#a fem!Vox to have an obsessive one-sided attraction to fem!alastor
artistmarchalius · 1 month
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Yet another catalog page! We’re breaking away from just using shades of red this time with Fem!Vox in outfits from the late 1950’s!
Of course I had to give her a more 50’s style head to match her clothes. Black and white television screen version is below the cut.
Fem!Alastor’s catalog page Rosie’s catalog page
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I can’t resist historical accuracy, but the black and white screen wasn’t reading too well as Vox. Technically both versions are historically accurate since there were public colour television broadcasts in the mid 1950’s, they just weren’t as common as black and white ones. I wouldn’t think Hell would be as kind as to manifest Vox with the latest technology, plus I just like the idea of Vox having a black and white TV head phase.
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