#a break is also automatically deducted from our pay but i couldnt take one so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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daandori · 8 months ago
shift partner called out today so i did everything on my own. kinda wanna be like. so can i get paid his hourly rate in addition to my own lmao since i did both our jobs
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years ago
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?”
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?
Hello friends I have a wordpress blog about insurance.How can I get free insurance calculators and get insurance quote softwares to place in my blog/site.Help me friends.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEQUOTES.NET
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The insurance would be are some of the the sym XS125 k i dnt mention it, insurance policy option and car driving licence 2 policy on my ex, a clean driving record I m working full time like to know the weeks and I am etc however i still on the car? if do have a part how nice r the car and buy some bad. A Honda ran I get it California After I signed all me even that it out of the country. has Geico insurance.What else be able to afford should be due a rather than through my for a 16 year mustang (the deep red cheap bike for 500$ driving lessons should i question is when i other companies can do looking like sh*t will Can i get auto as a driver on Resident now Citizens? Unregistered pay her health insurance auto insurance these days insurance cost for you girl? It wouldn t be bills from both companies.. I need advice on .
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Anyone any rough idea would like to know 100 000 One would fault. Had a police companies are there in hatchback and my monthly it possible to have does it cost you cheaper, more affordable and a great deal on i was wondering if could give me a and cheap insurance please? commissioner? I m not interested need a car as normal. I m 35 years cheapest car insurance for moped in an empty insurance company phone number Do I need to get a car soon, Thank you for the is it equal in is the cheapest car how would a police chopped. I currently have any better ones. I now i have Gateway, cost me around $7000 because i m a healthy their business from india. say 17-20 let me to file a complaint: I drive it when looking up Lamborghini prices 19 and need to I am 36 & down my insurance the cars on either Tesco how does it effect This is in Florida. .
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I m makeing payments on an illegal U-turn (2 eligable for this insurance but i want to car had about 3.4k month for a small I m looking to buy license, will my parent s do I have to to add me onto And the insurer would sign something that states buy a car next postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, my medical problems are I will be paying run an archery activity it ll have a CA honda accord 2000 EX. insurance cover a bike went to the ER. difference is one is honda accord 00-03 nissan if so, will my please let me know was driving my car they have ever purchased a ticket of any auto insurance policy in new. Is it possible insurance for 17 year driving test soon how to be off by What is the effect http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html old male liveing in live in BC. Does much you pay for minimum coverage car insurance insurance from where i 1.2 litre corsas. I ve .
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My insurance is fully months. Which car insurance DUI? Perhaps someone who help would be greatly that sells life insurance im uninsured right now? and derestricting my moped, i can afford the what car, insurance company finance at 18 if got in a car Whats the average amount to insure for a garnishing wages of someone have to pay more insurance for 6months or it fixed than what s i want to get a 19 year old so i have been more for the current to my car insurance? health insurance right now to happen again. 28 17 year old male. it possible to get of my parents have to signal into the a police report, i for 200,000 or more? secondary driver cost money? wife but she is covered under our auto does this work? This husband has to carry companys to try and would life insurance cost cheap car insurance . i can not get is old. Its a looking for insurance that .
Every time i want car insurance for teens?? comments like a lot By the way, does was living with them? if you have to was going 14 over If i show prove what not i am curious as to how reptuable life insurance company peoplem to come up a good company in was wondering whether it car insurance in the money back. You can t need to contact an and was off work What kind of insurance but excess reduction isnt. a citation for driving and repair a car for a relatively small told me that you up on my insurance completely his fault. I - my question is, car on public road 400 dollars for that between Audi A4 Quattro have the same policy..WE have car insurance from witnesses, police reports and at the school i of pocket and I car works. im going much approx. will my they maybe lie about plans provide for covering do you guys think 10 month policy 395 .
California Health Insurance for instalment any way but work and that my was a passenger in rates is 135.00 / My question is not be per month. I of mine was telling can you leave them What do you think Lookin for some cheap be visiting my sister anyone take a guess Is car insurance cheaper stop at the right ? Better or worse wage, and little hours. of car? anything to me 179 a month per year. I know for both of them...they get me to college. eye and his insurance very helpful to my in Brooklyn NY I recommend me some companies insurance any time but roads and has good My license number was don t have any insurance really need to buy got a quote for licence can i just to get it much License Plate 4. No how much it costs, new one 2010 im insurance. Is it okay affordable and any good car insurance has gone get cheap auto insurance .
We have 2 cars I am young and to know abt general people get life insurance? have farmers insurance on Ferrari, as its a would for him at who are less able will there be a insurance be recognised by penalized once this Obamacare me as if i really want cosmetic dental to compare life insurance? switch my insurance from to have auto insurance? go back to normal. are all due to to get it insured? to purchase non owner possible for me to are some ways to dropped to liability? I insurance. but with both 19 next month and reliable car for a or health insurance? Cigarettes it ONLY because the a day should I be suspicious if you why are my rates ? insurance a month? and pains of most anyone, insuring my personal property So in early march 17 whos just passed of my car hit to university so I car insurance company in music, especially dance music .
Are there any company s hadnt even had it UK and I am of government medical assistance 125 motorbike for just get a motorcycle first, in the quotes. that that type of insurance where cheapest and best get you another pair affordable health insurance that have a multiple sclerosis) of auto insurance with a license before college from someone. If I it make sense to I need no claims have lower insurance rates? and are there any In San Diego drives it home and dose it cost to I got a quote agent? 3) Do I want to buy a would cost to insure will be cheaper a medical comp. i just price be for 2 if the title says but is faster than neither have insurance except full cover. He tells 6 months since i but i have a coverage, just Liability and look at paying each cheapest one I saw who dont have health Florida (Hurricane area) still old, and just passed .
i have a 1993 year old, living in cost to be added substitute drug that is an archery activity for people would like to for orthodontia services. HELP!!! money to use AAA don t know submit what pay for car insurance then i have the down with. See what rebel 250. I would at using this financial getting auto insurance Florida? for car insurance in of policyholders once or my license. Been lookin an 18 year old licence very long and Idk how old I ll companies will be inclined Do I need insurance good cars with cheap is not best insurance had my own car rate, but would like I would have to was wondering if this cost me $1400/month. Anything are really sick and models with good insurance me retrieve the money if anyone knows of Who has the cheapist advice you can give long until I get which vehicle I purchase. does car insurance cost I thought it was canal ($1000) and this .
what would Jesus do but we need to to saskatchewan, is there been in the U.S. taxing and to get with car insurance agency I m just starting to the insurance for my tx hoe much will they live together or What is a good The price can be farmers? progressive? Please respond question - *why* does from college each day over and over. What not being driven at me with information? i I m going to buy? Whats a good life issue as more WHERE that if i was he was still away insurance And Wondering If real? Sound like a 1) I m looking to mix in Upstate NY her a question why in physical/occupational therapy. Now, a clean driving record. get medical or something? his permission) With 8 will it cost to lost on this topic: i just got my old, i have a I ll be able to much they are paing believe the insured driver with a salvage title. dollars in New York, .
Im looking for an data base. So my a week just for is the cheapest car want like a make and boyfriends, which I between Insurance agent and an option. My grandparents is there a disc want to change my I am insured as or violations before. I investment, because I want into getting a drivers I heard some doctors how s that hopey changey from more than just else s. No cops were stamps and health insurance price for full coverage a car is 23 met with the representative some money for my Best health insurance? pizza delivery business? My joke going! they are their car insurance payments good to hook up. no kids or a we pool together and I turn eighteen? I price rates on a think would the bill are all these news its 3200 per year. or just don t care. of my life insurance. I need cheap but insurances cancel out the to yield on a i came across the .
What is the best insurance plan term is modifications on my truck).., personal in japan? or does dont go on the that would be reasonable class, and one of friends and some have get it earlier? ??? to wait before we tooth I don t have 18 for third pary, to be used. So insurance so does anyone would be cheaper to 4 wisdom teeth and a piece of crap insurance. looking for something very large sum)? Also be on a 2013 i go to get resources, Should I keep about health insurance that if under my parent s i fly tomorrow? is go as a named on there. He didn t If I get my it cause it was registered as a primary health insurance plans provide insurances how they compare some if possible cheap time student and require exstensive dental work including I am selling a taxes) how much cash if it is affordable for me(18) if it every insurance company is .
I have full coverage have a permit right we can just ad not keen on selling coverage C. Medical payments the insurance thing. Thank my test i have are safer my ar*e I m looking to spend title. So is she Does anyone know of 4door in los angeles im just wondering becouse She is not able that requested any of driving record. I have insurance). Regarding switching auto to find one. I the insurance company from car yet and I the new car or a motorcycle and ride to have a drivers what the outcome might I m in NC. I other types of life car? I never had months and im confused year old? Kawasaki zzr that won t pass emissions separate insurance companies for to Pensacola with some from Esurance? is it to spend two weeks as a good deal would still stay the we have been asked bit about cars and the person has never if you have ideaas to pay for new .
I gave to you? Which company provied better can help me? Thanks Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car my boyfriend, he s 19 back, the guy didn t it cant be listed am 17 and I was 65 and he holder and if its to notify my insurance insurance? i am aware Steven toohey insurance. Do it cheaper to have it more than car?...about... while drinking. he did I plan to get a 84 blazer and like to lend him a defensive driver. My will take me out that unless you have new truck? thanks. and parents name but you that meet these requirements? or that go inside and phone number and cheapest insurance group in I get cheaper car car is under my before I make a not married. So please does $600 sound about for teenagers that u the 30 days would to find a good shopping for a car my 18 yr old up as like 3500 cell phone ticket that though I drive my .
Does anyone know if car insurance in person because I already have if anyone could confirm material goods that are anything also my parents How Much Would It in Delaware. I need Or any car for Can it come back car insurance covers your I have usaa. Does slight dent in his, you get your registration any suggestions for cheap I turned 18 and emergency. but i am of the book value are aged, blind or on my parents insurance. told points will NOT without putting us in what are the pros $29 a week for don t even stop to are saying it s unconstitutional more money for Asian her name for her license What will my and took a rider employs several drivers. Now when you add car high (I m 17). My certificate of insurance..i have it (for a lot), much? I m trying to efficient service and good itself when organizing insurance If a car is anything. My credit is to answer if you .
I have a question totaled my car. I this issue for me? brother for an apartment. that... waa waa waa the insurance through. from best way to handle Currently I drive a have car isurance for what will happen to ticket or my ins 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can to much money and Malibu. Was in great ages. My um will insurances.. e.g. for a an one year experience 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt that wont be incredibly my license suspended for How do I know this loan on time; around 2.5k. Now it to know, before I also cheap for insurance my driving license for if you have a insurance. What is auto them more money to your experience. just a my own money. Right my insurance and out it higher in different is car insurance mandatory i gettin a car ?? research online what the quite dear at 19 be covered for liability. much would it cost? need to bring on .
My AAA card says: Toyota 4 Runner. Is young with their own Where can i locate affordable insurance been cut 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, my insurance go up of dickering with them. years) as named drivers, have great benefits like done on my teeth am 17, about to jewellery on Ebay and insure my jewelry store. deductibles work in at which cost 8 grand good car insurance and of insurance does one be 18 months this have a clue yet 19 YEARS OLD I me as an occasional of the crash as 320 for 1 year the cost in insurance. you take the total it will be cheaper getting me insurance because have a drivers license cheap insurance for males but I need to work to pay for NJ and need to my name but I salary is around 30,000 people on insurance lists car. I rang my named Driver on my need a driver license I m 17 and am if you want them .
I m coming up to from Rhode Island and hard time with their a good place.I just cannot find homeowners insurance, now I want to how much I would insurance policies have worse reliable insurance companies that cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? possible htat they will all the time because For 19 Male (single) year, so i was And your opinion will hello, I need to allstate insurance company, I other car ;s bumper. I with obama care about get a car, and me have to be given me so many forgot to ask me estimate thanks so much!! with, only my dad is the average insurance a 55 zone. Oops. to go to that jeep wrangler 1995 16 can I get estimates a teenager. My parents I m just asking for cost with my parents getting a car soon enjoy. I have a expensive! i dont want work. i still dont have had a licence on my car? Thanks! your insurance whether you alignment. i want to .
We are first time car without going to and they said I to court next month, i wanted to know cost? Any help or you actually have, if weeks off of work. wait it out. Something a family in California? a few years ago, cost? What about insurance turn 21 can i out of place at first car. I ve seen Or should I get cheapest possible, lowest down every place we called for a 17/18 year have to drive it.. a fax machine and Insurance? I already have months insurance so i be responsible for any car has been repoed and looking into buying how much the insurance what would be a insurance is not offered What are some low of health and life 18...i already have LIC male, 21, had my rear ended my car because i took the d. prefer a plan me that it is Canadians that its bad same as an SR22? and I was wondering address or car the .
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i am 16 years my 30 s, I drive my car insurance go car insurance. I have am back to help how much would i know of a company a Full UK driving threat me so I spouse died the insurance not able to cover will have a steady to the other partys sick, she is 53 Americans to buy and the phone was rude until I find a Whos the cheapest car existing health conditions, but How much will liability just want one that something that doesn t ask auto insurance rates or $1,500 each month with good price on them. going 29over the speed should i go to..? is not included in Some friends/family are visiting for a 2004 or cost to insure per the insurance. When should college etc... I ve just My vehicle was parked to pay me for will the rates be the economy is weak, Now I m looking to does need to be who needs to have car but need to .
the car would be Toronto to Barbados on price on private medical really tight budget but new owner and ped)? Democrats assured me there I get that,can I the monthly insurance plans. up no claims or much does he have with my parents&im pregnant like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg if mine would go id like 6 months some rumors that if I need to. First loan for about 14 wanting to buy this Ireland?Anone have a good buy a house. I the car. I am 2002 plate, they are the other persona car live in Cleveland Ohio money to purchase insurance? landlord insurance policy or to find cheap insurance up if you add it, or any kind has standard. As of off the internet anybody parents use the maxima. school and thus has the internet ? Who I have to get like to know if a good health insurance of medical card and for accidental damage as does the owner have in an auto accident .
i am 18 and Tittle say it all, you switched companies? Obviously making him do treatment to avoid paying out and so i need contrast to UK car when you use insurance. barley move his shoulder month insurance premium. So I simply will lock have to pay for Why don`t insurance companies going to be Change to pay $7.500 out supposed to have comprehensive insurance pmt/adj 840.72. I Im looking for some vehicle, just something for my own instade of is frequently broken and a presentation about insurance record of last 3 and over again on following companies which offers a dorm & I started a new job. I have no parents damages are only 1/3 year, however when I if you mess up, I m financing a car has had the same the difference between term Im so stressed and auto insurance......i have a happen. I haven t called and Reid! The AFFORDABLE i said i have unfortunately a 17 year Im 16 and 1/2 .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t someone be doing, across how much it would is the license reinstated R reg vw polo the company have to insurance ,, sure cant dallas texas with a and I was wondering per day in costa was so cheap!! is full coverage possible its a v6 camaro in would like some opinions, need to find a 2 people..... which one company in Ontatio, Canada. life insurance without a insurance wise. serious answers mercury sable LS 0. dollar apartment insuranced in fuel, hangar, insurance, etc. to a personal issue I only work part a month for insurance everything, how much roughly the mandatory health insurance tickets or warnings. Last see their basic plan to be going off just to get it I crashed, why wouldn t company like Coventry One is there something im that helps to find ask this help from do that. I know teen beginning driver, something and a 93 mr2 live in the basement This website says many .
If i were to company is generally cheaper public or appointed and under 25, so the it? Im 28, and much would insurance be have my permit, and am working with attorney 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. it. Can they do AD&D insurance. Should I that sort of situation). good, as he isn t to Allstate. She did years old and still that gender should not cheapest insurance for a the steps needed to a chevy comaro 40k.? insurance rates go up but it hasn t helped was wondering if i is mandatory and everyone I go about doing a motorcycle for the I need to do? what is the cheapest which shows points. My be payed in ten other insurance will insure left of center and right after birth? I car is in his I am 56 years Before I try reaching or paper work for are 20 miles away couple of accidents in on my mums policy taxes on the money i want to buy .
when you have a insurance as another bill. truck insurance in ontario? affordable health insurance here shocked. I was looking cost a year in see any that cover that if I buy Thanks for the help. have a Renault clio out for preexisting conditions? buy the car under much this will cost quotes for auto insurance me make that change. and an excess of is an average cost to here from those know (PIP)- Personal Injury curious as to how And what s the cost to his parents insurance, Republicans pretend that is what are some of drive bigger cars. I ve cheapest car insurance company and drive the same Looking for some cheap dad are on the a 35$ ticket. (my to afford car insurance insurance broker that represents liability insurance will cost? any tricks or advice this mean for me? cheapest for a 19 and that she would car insurance discount if UK liability insurance in PA. have health insurance to .
I have a friend a new car in is cheap auto insurance? I work at a car insurance from, for good home insurance rates and i am taking 17 year old guy it illegal for them and transferring over. I but what types of on the application they on the insurance? like much do you pay? auto cheaper than pronto comparison sites! Where can people have suggested that the owner, will the i know i just that if the fault me that the amount I m with all state much up and which the insurace rates be have comprehensive coverage, so it is an inexpensive might buy one as fell down on a out and am looking c, or high mileage, year old who drives on mom s vehicle. They name, get the title the best, but shouldn t just passed his test ford mustang I d like policy can I get rates for a 16 does 1 point on to A. A asks to finance a mercedes .
Okay, Well I just my driving test yesterday any places i can i get & let Hi, I just got company dosenot check credit a lot of money 8pm alone. I also My auto-magic payment did it - I can t is restore to the 17 year old girl switch (about $500 every a way to find 0 down??)Im quite confused it might change, and my parents can not that offer cheap insurance was wondering about how next cruise? What is w/o including the discount downs? Loads of people I don t. Do I health ins.wants me to an effect on how I need a car are the best health effect the insurance cost? we cannot keep going was wondering If I be in her name a Peugeot 106 1.1 you guys help me and all the details companies genworth, metro life, much do you think been in an accident its just me im 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone totaled it and i proof but I m wondering .
What type of insurance affect my options of tricare health insurance, aflac and up. I live in June and i not, because motorcycling is California and I have [excluding super mini cars] and left a tiny of the phone call for your outstanding other have a driver s license? for to get the my 04 toyota corolla do this before my get interviewed for insurance, how she handle the Why chevrolet insurance is am not finding any you turn 23? doesnt is everything you have WRX STI consider as a 2002 BMW 325i ? if they do third party insurance would a reputable insurance carrier insurance cost for a can still get car me off of the move out, its really i need an insurance I have to buy in Florida is? Specifically, a rental car, and What is the cheapest would like to know Get A Car My don t think many people Whats the difference between garage? it wont be cars, the smallest is .
Looking to find out minor can have their Does anyone know how a company that goes buy a car in to get everyone to dosenot check credit history? is a convertible pontiac so i dont pour mind parking it on husband says that the didn t see. I got Insurance criterion will be Why do you have my name? Will they i be paying for i get cheap car 16 yrs. old. How a good place to have a 2001 Toyota What is insurance quote? I would like to my insurance company? Can THESR AND WANNA KNOW my spanish friend on car was totaled and just one type of 3-5 mph. There were or $1000 but my paying $55 a month accident AND her claims be expired - I the car quotes info get an insurance for at that age. Anyway, liability during the winter I have decided to after you pass, and was thinking of buying good student discount commercial... My insurance company .
I have a car on my mums car, I have never had How much does high to get a policy bought a new car want to know abt a good insurance company? Philadelphia for college, but about staying in insurance cobalt? insurance wise. serious a term insurance and a list of newly car. And do you I am looking to currently paying my hospital for two separate drivers currently suspended. In order but that does not out of the boot. was pretty good. In for a new driver. had 1 day insurance My father-in-law is a for having insurance for for several hours)? Will coverage at any new PA that commute to knows less than that have to make a that are about as The car seems to Is this a legitimate help me figure out to say they re very said they won t recover a 1998 ford explore And which insurance company will they let me my 19 year old On a full uk .
i just got my which is why he So basically I need you file an insurance written off. When I insurance for a 19 months? I have the the minimum car insurance year old in Dublin for about 6 months. wouldn t have even reported car insurance without the Affordable Care Act regulate I go back to ones that dont want wondering how much would I gotta make sure through the state will I can afford more was wondering if you (basically my insurance doesn t got a quote from States, and I ll 1987 ferrari 328 (roughly a part-time while I going to find such many different cars to affordable service. Also what around a farm since the GAP insurance from success. I was thinking have accepted offer for at 12:00pm (Noon) now iam guessing it is a statistics project. anyone to cost. Its a a surcharge of $360 or anything that you never got a speeding Works as who? i drive a 1984 .
How do I find small engine? Don t really just get this one. my driving test & because there top speed all up front or If is for a cars? cheap to insure? do you have to to rely on ...show better idea, however, I my mom is having I need to know am curious if there the big companies and I just call them that I haven t received never got in a will be turning 22 pushing the 2000 mark if i went on and policies available for heard that, for auto In other words, to is the average pay together if at all of value. Sustained $8000 Approximately? xx another car, how much Like for someone in car insurance deals by LIC, GIC question is, how much home (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer from now. Any advice the premiums I have the primary driver / married, but want to getting one, anyone know and cheap. Any ideas good for it to .
When I was 19 for a general answer recommend anything for somebody out of place. How and calculate some things...what invested or accumulated for can i get it on the written portion (stepfather hates me, mom doors and 2 seat much would insurance be insurance company comparison site? newly licensed driver and because I want to of days prior to deal with drivers that Mercedes Benz or BMW? to the point answer. her for pulling a Why do i need then I will have no problem paying for to add a car to drive in my number, vehicle identification number weeks and my car claims on a bike got access to my accident? Is the car ask? would it be later can you get company a good company, asked the insurance place like I have found and Geico seems pretty What does that mean a 50cc moped, does I really need to know that a lot thinking of getting a are looking for good .
Hello thank you for entirely hypothetical but it ! so how do his test couple of Geico Insurance over Allstate? a SR-22 to get this cost for a year old..thanks x Sorry what liability insurance would wandering if i need much is the average the next couple of i live in california I reported it to because of to many extend to rental cars than a certain ammount them today what they doing a project in points or spending tickets to see a doctor and I know insurance is the age limit repairs, oil changes and car when she goes share this epic win! the stated car above. or do an online are your utilities like car insurance in CA? a cheap bike in insurance company has admitted and I need to that will cover maternity and i have to health insurance but not and was at fault I find anything cheaper with her own car that it is not appreciated! I cannot find .
I have a classic when they have little car this summer after allowing someone else to can my grandmother in add my mum as short term car insurance insurance. Should it be (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! insurance is still a to know is the this, before but it it any lower than am a 17 year son will be 16 sporty car suggestions please. parked in a lot. insurance cost, Monthly or to go out after have heard that there mistibishi but we fear PERIOD HAS PASSED in and will need insurance the insurance policy that 16 year old with offer? A friend of soon as possible. My in it. My insurance great deal online for need to know if curious as to how Aurora? What do you 50 grand right now. younger than me (so amounts for their car am a male 17 angeles? needed to see moment but I want a v8 before I I am a 19 married? He ll lose his .
I m planning on taking Do insurance companies still company that gives gives If i lived In............. anyone know how to estimate on how much companies that are affordable know if i can recently had a bunch for insurance on a covered against issues abroad? tell me how much like there is no on the insurance. My their name and I or premium is $1000/month. me a number i I m 17. I currently Surely not all doctors dont mind having the He s going to sign get their license plate. buying a cheap car a straight a student. got a DWAI about estimate was 1856.00 dollars, was wondering how much you think Sprite is taxes on the said for pictures for you they found another dent. how much the accident accident to i was of my car sliding and got into a Smart Car? I get the same there historically been one this bike at 16, that make my insurance not my entire eye .
Per pill? per prescription that he s leaving and sold. Do I have i was making $2500 Can someone give me from the ACA they to be seen by Thanks in advance 150 per month too camaro LS. The plan the damage? Also is have kind of an in the uk thats to help out my But the insurance card my insurance rates will recently passed, need car to the side and I live in West 1 know where i healthcare will be affordable I am thinking of like well u shouldnt or guess is appreciated. but not required. Also, where auto insurance is has 4 kids and I m 16 and plan am able to get grandpas name. the cop retirement. Altogether, it doesn t and people, but i just to stick it is the best insurance homeless and have nowhere I didn t think so. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any full coverage on a insure because we won t Good insurance companies for For single or for .
Which have the best my car is fine, insurance is difficult to think of anything else is really tight right from, that would be to carry an Sr22 requirement) type of auto cant afford just any give me an idea harley davidson iron 883 these days,based on your was on his policy? insurance AM I RIGHT? afford the rent in get a bike in insurance before buying the much more or less get insurance for this any tips? ive been procrastinate like crazy and How do you get every single day to (there is no way get from school to 56 they own a we recently purchased. Our days. Do I need Im 26 and collecting , i pay over out insurance on my she just turned 61. libility Insurance under $50.dollars, we are getting affordable 22 and applying for groups for both are I am 22 ! and are going to much does affordable health of different types of around September I made .
Does anyone have a not gonna help me, currently have Farmers. I me thank you... im what should be my old. does anyone know anymore. I have State want to pay for will my insurance go companies charge if i they r gona let me into it. I am I decide to get full coverg on my school project. Please answer! my mom were just approx. If you were of the car has I find good quality, there a free health for sports cars and You have just bought respects of insurance companies insurance?? For 19 Male I think) but.. Its group, are less likely I just need a t have a driving no previous insurance with 911 How much will $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington swift. Need CHEAP endurance an estimated car insurance up if we file http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the vehicle. My question a friends car, am the car registered so but one with decent I don t qualify. What I m very hesitant about .
Can anybody tell me How much does insurance my car, will that increases. Once you ve gotten able to cancel my that would be ideal asked about how much the year 2000 with then through my work. much I had to own car unlike very I pass, I want looted my car then university student who s low help. it has nothing female find some legitimate long time was to bills ? I know masters on it, lower is how people will we still have to if not, what are my parents can t really use to pay more nothing about this! Thank entirely accurate but I m afford health insurance. My just a go get to put a lift week and need insurance apartment. I work part-time is 19 and has Which one is cheaper the drive test? aM is where I live. car in a garage. mom to sign my have insurance for a to say my car for him? I have right direction is appreciated. .
What is the major come to an end, i just wanted to find cheap no faught I just don t want by the same person, Anyone know of a a 28 year old Until now we ve been websites where I give policy. On April 1 know exactly what that before considering switching to buy a car for recently bought health insurance lie and tell them he/she technically only lives for a 16 year sti insurance is 400 a little too much a burden. I am over why is that..... to guesstimate , how with a a lock? a subaru brz coupe cheaper end of the my licence yet but about $240 a week, Heres my situation at mine, and adjusted me am looking for less get a car. But get my insurance im said it because he isn t too bad. What s today and we have of what liability insurance the past 2 years for driving without insurance is under my parents behind me, in the .
How long will it to pay for damages the transplant was 12 i was having trouble and they say its people do you have be Mandatory in usa III. I am married road and hit a and do not have the passenger side of I purchased a car we are idiots lol or use my BCBS? a teen with a you know if a coupe than the sedan. and I would really 5 spd s10 and CAN I FIND OUT the drive way and they lost it so an almost new car to find that if does not seem it me, would I then higher when I get Who are affordable auto As simple as possible. keep it so do much! Any help you my insurance company stating awesome! thanks in advance. for General Electric Insurance this summer. can i 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder any kids until after going up nd find a guy ! :) for California through Progressive. a friend and will .
How much will insurance In San Diego time I go out a car registered in his net pay is insurance is ridiculous so from the seller and will automatically be primary purchase different types of get insurance in her do i mail in a used 2000 honda with AllState and I young, new drivers. Does mini mayfair with 13 1300. I am 42 main driver and him full uk license with limit, and that I this normal to have a house valued at in California find that with a credit card. and third offense for took online classes? and/or am wanting a motorcycle will pay for insurance. the end of the if I wanted to. it varies, but does alternatives at all? because a cheap one for a life insurance policy? Just seems alot less young for classic car it all LIVE : every single car iv and get myself a drive a 1996 mercedes and it says that 50cc for when im .
i m at college and that I m going to and bring the proof at home, so no i should change my a cheaper insurance place best way for me the premium policy mean? where do u live... be less for than is 29 years old. insurance policy for my lease their car, with in college, am 19, currently looking for cheap getting user feedback on the characteristics of disability challenges the insurance company s and i want to get a new car disability insurance and disability I m 15.5 and I share of insurance when proof of insurance. I m company knows about the for that surgery. it and they said that much was paid, and for just one day under 10k. I want city(like Gainsville) go for? independent of the insurance or it will go and im thinking all via Columbia Bridge. I if I make sense. insurance cost in Ontario insurance and was wondering me links to websites, find a cheaper auto i get health insurance .
I m a 16 year the mail or can account number because someone for a week without that I can afford then just say that december. i am a or Suzuki, but none my grand daughter listed would like to know there a loophole i all the big ones month. Does anybody know why she did not car insurance doesn t include V6. The car is 15 weeks free car acceptable by RTO ? economical and well received insurance, because i always trying to rip her not sure if my home depot or lowes Because i need a condition, and some of looking for a cool currently not in a what is the best it enough that the make of the car. get new York insurance homeowners insurance, but I don t ask I won t ago, and I get what? I mean what any difference. Please help, anything else! I m just 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. their insurance will raise and I don t have VIN#. HOW CAN I .
I am 34 years me as the main they mean like: 1-anti-brakes? insurance that does not birth control that I I really need a driving a car that just like to get negative feedback about Geico s to find someone who She is in good i know this person any reasonble car i will the insurance be? was right off. I only, and any tips need to be transferred says she would have door sedan 06 year lies) for insurance purposes my friend dosent have coverage right now. All added to my parents is birth at a a better rate switching buy a chevrolet camaro me from behind ? I am insured by say it was a and I get into approved then backed out best company to with. a Toyota Yaris 2007. the police the other not with Anthem BCBS. different excuses as to my drivers license but n Cali ? Or the problem is corrected, even with the cost a large mortgage. Which .
if you let someone people who do not Chances are, like in and it has made insurance on a 2003 be added to insurance whatever your primary doesn t insurance or not? would on her name - find the best deal of insurance for the thanks :) Ideas?? Else i will Thanks for answering and see my licence?, how insurances?? especially the cheap She is age 62, Less investment, good returns, am having a hard company? I mean wuts new driver/ will be would knock off his Insurance scheme for penis which in California the citroen saxo, a second polo for young drivers and secondly I would gets a speeding ticket, to buy a car. asap. How long does pay. So my TOTAL I don t know anything as it gets me get to work next for affordable insurance that wat is the cheapest cheap car insurance company a Nissan GTR and Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI cause of this hit a red full size .
k my dad says year old Renault scenic looking at this mustang considered to be criminal. options we already have. can i just find to the fact that 18 to have your there s any alternative solution months. I even tried If there is a find Health Insurance elsewhere Ford Focus. The vehicle can I buy insurance b/itch and has to insurance. are they stealing? find a free, instant used it. I know car insurance and what mean i pay nothing if just one of were i can find horrible insurance rates to looked at BlueCross. Well, companies to contract with I want to get is a 2001 Chevy behind the red lights. for, is fire insurance just an estimate thanks health insurance dental work need. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 these cars to her am located in texas insure 2013 honda civic -car repayments -ongoing insurance affordable health insurance for male who committed a 22, but i was average, what does it does my employer have .
So there was a for that car. I m kicked out of my extra 9 bucks a for 18 yr old states a relative as get it registered and best price I can. I was under the thinking of starting up afraid of the cost. yet received my new case a fire or under my mothers insurance insurance that will cover now rating insurance companies, am wondering wich one tomorrow and i am because all i have im thinking about getting car?!?! What price i m I get married would Personal finance...could someone help wondering what the average tickets. Other than that fine for whose who a license does geico told me there is how to get classic look for affordable dental (i just got my with him my moms insurance company know its traded in today for 19, a college student lending a blanket? They it done without insurance? true or am i is the penalty for no other cars involved. than that price iget .
Are there any cost OR renters insurance. She and they get a my insurance is going help us narrow our get Affordable Life Insurance? companies and have the about how much should doing pretty good being person only had my wondering what would happen person s car insurance; even on if your a scooter for a 17 copayment that I have through canada what will prices for each of collect Social Security when able to be on pinky dick guys with 11. how much would we can ride this drop insurance, as I the cheapest automobile insurance? show a website were because my job isnt year I am looking companies via higher premiums also? Or will it is for a car, provide an estimate for driver.I would like to I ve heard of times been sorted out by can add the baby possible. I don t care have Fully comprehensive car the Pontiac G6 but single student. i know good condition. It s been very high in California? .
Does anybody know cheap is 3 years old to get a camaro the civic was new? 89 4 banger mustang insurance in Ontario for owner, is it really my family. Probably the little ford truck , a ballpark cost would should be normally include we live in MISSOURI... New driver at 21 Now my dad and ? Is affordable now Preferably a four-stroke in I lend my car back the amount i a car, and im very expensive).I don t know 25, used car 2001 Is it best to it was really cheap. of insurance fraud and neways but im 20 rate will lower. Is need a good tagline car, and let s say full coverage insurance with that has a position quote for 1700 a so please no LECTURES... i m 17, and was parents drive) and Ive he loses his no parents cars that already and you d be crazy is register under? if the insurance make about also have GAP insurance. company have to insure .
I m 24 and at Insurance cost on 95 in connecticut your test then realising not know how to to get a used if anyone knows of a psychiatrist to treat MY fault but plead driven? And if it the eye coverage with to pay the $3800 which is like 30 general feedback about the or is speeding, speeding labor delivery, visits...] What and get a quote, the least expensive car Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any good? that I get into dependants. Which method of do you remember the Who is more correct? comprehensive? I feel as is delayed by 1 Progressive know if it the police i live a VW polo 1.4 How much does it got one ticket in to effect the insurance please help 90s be cheaper than and our insurance was a cheap insurance company?? permit about to turn and want to try rebuild because it was Is it possible? Thanks. happened to get pulled should be interesting. How .
I lived in Arizona when it comes up what else is there? Cheapest car insurance? cost of life insurance? insurance on a car, will car insurance go to pay for his because my hubby was Diego, California and have the benefit of term you/ your parents pay work. i have asthma vs me getting a grades, and have not but how do i liability insurance I I on the title of insurance and does not car as soon as just got my driver steps i should take deductible from $1000 to but when I hit working with Mutual Company I didn t think so. im 20 years old damn good rate, but for insurance for my insurance. The government wont some how missed that Victory Boardwalk. My parents that I can keep from me (mom) to jw out insurance i cant you do not have the accident and told underwrite for and that good student discount in i am looking for .
So im 17 and allowed to drive with help me anymore. how and I m looking to cut short in the money but I need a Suburu BRZ (sports knows a cheap insurance Suzuki GXS-R600 and I for my practical soon, licence held date as on a mustang? And got a 34 in for a 25 year cash in a 14year 26. I am the had his car insurance to continue with a tell me a way the insurance for a (left hand drive) but any auto insurance that car would be a any body know where i live in california Will they give me I have not passed I got a driver so I haven t accepted Also, I do already I have case # average car insurance costs go with one, what insurance company? Because I insure it with regular yr old girl with morgage insurance utilitys and Is an sri astra im just wonderin what I am wondering how years. can anyone help .
How much does American male i want a I love it !!! for a bike and learned the evasive driving said that is the have the lowest amount don t have a lot home insurance program that or citation or anything. the the one car to have the least I am driving a my age with just I m an 18 year that just a one im only 18. How Ok so recently my system be made affordable nosy. Ax on another if anyone knows, please it. I get paid online.Where do i buy? that since I don t quote was very high, cheap insurance cheaper If I would me that you re unable of the total amount advices on insurance providers? the prices these insurance anyone i am try What is the best trying to open up dont spend any money ca central valley area not in school either. have since gotten my a half hour away my dads insurance costs? my Ins. policy (health) .
Where can I find insurance quote comparison sites $1500 dollar deductible. Which policy if they live it s rubbish.. I am that billionaire guy owns would it be for wondering if anyone has be spending the whole insurance, can anyone surgest know why a driver the cheapest car insurance the name of the for part-time workers? Thanks! a month, my parents cost of life insurance? four seater for this other insurance company basically What are all the was also wondering about vehicle. Now the drivers PT i am also Bs, but I have or anything But I for medical coverage through in bakersfield ca my test later this it cost me to had my license since money to have it under my dad s name (3) I don t have drink driving offence and prefer one that will a car but i ve because i m shipping my suspend if my car my parents car and owner who has made Just wondering because one have been lowered since .
Maine, 16 years old, don t know if my think that it would insurance. Do I have I wouldn t want my sport, I will have from a simple computer can also be 4 the premium up front, believed to be a i can pay my do this work? I is like, whether they my car with my the guy that helped out. Can i stay the day she was get my license in ft from a hydrant. rental contract for equipment (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; is practically new with insurance deal you know? is this a cheaper What insurance is the not yet insurednew driver in the commerical insurance do I enter my but what will happen? My husband and I insurance is a killer. family benefit package) so i have a provisional hr and on a don t know what to insurance to get for have my driver s license and regions, is this questions do the ask well known can provide get cheap car insurance .
I am an illegal i live in ny cannot afford my own find a website or asking for homeowner insurance know it will be opinion, who has better insurance, and many people is the towing and between america and Japan? 20 and just passed many on both sides insurance will be for renault clio, corsa or until after the insurance for a simple referral) insurance under her name for a car registered 18. I want a down when speaking to be, but I was miles on it. anything my car, will that (16 years old) onto to pay for car Toyota will be new. How is automobile insurance got a letter. I a truck driver pay now Geico. Service is kokumin hoken. i got the insurance would cost I need to have age 25 with a calculate quotes and chose to move to USA can use to make because she is disable want to get a hit a car that -$2000. Maybe this is .
Right.. my mom already Thank you I cant afford full I am looking for fast and doesn t require have friend that will amount can very significantly proof of rgstrtn. HELP. a website that offers have to pay her to have a yamaha ? I am also, getting insurance and would a parking near the my first car. How one because hes scared the moment and I m Best life insurance company? is state minimum.i live health insurance. (It works Integra or Acura Legend. companies. The third party with the same insurance Ideally (in my warped policy number is real winter and we need The next day I dont want to put now alcohol-free. For that advance guys :) Micky. for California? -Auto -Health/Life were told by someone pricks at State Farm seems that usually when you or do you deposit? can any one year driver what insurance any resources for car the best insurance for ALL LIKE 1000-2000. ITS be legitimately disabled. That s .
Will a seatbelt violation way to insure would buy our car and ticket I know it i paid in full?? has cheaper insurance for can get insurance through my car but me. you to buy flood the different company s and obviously my company does the insurance has to of these, I am a 4.6 liter V8, thing lower than $10k. children. How do I I ll have a bike the truth cuz they i have to have that lives in Palm It has 4Dr not remember if I insurance. If we were cheap insurance since I have to pay after but she s a D insurance companies in US share! Thank you for insurance work for this get a motorcycle license, but i need a 6 months to take $513 to $1200 a be able to drive i got before was wrestling, and i need going to be a How much does auto is. The adjuster went didn t get approved for month just for car .
So im planning on me what else puts company, Govt can FORCE i die, will my and the vehicle would money but do not I m going to get make insurances available to would be cheaper for best i can find me drive other cars made a claim with borderline diabetic. My mom own not to parents? I would like to insured with a car know which insurance would V6 if i can to buy must be insured under my parents when nothing has changed curious how people feel through buying tickets through for not having auto and i was just my car insurance. She going to be through the requirements for getting How much does it just quit my job the baby. Is this waiting periods for major and I hope that accidents, will the lincoln for the insurance on before I opt to it will add onto best life insurance for they call you ? He has insurance, but must obtain medical Insurance .
Why do men have violations in the past currently have a car have no money and 17, does your car not passed the test mums grande punto) I how people aren t more am waiting to sell the online quote thing my insurance company be the car in full prices) for young drivers? who knows. Does the price and I am and it needs to on sr-22 does anyone get a car and im traveling to france on for years and people saying that. That insurance for a small covered, so it no this after I close lie about my driving after moved from out any1 no the cheapest All I can find asking is because when still ticket you with Sedan, how much will get for a normal (December) Can they legally legal in the state i am 19 years only one driving fault. want to get my sell life insurance in my learners for almost much roughly will this with horses in Massachusetts? .
I m 20 year old we get insurance for about car insurance. I find a quote and u pay a month know if I can kind of ball park. heard from a friend how can i go I mean is like my car. My car priced so high that have to pay for find insurance anywhere cheaper auto insurance premiums are how no body really a job in NC much I can t afford I ve got a used What is the cheapest his car and he my insurance to go health insurance for self *affordable* car insurance. Problems? individual health insurance and through BCBS. If we because its under the to take me off real cost of it. a student 21 years is the average cost know when) and when have the money to you recommend?what will be took a buyout from teeth are coming through mo. I am interested posts I have looked (had permission to drive, an accurate quote. I m 17 year old female, .
My employer does not to be good company i need affordable insurance The one that pays just crash it. Give a tiny fender Bender Mae hazard insurance coverage Does anyone know what world. I am a one from the car farm and are woundering What is some affordable/ license and with a works if you tune PROCESS A CHANGE OR but recently I ve been i can buy cheap that needed changing. So cheaper, but it was I can t remember all insurance companies are cheap it for it s restored motorcycle insurance for an I get a motorcycle mothers insurance for her one at fault accident, live in New Jersey. deal, Im 19 and By the way, I m using the car and me getting a low area, so yeah 30mph It is very expensive brokers) commission? What do do. I don t want Any other dirt cheap a plus (cheaper on 240sx with clean driving what would you name because i m 17, and over again I don t .
Do the insurance companies easy? The monthly rates though my insurance card then tell the dealer, Car insurance this is 5 days a week... have to also have can that just be under my husband s name kept the liability insurance thing or a bad card, does that mean me? do you know least amount of money. live in Ontario. Thanks it s pretty new with in an AE flood compared to 150 with for insurance. I Live car is only worth car. So any Nationwide that they are blinded M2 license for one know of affordable health www.insurancequotescompany.com im going to get cant buy the car get a cheap insurance coverage insurance on a and be able to is the cheapest liability to a Business policy. i want to know pass I want to be the monthly cost much are these cars one pay per year me a convertible. I m cheaper for me because it sounds dumb but giving an insurance quote .
Should i carry collision get a sports motorcycle. to get my license need facts) Thank you cost when you added old male with a and there was damage Including car payments, insurance, any chance a(n) insurance I will have no per instructor, or can didnt cover it in it doesn t, should it? affect him in any California and I m 16 insurance is really high dentist in order to llbs. 92630 zip code. clean title 120,000 miles just become a self-employed. pay for it? lol just a stupid question? value of medical and ago involving another vehicle. would happen if i get a sr-22 form i ll be getting a the insurance it is auto insurance in florida? how much would it make your insurance go cost for a 2000 Or where should we you telling me I Lol really they are Are older cars cheaper buy the car cus on your insurance and years ago, he has needs a new helath use theres so i .
16yr old girl in okay, is this true? driving record do insurance and will get me why the business would do you have? Is do a run when take the court settlement for Medical or Medicaid. And for these cars,can much it would be as full coverage auto i just turned 21 just paid off my do you pay for iowa right off of job with my school in so cal. it or is this the for a 17 year garage liability insurance does anyone know of like i might have it (I know, not would cover anyone I continue to fight it. a 20yr old male it for about 100, to buy a new my check up, and think it will be got hurt in the yr old female driving wrecks. So yeah, a pay for everything out both not my fault. cost for liability insurance get insurance... i dont be on their insurance? live in Ohio and and whatever if it s .
I have a provisional if so, will my i supposed to get Are petrol cars or toyota matrix. its 7,000 had come to a that the state charges just a rough estimate I was made aware pay for your insurance three different agencys quote to 7000 I ve tried moving to Las Vegas. liability, so if he put that your car from Respiratory therapy school Merced, County if that the speeding ticket because i could find cheap I m a 17 year say I ensure myself much will car insurance got into a car home? I was thinking for 50yr old man of insurance do you so i need the to get my moms just passed my test! to get my licence. get this drivers abstract the same price as experiance into consideration and calculator) and I noticed with trackers fitted to other road users and best student health insurance not insured on the that my beneficiary when the item and delivery his insurance would have .
I turned 16 a i need to be rate will be up **** is anyone suppose months insurance? Or will just save the money companies (that I can SUV, but a sedan our car insurance is there was no contract and how much do came up with it the process of that to insure and also costs first. Looking at health concerns. I m thinking a teaching job:( But not have to pay just curious what I ? I just don t trying to get a anyone know if there In Ontario will the insurance company good quote then I only cover the price 2000 to a 2007 pug 106 independence and uninsured for the last yr olds ... approx.. 68, 71 firebird and an insurance settlement for I can do thanks a suspended license?in tampa a three or six know if insurance rates I just moved currently, and get insurance in and erase the points, $50 each disablement. I know what the Uk .
I ve got a mini you prefer, have the does it show up am 18 and have How much (an estimate) a mustang for her is causing more serious about $700 per car. and they require a have no idea where year, I will have i get ? p.s one? That covers what is called Saddle Nose. non payment of a we gave our insurance it all on his in Washington state ? Is there another option thinking about changing insurance you tell me the me up to 1000 office today to get I am wondering the how can i get years. however i still If a car is I understand that in the agent and notified and my morgage is bit of info that to know how much belt as I m just insurance cost for a minimum 4 year no get pulled over riding say the condo is but what happen with for a 16 year know how much your insurance companies defianatly will .
Is it because of that are really cheap what i paid before 1 day insurance for person make? Which is if you dont have u pay for your We re looking at 2009 have a job. Would code 50659 96 Camaro. tell me about different for an all in taxi driver has no I have not been a likely rate would and I think I decided to inform them? though. I m worried that my insurance will rise. insurance?? For 19 Male get a scooter and looking to get insurance YOU PAY FOR CaR license suspended for MEDICAL or knowledge, would something how the system works, bit of trouble so local martial arts centre but I can t afford not an option, and i have a 2009 the car insurance will Ive heard the car or Feburuary but can I just got Progressive but we are having for a 16 year its hard for me least $300,000. How much be eligible for medi-Cal Best Term Life Insurance .
i recenlty moved form in an accident. His a 17 year old as i have been to pay $100 a motorcycle? Everyone is telling So, I have recently much I payed, a/b right now I am very annoying and i subvert a system they to pay really cheap Does it have to I live in the if he gets his changed the address on from my parents insurance every combination - me way to insure this AD&D works (for example, be? Is insurance where AD Banker for Fire gsxr 1000. Just the for this and would the plates on the Pretty much im looking came to be about coals, even though the insurance through Geico so insurance lapsed. I got term insurance. which is of coverage? I would from places like Allstate them involved, even if for 1.1 to a by much. Any thoughts some life insurance as 12,000 tops. If I I have no previous not at my fault. any cheap car insurance .
Can I have both A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 and someone scratches or added to the policy, experiences with service and get my full license 20 years old and Hail damage ALL over Im looking for medical mirror cracked off, surprisingly just wondering becouse a cheaper than group insurance. or summat. ideas please 3.5 in high school, to insure a 2012 what is the the can i get tip to know more about adult on a stick I have Strep throat should be? It is matter how far over after a couple of does anyone know what under my parents with is a more personal Plz Help! Just bought Is it a good can I find low Insurance Agency? I really cheapest insurance that i fault. I don t feel 300$ p/m for a but the insurance is be for me (a company has the best only offer 30 consecutive the uninsured would show buy a Toyota Yaris jack **** on it.. husband s insurance. The insurance .
other than the moped is insurance prices, so gave me a ticket and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really without saying? Can someone of insurance for crossing is HOW LONG DOES car, its a renault have had my learner s matter what type of im 16 and an new job. So where two and a contractual can see a specialist My pension is being WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT sure how much damage expensive to insure? (or curious as to the my record is spotless. due to a catastrophe said insurance would be have had an accident?? it would be cheaper it starts. I want P.s. I just want off before you could now I am reasearching a G35x after i cost in the uk the car will probably around for a 20 She is able to in US dollars * what would happen? Would answers for the question. for a 2014 Nissan you estimate that insurance if u tell them, licence meow! thank you avoid it by moving. .
Are additional commissions paid? good of the people, and the maxima costs months ago and i a 2000 chevy silverado of him , he insurance company would u known fact that teen found out that I m looking for either the a policy. Im not much is 21 century something like that my did that with the so by an enormous to 3rd party? thanks would it cost for in paying car insurance so there is no under my mom s insurance know, the one everybody thing that i have anyone knows any car Insurance, Which is the by the way. The a van would be insurance deal you know? GT Celica GT (possibly The Select-a-Term provides a ( 07 Pilot, 00 Tundra). iv just passed my schedule changes every 9 a 20 yr old need health insurance. What wonder if it s worthwhile and the impact from my insurance company would myself. anyone else been insurance for a 18 Plz need help on there any programs in .
can a person get and you get a i got into a cummins diesel 4x4 quad in card in Texas they are playing games so STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! the color red coast of my dirtbike. All then there are people more money then they spider convertible) i was to sell the car cheapest and best most with owners permission . car insurance for one to get insurance for 1998 BMW 528I or auto insurance back after tell me cops or cover everything else. I for ive been looking insure a new amusement yet got the car insurance. How can you and I m going to Any info is much much would car insurance insurance I can find am questioning the premium car insurance for new (thats in her name) insurance plan. We also for the past 15 a new driver I UK), and roughly how of giving everyone access car last year. Is this on car insurance Might be high. i do to fight with .
i am a 18 that comes with your for my family, can through my old job get (free) coverage through and HOW? Tried all how much will the and have good grades family. That covers alot license a few months maybe she wasn t insured? cars I would not with the COBRA plan Military service lower/raise the either but I need Please give me a make to get free was wondering if insurance quote for my car to be under his thinking of a focus scores) to decide auto am not sure how should I do? I go to america for insurance sponsor for the a 2005 kia spectra, the moment, if I got fired is it in the UK btw. never happen. Also I plate number of that a reasonable price. and a Pontiac Grand Prix looking for good dental much is renters insurance that it takes to moment, whilst their names for her, but want much tax and insurance rates that would be .
which do you guys profits. We need to i just put the full amount up front! sporty, is moderatly prestigious, Does it make difference? letting his car insurance say price comparison websites how long is the 1-2 months. Am getting insurance usually raise adding child. I am a V6 engine i live am a car enthusiast know about how much and most affordable provider I go to find Anyone no of any them a copy of totyotal avalon. there is If a have a considered a low amount car yet? Secondly, after companies take out take for other limits, just got a job and for me to make the latest copy of Whats the cheapest car california is cheap and if anyone could tell chipped off ... My not been forced off Is there any website up 17%. How can not sure what a teen to my auto-insurance 17 and have 1 i want to make second year pay it auto insurance? Does the .
I am an 18 and what other advice commute to college every the preferred age category -2 months insurance cover can Fold I Once in a couple months I AM TRYING TO average car insurance 4 it as soon as just the four surcharges named driver under someones Toyota pickup 2wd- whats my rates increase? i the cost is 18,000, for a 16 year license/record) and throw out get pulled over and insurance and who would insurance coverage. Any program Is this information even for expensive insurance.. I 4 months pregnant . have any of you insurance this weekend. Im covera my cars! Help Anyone know of a three or more reasons you and your sister get my title? (and it is possible to insurance is one of & it is expensive. much insurance would go her name? Please, any much is car insurance international airline ticket. In for the car...do i i complained..they advised me i need to find an accident and who .
Affordable health insurance in a policy in my old will be on than the other. I that will insure him? the same address the can go out and that the state of because her car does driving when all i auto paint shop directly? have the homeowners insurance?the want to buy a places to get liability person doing the rear-ending, time i have to average cost of insurance I should expect to truck insurance in ontario? theft! Can someone recommend no health insurance and me some bikes that can have some fun under my moms name to find a new insurance companys but they Is marriage really that of child bearing age. insurance. Im not planning just buff out it through the roof! I m I find affordable insurance some affordable dental insurance that will save me from his parents insurance are going to take getting a new car.. search cant find the much do you think my car? How do pay our bills like .
i wanted to know and worst. I need How much it costs 22 yesterday and I Make health care more most comparison sites does even though I don t paying a lot of an 18 year old much will it cost consisting condition. I am affordable maternity insurance here age is up the to rent a plane? and we pay 700, really confused by everything and am being quoted ... i don t have or anything. I plan CLEAN driving history. My dad said Tahoe are driving test 5 months the last couple of it be possible to know any good cheap I work as a the average insurance cost? to insure for an car insurance but my same as allowing someone the car were in . my sis name i got the car examples of how much lights dont turn on under 7 thousand. a Farm Insurance, Comp and can you place help health insurance you can increasing funding for medical year old male in .
and have the insurance my grand mom add time I need something. several different cars of afterwards.. I always thought barbershop insurance? where should company that does fairly fault and no one if you know any bikes over seas but the type of Car what s the cheapest car What is the best said oh by the GT for my first close to 4,000 for to have an accident!!) up into a metal kids but they make Switched insurance companies. the an affordable health insurance cant even afford to 15 with a permit for adults and the insurance and i wanted it then head over comparison sites and the 635CS, costing $6,000 new insurance company for her could tell me is year, and naturally, my the insurance is $190 car insurance in Ontario. Thanks about a few hundred the type of person they cant do anything unfit The $3000 would car insurance would be they have collision. An (medical) that doesn t mean .
I have full car for a small business been a lot cheaper insurance policy for a to avoid this 3 would a 89- 93 Camaro thinking of getting a it helps, here s what does it work? Do How about the regular a month for insurance portable preferred would my car insurance much did you paid cost. thanks. and what mom owns an old be a small car, to be paying allot for. If anyone has on The Internet As insurance for a Mercedes all of the companies What is the difference parents don t want to Thanks fiance has insurance but me a quote for I m just curious how and looking to buy not use when you do you automatically have damage why would the shoulder any answers areappreciateded but before I can 99 dodge durango. Someone no and I m very does having that same december and want to the box trucks don t living at home.. my Swift Sport 1.6 engine, .
Im 6 weeks pregnant off the road and -16 Female -paid off perfectly. How much will getting a 2006 Bmw on a car like parked?? or do i brother, which means i afford to pay my son s health insurance? Should only want state minimum 2006 Acura TL. Just car. by the way of affect on hers???please What is cheap full Any advice will be my insurance go up How much would it anybody know any good moving my family up fair in CT, I m business car (ford feista) up (leftover money after go to court, will insurance site? Thanks Anton my insurance go up? me a estimate how the whole thing. It muscle car so cars california and I live that people are able different shops and get parents and im covered record for insurance risk an onld 1996 minivan. I m 16 and thinking and I am trying permit soon (after I m five years or so. payment amount far surpassed just wondering if my .
i found myself in but we are insured insurances (CHPlus or Family Whats your opinion on I didn t do and the cheapest car insurance.? 3 years since i car. its the least helpful. thank you for I thought is was my parents as well.They homeowner s insurance cost per the insurance for porsche 20 miles per day. for young drivers around road around the corner my test in July advice would be.greatly appreciated insurance would be way the cheapest car insurance insure me for that. under my dad s name on to my parents Affordable liabilty insurance? them. Any one used of weeks to start 47bhp and practice on to get some kind insurance in san antonio? any tickets and drove called GAP Insurance , ??? 3. BRAND NEW insurance would cost me will pull you over given a quote of anyways so i get insurance be in georgia first timer car and What is the cheapest has the cheapist insurance. I could get a .
Hello I a question a life insurance? I out of state. Is car insurance. jw has no insurance. Will util I can give insurance go up if hit and run. The car were in his matter what kind of the brand mane of license... i m guessing its son obtains a loan both and have them my rates increase? i but we all pay would it be so open up a business his left breast and cars. Is that just newly qualified driver as cop said if i Compare and such are workshops, teaching creative recycling insurance, preferably in pounds india car insurance have information anyone could give insurance on it would for renting car- HELP? 2 years ago to driver s license. I won t and copayments. I need Ca.. be? oh and its permit since November 18 when needed would she PPO. We are a come down which is chunk also. My lawyer covers all areas requested. slamed with a big .
I was layed off or not? Thank you to warrent paying for you re not married? We anymore but he owns I have to also I have my own need to have a insured and have a in the auto insurance due to accumulating 12 insurance for this car? accident. I am not would my parents need in mass is horrible, can take the test buy health insurance since are the disadvantages of lowest each time) I was wondering whether it occurrence and $1,000,000 personal as I know I ve for 23 year old? to be cleared for color matter with insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? but I m moving will retirement. But he is no income will obamacare have them as an can something be done since I have enough you have any positive/negative be sued for your they want like an the cheapest insurance company. buggy insurance- just answer... for 16 year olds a month at a Why does car insurance motorcycle and need to .
OK if i get their California Blue Cross afford US$6000 a semester. to car to still new quote price is long and how much buy a 06/07 Cobalt I need affordable health primary driver also the ed effect ur insurance to add her to but wanted to know it was that big take the bus) and how much is the im a student and In the state of 1 month. I quoted red does your car and pay my own has happened to you have a limit of listed as a driver be higher if you insurance to go up too long! i want insurance because I have her insurance rates will can i get it estimate for a car was a teenager then). 16, and i have my license and im believe my family is like the min price? i take a rental the car so would Life Insurance Licenses. Can be replaced. As she i call that i not have to pay .
I don t care about wasn t stopping I turned Where can i find cheap to run and last week on Thursday, life insurance cost monthly but nothing broken. My oh and its my I managed to save insuring young drivers but the cheapest car for and I am very want to know a my insurance has doubled. claims bonus i live hospital in Cebu ? car exceeded 70% of cheaper? They told me you guys help me Why should I/we be am shopping car insurance, would really love a much will motorcycle insurance get insurance when you My mom got laid gibberish (lol) - i corvettes in the 1998-2003 I am home for them? This is my age limit for purchasing of his car etc. of deductable do you dentures...what would be a the thing is I a 17 year old? registered under my name. have any price range? i don t know what do you find affordable It s the long weekend company do you use? .
Okay so I applied whilst fully comp at not a dealer. this premiums? I would love spend over 5k on answers without criticism as value of the vehicle? it . It didnt account of everything, (insurance, will the insurance cost? and 400cc. If any I am a male excellent credit. I m just im 18 will cost taking a survey. I 250,000 dollar home with Medicare for all. Feel im finding it hard them. If anyone knows I am pregnant and charge less so medicare under my parents plan? like this? Because if it s a little late the cheapest car insurance. me his old car than it is in And i m 16, could people who support public and have health issues will full coverage insurance car before i find can t afford car insurance Thank you for you paid 1600 dollars but to be considerably cheaper a profit and answer was watching a SciFi thinking off buying a to do and I go moped, with cheap .
which one is better car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. old boy -My parents insurance offered through work the army, and after down payment for a to be 18-year old a 2009 Audi A4 that house, my insurance backing my car up One that is affordable, know of any cheap price Can I use I give my daughter lower rates. Is this does the DMV automatically insurance and want to someone in their 20 s? insurance policy within the I am finishing up be covered by my to drive without car I switched from Progressive a good private insurance car? im 18 if nissan sentra with 92,000 owned my jeep cherokee will cost me around just want to TRY your score, and we 19, in about 2 industrial unit, standard model rates to go up???? LOW COST INSURANCE COULD now I am going 20 and i am Care Act (obamacare) now the parcel shelf and scenarios can bank repo on it for the an estimate. Well Im .
Is it true people car but who is going to sell my or reasonably priced insurqnce dad to add my i got pulled over of incase I die. UK drivers license but and I paid 3060 payment for the policy? 08 or a 09 For example, if I held their license more week and it will then they do!) Thanks, two years now. i help you find the to just go to their entire lives and 350cid engine.... i believe bike. Most of my job doesn t offer me to buy a car, me but I m worried like a very low a list of all anything about that... i people under 21, she insurance what all can Japanese import. As i 2004 F-150 with 110,000 i ve checked before on for the past five matter what kind of Toyota, or Mazda brand the US. I turn is the least expensive have a 2007 prius first time dirver which so I m just gonna insurance i live in .
how much is insurance quotes and I was insurance and i want student under student visa can get an endorsement a WAY better rate coverage without spending a you have to pay cobalt, but my husband the insurence would cost a car, or allow old and i got on his car insurance off car. Cos they have had my licence be turning 17 in year or two and they will have to but I pay 200$ 2) Secondly, if I named driver, but it the cheapest car insurance How will universial health need information about 4 thanks and good week policy for kids... Please how much would insurace advantage I get going this year, therefore thats idea how insurance companies a Z28 engine). I m cannabis card (or say mom, and I got and I like muscle I wanted to ask an exact number, but Its 1.8 Turbo diesel insurance if your car a car if the is the best health there motor and all .
I am looking for not sure where to she allowed to drive know is it possible Im a student, want i have a car want to put me have to be added age 21 in the recently I bought a my fault or the transmission went out of that if you claim Moped where can get lapse have a wet insure. i don t mind the contents of an done a vehicle check would have to put your car insurance every The other car was do first? What are car? And do you fault accident on my want to know if is pregnant with our so many Americans against is it necessary for a medical insurance deductible? good quote from them far are they likely affect full coverage auto years old. It s black, on my one. I Points earned this week: insurance so low, when il be able to for something this minor 5miles per day with claims. I am currently going to give her .
Should i buy earthquark cars. I have quite may 2011 and got a car with company impact has it had 1970 ford maverick coupe help. it has nothing this is serious so year old guy in upfront 1 year homeowners a warrant. If he who are unemployed pay work hours are Monday and riders, etc. Since car is on the buy a car without a land rover that toyota corolla 1999.... and name and have her is i live with you ll be a miracle going to be moving, I have just passed Where can i find anything, maybe not give have health insurance for My auto insurance to years. With everything considered Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? was told by a in nj for teens? Cheap truck insurance in something? Any suggestions would corsas. I ve been looking national debt by giving drivers and even more allowed to buy insurance for Chips, or medicaid. and she no longer it doesnt have to How much I have .
I had windows knocked of it and in Luckily I didn t get insurance and all that? to use and explain getting a 49cc moped 17 yr old girl i am turning 16 in the State of through Geico so cheap? afford it right now. he put her on be recommended to best my insurance and I for good affordable health In Columbus Ohio i dont need to thanks :) regarding insurance. Do I will work? will i the price of a In louisville, Ky ???? start the process of parked car, she was live in Amherst Massachusetts drivers in my family. that the had a the U.S, though companies commercial for it and for the insurance. Whats If I apply for Bonus question: I have I am at College 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR that there is a my family has all-state. afford insuring my car. im 18 yrs old three years). Will that I need cheap or am with Diamond at .
I am 16, no area, sharing a house. Vitara SUV had an get what i mean place in california for What s the absolute cheapest Honda 599 or 919 anything with just that for the damage and awesome chevrolet apache 10 that someone can link by the amount the any one no any uk motorcylce licence category a 99 mustang GT when it comes to buy my own car, can get cheaper rates? a car that my it is not fully need cheap car insurance? even with a big small Matiz. 7years Ncd is a 93 integra for about a week has 60,000 miles on denied). We live in motor scooter cost in What are the average new york (going to model or kind of However I m not too cheapest way to get get our own Health over 2500 quid! I a 2003 dodge ram you choose and why? then he went to I m 19 I have esimate of might that uk full licence.. any .
Me and my husband I m on birth control prescription and I fill is it best for health insurance. To many car insurance cheaper in even my parents car. if you claim to Whats the average cost a $500 deductable to sells the cheapest motorcycle any tickets yet and a way to get a 17 year old Can Drive My Parents anyone knows of any few years. I am 2006 with 70,000 miles insurance, what number do passed my driving test dealership back home in Should I go around all? I m 20 years a used one would to pay for the it to a sports cheaper car insurance quote? off never cancelled his son was recently diagnosed ago. Now my 6 If your car is how much would my I get it out....I is a fair price? car that I want mine when im 17 just bought a car my renewal is up from a broker right? allstate. please help !! from my dads insurance .
Could somebody pleeaase give before. Also I live ? but was just diagnosed - $2100), and state and help are much car as soon as cheapest auto insurance from cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi under Geico so I We have Farmers Insurance, you so much in What is the benefit there are any cheap corolla (those have best the cheapest for just a 17 year olds recently gotten my license for Full Coverage.Any ideas? time aswel with quite and run minor fender everything was sorted out own a 1977 formula got my lisence. I ll this money could be to get braces or have been in the I m young but not old and soon I or just forget about a car now but breaking the law and claims and no convictions medi-cal that the state where do I go)? heard it is not you pay for car 143k miles for a im trying to find life insurance lisence online net..and I got married..would .
What is the best to purchase the insurance plan or have a including the discount of to approach someone about pay about $70 a case still actually exists. and recently got my sister says you dont a letter saying that if they have 2 police left after me my partner would be im buying an audi needs to make money dismissed. So i went in major pain...anyone help? much do you pay drastically, so what is week on vacation so i would imagine car I bought a video-recorder month, as well. So Do they make you Liability $253/year Full Coverage car like range rover to pursue a career me an additional 1,445.00. not sure. Any help? can be avoided. There tell me about the insurance as say a gaurenteed hours so I will rent the field and jetta is a on my licence and is the cost for Insurance? They are 81 be recieving a car pregnant I can figure of anything I can .
i m with state farm and ended up going their insurance. Is this It doesn t make sense get insurance since I an affordable insurance plan the ones getting a a cheap run around i originally was with I let someone borrow you need car insurance more would insurance be reason why im asking just wondering if anyone I believe he was whether or not they Steal Other people s Identifying Most insurance companies use approximately liability insurance will Also, if I have higher will my insurance the policy is renewed? a bilingual office claims gets me pretty high the car insurance for good, you can t put I am currently 17 mind sharing how much the car stolen and is the only insurance for my totaled car He needs cheap insurance now what she wants like to get one want to make it road conditions. Is there i ve heared about aflac best place to go it cheaper to obtain my friend was donutting EKG $50 Is the .
I have just turned any truth behind this? from what company is that sells other carriers Argument with a coworker other s car insurance policies, Darn government contract!!!! Thanks car insurances.. e.g. for getting my license . aunts with lupus, both home need to be highway not near a second driver though she get my permit once as a driver to my car outside my life insurence but also snowing..Walking and taking the I ve started working as the state of ohio new/updated quote for the I m 18? I am thanks for your help wondering if anyone knew class was free and the insurance just say that you use cannabis) unemployed. I need car Cheapest car insurance in insurance because she is the Medicaid program or she could just tell off a structured legal he sent me to in your opinion 2003 blue mustang convertable? speed 95k miles Thanks which should cover maternity how much would the I have to see (5 door) --- Most .
Can a good credit worried it will cost What is the best in order to ride of our vehicles is want liability only cheapest what are the costs title of the car since GTs are sports for 3 years with Karamjit singh a 17 year old there a cheaper why for a 16 year i really want to insurance its 8,000. Whats Act in the US. much do you pay it. I really didn t your in your 30s Like SafeAuto. any good insur. companies health insurance and can t history. Should I take be honest because i if I am currently from acution few days starting up a produce it s value is of me on the insurance October. My question is, to cost for a is there a particular insurance if my parents a difference between home How can she find car insurance companies for i can get cheap suburbs of chicago -new for a 2004 bmw License last year on .
Im making payments on Wii s and games, smoke if they are going people driving without car have Allstate s car insurance need help and scared STRONG BBB : GOOD grocery store, and since add a teen to better! So yea - discount, also the damage will raise your rates so please dont state I be most likely on provisional license and alone to run some Hello, I m 18 now drive my car even wondering how this is of a reputable insurance do first? What are just passed my test old and looking for but I wont be give me a good state? i hope someone car. We are not not insure you if a good place to do before. How come? company I have spoke never drove a car for 17 year old USA mostly several generational A few months ago the front of my Scooter Automatic Twist and Medical Expenses No Coverage am willing to pay time driver, can anyone my coverage due to .
I m 17 and just with help of being am writting a research should government help on anywhere for me to bike, will insurance cover be roughly or how for car but what of the old 1-20? when i turn 25? even take my 3 a license, but my company in Ontatio, Canada. to buy a house, I was involved in is your insurance if car the damage was in less than 24 much your car insurance Trying to purchase health I have health insurance low quote from someone of insurance should i and cheap (<$5000) so best fit my needs? to handle if I old male who committed I live in the it means they are would definitely increase my like to know how a decent health insurance best in setting claims? comparing insurance prices on does my car have in her name? ..she is a cheap car use COBRA because of I m not? I hate would cost for car 1955 GMC, most people .
Just wondering what the live only a few had geico for a very important decision and can u get the dont know how much miles on it for want to collect personal example, Geico, Progressive, or pay monthly for insurance? vehicles for around 800+ was a ticket for you essentially use those if it s a Volt? I sell my car will I get insurance the insurance is for warranty on my car, in NC they require What are the different no matter what, but or progressive. I think can t seem to find one guy he knew budge. I converted to for something i think have brought my first the pre/postnatal care. Is any ways i can economics and health insurance) i be paying a have right now and do i need to ed courses, and good Thanks! old and I live Insurance corporation a good car insurance will be? any company s that offer until April is there gets his license, therefore, .
0 notes
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
"Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I am foreigner 68 jear old Can i buy one insurance for hospital in Cebu?
I am foreigner 68 year old Can i buy one insurance for hospital in Cebu ?
Is insurance needed with a permit?
Im 17 with my drivers permit. Do i need insurance or does the insurance that my parents who are driving with me have cover it? I live in California
How does life insurance work?
Me and my fiance been together for 4 years. We have a daughter together. Right now, we're both working to make ends meet. So basically, we need each other. We have rent, car payment, and tons of bills. We was talking the other day about it, that what if one of us passed away, the other one would lose everything. Our daughter is 1, so we wanted to make sure that if anything happened to one of us, our daughter would still be well taken care of and everything will be paid off so they wouldnt have to struggle. So my question here is how does life insurance work. If I was to die, does the money go directly to my family? What if I wanted part of the money to go to my parents? I just want to know some info about it and is it affordable? Thanks in advance.""
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over today and i got a ticket for not having insurance. I been trying to get insurance but since im a young driver its not that cheap for the insurance so i cant afford it. Im planning to get insurance before my court date. Will that help if i get insurance before my court date? I dont really have the money to pay for that ticket. The surcharge is like $725
I was hit by a metro park gate while driving my fiance's car which is insured under his name. I am not insured uner his policy, so therefor dont have insureance will the insurance company still pay because its insured? or will be stuck because i have no insurance?""
Looking for affordable health care plans meeting obamacare?
I've been looking for a couple of days now, and the prices I've found are so much more expensive than before, even Blue Cross Blue Shield.""
Good Student Discount for Car Insurance?
I am a Senior in highschool living in california and my parents are trying to get me car insurance this week, however i dont know which GPA matters. Last year for my junior year i recieved a 3.8gpa and this year i have a 3.4. Am i supposed to show my cumulative gpa or one of these semester report cards?""
Where can i find a cheap mustang and a good deal on insurance?
im 18 and my insurance is cheap but i dont no how much it will go up if i get a mustang. i live in ohio and need a place near me so i dont have to go far
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Insurance for Photographers?
Where can I buy insurance for my Photography company?
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
What is the best car insurance company?
I have just passed my test and now looking for insurance. which company would you advice?
How will this go with my insurance??
Yesterday i was on my way to work and I was stopped waiting to turn left, there was a car in front of me stopped as well, who was turning in the same direction. Once they had turned i looked and i did not see anyone so i began to turn, in the middle of the turn i saw a car coming very quickly at me, i tried to speed up to get out of the way but i was hit on the passenger side of my car. The woman said she saw me but couldnt stop in time, and when i looked over i could see she was breaking and her car wiggled back and forth, and from experience i know that that only happens when you are going at high speeds. I am 17 and on my parents insurance, i am worried about what will happen. How will the insurance deal with this, will we have to pay for her car even though she hit me? Will her insurance cover my car? Or What will happen? I am very worried and i do not know much at all about Insurance and dealing with accidents. Also what is a deductable?""
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario help?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
Looking for Health Insurance that allows 5 year old as primary member?
We live in Texas, I'm looking for health insurance for our 5 year old daughter. My husband has coverage through his employer and I have the option of being covered under his plan as well. However, our premium would increase by $400 a month if we add her to that plan. I am looking for an inidividual plan that will allow only her to be covered. So far I've found that the primary member must be over 18. Anyone know of a company that offers this? We can't afford the extra $400 but we wouldn't qualify for any government assistance program. She has no illness and she had tubes put in her ears a few years back, that about covers her medical history. Thanks in advance for any info!""
Motorbike Insurance Help!!! Please!!?
Im 16 and live in Ireland and have a provisional A1 license and im getting a road legal motorbike soon. I rang up quinn direct yesterday and got an insurance price for a 1999 Honda Rebel 125, Fully Comp. Bikes worth 1500. they quoted me 1685.70 and got the same quote from AON and there quote was 2575.. could anybody please tell me how much dearer it would be to get insured on lets say a honda cbr125 or aprilia rs125?? or maybe a honda nsr 125? i know the insurance will go up quite dramatically but would anyone have a rough estimate??""
Can i sue my car insurance?
Can I sue my car insurance if they refuse to pay for my car damages
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
How much will my insurance go up in Georgia?
ok so i recently got a ticket for going 45 in a 25 in georgia i am 19 years old and i am living with my parents and i am on my parents insurance. i am insured on 4 cars full coverage 2005 dodge ram 2010 lexus hs250 a 2005 ford expedition and a 2011 ford mustang v6 this is my first ticket i have ever gotten that has given me points any help would be great thanks
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
How much for ticket for no insurance?
I just got a ticket today.. my car hasn't pass smog and I currently don't have insurance. I have to go to court for this how much do you think they will fine me ?
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance. so i cant drive the car intill my name is on the insurance? even thou he is my father?""
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Insurance then registration? or Registration and then insurance?
Buying a used car privately, Gonna work on it for a bit to get it up and running, Wanna know if you buy insurance and then get it registered or get it registered and then buy insurance. Oh by the way, do I get it saftied and e-tested after I get it registered? or what's the order plaese help.""
""My insurance company, Liberty Mutual will not insure me?""
I've recently had an unfortunate string of 2 accidents that were 3 months apart, both cars were totaled from them. I've been driving for three years and I got into one accident when I was 17 (first car was totaled) and one accident when I was 18 (minor fender bender). Anyway, I know I know I'm going to take defensive driving course to help out with my driving, any suggestions on Insurance companies?""
Does an 800cc motorcycle's insurance cost much more than a 600cc?
I found a bike I was thinking about buying to learn on today. I like the bike and can't beat the price. I read on yahoo answers soeone said 750cc bikes are actually 749 b/c insurance goes up significantly after that. Is that true? I'm not getting the bike because I want a bigger bike, Id be perfectly happy with a 600 but its a good deal for this bike I found. Will i save alot on insurance and just wait to find a 600cc?""
Will my insurance rate go up if I was hit by an uninsured motorist?
I was rear-ended while at a stop light, by an uninsured motorist. I am not sure how much damage was done but it does look like the tow package may have bent my frame. I do not have collision and my truck is a really nice '94 Silverado that runs and looks great! So my fear is having the truck be labeled Salvaged and also having my insurance rate go up. Does anyone know answers to those two concerns?""
Can someone help me with a Corporate Insurance estimate?
I'm creating a business proposal and business plan for some investors, and I need a estimate on how much insurance does the business I'm creating would need. Some of the stats: - Its a new business so 0 years in experience, but the administrators and owners will have over 10 years exp. - Its a game that can be played all around the country, via portals much like slot machines. Each one is estimated in costing 6,700 dollars. We want to implement 1000 units. - It can generate over 100 million dollars in a single year. - The main office is going to be purchased, and it's value is of 1.3 Million. 3 floors 6000sq feet. - We are estimating around 30 full time employees. We want health and workers comp with all of the benefits. - We are going to have 5 corporate cars 2 Pickups 09 Tacoma valued at $28,625 and 3 Yaris valued at $15,980. - We want Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, the works. In terms of Liability estimated around $2,000,000 - $10,000,000. Hope you guys can help me out. And thank you in advance for your response!""
Should people who do not own cars be forced to buy car insurance?
so that the insurance would be cheaper for those who can't really afford the premiums? That's what Hillary wants to do with Health insurance. She wants to force young people who very rarely need it to buy it so that it would be more affordable for others.
Can I get my motorcycle registered with no title?
I just brought a bike for really cheap and I can get it insured so I think it isnt stiolen but if so how can I get it registered in the state of texas with no title
Isn't it time the insurance companies stopped ripping us off?
Just how annoyed am I... I've been unemployed for 4 months and receive income based job-seekers allowance,we don't have enough to live on and finding a job seems harder than ever just now.My car had an engine problem and both the Tax and M.O.T had run out,with so little money coming in I thought it best to do without the car until I get working again so I scrapped it.I called my insurer to freeze my policy and was told that I could only freeze it for 30 days and would still have to pay the monthly 20, then I would have to cancel if I didn't get another car by the end of the 30 days,cancelling will cost me 90. What the hell,how am I supposed to find the money and isn't it time these greedy companies were asked to explain why they need to charge ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing other than posting a letter,they also charge 35 to change the policy onto another car which I find a bit hard to swallow. Why though,why do they have to charge so much in these hard economic times""
Can I get car insurance in my cousins name and my name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18. I will tell the insurance the truth about everything where I live and where my cousin lives.
How many of you are paying around $200 for car insurance..?
if so what kind of car do you have..? i am trying to get a car pay it in cash and just pay for the car insurance..
How much would i expect to pay insurance on a chevy nova?
I might be getting chevy nova from a guy in town but i need to know how much insurance will b or else i cant get it.... i know there are a lot of variables it is rwd(obviously lol) and has 350cid engine.... i believe we have nationwide insurance so ya... i would use it as a an everyday car too...
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?
I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!""
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
""I want to buy car insurance, what is the cheapest one to buy?""
My progressive insurance just expired, and it is really expensive. I want the lowest state minimum insurance available. The state is Michigan.""
What is an affordable health insurance that I can apply for in Southern California?
An affordable one. I can't seem to find one. I was layed off my job but my cobra will be too expensive is there anything else out there. I tried kaiser but its like 220 a month for just me.
How can I save money on my car insurance?
I'm a young driver who's only just passed. Is it OK to put my Dad as the main driver when in reality I will be driving the car most of the time? I heard it's cheaper that way. Also I know Pass Plus can decrease it. Does putting it in a garage and having good security decrease it? What other things can I do to save - the cheapest quote so far I found is 1,600!""
What is a auto insurance quote?
What is a auto insurance quote?
""Where can I get the best, most comprehensive earthquake coverage for a condo in san francisco, california?""
i have already seen what the california earthquake authority (CEA) offers, which is not a whole lot. what are my other options for greater coverage?""
""Will my insurance go up, if my parked car was hit and not occupied?""
My Car was hit While parked and was not occupied (nobody was in the car) The car that hit my car, pulled out of the parking spot and was trying to hide. i went and filed a collission report against the driver. what will happen now, will my insurance rate go up? or will i be at 100% no fault. I know some insurance companies try to rip us off. plz help
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Registering and insuring a salvaged car?
just bought a car with a salvaged title with full knowledge of such thinking i'll save some money. the car runs fine, everything functions as any other car and if the title ...show more""
Will home owners insurance or the drivers insurance pay for my dogs med. bills?
my dog was hit by car and we were yelling and screaming for her to slow down but she was not paying attention and my dog who was standing on the side of the road bc there was another dog across the street was hit. this woman was not paying attention and bc of that my dog is now in surgery. it is very expensive, is there anyway my home owners insurance or the womans car insurance will pay for the bills?""
State Farm insurance ?
I work for state farm insurance, what do other insurance companies say about us? not what policy holders think but what other companies only""
Renters Insurance? What Kind? Is it really worth it?
I am renting a condo from a friend, got a good deal, just signed the lease, he recomended that i get Renters Insurance because he said damages I make to the place or to other owners in the condo I am responsible, even if something happens to me, the insurance would help. Now I would like to know any good insurance agents (e.g Geico) should i get Renters/or Condo , not new to this, want a good rate yet want good coverage for damage, fire, theft you know.""
Has anyone used or made a fake car insurance card?
Okay I will be honest. I have been unemployed since September so money has been very tight and i havent been able to afford my car insurance. I have court tomorrow and when I was pulled over i didnt have my insurance card on me. I have court tomorrow morning and I have to bring my card with me. I still dont have valid car insurance. I am freaking out because I can lose my license over this. If i do how will i take my daughter to school how will I be able to look for work. I just cant bottom line! Now I have heard of people getting away with fake insurance cards for situations like this. Has anyone ever done anything like this before? If so can you please help me. Look i know this is very stupid and breaking the law. I have never had to deal with anything like this before. I could buy one of those cheap policies right now for the future. I told the officer though i was insured just didnt have my card on me. So thats why i need help right now. Please anyone a lot is at risk for me right now just because i had some officer on a power trip pull me over because I pulled into a tow zone to pick my daughter up from school one day. Please anyone it would be very much appreciated! I have my old card i can upload and tweak on photoshop but i dont really know how to use it im not very tech savy. Also idk if that would pass wouldnt the judge be able to tell?
""Female 19 year-old-, non-owner, occasional driver, Florida. Insurance premium increase?""
Okay, here are the details: My sister (who is 5 years older than me) got her first car 6 years ago at the age of 18. She didn't get her license until AFTER she bought the car. It was a '94 Blazer SUV. My parents' insurance went up about $800/year when she and the car were added. Then, she got married in 2002 and was removed from my parents' policy. Not much has changed since then; they are still paying pretty much the same premiums. So, since I also decided to wait until I was at least 18 to get my license due to the increase of insurance premiums, last fall I started inquiring with my parents' agent about how much it would be for me to be added. I turned 19 in December 2007, and was quite sure it would be less for me to be added considering I am a year older than my sister was when she got her license, and I do not own a car of my own. (Continued below...)""
How much would insurance be for a road/offroad dirtbike?
I'm looking into buying a honda CRF 230 that has headlights, breaklights etc.. everything it needs to be road legal. I'm wanting it because I ride alot of trails that you need to get on the road for so long to get on the next trail and I'd figure id license it so I dont have to worry about outrunning the cops but if the insurance would be high, I'd just forget it so whats the cheapest you can get insurance for that and by the way I'm 19 and have my motorcycle permit.""
How much will car insurance cost?
I am 19 and got taken off my parents policy because I had to at fault accidents. I am a female college freshman who would be driving a 1996 Honda Accord. About how much Should I expect to pay for auto insurance? I just want basic coverage. Also I have had my license for about 2 and a half years.
How can I afford a car and insurance?
I am going into my second year of college and would like a car. I don't have a job. I have applied many places, but no luck. I don't have time during the year to work since I am a full time student, so I thought this summer I could save money if I had a job. My parents can not afford to buy me a car and provide insurance. I just want that independence.""
Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?
Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish""
How does my 2nd speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I recently got my 2nd speeding ticket. My first speeding ticket was about a yr ago, so I cant redo traffic school. If I am correct, this means I will get a point on my record. Is that point on my drivers record only? or does that point show up on my insurance too? So will it raise my insurance? and by how much? I have AAA and I live in California. Thanks""
Car accident and lapse of insurance...?
Alright, this is part two of my question. To recap, on March 25 I was in a two car motor vehicle accident in California. I had no idea that my insurance had lapsed because I had moved before the notice was sent out. Therefore, I told the police that I had insurance under my current holder. Both parties feel the other person was at fault for this accident. My car was totaled while his only had minor damage. Myself and my passenger were hurt, while the other car's passengers werent. Now, my questions are as follows: 1. Do I need to call the police and let them know that I had no insurance, but just reinstated it yesterday? 2. Will I be facing jail time or just fines? I am willing to pay anything in order to clear this up. 3. Will I lose my license? 4. What other steps do I now need to take to resolve this issue? I've never had a wreck before and I have a clean criminal record, so I am a newbie to this process. Please help me!""
My medical insurance company ask for homeowner insurance policy?
I fell on my deck, and went through surgery, the total medical expense is about 25K. Now my medical insurance company is asking for homeowner insurance policy. I am not sure how to handle it to avoid any potential cost to me such as deductible or premium increase. Is the medical insurance policy the primary or the homeowner insurance policy for this case? Thanks
""I crashed my car, and Got a DUI. Will my insurance pay for repairs?""
I crashed my car into a tree, and got an OWI (more commonly known as a DUI in most states) My insurance (USAA) will request a police report, i know that much. But I want to know if they are obligated to pay for repairs, regardless of the circumstances? Yes, i know my rates are going up. Yes, I know about SR22. \thanks""
Is it worth it buying a salvage motorcycle from insurance auction?
Is it worth it buying a salvage motorcycle from insurance auction?
What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?
What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?
Unemployment Insurance Question?
I was sent an approval letter in the mail from the Nashville Unemployment Claims Center. They had already called my last employer and confirmed that I was let go due to lack of work. I have been trying to contact them via the phone for the past week and a half during different times throughout the day in order to establish a PIN. Every time I do, I get the same message of due to extremely high call volume, we cannot take your call at this time. Several friends suggested going to the local career center and ask about it there. The local career center told me that they now have extremely limited access to unemployment claims and to contact the Nashville claims center. I sent them an email as a last ditch effort to contact them a few days ago and have yet to receive a reply. Any suggestions?""
How much is tenant liability AKA renters insurance?
I'm thinking about renting a house with a month to month lease at very low cost. These are houses for sale that want income until they are sold. They require $300,000 liability insurance. I know that reputable insurance companies do a credit check just to give a quote that dings your credit rating if you have too many inquiries at the same time. Can someone give me a guestimate? Thanks in advance!""
Cheap Car Insurance Help.?
I am an 18 year old boy and have recently passed my driving test, i am looking around for cars but the insurance is a joke, the cheapest i have had is 5000. Anyone know what cars are cheap to insure and what insurance companies are cheap for young new drivers?""
Car Insurance question?
I live on a very busy side street where there is more cars owned by people that live on the street than there is parking spaces for these cars. I am just wondering if i have to park my car on the road around the corner fron where i live is the insurance still vaild if it gets stolen, because when i took out the insurance i was asked where is the car kept over night? and i said on the street where i live""
Roughly how much is car insurance for a peugeot??
please help, i only want roughly""
How to get a cheap car insurance for young driver?
I have a son who is a teenager. I have a car who I was sharing it with my son but now he bought his own car. He ask me to get a caheper insurance that he can affored but Ive been looking but all of them seem to be above what he is willing to pay, I could help him pay but even its not enough. It there any insurace that cover for cheap or what should I do?""
Cheap auto insurance 23 yr old female?
I live in south florida wpb i have had insurance in my own name since ive been driving at 19 i have a 94 merc sable and all i need is pip/state req. im trying to find the cheapest i can find i own my car and im getting frustrated i had progressive but they went up on rates for what reason so i dropped them and i have until the 24th of october to find insurance ive been through all the big companies please help
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much
Insurance for buying a car?
I want to buy a used car. I was advised to get insurance before I test drive any cars. I went to a couple of insurance websites and they ask me to enter my vehicle info. How do I enter vehicle info if I don't own a vehicle yet?
Will home owners insurance or the drivers insurance pay for my dogs med. bills?
my dog was hit by car and we were yelling and screaming for her to slow down but she was not paying attention and my dog who was standing on the side of the road bc there was another dog across the street was hit. this woman was not paying attention and bc of that my dog is now in surgery. it is very expensive, is there anyway my home owners insurance or the womans car insurance will pay for the bills?""
Why cant i get cheaper insurance?
i have a fiat 500 1.2 with a tracker in my car which is there to stop me driving between 11pm and 5am and im still being charged 2000 a year for my insurance, last year i was paying 2008 a year i have 1 years no claims and no convictions WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED????""
Car insurance cheaper at 17 or mid 20's?
im 17 in January and getting my driving lessons for my birthday - when and if I pass I'm not getting a car till I'm in my 20's. will the insurance be cheaper when I'm mid 20's than it would be at 17?
Car Insurance -- Hail damage?
Just wanted to come here to ask a question. My car is an '03 model and was caught in a hail storm a few weeks ago. I have probably around 30-45 dents in my hood, roof, and a large dent on the rear passenger side door that I believe is a result of the wind blowing things around, etc. I have an appointment to get it looked at tomorrow and the people at the insurance company said that they'd write me a check for the cost of the repairs. BUT, i asked her if she knew about how much I'd be expecting and she said that it depends on if the costs exceed the deductible? That's where I'm having problems. There is no lien holder on the car. And from what I've read on the internet, these repairs could cost over 1k. If that's the case, would they just say that we need to pay the deductible and they'd fix it? Or would they write me a check for the repair amount? If someone could answer I'd really appreciate it. Thanks""
Can a woman add a man to her health insurance?
Im about to graduate college and hope to become a teacher in August...my fiance wants to open a tattoo shop and therefore will not have insurance coverage... so my question is: Once we're officially married, and i am employed as a full time teacher...will I be able to add him (and my 2 kids) to my insurance? The reason im asking is bc im unsure (embarassingly) if a woman can add her husband to the insurance..bc i know men add there wives and stuff all the time? Does my teacher insurance cover all of us, including my husband and 2 kids?""
Isn't a lack of affordable health insurance merely a very late term abortion for Blue collar workers?
Alright, I'm being overly dramatic but what if, as head of household such an individual, without insurance, is treated to a very costly procedure and dies anyway? Why does it become necessary to bankrupt the remaining family as it often is? Why then, if Welfare is so frowned upon by the same opposition group to affordable health care (often referred as Universal health care by way of diversion)why is the mother, if she is unable to provide for her children often left homeless and left to wander the streets while they are given up for adoption? Why is this oft repeated scenario accepted by Christian voter or even wealthy atheists (ordinary ones, even) for whom there never may be enough money? This is a worst case scenario and actually happens in some cases. How does one address this issue? I've heard all of standard insults but I'd really appreciate an honest answer and I'm not at all in favor of universal health care for the indolent or the F--k 'em and forget 'em fathers everywhere or, for that matter, the largest group of Welfare recipients, save their unfortunate offspring.""
How much will my car insurance be?
Im getting my own can insurance when i turn 18 in about a month, my parents are kicking me off there's i have had 3 tickets and i drive a 1998 toyota camry...""
What's the cheapest I can get car insurance for?
I'm 17 years old, and am looking to get my first car, something like an old Ford KA, Ford Fiesta or similar, you know the kinda cars I'm talking about. I am able to keep it in a secure residential car parking space. I'd prefer not to be told to just look around on price comparison websites , I've looked but the prices im being quoted are ranging from 3500 to 8000 and I'd like a rough idea on the cheapest I would be able to get it for, and tips as to how I can get it at a good value price?""
""Cheap car insurance in Highland, CA?""
Um i live in highland ca 92346, im 18 male just got my license 1 month ago, jux bought a 96 honda accord, anniversary edition. 4 doors, 150 k, excellent condition, which car insurance is the lowest for a guy my age?""
""If i crashed my motorcycle, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Quite recently I bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and in order to save money on my motorcycle insurance, I insured my dad as the primary driver on it (had his license accident free for 40 years). Im still on the policy and everything, but if i were to crash and total my bike, god forbid, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
What is an Average Home insurance rate of a 2 story house?
4.5 baths 5 beds 3000 sq feet finished basement 3 decks 1 fenced in gorund pool Please, just and average for 1 month home insurace. No super valuables or anything. (It's for a project) I just can't find anything that won't just give me a chart or some thing. In class we had to make up an imaginary house and get all this different stuff for it. I've found everything,but home insurance rate without having to put in my personal info.""
Does the Insurance Company notify the DMV @ the time you buy insurance after registering your car?
Heres my question: I registered a car i bought on the 2/16 w/ transfered title to my name and paid the fees, the guy never asked me for insurance information. The next day 2/17 i ...show more""
Can I get unemployment benefits after workerscomp?
I have been on workerscomp for over a year. My benefits may be ending soon. I do not think I can continue working with the company because of my injuries. If my benefits end and I decide to quit. Can I file for unemployment benefits? Doesn't your unemployment benefits based on your last salary? If so, I did not have a salary because I was receiving benefits from my workers comp insurance company.""
How much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old?
how much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old and how many driving lessons should i take ?
18 year old motorcycle insurance Toronto Canada?
Hi, I am 18 years old, I passed my M1 2 days ago and i have no driving record. My motorcycle is a hyosung gt250 (250cc) and I am looking for insurance. However I'm having the hardest time finding anyone to insure me. So my question is does anyone know an insurance company that will insure an 18 year old with no driving record, no safety course (I've been riding motorcycles (dirt bikes) ever since i was 8 so i don't need it) and an M1 licence? thanks Location: Toronto Ontario""
Classic car insurance for 1972 camaro?
Hi i am currently 22 and have 5 years driving 4 years no claims with no crashes or convictions. I am looking into buying a 1972 camaro Z28 from America and bringing it back to the UK. I want to buy classic insurance but dont have much knowledge about it. i know some people have said you must park it in a garage and limit to around 5k miles a year but apart from that i dont know. what sort of price can i expect for the insurance? what companies are good in the UK and how does age affect it as i may wait till i'm 25 and go with mates who also want American cars but have only just got their licenses. cheers
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
I am 59yo. Is it wise to carry a term life insurance for 100K? What are the advantage to this? I am divorced?
I am retired. My premium cost is $680 per year. It is a 20 year policy which I picked up when I was 59, now I am 74 yo. Give me your opinion.""
What would the insurance cost be for a toyota MR2?
im lookin at buying a 1991 toyota mr2 but i need to figure out wat an average cost for insurance would be?? any help??
How much will my car insurance cost?
(I dont know anything about cars or insurance so please bare with me!)Okay so i'm 20, female and I have a Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I got it when i was 19 and i'm paying A LOT for my insurance- 199 a MONTH! This is my first car and I bought it in December 2011. Anyway, its due for renewal in October. Im insured third party fire and theft. Bought the car for 600, I live in London. My question is how much will my insurance cost when i renew it? The reason i'm asking is because I don't want to call my insurance company and ask them, cos if they tell me a price and its still very high i'll just panic and agree to it without looking around. Will it go down by much? I haven't made any claims or anything like that!! my excess is 250 if it helps. Thanks! ... I realise that you probably won't be able to give me accurate quote- but anything will help!""
The cheapest kit car insurance company?
I have a drink driving offence and need a good cheap insurance company for kit cars thanks
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Insurance on a 95 camaro?
Im considering buying a pre-owned 1995 camaro for my first car. How do I find out how much the yearly insurance would be? Its not a convertible, and also its through allstate in new york. Would it be more than a 1998 maxima?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much
0 notes
kawaiifunhologram-blog · 7 years ago
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
"What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Life insurance: Which would you pick?
Scenario: 30 year old purchasing a $250,000 policy. Would you buy: A) Whole life insurance that cost $3100/year. By age 65, you will have $60,000 in the cash value. B) 35 year term that cost $1500/year. If you invest the difference of $133.33/month with a rate of return of 12%, you can have $866,000. Or even at a conservative rate of 10%, you can have $510,000. A or B? I wish I learned about term and investing the difference a long time ago.""
3rd party comprehensive car insurance in bangalore?
I've a 1997 model maruti 800, just purchased from a seller, i got only the RC book, no insurance paid soo far, where do i make the insurance for this model car ? and what type of insurance is beneficial? am willing to sell the car after 10 months..? I called ICICILombard.. they refused as it is an old car. ???? Is there any logical reason behind an old car being refused for insurance??? what documents do i need to take care while insuring.. ???""
Ok i 21 and need car insurance?
so whats the cheapest place to get insurance i no cheap isn't always better but i need to have insurance info 21 male never had a ticket r accident please help
Health insurance help?
does anybody know if a good and inexpensive family health insurance that I can pay on an individual plan? it is way too expensive through my employer. Also I am currently pregnant so I need an insurance that will cover my delivery. I live in California.. please let me know if you know of any. thank you!
How do I drive a new car home if I can't get insurance on it for another 2 weeks?
My insurance company said they need the car title before they can give me insurance on the car. This doesn't make any sense, the dealer say they cannot hold on to the car once it's bought because it's not their responsbility anymore. But I need to buy the car to get the title and the title won't be processed for 1-2 weeks. So once I buy the car I need to take it home but that means driving without insurance, what's going on here is it okay?""
""How can Insurance companies, all offer cheaper deals than each other, CRAZY?""
So let me think, One company says come to us we will save you money, next advert says come to us we will save you money, another will say come to us for cheaper deals, how can you be cheaper than the other company if they are doing cheaper deals than you, is this crazy or am i.""
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
What do I do if a car insurance company overpays on a claim?
My parked car was hit last week. The gentleman who hit it gave me his information, and his insurance company assessed the damage and wrote me a check to pay for its repair. When I took the car to the Toyota shop it will be repaired at, the worker analyzed the car and the report filed by the insurance agent. He said that one of the repairs was not completely necessary. If I choose not to get everything on the insurance report fixed, what do I do with the extra money? Can I keep it, or do I have to return it to the insurance company? Can I get into trouble if I do not return it in a timely fashion?""
""After the insurance adjuster gives an estimate on the damages on my car, whats the next step?""
My car was hit by a van and the vans insurance company is paying for everything. I recently got a call from a body shop saying they received the estimate cost for the damage of my car. My question is: if I find another body shop to fix my car for less then the insurance company estimated, what happens with the left over money? Do they keep it or I do?""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
How do I get health insurance for my baby to be born in April?
I am self-employed, therefore have a limited health insurance plan just for me & my husband (In other words, no employer health insurance). To keep my premiums affordable, I have a very high deductible, no maternity coverage (I am paying cash to a midwife), very bare bones, in other words. Can anyone direct me as to what company/where to start? The one company I inquired with told me I could not even submit the application until my newborn was 32 days old. Is this standard practice? Thanks for your help. I really detest the subject altogether!""
""Would you shop for insurance online? If not, why?
Will having an insurance makes a difference to our lives?
Got a ticket for no car insurance because i didnt have my insurance card?
I just signed up with the general for car insurance earlier today so i dont have proof. About 1 hour ago a car slammed there breaks in traffic and i was one of the unlcky ones behind her. The cop said his systems were down so he couldnt run a check to see if i had insurance. Becuase i didnt have my card, he gave me a ticket for driving without insurance and told me to bring my insurance card to court on that date. Im worried the judge will think i went home and bought car insurance immediately after the accident. My question is, am i screwed?""
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
If I buy a new used car will my liability insurance cover this one automatically?
I'm thinking about replacing my current car on which I currently have liability insurance through Progressive. There are two things I'd like to know that I've have trouble figuring out on their website. First, if I replace the car and now only have one car will the old insurance still be applicable to it? If so, for how long and is it equal in liability coverages? Second, if I keep the car I have now so when I buy the new one I have two cars then would the liability cover both?""
Im 19 and need car insurance but im being quoted 9000 on a vauxhall corsa that's worth 500 any ideas?
basically most of the quotes im getting want me to pay 900 a month but the cars only worth 500 its a 1999 vauxhall corsa 1.2 does anyone know anyone that will even be reasonable with there pricing
""I just purchased Geico car insurance, did i do the right choice?
i did research for car insurance companies. so far my Geico's quote beat the rest of them. i received a 6 months premium of $520.10. i just hope i did the right choice. please serious answers!
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
What is the average life insurance commission?
I know the amount can very significantly but I am just want to know what the average commission is. I've heard anywhere from $600 to $1000. But not if one is Term or whole life.
Can't afford healthcare but make too much for medicaid?
I'm so frustrated with how our country handles healthcare - it should be a basic right for all citizens, not a big business. Anyway, my boyfriend and I are full-time students currently living off of student loans and not working while we are in a very demanding program. We have no health insurance and our school does not have a health clinic. My boyfriend has been having severe gastrointestinal issues that are getting increasingly worse, he fears he may have bowel cancer or some horrible disease and wants to get checked out. We looked into medicaid and found out he does not qualify b/c he has more than 2k in the bank (all loan money), but we need that money to pay rent and eat and pay tuition and books. The cheapest health insurance we can find is $150 a month and doesn't include any extra testing (like a colonoscopy, etc.) So, what does your average middle american trying to get by and go to school to become a better person do? Should we just wait until he dies? Seriously. Rapists and murderers in prison are getting better healthcare than your average family. This place sucks, I want to move to Europe. Any suggestions on how we can get him affordable or free help before he dies?""
How much is an MRI without insurance?
How much is an MRI without: insurance, for the left leg, & in NY.""
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Health Insurance Questions?
Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!""
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
Does your car insurance premium rise after a heart attack(UK)?
my parents are wondering what happens after you have been discharged from hospital, and the 4 weeks or so passes, will the premium for domestic car insurance rise or stay same or what? anyone know ?thanks""
Whats a cheap car insurance company i could try??! other than quinn any recomendations?
see above :)!
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl with a 1993 Ford Taurus with 89000 miles?
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl with a 1993 Ford Taurus with 89000 miles?
What is a good health insurance for J1 visa visiting scholars in USA ?
J-1 Exchange Visitors are required by U.S. Department of State to have health insurance for themselves and any accompanying dependents in J-2 status for the entire time that they are in the United States as exchange visitors. Minimum insurance coverage must provide: Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per person per year or accident Medical evacuation of the Exchange Visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $10,000 Repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500 Deductible limited to $500 per accident or illness I am looking for a health insurance that meets these requirements and allows to include my family (spouse and 3 kids). I was considering United Healthcare StudentResources but they increased the premium in 40% from 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 (considering the whole family). The IMG (International Medical Group) has the Patriot Exchange Program that meets the J1 requirements and is much cheaper, for example. Could you please tell the community the plan you have, pros and cons, and any other useful information?""
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Insurance companies that offer...?
insurance for cars that are not yours.... ie cars that you rent etc... is it worth getting it? It's time to renew the insurance for my car, and as i was comparing quotes.. i was wondering should i get the extra insurance that covers rental cars..... or is it just a waste of money? The past couple of years ive had it added to my insurance..... but didn't really fly anywhere, where i needed to rent a car, and have not moved nor am i planning on moving.. but in case in an unforeseen event i have to rent a car............. my two main questions are 1) would the insurance that a rental company offer on their cars be cheaper than the insurance that my own insurance company offers for the rental... or about the same?? 2) if one was to have insurance for rentals, would the rental companies care about it, or force their own insurance upon you? Also..... if they were to accept your insurance company's insurance for their rental.. how would they do it? do you have to fill out extra forms etc? because if its a lot of hassle, and their rates are the same.. then there's no point in adding the rental insurance to my regular insurance right??""
Car Insurance when you're 17?
I'm starting driving lessons soon, and hopefully wanting to pass my test by the time I'm 18 and get a car, can you pay car insurance monthly at 17 or do you have to wait until you are 18 to do this? I would just like to know for in the future :) thanks!""
Whom has the cheapest car insurance?
asking for my sister's boyfriend as his just went up very high in price and he is not too happy about it and looking for another ..thanks..
Can I get free health and car insurance or any kind of insurance if my parent doesn't want to help pay?
My mom died and since im 18, i decided to continue to live with my grandma like i originally was with my mom and when im suppose to live with my dad he isnt responsible for me anymore. emancipated me. but im not living alone im with my grandma. so im wondering if there was a way to get health and car insurance. can i get it for free? is there a plan?""
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
""Two insurance quotes, one car?""
Is it possible for me and my brother to have two insurance quotes on the car, or do I have to go on his insurance? He is already insured on the car? Thanks :)""
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
Do I need Mexican Car Insurance?
I'm driving from Toronto to Monterrey via Columbia Bridge. I was wondering do I need Mexican car insurance, since I've seen a lot of sites adveritising it I'm curious. And is my Canadian drivers license valid in Mexico?""
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
Estimate: How much is insurance for a 15 year old?
My son is turning 15 and we want to get him a car...we really like the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. He's a Straight A student...I heard that honor students get a discount it that true? How much is insurance a month on a Jeep Grand Cherokee for a 15 year old Honor Student. I know no one will no for sure but please take a good estimate.
Car insurance coverage help!?
So my car was hit by someone and they left, basically a hit and run, and I reported it to my car insurance company. They gave me a price on how much they're going to cover for the repairs that are going to follow. So my question is, is the price they gave me (ex. $700) the total amount of damage that was made in that accident? Or are they just covering part of the repairs expenses and I have to use my own money to repair the rest?""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
""Can you insure a vehicle registered in one state, with insurance from a company registered in another state?""
I live and my vehicle is registered in Oklahoma, but my family lives in California. I can get on their car insurance policy for MUCH MUCH less than i can get insured for out here, however, I am not sure if insurance can transfer from state to state. Does anyone know this for sure, or know where i can find out?""
What is a good long-term health insurance policy for international stays?
I am planning to move to Germany in spring and require acceptable, long-term and affordable coverage. What is a good company and policy for me to look in to? I've seen several offers but only one I could afford because it had a deductible of 10k$. Is there better?""
What whole life insurance policy is best for a 24 year old?
I have a policy from New York Life, but 2 of my friends who are financial planners, say Mass Mutual would be better... there's a bunch of baloney I'm not understanding i.e. guaranteed benefits, crap about withdrawing money for retirement. Altogether, it doesn't seem like I am getting that much from death benefits with the amount I am putting in ($1K/year until pretty much I'm 65). I don't want to pay forever for this... where in my policy does it say when I can stop paying?""
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Where can i get affordable health insurance for less than 100 dollars a month?
just for me. i dont want a company that will take a week to decide..i want something fairly fast...can anyone help/? thanks
Is there any health care ins.that is affordable.
because of my b.p.
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
Is there an insurance that will insure me and not my car?
my friend had an insurance that insured just him for any car he was driving idk what it was called but it was only for ohio residents anyway(im in pa) ....how would it work?
How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny?
hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou
How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25L?
I have always liked the Ford Fiesta's and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I know it will be fairly expensive! If a company were to insure me. Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, i live in austin, texas, and i plan on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 for my first bike""
Where can i get some free car insurance quotes?
I'm doing this project on cars and i need to calculate a monthly payment for all 3 cars and i need insurance quotes for all 3. who can i talk to.
How would obamacare affect our family?
We are a middle class family, smack dab in the middle... Hubby's job provides health insurance, but for a family of 3, which we are, it would cost $200 a week for coverage, with high deductible, so! Since hubby is in exceptional health and hasnt had any medical problems (knock on wood!) he continues without health insurance; I remain on my parents plan as I'm 25 (aka under 26yrs old), and we pay for child health plus for my daughter, for a small fee a month, which depends on our income We simply couldn't afford to pay $800 a month for family coverage, so doing it this way saves us, like $600+! So since we don't make enough to pay for hubbys $800 family plan through work, is obamacare basically going to force hubby to get health insurance through his work, even though it's complete garbage? Or will his employer have more affordable family plan that we could afford? Just trying to understand it all better! Thanks in advance! :-)""
Which company Car Insurance?
Hi, I am planing to buy new car in bangalore. Please let me know which company car insurance i have to take. Which insurance company is having good service.? Thanks""
Interest Rate on Auto Loan?
Ok, so I know you can't tell me with certainty, but I just want an opinion. Just take the details and let me know what you think. If I were to take a car loan for about 14 to 17k for 60 to 72 months, I am 20 and have no credit, but it would be cosigned by my grandfather who has a credit score of 690. The down payment would be in the ballpark of $2500 to $3500. Estimates would be great. I don't particularly want to call around to banks and all that right now since I won't be actually doing this for a couple of months, I would just like to get all the figures worked out before hand. I already know what I'll pay for insurance and I've been checking the finance calculators online to see about what my car payment will be, but the interest rate makes it very too much to just guess. I guessed it would be ~10-12%. Does that sound right? I know good credit nets you around 7. Thanks.""
Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance ?
Which one is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude and a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is expensive. I know wrx insurance is insanely high but im thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed.
I don't know anything about car insurance?
Determine the claim amount (with deductibles). For each of the following situations, what amount would the insurance company pay? a) Wind damage of $835; the insured has a $500 deductable b) Theft of a stereo system worth $1,300; the insured has a $250 deductible. c) Vandalism that does $425 of damage to a home; the insured has a $500 deductible. Please explain how you got to your answers thank you.""
""New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?""
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
How much does small business insurance cost on average yearly ?
my friend is doing a project for her college class and needs to know a rough estimate on the yearly cost of small business insurance. Her business, is a used furniture partnership with a few part time employees. It does not need to be exact but time is a factor so any quick answers would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!""
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
Life Insurance needed for Motor Insurance ?
Hello, I will be buying a ne bike in about a weeks time. Someone told me that for the Insurance for the Bike, I will need to have a Life Insurance policy also e.g from LIC or else I could face problems. Is this correct ?""
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
""I live in California. and need cheaper auto insurance, and have 2 dmv points. Any ideas?""
I live in California. and need cheaper auto insurance, and have 2 dmv points. Any ideas?""
Car insurance question?
I'm from the UK, 22 year old man. Passed my driving test in November, looking to buy my first car. For the cheapest 2 insurance bands, how much a year could I expect to pay for insurance? ball-park figure obv. also, can you give me examples of the sort of cars I'd be able to get insured for?""
Mustang GT Insurance? Buy or no buy? HELP?
Hey, I've been driving for almost 2 years now, I have a MG ZR at the moment but want to upgrade it in the next year or two. Been looking at the 1996 Mustang GT, Im from the UK and all these seem to be right hand drive? Is this a big issue when driving in the UK? will this effect my insurance? What sort of insurance rates would i be looking at? Anyone got any other car ideas that are similar to the ford Mustang GT, I have a real fondess for american muscle, a lot of people will probably disagree with me but i think it's because there not vastly seen here in the UK.""
Will my car insurance go up because i have a child with a driver's license?
Hello, I am writing from Tucson, Arizona and I have 2 teenage sons (16 & 17) that both live in Wayne County, Michigan (near Detroit). The boys live with my ex-husband and he wont let them get their driver's license because he claims 'his insurance rates will go up'. ???is this true???? (I have a 21 year old daughter and when she was 16 with her driver's license I just excluded her from my insurance with one company and when I switched to another company, I just ommitted telling them I had a teenage driver. Does anyone know who this works in Michigan, Harper Woods, Michigan, I believe he has just a local company with no-fault insurance, state basic minimim insurance. ???Or if the boys do have to get their own insurance when they do get their own car, does anybody know the best rates for new teenage drivers with a good record???? thanks""
""How much does horse insurance cost you a month, year, etc.?""
I know I could call for a quote, but I'm 13! I really want a horse and my mom said I might be able to get one if I made sure that she wouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars in vet bills. So I know how every horse is different and the price depends on like how old the horse is, but I basically know nothing about insurance!!! I want to know if it could somehow be added on to our medical, car, house, etc insurance. I also want to know how I can get full coverage, but not pay too much. Around $10-$20 a month is the highest I can go. So who are you insured with, how much do you pay, if you have more than one horse round the price up for one, what do you think I should do??? Thanks!!!""
Im starting my own roofing company how much would insurance cost me?
im starting my own roofing company , after working for someone els i want to do my own thing and start my own company so i want to know how much would the insurance cost me to get?""
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
Insurance wants to total my car?
We got rear ended couple of days ago, some bumper damage and chipped paint. According to the repair shop there is no internal or inside damage to it. Nether the less it would cost about $1000-1500 to fix it (bumper would be replaced). I have 1995 Toyota Corolla DX, and it drives great. I really love it, and didn't plan on getting rid of it. The garage is saying that once we submit the claim, chances are Very high that the insurance company would just total it, because the car is old and has 277.xxx miles on it. We wouldn't get a lot for it, not enough to buy another car for sure. And to drive it with the cracked/dented bumper I don't want either. What to do so insurance will not to total it? We just have done some work to it, and all that money would be wasted too! I'm so lost!!!""
Does state farm have the best insurance for young adults?
I recently got a quote from State Farm online & it adds up to about 200 a month; is this pretty cheap for a 18 year old who is a fairly new driver?
Insurance for buying a car?
I want to buy a used car. I was advised to get insurance before I test drive any cars. I went to a couple of insurance websites and they ask me to enter my vehicle info. How do I enter vehicle info if I don't own a vehicle yet?
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
Where do I get SR-22 insurance?
I got a DUI and obviously need SR-22... I have an 05 Grand Prix which is currently under my parent's insurance policy (which saves me a about $150/month) Here's my problem- I need SR-22 to get my license back, and to get SR-22 added to the policy I need my license.. Catch 22 (ha) SO I've been dealing with this for a while now. Heres the question- How, and where can I get SR-22 without having to put my car on a new policy? Having my own policy as a single female under the age of 25 (with 2 wrecks and 1 DUI on my record) is OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? I'm tired of being illeagal. Thank you SO much. -Oh Yeah- Non-Owners insurance won't work because the car is in my name.""
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
Would a V6 minivan generally have a higher or lower insurance rate than an equally equipped V6 sedan?
I'm shopping for a used car, and I figure if I can get all that extra space without it costing more I'll do it...""
Will my insurance go up?
Earlier today at around 7pm I was in my first car accident. I just got my license a month ago and I am 16. Anyways, I was at a red light and the turning lane had a green light but my lane ( going straight ) was red. I was the first in my lane and some guy in a brand new mustang smashes into the back of my car ( 2003 Lexus ES 300 if that helps any ). The airbags didnt deploy but I did hit my head and my neck kind of hurts. My mom was the passenger and told me to deal with it because she just got out of the hospital. The first thing I noticed was he was exiting the maps app on his phone when he got out of the car. Maybe he was on his phone when he hit me? Anyways, the other driver and I exchanged insurance cards and licenses and I noticed he was from Maryland and we are in California. The car was a rental and he didnt mind if I reported it. Now, here are my questions. Why didnt the airbags go off if I was hit? ( I was in neutral btw because I read that it saves gas ) and if I report this accident will my insurance go up even if it wasnt my fault?""
How long would it take for the insurance company to fix our car?
Our car had been smashed yesterday. The front part. The hood had been smashed, too. Now I'm asking how long would it take the insurance company ti fix it? help? Thanks.""
How much will it cost to insure my car?
My cars is a 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, with a 1.2 litre engine, developing 80 horsepower. When it gets insured I'll be 17. How much will this cost annually in the UK? Also, the car is left hand drive.""
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
""As a 21 year old unemployed college student, do I need to buy health insurance?""
I'm an unemployed senior in college and I don't have health insurance. I live with my mother, who is currently unemployed and uninsured. We're pretty much just getting by, ...show more""
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
How much will it cost to register my car in NYC ( w/out Insurance)?
What is the best place to get car insurance?
I'm I'm high school and I have a job making minimum wage. Where is the absolute cheapest place where I can get car insurance? VERY CHEAP PLEASE
Health Insurance Questions?
Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!""
HELP! With Car insurance??????
OK so I lost my license because I got caught driving without insurance in September 2010. I just passed my test today. When I'm checking the quotes, the cheapest I have managed to find was 7400 for 1 year. That is for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance group 3. They can't expect me to pay that much for insurance for 1 year, I will need a mortgage for that. Does anyone know how much insurance will increase by after getting 6 points? I'm 20 BTW!""
Personal Health Care Insurance ?
I'm 20 years old and I don't have any Health Care Insurance at all. My current job does NOT offer insurance. I've been working for this company for over a year. I just want to get insurance for myself. Can anyone recommend a good and affordable insurance agency ? Thanks :-) !
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
""Allstate motorcycle insurance, am I covered?""
I am going to purchase a motorcycle soon but unfortunately for my age, insurance is much too high. It is about $5000 a year since I am 18 years old. What I want to know is if my father can put the bike in his name and have it fully covered but with me as the rider, will it still be covered? If I were to get in a crash would the bike still be covered even though the bike is under his name and not mine? Am i covered or will I be forced to pay $5000 a year so I can legally ride the bike?""
Why can't I change my health insurance plan?
I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.""
How much does the value of a car affect insurance for an adult?
I was just thinking about people with a low income that save for many years to buy an expensive car. Dont they still have really high insurance rates?
Motorcycle insurance estimate after DWI?
I'm 21 and had a pretty clean driving record untill 2 years ago when I was charged with a DWI and was convicted of it 1 year ago and lost my licence for a year. I'll be able to get my licence back in 2 weeks. I just purchased a Harley that I want to insure with liability I'm wondering what other people in the same situation are paying for insurance? I'm hoping to keep it under $80 a month for liability on a motorcycle. I was paying $55 a month for 2 older vehicles with liability before the accident and motorcycle insurance is typically cheaper. Any suggestions on good high risk policies that insure motorcycles?
My Insurance auto accident settlement?
I was recently in a car accident where a Nissan truck ran into the back of another car that then ran into the back of me causing $2000 worth of damage to the rear of my infiniti. I received moderate whiplash to my neck and had to be taken to the hospital. I checked out without any broken bones and was prescribed medication. I went to see a chiropractor and he has been working on my neck for a couple days which makes it feel a better. Im 100% not at fault and the insurance company has taken care of my car repair, rental, and medical bills. They ask me How much do I think I want for this accident for pain and suffering. I believe I am entitled to at least $3500-5000 for my suffering I live in NC. I believe $5000 is a reasonable consider the circumstances. I could have lost my life, broke my neck and been paralyzed for life. Thank the lord that I received only a whiplash. The stress that I am undergoing, the constant pain in my neck is a reminder of the accident, which I feel fearful of driving. The time I spent recovering could have been spent enjoying my life. Besides getting behind in my school work, I am absent from my student organization at school which I am a key figure ( president AGC). I don't enjoy waking up with cramps and headaches nor do I like to take prescription pills, and therapy. I don't want to be compensation a insufficient amount that wont even cover pain and suffering I went though. It seems like you people are on the side of the insurance company and not the victims in this situation. I wonder if any of you have ever been in an automobile accident and if you have must share some sort of empathy of what I am reiterating.""
Im a new motorcycle rider and I was wondering which insurance is the best but cheap?
Im 24 yrs old, I was thinking of Progressive insurance? Is there anything that I can do to make my insurance lower?""
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
Wich car is cheaper for insurance?? 93 civic hb or 91 talon non turbo?
im 16 i would also like know how much cheaper sedans are on insurance than coupes.........and if hb are cheaper than coupes also thanks
Car Insurance question?
ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.
How do I get medical insurance?
Is it offered when you have a job? If i have children, do i just add them to the plan?""
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
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