#a good example; k.irei getting g.il
darabeatha · 12 days
/ What I always find funny in interactions is when assigning muses their respective servants, by cooking compatibility and chemistry and all that stuff, and at the end its like;;; yeah see that guy?? Hes on ur team now, and ur either blessed or cursed, no in between
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oldestking · 3 years
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@artificile​​ said  ;   🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others, or will they only do it when it benefits them, if at all? what makes them this way? has it ever gotten them into trouble, or inconvenienced them  alsobcofdasmolmonkehbrand.....!!!  &  @corrchoigilt​​ said :  🍌  /  from :  𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀.𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎.𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒   ♡   𝐒𝐘𝐌.𝐁𝐎𝐋 𝐌𝐄.𝐌𝐄
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                       Oh boi- tough question- How do I write this in a way that makes sense— let’s see,, on the outside and at a very superficial first glance ( even for G.ilgamesh ) he’ll always claim he does things for himself and if he is “helping” someone its because in one way or another, it benefits him or he gets something out of it, the most direct examples where this is shown is with his interaction with K.irei: he wasn’t “helping” him because he liked k.irei or anything of the sorts, he was “helping” him bc he found his struggle and comflict extremely entertaining (and to bite T.okiomi back in the ass after learning about what his plan was + because fundamentally, T.okiomi was boring to Gil, so now he had a “reason” to get rid of him ( and bc loyalty is important to him, so knowing T.okiomi was planing to betray him first led him to be able to bite him back with a reason), so 2x1, better) , you could also include H.akuno ( which in this case, it later does become something genuine with time as a diference with K.irei ) ; he came to answer her call because he was surprised by her courage, and at the begining he stuck with her because he found her amusing not because he genuinely felt inclined to help her from the goodness of his heart ;; he even mentions how he would not hesitate to break their contract whenever it pleases him (again, this shows him acting from his pure selfish will)
G.ilgamesh: Struggle as best you can. I take pleasure in watching your little sideshow. As you as you don't bore me, I'll come along with you. Of course, I can sever our contract whenever it pleases me to do so.
G.ilgamesh: I am companion to Hakuno Kishinami's joys and sorrows, I take the brunt of Hakuno Kishinami's battles, I shall take pleasure in whatever becomes of H.akuno K.ishinami. If that is not a Servant, what is it? Though it is different from the usual contracted relationship. I have not the slightest interest in your ideals or your values, I am merely here to encourage the human being "H.akuno K.ishinami." I will offer you support, but nothing else. Do not make the mistake of considering me your ally.
NOW- here is where the interesting part comes into play, which has been talked about in the past bc it literally is shown and told- how G.il uses his selfishness to indirectly help- which is something he veeeeryyyy indirectly states in many intances, an example;; when c.asgil explains his ways as a king, how he doesn’t live for his people, his people live for him, and then he proceeds to ask himself;; but then what does a king live for? he lives for the things he finds joy in, and he finds the human struggle to be entertaining, so thus, he decides to help. This is a clear example of how in his own tsundere way, he is willing to help even if he never explicitly mentions it,,, bc fundamentally he finds humans entertaining, but he also loves humanity as well- that’s why on his own way he helps humanity by becoming the king they need and how he as well would not hesitate to become a tyrant if that helps push humanity forward. So in conclusion, he helps— but in his own odd G.il way.
Now why does he act like this? because he is a king, he is above everyone else, and thus he acts like it. That’s pretty much it- and because his pride is very big. Has it ever gotten them into trouble or inconvenienced? of course, yet he is also a very stubborn little king, so even when something came to his way, he stuck to his own ways, because sometimes he can be like an old mule indeed.
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