#a bit of Bumblebee and... whatever Blake and Sun’s pairing name is
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kalloway · 7 years ago
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...you know me, I can’t resist posting at least one WIP of anything 8D
Honestly this whole panel is dumb and I have mixed feelings about it... but I can still safely concur that I’m having too much fun with this anyway, so it cancels out the mixed review lmaooooooo
Last time I drew Pyrrha was in altered armour I designed for her a while back... so going back to the boob-flashing canon outfit is really weird for me 🙃
I’ll have to doodle her in it again later (my goal for today is finishing these lines and throwing down flat colours), to make up for it ;D
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rwbyconversations · 5 years ago
The Scarlet Letter: Let’s talk about RWBY’s male LGBT rep
I have been sitting on this post for nearly four weeks waiting until the 15th due to the Before the Dawn spoiler rules.
So let's start with a blunt statement: RWBY's male LGBT representation has not been good. If the series' handling of female LGBT rep is good (which... well there's worse shows) and the general standard for how you write LGBT characters in a show like this, its handling of male rep has been... how not to. And Before the Dawn kinda solidified the idea in my head that the show's handling of its male LGBT cast just isn't good enough, either by the standards of when RWBY began in 2013, or today in 2020 when compatively massive steps have been taken over the past decade to show a more diverse list of characters... or at least a more diverse list of female characters.
I don't wanna make this a pissing match over how over-or-under-represented male or female LGBT characters are, but I feel like it's safe to say that the majority of the trend-setters for modern romances, especially in western animation, have been between women. Korra and Asami from Korra, Chloe and Max from Life is Strange, Marceline and Bubblegum in Adventure Time, (insert the relevant Steven Universe characters here, never watched it), and more recently, Adora and Catra in She-Ra and Luz in Owl House.
Compatively, while studies have shown that in general male LGBT characters get more appearances on a purely numerical level, in general they're more one-off characters there to pad a roster, or played more for comedy (see Josh Gad in the Beauty and the Beast remake or the gay guy in Avengers Endgame that was more notable for how hard China and Russia snapped him out of existance). The only big male-LGBT focused media I can think of from the last decade would be Yuri On Ice, Moonlight, IDW's Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye (Chromedome/Rewind best pairing fuck you Roberts for issue 16) Love Simon, and the anime adaptation of Banana Fish.
So it's no surprise that RWBY basically follows these ideas. It's big romance is (unless the writers are very stupid) going to be between Blake and Yang, their first out character was Ilia, Coco got sent to the Book Dimension where she confirmed "I use my sunglasses to perv on women without their knowledge" which uh... yeah you can definitely tell RWBY is written by men... and Volume 6 had Saph and Terra being a good example of an LGBT couple without any real drama. In the last three years alone, the show has drastically increased its lesbian and bisexual characters, alongside even including its first out trans character in May Marigold (albeit only revealed on Twitter). In general, these depictions of sexuality have been pretty OK. Would have liked it if Ilia wasn't immediately written out of the show after Volume 5 as it made her feel a bit more disposable than intended but whatever, subject for another day.
RWBY's male rep though is a bit spottier. There's the plant bois in Volume 5's premiere, we nearly had Pilot Boi until some last-minute revisions, and... Scarlet.
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Why Scarlet's a bad launchpad for male LGBT rep
I don't like Scarlet or how his sexuality has been handled. Scarlet's homosexuality wasn't revealed in the show, or by the writers, or even in anything that's actually canon. He's confirmed gay in his sole of dialogue in a non-canon fan anthology, where the manga's Twitter team had to say that Miles suggested the idea and approved of it.
In short, Scarlet is Dumbledore'd, where his sexuality is revealed in out-of-show material and in a way that doesn't make it supremely obvious (Miles himself never commented to confirm this so this news was limited in how far it could spread. I'm genuinely curious how many people still don't know Scarlet's gay), and Scarlet himself is a nothing character who was written out of the show after Volume 3 and only reappeared in Before The Dawn, half a decade after he vanished. Compared to Ilia, as this came out after Ilia's entire arc in Volume 5, it's not a great starting point for mlm rep. But things would have been forgiven if it had gotten better, if the show did have more male LGBT characters introduced, even just on the Saphron/Terra level of just being around for a few episodes before leaving. Then it would have been a misfire but then we could all say "Things got better."
It... didn't. Which is why when Before the Dawn released in 2020, a full two years after Scarlet was first confirmed gay, while the franchise had more than doubled its wlw rep, Scarlet remained the one male character in the entire franchise who had a name and liked men. I remember vividly a fake leak for After The Fall which claimed Yatsuhashi would come out to Velvet and admit to having a crush on Fox. And I remember as well how many people were disappointed when it was said to be false, because it would have been nice for Yatsuhashi's character, especially after the fleshing out he gets in the CFVY books. If Yatsu had come out as gay in the books I'd like his writing enough to say he's a good case for rep, albeit with the caveat of "This is all in side material." But in reality, the leak was fake and Coco was confirmed gay instead.
Unfortunately, Before the Dawn proceeded to ruin Scarlet and made me at times feel genuinely uncomfortable as a queer man! Let's talk about that.
Before The Dawn is crap and Scarlet's writing is borderline offensive
I hate Before the Dawn. It's... bad. I read it while on a vacation and the only solace I had about the entire thing was that I'd bought an M&M chocolate bar. The bar was finished before the book. That bummed me out. It's not a very well written book, the prose is very Early 2010s YA Writer, none of the characters are memorable and there's various Fun Incidents like "NGDO using children as bait for Grimm," and "Neptune's hydrophpobia being used as a threat to torture him and the scene is played for comedy."
Theo was cool. I can't wait to see him as written by good writers, he should be a highlight of the Vacuo arc.
I had two hopes for Before the Dawn- "Don't be bad," and "Let Scarlet and Sage be well written." I'd liked how After The Fall had handled some of its characters (barring, y'know, Coco perving on women), especially Fox and Yatsu who were surprising in how much I liked them. I was looking forward to seeing Myers give Sage and Scarlet similar treatment- two relatively nothing characters meant he'd have a blank slate to write them however he wanted, he could give them unique personalties and if nothing else it could be cool to see their Semblances.
And then I read the book. (Sage fans I am so sorry for you, you got baited harder than Johnlock fans)
Scarlet's a giant dickhead in the book. It's his sole character trait and his inner monologues go on, and on, and on about how much he hates Sun, how he revels in mocking him. Most of his dialogue is sarcastic put-downs about Sun and how lame he is, and Sun is never properly allowed to defend himself or point out how going with Blake meant he was able to help save Haven Academy.
(hey remember when Sun in Volume 6 expressly says to Blake "I was a bad leader for ditching Neptune and the others, and I need to work on that" only for Before the Dawn to have him staunchly refuse to accept that he let the team down? I don't think Myers did but I do)
Scarlet being a ratty bitch would be one thing if, again, the franchise had done more rep. He'd still be a badly written character, but it wouldn't sting as much. But because Scarlet is still the only expressly confirmed male LGBT character in canon (the book teases that Nolan is gay but there's never confirmation either way beyond him smiling at Scarlet), it means that he has to represent that entire ideal. So when the one gay man in Remnant is being an asshole and a snide loser, that means that by extension, this is how the franchise sees gay men. And that fucking sucks! I wanted to come out of Before The Dawn singing its praises, I wanted to like the book, but it was a massive letdown, especially coming off of the other big 2020 RWBY controversy involving gay characters.
Yeah. We're doing this.
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Clover and Fair Game: Technically not queerbaiting. BUT:
Let's pre-empt this: Clover wasn't queerbaiting, and Fair Game, while cool and I dig it, kudos to them for becoming one of the top 5 RWBY pairings on AO3 in one year that's fucking impressive (I say with mild malice as an IronQrow main), never had a chance. The writing never seriously boosted it barring one interaction which was flirty (them talking in the lobby of the Schnee Manor), and everything else was out of show boosting through the social media teams and CRWBY hyping it themselves by saying they liked it. If you wanna blame people, blame the animators who went off-script with stuff like Kim Newman adding the wink as a deliberate nod to the Volume 4 waitress, or the social media team deliberately using the same policies for Fair Game as they do for Renora and Bumblebee.
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It wasn't Eddy's fault that things escalated, and he himself has said that in retrospect, he should have warned people that this never had a shot.
But I can't blame the Fair Game fanbase. Because Fair Game took off like wildfire. It came right as the fanbase began seriously asking for more male rep, Qrow's pretty hot, and the Clover wink came right after the Great IronQrow Reawakening of November 9th, 2019. The rocket was primed, and they rode it to the moon. Finally, to these people, after seven years RWBY seemed to be doing something with mlm rep in show. People started getting into RWBY just for Clover and Qrow's interactions. And if heroes were boring, Watts and Tyrian also had a fantastic dynamic that made Nuts and Volts one of the more popular villain ships overnight. Things seemed to be turning around! RWBY was remembering that gay men existed! You could hear the choir sing!
... And for those people, that meant that episode 12 hit like Truck-Kun.
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People got pissed. People were horrified. And it didn't help that some members of CRWBY had said in the build-up that episode 12 would have some shots that made them nauseous (probably the Tyrian thumb thing) Out of context, it looked to these fans like CRWBY were basically laughing at their suffering, like they were saying "Lol, you thought you had a chance, get fucked, I hope your vomit burns on the way up."
Yeah, Fair Game was never gonna be canon, and I think some people ran too far with it. But in the wider context of how desperate RWBY's mlm community had gotten for basic crumbs of content? I can see why they'd run with what they had. The writers aren't at fault for what happened, but CRWBY didn't help matters. And that desperate mix of what felt like official backing from the crew, jokes about how cute the ship was, and the hope that finally the show would have onscreen rep? I can see why people ran with it.
So why is the show more lackluster in depicting mlm characters?
Money. Let's be honest, most RWBY fans don't care if the show doesn't have good male rep. I'm willing to bet some of you reading this won't care and just dismiss it as not being that big a problem. I don't think the writers care if the show doesn't have good mlm rep because they're not poaching that market. They're after what they see as a bigger, more lucrative market, which in this case is female LGBT rep. That gets people buying games, watching shows, raising awareness and boosting awareness of your property, which means you make more money. In short: Two women kissing hits more markets and generates more attention than two men.
Am I saying that Miles, Monty and Kerry deliberately sat down seven years ago and said "We're not doing gay men because it won't generate enough ad revenue and traffic to be worth the loss in revenue from homophobes?" No, that's silly. But I'm saying that it's less important for them, and it shows in the things that are small and add up. Things like Miles not verifying Scarlet's sexuality or retweeting the manga account's confirmation to spread the message (compared to how he enthusiastically confirmed Ilia being a lesbian himself during the Reddit AMA). It shows in how Pilot Boi would have been the first mlm character only to die in his second full episode until M&K were told about the Bury Your Gays trope. It shows in how Shannon believes that Ozma is "megaqueer" and Miles jokingly laughs it off instead of confirming it, leaving it to just be Shannon's headcanon. It shows in how actor shipping is compared between the mlm and wlw ships, where Arryn and Barbara's frequent pushes for Bumblebee are seen as "official confirmation that it's endgame" while Michael and Kerry saying they enjoy Seamonkeys is treated as "well it would be cute if they did it, but they're never going to."
I'm not gonna say anything like "CRWBY are gonna have Qrow end up with a woman like Robyn out of spite against the bad apples of the Fair Game crowd." I'm not gonna say that I don't think CRWBY cares about male representation in the series. It is, however, definitely a low priority for them, and because that leads to gaffes like Scarlet's writing in Before The Dawn being offensive in his depiction, it only makes the contrast between the sexes all the more painfully apparent.
I'm kinda tired of waiting for Rooster Teeth to show that they do care about mlm. I'm kinda tired of RWBY's male rep being written like it came from a 1993 time capsule where I have to enhance the screen to see a guy holding a sign of Sun's abs or be content with the only onscreen rep still being the plant bois in Volume 5. I'm tired of how often the crew dances around answering basic questions about sexuality (and age, and birthdays, and heights, and so on) by treating it as a spoiler question, as if just wanting to know what way people swing would ever be a spoiler. I'm just... tired of all this. When the best mlm rep in Rooster Teeth's history remains the two dads in Camp Camp who show up in a few episodes, that should say something really bad about your company and your biases (To say nothing of the recent Red vs Blue seasons and their blatant queerbaiting for Grif and Simmons and the whole can of worms that is Donut).
I'd like to not feel like I'm borderline unwelcome because I'd like to see two men in this show kiss, and that the sole thing that represents people like me in this show is some British twat who complains about sand.
I'd just like to feel like my sexuality isn't a joke to Rooster Teeth (or at the very least, be like Donut and have it be a funny one). But at this point after the last few years? I feel like a very uncomfortable punchline to them. And it just sucks.
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charmingsego · 7 years ago
Bumbleby Week Day 4:First date
This is actually a new chapter to a story a while ago but the theme fit so enjoy!
Wow it's been forever since I touched this story! but it is bumblebee week and I was able to squeeze this out in time for "First Dates" anyways enjoy, comment, review!
Chapter 11
Yang was on her way home, her thoughts wandering to her new girlfriend. The blonde-haired girl has had many crushes in the past, but something about Blake made her feel anxious, made her feel right.
As she weaved through the streets of Vale on her motorcycle Yang thought about their upcoming date. While she might not know the city too well, she did have an idea of what she wanted to do. It was a little past 11 o'clock when she left Blake's apartment so, she decided to speed through the streets enjoying the nice breeze this time of night brings.
She parked her motorcycle in the garage, entered the house, and walked through a small hallway to enter the kitchen and grab some snacks. By the time she was done grabbing snacks she noticed their living room lamp was on. A faint sound of rustling could be heard. Ruby should be sleep by now she thought to herself. A rush a nervousness came over her, they were still new to this neighborhood and back home break-ins weren't that uncommon. She quickly grabbed a frying pan from the cabinet and slowly walked toward the living room.
I don't know who this guy is but he's about to get a taste of this dragon! Yang thought to herself as she walked behind the couch. She gripped the pan in her hand as hard could and screamed at the intruder, "Get the hell out my..." her words fell at the scene in front of her. Words lost their meaning as she tried to make an accurate sentence.
On the couch was not the intruder Yang thought it would be, no, it was her sister and her newly found girlfriend on the couch in a tight embrace. Weiss was comfortably sitting in Ruby's lap, arms around her neck, lips connection in a sweet kiss.
Yang stood there the frying pan being completely forgotten and she stared at the scene again, trying to make sense of what was happening. Finally, the silence was broken when Ruby red-faced asked her sister a question, "I thought you were at Blake's."
"I was...do you have any idea what time it is Ruby?" Yang asked dropping her voice to prove she was serious.
"Uhh yeah, it's like 9 o'clock right?
"Oh my- Ruby it's almost 12 o'clock. Are you telling me you've been making out for 2 and a half hours?!"
"No! We-"
"And you didn't even tell me you were having company!" Yang interrupted her sister and turned to the white-haired girl that hasn't said a word, "And you, Weiss! Aren't you supposed to be home by now?"
"Father barely home, and if he was, he wouldn't care," Weiss responded finally coming out her trance. Both sisters didn't know how to respond to Weiss fast but cold answer. Yang took a deep breath to settle down and continued in her "big sister" voice.
"Okay look, I'm not mad just...surprised. Next time you wanna bring over company, just tell me Ruby." Ruby nodded her head and gave her sister a hug as an apology. Yang happily took the hug and turned to Weiss, "And Weiss since it's late so you can stay the night."
Ruby practically jumped in the air when Yang announced that Weiss could stay. She walked over to her girlfriend grabbed her hand then proceeded to her room.
"This is so great Weiss! Now we can stay up all night. We can talk about cute girls, paint our nails, maybe even kiss some more." Ruby whispered that last part hoping her sister didn't hear her.
Weiss embarrassed let Ruby drag her to her room until she felt a strong hand on her shoulder.
"You sleep on the couch. There's no way you're sleeping with my sister under my roof." Yang demanded.
Weiss glared at the girl, never in her life has someone told her what to do. But something about the way Yang was staring at her made her not want to argue. She cleared her throat and began to speak, "Y-Your sister is right. It may be a bit too early to sleep together, even though I would never do such scandalous acts so early in a relationship. I hope you understand that." That last sentence was directed towards Yang hoping the elder sibling would calm down.
"I'm glad you agree!" Yang patted the girl on her back, "Now goodnight you two!"
Ruby gave Weiss one last kiss and her sister a hug before she headed to her room.
"Hey, Ruby I need you up early. I got a date and I need your help picking out an outfit." Yang shouted from the living room.
"Sure. Whatever, night." Ruby waved the disappeared into her room.
Yang smiled and walked to the closet in the hallway to grab Weiss some covers and a pillow. "Here princess."
"Don't call me that!" Weiss rebutted scowling at Yang.
Yang simply waved her hand and dropped the covers onto the couch.
"Sorry for putting you on the couch, you know big sister duties and all." Yang apologized realizing she may have been a bit harsh on the girl.
"It's not a problem, I don't mind...thank you." Weiss smiled at Yang knowing she was only being protective.
"If you want the couch can turn into a bed. That would be more comfortable."
"I would like that."
Yang moved the pillows off the couch and pulled the bed out from underneath the cushions. "There you go! Nice and comfy."
Weiss thanked the older sister and went to sleep.
As Yang walked to her room she decided to send Blake one last text for the night,
Hey, babe ;) I made it home. Make sure you're ready by 10am tomorrow. You're gonna have the best date ever!
It took a few minutes for Blake to reply and Yang couldn't help but laugh at the response.
Why so early? You must be a morning person ugh :( if you insist on waking up so early I require coffee to fully wake up.
Whatever you want ;) just dress comfy.
Sure. Goodnight Yang
Yang smiled at the message and set her alarm to 7 o'clock, she wanted to impress Blake so she made her she had extra time to get ready.
The next morning Yang was a mess to put it simply. The blonde standing in the middle of her room half-naked and surrounded by clothes she decided not to wear. After failing to like her outfit for the fifth time she finally called her sister.
"Hey, Ruby come here! And bring Weiss too!" Yang thought maybe having two opinions would help her finally make up her mind.
"ugh, what do you need?" Ruby yelled walking towards her sister's room.
"Yes, it is quite early Yan-Oh lord!"
"Oh gosh, Yang! Where are your clothes?!"
Weiss stood in front of Yang door her hands covering her eyes astonished that the older sibling would openly walk around like that.
"That's what I need help with." Yang continued ignoring Weiss reaction.
"See I don't know if I should go with girly or sporty. It's been killing me."
"Ugh how about you just combine the two." Ruby started, "Here, wear the black joggers with that yellow halter top."
"You could probably wear those...umm white boots." Weiss joined after her initial shock went away, "Oh! and wrap that yellow flannel over waist. Blake is a sucker for that look."
Yang gathered her clothes and changed into her outfit. After a long look in the mirror, she decided the outfit was perfect.
"Okay great! Thanks, guys, so what about hair? Wild and crazy or up and banging?"
Weiss gave the girl a confused look while Ruby just laughed. "Go with the ponytail."
"Thanks guys! Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone." Yang waved goodbye and headed to her car (a gift left behind by her uncle).
Blake's morning was less hectic than her girlfriend's, she picked out her outfit the night before.
She chose a simple black tank top with her favorite pair of white stir-ups, with her black high top boots she was ready. She chose to wear her hair a little differently, a messy bun with a few strands of hair in her face.
When Blake got the text from Yang claiming she was downstairs her nerves started to kick in. Yang was the first girl she has ever dated and the thought of her messing it up went through her head. There were plenty of girls she crushed on but she never had the courage to actually confess. This was all new to her and to say she was nervous was an understatement. She quickly rubbed her hands on her shirt, locked the door and practically jogged downstairs. When Blake finally arrived downstairs, she felt a tightness in her chest she knew Yang was beautiful but something about her standing in the morning sun seemed different.
Yang turned and smiled at the girl approaching her, energy as bright as the sun behind her. They stood in front of each other smiling and staring at each other until Yang finally guided Blake to her car. The cafe was good and Yang made sure to remember the name of the place, Blake kept asking where they would be going but Yang kept her mouth shut until a poorly lit sign came into her view.
"Yup!" Yang smiled and parked the car.
"I have...no idea how to rollerblade."
"I was hoping you would say." Yang's smile reached her ears as she grabbed Blake's hand and entered the building. "It's early so there won't be too many people here, which means You don't have to worry about falling." Blake groaned and shook her head.
"Hey can I get a size 8.5 and umm…"
"So tiny." Yang started to laugh, "You Know I think I'm a good three inches taller than you."
"I'm average height!" Blake snapped with a fake angry expression.
"Mhmm what's that?"
"I'm 5'5." Blake stood at her full height with her chest puffed out.
"5'8, and still growing."
Yang moved closer to Blake and lightly put her chin on top of her head. Blake tried to push her away but Yang reached for her waist and pulled her in. They stood there embraced until the cashier came back with their shoes, coughing to get the young couples attention. Blake blushed while Yang grabbed their shoes and headed for a table; after their shoes were tied on Yang guided Blake onto the ring. Blake's legs wobbled while she tried to stand up straight gripping Yang's forearms hoping that the blonde was strong enough to hold her up. She was surprised to see the girls' muscles strain while holding her; she knew the blonde worked out and boxing had to help but this is the first time she's ever noticed how nice Yang's arms are. She blushed and gripped the girl harder almost losing her balance again. It took them awhile but Blake was able to make around the ring twice with the help of Yang and although her fear of falling and probably embarrassing herself held her back when she would hear Yang's laugh she couldn't help but to continue.
Blake did eventually grow tired of going around in complete circles so she sat down and watch the blonde take the ring. She knew Yang could skate but watching her on ring felt like watching a performance. The girl moved effortless around the ground like she was floating, her feet lift one after the other making small spins and zigzag lines. When the DJ changed the music to something upbeat she started to sway her hips along with the movement, leaving Blake mesmerized. Yang moved closer to the inner ring she wink at Blake before she did a full spin moving her hair is a wide circle. The smirk on her face knowing that Blake was watching the whole time. Blake couldn't utter a word; she knew the girl was teasing her but the simple fact that she could move in such a way still amazed her. Blake moved towards the edge of the ring and waved her hand towards Yang, when she finally approached Blake grabbed Yang's shoulder and gave her a kiss. It was short and sweet and enough for Yang to finally get out of the ring.
"You ready to head out?" Yang asked as she sat down on a nearby bench. Blake simply nodded her head and started to unlace her shoes.
The girls left grabbed a quick lunch and by the time the headed by to Blake's apartment the sun had already set. "Do you want to go inside?" Blake asked as they approached her apartment door. Yang shrugged and let herself in, "Did you want to watch a movie? I kinda don't this date to end just yet." Blake smiled while she put her bag on the counter, "Me either." she replied and moved towards Yang. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and gave the girl another kiss, this one littler heated than the one they shared at the ring, "What do you want to see" Blake whispered in Yang's ear. The blonde almost missed her question will dazed after the kiss they shared, "Anything you want is fine." she bumped her nose against Blake's and they kissed again.
The rest of the night was shared like that between sweet and heated kissed to half paying attention to the movie. But time did catch up to them and Yang soon had to leave, when the girls finally parted they hugged with a promise to text each other before one of them went to sleep. Finally satisfied with their night Yang drove home with a smile on her face and an uplifting mood when she walked through the door. This time she didn't catch her sister in the living instead she was sound asleep in her own room. Yang decided to tell her sister about her date in the morning and get ready for bed and as promised she sent one last text to Blake
"Safe, goodnight."
"Goodnight Yang"
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mewrails · 5 years ago
Q. A fandom youve abandoned and why:
well many, mostly bc ive Grown As A Person and all that. the latest one i guess is homestuck which is a special case bc its still my special interest but the fandom is beyond dead and canon couldnt be a bigger pile of flaming shit! which you know i think its fair that im not into that
K. What character has your favorite development arc?
dave strider but hes been discussed to the ground so ill keep it short: growing out of his abusive home and being very gay (bi) with aliens is amazing
now. carolina from rvb is also a big favorite because of how. Enormous it is. she deals with her fathers rejection and death, her bfs death, her friends' deaths. and in the end she gains a family. a new squad that she loves and who loves her and a chance to have fun, to be silly!! and to be soft and not forget the ones who died, but forgive herself for her mistakes!! forgive herself in general, shes not Perfect and thats okay!! she has supportive friends and she doesnt ignore her past but LEARNS FROM IT oh i love her sm
also wash has a very interesting. life story lmao. hes presented as a tough almost evil dude. a super agent. scary and intimidating. and then hes kimd of a nerd and also very traumatized. and you get some backstory of pfl and HES A HUGE NERDDDD hes not scary hes a dork. then hes more relaxed, again h3 has friends, they love him and he loves them and its rlly nice so hes back to being dork-ish but now hes also kind of a mom always worrying abt those fucking nerds god i love him
G. Have you ever had an otp? what was your first one? who was in it?
my first ever otp was probably some hetalia shit i dont even remember nor care abt rn so im gonna say arasol (aradia and sollux, aka b00bee2 ship) AND later on arafef (aradia and feferi WHICH I USED TO RP A LOT)
D: a pairing you wished you liked but you can't
dirkjake and cronkri just to make my life more bearable dear god i hate those ships and theyre everywhere
other than that not rlly im p flexible when it comes to shipping lmao
N. 3 things you wish you saw more in your fandom
common sense in general for fandom spaces.
also i wish jjba fans stopped talking abt being Starved of content bc we are really not unless u like avdol in which case im so very sorry he does deserve so much better holy fucking shit
also encourage more selfship and ocxcanon bc yall like to Gloat abt cringe culture being dead w out actually taking time to uh support ppl who do this shit bc ew ew cringe i guess idk
S. Headcanon
actually i only do whole aus that i never share bc im scared of people calling me cringe but i will share that my favorite Own Aus are my rvb n pkmn crossover and my almost everyone lives jjba one which is mostly fun and nice things bc ive HAD IT with deaths actually and theres a lot of missed comedic potential in jjba
A. ships that you currently like (i really shortened this question)
arasol, arafef, nepeq(<>) , bruabba, whatever the name is for jolyne and hermes and ff, also whatever the name is for yasuho and josuke, yorkalina, carolina and wash (as Kinda Like Siblings ig), blacksun (blake and sun frm rwby) and bumblebees (i think i misspelled it. its blake and yang frm rwby also lol). you can say i rlly like shipping lmao
F. the longest time you've been in a fandom.
a bit over a decade bc pokemon lmao
from this post
For the Fandom asks, do a key smash and answer the letters in the keysmash
QKGKDNSNAKFAK ok your brain is huge give me a moment to fetch the questions
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