#a la nanita nana
gay-poet-gabriel · 2 months
jibril and christy comic
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not exactly my favorite version of a la nanita but it has the version of lyrics i used:
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threeawfulfruits · 2 years
Yooo for anyone else who reads/adores “Chasing the Past” by @otsanda: La Gaita just did a cover of “A La Nanita Nana” - there’s a preview on her insta!!! 😭😭😭 I cryyyyy
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cmatain · 2 years
«La nana. Balada al Niño Jesús», de Juan Francisco Muñoz y Pabón
«La nana. Balada al Niño Jesús», de Juan Francisco Muñoz y Pabón
«Y la Palabra se hizo carne y acampó entre nosotros.»(Juan, 1, 14) El autor de la letra de esta canción para voz y piano es el canónigo y escritor Juan Francisco Muñoz y Pabón (Hinojos, Huelva, 1866-Sevilla, 1920) y su compositor el músico José María Ramón Gomis (nacido y muerto en Novelda, Alicante, 1856-1939), conocido como el mestre Gomis. La Sociedad de Autores Españoles publicó la partitura…
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jaxplaysthesims · 1 year
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♫ A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea ♫
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niggasasuke · 2 years
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kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
The lullaby 🦅
Nozel wakes up in the middle of the night to not find Helena by his side.
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 1263
Author's note: warning
This one shot contains slightly heavier topics exploring post partum feelings, but it's still fluffy and very comforting. 💕
Lullaby youtube link
Ao3 link
It was colder. That was the first thing he noticed. Lack of warm presence by his side and a familiar scent was weaker than usually. Nozel opened his eyes, it only helped a little, because the bedroom was dark. Few rays of moonlight were softly coming through the windows. 
Nozel turned his gaze to the spot next to him to find it empty. Helena was absent. He furrowed his brows wondering why his wife would be up to at such a late hour. He threw the covers to the side and let his feet touch the cold floor. Not that he felt it, because the socks he wore were keeping him warm. Nozel shot the bed one last look, before standing up.
He truly wished that Helena would sleep through the night. She needed all the rest she could get, so that she would regenerate well. Even though there were no complications with Natalia’s delivery unlike when Helena gave birth to Heinry and Noureen, Nozel continued to feel uneasy. She took a while to recover back then and now when she was getting up and moving around so quickly, he could not shake the worry of his shoulders. 
Just as Nozel was looking around the room wondering where to look for her, he heard a quiet hum coming from the room attached to theirs. It was the one where Natalia’s crib was. It was upon Helena’s insistence that when their children were baby birdies, they would be so close to them, so Helena and Nozel could reach them in a matter of seconds. It was the way it used to be in the Drazel household and he was happy to take over that tradition. He wished to be close to his children, to be a present father.
His lips softly tugged up as he quietly made his way to the ajar door. Nozel gently pushed on it and the words within Helena’s hum became discernible. 
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
Nozel felt warmth spreading through out his chest and gently enveloping his heart.
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
Helena stood there cradling Natalia and looking down at her daughter. Her chocolate hair was a bit messy, let loose in wavy strands. It fell on her red pyjama tank top, which made Nozel worry that she could be cold with that lack of sleeves and wearing her shorts. 
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea
A la nanita nana, nanita ella
However Helena did not seem to mind. Her dark eyes were glued on the figure of a little silver haired girl. The small head was resting on her mama’s shoulder and chubby hands were by her adorable face. Natalia looked to be asleep, comfortable in Helena’s embrace.
A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
Nozel approached them stopping just behind Helena, but his wife was so immersed into singing the lullaby, that she did not notice. 
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea
A la nanita nana nanita ella
Nozel let her finish. 
“Did she wake up?” He asked quietly.
Helena jerked up, but not too drastically as she protectively brought Natalia closer to her chest. She turned around blinking surprised. 
“Don’t scare me like that mi amor,” she whispered and furrowed her brows. Nozel nodded that he understood, slowly closing his eyes. He took a step towards his wife and looked down at their little girl in Helena’s arms. “I just couldn’t sleep,” she admitted. “Since I woke up, I thought that maybe she did as well, so I came to check up on her,” Helena continued as Nozel placed his palm on Natalia’s head to gently stroke her. She felt very fragile to his touch. Weak, little person and yet so important to him and his wife. “I think she was hungry. I fed her, but she wouldn’t fall asleep.”
“Lullaby seems to have worked,” Nozel pointed out.
“It did,” Helena smiled softly.
“Are you not cold?” He raised his brow.
“I’m alright mi amor. I’ll snuggle once we get back to bed,” she said and turned to face the crib. It was made out of light wood and was padded with lilac cushions. In its corner was a little eagle plushie, a gift from the Silver Eagle’s squad. It was heartwarming to see them care this much about their captain’s family. “Off to bed you go,” Helena whispered, but for some reason she would not put Natalia down.
Nozel gently came from behind her and wrapped his right arm around her. Looking over Helena’s left shoulder he gazed down at their sleeping daughter.
“It’s silly,” Helena mumbled as he moved closer, placing a tender kiss on her temple. “I thought it was going to be much easier considering that we already had boys and yet I find myself worrying just as much. I don’t want to let her go.”
Nozel did not say anything. He did not have to, Helena knew that he understood her well. Each one of their children was special, this little girl was no exception. 
“She needs to sleep and you do as well,” Nozel whispered. 
“Just one more minute. I want to hold her. I’”
Since she asked and Nozel had no reason to decline, on the contrary he was content, they stayed standing close. The three of them. 
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After a while Helena reluctantly put Natalia back into her crib. She covered the little girl and made sure she was comfortable. She leaned down placing a kiss on her forehead. 
“I love you niña,” Helena whispered, before looking up at Nozel. “She wants a goodnight kiss from papa as well.”
He probably blushed, because Helena chuckled as she stepped aside. Nozel shook it off and focused on Natalia. A warm feeling bubbled in his chest. She was a perfect miracle, that he and his wife had brought to life. Little silver haired girl with eyes of such a dark shade of brown they were almost black. Fortunately they were closed right now, while Natalia was peacefully breathing. Her small, chubby belly going up and down in that adorable lilac pyjama. When he touched her, Nozel once again felt the sense of fragility. He knew he was going to protect her, but he was going to do it right. Not the way he ‘protected Noelle’ or ‘protected Helena’. Nozel was going to be there for Natalia every step of the way, when she was going to make her first ones and later on as she continued with her life.
For now he could treasure the moment of kissing her forehead, stroking the short locks and watching her sleep.
“Sueños dulces hija,” he whispered. 
Natalia did not answer, but she smiled. Hopefully she was dreaming about something nice.
Nozel felt a hand grasp his own and fingers intertwining together. Helena squeezed his palm. In silence they made their way back to their bedroom. 
Helena had actually gotten goose bumps from the chill of the night, but as she promised she curled up next to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck and wrapping her arm over his chest. They fell asleep and did not wake up until the next morning, ready to greet Natalia, Heinry and Noureen.  
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dr0p-dead-gorgeous · 2 years
Can we get Thomas Hewitt with a s/o teaching their baby another language and he walks in on them singing to the baby in whatever language -☆
Great request! I have a soft spot for dad Thomas, makes my heart flutter. I chose Spanish because I can loosely speak it. I chose to make the baby a girl.Enjoy!
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Thomas was finally able to take a break from work, and he wanted nothing more to see his beautiful wife and baby.He was so proud of their baby's growth,at first he thought it would be harder for her to speak but she seemed to be taking in English and Spanish pretty well. Walking in the house he heard the the faint hum of Y/n singing, he walked to the door way eyes full of admiration. She was gently rocking back and forth with the baby in her arms, closing her eyes she sang
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea
Her voice was that on angels, surely he must be in heaven
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea
Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea
She opened her eyes seeing Thomas standing there lovestruck. "Oh Sweetheart I didn't see ya there! " she said with a small laugh. She walked over leaving a tender kiss on his lips "you sound beautiful" he signs"Aww thank you sugar care to help sway her you sleep? " he but his hands around her waist pressing his forehead to hers as they began to softly rock. Y/n began to sing once again
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Reseñor que en la selva cantando llora:
Calla mientras la cuna see balancea
A la nanita nana, nanita ea
The baby was fast asleep. They kissed one last time "I love you darling" "love you"
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dorianosaki · 10 months
Dios vengo a escribir un rant sobre el mismísimo Takumi que amo y odio con todo mi corazón porque Nana realmente es una obra de arte y ai yazawa merece... el infierno por no terminar el puto manga
Y Takumi es una de las razones por qué. Recuerdo que cuando leí que Ai Yazawa dijo que Takumi era su favorito pensé que era una vieja desquiciada y masoquista, enfermita que merecía estar internada en un hospital mental porque CÓMO VAS A DECIR ESO SOBRE UN MAN QUE LITERALMENTE VIOLA A LA PROTAGONISTA Pero luego entraron mis lentes de socióloga... Japón está en un contexto cultural muy diferente al mío, e igual Yazawa es consciente de las múltiples (conté 2) violaciones de Takumi, incluso Nana dice con un poco de enojo no más que Takumi abusó de ella. Eso es asqueroso y repugnante injustificable de cualquier forma y aún así...
Amo a Takumi! Realmente sí y tal vez Yazawa y yo tengamos la misma enfermedad mental pero de todos los hombres de la historia, sacando tal vez al calvo Yasu, son una puta mierda y Takumi es lo mejorsito. Creo que solo por eso lo amo pero también porque siento que se refleja mucho con mi vida en plan... Realmente todos los hombres son una basura e incluso el más amable sigue siendo una basura inútil, mantenida y estúpida. El interés romántico que todos defienden de Nana Komatsu es Nobu. El puto Nobu es un puto niño chiquito que solo quiere culear y quiere un romance de película, pero supongo que en esto era más compatible con Nanita bebita, quien también solo quería un romance bonito y fantasear con las almas gemelas, el amor verdadero, los besos dulces y el sexo hecho con amor. Pero la vida no es así, Nana, y entonces ella se embaraza, porque malditos sean nuestros úteros, y se enfrenta a la vida real: va a ser mamá, quiere serlo, la hace feliz, pero si va a ser mamá a sus 20 años la vida de repente deja de ser solo fantasías de besos dulces y sexo amoroso, sí, la vida pasa a ser real, llena de constantes luchas y priorizar a un ser que es aún del tamaño de una uva pasa, aunque si Nana es como yo, el bebé tendría unos meses más. Su ex novio abusivo llega a buscarla y se da cuenta de esto, mientras ella quiere aferrarse a la idea de que Nobu es muy dulce y siempre estará con ella, la vida sigue siendo hermosa, solo que con un bebé. Pero probablemente el hijo no es de Nobu, that would be just a secret cause she doesn't want the real father. Pero Takumi le dice, bueno, si tanto quiere a su pedazo inmaduro de novio, contémosle que usted está preñada. Nobu se entera y de repente, no sabe dónde se fue el amor por Nana, y no sabe si era tan real como para estar dispuesto a empezar una familia, con ella, le tiemblan las piernas y no sabe qué hacer, pero actúa según lo que parece correcto, aunque está pensando siempre "yo no puedo tener un bebé." Takumi lo invita a la casa a que hablen, y le dice tremenda frase que aún no entiendo pero que me hizo otorgarle todo el respeto que tengo: Sea mío o no, yo acepto criar al hijo de Nana como si lo fuera, pero ella tendrá que escoger. Nobu ahí se dio cuenta por qué estaba tan lejos de superar a Takumi, no solo porque él fuese increíblemente guapo y se pudiese coger todo lo que se mueva, no, porque Takumi es al fin y al cabo un verdadero hombre, y tal vez esa sea una concepción machista mía pero en un mundo en el que los hombres esperan que sus esposas los mantengan, Takumi es el verdadero hombre con pantalones puestos que dice, jueputa soy un perro mujeriego sidoso de mierda, pero voy a casarme con esta vieja que preñé (sigue siendo mal visto que las mujeres queden embarazadas antes de casarse así que está "protegiendo el honor de Nana"), le daré todo lo que putas esté a mi alcance, la mejor puta casa, todo lo que se le antoje, todo lo que mis hijos quieran, y DIOS lo amo de verdad, además porque realmente creo que Takumi es un niño traumatizado, lo que no justifica nada, pero tal vez si fuera a terapia... Igual no lo haría, es muy poco consciente de sí mismo en ese aspecto, si él se siente bien con su estilo de vida no moverá ni una coma.
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van-yangyin · 2 years
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Jack and Kyla
Jack starts singing Kyla a lullaby that his moms used to sing to him when he was little: «A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella Mi niña tiene sueño, bendita sea, bendita sea A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella Mi niña tiene sueño, bendita sea, bendita sea. Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando, llora Calla mientras la cuna se balancea A la nanita nana, nanita nana, nanita ella...🎶»
Translation under the cut line ↓
Translation: Little lullaby, lull, little lullaby, little lullaby aye-ya! my baby’s sleepy, bless her, bless her. Little lullaby, lull, little lullaby, little lullaby aye-ya! my baby’s sleepy, bless her, bless her. Little spring bubbling clear and loud, nightingale singing plaintively in the forest: keep quiet while the cradle rocks to and fro, Little lullaby, lull, little lullaby, little lullaby aye-ya!...🎶
Pose by @acha-simsさん ​ All of Achaさん's poses are so cute 💗 ポーズはAchaさん(@acha-sims)配布ありがとうございます🙏💖綺麗ですね💗 Achaさんのポーズはどれもとても素敵なのです
JAKK are our original characters (from @lea-heartscxiv and me) made several years ago, but we never got to share much information about them. JAKK consists of Jack Santos, Aris Angelopoulos, Kyle Ishikawa and Kyla Ishikawa as the main characters, and their family as supporting characters, all living in Sulani (In an unspecified place in Okinawa Island). As a brief summary the three are college students who care for and raise Kyla in a house, all four living together as Kyle and Kyla's mother, Xiomara, is the mayor of Sulani and has less time than she would like to share with her children. The information is being added little by little in our Blogger, so when it's more complete it will be reported here so that whoever is interested can read it. Jack is the most cautious of the three (Kyle, Aris and him), he likes to think a lot about things before doing them and when it's always his turn to take Kyla to sleep, he likes to sing lullabies in Spanish, as one of his two mothers is half Spanish and when she went to sleep she always sang lullabies to him.
And that's it for now with this image. Tomorrow my dear friend @lea-heartscxiv will post another different one with more information.
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achitka · 2 years
The Light of a Golden Moon
Chapter 27: The Light of a Golden Moon
Tía Pepa ftw.
The Light of a Golden Moon
Pepa sat with her husband on the sofa in their room. Félix was unusually gloomy since returning to Casita so Pepa recounted the story of Antonio’s judging of game the kids had been playing earlier. This at least elicited a smile and grunt from him. It was clear he had other things on his mind.
“Tell what you’re thinking, mi amor,” Pepa said as she stretched out on the sofa laying her head in his lap.
“I’m not really thinking, I’m remembering,” he said and gently stroked her hair.
He nodded and then said, “I was almost three when we fled the village and I truthfully don’t remember much about that place. But the flight through the forest and across the river. The running. The feelings of impending doom, the sounds and smell of it…that’s what I got from the people we talked to tonight. Bits and pieces of that fear. Something terrible is happening outside.
Pepa looked up at the cloud forming above them. She did not want Félix to have to deal with that right now. Irritated, she blew at it as if it were a candle and the cloud immediately dissipated. Pepa just stared at the spot the cloud had recently vacated and caught Félix’s startled expression.
“You’ve learned something new, Corazón?” He asked still stroking her hair, “I like the tiny rainbows at the end, mi vida, nice touch.”
Pepa’s brow furrowed as she remembered the first time she’d done that. She was stuck at home with Mirabel just before Antonio was born. She’d fainted while working and Julieta told their mother, in no uncertain terms, there would be no work for her until the baby came. Her mother conceded but, only just, and had pulled Mira from school to wait on her. Now that Pepa thought about it, that happened far more than it should have. In fact, that week before Antonio came, the kids were getting ready for the spring festival. Mira was supposed to be playing her guitar in the school’s annual talent show. Camilo wasn’t participating that year as he was finishing schoolwork, he’d put off to play fútbol. Mira was sitting near a window looking out at the Encanto and could see the trees starting to bend in the winds she was inadvertently causing because of a contraction she was having.
“Are you alright Tía Pepa? Should I get Mamá?”
“No Mira, just a reminder of what’s to come.” Pepa closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the baby rolled.
“Oh, can I get you anything?”
“No, no,” she said as she twisted into a more comfortable position, “but why don’t you play the song you’ve been practicing? You have such a beautiful singing voice. Maybe it will settle this one,” she said pointing at her stomach. “I’ve only heard bits of it and I think I would love to hear you sing it all, if you don’t mind.”
Mira’s brow furrowed but she quickly stowed that away, smiled as she nodded and picked up her guitar.
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea, mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea, mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora, ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora:
calla mientras la cuna se balancea, a la nanita nana, nanita ea.
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea, mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.
“Ah that’s better,” Pepa said when she finished. “Mira, that was delightful. Put this little one right to sleep.”
“Thanks, Tía,” Mirabel said as she set the guitar down.
“Did your Mamá teach you that song?”
“No, I learned it from Abuela, she used to sing it to me when I was little and it just kinda stuck with me.”
More likely, Pepa thought, it was one of the last good memories she had of her Abuela. Pepa waved for Mirabel to come closer. She dutifully came over and knelt next to her. Pepa stroked Mira’s hair, she looked so much like her brother with Juli’s nose and said quite seriously, “Mira, are you really gonna be okay with there being a baby being in the nursery with you?”
Mirabel bit her lip but again she shrugged as she smiled and said, “Sure, I mean, I kinda always wanted a younger brother or sister…”
Pepa saw the hesitation when she answered that gave proof to the lie, but said, “I’m sure this little one will adore you completely. You’re sure to be their prima mayor perfecta.” Mira blushed and Pepa wondered then if Casita could create another room without the door already being there. Truth was nobody ever asked, or more rightly, Mamá never asked. “Well, I’m going make you a promise Corazón. I’ll keep this one,” she said as she waived a hand over her stomach, “in my room until I’m well and sure they will be able to sleep through the night. All you have to do is teach me that song, deal?”
Mirabel smiled and nodded. She picked up her guitar and sat on a cushion near where Pepa was sprawled on the sofa and played the first few chords. Pepa knew the song, but now, at least, her sobrina was no longer moping near the window, wishing she were anywhere else but here. Her irritation with her mother was causing a cloud to form above them and not wanting to get Mira all wet, Pepa blew at it, trying to shoo it away and was amazed when it immediately dissipated. She’d have to remember that trick. She smiled at Mira’s expression of wonder at that small feat of control and said, “Wow, that was amazing Tía. Didja see? Right at the end, there were tiny rainbows chasing away the cloud.”
Pepa came out of her memory when she heard her husband ask, “Pepi, you still in there?”
“Hmmm? Oh, sorry Félix, just remembered something.” Pepa got off the sofa and Félix did as well. “Hopefully tomorrow will give some better answers than we found tonight.”
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mariamlovesyou · 1 year
love bug and my love <3 good morninggggg from my side of the world
good morning my sweet katsi i love you
love bug - what song would you love to have sung to you?
omg a la nanita nana from cheetah girls I love that song so soothing
my love - what would your dream home be like?
I love talking about dream homes and thinking about mine because every time I add something new I love watching those shows about home makeovers or going to places w really interesting interiors. I know I had a very specific vision of a dream home in my last serious relationship but when that ended the vision kind of crumbled and I lost the exact blueprint or memory of what I wanted it to be but every now and then I remember piece by piece what I wanted and I do have very distinguished tastes so it's very easy to know what I don't like in a home anyway this is all a lot of rambling to say that I love hardwood floors and ideally I would have that in my dream home, the kitchen needs to be big with a big oven because I love baking and I don't want to feel intruded during the process I want people to be able to move around freely while I do my thing because the whole point is being able to share what I make with other people! after I started living in an isolated way baking kind of lost its flavor partly because the places I moved into didn't have any space and there was no one around to enjoy it w me. there needs to be lots of counter space because I like to make big meals or if I'm gonna make a cake I would like the space to decorate it. There also needs to be a lot of natural light I don't care about built in robes much as long as the bedroom is bright and spacious so I can hang up my paintings and ornaments and lights and still have room, would also love a gaming room of sorts where there's like a billiards table or foosball air hockey w reclining chairs and a console on a big tv and also a theater room I mean this is a dream home so I can go crazy and I also would love to have a big backyard because I want my dog to run around freely if she lives that long <3. And this next part sounds contradictory to the whole gaming and theater room concept but I wouldn't want it to be too big just spacious enough for me and my friends you know? that's all that's coming to mind right now what's your dream home pumpkin
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brownlipliners · 6 months
tumblr is my digital space to do anything so i’m going to practice my spanish here from now on.
de verdad no lo se que hago con mi vive. yo lo sé más o menos, pero yo no cómoda con donde esta ahora. escribo esto como siente un diario. yo lo sé mi gramática es terrible, pero practicar es practicar.
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mereallycan · 7 months
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“A la nanita nana…”
Memory unlocked! 🔓 pasando TikToks salió la canción que te cantaba para dormir ❤️‍🩹 te extraño, mi niña.
Ojalá un día veas mis mensajes y sepas que no pasaron días sin pensarte, sin amarte, sin recordarte…para siempre serás el amor de mi vida.
Te extraño, Ing.
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internetaddict104 · 1 year
MY LIFE IS A LIE I THOUGHT A LA NANITA NANA WAS FROM THE CHEETAH GIRLS 2 BUT I JUST HEARD IT IN CRIMINAL MINDS (the episode came out years after the movie but that’s not the point)
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