#a fun lil walk w his best friend wizard
sailorgrams · 2 months
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How the Weave Scene actually went
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patchdotexe · 4 years
explorers of arvus: port draavos / 3.23.20
and now for something different: the misadventures of the hope’s guard
so for the past 3 years ive been in an ongoing dnd5e campaign run by michael called Explorers of Arvus, which is super cool and super fun and i love it a whole lot! and back when i used twitter, i’d liveblog our sessions and that ended up being my way of note taking bc im otherwise quite terrible at it
after i stopped using twitter, that had the side effect of me not keeping notes anymore, so i kind of didnt remember any of the past couple sessions? especially because its hard for all 6 of us to have like, schedules that make sense, so there’s a lot of distance between each session.
and then i realized i can just take notes shitpost-liveblog style and then just… like, put it on tumblr or whatever. i’ll probably make like, ill probably port over my old liveblog threads onto here sometime but until then: we played d&d today! Time For Shenanigans
some quick context: we’re called the Hope’s Guard, but our unofficial silly name is Chunch Bunch the Dungeon Master is Michael aka Skalter aka @openlyeight​ Taure M’ea is a half-elf paladin played by Penn aka @penn-name​ and she is doing her best. Sieron Astora is a human (secretly half-orc) wizard played by Jorb aka @jorbs-palace​ and he’s basically the protagonist, and also starting to be gay for Charlie Charlie Wickfield is a halfling wild magic sorcerer played by Leos aka us and she’s known for being very chaotic, lighting things on fire, and having a high charisma score but no idea how to articulate anything Thorne is a half-orc warlock played by Solar aka @craftlands​ and he grew up in nonsense land aka the feywild and i love him, and also he’s fine-tuned to be able to snipe the shit out of anything within a 600 ft radius of him w/ eldritch blast Silje Cottonwood is a tabaxi blood hunter played by Nyx aka @patheticnyas​ and he is very edgy but also a cat and is VERY gay for Thorne our general goal is to stop some motherfucker called Halvkar / the God-King from… i dunno, being a huge bitch? he dumped zombies all over Arvus and that’s a problem. its late at night and i just played d&d for several hours
last time:
chunch bunch beat up the cult and now we’re FINALLY GOING TO ARVUS, YALL (also we picked up a cat) (his name is silly. its silje but literally pronounced like “silly”) sieron hatched a child! so like, we have a lil coatl friend now OH RIGHT SIERON HAS A MOM. sierons mom is here charlie and sieron attempted to have a gay scene but charlie went off script by being “[internal dial up noises]” when sieron said something really heartwarming we’re in fort draavos! and now we’re picking up sidequests and just kinda wanderin around. woo!
thorne and charlie discuss the morals of necromancy, and also the concept of “[charlie voice] necromancy racism”
EVERYONE IS BONDING WITH CHARLIE TODAY taure gave charlie the rune of wound closure and told her to stay safe and im :keralisweep:
accidentally started a cutscene bc charlie is very loud in a temple, oop. some priests(?) glared at us and walked off and im sure they wont stab us later! ingrid the adorkable friend has been having reoccuring nightmares about a dark figure w/ black robes standing above a bleeding platform high in the air over a swamp and summoning undead, so we’re gonna go hit that up! it MIGHT be like, a vision of the past, but even if so thats still pretty relevant also there’s a cool half orc lady named undril silvertusk who we’re gonna escort to camp vengeance! she’s awesome
thorne: i was in a dungeon once charlie: you got better! thorne: [points] i DID get better!
summer: can i roll to steal the laser gun? michael: if you find the dragon, you can try to steal the laser gun.
solar: guys, we have to protect the lesbians at all costs. and if one of them turns out to be an ancient gold dragon and curses my dick, then so be it
taure: dont worry, i wont let you die. ingrid: …okay :D!
THE HOT SPRINGS EPISODE IS FINALLY HAPPEN sorry thorne. charlie dabbed at a buff tiefling charlie is too fucking short for the hot springs. also she’s like 50% hair so she is Dying
time for food! we ran into an adventuring party that is apparently based off one michael was part of in another campaign, and i think the buff tiefling is his? also taure ordered samples of everything and then got Super plastered
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thorne rolled really good to infodump hardcore about arvus artifacts and it is cute and id die for him oop michael asked for all our passive perception
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omg theres an introduction of a ~mysterious character~ and originally theyre supposed to just sneak off but then michael realized they’d be genuinely interested in thorne’s infodumping so now theyre just Lurking
the opposite of a slow burn is a fast explosion
[everyone gets distracted quoting realtime fandub]
oops taure is depressed! ALSO SHE BROKE UP WITH SIGRA??? charlie is VERY bad at emotional support so she’s just “uhhhhhhhhh”, but thankfully thorne catches her before she faceplants into her potatoes CAN ANY OF US CARRY TAURE??? SHE’S IN FULL ARMOUR AND ALSO PASSED OUT
michael: what do you do with the bottle? summer: eat it
charlie get haircut! WITH SWORDS. her hair is now like midway down her back so its like, a bit shorter than when she first met everybody silje: do you want this [the hair he cut off]? charlie: UH WHAT WOULD I .. DO WITH IT… silje: …make a rope? charlie: yknow what i might as fucking well, who knows if id need spare hair
penn: i dont think taure is horny tho! summer: ITS OK, SILJE IS HORNY ENOUGH FOR ALL OF US
michael: Sieron, Str of 10- action hero Thorne, str of 14- twink nyx: silly, str of 13- cat solar: i guess thorne is a hunk. michael: thorne is a twunk summer: the t in thorne stands for twunk
taure, extremely drunk and sad: CHARLIE IM SORRY I MADE YOU BURN DOWN THAT LIBRARY (sieron and thorne carried her to bed and she ended up apologising a whole lot about literally everything)
jorb/sieron wants to know if charlie’s hair has any lingering wild magic nonsense!
thorne’s staring out the window! and also discord kept censoring solar when they were trying to say that THIS ENTIRE AREA IS WITHIN THORNE’S RANGE. solar: i could shoot someone at the thundering boar tavern [from our tavern] jorb: [as thorne] WRONG TAVERN, IDIOT!
solar called soldier:76 a cornfucker and it blindsided me so hard
michael: silje cottonwood, dark edgy blood hunter. [flops over on camera] NOTICE MEEEEEEEE
WE’RE NOW MAKING NONSTOP FORT DRAAVOS PUNS. i had to go clean pepper’s litter and when i came back they were STILL GOING
thorne pets silje on accident bc silje ws doing an anime squat on the balcony’s railing and is now having a crisis of “is it appropriate to pet the furry?” AND ALSO SILLY IS VERY SOFT
jorb & michael: [say something cursed] summer: [looking around frantically] I DONT HAVE AN IMPROVISED WEAPON solar: Allow Me. [brandishes baseball bat on camera]
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lovelylunarwriting · 6 years
Gryffindor!Jae x Slytherin!Reader
It had been some years since you’ve seen that cheesy grin.
You were childhood besties with Jae up until you got your letter to attend Hogwarts.
Coming from a muggle family and not knowing any other people with magic other than yourself, you figured you shouldn’t tell Jae, even if he was your best friend.
After spending an entire afternoon brainstorming some excuse to tell him for why you’d be suddenly absent from his life for the next several years, he beat you to the punch and confessed that he’d be moving at the end of summer.
You: “Alaska?”
Jae: “...yep. Good ol’ Alaska”
You: “But why?”
Jae: “Uhh my parents said something about a new job opportunity, but all I know is that we’re moving. Sorry”
You: “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway because my parents are sending me to boarding school”
Jae: “Boarding school? With your grades?”
You: “Hey!”
Jae: “Don’t worry, I’m just playing. Everyone knows you’re a try hard”
But it didn’t matter how hard you tried when it came to Jae, because instead of enjoying the last summer you two might ever have together, he spent the whole time avoiding you.
He used the “I asked my mom and she said no” excuse more times that you could count.
After a few weeks of trying to go play outside with him as you guys did every summer and getting shot down every time, you gave in and accept that he just didn’t want to be friends anymore.
“Guess it works out that I’m going to Hogwarts, then. I’ll find a new best friend”, you told yourself, but it didn’t help mend the Jae-sized hole in your young heart.
With everything that happened with Jae, the last thing you expected to see today is Jae in distinctly red Gryffindor robes laughing with your best friend, Young K.
They’re walking down the hall, going the opposite way of you, and neither see you since you duck behind some Hufflepuff kids.
But then you realize “I’m gonna have to face this now or later, might as well do it now”
“HEY, JAE!”, you yell across the hall, and he stops dead in his tracks, still staring straight ahead.
Young K turns are like “???” but then realizes that it’s just you, and calls you over to the two of them.
Young K: “Hey, Y/N! I didn’t think you knew Jae?”
You: “I didn’t know that he’s a wizard but I sure do know that he lied to me”, you snap, the hurt apparent in your voice.
And with that sharp comment, Jae winces and breaks his staring contest with the wall, shifting his gaze carefully down to you.
Jae: “I didn’t want to lie, but I really didn’t know what to tell you. And you lied, too! Boarding school, my ass”
You: “This is?? A boarding school”
Jae: “Yeah but it’s a magic boarding school- how convenient of you to leave that part out”
You: “Just because I didn’t tell you the full truth doesn’t mean that I lied”
Meanwhile, Young K just looks back between the two of you, somewhat horrified but mostly very confused.
Young K: “...Do you guys want to go talk this out over lunch since that’s where we were heading anyway?”
You and Jae reluctantly mumble your agreement and trudge behind Young K all the way to the long Slytherin table.
You elegantly slide yourself onto the bench while Jae less gracefully plops himself down next to you.
Young K eyes the both of you like you're a ticking time bomb and cautiously takes the seat across from you.
Young K: “So you two know each other?”
You: “We were childhood friends”
Jae: “We are childhood best friends”, he corrects.
You: “Sorry, didn't you have somewhere to be?? Like oh I don't know- Alaska?”
Jae: “Bro, are you ever going to let that go?”
You: “Well it doesn’t help that I just found out now. I honestly don’t know how I didn’t spot you, a literal tree, before today. Plus- I’ll let go of that when you let go of the pool incident”
Mention of this particular event has Young K tilting his head, clearly lost, and Jae cackling way more than any normal person would.
You: “It’s not that funny!”
Jae: “Check your facts again, it’s actually very funny”
Young K: “What are you talking about?”
Jae: “Well what happened was-”
You: “NO SIR. If anyone’s telling this story, it’s me. I’m the victim here”
Jae: “Victim my ass, but alright. Go ahead”, he says, doing a grand gesture with his arms signalling you to continue.
You then go on to tell the story of one of you and Jae’s childhood summer escapades, where you happened to go to the pool.
Y’all weren’t there to swim, though. The volleyball courts were right outside of the pool.
Jae had thought that playing volleyball- or at least attempting to- would be a fun way to spend the day.
And that’s exactly what you did, whack a volleyball back and forth all day under the hot sun.
Towards the middle of the day, when the sun was at its peak, you mentioned offhand that it was getting too blazing hot to be outside any longer.
To which lil Jae was like “I’ve got the perfect idea!” and THREW YOU INTO THE POOL.
T-Shirt, shorts, tennis shoes and all. Drenched.
You never swam faster in your life than you did in that moment to get out of the pool and kiLL jaE.
Instead of continuing your volleyball streak, you spent the rest of that day chasing around Jae and threatening to tell his mom what he’d done.
After a few minutes though, it morphed into a lighthearted game of chase.
Telling this story to Young K brings up something inside of you that had been gone for quite a while. A sort of happiness that only the too-tall-for-his-own-good boy, Jae, could make you feel.
From there on out, it’s like you and Jae were never apart to begin with. One of you is always with the other.
Even though you don’t have any classes together, you’ve got each others schedules memorized so you can walk by their classes and make faces at one another through the windows when the professor isn’t looking.
This time around, Jae’s making faces at you from outside your classroom and the professor happens to turn around and face the window the exact moment Jae makes the cringiest duck face imaginable and you just,,,, lose it.
So does the rest of the class, who are used to the two of you doing this kind of thing by now.
Once the laughter dies down, your professor makes a comment that hits close to home for whatever reason.
“Y/N, please tell your boyfriend not to disrupt my classes with his… antics”
Everyone else is like “yeah Y/N, get your boyfriend in check, smh” and you’re sitting there like “Boy??? Friend?? Boy that is my friend? Or b o y f r i e n d”
The rest of the day you have the internal fight with yourself of “Is Jae my boyfriend?? When did that happen?? Do I even want him to be my boyfriend??”
When you lay in bed at the end of the day though, you stop trying to deny how you truly feel.
You really like Jae and would die of happiness if he wanted to be with you but… does he feel the same way?
He’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember and you don’t want to ruin it by saying anything weird.
At the same time though, now that you’re laying in bed, ya know,,,, reflecting on your whole life, as one does.
Has Jae been flirting with you recently?
Ever since reconnecting with him at Hogwarts, he’s been glued to your side. It’s not that that makes you think he might think the two of you are something more, though.
He’s always holding open doors for you, throwing an arm around your shoulders like it’s the most natural thing to do, and complimenting you about practically everything.
And on top of that, he always makes a point to take you out at least once a week but you thought that's just what best friends do??
It's not exactly like you can say “hey when we went to Hogsmeade last Tuesday was that a date or nah”
“I’ll confront him about it tomorrow”, you tell yourself, dismissing the whole situation for the time being and getting some rest.
The next morning at breakfast, Jae slides into his usual seat right next to you but you can’t bring yourself to look at him.
And of course, being your best friend, he immediately picks up on it.
Jae: “Hey, what’s up with you today?”
You: “I... well I don’t know how to ask this without seeming like an idiot”
Jae: “I’m friends with Wonpil- I’m used to stupid questions. Shoot”
You: “Okay then I’m just gonna go right out and say it so- um... arewedating?”
Jae: “I'm sorry, what did you say?”
You: “See?? It was stupid, I'm just gonna go-”
Jae: “No, like I literally couldn't understand what you were saying because you said it so fast”
You: “I uhhhhhhhh asked if we are,,,,,,, dating”
Mentally preparing yourself for the anguish that comes with losing a friend as close to your heart as Jae is, ironically you find yourself completely unprepared to respond to what he asks next.
Jae: “Do you want to be?”
You: “Do I want to be what? An astronaut?”, accidentally blurting out sarcasm even in this relatively serious situation.
Jae: “No- dating. Do you want me to be your boyfriend?”
You: “!! Well uhh that depends, do you want that?”
Jae: “Of course I do, I've liked you for like forever”
You: “you w h a t”
Jae: “I've liked you since we were kids. Some things never change, I guess”
You: “I… like you too, ya know”
Jae: “Oh I would hope so, otherwise that would make this really awkward”, he says and leans in.
Cupping your face with one hand, he gently presses his lips to yours, making your heart rate increase faster than you'd like to admit was possible by kissing your best friend.
You: “...that's the cheesiest, most cliche thing you've ever done”
Jae: “Totally, but it was worth it”
You: “Okay- whatever you say, loser”
Jae: “Yes, but now I'm your loser~”
Neither of you remember to tell Young K that you're now a couple but he finds out in,,,, another way.
Aka the two of you are making out in the library, you pressed against a bookshelf by Jae’s lean body, when Young K happens to glance down that particular aisle.
He immediately shrieks and runs out of the library to go complain to Sungjin about it.
Jae just shrugs and continues carefully placing kisses down your neck.
After the initial trauma of seeing his two best friends getting steamy in the library, Young K is on board with the relationship, regardless of how many jokes he makes about Jae.
Not you, really. Just Jae.
One day, Jae brings up a question that you don't know how to answer.
Jae: “Why do you call him that?”
You: “Call who what??”
Jae: “You call Brian “Young K”. It’s doing too much for his ego- you gotta call him Brian and knock him down a peg”
You: “Will it make you happy if I do?”
Jae: “Absolutely. A hundred percent”
You: “Consider it done”
The next time you see Young K, it's in passing on your way out of class.
You tried to sit together at the beginning of the semester but got separated by the teacher for “teaming up and bullying the Hufflepuff students”
Pretty much, there was one time where you both shoved Wonpil in the closet in the back of the classroom, put a chair under the door, and cast a noise-cancelling spell on the door so no one would notice.
But anyway, you happen to pass him on your way out the door, and say as casually as you can, “See you tomorrow, Brian!”
He drops his books, that he'd been trying to put in his bag, all over the floor and looks at you with shock, disbelief, and betrayal.
Young K: “I knew Jae would get to you one day, but I never thought it would be so soon”
You: “Tragicm really. Gotta go, adiós BRYAN!”
Being around Jae so much has you picking up phrases that he says, and him saying a lot of your common phrases.
Like one time you said “Let’s get it!” without even thinking about it and it made Jae so happy he almost cried.
Spending so much time with Jae is honestly the best thing. He’s just such a fun person to be around, that even if you're just doing homework, the little comments he makes on random things make even the most boring of tasks enjoyable.
Going from best friend to boyfriend, Jae ends up being just the thing you didn’t realize you needed until he became yours.
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onewfantaesy · 7 years
i updated the au masterlist page
but here have a post w everything that wasn’t included previously bc this is where i made it lmao have fun
step idol au: bandific au. taemin’s mom is dating yunho from dbsk. taemin’s step-dad is yunho from dbsk.
step teacher au: yunboa. taemin’s dad is dating his history teacher. taemin’s dad ends up marrying his history teacher.
kidnap au: taemin played hooky and stole a pair of jeans with key and they got arrested and taemin found out he was kidnapped. yunho is his father. he’s 11 and his life just got turned upside down.
genius au: lil baby taemin is a Genius and he’s like 8 and is a freshman in high school along with his big brother onew. minkey are their friends. kai is taemin’s best friend.
beacon street au: ontae high school au. taemin lives on beacon street and works at the beacon street diner. onew forces his friends minho and key to go to the diner with him and be regulars. taemin’s a shipyard kid, and that’s like, important.
crossing guard au: old man onew is a crossing guard and taemin and kai are kindergarteners and he loves watching over them and making sure they cross the street safely.
forest god au: taemin died when he was 12 but got turned into a god by the all-father. he’s now god of the forest. he really loves the baby deer and the bunnies.
blankie au: girl!minho and key. taemin is their lil baby boy. taemin is obsessed w his blankie
tween vamp au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was 11. key was his teacher, and also a vampire. onew is key’s?? partner??? they take this poor abandoned little vamp boy in bc taemin literally would have died if they hadn’t.
thighs au: i think it’s girl!taemin and minho??? they hooked up on tinder and minho tried to give her shit for not shaving her thighs and taeyeon was just like “listen bitch first of all-”
lil booger au: taemin is the much younger brother on jonghyun and jinki. minkey are their parents.
sad ghost au: bandifc. taemin got ran over by a van in like rdd era and his ghost haunted the sm building for like 2 years before he finally passed on. it was really depressing. he relived his death over and over and over again. he didn’t know he was dead.
sneak au: bandfic. taemin sneaks out. like all the time. he gets caught by paparazzi. he gets shit on for it. he continued to sneak out.
citadel of onews au: rick and morty au but with shinee.
divorced au: heechul and jessica are divorced. taemin is their son. heechul moves back in with them. taemin is annoyed. taemin also has anemia and just wants to sleep at his auntie krystal’s house bc his dad pisses him off.
mini mommy au: jongtaeng and baby taemin.
ot5 hogwarts au: exactly what it sounds like. i think ontae are brothers. 
secret adoption au: lunew?? taemin is their son but taemin didn’t know that until lmao he was like 11. he only found out because his grandparents that he thought were his parents started treating him like shit. lunew were pissed that their baby was being treated like that when they didn’t even want to give him up in the first place.
secret boyfriends au: taekai high school au. no one knows they’re dating. chanyeol finds out bc he’s on the football team with kai and sees the texts. taemin gets bullied. big brother onew helps him get back at chanyeol and his stupid goons. taekai eventually let everyone know they’re boyfriends and they’re cute af.
super hero au: ontae brothers where they can both astral manipulate and shit. taemin decided to join super villain key. onew and his group of boring ass good guys always try to save taemin. taemin just is the literal definition of shrug emoji but with super powers.
twin college au: college au where taemin finds out he has a twin sister solely bc housing fucked up and put him and a girl in the same campus apartment. taeyeon didn’t know she was adopted.
uncle yunho au: taemin parents are abusive af and yunho is his uncle/godfather who saves him. taemin gets kidnapped after he moves in with yunho. it was traumatic. taemin almost died. key was the only one at school who treated him normally afterwards.
dozen au: bandfic where taemin is literally one of twelve children. he hates it. i was watching cheaper by the dozen and it just sort of wrote itself honestly.
tarzan au: taemin is found by onkey in the jungle. he was living with gorillas. he was like 5.
boy next door au: taemin is jongkey’s little neighbor. he likes to walk through their kitchen door and put his drawings on their fridge and play with their dogs.
doomsday au: bandfic where shinee’s managers and a tv station make shinee think they’re stranded on an island in the middle of the apocalypse. they kind of go a little crazy. a helicopter with a camera crew has to come down and be like “HAHA IT WAS A HIDDEN CAMERA!!!” taemin flips the fuck out. he’s very sunburned.
bullied au: bandfic but taemin’s been systematically bullied since like debut. no one knew until the bullies made a public apology during ace promotions. taemin had a panic attack when people found out the shit they did to him.
bow au: 2min. baby key. minho puts bows in key’s baby hair and taemin thinks it’s stupid.
graham cracker au: taemin, jonghyun, key, and minho ride their bikes down meadow street so the wizard at the end of the cul de sac will give them chocolate graham crackers. onew is that wizard.
middle school au: taemin is gwiboon’s much younger brother and she’s married to jinki and they have a small son minho. jinki is taemin’s middle school teacher. taemin’s parents are bad parents.
whale shark au: mermaid au but taemin’s bonded with a whale shark. jongyu are marine biologists that love watching taemin and his whale shark migrate.
lost prince au: taemin is the prince, and he’s three and he’s lost, and jongho find him but don’t realize he’s the prince.
tinder jongtae au: college-ish au where jongtae match on tinder and Spend The Night Together but then taemin’s older brother jinki just “taemin why the fuck is your snapchat bitmoji at my coworker’s house gdi taemin my friends have sent me screenshots of ur tinder DON’T FUCK MY COWORKER”
soulmate au: jongtae are soulmates and when a soulmate writes on their arm, the other can see it. taemin is in high school and writes all his homework on his hands. jonghyun is in college and thinks it’s annoying af.
europa au: space au where jongkey are aliens on europa, one of jupiter’s moons, and taemin is their adopted son.
finals au: bandfic but it’s just taemin acting stupid at the library during finals with his friends and the videos of them doing stupid shit go viral before people even realize it’s SHINee’s taemin in them
royalty au: jinki is the crown prince, and taemin is the king’s bastard son. he’s also half-elf.
i’m going to school au: just scenerios of what taemin might have been like when he was on that “i’m going to school” show with gain.
new school au: heechul is taemin’s dad, and taemin’s twin brother kai and their mother died in a car accident and now taemin goes to a new school because he was Traumatized
fourth grade au: ot5 are all in the same class and they find out they were all born on the same day (May 25th) and they bond over being geminis
st hedwig au: taemin lives in an orphanage called St. Hedwig’s and his teacher Jinki and his partner Minho end up adopting him
amish au: taemin was amish before he became an idol.
futon au: college au where boyfriends taekai just always spend the night on onkey’s futon bc taemin’s roommate doesn’t like it when taemin’s boyfriend sleeps over but kai goes to a different university
mermaid au: key, taemin, and minho are mermaids. taemin’s warrior parents died in a shark attack when he was a baby so key became his caretaker. jongyu are humans that they talk to a lot
711 au: college au where taemin works at 7-11 and he gets robbed at gunpoint and it’s traumatizing but he gets out of a midterm so shrug emoji. he and amber work together. shindong is a shit manager.
chill au: college au ontae netflix and chill. roommate kai. taemin gets chapped lips.
ballerino au: taemin gets bullied in high school bc he takes ballet but he’s a good ballerino who’s going places
vampire au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was five and onew is his master and just ot5 being vampires but taemin is stuck in the body of a child also he pretty much always also acts like a child but “I’M A HUNDRED YEARS OLD LET ME HAVE WINE”
age gap au: taemin is like way younger than his big brother key and onew is their dad and jongkey are dating
senior boys au: jonghyun, key, and minho are seniors in high school. onew is their calculus teacher. taemin is onew’s son who’s a freshman. at one point, taemin accidentally sends jonghyun nudes. it was a big deal. taekai might be a thing in this au? i can’t really remember
bard au: taemin and the rest of ot5 are bards from dragon age & they operate in orlais, mainly val royeaux. jongtae have an intense rivalry. also taemin’s half-elf.
bard inquisitor au: literally bard au but taemin also becomes the inquisitor from dragon age inquisition. people freak out bc he’s orlesian lmao.
child star au: key is taemin’s dad and taemin became a child star when he was on a sitcom when he was like 3. taemin was a bit of a shit in his teenage years. the spotlight can do that to a kid.
arcade au: onew works at the local arcade and taemin takes full advantage of his big brother working there. taemin and his lil nerd friends - kai and ravi - hang out there all the time. key is the bully, bc where there’s a nerd in an arcade there’s a bully. i think i wrote this after watching stranger things lmao
exec board au: college au where ot5 are on the exec board for a club. taemin is a freshman who Does Not Take Thing Seriously. he’s fundraising chair. him and his friends sell weird shit at the food tents but make so much money that key can’t stand it.
college bro au: college au taekai riding together on their skateboards or some shit idk
musclehead au: college au taemin works at the rec center at fuckass o’clock. jonghyun is a stupid musclehead that dirties his perfectly clean mirrors.
boarding school au: taemin’s mom remarries and he gets sent to some snooty boarding school that his step-dad’s family has always gone to. he meets his step-brother, jinki, for the firs time when they meet at school. shit gets weird. taemin lies about his biological dad.
kidnapping au: taemin is jinki’s very much younger baby brother, and taemin was kidnapped when he was almost five years old. jinki becomes a cop and becomes obsessed with finding taemin, and he does, five years later, when a little boy is sitting in the station because his parents just got arrested.
kidnapping au 2: bandfic au. taemin is jinki’s little brother, only he didn’t know that because he was kidnapped when he was a toddler.
morning news au: taemin in onho’s little boy. he’s very cute. he reads the newspaper in the morning even though he can’t read yet.
reblog my shit thank u
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theglassyhick · 7 years
Whose the Real Monster?
Don’t ask me ;w; It has been too long since I posted and I dun wanna talk about it ;w; Nothing bad, I am just lazy. BUT FIRST 
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WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?!?!?! Tis the character in this story, by the name of Michael.
Commission was done by my good friend @bluerainst0rm Go commission her, she is great. She also provided the prompt for this, so enjoy!
Words: 7083
Genre: Romance, Acton
Contains: Fluff, Violence
Setting: Fantasy World
Prompt: "Please stop! I'm not a monster!"
Demons descend on a small town. The only people who can defend it work with each to save as many as they can.
“You are out of chalk dust again?” The woman asked. Such a common and basic ingredient should be more well stocked. But when everyone needs it on a nightly basis…
“The Harvest Moon is tonight. Everyone says the more the merrier.” The shopkeeper said with a shiver as he scurried around the shop. “Here, I’ll find you what I can.” He turned around and pressed a burlap sack into her arms. “You are a wizard yes?” The woman nodded. “Good. These are dried Angel Petals.”
“Don’t you need holy water to make these? Where did you get so much?” The young wizard reached into the sack and pulled out the white rose petal. The edges were gold. “I… I have only worked with young ones. These are fully mature…”
“I’ve been growing them for years. Seven years, to be exact.” He smiled proudly. “with such a powerful ingredient, I had a feeling even a young wizard such as yourself could make a powerful warding pot.”
The wizard was too in awe to smile. “I-I need salt. And, and Hawthorne berries soaked in holy water, and spring water! There is a cauldron in my house!” She jumped a little. “And the blood of the spotless lambs! Come on, the warding pot we make will last for weeks!”
“But… The Harvest Moon...” The shop keeper stopped her. “You know how active they get. The Demons will be hunting for us. If you are right, then we need to get you somewhere safe. Stay with me and my wife.” The shopkeeper was walking back to the counter. “Just come back before the sun sets, alright?” The young wizard nodded as she left the store, clutching the Angel Petals to her chest. The shopkeeper cleared his throat. She blushed as she turned around and handed the sack of petals back to him.
“I’ll see you tonight!” She called over her shoulder. She strolled out of the shop and into the cobblestone street with a skip in her step. After all, Angel Petals were rare. She was holding diamonds. With those petals, a whole array of potions and enchantments were now open to her experimentation. Now, her research into celestial spirit summoning would skyrocket as well! “This truly is a red-letter day.” The wizard hummed as she walked to the tavern to buy herself a celebratory drink. “So, I will treat myself~”
She had arrived at her destination after ten minutes of walking. The tavern formed the center of the town. Five other roads spread out from the tavern. Most of the buildings lining the roads were homes, but a few had signs to indicate some sort of service. The town was a bit big for their isolated location, and well populated. Farming fields were outside with a few scattered homes. The wizard lived in a squat tower on the other side of town, towards the fringes. She opened the door and stepped into the tavern. Her smile fell. The tavern was empty, making the wizard frown unhappily. She was looking forward to a bit of boasting, a bit of teasing, and a lot of fun. She scanned left and right, then smiled as she saw there was someone at the bar. He was tall and slim, with a tarnished white cloak lined with black fur, and long black hair.
She looked down, adjusting her rich purple cloak so it was more of a cape. She fluffed her hair out so the long, strawberry blond locks cascaded down her back. Finally, she brushed the salt and chalk dust from her blue skirt and unbuttoned the top her red-dyed blouse. She was in a good mood. She wanted to have fun with the man.
“Clara, nice to see you tonight.” The barkeeper said with a smile. “Or, well, anyone.” Clara smiled back at him.
“They are just worried about the Harvest Moon. I almost forgot about it. I was so busy perfecting a spell, what day it was day slipped my mind.” She admitted with a bit of a chuckle. “May I have some wine please? And, who is he?” Clara didn’t want the stranger to know she had her eyes on him. With a wine glass in hand and full, she took a sip and listened.
“Don’t know.” the burly man shrugged as he rested his elbow against the counter. “He came in a few days ago. Doesn’t say much.” The young wizard smiled softly.
“Thank you~” The barkeep smirked as he got the message and made his way into a back room. The other man was sitting on the corner of the bar, sipping some water. The Wizard stood from her seat and walked over to the stranger, taking a seat beside him. The cup was raised to his lips was placed down as he noticed his company. “Hello sir! I don’t think we have been introduced. I am Clara, of the Starry Field.” She offered her hand. The man stared at it. Clara remembered the more formal academy greetings were not used in this town. However, he caught her fingers and brought them to his lips.
“Michael, of the Empty Void.” He introduced himself. “I didn’t expect to find someone invested in celestial magic so far from a library with star charts.”
“Nor did I expect to find someone well versed in void magic.” Clara smiled softly as she tilted her head. “Quite the unknown field.” Michael snickered a little bit at the pun. However, he did not turn to face her.
“It’s funny, cause the void is often empty, or referred to as ‘unknown’.”  He smiled as he turned to look at Clara. The celestial mage smiled as well, but covered her lips as Michael turned away in embarrassment. “R-Right… explaining a joke ruins the fun… Uh, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Clara reached out and touched his hand. “It was a little unclear. I am glad you found it humorous though.”
“Let me get you a drink.” Michael rose his hand to order. Then realized the tavern keeper wasn’t here. And she already had something to drink. He lowered his hand slowly. “Um, I guess that is unnecessary…” He stopped talking when Clara giggled softly. Their eyes finally met, and she realized his were red. Despite the odd color, the eyes were still vibrant enough for Clara to smile at him. She reached out and stroked his cheek.
“Your eyes are beautiful. They are the same color as spring roses.” Michael’s only response to the compliment was a blushing face. He looked down at his hands. For a moment, Clara wondered if she had gone too far.
“Thank you.” The void wizard looked to the star mage with a small smile and with red cheeks. “I… I don’t get a lot of compliments, e-especially from such a beautiful woman.”
“Well now aren’t you a charmer?” Clara wrapped her arms around his, leaning against his side and pressing her soft chest against him. With the upper buttons undone, it was quite easy to see her breasts. Michael’s eyes widened and his cheeks matched the shade of his eyes.
“O-Oh…” Clara was well aware of where his gaze fell as she leaned further against him and looked up at his face. Michael’s eyes had to dart between her ocean blue ones and her exposed cleavage. He found both as desirable sights. He couldn’t decide which he wanted to burn into his memory.
“If I might make a suggestion, I would say the eyes,” Clara smirked when Michael’s mouth opened a little to express his confusion and his panic. “You remain a gentleman. And I would much rather spend the night of the harrowing Harvest Moon in the arms of a gentlemen.”
“Well, then uh, I guess I only have to pay attention to one amazing feature.” The compliment, while smooth, was not nearly as elegant as it could be. Clara still smiled at the compliment regardless.
“Do you imply I only have two amazing features?” The wizard batted her eyes shyly up at Michael. Yes, it was a cruel tease. But this Michael was so cute when he was flustered!
“N-No!” Michael’s eyes were wide as he shook his head quickly. “Not at all! It is just, well, you have many attractive qualities,” A shy laugh accompanied his assurance as he rubbed he back of his head.
“Dawwww, you are so cute,” Michael smiled at Clara’s compliment. “Don’t worry about messing up. I find your shyness absolutely charming.”
“Yes. Usually strangers are so grim and tight-lipped. But you seem friendly,” The wizard watched with a supposedly kind smile as Michael became more and more relaxed over the course of their conversation. He was falling right into her little trap. The trap was further added to with the occasional tankard of beer Clara bought for the shy boy as they spoke.
“Tell me about your grimoire!” Clara’s eyes were lit up as she reached into her cloak, “This one is mine. Thanks to my neat hand writing, I can fit many spells in this lil thing,” She presented a leather-bound notebook. It was big enough to fit in just one hand, and not nearly as cumbersome as some of the massive Grimoire’s other wizards had to carry around. The wizard opened the book with a tipped her head back and a smile, happy to display her work. He thumbed through the pages and quickly eyed each neat line of text.
“What about your grimoire?” The strawberry blond wizard eagerly rested her elbows on the counter after he set her grimoire down. “I would love to see what kind of unique spells litter those pages~”
“Well, it isn’t a book.” Michael reached down and plucked at his cuff.
“Wait, you don’t mean to say…” The wizard trailed off as Michael pulled his sleeve back. Various ruins and spells were inked onto his arm. “You are a demon hunter.” She mused. Michael looked away.
“Folly, I know. But- “
“Heroic is the word I would use!” Clara’s hands clasped over her chest as she closed her eyes. “Oh, you go out in dark of the night, spells etched into your arm with a blade in the other hand. You track down the monsters who torment us, and do you best to protect us! It’s so romantic.” Clara smiled up at Michael. “Why, if I was staying at my home tonight, I would offer you a bed just for that.”
“W-Wait, you mean you… Uh you are- I mean are you trying to say that…” Michael blushed as he trailed off as he rolled his sleeve back down.
“So cute.” She smiled and stroked his cheek. “But the moon is rising, and I really must get to the shopkeeper’s. He offered to let me stay at his place with his wife.” She stood from her stool and brushed the dust off her blue skirt. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Michael of the Empty Void.”
“The pleasure was all mine, Clara of the Starry Field.” Michael’s jaw was hanging a little, staring at Clara as she walked away. He was surprised she offered to spend the night with him. Clara was waiting patiently as she neared the door. “Wait, Clara!”
“Yes?” Michael called to her just as Clara had planned. He approached her with her grimoire in his hand.
“You left this on the counter.” He offered the book to her. Clara feigned a surprised look before she accepted the notebook.
“Thank you very much.” She rested a hand on his chest. Clara pushed Michael gently until he was walking in the direction she so wanted.
“Well, I mean, w-who wouldn’t? R-Return it I mean!” He noticed Clara’s almost predatory gaze. Michael’s legs collided with something. Her gentle push sent Michael toppling backward into the booth, and she followed. As his back crashed onto the seat, Clara’s lips crashed onto his. It was a simple peck, followed by more and more kisses. The woman had her hands on Michael’s chest as she straddled his waist and peppered him with soft kisses. “C-Clara, I…” he trailed off as she held the kiss for a few extra seconds to silence him.
“Thank you~” She muttered against his lips. Her eyes gazed into his. She relaxed while Michael was stiff. With each kiss, Michael’s body softened. She ran her hands over his chest; beneath his shirt was quite a firm body, probably due to his occupation. Michael returned the favor by slowly raising his hands and stroking Clara’s back. She moaned lightly into the kiss and let Michael know she approved. The gentle and intimate contact and stoking only lasted a short time. Clara bit Michael’s lower lip, surprising him. He opened his mouth to say something but Clara simply took advantage. She deepened the kiss. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and graced his with gentle strokes, running over his teeth and the roof of his mouth. She moaned more to reward Michael’s firm strokes to her back. Clara gasped when his hands slipped to her rear and gave a squeeze. Michael leaned forward and pushed his tongue into her mouth now and took over the kiss.
Clara submitted, letting his tongue move around her mouth. She moaned as she felt his tongue swiping over her teeth as they two intimately kissed. Clara slowly pulled away, a small strand of salvia connecting their lips. She let out a muffled noise as Michael quickly leaned up and captured her lips again as he continued to massage her rear. Clara stroked his chest and groaned as she felt his teeth scrape against her lip. Her hand slid around his neck and pulled his head closer as she rocked her hips against his. The shy demon hunter below her groaned in response. She pulled away and pushed herself up, looking down and still gently rocking her hips.
“Thank you so much for returning my grimoire.” She purred before sliding off his lap. “If you are still in town tomorrow, you should really find me. We can continue this then~” The wizard gave a small wave to the confused young man. She left the tavern, quite proud of her work on him. She outdid herself.
The shopkeeper lived in a house attached to the back of his shop. Clara walked for another fifteen minutes till she was there once more, and the shop keeper greeted her kindly. The house was a simple place, just a sitting room with a double bed in the corner. A few windows completed the setting. The shopkeeper’s wife was kind and welcoming. Clara was soon sipping tea with the couple. All was well and good, and the wizard was starting to relax. She looked out a window and shivered though. The demons were descending upon the town.
They were all strange combinations of humans and other various animals. There were two kinds of demons: Major and Minor. The minor ones were all similar. Body of a human, goat legs and hooves, clawed hands, forked tongues. Lidless, beady eyes and wild hair. All of them raving mad as they hunted for anyone foolish enough to have not put up the basic defenses. The major ones were more terrifying. None of them resembled each other, and all barely resembled humans. Their eyes shone with an intelligent light as they stalked down the cobble stone streets and searched alongside their minor counterparts. The chalk circles around each house kept the demons from accessing the people hiding inside. Normal chalk wouldn’t work, but this special chalk was blessed by a preacher. They all stopped at the circles and hissed and spat as they refused to cross over the line. Clara smirked.
A demon turned to look at her through the window. It was an ugly thing who walked on four legs. Those legs were the same as a bear’s, while the body resembled a lion. It’s neck and head was a thick snake, and a scorpion’s stinger replaced the tail. The demon stepped closer and closer to the window. It sat on its haunches and continued to stare at Clara with those lidless eyes. Clara smirked and raised the cup of tea she was drinking.
“Cheers~” She told him. The shop keeper was staring at the demon oddly.
“Dear, um, how far away did you make the chalk circle?” Clara looked to the shopkeeper. Worry sprang onto the wizard. The shopkeeper looked to his wife as he awaited the answer to her question.
“Oh, quite far away.” She was smiling at the demon who was looking in the window. “But of course, the chalk isn’t blessed. It’s just regular chalk. I swapped out the bags.” The wife chuckled as she tilted her head. Her face shimmered as a glamour was lifted. The wife’s eyes were glassy and blank. She rose her arm to reveal scars had been cut into her. Ancient runes made this half of the spell label her as a puppet. The teacup shattered as it fell from Clara’s hands.
Clara pulled out a knife from her cloak and slashed her finger tips.
The Demon rose its arm and had the other half of the spell etched into his flesh. It said master.
Clara pulled her grimoire out of her cloak. She flipped it open to a well memorized place in the book.
The demon reared up and slammed his arms against the wall. It creaked and groaned. The windows fractured.
Clara swiped his fingers along the pages. The runes glowed with arcane energy and collected on her finger tips.
The demon reared back to slam against the wall.
Clara smirked.
The arcane energy flew and hit the wall. The demon was blasted back with the debris. Clara rushed forward and leapt through the new hole. She dragged her bloody finger tips over another five spells conjured five orbs of energy. They condensed into one orb in her palm and fired into the demon and blew his head apart.  She looked around and bit her lip. Demons were attacking the houses now. Upon seeing the major demon do it, they quickly realized it was safe. With nothing to hold them back, the town was quickly falling apart. Clara watched as Demons dove through windows and shredded doors apart. Families ran from their home and away from demons, while a brave few fought back with varying success. She needed to reach her house. She could make a warding pot and drive the demons away.
Clara leapt off the demon’s body and ran. Her feet pounded the cobble stones and made her presence clear. A demon dove at her with, its visage fierce and its arms spread wide. She flipped to a page in her grimoire, spread her blood along a spell and flung it at the demon. The spell exploded in a star burst pattern and dissolved the demon into dust. Another ran up to her. This one charged low at her legs, with blood-streaked hands. Clara already had another spell ready and flung it at the demon. A cluster of bright lights launched from her finger tips. They formed spears id flight and pinned the creature down. It shrieked and cried, but Clara left it behind as she charged down the street. Clara came to a stop in front of the tavern. She paused as the red light surrounded her. Everything burned around her. Lanterns must have been knocked over as people tried to escape. She took a deep breath. She had priorities. The demons had to be removed. The lives had to be saved. Then, the fire put out.
Clara ran forward and readied another spell as a group of seven demons burst into the square. One of them pointed out her and barked. The others followed with howls as they rushed her, some on all fours, some on two feet. She fired off a ball of compressed gas. It exploded into hot plasma and scorched the demons. Their screams were drowned out by the sound of the air roaring as it was heated then cooled. The demons were not the only danger to Clara. The fire was spreading. The smoke was robbing her of much needed oxygen. Her legs ached and burned. Each heavy foot fall sent pain through her foot to her calf. But adrenaline helped to keep her legs moving, despite how sloppy her run was becoming. She smiled as she spotted her house, which had three stories and there was taller than the other buildings.
Not all was well. Sitting in front of her door was a large, Major Demon. It was a beast of a creature, with scaly human legs, a bear’s body, and the long thick arms of an ape. The head was a lion, with massive tusks as well. The demon looked to Clara and smirked as it approached her. The wizard smirked back. She quickly turned around and dove through the broken window of a burning building. She flipped through the pages of her note book as she pressed herself against the opposite wall.
The demon charged the building, crouched low, and swung his head and arms up against the weakened wall. It shattered and the debris was sent flying at Clara. Her spell was ready. With a flick of her wrist she sent the glowing energy out to the flying debris. It was a pea sized ball of compressed gas and energy. The ball exploded out and sent all the splinters right into the demon. Shards of glass and wood embedded them self into the demon as it flew back. Clara ran out through the hole, flipping to another spot and swiping her blood laced fingers over the spell. She directed the energy to the demon, and what appeared to be a star from the sky itself fell onto him with the speed of a lead ball. It smashed into the demon and exploded into a bright, burning light.
“Thank you so much!” Clara said as she ran past the splat of gore on the ground. “I’ve been wanting to test that!” Clara collided with the door to her tower and shoved the key into the lock. She tumbled past the threshold and pulled the door shut behind her. The base floor of her house was empty of any sort of furniture. It was filled with shelves, and racks held dried or preserved ingredients. A stair case lea to her sitting room on the second floor. She rushed forward ad grabbed her first ingredient for the warding pot, which was a jar of Hawthorne berries preserved using holy water. Clara slammed the bottle against the inside of her cauldron. She moved to the next ingredient and pulled out flecks of glass from her hand.
The door was broken as a lesser demon forced his way into the house. Clara turned around, pulled her knife from her cloak, and threw it with a deft hand. The small surgical knife embedded itself in the demon’s throat. Clara quickly pulled her grimoire out and flipped open to the middle page and flung a bolt of light at the demon. It screeched in pain as the bolt bored a red hole in its chest and blasted it out of her house. Another ran in past it, only to be blasted apart by Clara. Her next move was to run to a different rack and thrust her hand past the dried ingredients to grab what she needed. She threw it over her shoulder and into the pot. There was a sigh of relief as the pot clanged.
“Next ingredient, next ingredient… ARGH, what was it?!” She growled as she darted to several hanging herbs. She snatched off several herbs, dropping them in the pot as she passed it. Five large frozen toads were thrown in next. Clara barked a quick sentence in an ancient language and set the wood beneath the cauldron alight.
A fist slammed into her chest and sent Clara flying through a rack. Jars shattered and bags burst. A demon bared down on Clara. He was slashed with jagged claws. The wizard held up her sleeve. The claws tore into the sleeve and caught on the fabric, which made the demon struggle to pull his hand back. The wizard below the demon began to recite a long spell. The creature lunged to bite her neck. She thrust her arm forward. Shark teeth met her bones.
“AHHHHHH!!” The ancient mutterings continued as energy built up on her finger tips. It exploded from her hand as she shouted her last word. The demon was blasted away, but rose to his feet and snarled. Clara dived for her grimoire, flipped to a specific page, and swiped her blood along a spell. The demon leapt again. Clara rolled to her back and released the ball of energy on her palm. It collided with the demon. The creature bloated before exploding into a shower of blood and drenched her and the notebook. She covered the grimoire with her arm, which kept the blood off. Clara picked some of the glass out from the back of her legs, her red shirt much darker than it originally was. She reached up to grab a leather bag of holy water and poured it into the cauldron. Her eyes cast to the door, where several demons were approaching.
She should have finished this warding pot by now. It had dragged on for too long. Clara pulled out her grimoire and winced. There was still glass in her leg. The four demons tried to crowd in. Clara prepared another spell, but never had the chance to use it. A scaled arm capped with a clawed hand grabbed one of the demon’s head from behind. The head was crushed in a blast of gore. As the body dropped, another clawed hand reached in and dug its claws into a second demon. Clara could clearly see the way long, hooked claws dug into the demon’s chest. The clawed hand wrenched the demon back, tearing the chest open and flinging it over the owner’s back. Clara finally saw the new demon’s head. It was a raven’s skull, with glowing red eyes.
The other demons turned to screech at the newest monster. The Bird Skull lunged forward and opened it’s sharp, hooked beak. It dug into a demon’s stomach and disemboweled the fiend, leaving it to screech in terror and pain. The final one leapt to slash at the Bird Skull’s eyes. Bird Skull’s arm shot forward and slammed into its head to pin it to the ground. Upon second glance, it was not just an arm. A thick, black, leathery membrane was attached to the arm making it a wing. Using the wing arm, he slammed the demon’s head into the ground until there was a crack. Bird Skull finally walked into the house, through the hole Clara had made. She gaped.
The demon stood well over seven feet tall. She could see more of him aside from a horrid head and leathery wings. His body was covered in some sort of leathery hide. Bones sat on his skin and were armor for him. An entire ribcage protected his chest, while spinal segments protected his back. His arms were coated in dark scales and his hands were tipped with sharp claws. It had a tail, long and prehensile, and tipped with an arrow shaped, sharp looking bone. It was long enough to drag along the ground, and was probably used for balance.
The Bird Skull Demon looked down on Clara as his wings settled onto his shoulders and covered his body to be a leathery cloak. He tilted his head as he looked down on her. With the moonlight flowing in behind the demon, his black scales took on a bluish sheen. He had a belt with a bundle of three rods hanging from it, as well as a sword with a long and curved blade. Most demon’s used claws and teeth. Clara thought to herself and tried to formulate a plan. She had a spell ready. She rose her hand, and the demon did as well. She paused.
“If you can keep the demons away from me, I can make a warding pot.” The wizard let her hand lower, and the determined glare on her face melted into a friendlier smile. The demon breathed slowly, then nodded at Clara’s statement. He ducked his head to leave, and Clara turned her attention to her warding pot. She just needed to finish it.
Bird Skull towered above the other demons at seven feet six inches. They had noticed by now something was off about one of their stronger kin. The lesser demons formed a circle around him barking and gnashing their teeth. Their ransacking of the village evolved to silent tension. A few burnt buildings crackled, but no one flinched. A beam fell from the rafters and crashed into the ground. The ceiling followed.
A lesser demon flung itself at the Bird Skull demon’s back. Bird Skull’s wing extended from his back and slammed into the demon. The lesser Demon hit the ground with a thump. Bird Skull stepped up and stabbed his talons into the lesser demon’s chest, digging them into the demon and crushing the ribcage before pushing the bone shards into his lungs and organs with a stomp.
Another Demon leapt at Bird Skull. Using his talons, Bird Skull grabbed the demon beneath him and spun around, throwing the body at the leaping one. They collided in the air. Bird Skull rushed forward and snatched the still living one from the air by the arm. He grabbed onto the lesser demon’s shoulder and tore the arm off with a loud ripping noise. It screeched in pain before being slammed to the ground. Bird Skull dug his claws into his throat and tore the soft flesh as he stood.
The rest descended on him, tired of this silly one at a time game. Bird Skull drew his sword in a clean stroke and slashed open a lesser demon. He whipped around to his right and slashed another one before ducking under a third’s swipe. His sinuous slash continued and severed the legs of several demons. As the arc ended, Bird Skull flipped the blade around to a reverse style. He rose to his feet as he spun and slashed at those around him in a circle, forcing the lesser demons to back off and give him some breathing room. He pulled the bundle of three rods from his belt. Several demons charged at him. Two to his right, one in front, and the fourth leaping at his back.
Bird Skull stepped forward and sunk his sword into the Lesser Demon’s chest and released it. The one about to land on his back was smacked away by his wings. He twisted to his right and faced the two lesser demons. The first slashed with his claws, only to have Bird Skull smash his rods against the lesser Demon’s hands and shatter the bones with a crunch. Bird Skull’s empty hand grabbed onto the demon’s hand and quickly slammed it against the demon next to him. The demon was knocked to the ground, allowing Bird Skull to slash his throat out with the talons on his feet. The one in his hand stared up at Bird Skull, who slowly raised the rods in his hand. The demon got a much better look. Three heavy looking, metal rods, each two feet in length. One rod was capped with a long, rectangular ruby. He slammed it against the demon’s head.
Bird Skull let the demon fall with its head cracked open and leaking brain matter. The circle around Bird Skull widened. They all leapt on him. Bird Skull dived away from the pile, reclaiming his sword from a corpse. He jumped as soon as his hand was around the hilt, his wings sending him flying into the air as he landed on the roof of a house. The demons howled as they scrambled up the house to him. Bird Skull took a deep breath. He released a few latches on his bundle of rods. With a simple spin, it extended into a single staff. He connected the staff to his sword and formed a scythe.
The demons were on the roof now, leaping at Bird Skull from all angles. With speed and precision, each was cut down mid light. All who tried to approach him for a tackle were easily decapitated before Bird Skull would deftly swing his scythe and slice another demon into two pieces. Body parts, organs, and limbs piled around Bird Skull in a morbid circle, as not a single demon managed to reach striking distance.
A roar alerted Bird Skull to the approach of two more larger, more powerful demons. Wolf walked on four scaled, wolf-like limbs, yet had the body of a lion and the head of a wolf, as well as a pair of wicked horns. The Major Demon moved lithely from roof top to roof top in a subconscious display of skill. The other was a lot simpler. Stalking along the streets was a behemoth with the legs and head of a bull, but the body of a bear. Scales protected the beast’s chest and arms. It was nigh nine feet tall, and so wide it barely fit in the streets.
Bird skull rose his hand and drew a long cut down his arm. The cut ran beside a series of runes etched onto his scales. As the blood coated the runes, arcane power filled the etchings and made them glow with faint light. Wolf snarled loudly at Bird Skull
“Kin!” The Major Demons roared as it stalked along the gables. “Why do you slaughter your own kind? Is it not the humans who hate us without cause? Is it not the humans who have violated our sacred lands and branded us as demons? Speak, o’ traitor, and perhaps you may be reconciled. I understand that you may be one of our more…” Behemoth bellowed as he tossed his head back. “… Less organized ilk. But, you are still one of us,” Wolf sat on his haunches. His ears were perked, and his head tilted down in a posture of non-aggression. Bird skull seemed to think for a minute. A line of runes glowed on his arm as he threw his wing arm out. A tendril of darky, inky matter flew from the membrane.
Wolf jerked to his feet to leap away to a nearby roof, but the matter hit his hind legs and wrapped around them. He crashed against the edge of a roof, claws digging into the tiles as he tried to pull himself up.
Bird Skull dashed forward, wings propelling him through the air, and cut Wolf in half with a single slash of his scythe. Wolf’s entrails landed alongside his legs with a plop, his upper half soon following as the life drained from the demon. Behemoth bellowed in agony as he charged at Bird Skull. The treacherous demon leaped into the air with a flap of his wings, watching the massive demon miss and demolish the wall he had thrown himself into. As Bird Skull landed, more runes glowed on his arm. Behemoth turned on a dime and lashed out with a round house kick to Bird Skull. He didn’t expect the brute to turn so quickly, and was hit right on his shoulder and catapulted away. Bird Skull kept a tight grip on his scythe as he rolled across the ground and stood up, growling. Behemoth charged again, lowering his head to ram Bird Skull with his horns and tusks. Bird Skull charged back at the same time.
At the last second, Bird Skull dodged to the side and swung his scythe at Behemoth’s shoulder. The blade dug into Behemoth’s shoulder and allowed Bird Skull to use the scythe as a hook to spin around the demon’s body and landed on his shoulders. The blade was now under behemoth’s left arm, with the staff across his back. Bird Skull thought he had won as he yanked on the scythe to slice Behemoth apart. His scythe didn’t budge from its spot. Behemoth reached up and grabbed Bird Skull, throwing him through the air. He crashed into a burning building and bounced off the wall.
Bird Skull landed on all fours and darted off, running as a four-legged animal runs. Behemoth who roared and stepped forward with hopes of crushing Bird Skull under foot as the smaller demon closed the gap. Bird Skull dove to the side to dodge the stomp. He dug the claws on his wing arm into the ground as a set of runes lit up on his arms. Due to how big Behemoth was, Bird Skull nimbly ran between his legs as he made a line in the dirt underneath him. Once he was behind the larger demon, dark tendrils burst from the line he had just created. They wrapped around Behemoth and restrained him, at least for a while. Bird Skull kicked off from the ground and flapped his wings for the extra bit of force. He landed on his opponent’s shoulders and rose a taloned foot, kicking his scythe and freeing it from the tough scales of the massive demon. Bird Skull kicked off Behemoth’s shoulders. He caught his scythe out of the air and spread his wings, darting out of Behemoth’s reach and landing on the roof. He stood up and held his scythe at his side. Behemoth charged and swung his arm at Bird Skull.
Bird skull leapt off the roof and hit the ground with a roll. He spun out of the roll and slashed at Behemoth’s leg. A long streak of red followed the glistening blade as the beast’s tendon was severed. Behemoth twisted around and slammed his fist in the ground where Bird Skull used to be standing. Instead, Bird Skull had dashed under his legs and was already behind Behemoth. With another deft slash, he cut apart the Major Demon’s leg once more. Behemoth collapsed to his hands and knees. Bird Skull leapt up onto his back as more runes along his arm lit up. A ball of some sort of energy formed in his palm. It was black, and even though it was round, it appeared to be a flat circle of black energy. The edges seemed to be unstable and constantly tearing. Bird Skull quickly passed the energy to his scythe. It coated the blade as Behemoth reached up to grab him once more. Bird Skull slashed Behemoth’s arm off. He bellowed in pain as Bird Skull swung again, cutting Behemoth’s head off in a single clean slice.
There was enough blood to form a small stream as the body fell to the ground, Bird Skull smoothly stepping off. More demons circled him as the black energy faded from his blade. He held it in both hands. His hands shook. He coughed and retched. The scythe dropped from his hands as he fell on all fours. Bird Skull retched and hacked as he felt strength leaving him. He was not the only one to suffer this effect. The minor demons were retching as well as they ran away.
Clara was walking up, the cauldron floating by her shoulder as she walked around town. She planted it beside her, not noticing Bird Skull as the demons fled. The town’s people returned as well, spears, knives, and pitchforks in their hands as they killed any demon caught in the scent of the warding pot.
“There! A Major Demon!” Clara looked over and covered her mouth. It was Bird Skull, retching and hacking as the warding pot sapped his strength. The potion was stronger against major demons, which was why he had yet to escape. The townspeople were grabbing him by the arm and hoisting him up. He coughed more frantically. No… he was… speaking.
“No!” His strangled voice was hard to understand. “S-Stop! Please stop! I’m not a monster!” Clara felt a pang in her heart. She should look away. Demons were crafty. Yet, he had saved her, and defended her from demons so she could create this potion, knowing it would affect him. It was a selfless act. That, and his eyes. His voice. Clara’s eyes widened as she saw the tattoos on his arm. She rushed forward, shoving people out of her way. There was a man pressing a knife to the demon’s throat as he struggled weakly. He tried and speak again, but he was silenced. The blade was drawing blood.
“CEASE!” Clara grabbed the man by the shoulder and pulled him away, shoving him behind her. She rose her hand to her mouth and bit her finger till blood dripped from it. She reached out to draw something on Bird Skull’s forehead while chanting. When she finished, the bloody rune glowed red before the blood seemed to merge with Bird Skull’s skull, leaving the blood rune in place. She looked at the people around her.
“This demon is MY familiar now! He is under MY command, he is MY responsibility, and he under MY protection!” The towns people seemed to bristle, but the mumbles spread across the group. After all, she had saved their town and their lives. “Now BACK away from MICHAEL!!!” Blood was staining her teeth and dripping from her fingers. The demon at her side slowly stood… and began to change. As Clara turned around, she found herself face to face with the same black-haired man from the tavern. He looked down at her with tear filled red eyes.
“Y-You want… you want a demon like me?” Michael asked her gently. His arms were stiff at his side. He was in his usual clothes, but his cloak was gone.
“Half demon.” Clara corrected as she reached up and stroked his cheek to wipe away a tear. “Otherwise you wouldn’t HAVE a human form. And of course, I want you. You saved my life.” Michael sniffled a little, but smiled. “And…” She pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his. Michael’s eyes went wide. His hands lifted and landed on her shoulder. After a second pulled her closer. “You are a great kisser.” She whispered with a playful light in her eyes. Michael smiled down at her.
“And I REALLY need help cleaning my house.”
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lovelylunarwriting · 7 years
Gryffindor!Mingyu & Slytherin!Minghao
Has a yearly tradition of buying one of every single snack when the lady with the cart of goodies passes him on the train 
He's not wizard born, both his parents are muggles, so his first year he was like "weird looking/moving food? Sign me tf up" 
It's been tradition ever since 
Let's be real it's the main reason that Soonyoung and DK sit with him on the train rides 
Once during the prank war between Gryffindors and Slytherins (see Hufflepuff!Joshua and Slytherin!Jihoon post to understand), Chan slipped him what he thought was a shrinking potion. •But in actuality it was a growing potion. 
So 6 foot tall Mingyu became 9 foot tall Mingyu 
The effects of the potion latest a week and Mingyu had to be excused from quidditch practice because he couldn't fit on the broom... 
Was peer pressured by Seungcheol to join the quidditch team and is like "mehhh" about it until you get the the quidditch game 
Then he's competitive and determined af 
The reason Seungcheol wanted him on the team is because he saw Mingyu sprint across the castle from the dining hall to divination because he lost track of the time and was gonna be late, and Seungcheol was like "if he can run that fast for that long, how fast do you think he could fly??" 
The answer to that is pretty damn fast as they both found out at tryouts 
He ends up becoming one of the chasers for the Gryffindor team 
The only thing Mingyu had to practice a lot to get good at was catching the freaking quaffle because he's a clumsy giant and kept dropping it accidentally 
Mingyu: *drops quaffle from 100ft in the air* 
Seungcheol: "gOd dAMn iT, go get it!!" 
Is dorm roomies with Seungcheol and very happy about it 
Just came here to have a good time and learn magic n stuff but Seungcheol and Vernon are always dragging him into their messes 
Seungcheol and Vernon are always tryna prank the Slytherins but Mingyu just wants to live in peace and not be targeted for revenge 
It's hard for him to stay inconspicuous when it comes to pranking because he's really freaking tall (he literally stands out of a crowd) and has like the worst poker face. Precious tol bean 
Mingyu: *walks into the dining hall with a really awkward/uncomfortable smile* 
Chan: *blows whistle* "TAKE COVER" 
All the Slytherins duck under their tables and then the cakes that were on those tables explode 
Seungcheol and Vernon just look at Mingyu with the most disappointed look 
They learn to stop including Mingyu if they want to be successful 
Anyway moving on 
Every year, the new first years are kid of wary/cautious around him because he seems like a tall, intimidating guy 
But then he runs into a pillar or almost falls off the moving stairs and they're like "oh. he's fine" 
Generally a tall innocent meme who just wants to live peacefully but... naw lol his clumsiness and friends liven up things 
He enjoys it and appreciates them but he won't say it directly 
He'll bake Seungcheol and Vernon cookies or some shit and they're just so skeptical about it 
Vernon: "did you poison these? Have we personally wronged you somehow? Idk what it was but I'm sorry please don't kill me with these" 
Seungcheol: "no no I don't think that's it, he would have nowhere to hide our bodies. I think he did something wrong and we're gonna lose house points or something so he's trying to get on our good side before it comes to light" 
Mingyu: "wow I literally just made you cookies and I've been personally attacked. I'm gonna eat all three dozen of these with the Hufflepuffs, they're way nicer than you guys" 
Seungcheol: "Mingyu we're sorry come bACK" 
And Mingyu does come back and the positive vibe is restored via eating cookies and goofing off, what these three do best 
Was really psyched to go to a wizarding school because he didn't have any wizard/witch friends growing up 
Until he got on the train and saw Vernon try to snort smarties because Soonyoung told him "it's a thing the muggle kids do" 
Minghao was freaking out on the inside like "dear god... They're idiots... I thought wizards would be more mindful people like me..." 
So he decided to keep observing the people on the train before actually initiating a conversation with anyone 
He sat down in an empty seat and started 'reading', but he was actually listening to everyone interact and figuring out who he might be able to tolerate for the next seven years 
The thing that got him to finally decide someone was okay to talk to was when Seungcheol accidentally elbowed Jun in the face as they were passing each other in the narrow hall of the train, and Jun started swearing in Chinese because ow 
Minghao looked up from his book so fast he got whiplash but was like "HIM. IT HAS TO BE HIM" 
Minghao's thinking "we can talk shit about people right in front of them and they won't know what we're saying" (honestly, friendship goals) 
And he's also thinking "if I have a friend that speaks my native language, maybe I won't feel so homesick" but he doesn't acknowledge that feeling because he's tryna be tough 
So Minghao walks over to Jun and is like "you okay?" in Chinese and Jun is just like !!! New Chinese buddy?? 
They sit together and by the end of this train ride they're close friends and have talked a lot of shit. About eVeRyOnE except that one kid Joshua because like they tried to find something bad to say about him and literally couldn't?? Like why is an angel on this train?? 
They gossip lightheartedly, obviously they're not really hating on everyone 
They're just being like "how many times do you thing Vernon will silently stare at Seungkwan until he stops talking and pays attention to him" 
Casually blunt observers 
Turns out Jun and Minghao both planned to try out for the quidditch team even before they got to Hogwarts 
The Slytherins captain at the time was like "listen all you people wanting to try out, it's not gonna be easy" 
The people who really wanted a position on the team were the ones who stuck through all the tough drills and training 
And the only two left in the end for the two open spots were Jun and Minghao 
Minghao earned the position of beater (not even a little surprised) and Jun was made a Chaser 
The literal definition of resting bitch face. He does not look approachable by any means if he's by himself 
He also looks really stylish in his robes by adding accessories and doing his make up real nice, etc. But to some people that can be a little off-putting because wow?? This person has their shit together enough to accessorize?? I sure don't.  
So that adds to the 'unapproachable' vibe. 
But when Minghao is talking to one of his friends, he has the cutest happy expression on his face 
The kind of loving look that everyone wants someone to look at them like that 
At first everyone thought that Minghao and Jun were dating because they spent so much time together 
When someone nosy *COUGH CouGH s e u n g k w a n* asked them about it, it ended up a lil something like this 
Jun: "you think I'm dating Minghao? I have standards, don't kid yourself" 
Minghao: "why would I date the moron who's probably backhugged every other boy in this school. Do I look like the kind of person to settle for an idiot like that" 
Jun & Minghao: *shrug at each other, fist bump, and walk away together* 
Seungkwan: "????? the fuck" 
So yeah they're not dating, just besties that enjoy roasting not only other people, but each other 
Because let's be real if you can't roast your friends, are you really even friends??? 
When it comes to the prank war... You do nOT want to go up against Jun and Minghao 
Because they only prank together and they have no mercy 
Like you thought Monsta X's No Mercy would make you cry?? Jun and Minghao's wrath is worse 
Y'all thought getting hexed by Jihoon was bad... At least that only lasts like 15 minutes, max. (Except for that one time... poor Seokin... but that's a whole other story) 
These assholes will prank you until you break and beg them to stop 
They will not stop until you admit that they win 
If you tell them they've won, they'll never bother you again. 
They don't do any really harsh pranks, they just keep bothering you incessantly until you give up 
Jun is mainly the execution of these pranks, and Minghao is the brains behind it 
Moral of the story, don't try to fuck with them
Minghao's favorite class is Care of Magical creatures and I will fight anyone who disagrees with me 
He tries to be cool, like "hmm I'm a Slytherin, I don't care too much for this" but homeboy skips his classes sometimes just to go pet and feed the hippogriffs (catch me sobbing, what a soft cutie) 
If you ask him nonchalantly a question about a creature he'll pull up a projector and show you a PowerPoint full of fun facts about whatever creature you asked about, full of adorable pictures of said creature 
Even if it's a visually... challenged... deadass ugly creature, Minghao will describe it like it is the most precious thing and will convince you that it is precious. Because no one has the heart to disagree with this boy who's so excited about these creatures?? 
He is accidentally very cute 
Just wants to be seen as independent and manly but is a spacey and cute boy
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