my boy always love to see it
Ohoho you think Hector's story would be very inspiring for them and give Benedict hope but HAH ! NOPE. (i mean, not completely)
So, let's imagine Trevor wrote everything he knew and learned about Hector (and let's imagine it includes some things about Rosaly, because i like the idea of Hector talking about her to Trevor while he's recovering. Maybe even... make parallels with how she healed him). And let's establish both Juste and Benedict founds it at one point (Benedict when he was around 13, and Juste... well, idk, but after he met with him again. The same day. Btw they definitely fought). Now to their INTERPRETATIONS of the story, because they would be rather different. :3
Benedict would at first be very excited and happy, because omg !! My ANCESTOR was FRIEND with a DEVIL FORGEMASTER ?? AND HE DIDN'T HATE HIM ?? He would even share his discovery to the family, who would, of course, reject him nonetheless. Even claim that he's lying about their respectful ancestor, or that he interpreted things wrong. So he's already crushed enough, but then he goes back to reading the story... and is absoluted devastated by what he reads. Hector had RENOUNCE his powers, that he HIMSELF deemed as being "cursed". Making his friendship with Trevor more of a "we became friends because you decided to change" story than a "we became friends even though you're a devil forgemaster because i saw you can do good" story. BASICALLY, THE STORY IS GIVING REASON TO HIS FAMILY, BOTH FROM TREVOR'S PERSPECTIVE, AND THE DEVIL FORGEMASTER'S HIMSELF. WHY DON'T THEY COME BACK FROM THE DEAD TO PUNCH HIM IN THE GUTS THEMSELVES ?? WOULD BE LESS PAINFUL.
So Benedict throws the journal to the side, never to open it again. When he fled the family's home, they probably sealed his room without daring looking inside of it. But Juste would, eventually, maybe because what happened with Maxim woke up something in him that he didn't want to think about for years. And that's when he would find the journal.
And HIS interpretation of the thing is more bittersweet, it gives him hope, but also regrets. It makes him understand that even if his brother has a cursed power, he can be and do good. That even if he were to have turned badly, he could still be redeemed (Hector literally served Dracula and has probably killed many innocents in the process, yet look at him now). He sees a lot of Benedict in Hector, the man who was excluded and mistreated for his powers, but still hanged onto his humanity. And he wished he could've done more to help him.
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