#a jo-yful day
stunie · 22 days
hi evie!! your new pinned art is soooooooooo cute it has me giggling and kicking my feet > <
HI HANA if it’s okay, i may join you n lay beside you to giggle and kick my feet (except my face will be halfway buried into a pillow because your ask is making me soooo >///< mode ISJDKK THANK YOU 🥺) bitti is so awesome. her art is so awesome. artists are all so awesome. you are also so so awesome.
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esther-is-my-name · 6 years
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Happy Friday folks. I’m being back fancy Friday for why not. So here is a picture of me from I think prom night junior year. So the Pc goes to my sister @jo-yful and yay moment goes to @benjamin--buttons because I came into his room balling my eyes out for part of the dress was ripped. But he saved the day.
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toycarousel · 7 years
Porrim: Hello+ dear. I realize we’re running late, tho+ugh I will say that it’s lo+vely to+ have this chance to+ talk to+ you and wish yo+u a fun, jo+yful wriggling day celebratio+n.
Kankri: Yes, s9 we’re st9pping 6y t9 give y9u 69th greetings and p9sitive wriggling day wishes.  Happy wriggling day, Remy!
Porrim: Happy wriggling day, Remy.
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