#a few clues about ichiro's true victim is here!
waiting-on-a-dream ยท 1 year
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1. Do you like yourself?
Ichiro: I'm fine with myself. There are some things about me I wish I could change though.
Akane: I wish I could manage my emotions better, but other than that, I'm okay with the way I am now.
2. What's your opinion on the guard?
Ichiro: He hasn't been very nice to me.
Akane: I have no idea how someone like him is a warden, but he's doing an okay job so far.
3. Do you want to get out from Milgram?
Ichiro: I don't know what I'd do if I got out.
Akane: I wouldn't mind staying here a little longer. I'll figure something out if I were to get out though.
4. What is a father to you?
Ichiro: He has to love and spend time with his children so they think of him as their father.
Akane: A responsible person who takes care of his children.
5. What would you do if you receive one million yen and you must spend it right now?
Ichiro: Buy tickets to all sorts of fun places. Maybe give some to my mom... If she wants it.
Akane: Fix up my house and buy lots of long-lasting food. I'd save the rest for my future education.
6. Do you have any fun memories of your childhood?
Ichiro: The time my mom brought me to an aquarium.
Akane: I can vaguely remember eating dinner together with my parents when I was young, so there's that.
7. If you could turn back time, would you commit the same murder once again?
Ichiro: I'd make sure that person was never born.
Akane: I don't think turning back time would change my shitty circumstances at all, so yeah.
8. Are there any prisoners you can't deal with right now?
Ichiro: I can't stand to look at the innocent prisoners anymore.
Akane: Rin is more annoying than ever.
9. What do you want from the prison guard?
Ichiro: Vote me innocent. Or at least give Keiko back.
Akane: I dunno. Some new earrings?
10. What is the difference between you and someone else?
Ichiro: They're normal and worthy of love.
Akane: I guess I could say I'm more afraid and angry compared to the average person.
11. What do you do when you're bored?
Ichiro: I used to draw, but now my only option is sleep.
Akane: Stare at whatever is happening in my surroundings.
12. If you had one wish, what would you use it for?
Ichiro: To have someone's full love and attention.
Akane: To have material and emotional security.
13. How many years do you want to live?
Ichiro: I only know that I don't want to die yet.
Akane: I'd like to get the full experience of life, so the ripe old age of 85 sounds good.
14. Which prisoner is the most like you?
Ichiro: Haku is quiet like me.
Akane: I think I would be more like Mayumi-san if I wasn't so angry.
15. Did you hate the person you killed?
Ichiro: It wasn't really his fault. I just needed him to be gone.
Akane: With all of my rotten heart, yes.
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