#a hurricane trying to be summer rain. aesthetic
viviennefonseca · 2 years
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kat-beckett · 3 years
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idsb · 4 years
🍦 🌧️
🍦 - favorite candle scent?
i have one that’s about to run out called fir & leather that’s my absolute favorite!! it smells like fresh linens, crisp pine trees, and hot men jfhdgskjgj 
🌧️ -  favorite thing to do on rainy days?
i love rainy days bc i normally just sit inside and work anyway, but on rainy days it has a cozy / aesthetic vibe to it which is nice so i try & make it extra cozy. i also love just running around in the pouring rain in the summer, if the circumstances are right... i think my favorite memory from my last relationship was during a warm summer day there was a hurricane and his friend’s dead-end street flooded like 6 inches so we got out sleds and treated it like a giant slip & slide
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
15 18 44 94 96 for whichever characters you want!
so I misinterpreted which ask meme this was about, so have some Bonus Content at the end. you’re welcome.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Hmmmmm.... not many of my characters go/went to school. I think Osfyr still fondly remembers their first magic book– the first time they went oh! This could be something!
18. ideal weather?
I Sam am simply a slut for thunderstorms, and that’s the whole theme for Sahov, but I’m gonna try and think of a character who likes each broad type of weather. Bly is great in a blizzard, she can hide and jump out of the snow and stab people! Zize likes the heat (ew) cause Lizard. Vinny I feel like would love sort of “hurricane core”? Like, not in actual danger, but POURING rain, still warm out, lots of wind. Pointy enjoys fall SO much– downside of being fire resistant is she runs so hot all the time.
44. favorite scent for soap?
I feel like Havi really enjoys floral, perfumey scents. Not quite Bath and Body Works level of sweet, but up there. He smells fantastic all the time. Pointy, for the same reason of running hot, prefers mint shampoo.
94. favorite season?
Winter: Bly, Topaz, Allie/Remi
Spring: Vinny, Sahov, Ner
Summer: Havi, Zize, Guy
Fall: Pointy, Cap, Osfyr
Wow this actually worked out to 3 characters per! Amazing!
96. desktop background?
hmmm... I answered one about phone backgrounds Somewhere but desktop backgrounds has different vibes. I don’t get strong vibes off any of my lads except that Cap is fully a boomer and would have the generic one forever. I’ll also roll for one more– Sahov’s is an aesthetic picture of their ship. Or rather, it looks like their ship,  but it’s a similar stock photo with the name edited off.
aaaand now for the bonus ones!
15. ♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
So I answered this for Osfyr, who’s very much like me in that regard.... I’ll pick a few who are Not like me at all. Vinny falls asleep way too fast for that bullshit. You can try, but you’ll get an earful of Snoring Orc, or Snorc, within five minutes. Zize will actively shut that down. Yes, they’d stay up all night with a partner in their workshop, working and infodumping and shooting the shit, but when he’s sleeping he’s Sleeping. shut Up. Sahov is also very pragmatic and used to sailing ship sleep patterns where Every Minute Counts.
 18. ♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
hmmmmmmmm let’s see... I answered that for a few already so let’s go with. Guy’s type, before Myriphis, was already Pretty Boys. Cap and Ner’s types reflect their own personalities and are total opposites– placid homebody vs Brave Adventurer.
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spotofmummery · 5 years
Nature Aesthetics: Amon
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Bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  Repost, do not reblog.  Feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds.   dark grey cumulonimbus clouds.   rainclouds.   a hurricane.   light spring breeze.   a sherbert-colored sky at sunrise.   hazy yellow skies.  deep blue ponds of fresh water.   blankets of sparkling snow.   tornado winds.   monsoon flooding.   rich orange sunsets.   soft, purple clouds at dusk.   heavy hail.   the rumbling of thunder.   icy sleet.   gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark.   pink sunset clouds.   grey winter skies.   navy blue skies in the daytime.   cool mist in the morning.   leaf-bare trees.   giant ocean wave.   the full moon.   a cracked, dry desert.   rolling hills of prairie grass.   sweeping waves of briny seawater.  rocky, steep ravines.   rippling canyon walls.  spindly, cave stalactites.   creeping green ivy.   lush canopies of leafy trees.   dense, white fog.  a peaceful creek of clear water.   flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun.   a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur.   sharp, grey mountainsides.  fossils nestled in chunks of rock.  a white sand beach.   dark water.   deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt.   soft, squishy moss.   uniform rows of birch trees in winter.   delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor.   tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape.   light rain.  white feathers fluttering down from flocks of doves in the sky. summer wildfires.   a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm.  silent lightning in the static of summer heat.   a windy blizzard.   thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky.   a tree standing alone in a barren field.   a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes.   a pure blue sky.   a river of molten rock.   a grove of flowering trees.  twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.   bitter, cold winds.  tumultuous skies of stormy clouds.   branches of lightning ripping across the sky.   a foggy swamp.   the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range.   sandy brown cliffsides. rocky coastlines.   the violent shaking of an earthquake.   the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky.   the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.   a black sand beach.   a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow.   underwater volcanic vents.   a herd of migrating mammals.   tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit.   light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze.   the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night.   natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands.   a frozen lake.  the sea salt scent of the air right above the ocean.   the rippling of water as fish dive down under the surface to hide.   the warmth of the seaside sand in the tropics.   the quaint of a spider’s web balancing dew on its threads at dawn.
Tagged by: @cielcrd (Thank you Lord Commander!)
Tagging: @lumei-xiv @mathemagiks @scholarlostintime @amahrigold @catsandlizards @niomemizune
And anyone else who wants to try it!
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guylty · 6 years
Apart from Michele lobbying for this film in the wake of the horror of Hannibal, I wouldn’t have considered 2014 disaster flick Into The Storm for a rewatch, had ITS not been on Irish free TV at the end of January. That already preempts my verdict to some degree.  You see, I don’t think that it is what we call “ganz großes Kino” in German [great cinema]. To stay with the metaphor, it’s probably more along the lines of “ganz großes Damentennis” [great women’s tennis]. Ok, those are in-jokes for those who can speak German. Very bad form, Guylty, very bad! What it means is: ITS is not a triumph of early 21st century cinema. And this is why:
It’s an ordinary day in Silverton, Ohio, where single-parent assistant principal Gary Fuller herds his teenage sons Trey and Donnie to school. Trey is documenting the day with his camcorder; Donnie, the elder of the two, is pissed off with his dad. Daddy Gary at the same time is distracted by the preparations for the afternoon’s graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, a motley crew of ‘storm chasers’ have come into the area because they expect a strong hurricane to landfall. And it does – but it’s the mother of all hurricanes, a monster storm that wreaks havoc in Silverton, scatters the graduation, and, worst of all, traps Donnie Fuller together with love interest Kaitlyn in a disused mill where they nearly drown – if it hadn’t been for Daddy Fuller, the quirky brother, and some unexpected help from the storm chasers. But all’s well that ends well: daddy comes to rescue, the youngsters are saved at the last minute, the nasty career-storm chaser gets his comeuppance but simultaneously redeems himself, and the Fuller lads are one happy family again.
So, we’ve got the ingredients for a regular summer blockbuster here: (natural) disaster with opportunity for big time CAD, vaguely topical issue (global warming), family dynamics (dad vs son), small little love story (Donnie & Kat, Gary & meteorologist Allison), nasty slave-driving boss getting what he deserves, single-parent mother separated from her child because of work, two country-bumpkin eejits for light relief, major, nail-biting drama and a happy ending. Maybe some of what is wrong with the film is already visible in that list: There is too much in it, and it doesn’t *quite* know what it wants to be. It takes on too many things, and instead of just being content with being a two-dimensional, silly disaster movie along the lines of Sharknado, it wants to take itself seriously, attempting “issues” in order to attract viewers. The strength of disaster movies is usually the special effects or the computer design of the catastrophe. So why obscure that silly fun with serious issues? Global warming as the cause of intense weather phenomena? Of course, we know that. But do I look to a summer movie to learn more about the effects of climate change? Eh, no! Just as much as I don’t want to get into a subtle subplot about single-parent issues and the strains of having to separate from your child in order to earn money. Just get on the with the disaster, throw around a few 10-ton-trucks and jumbo jets, and I’ll be happy.
Not sure where this gif comes from – credit to the maker
In that sense, the strongest scenes in the movie are the action/disaster sequences. When Gary runs across the street after his car is inadvertently crashed, and a pick-up truck smashes into the pavement about ten feet beside him, then that is great (disaster) cinema. Armitage clinging on to a car door for dear life – and to save met lady Allison from being sucked up into the tornado: predictable but essential ingredient to a disaster movie. And bonus: wet bum shot. Of Armitage! Not the woman! *That* would be sexist! A whole group of helpless humans, huddling in a massive drain for shelter against the storm, being thrown around by mother nature – great both in terms of providing scale as well as giving more opportunity for heroics. But all that sentimental crap about Allison not being with her daughter, Gary and Donnie’s relationship being strained, and Pete the storm chaser pressuring his underlings into risking their lives – unnecessary and not believable.
  Cardboard Cut-outs
Not least because the characters are mere cardboard cut-outs, stereotypes, and as such just a cheap trick to offer a quick n easy way to identify or engage with one of the characters. Yet I found it strangely difficult to get invested because the characters were just too stereotypical: The hard-working father who is trying his best to bring up his sons; elder son has an issue with dad being over-protective. Young son OTOH is happy-go-lucky popular kid. Met lady has small daughter who lives with grandparents because mum has to travel for work: I should’ve latched on to these people immediately because I share one massive characteristic with them – I am a parent. (Happy mother’s day, btw.) But that one facet in a person is not enough for me to connect and engage with a character. I understand that ITS is a film that is basically telling a story in real time. So there is no opportunity for massive insights or for character set-up. Or maybe there would’ve been if the film had concentrated on fewer characters. Apart from Pete the head storm chaser, did we need Allison and the other storm chasing crew? We certainly didn’t need the town eejits, and we probably could also have done without the burgeoning love story between Donnie and Kaitlyn. If Gary Fuller was the main character, then the film should’ve focussed on him – and his heroics. That would’ve done the trick.
As for Armitage in the film: No complaints as such. His performance is solid – as it always is. You can sort of tell that this is basically his first time playing an American character. The accent doesn’t sit well with him – it just doesn’t sound right imo: When he speaks, his whole voice changes. It’s deeper in tone, and not as melodious as usual. Which is a pity, because his voice (and his vocal talents) are always an asset to any show. Otherwise he gets away with portraying the great looking, fit and healthy athletic All American dad, right down to those beautifully regular white and shiny front teeth. I do buy his act as a dad – in fact more so than his act as the vice principal of a small town high school. The man just is too gorgeous for such an existence. Casting fail *grins*.
The effects in the film work well – once you suspend your disbelief, everything is possible, and the fire tornado or the monster hurricane that bounces jumbo jets around as if they were matchbox toys, look reasonably real. The climactic storm scene – with Pete’s (literal) comeuppance – OTOH is designed straight from baroque altar pieces (see right).  Towering clouds fading into white… You almost expect the eye of providence to pop up on top of the screen. And so sickly sweet with its bright clouds and shining light and predictable that it spoils the otherwise hair-raising disaster porn.
For me, the greatest regret of the film is that its concept obviously changed at some point. The initial idea of basing the majority of the film on “found footage” – was actually a great idea, both in terms of aesthetics as well as story telling. But that concept eventually is thrown out of the window even though little brother Trey, who executes the concept at the beginning of the film by shooting a ‘time capsule project’, continues to carry the camera with him. From the middle of the film found footage is not happening anymore – which makes the film strangely asymmetrical. One wonders whether the film was significantly reshot after screen testing? There definitely were reshoots, as can be seen as early as the first scene of the film when Gary’s hair is definitely shorter than a scene later…
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Miraculous hair growth. Well, RA has mentioned before that he has won prizes for growing his beard faster than anyone else… Looks as if the Armitagean follicles are stuff of legend and miracle!
Final verdict
Unfortunately, the second time ‘round, the film doesn’t improve. When I watched it in the cinema – summer evening, teenage son with me, bag of pop corn at the ready – it really did what it set out to do: It was a meaningless summer flick, more aimed at the boys than the girls, easily whiling away 89 minutes with lots of rain, thunder, assorted farm equipment flying through the air and the occasional jumbo jet twirling across the airport concourse. Four and a half years later, the film hasn’t exactly become a cult classic. And it’s easy to see why: It’s neither excruciatingly bad, nor exquisitely good. Maybe the audience wants to see even more extreme effects – or the opposite is true and in light of global warming the audience *doesn’t* want to be reminded of the havoc that the climate can play with us. And without any particularly exciting human interest story in the film, ITS has been laid to rest in the mid-week movie graveyard. That’s not what Richard Armitage deserves – who gives his best as he always does. Maybe all it was for him, was an elaborate screen test. He certainly comes across well. And at least he has ticked another genre off his list.   
What about you? What do you think about the film? Comment below or write a post on your blog and link back to me so we can discuss! 
PS: April is coming! And we need a new re-watch. Suggestions?
Re-Watching Into The Storm – Not Much of a Twist Apart from Michele lobbying for this film in the wake of the horror of Hannibal, I wouldn’t have considered 2014 disaster flick…
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affcgato-archived · 6 years
Brock Rumlow, aesthetics.
TASTES: blood & copper with a tang of nicotine & coffee. smoke. salt water. whiskey, dark rum & a hint of even darker chocolate & spice. dark cherries, black raspberries, & red wine.
SMELLS: gunpowder & smoke. burning cinnamon. garlic. leather. dark roast coffee. vanilla. oil. cheap woodsy cologne that’s a throwback to growing up. sea salt. wet earth & fresh cut grass. death.
SIGHTS: a wildfire blazing out of control. a hurricane over the ocean, pouring down torrential rains. a custom SIG-Sauer P226 Super Capacity Tactical perfectly stripped & cleaned, awaiting use. reinforced leather straps. skull & crossbones. flash of a muzzle. a field of bones bleached under the hot summer sun. a dark leather jacket, worn, supple. an artist of murder & terror. a soldier trying to find his way in the world.
SOUNDS: the breaking of bones. the staccato of gunshots in the dead of night. crackling of wood as a fire tears into it, reducing it to ash. dead silence of solitary confinement & secrets. a gasping breath. the drip of painkillers into an IV. glass crunching under heavy boots. the sound of a heart monitor’s steady beep. the quiet whine of the helicarrier’s engines. a quinjet lifting off the tarmac. a dull thud as a body hits the ground, or a training mat. hard rock turned up loud with the windows down. heavy rainfall on glass. crashing waves & then sudden silence as you slip under the spray. the crackle of static over comm lines. the dying gasp of a last breath.
SENSATIONS: the cold press of the water around you as you descend deeper into the ocean’’s depths. the off kilter feeling of déjà vu. the grating irritation of nails on a chalkboard. the harsh sting of dying nerve endings, burned away at the edges. feeling of falling. a paralyzing moment of fear. icy fingers gripping a heart. cold, unadulterated, terror &, conversely, safety.
OUTFITS: dark blue or black jeans -- worn in patches but not torn. short sleeve black v-neck shirts. khakis. accidentally vintage band t’s. leather rid - crossed over his chest, with pockets & clips for ammo. fingerless gloves. full navy dress. well cut suits - not cheap, but not overly fancy. heavy boots with worn soles.
OTHER: yin & yang. sweat trickling down the back of the neck. pulsing veins & steady hands. sacrifice of self for others. dissociation. falling over the edge. a piece of a map without identifying marks. maria hill’s patience wearing thin. betrayal. redemption. secrets & lies.
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avsgoalie · 6 years
Friends as Aesthetics
Breathing in cold air, mint gum, messy hair, bruised knuckles, handcuffs, law enforcement, german shepherds, jeeps, sarcastic jokes, witty remarks, leather jackets, combat boots, motorcycles, playing video games until 3am, staying up late, complaining about no sleep, migraines, always being prepared for anything, thunder, standing up for what's right, clenched fists, standing up straight, wears a lot of black, pocket knives, police cars/lights, sirens
Fairy lights, fuzzy blankets, singing in the shower, being too short to ride the rides, pastel pink everything, flamingos, the beach, a theater, telling your crush you like them, the blush afterwards, pink and purple sunsets, nude lipstick, the butterflies in your stomach, post-shower soft hair, going to the beach to watch a sunset, polaroid pictures, clean sheets, laughing in a quiet room, seeing your pet for the first time after a while, getting a hug from someone you love, knee socks, clear skin, singing your favorite song, record players, cotton candy, nose scrunches when smiling, giggling
Theater, pre-performance nerves, doing your makeup, drinking on new years, listening to your favorite song, the feeling of meeting someone for the first time, laughing at your favorite joke, listening to your favorite band, sleeping until noon, drunk karaoke, loves wearing dresses, sunshowers, big hugs, the feeling you get after you stand up too quickly, little kids, the sweat after hard work, the color gold, shiba inus, a warm spring day
The feeling of sunshine on your face, hitting your head getting out of the car, making new friends for the first time, using social media, being proud of who you are, eating ice cream, seeing a puppy, getting a text from your crush, going to the fair/carnival, trying not to smile but failing, shouting for your friends, petting a puppy, sweaters, cute glasses, watching anime, buying office supplies, making a wish list, socializing, pumpkin spice lattes, whipped cream, cheering for your favorite team/friend
Singing, fluffy hair, hugging your dog, playing board games with friends until the crack of dawn, involvement, the smell of chlorine, staying humble, the feeling of a high five, the bubbles in soda, loving yourself, sleeping in, working with little kids, paint fights, flower crowns, holding hands with your crush/significant other, calm waters, freshly fallen snow, smiling for a picture, a fully charged phone, joining clubs, cheesy pizza slices, getting to class/work on time
Long blonde hair, vineyards, lacrosse sticks, bruised knees, vineyard vines, dad hats, white teeth, getting work done on time, tennis racquets/balls, new office supplies, laughing so hard your sides hurt, smiling at strangers, dancing to the beat of your own drum, swimming in the ocean on the first day of summer, sandy beaches, getting your braces off, marble buildings, long car rides with friends, belting out in the car alone, spearmint gum, eating a salad
Me: Sore muscles, freckles, scraped knees/elbows, bruises, cool autumn air, hoodies, crocs, walking with your headphones in, chugging gatorade, the smell of icy hot, surfboards, jeeps, eyebags, going to bed/waking up early, morning jogs, hurricanes, rough waters, khakis, messy buns, blushing, soft hands, dad hats, glasses, eye bags, smell of cinnamon, jumping into cold water, watching sports on tv, walking through the woods, kayaks, bears, always being tired even though you get plenty of sleep, vine references, basketball shorts, hot-headedness, aliens, nasa, hawaii license plates, rosemallows, penny boards, shaka sign, letterman jackets, mud, rain
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crysdrawsthings · 6 years
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So, okay, delightful meme with first of mine op and edgy and Mary-Sueish Tolkien OC. See above. This smirking asshole. I really don’t feel like trying to retell her complicated origins in this post, but if anyone will be interested - just hit me up with “Who is Edgy McTeethy?” and I will try to explain who she is.
As for her actual name - continuing the theme of Turin that she has in her life, sort of, she has fucking plenty of them. Including, but not limited to Rookie, Cub, My Little Dispenser of Justice and Dragon Momma. Usually goes as Ravi.
As for the meme itself - see below under the cut! Myself was tagged by @aearyn and @windwyrm, so there will be one more tomorrow. Tagging @sleepyysalamiri and anyone interested.
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.
repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk.heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder. the sigh of wind through trees.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor.tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis. blossoms on a spring wind.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain waving peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake. snow-capped peaks. crisp night sky in winter filled with stars
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menollywanderer · 6 years
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Natural Aesthetics | Kayla Starseeker
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  
repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines.rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake. snow capped peaks.
Tagged by @greyias
Tagging @bishop-legacy @swtorramblings @angelicfangirl @windwyrm @starrypawz @cerberusflower and anyone else who wants to try. This was fun and helped me with characterization of my muse:-)
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the-dragons-knight · 6 years
Katsum Almor - The Dragonsong Nature Aesthetics
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bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse. repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk.heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites.creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
Tag: Anyone that wants to try it out. :3
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viviennefonseca · 2 years
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SPOOKTACULAR SOIRE - vivienne fonseca as a mermaid 
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spotofmummery · 6 years
Nature Aesthetics: Amon
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bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  
Repost, do not reblog. Feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
Tagged by: @figgenbaums-best-friend @bhaldstyr-ahtahrmsyn @lumei-xiv ((Thank you!))
Tagging: I think most folks have been tagged, but if you haven’t and you want to try it, give it a shot! 
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zuraoftheblack · 6 years
Nature Aesthetics - Zura Calderon
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.
repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
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fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night
Tagged By: @bloodsworn-marshal (Thanks! :D)
Tagging: @red-dawnbringer and anyone else who wants to try it out!!
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sara-bateson · 6 years
Nature Aesthetic- Sara Bateson
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bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  
repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit!
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
Tagged by: @nihil242
Tagging: @istolin, @soraofchaos, @hellcrypunch, @blueberrybombcat, @thaneratelesia, and anyone else who wants to try this.
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A Definitely Incomplete List Of My Favorite Moments From The Lightning Thief (book), because I'm having Feelings
Percy very causally mentioning times he accidentally hit a school bus with a canon or dropped fifth graders into shark-infested water
Grover Underwood
Just everything he’s ever done
Percy running an illegal candy ring out of his dorm room 
“I was worried they found out I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the internet and were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.”
When Percy thought Grover was going to give him some deep, meaningful commentary on life to make him feel better but Grover just wanted Percy’s lunch
Percy tried so hard to do well on his Latin final and Chiron somehow thinks it’s a good idea to tell him he’s ‘not normal’ in front of the class my poor boy
That one part where Percy essentially went “Oh hey mom’s home!!! Better reschedule this panic attack I was having!!” 
When Percy did that weird hand sign (that was never explained) and the door slammed on Gabe so hard he flew up the steps
The fact that when Grover finally tracked Percy down he wasn’t wearing any pants. Like, there was literally no reason for him to not have the fake feet and the jeans on. No actual reason for him to be free balling it. Percy just needed a shock apparently. Showing up in the middle of a hurricane with no pants, dramatic ass satyr I love him. 
The SATISFYING DEATH of Gabe’s Camaro + Sally apparently learned bullfighting just in case because she truly is the best mom
Percy killing the minotaur with its own horn
Percy dragging Grover over the camp line while crying for his mom literally end me
“You drool when you sleep.” could we get more iconic here
Percy teasing Annabeth about her crush on Luke
When Luke stole some toiletries for Percy and he got a little choked up because it was apparently the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him
The fact that Chiron basically told Annabeth that Percy was her destiny
The fact that a recovering alcoholic god of wine who hates children was deemed fit to run a camp for children
Not so fun: Percy, upon meeting Mr. D, immediately recognizing the signs of an alcoholic and going out of his way to sit far away from him ‘just in case’
The fact that everyone just expected him to hear ‘the greek gods are real’ and move on?? why would no one let this boy be in shock omg
Zeus apparently had a thing for the fluffy 80′s hairstyles
“the real world is where the monsters are” 
The fact that Poseidon could have claimed Percy at literally any moment but he apparently decided he really needed that dramatic reveal during capture the flag.
When Zeus was feeling Extra Dramatic(tm) after Percy’s claiming so he started making it rain inside the camp boarders and everyone was lowkey freaking out
When Annabeth pulls off her invisible cap and declares she’s going on the quest with him and Percy was like, beyond unsurprised that she was there and didn’t even attempt to fight her 
Chiron forgot to give Percy a sword from his father for like, an entire month. 
Grover with those freaking flying shoes oh my God
Annabeth blushing literally any time Luke talks to her 
lmao when Percy and Annabeth start bickering about something and Argus just winks at Percy because he knows
When they were playing hackey sack with an apple but it got too close to Grover’s mouth and he just ate the whole thing
The entire bus scene oh my God
“I was about to become the ADHD Poster Child of the Year” as he’s CRASHING A BUS
Annabeth on a fury’s back 
the explosion. just. all gr8. 
When Grover tries to play a path finder song and Percy just immediately slams into a tree. Also the fact that the path finder song was actually just a Hillary Duff number. 
“You two are giving me a migraine, and satyr's don’t even get migraines!” 
Percy actually, truly trying to sell the story that the three of them are circus orphans who got separated from their ringleader 
Grover: hey guys this place is REALLY SHADY and we need to leave
Annabeth and Percy: but f o o d
Can you imagine walking into a store and finding your dead uncle’s body on display? Like????
When Medusa revealed herself and Annabeth’s running around invisible, Percy’s swinging a sword blindly and Grover’s flying around screaming and trying to whack her with a stick: everyone here is a MESS
When Annabeth was overly annoyed with Percy after that ordeal??? Sweetheart you fell for the trick too
Name something more iconic than 12 year old Percy Jackson mailing the decapitated head of Medusa to the gods on Mt. Olympus in an act of sheer pettiness. I dare you. 
When Percy was insisting on taking first watch while the others slept and Grover was basically like “hey kiddo listen to this” and played a song that immediately knocked him out so he could sleep all night 
“Percy. Say hello to the poodle.”
Percy seeing all the Greek creatures from the train window 
When Annabeth was dragging the boys to the St. Louis Arch and Percy’s claustrophobic ass Did Not Want To Get In That Tiny Elevator but he went anyway because he wanted Annabeth to be happy. That boy has had it bad since the start. 
“I am Echidna!”
“Isn’t...isn’t that a type of anteater?”
How many times has Percy actually been poisoned throughout all the series I literally want a count 
‘Lemme just, uh....jump off the fucking St. Louis Arch and hope I don’t die when I hit the water.’
There is just something very aesthetic about Percy lighting a fire in the bottom of a river 
Percy’s got so much pent-up rage that he’s just immediately ready to wreck Ares upon meeting him omfg
Annabeth getting so worked up and flustered over going down there with Percy because it’s a love ride and Percy’s just like “you literally do not have to make this a Thing” lmao
Annabeth wouldn’t let Percy touch Aphrodite’s scarf because she didn’t want him getting infected by love magic but then...touched it herself lol
The entire sequence with the mechanical spiders and the cameras and the ride itself 
Percy’s plan to get off the ride!!!! He’s so smart okay can people stop calling him stupid!!! 
Grover trying to catch them both in mid-air but they‘re too heavy so the three of them just kind of slowly crash into one of those face-cut-out posters lol
Percy, turning to the camera’s broadcasting this shit on Olympus: “Show’s over! Thank You! Goodnight!” 
Everything about that scene omg. The animals they had to help. Trying to convince Grover of how great he is. The baby percabeth. my h e a r t
“What if it does line up like the Trojan War? Athena versus Poseidon?”
“I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll be fighting next to you.”
“Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?”
Do you hear that sound? That’s me, ages 13-21(+) sobbing uncontrollably oh my God I love them so much
‘let’s just set a fucking lion loose in Las Vegas’ 
“I put a Blessing of the Wild on them, so they’ll safely find food and shelter wherever they go.”
“Why can’t you put on of those on us?”
“It only works on wild animals.”
“So it would only effect Percy...”
When they get to the Lotus hotel and Grover starts playing that game where the deer shoot the hunters azxjhnhdjx
Percy physically having to drag his friends out of there once he realized it was the lair of the lotus eaters
When Annabeth gave the taxi driver her lotus credit card and he started calling her “Your Highness” lmao
Every time in this book Percy comes close to uncovering a Dark Truth the people around him are just like “let’s not worry about that :) “ and my polite boy actually shuts up it’s so wild because I would just keep going lol
Listen that entire scene has lowkey always been one of my Favs and I’m not even sure why but Percy chopping his head off was g r e a t
The entrance to the Underworld is DOA Recording Studios and I love it
“We, uh...all drowned in a bathtub.”
Poor Charon just wants his Italian suits he doesn’t need all this bullshit 
Grover almost getting dragged into Tartarus: not good. very bad. bad shit. 
Annabeth getting emotionally attached to Cerberus in the span of 3 minutes: RELATABLE 
‘huh my backpack that I thought I got rid of five days ago is getting weirdly heavy, that’s not suspicious though, right?’ 
When Hades just starts monologue-ing about all the shit he has to put up with
“what kind of awful things do you have to do to get sewn into Hades underwear?” p e r c y
when Percy realizes the Master Bolt is in his backpack and he’s just like. tell me why. why. I’m a good person. what did I DO. 
When Percy has to sacrifice his mom to get Annabeth and Grover out of there I Cri Evey Tiem 
My cute lil’ baby yelling around on a beach to get Ares to show up 
ahdbsjznx when Grover gives Percy a crushed, half eaten tin can for good like and Percy is just like “Grover...I don’t know what to say.” I LOVE HIM
My sweet son kicking the god of war’s ass. bless. blessed on this day. 
The news crews who suddenly started backtracking and writing Percy as a hero 
Percy, choking back tears, giving Gabe’s store’s phone number out on national television and promising everyone free appliances IM STILL CACKLING I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH HE’S ICONIC 
Hades actually releasing Sally because he’s Not As Big Of A Dick As He Could Have Been 
Percy: hey I think there’s a really good chance that Kronos was behind this whole mess-
Poseidon rolling his eyes at literally everything Zeus says and does
Poseidon and Percy’s whole talk omg my sweet boy just wants his dad to love him and Poseidon’s trying to figure out how to show affection when he basically signed this kid’s death sentence I’m crying 
A man will never satisfy me as much or in the same way as Sally Jackson murdering Gabe Ugliano did 
Percy was spending months of summer stressing over who the friend that’s supposed to betray him was but like...Sweetie you had exactly three (3) friends and you knew two of them weren’t gonna hurt you
ahbdjsnx when Percy and Luke were having their conversation in the woods and like Luke’s acting shady af the whole time but it’s literally not until he litters that Percy is like “something...is Wrong.” this boy I s2g
Percy getting bit by a scorpion is Not A Favorite Moment but the nymphs helping him out was 
Percy making his Official Decision to go home for the school year only after Annabeth reveals that he actually did talk her into trying again with her family 
I didn’t mean to write out a summary of the whole damn book it’s six am listen I’m just feeling nostalgia for the original series in this chili’s tonight 
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