#a common Adeuce quote
pinkpruneclodwolf · 2 years
*Me taking the FGO/TWST mc adeuce and lostbelt king Yuu a step further by having Yuu a servant that had died for them during their time in FGO pt1 only to meet in a lostbelt timeline where they (adeuce) needed to kill them to progress and can't bring it in themselves to resummon but somehow meet in TWST again after the lostbelts are over in very painfully normal circumstances which changes a lot of the context of their interactions in TWST and i am going to explode if i take this any further [dies]*
The only thing I'm getting from this is that I need to fight the person who hurt you Raynon.
No but like watching your friend sacrifice themselves in a cruel revelation that it's the only way to let everyone else progress and survive the horrors of humanity being incinerated only to meet the version of them that ached for home so much that they were willing to create a crude fantasy that contributed to the world being bleached.
Just to meet back in TWST.
And having to be normal ab it.
Just to meet back in the same place they had begged to be released from.
And having to relive those memories of watching your friend die. Being afraid to summon them because you don't want to prolong their suffering even if it's just a facet. A fraction. A version of them that and been brought to the extremes of desperation.
And you have to be normal ab it all.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Your Phone Shopping Dat- Experience (Ft. Ace, Deuce, Grim and Cater)
Ah... Phone Shopping... I’ve never been on one of these :’)
Remember when Cater said he’s going to bring us on a phone shopping date? WHICH NEVER HAPPENED? Yea, me too! So, what if we were the ones to remind him about said ‘date’ and what would happen.
It starts off with you being bored as hecc in your humble Ramshackle Dorm. You had already finished your classes and homework as well as Grim because you forced him to do so before he ends up being lazy.
So you were sprawled out on the Dorm’s Common Room sofa. Grim is also sprawled out beside you.
 “(Y/N) (Y/N)!!” You have to see this!!” Ace said as he shoved Deuce’s phone in your face.
It was a meme. A MEME OF WHO? Why, none other than their dorm leader of course. Literally it’s a picture of her majesty Riddle’s face photoshopped onto a baby’s body.
Caption? “Imma cri becuz u no follow da rulez.” (Imma get beheaded soon pls send help)
Anyway, you laughed at this poor attempt at a meme (I’m dissing myself :’) ) and suddenly you remembered that you yourself didn’t have a phone and Cater-senpai did promise you to go phone shopping. So the 4 of you set off to find the elusive MagiCam-addicted third year. You found him in Heartslabyul’s garden again, but this time he was wearing pink and feeding the flamingos. You tried to stifle your laughter as you approached the pink dude.
“Ano, Cater-senpai?” 
“Ah.. (Y/N), what can I do for you?” He asked.
“I wanted to go buy a phone and I remembered you said something about knowing a place I can go to?” 
“Oh yes! You came at a good time! Just gimme a sec~” And without a second thought he had already used his unique magic to clone himself to finish his chores. He quickly changed his clothes and dragged you and the other 3 towards the school’s main entrance.
“Let’s go~”
After some time, you 5 arrive at a shopping mall. Cater leading the way of course. As soon as you guys got in, you and Grim stared in awe. 
“What? Never been to a mall before?” Ace asked and you almost smacked him on the spot. (I’m sorry for torturing Ace QwQ)  Yes, you’ve been to a mall before, but this is your first time being in one in Twisted Wonderland. Basically, everything is magical. You’ve got magic shops, floating benches and even twisted clocks! So you were starstruck immediately. Cater laughed and led you to the shop where he said and I quote, ‘has the latest models at a very cheap price’. 
As you were looking at some phones, you heard shouting coming not too far from you. Yes, very VERY familiar shouting. You then gently set the phone back on the counter and went to the source of the shouting. There, you saw two certain dark haired and dark orange haired friends of yours arguing about something. So, you did the one logical thing to do. You smacked them in the head. Two shouts of pain were heard as you went back to looking at new phones.
You’ve set your eyes on a certain model and you asked Cater for advice on your choice. He approved of the model and you went to pay. But as soon as you reached the counter, another ear piercing scream was heard. 
You looked around to see Cater, Deuce and Ace staring at the direction of the scream. And lo and behold, out comes a raccoon running away in the other direction.
“That creature!! It took my tuna sandwich!!” 
“Fgnaaaa!!! Finders keepers!!” As soon the thief had said this, Ace, Deuce and Cater could feel a dark aura coming behind them. As they sheepishly turned their heads to looks at you and your back was faced towards them. However, your entire body has a black outline to it with the most dangerous aura anyone could ever experience. You excused yourself from the cashier and took off after the creature. Cater, Deuce and Ace followed you shortly after.
After catching the ‘thief’, you went back to the lady and apologized to her while giving her enough madol to buy a new sandwich. Which in turn made you a few madol short for you to buy that new phone. You sigh in defeat.
As you were about to walk away, Ace and Deuce stopped you before you could do so. They each pulled out half of the madol that you were short of and gave it to you. You looked at them in awe as they blushed slightly.
“Well? Are you going to take it or not?”
“But, why?” You asked them.
“Seriously? You’ve done so much for us. You even helped us get out of a contract with Azul.” You smiled at the both of them and gave them both a gentle hug and went to get that new phone, leaving the ADeuce-combo blushing like a bright red tomato ever so slightly.
Cater then treated you all a cup of coffee and even gave Grim a can of tuna even though he didn’t deserve it. 
Then you guys went around the mall looking at more cool stuff while Cater was getting a lot of pictures for his MagiCam. 
The hashtags? #datewithfriends #phoneshopping #memorableday #NRC 
A few more hashtags were added, but those were in reference to your dark aura and Grim’s mischief.
As you all made your way home, you asked yourself a few questions:
Did you get a new phone? Yes.
Did it cost you a part of your sanity while doing so? Yes.
Should you have went to Idia and asked him to build you a new phone instead? Absolutely yes.
But most importantly, you had fun with your group of goofballs and this ‘date’ turned out to be one of your most treasured memories of all.
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