#a court of silver flames countdown
readingonpluto · 4 years
16 Days of Nessian - Day 1/16
2 + 5 = 7 ~ Nessian Modern AU
*If you have any ideas for fanfiction or headcanons, leave them below!*
Word count: 2242
There they are. 
I clutch the envelope in my hands, heart racing in my chest. I knew… I already knew, and yet somehow getting it confirmed makes it that much scarier. The doctor gave me a blurry photograph of our child, slipping it in an envelope to keep it safe so I could show Cass. 
I have to show Cass. He’s going to be excited, and yet I’m scared of how he will react. He has always wanted children, sometimes telling me about dreams he has had about our family. The moment is now here… A source of his joy, and yet… And yet I’m terrified. 
I unlock the door to our home, the house seeming quieter than usual. 
Cassian pops his head out of the doorway to the kitchen, a smile immediately playing over his face. He comes over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead, and then my mouth, holding me close. 
“You’re late.” His breath dances over my mouth, just before he kisses me again. 
“I had a doctor’s appointment,” I say, hugging him tightly, hoping that if I hold him long enough he will just know. 
Of course, that isn’t the case. He pushes me away just a little bit, arms still gripping my waist, but now concern lights his eyes as they search all over me. 
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“I wasn’t sure if it would be worth mentioning…” I hold the envelope to my chest, heart pounding in my ears. 
“But it is…” I nod. “Is something wrong?”
“No… No. Nothing is wrong.”
“Can we sit? Please.” He nods once, leading me over to our small table. I let him sit down in front of me, before taking my seat. 
“I’m going to need you not to be angry if you’re angry at all.”
He tilts his head slightly. “Do you think I’m going to be angry?”
“I don’t think so.” 
He stays silent, letting me take a few breaths before continuing. 
“I’ve noticed that I’ve gained some weight,” I start, weighing the options in my head. “And then I noticed I have missed two of my cycles.” His eyes flash, his gaze firmly on mine. “So I went in today to get an ultrasound. I did a few pregnancy tests beforehand, but I just wanted to make sure…” 
Cassian’s leg is bouncing and I can see he is trying to fight back a smile. He is truly trying his best to let me talk before saying anything. 
“I’m going to tell you, before I show you this,” I hold up the envelope. “That all three pregnancy tests I did were positive.” I hand him the envelope. 
He is brimming with joy as he gently opens it, pulling out the small blurry photo. 
“Is this…” He trails off, eyes fixed on the image, tears building up in his eyes. 
“We can’t know the gender until about four months in. But the doctor said that they’re healthy and everything is going fine.” I keep my gaze on him. I don’t think he is breathing. “I have another appointment in a month. I have the date so you can book it off work--”
Finally, he stands, making his way over to me before falling to his knees in front of me. 
“There is a baby inside of you. My child.” 
I nod, not sure what to say. His eyes are so bright, his tears so joyous that I don’t want to break the moment. Why did I ever think he was going to be angry? He pulls me forward just a bit, nuzzling his face into my stomach. 
“I’m going to be a dad.”
My fingers find his hair, lovingly playing with the ends. “You are.”
The next time, the house is much louder as I step into it. I can hear Fin giggling and Cass telling him a story of a time he, Azriel, and Rhysand all got food poisoning. I have no clue why Fin finds it so funny, but it is one of his favourites. His second is the time Cass met me for the first time. That’s one of my favourites too. 
I step into the living room, watching my two boys smile, pure joy radiating off of them. Finlay is the first to see me, pointing his chubby finger at me and reaching upwards. I immediately sweep into the room, picking him up and kissing him all over, causing another wave of giggles to erupt. 
I shift him to one arm, reaching for Cass with the other. Just as swiftly, he kisses my cheek, hugging me close. 
“Hello,” I say. 
“Hi, Sweetheart.” His eyes flick to the clock. “You’re a bit late.”
“I was picking up a few things.” Fin wiggles in my arms, a clear message to put him down. He half crawls, half walks over to his toys, already bored with our conversation. 
“Oh.” I reach into my bag, pulling out a small envelope. Cassian’s eyes snap to mine before he takes it gently. 
“Should I be scared?”
“Nope,” I smile. “Maybe. Just open it.”
He grins, slowly--just to annoy me--pulling out the photo. Immediately, his eyebrows furrow. I knew he would be able to tell it was different this time. 
I step up next to him, gesturing at the photo. “That’s baby A, and that is baby B.”
His eyes find mine, making sure I’m serious, before sweeping me up into his arms. He kisses me hard, grinning from ear to ear. We had been trying to have another kid for about a year, and I knew he wasn’t expecting this.
“Twins?” I nod, smiling hard. “Are they okay? Nothing is wrong?”
“Nothing yet. They’re healthy so far, we just need to keep an eye on them.”
“Of course,” He kisses me again, setting me down only to pick up Fin and kiss him just as much. Our son had come over to see what the fuss was all about. 
“You’re going to be a big brother,” Cass tells him, showing him the photo. “You’re going to have two siblings to look after.” 
Fin points at the photograph, smiling at his father. “Wittle brother.” 
I swear it gets louder and louder every time I walk into this house. From the sounds of things, Cassian made the kids some food, and Fin is babbling about what he did at school to the twins. 
I slip into the kitchen where Cass is finishing up their meal--animal crackers for a treat. I wrap my arms around his waist, pushing my face into his back. 
“Hello, Sweetheart,” He says, placing a hand over my own. “How did it go?”
“You’ll be happy.”
“Yeah?” He smiles, and turns to me. “Do I get an envelope again?”
Laughing lightly, I hand him the folded paper containing our fourth between its pages. “You do.”
He takes out the photo, smiling at the image. “Quinn will be wanting a little sister. At two she knows exactly what she wants.”
“And Caspian will want a little brother, just to spite his twin.”
Cass grins. “They’re going to be way too powerful when they’re older. I almost feel bad for their teacher.”
He hands the photo back to me. “What do you want?”
“I’m just excited for a fourth.” He kisses the top of my head, animal cracker in hand. “I’ll be happy with anything.”
“Same.” I trail after my husband into the loud dinner room. Quinn is flipping through one of Fin’s work books, as her older brother eats his sandwich. Caspian on the other hand is frowning at his food. 
I slip into the seat next to our youngest. “What's wrong?”
“No like crust,” He mumbles out. 
“You like the crust.” He shakes his head. “Just try it.” Again, he shakes his head. I look to Cass, and he shrugs, setting down the crackers. 
“Baby, you need to eat it.” He says. 
Caspian crosses his arms, looking more cute than mad. “Why?”
“No animal crackers otherwise.” He shakes the bowl for emphasis. 
Caspian frowns, looking at his sandwich again. 
“I’ll eat crackers if he no want them,” Quinn says, looking up from the workbook. Caspian immediately starts eating his sandwich. 
I smile at Cass, standing to slip up to his side. “That's one way to do it.” “What’s the photo mummy?” Fin asks, pointing at the ultrasound in my hand. 
“Another surprise.” 
Finlay’s eyes light up, and he changes his pointing to the twins. “Another one?” I nod, laying the photo in front of them. I point to the little dot so Quinn and Caspian know what we’re talking about. 
“That there is either a little boy or a little girl. Right now they’re in mummy’s belly, but soon they will be there to meet you.”
“When?” Quinn asks. 
“Seven to eight months.” 
“Oh…” Quinn points to my stomach. “Can I feel?”
With animal crackers forgotten, Fin tells the twins all about how he became an older brother, and the wait, with each of them taking turns feeling their new sibling even if there is hardly anything there yet. 
“I’m happy they’re excited.” Cass whispers to me as I close the door to the twins’ room. 
“Me too.” I lean into him. “I was worried little Cas would be unhappy.”
“He seemed okay after Fin explained. I think he fed off his and Quinn’s joy.”
“Better than explaining that we can’t go back now.”
Cass laughs, nuzzling into my shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to anyway.”
This time, I am truly scared. Every time we talked, it was always four kids. Four kids, and then we were happy. Ezra is now four, two years older than everyone else when a new sibling was brought in. Finlay is now eight and the twins are six. Will they be happy or sad or even angry? 
They’re all watching a movie. I can hear the cheerful song playing from the television and all of them singing along, probably even acting it out. I smile, stepping into the house. However, before I can make my way into the room Cassian steps out of the kitchen, flour all down his apron and smile already on his face. 
“How was your check up?” He asks, as I lean up to kiss him. 
“Good,” I say, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice. “Are you baking?”
“Yeah, I thought I would make some cookies for a treat.”
I nod and Cass’s eyes roam over me, missing nothing. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Swallowing, I hand him the envelope. His eyes look up at me as he takes it, before flicking down again and pulling out the blurry photograph. He lets out a shaky breath, smiling. 
“Really?” He asks, looking up at me. 
“Yeah…” I swallow again. “You’re not… You’re happy?”
“Of course I’m happy!” He pulls me to him, squeezing me tightly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
A small smile of hope plays on my lips. “We only talked about four kids, never five.”
“So?” He holds me at arms length, grinning from ear to ear. “If you are happy, then I am too. Adding one more to our family is amazing!” “Adding?” We both turn to find Fin, Quinn, Caspian, and Ezra in the doorway, all looking slightly confused. They must have come over when they heard Cass shout. 
I walk over to them, kneeling on their level, holding out the photo which Fin takes. He smiles passing it to the others. 
Ezra jumps up, shifting from foot to foot. “Is this a baby?” He asks. I nod, smiling. “I’m not going to be the youngest anymore!”
He runs over, wrapping his arms around me, followed by the twins then Fin. Not soon later, I feel Cassian’s arms hold all of us. 
“I’m so excited,” I hear Fin whisper. 
She comes out the hard way. It was a rough pregnancy, but she is okay, and in my arms, and breathing. 
I’m shaking and crying, brushing wisps of hair from her face. Cassian left to get the kids, and I finally let myself crumble. 
“You alright?” Feyre asks from where she sits not too far away. 
“Yeah,” I breathe. “I was just… I was so scared…”
She stands, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, Elain coming up on my other side. 
“It's okay now.” Elain whispers. “She is safe.”
I nod, trying to breathe as my daughter sleeps soundly on my chest. We sit like that for a few seconds, before I finally have a clear moment and look up at my sisters. 
“Pardon?” Elain asks, confused. 
“Eleanor. The name means light, or shining one.”
Feyre smiles. “Cassian will love it.” “Nelly for short?” Azriel asks, looking up from his book. 
I beam. “Nelly for short.”
“Mummy!” Ezra’s voice rings out, stumbling over to me. “Is she okay?”
“She is okay,” I shift so he can see his little sister better. 
Cassian helps Ezra up onto the bed, so the twins and Finlay can also see her. 
“Does she have a name yet?” Fin asks, his gaze never leaving his young sister. 
“I was thinking of Eleanor.” I look up at Cass just in time to see the smile spread across his face. 
“Nelly for short,” Quinn says, and this time Azriel smiles softly. 
“I love it,” Caspian says, looking up at his dad.
“I do too.” Cassian agrees. 
“Eleanor it is.” I smile. 
“Nelly for short,” Ezra grins. 
“Nelly for short,” I confirm. 
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coralskywhxre · 4 years
“People often made the mistake of assuming Cassian was the wilder one; the one who couldn’t be tamed. But Cassian was all hot temper—temper that could be used to forge and weld. There was an icy rage in Azriel I had never been able to thaw.”
I need me more of this in acosf I’m on my knees begging.
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profoundbeliever · 4 years
To anyone that wants the azriel bonus chapter...I'm willing to share mine!!
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elriell · 4 years
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24 Days until we potentially get Cassian reacting to Nesta wearing pants in Illyria!
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positivewitch · 4 years
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“ I don’t see you spouting poetry, brother. ” Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly. “ I don’t need to resort to it. ”
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fangirlingdweeb · 4 years
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Day... what day are we in now?
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gwynsazriel · 4 years
just a reminder before ACOSF drops in 4 days,
people are going to see things however they want, people are going to understand things differently, people are going to think what they want. AND THATS OKAY!!
but the most important thing is to not be rude about it! let people think what they want to think, that’s the fun of it! it’s fun to speculate, it’s fun to make theories! just please be respectful of one another.
i’m posting this because i know how this fandom is, and i know how rude and mean people can be when you don’t form the same opinions as them. so please be nicer:)
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drugswings · 4 years
“Cassian chuckled hoarsely, and looked to Nesta, who remained pale and quiet. What she’d seen, what I’d seen in her mind … The size of that army … “Eat or bed?” Cassian had asked Nesta, and I honestly couldn’t tell if he’d meant it as some invitation. I debated telling him he was in no shape. Nesta only said, “Bed.” And there was certainly no invitation in the exhausted reply.”
I constantly find myself wondering about how was their interaction soon after this scene... How he led her through the tents and if they talked a little. What kind of quick conversation they’d had. I even wonder if Cassian remained standing by outside her tent after she walked in.
*I cannot wait to see more scenes like this in acosf 🥺
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I was a slave for any Nessian content from Day 1 and now we get to have a whole ass book about them... cancel 2021, i'll be reading
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princessofmerchants · 4 years
I have decided to work hard to preserve my reading experience of ACOSF next week. I tried blacklisting the spoiler tags and while the blacklisting worked, folks are still understandably reacting to what they learned will be in this book, and not always tagging those reactions with spoilers.
So I decided I am taking a break from my dash for the next 9 days or so, until I have read the book.
But, funny story! My extra ass has two projects I'll still be posting about between now and next week:
My ACOSF (and beyond) ship/sentiment survey — please take it if you haven’t yet! 🤓📊
My ACOFAS chapter by chapter commentary posts — Ch. 3: Cassian is posting later today 👀🦇
Feel free to talk to me through those posts as I share them, but keep your comments spoiler free please! 💖🌱
Otherwise, see you on the flip side... 8 Days until A Court of Silver Flames 🔥
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booknerdharshi · 4 years
Alright people, I know many of you don't like the idea of Rhys being the high king, the hint for which Sarah just dropped in #acosf but I think he would be the best high king prythin could ever get.
Just think about it. He was the one who knew about Amarantha's plan even during under the mountain as well as the threat the king of hybern posed.
He was the one who gathered all of the prythin when the high lords were just content ruling over their own territories and knew nothing of the impending war upon them. I know the night court is supposed to be the hero but still it's like they r just concerned with their particular courts and don't tread any further.
Even in acosf, he is the one who's doing everything to avoid a new war. Eris does helps and knows about it because he's father is involved. And no other high lord is privy to this and neither do they know what is happening outside of their territories.
A good ruler would be the one who's willing to do anything and even sacrifice himself for the good of their people which is who Rhys is.
I know that many people hold this against Rhys that he only shielded velaris during Amarantha's reign but something is better than nothing. This scene is also explained in the series when Rhys admits that he did what he could and carried the weight of not saving the others with him.
Let's also not forget that Rhys could have allied with hybern and avoided the war all together but he thought about all of the prythin and also about the humans.
He did made a few bad choices but who doesn't? Even the most wisest kings make bad decisions once in a while but Rhys does what needs to be done for the greater good.
Not to mention that the beasts carved into the pillars in hewn City are the same ones who were present in the great history of prythin and Nesta is also shown them when she's in prison. I think that Rhys is meant to be the high king and this also has to do with his ancestors history with that of the only high king prythin ever saw. I also have a theory that the high king that existed before is Rhys's ancestor or something.
I can't wait to see him becoming the high king and feyre high queen.
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readingonpluto · 4 years
16 Days of Nessian 7/16
Audiobook Headcanon/discussion 
*If you have any ideas for fanfiction or headcanons, leave them below!*
Day 1, Day 2,  Day 3,  Day 4,  Day 5,  Day 6
Word count: 301
So, that little audiobook snippet Sarah J Maas posted on her Instagram killed me a little bit on the inside. We now know two things. One, Cassian’s room is right above Nesta’s, and two, he 100% knows she reads smut. 
Imagine this:
Nesta truly does have a nightmare later on in the book. 
By this time she is a little closer to Cassian, just enough to trust him. 
Not knowing what else to do she makes her way to his room, book in hand. 
She knocks lightly, and a groggy Cassian comes to the door. 
He is surprised to see her, but can tell by the bags under her eyes now is not the time to make a quip at her. 
Silently, he lets her in. 
She sits on the end of the bed, and Cassian finally gets the courage to ask her what is wrong. 
She mumbles something about a nightmare and holds the book out to him. 
He is confused, but takes it.
It takes only a second for him to figure it out. 
Smiling softly he asks her if she truly wants him to read this out loud. 
She just shrugs telling him it doesn’t matter anymore. 
This is the moment Cassian sees that something is truly wrong. 
He lets her stay, telling her stories about anything he can think up -- childhood, old memories, etc.. -- until she falls asleep. 
He lets her take his bed, while he takes up a chair next to her. 
I have this thing in my mind where I feel like there will be a scene when Cassian sees how truly hurt Nesta is. Like, he realize how hard her brain is going at her and how far gone she is. However, this just makes him want to help her more, and he tries harder. 
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coralskywhxre · 4 years
if I see Mor insult Nesta one more time
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profoundbeliever · 4 years
I just want y’all to know that I just got an email confirmation from BAM! that my ACOSF book shipped today!!!! Fans rejoice!!
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elriell · 4 years
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jemsparabatai · 4 years
so i finally got a court of silver flames today... don’t talk to me for about 2-3 business days 👋
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