#a graphic design degree isn’t happening rn
cockamamieschemes · 10 months
when you’re barely making ends meet but know that God’s gotchu
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luvdsc · 3 years
rn, i’m pretty set with a communications major but i’m just having second thoughts like if it’s gonna be hard to find a job with that major or if it’s gonna one that interests me,, i’m lowkey tempted to go into STEM bc it’s more stable and i’ll fs get a good job with that but i rlly want smth that deals with writing and creativity sighhh
- 🫀
wanna know a secret, lovebug? 💓 a lot of companies won’t care about what major you have, as long as you have a degree. obviously, you can’t suddenly become a plastic surgeon with a graphic design degree, but oftentimes, as long as you have some sort of experience and you’re good at talking (which I assume you would be since you want to do comm! 💘), the company interviewing will like you and they’ll give you a job, and they will teach you how to do your job afterwards. Understandably, someone who does have a degree in that job’s field will have an easier time of getting a job, but it is very possible to get a job in a field you didn’t major in! 💕
I also really struggled with that dilemma though, honey bee, so I totally get it 🤧 I wanted creativity too, but I knew it wouldn’t be the most stable field, and I ultimately went with financial stability. It really comes down to happiness versus finances. There’s no right or wrong answer, you just have to think about what you’re more willing to sacrifice - like maybe you won’t enjoy your job as much, but you’ll have a more lucrative lifestyle, or you will love your job, but will have to cut down on spending and live modestly.
While I went with the financial stability path, I also minored in studio art so that I had something I loved and looked forward to during my time at uni :’) and during my free time now after work, I do art! 💓 so I still spend some time doing what I love, but it’s not the majority of my time 🌼 work isn’t my favorite and is stressful, but I’m getting paid quite well so that helps LOL hopefully that gives you a glimpse of what happens when you choose the “stable” route :’) regarding the other route of doing what you love, i know that Steph chose that route and she adores going to her workplace everyday and doesn’t regret it at all, and tbh I’m lowkey jealous that she has so much fun (and so many dogs djdjdjdkck) at her job 🤧💗
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