#a day late bc i had too much of a headache to draw yesterdays
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gaemms-chamois · 1 year ago
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Arknights Blorbissimo Series
#71 – #80
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years ago
Idk why but a TeacherxStudent type of oneshot with any member of BLACKPINK if not that’s Gucci. I love your content btw💙
I...have no idea what this is, but i`m all soft. Also, i`m too busy to even breathe so it`s small, but like...enjoy. I chose Rosie bc i still have Chu and Nini requests to write. 
“Y/N, did you see the new professor i was talking about last week?” Your friend elbowed you and you huffed in annoyance.
“No. And that actually hurt, you know.” You rubbed your arm and looked around the room full of students. They were chatting loudly and it was giving you a headache.
“Oh, you`re going to love her! She`s so hot, i swear my jaw dropped the minute i saw her.” She stucked her tongue out and wiggled her eyebrows. You couldn`t help but sigh, trying to organise your things on the table.
It was getting late because the class should have started ten minutes ago, but the so called new teacher was nowhere in sight. Everyone was getting impatient.
“I don`t know, really. She`s already late on her first day. You know how i feel about those teachers.” You rolled your eyes and opened one of the notepads, starting to draw some flowers in the corner.
“But she’s a blondie! And she was really sweet when i ran into her yesterday. You like blondes, don’t you? Wait, i think she has some pink color mixed there. It`s strange for a professor to have pink hair, if you ask me, but whatever floats her boat, you know? And she’s a girl, so you’ll love her.”
You sighed once again, covering your notes with ink without much thought.
Oh, she’s here!” The door to the class room opened and everyone went quiet finally. Ah, such a blessing.
“You know, with girls it doesn’t actually work like that-”
Your eyes went up to see the human standing in front of the white board.
Your jaw nearly hit the table.
Damn, she was hot yet so sweet you swear you were lost for a moment, appreciating the view in front of you.
“Ha! I told you, you’d love her. But stop drooling before she catches you.”
She giggled and her voice sounded too far away to pay attention to.
The beautiful flower, i mean professor, looked around the room and smiled sweetly.
You melted under her gaze, too scared to look away and lose the sight of her.
“Hello everyone! My name is Miss Roseanne Park and i`m gonna teach you this whole semester. I hope we`ll get alone well and you`ll put all of your effort into this class so we don`t have any problems to solve in the end of the course, yeah?”
You nodded silently without even thinking and your friend let out a giggle.
“Oh, she`s been here for a whole minute and you`re already whipped.”
“Shhhh!” You shushed her, not taking your eyes off the beautiful creature.
Miss Park started the introduction for the course and you couldn`t help but catch her every word, while eyeing her up and down every two minutes.
She was really beautiful - long blonde hair with pink strands, delicate figure, long legs, bright blue orbs. Was she wearing lens?
You`ve been admiring her for half an hour when the quiet murmurs behind you started getting on your nerves. She was lecturing for fucks sake, what can you even talk about right now?
“She`s. So. Hot. I swear, Nick, i`m gonna be an A`s student from now on.” The guys snickered loudly and you huffed angrily, trying to focus on her soft voice.
“Yaaah, look at her legs. I bet they`d look even prettier around my neck.”
You closed your eyes, trying to tune out their mumblings. The urge to defend her honour was rising within you and you gulped, biting your tongue sharply.
Miss Park made a comment about the noise and they finally made an attempt to shut up.
But as soon as she turned away and continued the lecture they started to snicker again.
“Hey, buddy, what are you thinking about?” One of the guys punched his friend and you tried to hold yourself back.
You had a great desire to punch someone`s face.
“I`d bang her.” The sentence was short and told quietly but it made your blood boil.
"You`re such a dick, Tomas!” The fuck he was talking about her?
“Excuse me, young lady, but i`m still here.” Miss Park was looking at you directly now and you had to realise it was you who yelled a curse word out loud in a class full of people.
Well, shit.
“What`s your name?”
“I, aah... Y/N.” You blinked, feeling small and stupid. Your friend was holding back a laugh.
“Well, miss Y/N, can i please have a word with you after the class?”
You felt like drowning in her eyes.
You nodded, a blushing mess, and she continued her speech like nothing happed.
You were a nervous wreck, avoiding her eyes like a plague when she asked questions, not daring to raise your head until the end of the class. Means - for a whole damn hour.
Now everyone was leaving the room and you started to collect your things in a hurry.
“Good luck, babe.” Your friend kissed your cheek and winked on her way out, closing the door behind herself and leaving you alone with the beautiful professor. You looked at the door, trying to think about your excuses to run away.
“Y/N? Hello there.”
Her voice rang in an empty auditorium and you turned around to face her finally. She caught your tired eyes with her own and you wondered about how pretty they are for a moment.
“What`s your major? Are you a freshman?”
She didn`t look pissed at all but somehow you still felt the tension in the air. Her smirk was making you dizzy. Or maybe it was just your imagination?
She nodded, but still looked at you expectantly and you realised you didn`t answer her second question.
“And, uh, actually, i`m a senior... I know, I look young.” You blushed and lowered your head, breaking the eye contact.
“Hmm.” She hummed and you looked up again, amazed by the sound.
She was young too, to be a teacher at least, and you wondered how old she was.
But, of course, you didn`t ask, wishing for the opportunity to come someday in the future.
“You seem like a good student, Y/N.” She smiled sweetly.
“But I still won`t tolerate such language in my class.” Her voice went lower and your stomach made a flip.
“I`m sorry. I swear, i`m sorry! But...” She raised her eyebrow and you clenched your fists, trying to hold your thoughts together.
"I was defending your honor!” You let out stubbornly.
“These guys were awful and i couldn`t just sit there and listen. Besides, they were talking loudly. And they were interrupting you constantly.”
You saw a strange glint in her eyes that you didn`t understand, so you just smiled at her shyly, hoping she wouldn`t be sad because of some stupid boys` gossips.
"I appreciate it, Y/N, but it`s still not okay to curse. Are we clear here?”
She was scolding you, but her smile made you all soft inside.
"Im sorry.” You said again and nodded.
“Next time I`ll just beat him up silently, Miss Park.” You smirked at her, owning a playful glare in return.
"Don`t...do that.” :)
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years ago
I will wear jeans in hell
1. Do you think it’s rude when people speak slowly when talking to people that don’t know English well? No, it’s helpful, especially if the english speaking person has an accent the other person isn’t used to. I wish people would speak slower to me in spanish. The worst is when you ask them to speak slower and they repeat the exact same thing at the exact same speed. Speak slower but don’t be condescending.
2. What’s irritating you right now? My heater isn’t warm enough and my feet are cold.
3. Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? Depends on the question. I like telling stories about myself and my life but I don’t enjoy getting into emotions and stuff.
4. Would you ever sleep with someone to get a job? Depends on the job and who I have to sleep with.
5. Would you ever travel by yourself? I have, several times. And I will again at the end of the month when I go to Paris, although I’m hoping to be able to meet up with someone to go to Disneyland with.
6. When was the last time you consumed alcohol? I had a beer yesterday I think. Or maybe it was the day before, idk
7. When will you see your best friend next? January at the absolute earliest
8. Have you ever broken a bone? No
9. Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents? Sure, but not as my partner
10. Are any of your friends virgins? Yeah
11. Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or laying down? Standing up
12. If you could seek revenge on someone would you? There was one person I was pretty cranky at for a while but I don’t care anymore.
13. What plans do you have for tomorrow? No plans. I would go grocery shopping but tomorrow is sunday so everything will be closed.
14. What time did you wake up? I woke up to construction sounds and got annoyed because it was way too early for that kind of noise but I looked at my phone and it was 11:30. Still went back to sleep for another hour though.
15. Have you ever found a bug in your food? I have this one memory as a kid I had had a sleepover at my friend’s house and in the morning we were having breakfast in his dad’s cafe next door and I got pancakes and there was a wasp in it. I didn’t actually care, I ate around it.
16. What is most of your junk email from? Currently mostly from Dick Smith and a job search website
17. Do you have any upcoming appointments? what for? Flight at the end of the month. Does that count?
18. Would you be content to turn out just like your mom? Very much so, my mother is an amazing woman.
19. What is one skill you would like to have, but don’t want to work towards? Probably something super boring like knowing how to be an accountant or something. It would be useful to have for jobs and stuff but so boring to actually achieve.
20. Do you have letters of the alphabet that you like? Which ones? Not in english, but in spanish I like ñ because I like drawing the squiggle and also x because it’s pronounced differently depending which country you’re in.
21. If you could pick one topic for everyone in your country to learn more about, what would you pick? For australia, human rights and ethics so that they can start treating aboriginals and asylum seekers with a bit more respect.
22. How do you feel about people your age having children? I just don’t understand why
23. When was the last time you were at a park? Probably sometime when I was in panama. I don’t think I’ve been in a park since I’ve been back
24. Could you fall asleep right now if you tried? Wish I could, but no. Otherwise I’d be in bed.
25. Do you feel like going to funerals helps you in the grieving process? I have never been to one so I don’t know.
26. Who was the last person you heard snore? Panama guy
27. Do you think it’s possible for an 18 year old to be ready to get married? I think you should experience the real world before you commit to something like marriage. But hey, to each their own.
28. Have you ever had a dream about someone on tv, or a show? What happened? Yeah many times but the dream that comes to mind I had while I was in Colombia. I dreamt that I was on a yacht making out with Henry Cavill.
29. Have you ever taken a nap in an unusual or especially uncomfortable place, i.e. on top of your keyboard, under a table, etc? When I was at uni I would curl up in the bay window at the end of the aisle in the library and nap in the sunbeam. I have slept in trains and buses on terribly bumpy roads. I can even sleep on planes now. I’ve definitely napped on some floors, maybe head down on some tables too. Look, I just really like sleep okay and I can always do with a nap when I travel.
30. What was the scent of the last lotion you used? It was just one from the grocery store. It has argon oil in it which I assume gives it a certain smell.
31. Do you have any strange co-workers? I don’t currently work but there were a few weirdos at my old job.
32. When was the last time you had a headache? No idea, I don’t get headaches very often and if I do they’re minor so I wouldn’t remember anyway
33. Is anyone jealous of you? I hope so. Half the reason I use instagram is to make everyone I went to highschool with jealous of my current life.
34. What was the last thing you had to mentally prepare yourself for? that would have been for quitting that telemarketing job.
35. What’s something you’re currently dreading? Not finding a job and having to organise a move back to australia
36. If your living space could smell like anything in the world, but it would ALWAYS smell that way and you could never change it, what would you choose for it to smell like? I don’t know. Maybe citrus, or baked goods?
37. What’s something you wish were taught when you were in school? Actual life skills.
38. How would you describe your sense of humor? Varied. But mostly I like goofy, wholesome humour where nobody is the butt of the joke and nobody gets hurt.
39. Do you ever notice other people’s body language when you’re speaking with them? Sometimes
40. Is there a meal you simply cannot eat if it’s missing something (a salad without croutons, a sandwich without cheese, etc)? No..? I’ll eat just about anything
41. Is there something that other people see/hear and automatically think of you? You would have to ask those other people
42. Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? Yeah, I often prefer to be alone when I’m at home. It stresses me out to have someone in my space for too long.
43. If you got paid $5 per survey you made, could you make a living just doing that? I probably could but it would old really quick
44. When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? Every day in central america because I always wear jeans.
45. The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? I was going to the corner store probably.
46. Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? One friend did that for a while. He would stop hanging out with me whenever he started dating someone. But then he got a long term boyfriend and got better about managing his time between his partner and his friends.
47. Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? I have travelled a few times with my mum. I get a little frustrated travelling with dad though.
48. In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? Or maybe something else? I will wear jeans in hell
49. Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? I just want milk that tastes like real milk
50. How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? When I lived in australia I had a can of pepsi max a day bc it was my caffeine hit for work. Now I buy a 2L bottle of coke zero maybe once a week. Probably works out about the same tbh
51. When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? I live alone so I get the whole place to myself. I only spend time in my bed/bedroom for sleep
52. If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? Ugh my dad was so annoying about that. I was a nigthshift worker and yet he still found it weird that I preferred to sleep in to any time after 10am. Like, dude, I only go to bed at 7am. There’s no way in hell I’m getting up any time before 2pm. Now my brother works those hours and I’m sure he gets the same crap from dad.
53. How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? If it’s warm weather, I can pack for a week in my backpack and won’t have to do laundry. Cooler weather is harder because I have to pack layers and a jacket. But I still plan on only taking my backpack for my 4 night stay in Paris.
54. How old is your oldest living relative? My grandad is 88 in a couple of months
55. Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? I wouldn’t want to.
56. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? There will definitely be remakes in my lifetime.
57. If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? My brother and I don’t get along. We’re better now that we’re both adults but we’re definitely not friends.
58. How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? About a year and a half. I actually bought it to take on my trip to india. I wanted loose long sleeve shirts to keep the sun off me but not overheat me too much.
59. Are you a slut? Idk, maybe sometimes.
60. What happened last time you got drunk? I drank at home and watched Star Wars. That was it.
61. What do you want right this second? Kinda need to go to the bathroom tbh
62. How are you sitting? Sprawled out on my sofa
63. Did you sleep alone last night? Yeah
64. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Yeah
65. What were you doing last night at midnight? I think I was playing the sims
66. Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? Probably not
67. How many cigarettes have you smoked today? None, I don’t smoke
68. Do you like potato chips? Yeah
69. Do you think you are pregnant? I definitely am not
70. You’ve had sex within these past 10 days haven’t you? Ha! I wish
71. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I do
72. What were you doing this morning at 5:30? Sleeping
73. What were you doing 2 hours ago? Watching netflix
74. Do you like the ocean? Yes
75. How many windows are open on your computer? One window, 5 tabs.
76. Do you know anyone named Matt? I have 2 Matts on facebook.
77. When was the last time you talked to a sibling? Was emailing with my brother a few days ago
78. How late did you stay up last night and why? Went to bed around 1am. Didn’t get to sleep until ~5
79. Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii? Ooh tough choice. I think maybe greece but I’d also like to visit hawaii at some point. Although tbh neither of them are super high on my list. Top trip I want to do is all of latin america from Mexico to Argentina. Also want to hit up Madagascar. 
80. What color is your underwear right now? Navy blue
81. How is the weather right now? Cold.
82. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes but there’s nobody I want to ask out
83. Have you ever fired a gun? No.
84. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? Depends where/how far I’m going and how much it’ll cost.
85. Do you like to cuddle? Sometimes
86. Do you need to get anything from the store right now? If so, what, and why? I need groceries. But it’ll have to wait until monday.
87. Have you ever had to take a stool or urine test? Why did you have to do this? Urine test a few times. 1) drug tests for work, 2) while I was doing a medical trial a few years ago, 4) routine std check 3) got a UTI :/
88. Is there a food you eat that others find weird or gross? Some people think vegemite is weird and gross but those people are wrong. Also some people don’t understand how I can eat so much chilli.
89. The last video game you played - did you play alone or with someone else? I played Mass Effect 2 earlier today, alone.
90. . If there is a disc in your computer, what disc is it? Sims 3 Supernatural.
91. Do you shut down your computer every time after you use it, or do you leave it on? I just put it to sleep.
92. Do people ever drive down your street really slowly? Does it creep you out? Anyone who decides to drive down my street has already made a mistake. There is no possible way to do it quickly. It takes time and a person guiding you so that you don’t scrape down the sides of your car. This is a pedestrian street.
93. Do you live in a very diverse community? Yes, this is a pretty multicultural city
94. Did you waste your first kiss, or did it mean something to you? Do you think that people should save their first kisses just like their virginity? It meant something to me at the time, I don’t care now. People can do whatever they want with regards to their first kiss or their virginity.
95. Do you know anyone who has had salmonella? Did you ever have it yourself? What about e coli? One of my work friends got salmonella and it hit while she was on shift. I was at the other end of the site and could hear the conversation between her and the then-supervisor over the radio. It actually messed up her immune system and she kept getting colds and flu more often for about a year after that.
96. How many weeks of summer do you have left before you have to go back to school? 1) I don’t go to school, 2) It’s not summer
97. Who was the last member of your extended family to visit? Where were they visiting from? My Dad visited me back in May. That was the last family member I saw.
98. When was the last time you went on a train? Where were you going? Whenever I last went grocery shopping I’d have gotten the metro there and back. Last long distance train would have been to Castellón to get my yellow fever shot before I went to Colombia.
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