#a certified yapping post. don't take it too literally
nordickies · 3 days
What do you think of the Nordic's relationships with the other characters? Do they have friends outside of each other? Maybe enemies? Who do you ship them with?
Aaah, okay this is going to be messy, so embrace yourself. I have to speedrun my views this time, let's go
Sweden: The idea of Sweden and Ukraine getting along is oddly wholesome to me since they have likely known each other since childhood. And I like the idea of Greece being Sweden's first childhood crush due to the whole Eastern Viking Trade. To me, Estonia is Sweden's old-time friend and potential love interest in the past. Latvia is a runt of a litter Sweden tried to take under his wing at some point, though with varying success. Sweden and Poland have such drastic personalities, and I don't think they get along that well, which is especially funny considering they were technically married for a few years. Plus Poland has his reasons to dislike Sweden. Sweden and Spain's interactions in the canon are so cute; I like to think of them as friends. They may have had something extra going on during the 1960s/70s tourism boom, hehe. On the other hand, Sweden's and France's relationship is intriguing; it has fluctuated significantly in their lifetime. Either they're close allies, with France having massive influence over Sweden, or they despise each other, basically. But Sweden has relatively good relationship with England. I can't see Russia and Sweden getting along at all, sorry. While the Netherlands and Denmark have always been closer, I think Ned and Swe are old friends, too. They're just both lowkey about it. I think Prussia is a bit intimidated by Sweden for some reason; he can't think of ways to converse with him without making things awkward. However, Germany and Sweden get along well! Germany can always count on Sweden to be competent and trustworthy; he talks so little, which is appreciated. And I love the idea of Sweden having a "dad group chat" with e.g. Austria and Australia. They need that peer support at times. Norway: I like Ireland and Norway as potential love interests, but Scotland's romance with Norway intrigues me way more. There are centuries worth of alliances and cultural ties to draw inspiration from for those two. I could see them pining for each other for ages and going back and forth about it. However, I could see Norway getting close to Ireland and Southern Italy (plus the US) during the 18th century! I personally think Norway was one of the few nations that spent some time in the Americas. Obviously, Norway is a close friend of England's; one of the few, actually. They seem to get along, and imagining how much Norway's genuine friendship must mean to the Brit is rather cute. And yeah, I love the Magic trio; Romania and Bulgaria would also make lovely dates for Norway. I stand by the idea of Norway and Switzerland getting along and having a friendship based on their shared love for mountain sports. Liechtenstein and Austria can join in, too, why not? I don't think Norway would get along with France; they seem like such distinct personalities. And I don't believe Norway cares that much for Germany or Prussia; he doesn't seek to spend time with them like the rest of the Nordics. He probably finds them a bit annoying, in all honesty. Oddly enough, Lithuania seems like someone Norway would get along with, and maybe they find themselves hanging out surprisingly often. Norway is an explorer at heart, and he travels by himself a lot. I could see him making unlikely friends during these travels in, e.g., Asia and South America while getting lost on a jungle hike or something. New Zealand and Norway have surprisingly many things in common, so it's cute to imagine them being on friendly terms, as well
Denmark: In my opinion, Denmark would be closer to France than the rest of the Nordics. And Denmark is the cause of England's childhood traumas, hehe. Denmark is obviously close to the Benelux countries; he and the Netherlands are especially tight. Denmark and Estonia are childhood friends who have had their struggles, but they are close nowadays. Their friendship has a lot of potential for cute interactions. I love the idea of Denmark and ASEAN countries connecting through sports, and I could honestly see Denmark and South Korea getting along surprisingly well. Or Australia and Denmark due to their passion for swimming and watersports. I love the idea of Ireland and Denmark having some past romance and being connected due to their long cultural ties. But for some reason, their relationship never lasted to the modern day. In the past, Denmark and Russia had contact through mutual alliances, but they weren't exactly close friends; it's probably hard to break the ice with Russia, yknow. But Denmark probably tried. Austria, Thailand, and Portugal are Denmark's past allies, but they don't have that much going on between them to call each other close friends. Poland and Denmark are old allies, too. While Prussia and Denmark get along nowadays, they have held their grudges and had complicated relationship. I love the possibility of pesky drunk hookups between them; I get my enemies-turned-something drama from those two, tbh. Germany and Denmark are close too, but maybe Germany prefers Sweden's quieter and calmer character. Also, I kind of love the idea of Italy flirting with Denmark and him just playing into it, being a raunchy inside joke between them which keeps confusing unaware bystanders. Denmark and the US are longtime allies and thus on pleasant terms. Denmark is kind of like an older coworker, ready to cheekily mess with you whenever he gets the chance (in this case, targeting Canada specifically). Finland: Estonia and Finland are best friends, practically glued to each other, and Latvia is like the forgotten little brother in this dynamic. Hungary is like a long-lost cousin with whom Finland just immediately clicked. Russia and Finland have their own difficulties, it's complicated. And I don't think Finland would like England or France that much, either. They can be professional, but they're not exactly close friends. But Germany and Finland have always gotten along. I think it's a fun idea that their friendship began in the 19th century, both being lost in how this nationhood responsibility works, and their friendship developed from there. I love the idea of Monaco and Finland becoming friends over their love for motorsports - or Japan and Finland geeking over each other and having surprising cultural similarities. Czechia and Canada share their passion for ice hockey with Finland, so they probably spend time together due to their hobby. Poland and Finland would make great friends, too, even with their past difficulties. Poland and Italy being great friends and adopting Finland into their circle sometimes is a charming idea to me; they make a lovely trio.
Iceland: Well, Iceland is friends with practically everyone—except England. They need to have their petty rivalry because I think it's funny. I also think Iceland's and Turkey's unlikely friendship could be entertaining, but not in a romantic or "creepy" way like everyone tends to portray it. Turkey gives me Uncle vibes. He'd take the poor kid to eat proper food while visiting his place. I think the manga chapters with the ASEAN countries were so cute, proving once again that Iceland could make friends anywhere. I see Iceland being especially friendly with nations like Hong Kong, Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Northern Ireland, and Luxembourg. I think he's also very close with the Baltic states! Especially Latvia, since they're so close in physical age compared to others. And the US just one day decided to adopt Iceland as his friend; I don't think they're that compatible personality-wise, and the US probably thinks of Iceland way more highly than Icey does of him. But Iceland just tags along with his louder friend nevertheless
Sadly, I can't go into detail with every single relationship out there. Just picked out the most relevant ones with a sentence or two! So there's a lot more going on and a lot more nuance to each relationship, you know. Feel free to ask for more specifics, I suppose
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stars-tonight · 1 day
hi, saw you were doing match ups and wanted to join!! long and romantic please. i use she/her and would love a boy match!
i’m tall (5’10” on a bad day), long wavy/curly ginger hair, freckles and i’m my friends’ “scary dog privilege” on a night out. i’m told i sit between doberman and black cat energy haha. i’ve also been told my care bear is grumpy bear, but i do have a silly side and will often show that with my loved ones. i 100% am a certified yapper though so can and will yap about everything and nothing (imagining in hq context just tossing balls to one of the boys in full yap mode and he’s just like “mhmm, yep, no way she said that, mhmm” lmao). I’m INFT-J.
my ideal partner would be someone who can match my energy either way, someone i can sit at a party with and judge everyone/ gossip over my drink but then do silly karaoke/re-enactments of drama with at the end of the evening over yum food. also i like a schedule, my life is planned through spreadsheets so need someone to match my organisation and be able to sit and plan each month.
hobbies wise i read, i used to do musical theatre and i cook. i do yoga and i collect teas (loose leaf, matchas etc.). i also come from a medical family so my medication cabinet is truly stacked and my friends text me for advice all the time, very much the doctor friend.
love languages, i am big on acts of service/gift giving, i love to cook for my loved ones and i’ll constantly buy little things that remind me of my friends to give to them or lending out books etc. as far as what i would look for i’m not really fussy? pda lowkey makes me cringe (handholding/ holding pinky fingers? ankles hooked around each other? LOVE. also like forehead/cheek kisses but couples that fully make out in public no thanks) so maybe not physical affection, but quality time and words of affirmation probably stand out the most.
let me know if you’d like anything else from me!!
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oikawa is probably the biggest gossiper in the whole series
like nobody really strikes me as a gossiper
but if there was one
but he's also the one on karaoke night to be singing into the microphone like he's drunk
and everyone else (*the aoba johsai team) is just sitting on the couch looking at each other like "alright who spiked his drink? no that's just him?"
he likes how in control of your life you are
he can sometimes get carried away when thinking about volleyball
("if you can't see the opponent standing in front of you then you can't defeat the one that lays beyond" -- king iwaizumi)
so he admires how grounded you are
will go to you for advice on what to do about injuries
i think he wears a knee brace but i believe he also had an ankle injury
will sometimes overexaggerate his pain just to see you take care of him
acts of service as a giving love language -> spoiled oikawa
loves it when you cook for him
if you get him something, he'll take it with him when he travels for tournaments
will call iwaizumi and laugh at him for not having someone to give him presents or cook for him
iwaizumi threatens to tell you an embarrassing story of oikawa's
that shuts him up quickly
in my mind, oikawa had so many fans, even in high school
so he'll probably want to keep his dating life private
meaning he's probably not big on PDA
also he's used to "scary dog privilege"
(*cough iwaizumi*)
(i think you're literally the same height as iwaizumi too lol)
and will just stare at you when you go on rants with stars in his eyes
he genuinely thinks you're so beautiful
i feel like oikawa wouldn't hesitate to praise you
he sweet-talks enough for his fans lol
almost everything he says has a teasing tone to it
but sometimes he'll get vulnerable
usually late at night over the phone or if you're together in bed
and even though he's busy he'll always make time for you
if you don't live with him post-timeskip because of his games, he'll call or FaceTime you every night and complain about not being able to hold you
is the type to dramatically fall into your arms at the airport after some time away from each other
runner up for you was hinata shōyō!
there you go! i hope you liked it :) oikawa is probably my favorite haikyū!! character and one of my favorite fictional people of all time. he's such a comfort character and i relate to him so much ;-;
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