#a little hotel room for just them in altissia where nothing bad will happen obviously :']
goth-deidara · 1 year
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anyways theyre all dating :)
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
Are There Worse Things? A Switch Sequel
Well, it is here. Halfway through this, I realized maybe I wasn’t the best person to write this but I figured it was half-way done and figured to just call it good. I mean, I enjoyed writing it, it was fun to write this for me...don’t know if I’d do it again, but I did my best. Hopefully you guys’ll agree. 
Tagging the senpais: @roses-and-oceans @bespectacled-girl @itshaejinjuummm I can’t think of anyone else who expressed interest in the ignoct sequel, so don’t take it personally if I don’t tag you, I just figured you didn’t want to see it? Also, props to @roses-and-oceans for inspiring the little vegetable joke at the beginning. 
Last thing, the pronoun game was once again a bitch. I hope it made sense. 
Are There Worse Things?  A oneshot sequel to Switch Ignoct (with a minor guest appearance by the Reader) Heavy NSFW Word Count: 4,348
Ignis wasn't a nervous person-he had always prided himself in being cool, calm, collected and always thinking ahead. He had tried to convince the others to get away from that damn daemon, the one that was undiscovered and looked like a creepy witch out of a storybook with wisps of thin white hair over a spotted scalp, a bony face with sunken in eyes and sallow, leathery skin. She was nightmarish, and Ignis had insisted they retreat to learn more about the new daemon before trying to fight her, or it. 
Had they listened? Of course not. 
Noctis and Ignis had switched bodies-that was bad, but Ignis wanted to make the best of it, mostly by catching the prince up on his health. Downing all of his vitamins, making sure he ate his vegetables and Noctis, who resided in Ignis' body, always looked like he was going to vomit whenever Ignis sat there nibbling on broccoli that he had prepared for himself. But after two weeks had gone by and the spell or curse never wore away like the amphibian curse eventually did during battle, Ignis was beginning to grow antsy. 
But then you and Prompto had come up a few days ago, bright and early in the morning, both of you enthusiastic in telling the rest of the group that they had switched back and seemed so relieved to be back in their own bodies. Naturally, Noctis demanded to know how it happened...
"Absolutely not," Ignis had hissed when he heard what had apparently caused the resolution, his thick and delicate accent somehow following Ignis into Noctis' body. No. No. No no no no no no no a million times NO. "There has to be something else-anything else. I'd rather eat glass," 
"Wow, thanks, specs," The one thing that Ignis thought was the most surreal about this entire ordeal was how his own voice sounded in someone else's body-rather, his own voice without his accent. After being so used to hearing it through his own ears...well, it was surreal. This whole ordeal was surreal, as Ignis had heard you say over and over and over for the past two weeks. 
But two days had gone by, Ignis trying to research anything he could get his hands on and there was nothing about the new daemon. No mention of the daemon where they found it and with every passing day, both Ignis and Noctis grew more and more irritated. 
Yesterday, though, it had grown to a head when Noctis exited his hotel room to see Ignis downing a whole plate of uncooked raw broccoli. Ignis hadn't thought anything by it, he loved broccoli and wanted to have some for breakfast, but Noctis had enough and started getting to work on Gladio's Cup Noodle stash that he thought was well hidden (it wasn't). 
Two cups. Three cups. Five cups. Eight cups. Each cup, Noctis glared at Ignis as he slurped the noodles and with every cup, Ignis could feel his body's heart clotting due to all the unnecessary sodium. 
He finally gave in when Noctis started to vomit from having 23 Cup Noodles. 
And now Ignis sat on the bed residing in Noctis' body with his heart pounding so hard that he was afraid the prince might have tachycardia, while Noctis who resided in Ignis' body played with the plastic bag you had given the two after giving them explicit instructions on how to do...the deed. Especially after the first time had failed. Ignis had dated a few people before this and Noctis had a fling with some girls as well, but as you had pointed out to the two, this was new territory for both of them and the first time was spent in a lot of pain with quite a lot of cussing until Ignis finally shoved Noctis away and refused to keep going. 
And when Noctis had explained to you what had happened, you had an idea of what the problem had been and started giving the two men very precise-very explicit-instructions on how to switch back. 
"Dare I ask what's in that bag?" Ignis asked, brushing a few of Noctis' black strands out of his face. How could Noctis stand having a hairstyle where his bangs were constantly in his face? It was ridiculous, especially seeing his own body with those spikes now down and framed around his face and occasionally going in now Noctis' face and eyes. 
"Do you really want to know the answer to that?" 
There's no point in being nervous. Ignis tried to breath as your calm and logical voice entered his mind once again. You guys are best friends and have known each other practically all of your lives. The only ones who know about this are the four of us. So just try to enjoy yourself-there's no harm in it, right? 
Placing the bag by the edge of the bed, Noctis sat down in close proximity of his adviser who was stuck in his body-however, Ignis hastily scrambled as far away as possible until he was practically off the bed being so close to the corner. Noctis wasn't used to Ignis' glasses and it always felt weird having them perched forever on his face, so he took them off to place them nearby. Ignis wasn't completely blind without the specs, but he was a little nearsighted and the world was slightly blurry without them. But Noctis ignored the slightly blurry world and took deep breath after deep breath to calm himself into thinking about the next step-about what you had said...
Ignis' personality is the same, but his body is still yours. You best know what to do, you know how to make your body nervous, but you know what to do to make it weak in the knees. 
Noctis had an idea, going back to something that a fling with one of the maids in the Citadel had made him discover about himself. Scooching a little closer, Noctis ignored Ignis' attempts to back away to reach over and run the tips of his fingers over the back of his hand gently, almost barely touching him before gripping the hand like a friend would and pulling away. He couldn't see very well in the dim hotel room, but Noctis could see his own body pull away with a slight blush and see goosebumps along his arm. So, Prompto's girlfriend had known what she was talking about after all...
Ignis coughed slightly and covered his face with one hand feeling an intense blush coming on while hearing your voice in his mind getting slightly more explicit. It's okay to be nervous-you don't have to jump right in. Just take your time, lace your fingers together, caress his cheek. Could he really do this? 
"This is insane," Noctis' voice with the slight accent echoed a little in the motel room as Ignis had spoken a little more louder than necessary, causing Noctis to shush him. 
"You think I'm enjoying this? I never exactly pictured having sex with you before, you know," 
"With me or with yourself?" 
"Both," Noctis ran his hand through sandy blonde locks before letting the loose hair fall naturally back over his eyes, as it was more comfortable for him for some reason. "But...can I be honest? We have to get to Altissia soon, but I'm pretty sure we can't go throughout our mission with us switched up like this as I can barely throw daggers in your body and can't warp. As for this-well, you're obviously attractive and you're one of my best friends...are there worse things?" 
Noctis expected to hear an immediate 'no' with no hesitation, as Ignis had dragged his feet the entire time and seemed horrifically resistant to the insanity that was this whole situation. But there was silence, no notification whether Ignis agreed or disagreed with the idea until Noctis heard the faintest "I suppose not," in a very faint and distinct accent through Noctis' voice. 
I suppose not...
Ignis jumped slightly when he felt the fine, small hairs on his cheek being tickled by his body's fingertips as Noctis gently ran the tips of his fingers and only managing to touch the hair and not the actual skin and causing goosebumps all across Ignis’ body. While the blush in his cheeks was still fierce and Noctis could see the throbbing heartbeat out of Ignis' temple and below his jawline, ocean blue eyes that were still slightly hesitant were now slowly becoming more accepting as Ignis reached over to hold onto Noctis' hand, his own body's hand that Noctis refused to wear gloves for. 
You guys are best friends-there's nothing to be embarrassed about. 
Noctis kept this thought in his mind as he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Ignis', who sat perfectly still and almost frozen, and touching his own lips for the very first time. Dizziness began to wash over Noctis as he discovered that his lips were firm and a little chapped, but somehow...intoxicating. Noctis could smell the minty breath of the toothpaste Ignis used and even though you had told him to go slow, Noctis felt a compulsive need to run his tongue along the bottom of his body's lip when Ignis gasped at the feeling of his own strong as it coaxed the simplest reactions out of Noctis' body. 
This is insane, madness, everything else in between. Those thoughts kept circling through Ignis' mind as Noctis continued to deepen the kiss and Ignis somehow let him do it. Of course, Ignis had pointed out the exact same logic to you when you had tried to coach him how best to have this experience and you seemed to have a response to everything. 
Of course it's insane-but what's wrong with a little insane now and then? 
"What are you thinking about?" Ignis couldn't fight the shudder that rippled through Noctis' body at the prince's gentle whispers against his lips and he breathed harshly a little with his shudder. 
Despite the whispered question that seemed to unravel Ignis more and more, Noctis continued to press gentle kisses to Ignis' lips, interlacing their fingers as they continued to tango in the softest touches of lips and the tips of tongues. Never getting a break, it caused Ignis to have to respond between kisses to Noctis' question, though he felt as breathless as he sounded. "That this is insane-Noctis what the hell are we doing?" 
Ignis had his eyes tightly shut, his only guide being touch and as he felt each gentle press of lips, he felt himself becoming more and more undone. He felt the gentle smile that Noctis provided at Ignis' response as his kisses began to become more than just gentle presses, more pressure applied with every touch. "What's wrong with a little insane now and then?" 
"Did she tell you-" Ignis was silenced once again at a more firm kiss from Noctis, from his body's own lips and this time Noctis refused to come back up. Reaching one hand to cup the back of his head and run his fingers through dark strands, Noctis tilted his own body's head up so he could deepen the kiss and slip his tongue in to explore his body's mouth. For whatever reason, Ignis felt compelled to do the same and partially regretted doing so when he felt the moistness of his own body's tongue and he realized the sensations he was feeling were making his pants particularly tight. 
And despite how a part of Ignis-or rather, Noctis'-brain screamed that this was insane and wrong on every single level, Ignis still found no will to fight when he felt the Crownsguard coat that Noctis wore gently pulled off to pool at his waist. In fact, his wrists were acting of their own accord as it pushed the coat Ignis usually wore off his body and slip his suspenders off his shoulders. Now-now he was unbuttoning the buttons on Noctis' shirt and Noctis pulled away so he could take off Ignis' shirt-
"Wait," Feeling his own skin beneath Noctis' fingertips with his other hand still intertwined with Noctis' hand, Ignis ignored the strangely satisfying sensation at feeling his own skin to take deep breaths and compose himself. This is insane, this is insane, this is insane...
Noctis sat by and waited patiently for Ignis to catch his breath, but after two minutes went by, he was starting to become afraid that Ignis would back out...why was Noctis feeling afraid of halting the night’s activities suddenly? Did it matter? Noctis pushed those thoughts out of his head and the thoughts were replaced, once again, with your own advice. 
I know Ignis, though admittedly not as well as you-but I do know there's gonna be a point when he feels overwhelmed and is gonna need a break. Give him space, but it wouldn't hurt to, you know, hurry the process along. 
Again, Noctis ran his-or rather, Ignis'-fingertips along his hand like before, giving his body goosebumps once again as he ran the tips past the wrist and up to Ignis' elbow before trailing back down to his hand again. "Are you okay?" 
The pause between the two lasted for about thirty seconds with Noctis about to start thinking that the adviser had gone into sensory overload when he saw the soft nod coming from his body. Ignis faced Noctis with your advice in his head as he finally pushed against lips and instantly tangled his tongue with his own body's, causing Noctis to feel absolute shock at Ignis' sudden forwardness, but still accepting as Ignis pushed Noctis down into the mattress. 
Don't think-just feel. 
And Ignis felt; for a minute he finally indulged himself as he ran his hands over his own body's shoulders to feel the strength of Ignis' long and hard years of training and unbuttoning the remaining buttons on his shirt before helping Noctis out of it, all while never once letting go of Noctis' lips as he started to tug at his pants with the clear intention of getting those off. 
Maybe it's best not to let Ignis take control-your body may respond better to being a submissive more than being a dominant and that's why the previous time didn't work. Going by your advice, Noctis, for the first time in probably years, caught his adviser off guard as he quickly rolled over and pinned Ignis underneath him. Breaking away from Ignis' intense search for his body's tongue, Noctis forced his lungs to take rational breath once again, despite how hard that was to do when the image of his own body lay beneath him with red cheeks, lust hazed eyes and moist lips. 
"Noct-" Ignis tried to protest, but for some reason didn't fight as Noctis pulled down his pants and boxers to his ankles that still hung off the bed, letting gravity do the rest of the work while Noctis shucked away his own pants and reached to the grocery bag on the floor. Pulling out a few items that Ignis couldn't see well in the dark, he swallowed hard when he heard a cap pop off and what sounded like the squirting of a bottle. "What-what is that?" 
"Prompto's girl said it was supposed to help and make it less painful," But rather than going straight to town, as the bottle suggested, Noctis listened to your rational thoughts once again as he ran his now lube coated fingers up and down his body's shaft before dipping down to his tightness and just kept going back and forth with no haste and no pressure. 
Lube isn't this unholy thing to toss down the drain to light on fire and watch it burn-if you get the right kind, it'll help stimulate it but don't go straight for-well, there-just relax. Take your time. The more you help Ignis to relax, the more smoother it'll go. 
After five minutes of slowly jerking off and making sure Ignis was slick enough (as much as he could guess), Noctis pressed a finger gently inside Ignis, gauging the reaction of Noctis' body as his eyebrows furrowed and Ignis gripped the sheets beside him. Another few minutes went by, Noctis ready to pull out in case Ignis felt too overwhelmed while stretching the tight muscles down there as-
As Ignis suddenly released by far the sexiest moan Noctis ever heard-from his own lips. Is that why his lovers had tried their damnedest to get Noctis to be as vocal as possible? 
"What was our safeword again?" Noctis asked as he pushed the finger in and out at a slow pace as Ignis continued to moan and whimper beneath his touch. "We agreed on one, right?" 
"We never could...and I am not using yours," Safe words seemed like such a useless topic of conversation as another finger was entered and Ignis groaned at feeling of two fingers scissoring inside of him to stretch him out as much as possible. 
"Well, what did you want to use then, oh mighty adviser?" 
"Sta-" Ignis gasped when Noctis curled his fingers forward and felt a sudden flash of stars shoot behind his eyes, but his personality lead him to try and be as composed as possible for him to choke out "Stasis,"
"That is so you," Noctis rolled his eyes as he took his fingers out to reach down again to the plastic bag still lying by the corner of the bed. "At least mine was original-" 
"Yours was ridiculous," Ignis forced the stupid ebony bangs out of his eyes again as he controlled his breathing. This was it, he was getting the condom, could Ignis really do this...
Except it wasn't a condom. 
Ignis wasn't stupid, he knew what the egg shaped bright yellow object was as Noctis pulled it out of the bag. But the question "What the hell is that?" still ripped from Ignis' lips when his eyes fell upon it as he started to scramble away. 
"Just relax," Noctis gently pulled Ignis back as he lay down beside him with the offending object in his hand. 
"I...did not see you obtain that," Noctis chuckled a little at hearing how refined his own voice sounded using Ignis' words, but he ignored it as he pulled the tab that blocked the battery from the slant of the bottom of the vibrator egg. "Was this-" 
Noctis smirked a bit and nodded while mentioning your name. "It was her idea-she said it might help," 
Noctis pulled the object down towards Ignis' lap and Ignis felt the word 'stasis' on his tongue-he was going to say it, at least he was pretty sure he was about to when the soft and gentle vibrations that started running along his shaft made him stop thinking all together. Was that his voice-or Noctis' voice-echoing off the walls? What was...how could...
"Iggy?" Noctis pulled at his body's chin with his other hand to try and get the Ignis that resided in his body to make eye contact. He did, but he was shuddering and seemed completely out of focus as Noctis ran the egg up and down his shaft, circling the head and running it up and down again before reaching down between his cheeks to run around the tight circle there. "Ignis," 
Hearing his own voice without an accent muttering his name made Ignis focus and turn back to his body's eyes that were filled with lust and before Ignis could really think what to say, he discovered talking wasn't necessary as Noctis mashed his lips to Ignis' and began their dancing of tongues once again. 
Ignis was distracted and felt almost brain dead, thrusting his hips up to meet the touch of the vibrating egg that Noctis seemed to work masterfully on him. But Ignis didn't notice Noctis grabbing the lube and coating the egg in it because he felt the cold plastic suddenly press against his-
Ignis pulled away from Noctis' greedy lips to gasp loudly at feeling the vibrator being gently pushed inside him, the buzzing object against his sensitive insides making him moan and groan loudly, louder than Ignis had ever been before. Ignis tried to think rationally, logically, but his mind was blank as the sensations rippled through him and made him start to climb that familiar peak, faster than he'd ever done before. Ignis could feel it, feel the sensation growing to a head as Noctis pumped his body's cock-pretty soon, he would-
The loss of vibration took Ignis completely off the edge, like stepping to the edge of a diving board ready to dive in only to be pulled back at the last second. But the loss of the vibration finally gave leeway for Ignis' brain to think and he began to focus his clear eyesight on his own body-
To see Noctis covering his body's member with the lube. 
Don't think-just feel. 
Once again, your annoying voice entered Ignis' mind as Noctis lined himself up against his adviser, his best friend. He looked at Ignis, expecting him to shake his head and pull away no doubt-Ignis knew he should, knew he should put a stop to this before a line that they could never return from was crossed...
But instead, Ignis just felt himself impulsively push away those annoying bangs of Noctis' and eagerly nod his head as he adjusted himself for Noctis' welcome. 
It stung-Ignis knew it would by from what you had said, but Ignis never realized it would be this bad. True, the lube and Noctis' stretching hands had helped, but it still stung like mad as Noctis just sat there to wait for Ignis to get used to their joining. 
This is insane, this is insane. The thoughts circled Ignis' head as he opened his eyes to focus on his own body, look at his own face for the first time...and your voice was back. 
When he first enters you, look at your face to distract from the pain. Ignis looked at his face, for the first time realizing just how attractive he was-was that self indulgent? Well, this whole situation was self indulgent if Ignis thought about it. But Ignis suddenly noticed his jawline, his strong lips and how beautiful his sandy blonde hair looked when it wasn't spike up-maybe Noctis knew a thing or two about hair?
Look at your eyes-see how green they are? Your voice in Ignis' mind, so close that it was like it was right there outside his ear, made Ignis focus on his own eyes that contained the personality of Noctis...his eyes were such a unique shade of green. And blue mixed in together, it really was like a sea foam color. His previous lovers had always complimented on Ignis' eyes, but apparently they had been-been right. 
"Specs?" Hearing Noct's friendly childhood nickname in Ignis' voice became his undoing. Grabbing onto those delicious looking sandy blonde locks with one hand, Ignis yanked Noctis down for a passionate and deep kiss while encouraging his hips with the other hand. 
Ignis didn't have to tell Noctis twice-he started off slow, but Ignis seemed impatient, almost desperate. He tried to get Noctis to hurry his movements, but Noctis managed to resist as he pulled away to listen to their hasty and loud breathy moans combined with the somehow erotic slapping of skin as they coupled slowly. 
"Noct," Ignis moaned, grabbing onto his body's hips with both hands as he tried to get Noctis to speed up. "Please-please," 
"Never thought I'd hear you beg, specs," Noctis mumbled, now enraptured with the sight of his own ocean blue orbs hazed over with lust. Grabbing the back of Ignis' hair, Noctis began to speed up his movements, the sound of coupling skin getting quicker and slicker with every quick and fluid movement as both men realized they could no longer contain their moans. 
"Noctis," Ignis gasped again and again when Noctis started to jerk Ignis off while he continued to thrust, the sea foam eyes that Noctis now inhabited getting hazier and hazier as he got closer and closer to his release. "I-" 
"Ig-" Noctis felt himself shudder and buried his face in his body's neck as he continued to thrust and try to bring his best friend, his own body to a climax. "Fuck, Ignis-" 
A blazing white light accompanied the shuddering of Noctis' release and Ignis felt it too, felt something that was like a gentle breeze flowing against the two as something pulled at the two before the white light began to slowly cease and eventually went away. 
Ignis felt a slightly smaller but still strong body beneath his as he forced himself up to his knees to look at his prince now in his own body, who just lay there looking dazed while running his fingers over his old skin that he had returned to. 
"There are worse things," Ignis still wasn't sure which of the two had said that, but he had stopped caring. He was back in his body-mission accomplished...
"Holy mother of-" You gasp as you lay beside Prompto-of course, you had both gotten a hotel room next to them, but you kind of figured that the two wouldn't really go through with what they had planned. Boy, were you wrong. The sound of the prince and his advisor in switched bodies fucking was actually kind of hot and soon you had found yourself being thrust into by Prompto, who tried to time his thrusts to Ignis' moans from the next room. 
And you meant Ignis in Noctis' body, not vice versa. 
"We should listen to those two fuck more often," Prompto mumbled. 
You were about to agree-or disagree, you were so spent you couldn't really think straight-when the door slamming open and Gladio storming in practically made the two of you fall out of bed from the sudden intrusion. 
"What the fuck?" Gladio shouted, amber eyes glaring at the two of your angrily and seemingly ignoring the fact that you were both naked and cuddled together still. "I just walked by and heard Iggy and Noct fucking and now I hear you two going at it-why the fuck are we acting like a bunch of bunnies? And how come I wasn't included on these little sexcapades?"
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