#a few Fernando Ortega albums (worship music)
brown-little-robin · 6 months
1. Are you an albums person or a singles person?
generally "singles"! I take, judge, and sort songs one by one. Only a very, very few albums do I consider as wholes. Usually I just steal and repurpose my favorite songs from them.
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dimsilver · 3 years
💕✨create the illusion of hanging out with your mutuals tag game✨💕
(I’m taking advantage of the open tag on several friends’ posts!)
morning person? not really. I love when I am up early, but since I also love staying up late (and can do so far more easily), I don’t do it much. (Although there was this magical time in my life from ages 6-8ish when I always woke up two hours before sunrise, somehow completely rested, and read Narnia or Little House and watched the sunrise until everyone else got up :) I miss that.)
ideal breakfast? Fried eggs and bacon and toast with apricot jam on it. Or an omelet. Or buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup and warm blueberries (like the kind you can get frozen in bags - just heat them up and you get warm, sweet sauce with blueberries in it).
favorite warm drink, and how do you take it? I don’t have warm drinks much, but when I do it’s either tea (usually chai or raspberry zinger) or dark hot chocolate with whipped cream.
sit in the sunshine or shade? it gets really hot in the summers where I live, so sometimes I choose shade - but my favorite is always sunshine. I love lifeguarding long hours outside in the summers and feeling the sun sink into my bones and tan my skin.
favorite baked good? ….all?? there are so many good ones - brownies, coffeecake, sourdough (with rosemary olive oil balsamic dip!!), naan, buttered rolls, cookies of all sorts…
a song or album that makes you feel at peace? For Sunday mornings, Fernando Ortega’s album Come Down O Love Divine album. At other times it depends, but there are a few Andrew Peterson, Fernando Ortega, Rich Mullins, Gray Havens, Josh Garrells, Chris Renzema, and Arcadian Wild songs I keep coming back to. That’s not even to mention hymns, but I sing those more than listen to them (it’s hard to find versions that compete with harmonizing with my friends tbh).
take a walk with your friends or read a book next a friend on the sofa? probably take a walk. I had a glorious routine last spring of late-evening walks with friends - sometimes in the mist or rain - and we’d go for hours. It was the best (okay and the time we did a 2 am walk was pretty great too).
what tasks do you gravitate to when making a meal with others? Pretty much anything as long as I can help!!
a chore that if someone completed it for you you’d love them forever? honestly laundry. Maybe it’s because I have to pay for my school’s washer/dryer, but I put it off as long as possible.
favorite board/card game to play with friends? ERS, Uno, Coup, Exploding Kittens, Say Anything, Bananagrams, Garbage, Dutch Blitz, and Splendor are some favorites.
what kind of snacks/candy do you want at a movie theater? sour patch kids.
bar with live music or bar with a pool table? I don’t go to bars, but I could be convinced if it’s one of those rural relatively wholesome ones with live music for swing dancing :)
go-to compliment? probably “I love your outfit!” or “I love talking to you”
hang out on the couch, the bed, or the kitchen chairs? Couch. Fort possibilities, chill vibe, but I don’t fall asleep while attempting to hang out with someone.
are you tending the fire, looking at the stars, or singing campfire/folk songs? all!! Please? I actually adore this question and it describes some of my most favorite moments. Especially if the campfire songs are mostly worship.
a favorite Scripture verse or prayer? I have a lot, but lately I’ve been dwelling on Psalm 107:9 - “For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.” It’s such a good reminder that my Lord’s purposes are ultimately so gracious and kind - to satisfy me and bring me everything I need (which is Him).
are you the person begging to go to just one more bar/sing one more song, the person staying up late talking about love and the universe, or the person who fell asleep hours before anyone else? Definitely one of the first two (though as aforementioned I don’t go to bars; but I’m always down for more singing or dancing or ultimate frisbee, etc). I do tend towards a contemplative mood in my late night conversations; love and the universe sound ideal.
this was fun! tagging @accidental-spice @kanerallels @saxifrage-wreath @athenenoctua9 @brown-little-robin @fictionadventurer and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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