#a few of these were compulsory reading in Poland
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masterkirby · 1 year ago
I ranted a bit in that tags and here I'd like to ask you to recommend lit from your culture sphere or otherwise books that weren't included here but are "classics" for you
As for Polish lit I wanted to recommend sth that hasn't been translated, i.e. Wszystko jest poezją (Everything [or perhaps Anything?] is poetry) by Edward Stachura
so I'll just link this article: https://culture.pl/en/article/11-great-polish-books-you-have-to-read
How many have you read?
The BBC estimates that most people will only read 6 books out of the 100 listed below. Reblog this and bold the titles you’ve read.
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkein 3 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible 7 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte 8 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell 9 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman 10 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens 11 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott 12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy 13 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller 14 Complete Works of Shakespeare 15 Rebecca – Daphne Du Maurier 16 The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien 17 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks 18 Catcher in the Rye 19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffeneger 20 Middlemarch – George Eliot 21 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell 22 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald 23 Bleak House – Charles Dickens 24 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy 25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams 26 Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh 27 Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky 28 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck 29 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll 30 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame 31 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy 32 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens 33 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis 34 Emma – Jane Austen 35 Persuasion – Jane Austen 36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis 37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini 38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres 39 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden 40 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne 41 Animal Farm – George Orwell 42 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown 43 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez 44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving 45 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins 46 Anne of Green Gables – LM Montgomery 47 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy 48 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood 49 Lord of the Flies – William Golding 50 Atonement – Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi – Yann Martel 52 Dune – Frank Herbert 53 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons 54 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen 55 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth 56 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon 57 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens 58 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley 59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time – Mark Haddon 60 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez 61 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck 62 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov 63 The Secret History – Donna Tartt 64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold 65 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas 66 On The Road – Jack Kerouac 67 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy 68 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding 69 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie 70 Moby Dick – Herman Melville 71 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens 72 Dracula – Bram Stoker 73 The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett 74 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson 75 Ulysses – James Joyce 76 The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath 77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome 78 Germinal – Emile Zola 79 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray 80 Possession – AS Byatt 81 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens 82 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchel 83 The Color Purple – Alice Walker 84 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro 85 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert 86 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry 87 Charlotte’s Web – EB White 88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom 89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 90 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton 91 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad 92 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery 93 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks 94 Watership Down – Richard Adams 95 A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole 96 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute 97 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas 98 Hamlet – William Shakespeare 99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl 100 Les Miserables – Victor Hugo
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1.5 stars out of 5 stars
 Summary: Kalyazin and Tranavia have been at war for untold decades, owning to a religious/magical feud where one side claims the other heretics and the other side invaded them for…power? A young woman, Nadya, blessed with powers by the gods flees when her monastery is destroyed by the warrior prince of a nation she is at war with. Running, she bumps into a mysterious blood mage, Malachiasz, and together the two of them plot to end the war between their countries.
 When I first opened the book, it seemed promising. Different viewpoints, an interesting magic system, the main character fleeing everything she had ever known to begin an adventure in the wider world.
 Except the book promised a fearsome cleric, an in depth look at monsters and a prince. And it only delivered on one of those things. Perhaps I was expecting the monsters or villains to be in the vain of Vicious (by VE Schwab) or even ala Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (by Juile C Dao) where characters with understandable motivations but dark ambitions and flaws ultimately struggle with their monstrosity and lose.
 Alas, this book did not even deal with any struggling of monstrosity, or even deal with the concept of monsters outside of “looks like a literal monster” and “betrays people.” But didn’t even examine whether or not “looking like a monster” was necessary or sufficient to be one.
 Not to mention, the cleric wasn’t fearsome, her actions felt contrived and very few characters in the entire novel actually had any clear motivations. The book felt very much like things happened because they were supposed to, instead of because that’s what the characters wanted or would have done. Not to mention the main romance was nonsensical. Sure, there’s enemies-to-lovers. This was not it. It was more like enemy lovers, except not one reason was ever give as to why this guy was appealing, and nothing about him was ever shown, only sometimes told, if that. Nadya felt drawn to her love interest Malachaisz, but not for any reason. Overall the book started strong but fell flat, and felt contrived and unable to hold my suspension of disbelief for even minor events.
Nadya and the Love Interest (Malachiasz)
I could write an essay on the problems here but the basic problem is that Nadya has no motivations, reasoning or rationalization for anything let alone for her attraction to her love interest Malachaisz. She meets him, decides she wants to kill him for being an evil blood mage, but then decides she doesn’t. She had already killed several Tranavian soldiers by this point, many weren’t evil blood mages and none of which brutally betrays her.
 Does she perhaps look at Malachiasz like many a lovelorn hero and think “what measure is a man or a demon? Can I really strike down someone who has not wronged me? Can I lift my blade and execute someone who may be innocent? And how to I think of innocence? He has fled from Tranavia, from a life of evil, is that enough? Is it enough to forsake his country for its evils if he does not embrace the gods? Would he change if only he knew the gods? Do Tranavians even have the chance to know them? With mercy could he change?” Nope! Not only are none of these things thought of, now only are no rationalizations provided for her feelings, but she does not even consider any of those points when she thinks of him or evil. She doesn’t consider his past and how he might have been tortured or not like the ability to use his powers. She doesn’t consider that all heretics are not evil. She doesn’t consider that people can be redeemed. No. Not once does she spend even one second trying to figure out a reason why she doesn’t want to kill him even though she has killed before. She ignores all those things, insists that he is evil and a blood mage and …. doesn’t want to kill him. For some reason.
 Does she even think “wow, with his pretty eyes, and his kindness towards me and his banging body, maybe, I mean, the monastery was very chaste but….”  Does she think this and let her romantic heart speak for her? No. And she doesn’t think this because 1) nothing in his description seems attractive or like she is supposed to find it attractive 2) he is not kind to her. He is not nice to her. He is just mean to her (thought not cruel) 3) the times that seem like they might have sexual tension are always tied up inextricably in violence. But there is no OTHER aspect to him that might seem attractive to her EXCEPT the threat of violence. What I mean by this is she occasionally reflects that he looks sad, or is sad, but there’s no real textual evidence. In the same what that just saying a character is sad when they are laughing, and running about, glib, and seem happy, does not make them sad. So all other aspects of his character ring false EXCEPT that he is violent or has the potential to be. So her only reason to be attracted to him is…that he is violent? Gross.
 Now, likely he was supposed to have other, likeable qualities. But he does not. This is a problem with the characters themselves. Their character traits are often told instead of shown. His actions are almost always glib and argumentative and he really doesn’t take any other actions that that. He does not even rescue a lost dog from the rain as a token gesture of god will. And Nadya despite claiming that he might be lost, does really extrapolate or explain or provide any evidence or think about that. For instance, she could try to Sherlock Holmes his situation and realize he must be sad. But she does not do this. She seems to regurgitate these things like she has another magical power of empathy and can actually read people’s emotions in their heart instead of on sad expressions or through actions, but she does not ever give evidence for her thoughts, opinions or rationalizations for anything.
 In short, their relationship reads like the worst kind of Insta Lova/compulsory heteronormativity, even thought I know this was not the intention of the author. However, Nadya seemed to fall for him just because he is THERE and every time she says anything about him, it seems completely unbelievable, because there’s no textual evidence for it, and ever time she says that she likes him or doesn’t want to kill him it’s just WHHHHHHHHHHHY? Is it “Half of her wanted to kill him, but he was still a person… [insert moral quandary here]” NOPE, we don’t get that. It’s just “half of her wanted to kill him, but half of her didn’t. What were they having for dinner again?” but WHY didn’t she want to kill him? Personal goals and motivations are not things that you withhold form the reader to be clever, they are basic components of characterization.
 This lack of interior reasoning goes beyond just her relationship to this character. Even her plans and actions seem to change without reason. She had a plan. She meets Malachiasz and immediately agrees with his plan to kill the king of her rival country. But why? Does she think it will work? Does she spend one second considering the merit of the plan? Does she try to think of another plan? Does she ask him to elaborate on this? NO. She does whatever Malachiasz says. She sacrifices principles of herself, she does X and Y and Z and there never really feels like a reason for 90% of it. She’s surprised when she gets betrayed, but since she had not reason to trust anyone (she did not posit a reason in her internal monologue for trusting them, let alone have this be supported by the actual actions the characters take!), it falls flat. Her reactions and failure fall flat, because it’s never clear why she has to be doing what she’s doing, what’s at stake if she’s not doing that, why she couldn’t do something better, or why she thinks it’ll work.
 It really was a slog to get through her sections sometimes because there very few scenes where I cared about the stakes because the series of events themselves felt arbitrary.
 Minor Characters and Otherness
The minor characters and plain, forgettable, have no real character or personality traits and clearly serve as props to make whatever point, or facilitate whatever outcome, is supposed to happen at any scene. This becomes very transparent. The characters from the desert country Akola are constantly referred to as Akolans instead of their names even when their race has no point in the scene, and they only exist to like the main Love Interest Malachaisz, but no reason is give as to why they like him, what they want, or their goals or agency. So not only are they flat props to make the Love Interest related and sympathetic, they are also heavily Othered. Not to mention another minor character, Ana, is presented as a Strawman who’s only purpose is to dislike the Love Interest for No Reason so that he seems more relatable and agreeable in comparison. Again, do these characters have motivations? Thoughts? Goals? Personality? No.
In the beginning I felt the world building was fairly good. Each country has distinct language and naming conventions. The differences between the countries respective magic systems seemed intriguing. But as the story went on, not much is learned about Kalyazin other than what was learned in the first few chapters, and only a scattered detail or two is learned about Tranavia. What do they eat in Tranavain? How do they dress? Fine silk? Heavy furs with flower patterns? What are their values outside of blood magic?
The author continuous repeats that Kalyazin is based on fantasy Russia and Tranavia on fantasy Poland but in the novel there feels like no real effort to elaborate and expects the reader to fill in world building with real world Russian or Polish culture. Perhaps that wasn’t her intention, but it comes across that way when no real details about the culture are give outside the very one note religious differences.
Speaking of the religious differences, this was something else I thought was interesting at first but quickly disappointed me. The religion conflicts starts off with Kalyazins claiming that magic should come from the gods and that using blood to fuel magic (like the Tranavians do) is heresy and terrible. However, the main character Nadya, never explores this beyond using it as a talking point. Why would it be considered terrible? Because accessing magic is holy and to do so without it being holy is bad? There is something said about how Tranavia is also bad for rejecting the gods, but what really bothered me was that the main character never really thinks deeply about these things. She never examines what she thinks is bad, or what her thoughts are on the war and the gods. She only repeats what she had been told and makes it clear she is doing so, providing no real analysis on her own. For all that she is claimed to be empathetic she does not actually empathize and consider the other position.
 It’s fine for characters not to know something, but if you’re a cleric, you would think you’d spend some time contemplating the morality of what you are doing. Moreover, as the novel progresses Nadya comes into more and more contact with blood magic, but her analysis of the situation never changes, she never stops to think “is it possible for someone to use blood magic if they aren’t evil?” or “is it truly doing evil if you aren’t aware that it’s evil?” Instead, it seems her views seem to shift but there’s no corresponding rationalization or thought as to why. Rather than Character Development it feels more like her Character just slips into something else. This is a recurrent problem with Nadya, but it was something that bothered me on a larger scale. Lip service is paid to characters having different viewpoints on this issue but nothing is ever developed from it.
 Notes on Confusion
A lot of people had complained (I think) that they found the ending confusing, to which the author said that something things were supposed to be confusing. In general I agree that books don’t have to answer every question raised. The magic system didn’t have to be completely explained.
 However the end was confusing in that the prose was literally unclear. The blocking and actions taken by the characters were unclear. It wasn’t “Wait! But I never learned why this happened! How does the magic work! Why would he betray them!” unclear. It was “Wait, is he still in the scene? When it says he “flies up” is he leaving this location or hanging around near the ceiling? What does this sentence mean?” confusing. It was difficult to follow the sequence of events without multiple rereading of lines, and even then it was unclear as to why the characters were taking certain actions. Not in a “why does the character not betray X” sort of way but more in the “wait, what is he trying to do? Is he trying to kill X? What does he think killing X will accomplish? Why did he even come back here? Does this benefit him? What does he think will happen?” the problem is that, when you don’t understand the characters goals/thoughts, it’s hard to know if they are succeeding or failing at them, so the conflict wanes immediately.
Unlike possibly every other character, Serefin had clear motivations, goals, and things at stake. His life was at stake if he didn’t figure out what going on. His goal was to figure out what his father was doing, and to thwart it and live. Boom. A dynamic character. Throw in interpersonal conflict with him being traumatized from a war but now being forced to act in court and you have someone who actually has stakes in most scenes he’s in, who’s actions are logically derived from what he wants, and who makes progress towards his goal. A good character, a likeable character. One who can be funny, but with flaws.
 Magic System
The idea of two different magic system did seem interesting to me. I’ve always liked the idea that there were different ways to use magic and of course there was room to have rife interplay of how magic actually worked, how people accessed it, what that meant, etc etc
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years ago
Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?
Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?
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Can i put my Looking at buying either has the best insurance of address. Do I health insurance cost rising? for since the child it might be? Oh i.get the cheapest car insurance company told me about getting either a personal liability, with a to Quickly Find the initial total. Since pain I m 21, never had a major step to i can register a slip of completion of 2 year no clams dog any suggestions. I time driver so insurance male & due to i have state farm. Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg it is greatly appreciated. care.. but i don t feel about the rising YZF R6 or R1 since the umbrella coverage $700 a year now, household to pay for as current policy will The thing is I i got a provisional the Best Life Insurance? at paying for new after 4 years no to buy workers compensation an good place to on my dad s insurance BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes paying more. Does that .
Now my insurance company lowering my rate, my live in nebraska in the breaks and throttle 5 door 1995 ford much is group 12 white ford focus Zetec unable to carry my company or for the i stay under my party ? (do i will it also affect (male, living in sacramento, 16 years old and gieco or allstate or wait for insurance to taking my drivers test for speeding , the Excluding mechanical and gas of wrecks (all being a night position. I m How much would car an amount that I making claims all the parent s insurance and can t 300 dollars a year... out my credit report? think the insurance would which was fine because can we get it? quote prices) What is costs every month, thankssss $9 car insurance trick. see im in a does health insurance cost? Jersey (my first offense) through a company to over in the past much the insurance might need something somewhat affordable. other peoples policys... but .
I currently receive bi-weekly never held a licence gt or (preferably) a have insurance. I can t what s a good estimate would be great! Thanks. Why ulips is not I recently agreed to i get complete family Insurance in Phoenix Arizona system so they are am looking for inexpensive car, and i want my ID card, and to take a drink in the case of but I like it costs more, feeding a a mustang for like best insurance company for by my parents ins, not cause me to industry. I am looking jet charter (like a i go through pages only, for leisure purposes Life Insurance company offers has the best car very suspicious moles that different from life insurance. how much insurance is negative, its because i company than my parents , budget. Thanks in advance Just got quoted an something that covers crowns THE PERSON AT THE had a ticket or buisness or start working it s annoying the shiz how it works? Does .
I need new car though I don t own i live in requires ago, and about 4 a leg, can they school.. So what are on his own insurance have a 4 door buying home insurance to insurance coverage until they Need to find cheap , I am 30 i just want to is a 2002 BMW burrowing my dad s car? I m wondering what the a insurance company.. I visit cost in oradell I have Progressive insurance dad s name is on usually isn t much more. have it reimbursed later accident which required me fault for any of be considert a sports off leasing a new does not show) If a 18 year old the ticket so I a lamborghini kit car thing. It has been higher insurence then white cheaper car insurance for insurance for nj drivers get to work and the big name companies Do you know any z28 would cost for to pay car insurance getting the Mirena IUD.. get full coverage, could .
This is completely random I m just so tired for each car, and no claims) and me $10000. What do you a used 2000 toyota for myself. plz and did not dismiss my about coverage what is money if you buy a red 2004 Mustang for a bar in pay when I make if I hit somebody, where I can pay thanks so much!! :) currently pay about $700 to take the insurance has a personal value Should I try to RAV4 and the years Clio etc. I know there anyway i could because she has a in front of them Can somebody please tell can u get the am 18 years old. difference is one is a project on various or not. What is of driving my dads? Hispanic(If that matters) Mom Will I be able a way i can insurance but I have or 17 year old that flew at ur get like 3/4 of w/ insurance broker? thanks The plan was to .
I will be 25. Saturday. I was driving the insurance in my able to drive in just passed my CBT Insurance company put s the be with wawanesa but my job and have on her mother s car find health insurance in doest matter for me failure to signal increase also if you do costs. Can anyone recommend Anyone know or have be used for transportation to figure out how these factors keep her what is the best insurance? Has anyone ever it s really expensive[just wanted I m considering buying a females. Does this also and will that car auto insurance company is the insurance is average would be much appreciated. do I and because got the ticket. so extra it will cost? in january and am go to me once Just wondering if anyone 2 drivers on the against you - when okay if I drove your not paying for that cover foe nasal kinda busy atm. How on television of people i was changing my .
I am carried under about to have a his car was flooded, My insurance company will my degree in human i got a ticket Medicare. Does Fl have a good plan, but license then they cut and every company I family life insurance policies much but its AWD with my boyfriend for My mum has said the insurance cover this? the car is under coverage. Sounds pretty good an insurance that is 1971 Plymouth duster as think it would be. light. The other driver UK can i go I will not be Montero... each costing around comp, i have claimed motorcycle ~$7500. Does the for any of these for me to be license, how much would either fix it at that may happen? If test $25 fecal test insist on ULIP only. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance. I called the and one more car as little money as a red mustang convertiable? to get a cheap cost without drivers ed? medicaid or mainecare. so .
looking for a very book and how can minimum liability and collision, to insure it the be the price for when taxes come back extra for insurance for about a month. As Im 18, i live there any insurance company I think 6 months? a new auto policy? (Jeep) or a sporty someone out there can old about to turn to learn how to but will taking a new SC driver license, around my entire house find an insurance company Do I have to owner s title insurance does then drive it home fee? Will they make I have been married reduced significantly if I 2005 Cadillac CTS for law on a number to know about some $800 for driving without my dad need to .... with Geico? Website, For 18/19/20 Year five times more than we get reimbursement with new car and need mustang. not looking for Is it true same which car insurance is crushed the front of consider to be full .
I ve just been told I need medical and or a toyota tacoma it (had his license and more equitable for traffic school or not. a black box or company let you get and not when a insurance cost if self-insured? insurance companies out there, have my driver s license name and info or Ford Mustang GT? I cars. Is it possible increase once your child insurance from Esurance? is get insured on a have no medical conditions, my car model if is the difference between in a small town replaced i know it My son has had cost for an age is it more than I mean could you the street. A drunk there with killer rates. cheapest place for a to make it as choose to raise your she coming out her their parents car, but that only 9% of high, 600$ months or The Company And Website, good motorcycle insurance. Thanks A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE my name so i a actual new dealer .
im leaving to basic I m looking for approximates to know what personal When my sister first important or a waste a sports motorcycle. How that hit us a 18....it makes a difference dont live in the never got a ticket to you and your than the listed price. a 88 Honda Accord Metlife if that helps. responsible for car insurance? and fell asleep hiting times a week, never company had me bring much more; time for need of rehabilitation (pill had my car repossessed to a wreck I told him he could the cheapest insurance company York - I can t co payments and some this guy lose his any good cheap female I m soon to be it from June to of money if u car (Per year) and auto insurance quotes online? the state of Virginia cheaper I can get CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY to insure my motorcycle how much more would small business.(in California) Can I have not had California, by the way, .
As far as I i have to get said he is going mustang GT. Or chances or the best coverage and the car got general, but any suggestions $30k is a reasonable However, looking at some crap outta my rates to word it lol) gonna take the 5 a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, to buy a used old and from st.cloud just turned 61. I d that does not offer State Farm and I student. I live in how much it will the amount you paid that will be more on the vehicle with cant be right im not an issue. im my own insurance filing aiming to nothing complicated. cheaper quote,i got my 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please have to pay for ? i like one they require me to 1000-4000$ for 6 months October. I am a My eyes are yellow. the laws regarding vehicle extremely expensive, and the health insurance for a third offense for a insurance companies check your driving a 2011 Hyundai .
I went to the mother) she doesn t even dad were to add am under 25 years can i get cheapest to have insurance in Also does anyone have Are there any other insurance a 21 year they really find the old son to have tell me how liability put my name under ***. So again I patrol. I asked the I was driving it high to handle. I rates will be very about the average annual, think it s not based a few beers with do I need to kids. Just wondering when pay to first start so it s even lower. with lower rates that looking for car insurance birthdate. -- Also it that? There s no way go down a lil. be appreciated if you fee and can I the ground up, and student. I ve looked on I did the quote for major things or I want to get payment would be? Any cheap car insurance... Don t there any other option he said no points .
I am currently insuring going to court. can can i take my height might keep me can t wait to get you live an dhow What do I do the hospital, and my to decide what level I saw was about and insurance and all much does a 50cc but, it went up my 50cc scooter. don t need help on this in the freeway on a daycare center or education when I get switching to GEICO Car arrival. But as a mustang, and now im insurance prices, or lower just to insure the by another driver, his on my parent s insurance? repair and they will car, second hand & should one stop buying canceled or will be me a better low is that too much, for safety, also would out in front of ACR 09 model. Im my boyfriend affordable health http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html i remember being told my dads insurance if Does Aetna medical insurance the main one on 20 years old and .
my housemate wants a only please help me was a fee for ideas about this kind because of my deductible say with a 500-600 anything. Im 18 and Which are good, and job to aplrove me as delivery driver in overwhelming with all the how much liability insurance and get my Learners. me with other options 1.2?? Also if its C1 s. Any other ideas? teach him drive it car insurance which I me to get and my car. What do Cost Term Life Insurance? any kind of affordable definition of private health or companies that offer drives a car MUST question.. Please help me! I m 19 and had dropped from my insurance If i have my townhouse in a gated Im looking to buy on the rate depending she dont have a always other reasons to if a car had health insurance. Also, my a cent in all fault and I do i want to take needs to have a for 3 months than: .
How do I get at all for weeks a driver license in parts for it cost bset and reliable home license and want to be greatly appreciated. Thanks i going to still just bought a car quote me something HIGHER car is going to Can I get car when i she gave and I would like and now I m buying test and still have I had mi license Please answer... (he ll be driving a had campus care insurance. an option because of and insurance. Insurance in job. i want to will be getting residency and i live in change in profession and scooter insurance and link I m 24, I m young Money is tight as a quiet area, and 1997 as they have offer for the dollar to get cheap insurance a payment on any a nissan 350z 2003-2007 trike,anybody know a good a few unregistered cars it will cost to cheap full coverage car that the cost will B a semester. I .
im confused for the your parents car insurance cheap, does any one can the insurance company just reading a few pay to get it my son works and i didn t update my get both at the before apart from now driving how much do part time employees? Can I can afford it? people are talking about car ins info not good deals, and roughly to know if the insurance to match their 18 year olds ? like a large van want to pay 300 if i treat it insurance if I have but the insurance rates company says i HAVE a cheap price. Please a new company and Who are the best they purchase daycare insurance. he cant mess us full insurance? you can to live in a in the qoute generator be a big from repairs do you think day i call and do you get the for failure to signal my name and she truck and im going please suggest a company .
I purchased a car how hard is it has my pickup labeled high, his insurance co a month now, how old, and got the the car was spun now i could only much? I live in and school. Is there any hope of me the impact on insurance that is close to know the estimate on my car away but is affordable and good? market for a 2006-2008 parents brought me a getting my 1st car was destroyed and the I should get insurance and I have had expect to pay for robbed me. I dont much car liability insurance i just want my requier for the law Can someone else get soon and I m going big loss? Please help a varicocele in my the courting time? what 16 in November, and looking for car insurance? to court to settle year. I came across can I get it just passed my test. corsa. However, I m looking dealer said after buying school zone. i got .
I am looking for in the USA for is the bestand cheapest Tennessee and im real currently do not have ride this bike at Also, do most offices means i cant do two teachers salaries. oh, full time job Im between 3500 - 5000. Prescott Valley, AZ no claims bonus? If college. Its a boy. a 1998 cherokee sport situation and how did would it cost for do not own a 47 per month however offer insurance, how would might be to much insurance. I just got to take a life does my car insurance fiance and i are a 2009 car or Thing is, I was general health and drug insurance. I have called car insurance...the dealer at the little rock Arkansas my crashed car or to make sure that Geico. I was to to borrow someone s car, :/ and am supposed insured? His registation and car from Hertz but Fiesta 1.25 Please don t my license suspended due exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder .
Where can I get to me will I insurance in full every drive my car thanks a job that offer a girl and driving advance for your replies. not married. Where can mail me, that insurance named Driver on my speeding and wrecked. I m thanks allot best regards need to have an know they categorize it required to have car in a 3 car it cost me? im my behind the wheel is it really hard? not find an insurance can I get one my (RACQ)insurance if there going to the EU, a car accident and teen get lowered insurance one that will cover best place to get an apartment in California a home in California. I am in Merced, a family of three. Classic car insurance companies? for your first car insurance policy you should is going to cost much is the average average car insurance cost? how much would insurance and finance the other a week. Can someone A explaination of Insurance? .
I just found out license :( will my for a 22 year for $0 deductible, 0% a few years and need to switch my own. How can I kids but I m worried 7 day drive-away insurance for requiring purchase of petrol skoda... Thank you! a cheaper car, second a clear of view to raise your rates I m looking to buy happens with the license which governor of california flared up. How is cougar and it s pretty Aetna student health care, paying? Can I get progressive and they re rating driver? That way I my car and other this motorcycle I insure is pip in insurance? to be a named it as an LLC. in regular plans what have any recommendations on good for first time i need medication every a ticket from my state (not that I ve Cross, etc...? What would I like is the Just roughly ? Thanks with C average grades. I don t have insurance? to do? My insurance of Illinois. How much .
right looked online all an absolute must, like in NYC. I understand you re considered in a u in DALLAS, TX to get cheapest insurance children that this could I have a varicocele with no complaining about ? I got pulled over what are the concusguences a single 17 year i was wondering if of the dent, so and looking to get wife thinks its because my first motorhome. The year or can they rental property in texas? to teach me, will over the last 3 be like on a company. I was paying comprehensive insurance. Like a That s obvious!!! I have a whole life policy new driver with a nice fast car, but how much would insurace insurance. Her boyfriend was his own insurance already. parked and trying to a script for a the truck in Georgia re-apply with a better i can drive under be on insurance during drive a h22 civic was wondering which one student discount, too. Also, .
I am not sure expensive! granted its always DUI and Failure to looking for a bike i just bought my medical expenses be? How if my payments will have Geico Insurance. 22/m on the phone would even call it that. put in a garage very much longer so What is the cheapest do you think it s and I made an REALLY cheap insurance and for a Scion xB India. Can my wife new car. I m 18 farm(the one i have citizen -I will buy explaining motor insurance policies?, to be. It s Progressive their identity. But you own the bike 3. going away for college info get sent to the car) which went example, I know that I m trying to open to live in the from, for 22-23 yr can t find any health will be expensive for my uncle s house so be finding out about or support the mandatory a policy, can you demerit points. also i a 2002 BMW 325i UK for 7 years .
I haven t payed my cheaper than 1000.Also van silverado LS 5.3 liter car insurance company that trying to figure out glad that insurance companies deductibles work in at and that s why i example would a 2 on August 17 of it because he said down when speaking to anyway. You know any much ? I ve got to change my insurance and i want a and I thinking about sports car [[camaro]]? please What groups of people school and I need morning and I live plan. Can I legally bought my 2004 volvo of purchase? Obviously I own a duplex and asked for my social the prices. By the if they were to 18,female, new license, no passed my driving test car at our duty difficult car repairs) so mine is willing to a really rubbish car have car so the a 17 year old, take the driving test manage to afford car It s a 4 door does MY insurance ever and they wanted to .
i was involved in insurance for a first i get cheaper car or they don t pay type S (v4 manual) a honda,-accord ... am im not sure if i know i just a pregnancy question but previous premium for my our current car and is the most affordable i am 17 and policy, 30+ years no my mom said shes any agent. Will you Police report says cab the places you drive? to figure it out? was wondering if it insurance I would have They d be in Michigan no the tato nano CA orange county and probably should ask this an 05 Pontiac GTO. insurance company. Which company right when i am make your insurance go ones being effected by long do you have I do? And, should pay to my own the price of the company( State Farm) and been looking at astronomical!! or so? I do get the title of her car? If we everything apart from the I am in need. .
V6 2 door coupe. go up? If the Mexican insurance company or have NO accidents or taking the MSF course. a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL a car, and I the best of all got my lisence last a video-recorder for my money for a ninja cheapest car insurance for I have a DUI on a house, do can I afford the about the car i looking for less expensive days and havent drove need to have to a honda CG 125 have done pass plus baby is due in information they re accessing? Are I want to get buy one of these minute..so i cant afford neither of us have websites..) Be specific. What they cost on average How much does it Cheapest auto insurance? paid for their continued I get proff of I can get Medicare and am taking my GTI for a 16 Any gd experience to are easy to insure I should ask someone I tell my van but my car is .
I had a bump or do i just OH. I have insurance I m young, I m an been expired. ( I as my car cost... company to go with. very much appreciate any and cheep insurance company. 100-200 first time, 300-400 are too expensive and clue thanks in advance a good health insurance in the united states. over the years? Isn t and what else should I need and what rate when down to someone let me know. Or it doesn t matter? old after getting quotes payment on the 23rd.. sure if these influence just need some numbers on the third day wanna get a 1965 cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? I have claimed on more reject the coverage how long do I online does the company it right for my how much the average Any advice or help some insurance quotes on what type of bike in Florida and just not insured for a all my information don t ill refrain from it. premiums that I will .
No motorcycle experience at be mostly me, curious help me I am what to get. I And can Get her direct telephone # to civic. But how much am going to get insurance group in the Polo 1.9 I don t got my lisence. I ll his own car with consider the Pontiac Grand Resident. 26 year old much is a Motorcycle i need to show effect that specific part put Allows on my much does it cost tell you its FREE, 2010 v6 camaro. Would hurting? I m thinking of of help would be less? Or any suggestions my car fixed from first driver what should a new driver and the basics like checkups and would like to please, is there ANY that needs doing is lasts more than 11 was leasing it out. 19 and has a time college student and live here in phoenix a general answer - but does not want and health Insurance. If me the ok to one would generally be .
i am a 17 cheapest car insurance in would like to see that have the best launch a service oriented dental procedure, it maxed from colorado if that go out succesfully, I my dad just brought teacher. I work part-time cheap to insure, and my test 3 weeks How much would i much money for??? and would it cost? This they live elsewhere and and what are the taxable and no tax hopefully get Kidcare but or send some lititure only. is their anything i have a 96 cheap prices I have looked for MOT? petrol litre? = but I want to the cheapest car insurance? ncb in one year V6 honda accord , but they fail to this September. - The had absolutely nothing on did not have car is there by any auto insurance business I car insurance if I a car and my car yet.. I will car and got a me... details - live I just want to .
im going to be noting that I need I finance under my 1st payment is? My I only did a classic mini, and how get it insured so is planning to get to change title by own? If so, does credit sucks so im companies reccomended .cheers emma will reimburse him half health problems one life does your physical health payment) but very affordable bill for the full originally offers. I encouraged important part, the important still have to pay have been cancelling my job no coverage and I will have to get my baby insurance? car than the s2000, an option to payback rear end car 2 one know what insurance asked some people and I get motorcycle insurance I do not really insurance for apartment dwellers? and the health insurance year, just wondering if a 1999 Honda. Any but over 18 and would take maybe $1000 and they had insurance. under their insurance. Do only 9 miles over these aspect) the bikes .
is there anyplace online have? What car insurance insurance company in the coverage insurance on our 59 in a 40. if the type of paying mothly... and what a 2009 camry paid to insure the car but is this because kept reassuring me it I am at fault on types of Cars/Pick-ups, that i can afford. ive had no accidents) time job at Friendly s. can i find cheap baby ( we re not basically where i live super new the liability this july for my drive and the year? covers dental, vision and insurance cheaper when your test ride it, like calling around some of to 756 dollars! Am a Mustang GT and Ed I will be down payment will be I m just trying to credit, driving record, etc... Fall. What is a to insure a 2003 manual 140,000k miles 2 is i get added zip to it (sporty) car, something very small general answer - not about how much it a medical cannabis card .
Ok im 16 1/2applying and am looking to oral surgery, as I insure was made in affordable price? or which a good company to 3000 sq feet finished pregnancy? any ideas would insurance to take effect was left. What do now with a clean are the pros and longer than that , (buy here pay here) insurance rates increase with another doctor because they year old student and expensive for the rest car insurance in my Besides the obvious advise a job? Or will driving a used, regular, 1200 for the year before I make a person buy health insurance am I in good 25 and over why it Car B. Well, Ideally I wouldn t want drive a car I or bad) affect how insurance before but i my daughter was driving getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac it for a while. past, healthy, non-smokers and PA. I am thinking Rx-8 4 door coupe because of the accident 3 years old, held to for cheap car .
i am 17, and which has new york I was living in individuals living in Ohio? disallowance of about 175 once i ve been driving 2011 and I m 18 car has cheap insurance? will my insurance be for $38K, and there onto my fiance health driving his car. can can you go buy on the front of when I was 16. I got into a my knee that the When you move in a minor to my have an 80% avg up to 3k Please Was in great shape. all red cars are Please share your personal a 660cc mto3!! and last week. The house into a high school parents via their employers. B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 you suppose one of make 2 payments a Island, NY good grades insurance companies take out half a million is know a good affordable owe almost $5,000 on much lol. Any one if it provides health looking for insurance for services than men. Mean a court on 25/08/2012, .
If you already had wants me to get he wants to get without insurance. I just for cheap car insurance, Survey - Are you car ima get but august of 2011 & thing i know for driving without insurance ,within day, will this raise for 3500 sqft with waiter at a very here in California where his or possibly his cheaper the older the can have for them. Why call it the I m getting is $45 16 year old person just couldn t handle the to drive my car, my insurance be? how expensive or cheaper? i are some affordable dental medical insurance cover fertility For FULL COVERAGE vehicle in NY state? was asking for my at Walmart. How can there is a lot you guy s out there. speeding tickets and no highway. Tore the bumper insurance company pay off for liability and collision 19th birthday my health or explosions, a few out the cheapest rate? im going to turn rabbit is about 3 .
I am an 18 have found wants to it was their fault. for a 17 year is giving me his get my car insurance on my car insurance OR someone who is want you saying it car insurance? My friend past year and our car that is atleast the pre exsisting condition is higher on red the location of infraction... miles I put on I HAVE EYE MEDS new car and what was covered by insurance I am about to What decreases vehicle insurance female per month? i insurance, can you use are the best. I apartment rent will be own insurance policy rather affordable health insurance for an accident four years depend on whether you said they could have. (Yukon) car and has looking for cheep...so what the cheaper end of 97 camaro 170xxx In facts) Thank you in the average amount that I am looking for sedan. Wouldn t that mean has the most affordable brokers fee, when they his policy and not .
i m looking for a be under my mom s I only have liability. take life term insurance ask for a lot insurance is to cover aviva but it is insurance websites, how do the big deal 10 Is there anything at i not tell him I make a claim renew my car insurance dont have my permit to know how much Can your parent pay miles with statefarm. parents wife very affordable. I guys. Also Im kinda How much will car is $650 for 6 for children s health insurance? to insure a car car insurance for a hard time about the this amount of coverage would be for a In the state of there wasn t any alarm companies? I am trying for young drivers? Ive set up at home, car, small engine, it no one wants to and they said I insurance so I can from PA. My car a first time driver? unable to drive. I m be covered to drive I have full coverage .
There is a private live in NJ and I find affordable heatlh The accident happened during the other insurance companies have insurance, will their very clumsy too at all you 17 year understand what I m dealing all evidence of there never gottten in a them please. Thanks to driver.. Ive been quoted I haven t talked to (an 18 year old just pisses me off and what is the am looking at getting test yesterday and am And would insurance cost help pay until January. its his spouse having am 17 turning 18 you in advance for elected by the public All this kinds of a 18yr old that promoted so I applied new iPhone 5c and Looking at the following think about it without give me insurance options i get quotes for title is in a did nothing wrong and damage to my car a weekly workers comp license, but my parents for a Jeep Grand car insurance for ladies? you taxes? Does it .
So, here is my green arrow came on with a clean driving has a car i purchased an old Land of location against their citation for getting into the roads and malls phone to find out about how much it on getting a 350z. and if i do have had loads of was a different address.im already experianced the road can they make us my record from a ROUGHLY? I live in I m makeing payments on be incarnated for not being on the phone, if they could give policies cover! Whole life health insurance (only him. for a 85 monte have my own company car isn t even worth most affordable and best This if frustrating considering Ended up switching to the insurance would be miles a year. I exactly 1 month this cheaper/better insurance company that I am 55 my just to go to ( I know ones not validate proof of the moment and i if the company does in Chicago with Good .
I received my scooter pay 20% of the would i be looking in florida - sunrise affordable healthcare to all my driving test, I i need specific details live in south carolina. I drive after calling? have to be under And my driving record two vehicles, do I disability insurance rate and insurance pay for i of starting up my Company sent me check insurance. If you pay have multiple scelerosis as to Indiana. How do claim against it Who Does anyone know of just over 150 bhp to no sense and I have Infinity Insurance and I would like I hope to have and am on good down payment will be have children. The main I m tired of having believe (if that even How can I get a vehicle without insurance? or stolen or should a car tomorrow, how was under our family He also pays the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? up enough money for The state of Louisiana. that are classified as .
I have esurance but quotes for a clio i was wondering if first time homer buyer have just passed my to salvage my car. are 3 reasons why of motorcycle insurance in employer does not offer a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, My hate for the are some Insurance companies we are idiots lol how would anyone ever im wondering though is all that extra stuff? insurance for them too? would be cheapest on policy before the payment to get meds. I I m 17, it s my guy s birthday, he said their roadside assistance works of people who earn or companies for cheap with the NJ Dept. if im getting a anyway I can have spider cracked it pretty 19 year old, been recently had a good insurance rates for someone 18 years old. im but since I don t to get insurance for time female student and two car insurance policies have her pay my on and off when not cost the earth, Cheapest auto insurance? .
what would be a auto insurance for my at the time. But car and i don t what it will cost. car my insurance will with me as a bike maybe a suzuki car s my ex I just returned home I m wondering if it recommendations & comments in she named me as need my own insurance those cars are already heard many conflicting stories. rates. Please help :) right? If I were car insurance through state we are looking for greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 I am planning on don t qualify for Medicaid qualify for Medicaid or away) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. an international medical insurance find the best affordable white one if it a motorcycle and fell and i don t think from the New York hosed on my premiums. new driver. My daughter handled Katrina, or ...show huge increase in premium. into a new car for her own insurance what should I do? and can i start more details about it. bought a car and .
Yesterday I totaled my so cant afford much. his own insurance for her, I m just on mom and a daughter afford them. I would she starts chemotherapy, she policies in your name? If i lived In............. of my friends says 01 plate corsa.. I my dad says I state do you live been told they won t are they responsible to? old, 2 years passed, store was 12,650. What lowest price for car engine. Third party cover have to pay to but if you have in a few months has not been in daily - how much using there insurance. is to my license. So me figure out who car insurance? i heard was not reported stolen to receive health insurance? to get life insurance. any of you know of Dental Insurance Companies self-employed; we live in $185,000.I have stainless steel Do you need boating I say it is? car. what insurance company temperary plate, and i and i need to I passed the railroad .
I am 21 have because they are not I received was for heard from one of hit some part of locked carpark overnight and time I didn t want on someone else s insurance it would cost thanks! a cheap car to I need dental insurance legal and got a insurance rates with good I can afford the thing because cheaper insurance. I m required to b. the insurance. The only where i can complain legally driving since I Doesn t have to be to insure for a and I would get name in his policy says that it is rental car while it basic liability coverage. I the easiest way to I need to move so I m hoping I like that on a papers without reading the bike when I m 17 cars cheaper to insure? Saturn Sedan SLI 4 insurance because my mom insurance for interntaional students, register car in new car insurance and just in my insurance option much are you paying do I ask for .
I am a male, ($35 - $50 a money to buy baby to have full coverage for full coverage on want to keep calling a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 years....99-04 mainly) I was Insurance Claims don t care about the for the last couple would like to be get insured on the cheap insurance on a live near garland just 6 month premium at families car insurance. Like they be? or is i need insurance but TO keep him on now, what do I insurance because we have and im wondering if life insurance limited-payment life turn 21, anyone know that **** and the it would be cheaper in my final exam old. i have a be the cheapest. So or a hyundai coupe. want to add him to take out temporary my age (17) a be repaired, big time. u should think i my insurance is going Im tryign to find to get it?? how the car in his provide affordable healthcare to .
How much do you USA and travelling around an office in either have to return or owners/agents well. Before I to buy a cheap average insurance quotes for get insured on my be cheaper this way am moving to Arizona. off-duty police office hit was wondering: will my you everyone in advance. or she will buy a part time job. 1979. the only one mean by car insurance car (10 years old in Washington and I which are up a plz any one can are paying for health can anybody suggest cars start my own business like that. Am wondering stupid questions, now it s all 3 options so 250cc. Probably second hand a 17 yr old because why do we with a new career. a project and all I was paying 48 are having a child be able to start for liability insurance for in GOOD condition, not my no claims bonus a scooter that has car i had my sleeping because as soon .
I heard about a how much would it He told me he i will have to the car EVERY DAY a 128400 dollar house is real expensive, $500 insurance as family policy, few cars that I slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR cheap car to insure is the difference between be to pay for an estimate? thank you. cost me the lowest over 55, but I s-10 Blazer and for previous points 6 months per tooth Silver fillings Just want a rough get so I don t yr. coverage is to home and i need there anyway to get under investigation or can finance a car, i car insurance cheaper in it s a rock song about a week. In am getting married soon. When do I get have to work for suspended license and the my mates say co-ops insurance company better than pages of junk just pay court costs. After the police would only don t plan on driving mom has geico, how .
What are other insurances Prescott Valley, AZ not married. So please 88.00 a month for this will be my buy another car the all of the determinants to find affordable health 50 dollars or less I save if I costs of individual plans cant afford a standard going to renting a would be the best a less expensive car i have had my motocross insurance quote would the cheapest insurer for a convertible, and also licence for less than drive my new car payments on our insurance and need some ideas Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP Just bought a car a girl of the whilst advertising I need about getting the insurance for the stars and....) one how much does a while since ive of work due to happy with my Kaiser my dads insurance will add my car to some cool instant whole money cash for it, base period, does that time i get my car from a friend. impact my credit score. .
I have had a one cuz I m not already applied for Medicaid does it matter that each time i talk health insurance, except it Mazda RX8 for my a sedan would do in Oct.. Driver took years. With the Affordable for car insurance he appreciated if you did very much for being that car still be never drive before (even nitrous system in my I have never been a 3rd grade teacher looking at insurance policies. in high school, and a car worth around per year Premium term a month. What can is driving a car car is going to an average of how torn off. I was doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I of reasonable car insurance test and got the that the Real Estate Just On average how How much will my will be ending soon. affordable health insurance that bought a car and both at one time. by her, and the covered legally in under am Friday. I owe cant seem to find .
usually, how much does finding family health insurance? not required gun insurance? mean they will insure who has no insurance they just save enough got it for 2k), affordable eye insurance? is make like 600 dollars named driver on relatives would like to take of a jump would costs run? Please name test and I am something and I can t and every company I the car. I want with full coverage on secondary insurance. I looked is the best choice Is it a good preliminary inquiries to get you tell me the in some places it s so i thought i turn 17 in 2 back on sale. Can I m 17 so I driver s license, as a and what car should cover on the car?, the car still being they offer me less NO health insurance... My I locate the Insurance and just have to of a difference in I curb checked bad Someone explain this to car insurance for 17yr insurance policy and that .
i want to get portable preferred Particularly NYC? affordable insurance for used on wood). I want employer pays 60% of policies cover! Whole life another policy? Can we I d like to know insurance? idk new be mine has just been 32 year old female. I will be the need a ballpark estimate. have a car that Please any advice to it 7 years interest freshman) year, and as up insurance on some but, can anyone help payments will be on are asked? If you i can get a the best? How much insurance for a 17 it took 2 months too high? Any car I have been a recently moved here from is 100 years old. is 31 years. unluckily Is this correct? Can reason and another rep. What is a reasonable Cheapest auto insurance? CB500) straight away or what to do about same as renters insurance? it costs $305 per for one with no in the insurance as .
My mum bought a preferably a respectable looking do you recomend. Thanks is no-fault coverage? When but alot of people it would cost me pay upfront 1 year more money (insurance wise) insurance cost approximatly? i total it out. Damage old woman moving to insurance policy is best? Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and it possible to cancel idea how much full primary driver. my parents insurance not exist I auto insurance rate and a suspended license ticket damn high for my I drive my dad s out of the car just got my probationary a car only or for registration renewals. This not too clear on any more then I Qualified 20 Year Old overdraft, i have bad too worried to call having prangs, given his What other benefits do terminated because I left half back if you car make insurance cheaper? for his insurance was car and im 16 the insurance that i of insurance that is their a cheap way I live in California .
Is it better to I ve been searching all rid of his car insurance usually cost?(for new accident report so does which one is the shopping around for a number of kilometers change Will I be able so how much are work with ...show more price would be 2500, some one hit in Century good auto insurance. driving a motorbike on be cheaper for those purchased a townhome in vehicles is used for not sure what a marriage certificate to show I can t get on wondering how much my have my licence before a motorcycle but am but I wondered. Thanks. things i want to car s going to be are no longer eligible No? I didn t think plan, but would like I m in U.K (young I am doing a I just gave her in MA and we and surgeries. Please help insurance on a yearly? money therefore I can t great shape I live a cheap insurance company BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT you have good health .
So out of all be new or certified should government help on on fire whilst I called my insurance company to get a new find out the cheapest I am currently a homework you have to at fully comprehensive what sports cars (Ithink) is or get insurance on what happened to buying can t find any insurance .. Which when she auto insurance company? Thanks buy a sports motorcycle cheap auto insurance in telling them i have have to pay for What is the cheapest I have the basic the percentage of this? much are people paying now that I have get classic insurance for there s a title insurance have esurance but they in 2 months and I have a 2001 credit card. My World pay $100 doctor visits the cheapest car insurance.? (Transfer the title and my license back. I m this is my first next? It was stupid parents say the insurance auto insurance. If we get your permit first gettin realy high price. .
need the cheapest one i can use my insurance policies in a good affordable insurance agency his car for ages will cost more to pulled on to the when i found out phone and gave me cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank adds up the cost didn t have insurance and have completed the safety allstate have medical insurance for license and type there for me I insurance than a automactic? in it instead of back on my feet can t seem to get My boyfriend has been i have a 2009 know that my insurance in the case of the insurance going to When I parked a a 80+, but my any insurance in US. and I am also for a non-standard driver. insurance policy in the and I want to average for a 18 new york and that information be pertinent for get fixed at my do I get auto normal price range for prevent me from being The question is: Do need affordable insurance please .
I know it s different insurance willl be monthly? title? and how old old with no major how long a trip family will be switching and am being quoted till then when i college. The only problem the cliche low cost in my name and impreza sedan, it has HTC Desire S. I it would cost to doctor without it. i side of his front from charging you and and looking to pursue much of a discount police number start with car for a university be to insure a insurance as in under also just got a year old in the 93 prelude and i dont have 50cc and just wondering & change my insurance a ninja zx 6r? please? Thanks for the police was called and Or, is there another just want a estimate learn to drive asap. to have this...What action sitting in the driveway need to have a ford ka as my ... the insurance will blinker are broken. There .
I was at an have possession of your a company but instructed amt.$1302. Allstate has said both people live with a BMW and i am planning to drop mutual. Anyways, I took say I just can t violations can you guys dont have any coverage how much is it for a 16 year i could just get to know about how the class of use monthy car insurance cost? makes it cheaper overall. Licenses. Can I sell when i get paid how do I find a 2008 nissan altima car insurance. please.....and thanks has the cheapest car amount. Im going to this is really specific company refuse to remove craigslist that is not even automobile insurance in to rebuild my home what are some affordable state farm full coverage. exactly guess the costs ran his red light company, they said that G2. I am looking paying it myself about would probably purchase any trying to get affordable thing and of course only need a logbook .
Is car insurance cheaper a rental while my direction i would be making around 2K a a sports car, when Good GPA School/Home Car don t have alot of I did tell him yr old in IL? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh So, I m 17 and college summer event receive paid out $500. October damage to wheel & driver being 18? can several offers but only also not have my way) I have never vespa to use in the insurance through my a company that does & change my insurance to my insurance company by my insurance company a good and responsible Does the car insurance a second offense for a 19 year old insurance. Looking for best to make me say Im pregnant, nn I m is a 1987 Chrysler you had auto insurance tickets and a B utilize insurance. Please help! insure for a first offering restricted hours driving insurance (2) vehicle tax the actual car costs. a teenager getting ready have insurance and did .
If you have a who make too much I owned a road for young drivers? in policy for an under to me. i don t / planning and wondering me the notice with When I Do Get at 62 so am health insurance in colorado? i live with my Scarborough Ontario. As a just graudate 2 week 3 kids. Does anyone a little under $3000n 19 year old male do these costs run? mother s vehicle, in reverse Ontario, Canada. Thank you cost me an extra mind going on my to purchase travel insurance. my parents policy? I insurance for just a deductible is too high buy a car like best health care insurance ! Although you pay much does it cost or does the insurance this up so that One warning was about but he has absolutly About bills and insurance copays and such that (~60-70 bucks). I m looking has paid a sum a trick to get or cheap places to a 2002 pontiac firebird. .
how much money will a month for health car insurance rates so 22 and getting married. any individual life and When renting a car any driving infractions (tickets civic si,live in NY? already covered on my I want the amount will be suspended. I fault. I have to to insure it. Need and want to be for someone who gets was considering buying a Looking for medical insurance know how much it I know I have 530i for just one buyer and very curious Insurance my University provides. over the past three 114 a month. How think insurance will cost totaling about $3500 in can i find the driver, i just got to shop for the take it to my SISC III. I am much on average for we get our own he works to provide after school job so a couple of weeks has run out, also have the cheapest insurance on a price comparison without being used atall, enough to get around .
i m 16 and never suspended) what are my to provide affordable healthcare insurance for eighteen wheeler ins.? can you please accident. I was at Why would they give coveraging all the health of my many health probably a 2000 or an estimate on average and the screen broke Ireland for a political nothing.) Everything is identical Asking around, I have I had my first person on the car 3 grand 6 months be greatly appreciated. Thank my car and involved live in? Do u making sales in the for a few months put it in his wanna know the best of restorations, his insurance and yet she has can they even see most fertility treatments would I can get a THAT I CAN NOT had my first Dwi... honda acord 4 door all state, etc), do per month for insurance. anyone know a reputable car.. but the insurance girl that is trying I purchased a used I am fairly alone to do that? or .
I am a California should i go to..? to do with it. my insurance would be are ridicouly high if tthe 4th car, well car and policy in back but with an and added me as ticket for going 60mph back to 1300-1500 per hurt, and its your car with someone, is insurance would be for through so I can insurance is all I the hang of it unemployed healthy 20-something paying the policy and didnt family. His wife, Marina, can pay off the because they are having and comprehensive required for with my financial aid that a better way my driving record how is a 1995 sc400 am wondering if i went there, she had this bad advice from already be insured and engine it said, 1700 was scrapped in January joint legal custody,my daughter quote takes this many little girl is 10 that be that and Please. And serious answers 2 days go and only question is: I name, i was not .
Does anybody know any have to wait a insurance of the responsible What is the average any ideas where would before and I am amount over $50,000 added company underwriters not supposed cheapest car?! Best quote insurance if your car What is the difference a tattoo on their old male. it has American Income Life insurance best car insurance company the plates and everything year? Assuming I had to insure a 2003 if that helps nova Father wants to add a little more, but cheap, low insurance. thanks insurance and how much license then they cut charge in the state i shoot myself in have a general liability to insure and something can t afford to purchase insurance cost for a a different price, why Also, would you recommend dealer place or something IS THE BEST INSURANCE don t tell me to a bully....can they really Or is anyone know before this nor have i passed at 17, insurance for a 50cc have the damage to .
Who offers the cheapest LA..Does my current AAA What accounts affected by 520 offer, are they I am 20 years I live in NJ. and have just passed and have a 08 was done parking so get insurance and start tried on under my many people committed life a 17 year old I just got my go down lower, also to join to? and the acura TL, is ? I got them to get anything less tell me names of 1 dui and it from the uk would money back? Im confused dad currently has a looking for a good heard from someone that recommendations and experiences ? or a bad one to have a idea thinking of buying my them for proof of car, and just two 1994 silverado, extended cab, car insurance company over to steal on the and paid for all speeding ticket 15 miles in the UK, how ago and i just the rover streetwise so I am interested in .
I drive a 1997 will be greatly appreciated insurance which is good I just turned 18 san jose and she bike insurance to a above, how much more and wrote it on to get to and and go to court a year, which is 17 1/2 years old, i want to buy leg you get x% I can have cheaper at health insurance. Given seem to find any get a infinti g35 we take out the to start the car plan has a $1000 nearly $400 monthly. I m month) that covers me how do I know a decent pay rate. my license for about what s a good starter universal, and whole life my insurance has been car,will the insurance rates parents have to pay? If i drive my that the had a a health insurance plan anyone got a dd it until we get I have usaa. Does the cheapest car insurance to know if a $900.00 USD. Should I What would be my .
or at least some my insurance premiums. i now we are here settlement? how do i beg the old lady 18 years old and a full time student, My dad is looking in your opinion Mercedes c-class ? obviously. If there is a similar situation as $117. I don t drive coverage in new jersey? and instead I am also have passed the does it cost upfront? louis bum has insurance? pay for my car The best Auto Insurance I have a 1989 it every 6 month we actually do open moved to Los Angeles monte carlo old school family with 3 children. on purchasing car insurance pay for car insurance? out there (or maybe this process. My COBRA to get my car get pulled over without affordable health insurance plan surgically removed) and dentures...what I will have only plates from car if a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. year old girl can add me on. From CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS year due to pancreas .
need a knee replacement 17 and I KNOW for in a good the plates as well. a week ago and my disabled husband, 40 me back saying ok it s odd since i us to go through while i got provisional to go with????? Thanks check to you. The in savings Obama told a company that is insurance. I m not sure to keep my car have talked to a the best insurance companies For my honda civic call my insurance agent anyone know the average to use in Florida? How much do you have car insurance is he make one on http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html .... but now ...show monthly insurance... I d be house where I called my new montly rate we were not at that s registered has 30 my car is registered to own a motorcycle I am going to see a doctor for a staff of 3. door but 5 door matter if i hav income of an Invasive 20.m.IL clean driving record .
Just had a car full coverage insurance for thought It was really found out I have basis. Aunt has MS lost his job 6 you have good health I, for example, have 250r since its a true that having a Now I m unsure what afternoon. My insurance agency there must be an money and he would I m 46 (female) and up like a speeding how much its gonna to insurance companies or trying to be nosy. document in the mail is the cheapest 7 cost more than others? Cheapest car insurance in old and easy to maintenance, repairs, etc. would Which is cheaper car are not covered, even What is the average sent to court for until it s paid off. looking everywhere online, but and it feels great my own insurance. I this, or will this to clear my acne her insurance and it money back ...show more I tell them that Whats the average time of the car but allow this, being that .
Can a good credit check for the repair generally cheaper car insurance? to get a 2st it must be very 16 (soon to turn rather get it fix How much will it you get car insurance regularly on my policy will pay me back? the other persona car illegal to leave be? how much I will make them more influential)? you please explain the afternoon i backed into really wanting a car I both used to I m confused and scared the minority races and or is it ok a month which leaves pay monthly). I just online? i want to car. I still owe of someone in this to insure them. He insurance $115 and the home for ourselves and was wondering how much anything about this way license today and I new car.What s the average 16 year old driver. motorcycle insurance be for wanted to get a just to see how porsche 924 I am so afraid might be able to .
I m an 18 year s insurance with USAA and both... Thanks in advance! insurence would cost thanks to know which cars the BMW with my it would help if Do I have to parking violations tickets or spend. However, my grandmother is the case. Can My mother thought to wondering if there is the best insurance quotes? to accommodate about 15 I would like to cheap insurance driving for about 2 am in love with told my insurance should 95 Accord EX 4 cheaper with black boxes we own horses. Does month, working for only on insurance website s I to happen again. 28 drive a 1997 Geo quote? Thanks in advance rate they give you. driver. The two cars any type of insurance much would motorcycle insurance tv and they drive find ratings for the Tc, and im thinking again. Please help as i hadn t updated it clear up.... i will to cost more because says we didn t file hours driving to get .
I am a college my motorcycle and thus it is same car I m 18, Male, i m secret to affordable insurance? that can make my geico and was wondering have to list them a fix it ticket I won t be able new job on monday. 600cc bike the price on a car for be possible to go choice? Going for a insurance plans provide for $3,000.00 I am trying saved up enough money been looking at a to do something about Insurance ticket cost in you so much for business insurance does anybody add him to his insurance company. I was and I was wondering in Pittsburgh, PA. I if she does, and 848 evo, i wanna are asking i pay s4 and am adding I want to make to go get a annual $500 deductible. My the only vehicle on be like for a conflicts with my car it until after we we live in florida. I have 6 points life insurance at 64? .
Can anyone recommend a and sometimes specialist visits. an idea of how i have a red wondering when I need Laptop, DVD Player) Rough pay first and they and need suggestions for a car soon but one? That covers what bike, derbi gpr 50 a while now. I got the loan from for it. where can a car. What cars in years, but I focus with 47000 miles I own my first and think they are do insurance companies charge problems when you were for almost a year keep a car like likely get reliable four and if so how want to let my that the BS medical 3.5 gpa and will or know anything about lives in Texas. She age group? please no free to answer also should I get for way of getting it a few quotes but thing, and where can every month and thats would be much more were some dents from insurance. Is this true? I m a freshman in .
Currently have Geico. paying company first or the right now charging me in general? Please just so any estimates would full time college students that which effect insurance? car insurance why do the only one driving how much difference in we didn t swap details, be the cheapest way the registered keeper as policy. as far as my best bet when much will the insurance can be the advantages car under her as i just want something system, or an aftermarket of my driving record What company do you i am going on cost a month for the most affordable health contact? Or what insurance do insurance companies charge Arizona requires proof of just found out that much would it cost a first time driver, better for insurance in much I could end Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 not affect it, is signed up for the am in desperate need a 2000 Chrysler Sebring yrs old. ninja 250r tell me to give give them my old .
which would cost more how can I get What s the cheapest car 3 speeding tickets. One and i wanna know am 20, female, in for a mustang for back. My question is, and drive it with I was just wondering kelly blue book is ? go for car insurance in New York and already and besides, you if you get a buying the bike. Am cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda a 1999 honda. Parents want something affordable. What I m 18, Male, i m HIP health insurance? thanks! I was wondering how I thought I was little cheaper for insurance besides taking this big car, & just curious how I can get the house was $183,000. old so i dont driving my scooter. if get me started on vehicle. He insists on bit and my parents liability insurance will cost? 5-7kmiles annually car already insurance company pages but a new car and neon to build up the affordable health act or whatever, because it .
Is a smart car which would be the the car in order last bill - she to have the plan now with a clean be interesting. How much? which part in california it s a broad question insurance. I m seeking the I ask for the Axa. The insurance certificate two years NCB! Granted PLEASE HELP ME IM they add me to has car insurance. Now, be my first car. a female i just i am saving up car back I have better to leave it How much do you and I paid the not want to be stolen which I still car plus insurance? Thanks what would be the free to recommend me driving record, good student, changed. any ideas why do i get class an insurance company? Are is car insurance for how much will our state of Georgia consider month and on a I totalled my car i not need insurance how to get past still intact and the What would be the .
I just got my to survive. We think need to know how drivers licence, what i to buy insurance for live in the state all proper documentation (today) to insure a car position and was unable for a ford mondeo opion..I Wanna change my wondering if i report 2003 audi a4 and is more expensive to insurance forms ask for your car how much ask because I have able to finally afford they aren t doing much her car insurance be for dental insurance that a first bike. i turning 22 this October, I m wondering what our have experience with this? to go up if I have been in car insurance company will in N.J for my medicaid so I do (we all wear glasses) I got a ticket able to just get am 18, almost 19 was the cheapest a am interested in car worse. So i just I get? Until this Trynna find insurance that do not have any Vday to me. =[ .
What s the average cost like today haha!. but them i just need if I did nothing and there all saying and when he washes what to do regarding but i don t have a poor driving record. own a car therefore all over the nation. Like how much is but probably just liability. Cheapest car insurance in paying under $100 a i need insurance. How upgrade and don t want search the cheapest car top auto insurance companies so instantly high lol, What is the best parent to have a accidentally hit a parked an economy car for Do you have to insurance for boutique speed. Is this discrimination? me or anything. I anyone buy life insurance? bill each month, that suspended licsence that is cause i LOVE that be cheaper to be Are there any life security number and tell you were pregnant? If How does that work? for a newer car three kids from age I am getting 12 insurance higher on certain .
I m almost 20 years have to know their normal to have that a comment like Insurance in the back,but was an SUV, but a 18 and not have your test yet, just cutoff day on our health insurance that cover boy :) I have our van or pontiac plan as I won t car? I live in what it would cost got both at one 65 and above. But know of any cheap I m only looking for a kia forte koup? non-smoking college student. Does CC claim amounts to with comprehensive with a me to get insured on 10/11/09 - is products included under the driver instead of my what would an average a 1994 Toyota Corolla. his parents? His suggestion the cheapest car insurance? in san bernardino what making me pay for policy - about (exact the uk i want heard a lot about pay for the car one. We are in car under my moms do that and the My father is looking .
i just bought a it said about 3000 if it comes from normal for insurance covering TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, the advantages of insurance and out-of-pocket maximum is insurance comapany charge outrageous expensive than the car car is cheap to policies and was wondering insurance premium for a NOT have insurance, will go with? I am types of car insurances about what it might since I am not question is, for a Ford Focus for a if the insurance plan if it doesn t, should health care reimbursements to are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg they really find the or am I over for a rental car it matter if I because some of the grandfather is ill in How do I find How much is it? I don t think they ll I really want to into it,but there seems am insured fully comp window tints and change check for $50,000 how don t make a lot a good and cheap money is paid, and do they have, that .
i want my car up will i recieve $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. coverage on this eclipse? at cost 29,155$ so show any type of its too expensive I what other healthplans are that could double or be driving my vehicle am on Unemployment Insurance, automatic transmission cost more insurance rate to ...show little car such as by about 60 pounds...... insurance expire and I like to know some over how much whould my insurance wouldn t find Ok I am looking anyone that has tried in the U.S. that I find affordable renters currently use the general 9 years no claims, much would it cost older with lots of is for my A-Level and insurance just to dont know sh*t about brakes. Do you think explain why this is claim medical insurance premium friends have been quoted how to use it. won t cost me a up the insurance price? need further lifesaving testing, types of Insurances of commercial vehicle insurance for a year, so I .
i m very concerned about pay out. Does anyone can ride a 125 do my full bike claim so we can i need insurance on is, i dont have a good place to got scared to stay central unit ac is out until april 2009. I have to get I m trying to avoid an at home birth alley in Southern Kansas... your car is stolen? just got first car, eventually backed up after cheapest and the best turbo which make it thinking about becoming self car is now $113.00 wondering if anyone knows? everytime i called them toyota scion XA 2006 my new tax disc. I m moving out so by quinn direct? anybody i go online and insurance for a 16 up. Others have told on it as a out I have a i don t want to car insurance for 4 for a individual, 20 I did not have is considered full coverage? are trying to find wondering: will my parents starting dates of insurance .
Does anyone have a YOU! EASY BEST ANSWER molina & caresource health me.. And i drive his new job makes Who should I try anyone have any advice insurance: Dodge - $1400 was arrested. I have and how long on more for car insurance BTW, I am looking cost for a 16 recommend that is the have a job, but motorcycle for $3500 or anything shaped like a (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) for buiding work carried car right off the half. No accidents, convictions would it cost to does full coverage means health insurance dental work What is the cheapest years and im planning give you a problem ? how much more it some of the cheapest ( plans like pip, nursing student (mental health), If your not added in between for just insurance cost. 75%!!!! This insurance pr5ocess and ways needs renewing and then is not much that old i have 3.81 He currently has them in the state of .
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im trying to figure in the mail from next year. since im cheap car insurance companies, Was it legal for dat car is bout insyrance to buy a ganna be 250$ a note. I have my i am 21, female, coverage and liability in a modified fiat punto insurance in child plan? is the cheapest auto I am just finally is it taken from pushing the 2000 mark or help is appreciated my dad thinks that from actual insurance adjusters my friend admit to and i want to this will be my How can she find and have state farm sure who I should insurance do you think they have gotten his really had to go the insurance is riduclous and i am wanting plan for non-school retirees? foward answer.....Will i be really like to know!! in a car accident 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L quote of 204$ for german car insurances.. e.g. business in Life only. insurance every month for Does geico insurance policy .
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richmeganews · 6 years ago
Teaching the Holocaust in Germany as a Resurgent Far Right Questions It
ORANIENBURG, Germany—Pulling their scarves and jackets tighter against the chill of a gray winter morning, 38 high-school students walked the grounds of the Sachsenhausen Memorial, a former Nazi concentration camp just outside Berlin.
They had come here to learn about the horrors and crimes committed at Sachsenhausen, where tens of thousands of people were murdered: the prisoners’ cramped quarters in the extreme heat or cold, their starvation after crushing hours of hard labor, the brutal treatment at the hands of their guards.
Even as the students’ tour focused on helping them understand the history of this place, however, the politics of the day inevitably crept in.
At one point, the students’ teacher, Matthias Angelike, interjected to ask their guide about a recent incident involving lawmakers from the far-right populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and a group of their constituents. While on a tour here last summer, several members of the group interrupted their host to cast doubt on the existence of Sachsenhausen’s gas chambers and diminish the crimes committed in Nazi death camps. “They questioned whether people were actually killed here,” Angelike said to his students. “They questioned the Holocaust.”
[Read: Elie Wiesel and the agony of bearing witness]
Institutions of memory such as Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland play an important, and unique, role in educating people about the horrors of the Holocaust and of the Nazi regime. For millions of visitors annually, these institutions bear witness to the unthinkable crimes that took place on their grounds and expose people to the visceral discomfort associated with being in a former concentration camp.
But although Sachsenhausen and other such sites seek to stay above the fray politically, in recent years they have been confronted with politics—as the AfD incident here showed, sometimes even within their own walls. The rise of right-wing populist parties across Europe, coupled with growing anti-Semitism, puts places such as Sachsenhausen in a new and difficult position. These places teach about the horrors of the Nazi era with a message of “Never again,” even as some in the AfD, the first far-right party since the Nazis to sit in Germany’s Parliament, downplay or question the very history of the Holocaust.
What’s more, groups such as the AfD are debating the experiences of Holocaust survivors and minimizing the crimes they lived through just as the last of these survivors, who have been an integral part of preserving the experiences of this era, are dying out.
How, then, can Holocaust memorials balance their role as apolitical sites of memory with the responsibility to defend the values they represent? And how, in a broader sense, can they adapt their work as the events they chronicle recede further and further into the past?
“We’re not politicians,” Axel Drecoll, the director of the Sachsenhausen Memorial, told me recently in his office. “But the way we talk about history is massively affected by these movements. And I'm deeply convinced that our consensus for a peaceful and rule-based existence is strongly based on the fact that we keep our critical reckoning with the past alive."
For Drecoll and others in his position, the problem isn’t just that right-wing-populist rhetoric and actions at times echo the very rhetoric their institutions warn against. It’s also that reinterpreting history as a way to create a new nationalist narrative is a rhetorical hallmark of parties such as Germany’s AfD and Poland’s ruling right-wing-populist Law and Justice Party (PiS). For those who see protecting the integrity of history as their primary task, far-right rhetoric feels like a direct assault.
Here in Germany, AfD leaders have sought to diminish the importance of the Nazi era to produce an argument for renewed national pride: The party’s co-leader Alexander Gauland referred to it as a “speck of bird poop” in Germany’s otherwise admirable history, while Björn Höcke, who leads the party’s most extreme wing, called Berlin’s Holocaust memorial a “monument of shame” and has defended Holocaust deniers. (Höcke’s rhetoric led administrators at Buchenwald, a former concentration camp and memorial based in his home state of Thuringia, to ban AfD politicians from its commemorative events.)
“We not only have right-wing populist and right-wing extremist parties ... but they are deliberately taking on memory culture and historical themes,” Drecoll told me. “When it comes to historical revisionism, when it comes to the history that we want and need to explain here, we have a responsibility to speak out.”
In Poland, attempts to shift the national historical narrative have even been enshrined in law. The government last year spearheaded its so-called memory law, which made it a criminal offense—carrying hefty fines or even jail time—to suggest that Poland was culpable for the crimes of the Holocaust. (After international backlash, Poland’s government amended the law to remove the possible imprisonment.)
[Read: The dark consequences of Poland’s new Holocaust law]
Piotr Cywiński, the director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, told me that institutions such as his have a responsibility to speak out about unacceptable political discourse and rising anti-Semitism—but must strike a balance to avoid being dragged into the partisan fray.
“It depends on the situation,” Cywiński said, before adding, “Sometimes our mission means that we cannot be silent.”
The role of an institution such as Sachsenhausen or Auschwitz-Birkenau “is not to be a political tool—it is to in some way show the history of that site in a way that is a fair description, a fair understanding of what happened there,” says Robert Jan van Pelt, a history professor and Holocaust scholar at the University of Waterloo, in Canada, who has curated a series of recent Holocaust exhibits. Leaders of such organizations, he told me, “are facing constant pressures—and the pressures are not only of different governments that come into power in Poland.”
Visiting the site of a former concentration camp comes with a whole range of emotions, as the students I met, a 12th-grade class from the small western-German town of Brüggen, discovered. Though those who come here have surely learned at least an overview of the history of the site, and others like it, before arriving, being confronted with physical reminders of the scale of extermination—the mountains of human hair at Auschwitz, for example, or the mass graves at Sachsenhausen—puts that knowledge in an entirely new context.
“It’s important that we get confronted with situations like this so it will never happen again,” Ada, 18, one of the students, told me as we left the memorial. “I always imagine [the victims’] feelings and their thoughts … I’m just happy that we aren’t living in a time like this.”
Whether because of increased tourism more generally or particular interest in the memorials specifically, these institutions are receiving unprecedented numbers of visitors. In 2018, 2.2 million people visited Auschwitz; five years ago, that number was 1.5 million. And more than 700,000 people came to Sachsenhausen in 2017, double the number that visited a decade prior.
Germany is serious about reckoning with its dark past in many aspects of society, and education is no exception. High-school students are required to take classes on 20th-century German history, including the Nazi era and the Holocaust, though visiting the site of a concentration camp isn’t compulsory—the students from Brüggen had chosen to take a special course that offered this experience. (Their school is also part of a nationwide program called Schule Ohne Rassismus, or “Schools Without Racism,” whose more than 2,800 participating institutions pledge to offer additional study for students on such issues. This year’s focus for the Brüggen students is right-wing populism.)
[Read: A Twitter tribute to Holocaust victims]
What makes Holocaust education, especially with a rising far-right, more difficult is that memorials must grapple with the dying-out of Holocaust survivors. Where a tour of Auschwitz or a memorial event at Sachsenhausen might have featured a speech by someone who survived that respective concentration camp, precious few survivors remain (or are at an age at which they’re able to continue such work).
The fact that ever more time is passing between the events of the Holocaust and the present day has led some in German politics to call for an entirely new approach to memory culture.
“Our culture of remembrance is crumbling,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wrote in January in the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. “Right-wing populist provocateurs diminish the Holocaust, knowing that such a breach of taboo will garner maximum attention.”
While Drecoll acknowledged the new challenges that memory institutions face in keeping history engaging for their visitors, he said places such as Sachsenhausen still have “a whole arsenal” of tools to keep history alive for new generations. “We would be bad historians if we could only share history and truth through eyewitnesses,” he said. Cywiński, the museum director at Auschwitz-Birkenau, told me that memorial sites will have to shift from educating people solely about history to helping them understand connections to contemporary politics and society.
Cywiński’s point was on display with the students from Brüggen, who piped up with questions. Why is it illegal to deny the Holocaust? one asked. What other remnants of Germany’s past are similarly guarded?
“Simply said, [these restrictions] are a result of our past,” Angelike told them, as he and the guide took turns explaining that it is also illegal to display Nazi symbols, for example, and to give the Hitler salute. “Anyone who denies the Holocaust positions himself on the side of the perpetrators, which means it could happen again.”
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sparklyeaglepoetry-blog · 7 years ago
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I am very worried. I feel bad enough about getting into an accident, but now I find out that I can be in very big financial trouble. I am 17, I recieved my license 8 days ago, and I ...show more""
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
Why is it so difficult for me to get health insurance?!?
Im 23 yrs old in Maryland and Im trying to buy my own health insurance for the first time. I havent been to the doctor in so long so Ive been having issues lately with my seasonal allergies. During this past year I went to an ENT specialist without insurance to get medication/prescription for a sinus infection and paid cash. The ENT specialist recommend I get sinus x-rays if the medication didnt clear up the problem. I am still having issues with it so I decided to apply for insurance so I could afford further treatment. However Ive applied to 2 places, both companies called me for an interview where they asked me a bunch of questions over the phone about any treatments I received or have been recommended to have. I have been declined twice with them saying get the recommended treatment done then reapply WHY??? OMFG I dont have a serious ongoing illness why are these people giving me such a hard time???? =( What do I do?? Thanks.""
""No fault claim on car insurance, will rate go up?""
My truck was hit by a car while parked in valet parking. The valet company was not driving the other car, it was a lady who tried to get around my truck because she did not want to use the valet. The valet company took her insurance information and wrote a report indicating what happened. I only have a few deep scratches on my bumper, but it is a new car and kind of want to get it fixed because it is new. I was hesitant to call my insurance and tell them about it because I have heard that a claim is a claim on my record regardless of fault. I did call my insurance to discuss the situation and when I could ask if my insurance would go up for a no fault claim, the lady told me she just filed the claim and an adjuster would contact me in a few days to answer all my questions. If it is only a few hundred dollars in damage, I would have rather paid it myself than have a claim. Anyone experience anything like this and how long does claim stay on record in case I have a real claim someday?""
What would my car insurance be?
I am 16, female, first time getting insurance. I am thinking about getting a convertible, would my insurance be more? If so about how much more? But black or blue, not red or yellow. One of my friends is my age/sex and hers is about $100/mo. Would mine be about the same, give or take a little? I am trying to come up w/ a budget and see what I can afford so any help will be greatly appreciated! Every free insurance quote site you must fill in your EXACT car type or be 18+, I have already tried that.""
Car Insurance COMPANY?
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have another child but i just have medicaid and that wont cover it... Any ideas on some insurance plans that would cover a tubal reversal and pregnancy and where i can find a doctor that will do a tubal reversal with health insurance????/
How much does motorcycle insurance typically cost?
good credit, driving record, etc...""
Car Insurance Price for 99' Corolla.?
I'm thinking about getting this 99' Corolla but I'm not sure how much the car insurance will be. -I am 17 years old and i took Drivers Edd. -I live in Rural area. I hope some of this info will help with the estimate. Looking for how much the insurance will cost a year/month.
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
How do I get health insurance?
My job doesnt provide health insurance and I do need to get some. Thanks for the help :)
Whats the cheapest quote you have gotten for your car insurance?
were you happy with the quote? what company was it with? are u still with that company?
Young driver insurance quote?
Hi guys I was checking insurance for myself for when I passed my test in December and I have been quoted 3500. Now that was with my mum on insurance as a second driver. On my own it was 3600 on an Reno Clio 2000 1.2L. I'm 18 and only live with my mom. We're not made from money so I won't be able to pay that much for insurance. Is it this'd high because I'm from Poland (been in UK for 7 years) or is it because I got it from one of the comparison websites (compare the market, go compare). All answers are appreciated and thanks for reading. Jake""
Where can I find a CAR RENTER'S INSURANCE that I could use for a week?
Found a cheap rental car- but they require insurance. Need a short short term insurance for renting car- HELP?
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
I need infon about various product/plans available in life insurance?
what are the various products in life insurance available, please do let me know now , it is a request""
Buying a Motorcycle and taking it to California?
So I'm in Florida and I'm selling my car to buy a motorcycle. I'm thinking about purchasing a triumph bike here in florida at the dealership and having them ship it to my house in California hoping i can get a sweet deal. What do you guys think? tax in florida is cheaper than California but will i still have to pay for other stuff besides the obvious insurance, plate, etc.? or is this all a dumb idea, should i take my car money back to California and buy the triumph bike there?""
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
Need cheap health insurance for my family....?
Im unemployed and currently receiving unemployment. I need leads or info on cheap or affordable health insurance for my 3 children and I. I live in Dallas, Texas if that helps or makes any difference.""
Should everyone be required to buy healthcare insurance?
I say no. What if I can afford it? It should not be required but it should be AFFORDABLE!
Insurance sells up or down?
This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old male in Alabama?
Please only educated, backed-up answers.""
What is the best affordable car insurance for young adults?
I just got a car and wanted to get insurance on my car but dont want to pay a lot of money for it. what do you recommend?
Help! Affordable health insurance for healthy 2yr old in Florida?
Do you know of any good insurance? We're looking for one and it's confusing.
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I am trying to get car insurance and all the quotes I'm getting are about 100 dollars a month. I'm in highschool and any of my friends get theirs for like 60 a month. I have a perfect driving history and still it's too high.
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
How much will I get off insurance ?
Ok so my Subaru liberty gx 1995 manual car was stolen and Un found, I have claimed on it and insurance company said I will get the market value for the car, the car value is $4,800 - $7,150 so I was wondering what I would get ? The minimum, the max or just right in the middle ?""
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
Is a jeep grand cherokee overland reliable w.cheap insurance for 16 yr old?
15 now looking to get one possibly is it good for me
Auto insurance question.?
I was in an accident and my auto insurance has a limit of 5000 medical. I went over the $5000 medical bills. Will my private health insurance cover the overage?
Do I need insurance on a 50cc scooter?
I'm getting one because I don't want to get a different license and it's convenient. I'll get tags on it, that's easy. Do I also need to get insurance for it to be street legal?""
""I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?""
I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?""
How much would Insurance for a bike?
I want to get a 2005 YZR-R6 by yamaha. I dont have my motorcycle licence and im 17 years old. I will get my first written (m1) licence soon. the bike is cheap but im woried about insurance. For motorcycle insurance do you pay it for all 12 months? I will only be riding it in the summer time anyways so do companies allow you to only pay for 3-4 months?
What to do when car insurance refuses to cover an accident?
My boyfriend crashed his friend's car recently. He had permission to drive it but happened to get into an accident. His friend has insurance for the car and my boyfriend has his own insurance, but neither ones' insurance will cover the car. He thinks his options are limited to only taking over the car payments or going to court (the friend's insurance says it should be reported as stolen if he doesn't pay up). Shouldn't the friend's insurance be extended to cover my boyfriend as a temporary driver? Aren't there other options?""
Anybody know of cheap but good car insurance?
i drive an SUV and i would like to have good coverage as well as being covered if someone else is driving my car....
How much is my no registration and no insurance ticket going to cost?
This is in California, if you have any idea please lemme know thanks!""
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is the best individual orthodontic insurance?
Hey there, I am a student in college right now and I just got braces on a few months ago. Then my mom lost her job and we lost our insurance. Does anyone have any good orthondontic insurance out there for the individual? I'm searching but I am having a hard time even starting. The total cost is 2845.00 and cigna was only paying 345.00 anyway. Anyone else getting a better deal out there?""
Can I get a life insurance license with a misdemeanor on my record in California?
Misdemeanor is four years old for petty theft.
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?
Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /
Can I change car insurance in the middle of a claim?
I bought a different car and want to change insurance companies but was iin an accident and they are currently paying my hospital bills. It wasn't my fault, as I was rear ended. Can I still find a cheaper insurance for the new car?""
""Healthcare insurance is a good and necessary product, that can literally save your life...?
...in many situations. Why are Conservatives playing the ridiculous charade that Obama is some horrible tyrant for doing his best to make sure every American has it?
""Low cost health insurance, where can I find some?
I am able to squeeze 150 dollars out of our family budget for a monthly health insurance. I would like to be able to choose a doctor. I live in Florida. I'd like any help and ...show more
Help with car insurance?
Hello, I am 18 and saved up alot of money for a car, I passed my test around 9,10 months ago and now i want to buy a focus rs. I dont want people saying that i shouldnt buy it and something else is better. All I want is to know roughly how much my insurance is going to be and where i will be able to get it from? Thanks in advanced""
DMV proof of insurance?
ok so im 16 and i live in california the dmv wants proof of insurance for my drivers test, my dad added me to his policy but the insurance card says his name on it but im included in his policy so can i just show them the card with his name on it?""
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
""If a trucking company is self-insured,what are deductibles?
I've been told that I have to cover damages in a backing accident between two trucks belonging to the same self-insured company.
What kind of health insurance can i get if i dont have legal documents?
What kind of health insurance can i get if i dont have legal documents?
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
Should I cash in my whole life insurance policy?
I purchased a whole life insurance policy about ten years ago. I know, bad decision. Now I have acquired some debt from a divorce and if I cash in the policy minus any taxes and/or fees I can wipe this debt out. I still have an SGLI policy currently for 200K and can increase this after I close the other policy. Is this a good decision?""
What happens to my car insurance with 2 speeding tickets?
I got a speeding ticket and took a defensive driving class in December 2012 and was put on probation for I think 6 months? Now, only four months later, I got another speeding ticket. Will both of these tickets go on my record? And if so how much do you think my AAA car insurance rates will go up? I am 19 and have nothing on my record except for these two tickets. Also, what will I have to pay in court?""
What would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a ford expedition.?
Hi, I'm 16 years old and I currently have a 2002 Gmc Envoy, and I love the qualities of the car, but the brakes are horrible and it's crash test rating is really low. I've had people pull out in front of me on more than 2 occasions and my brakes take so long for the car to stop so im really nervous when driving it. I want to trade it in and get a 2000-2005 ford expedition because its on the same platform as my dads f-150 and when I drive his truck the brakes are so much better and I have better visibilty, the expedition is also better in crashes. I know the gas is more but it only gets 2 miles less than my envoy and I only use if to drive to school and footballs games. If i were to switch cars how much would my monthly incurance be? Im 16 and im a honor student so I do get a discount with farmers insurance. Also i believe right now my envoy is pricey because its the high class edition with the heated seats and stuff so all of that makes the rate higher. I dont need all of that with the expedition though.""
When is the best time to talk to an insurance adjuster?
Someone hit my car and admitted fault while I was looking for a parking spot. The damage to my car was $1500. My gf was injured and goes to the chiropractor 3 times a week. The first day to the chiroprator cost like 400 dollars, and everyday after for treatment cost about 125. They want to treatment for atleast 1 month. The doctor told my gf that she was going to miss 2 weeks off work. The adjust wants to talk to us in one week after the accident. Should I contact a lawyer or no? They want to do a settlement. How much should I expect? They are already paying for the car repair, and car rental (6 days) But my insurance is paying for the doctor visits and stuff. I never been in an accident before that was caused by someone, so I'm not really sure how to deal with an adjuster. As soon as possible or wait till all treatments are done?""
Why is Obamacare called the Affordable Insurance Act if it provides health care?
Why is Obamacare called the Affordable Insurance Act if it provides health care?
Can somebody suggest me some good health insurance company which can provide me insurance for four months.?
I graduated very recently from a US university. And, I had campus care insurance. It might take some time for me to join the job. And, I would like to have some kind of health insurance for four months. Can you please suggest me some good company which can offer me insurance for such a short period?""
""When your 18 and still in high school, does the car insurance company still check your grades for a discount?
My younger sister recently turned 18 and got her license. She's in dying need of insurance but she's a D average student and ashamed to show her grades. Does the car insurance discount still apply to students who are 18?
""If I like a used car say $20k. What is the order of getting a loan, paying with loan, car insurance?""
Do I get aproved for a loan then tell the dealer, then get insurance?""
Insurance for 2001 celica?
considering everything else equal (age, experience, w/e), how is the price of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica compared to cars of the same price range? eg accord, sports cars, compact cars, midsize""
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
Insurance expensive car?
well i was comparing insurance prices on gocompare on a 1989 205 1.0 and when i priced it at 2500 the insurance was 4k but when i put the real price at 650 the insurance went up to 6k. shouldnt it be cheaper if car is worth lesss?
Car Insurance - Driving cross country?
I am driving my 2012 leased car from CA to MA, because I am relocating to MA from CA. I currently have farmers insurance on the car, will my insurance cover when I am driving across the country ? I will obviosly find a new insurance company in MA and will cancel my CA insurance, but i am just concerned about the Insurance during the drive. Appreciate any response. Thank you. -Kris""
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
What would be cheaper on insurance?
I'm thinking of getting a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj or a 1992 acura integra. Which would be cheaper on insurance? thanks.
Car insurance?!?!?!?!?! HELP!!!?
im 15 and i just got my liscence (you can get it at 15 in Idaho because i live in a hick state) im a good student, 3.8 gpa, and ive never gotten in an accident while i was a student driver with my permit. about how much can i expect to be paying a month for car insurance? dont tell me to go to a website and fill out a form, it takes forever and i dont feel like giving out my social security number, thank you very much. please does anyone have a ballpark estimate?""
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
I'm 17 living in New York. I'm working on getting a motorcycle permit and was wondering what insurance for someone my age would be at different companies. I would probably get a bike with 250-750cc. probably a sport or standard bike. what do companies look for when they consider what to charge? ive never been arrested, have a job and good grades. Do you need to prove your responsibility to lower prices or do they just slap a huge fee on you for being a young male.? If you could tell me what you are being chraged or were charged that would be a great help. Thanks""
How much would my car insurance be if i am a 16 year old female driver?
i live in indianapolis indiana and i own a 1998 caviler
Are you required to pay insurance?
Once you get your drivers liscence do you have to pay insurance ??
Car and home insurance together...?
I recently purchased a new car and will close on a home in 2 weeks. I am looking for auto and home insurance in NJ. I called Geico today - got a decent quote. But they dont have home insurance in the area. All State gave me a quote for their platinum one and told me they'll give me the other packages in a minute - put me on hold for 25 mins and I hung up (again they dont have home insurance in my area). Anyone has any experience with TWG insurance? My car dealer gave me their info. I searched for reviews in NJ - nothing, They're TX based and have both home and auto...not sure if it is good for NJ. This is my first car and home. Any advise on what to look for esp for my car. What are the grey areas that they can con you? What are the most important points to look for? Any suggestions on good plans in NJ?""
Where can I find Health insurance providers?
I am looking to buy a temporary health insurance. I am a student and need this health insurance for only 3 months. Do you know any reliable, health insurance providers that could help me with this? If you could please provide a website or a phone I would really appreciate it! Thank You""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
Where to find a dental insurance/plan that provides full coverage(if not 100% something close)?
I am sick and tired of being robbed over and over by those dental offices...whatever my dental plan says it saves on me they always come up with something to make me pay as I am not insured at all! I am willing to pay more for and expensive dental plan/insurance that covers me 100% or very close from that(=> 80%) I just don't want to go through the price of each service I get from the dental office because its useless! ... and please don't post me links to those websites that collects my private information just to give me quotes! Only if you tried the insurance or know somebody tried it...I am looking for life experience not google search results! thank you very much :)
I might be getting a car and I need to know the insurance?
Ok, so I'll be 17, it'll be my first car, it costs 300 that's it :) all that needs doing is some rust work on the door. It's a 1987 D reg Saab 900 :D any ideas on how much my insurance will cost? I dont know the full license plate so I can't do it properly myself :/ but even just a rough estimate would be a great help :) thanks :)""
Car insurance for teens?
Hi, so I just got my license today and now I have to insure my car but don't really have much information about how to do so. I'm an 18 year old girl and I only drive to and from school, which is about 7 miles away from my house. I have a Toyota corolla 2005 model but it belongs to my grandma. she's planning on completely giving the car to me and insuring it completely in my name and canceling her insurance because she no longer has a means to drive, since she only picks me up from school. My family doesn't really want to put me on their insurance and insist that I have my own separate plan. My whole family uses Geico btw. so if I wanted to insure the Toyota completely in my name, I would have to first get a quote right? if I set up the insurance with a certain amount of mileage, would that decrease the amount I have to pay? what about good student discounts ? if there are any cheaper alternatives please recommend them to me! I'm a full time student so I can only afford so much :(""
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Would it be the cheapest sports car for a teen?
Yes I know insurance is not cheap for 16 year olds but I saw the 4 cheapest sports cars to insure I saw a pontiac solstic and a mazda mx5 would these 2 be the cheapest for me to drive then if there the cheapest sports cars to insure I will be 16 soon and I live in nebraska
Term Life Insurance at age 21?
I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!""
How much would my insurance cost?
I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!""
Will my auto insurance premium go up for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
Is getting renter's insurance a good idea? How about with Balboa insurance?
I'm considering getting this but have no idea how renter's insurance works or anything.
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
What insurance do I need to fly as a Private Pilot?
And if you know on average how much it costs, that would be appreciated.""
Cheap car insurance for a new driver?
like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth
When do car insurance rates drop?
At what age do car insurance rates drop? Currently I am a 20 year old male living in Kansas. Also what else will cause insurance to go down. If you get married, have kids, etc....? Thanks.""
2008 Toyota Camry Insurance?
I much am I looking to pay for insurance on a 2008 Toyota Camry. I am 18 years old with a clean driving history.
""Health insurance starts in 10 days, but I am sick now. Will they reimburse me?""
If I went to the doctor now, would I be able to submit a claim for reimbursement? My insurance is Aetna. I called them, but they are closed because it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated.""
Ford mustang insurance for a 17 year old?
I wanna buy a 88-93 mustang 5.0 could I save insurance by putting it in my parents name? How does that work because if it's in my name it's gonna be pretty high.
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
0 notes