Dr. Bronner's is the only good brand on Twitter
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Whether it's Lil Debbie shilling out relationship advice or Sunny D igniting a conversation about depression, contemporary brand Twitter can be a depressing and dark place. 
Nothing feels more cynical than when a brand appropriates the standardized millennial voice — ironic, detached, dejected — and uses it to hock their emulsified meat products and drinkable corn syrups. There's no commitment to justice here, there's just marketing. So I'd love to call for a mass ban of corporations from Twitter, with one exception: Dr. Bronner's, one of the country's most popular organic, fair trade soap producers.
I don't trust any multimillion dollar corporation on Twitter. I do, however, place a reasonable amount of faith in this social justice soap. 
SEE ALSO: Brand Twitter, please stay away from the 2020 election
Dr. Bronner's is best known for their all-purpose soaps (used for anything from washing your face to killing your dog's fleas, and cleaning your bong) and long-winded labels, which feature references to world religion and calls to end the war on drugs. The main ingredients in the brand's products are both organic and fair trade. Dr. Bronner's commitment to social justice has been present since the brand's inception, and the company now dedicates approximately one-third of its profits to various social causes.
"Earth’s soils contain more than 3x more carbon than is stored in the atmosphere, and 4x more than the amount in all living plants & animals."https://t.co/kxGgbEWlsI
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 28, 2019
All of this is reflected in the brand's social voice on Twitter. Unlike brands like Sunny D which capitalize on the millennial mental health crisis without doing anything to abate it, Dr. Bronner's shares stories written by real journalists of real value to millennials. 
"Some small studies suggest that #psilocybin can alleviate obsessive-compulsive disorder, treatment-resistant #depression, end-of-life #anxiety, addiction, cluster headaches, and, yes, relieve pain." @WIRED https://t.co/sabO1YDThg
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 20, 2019
They're loud advocates for a fair living wage, having donated over $500,000 to minimum wage campaigns in 2016 and paying above the living wage in their own company. There isn't much to be cynical about here — the brand tweets what they practice, and what they practice is good.
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 22, 2019
21 states have a #minimumwage at or below the federal minimum of $7.25. Many others aren’t that much above it. @MinimumWageBiz https://t.co/czD9MPLCNI
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 26, 2019
Constructive Capitalism at Dr. Bronners: • 5-to-1 cap on executive salaries • $18.71 minimum wage for full-time permanent employees • Free health care for staff & their families • Free daily organic vegan lunches • Up to 25% of salary as annual bonushttps://t.co/HduUkftsEF
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 26, 2019
Even though soap has no direct connection to cannabis, Dr. Bronner's frequently shares stories and posts tweets in support of legalization.
It’s time to end the outdated, racist policy of #cannabis prohibition that shreds productive citizens’ lives and families for no good reason, and disproportionately affects people of color, while resources are diverted away from real crimes.
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 5, 2019
"#Marijuana legalization advocates came into 2019 expecting it to be a huge year for cannabis, and lawmakers around the country are not disappointing them so far."https://t.co/phaijFd3Hp
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 27, 2019
And while caps lock should be banned from Twitter, I'll make an exception for the random tweets Dr. Bronner's routinely posts about ending the war on drugs.
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 12, 2019
Outside of social causes, I particularly love the brand's tweets that are just basic tenets of human morality. The tweets don't have any cunning wordplay or cynical references to pop culture. Dr. Bronner's sometimes shares moral principles that, simply stated, likely drive down their Twitter engagement.
There's absolutely nothing viral about tweets like these ones — hence, I love 'em. 
We can only truly prosper if we contribute to the prosperity of all!
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 25, 2019
Whatever unites us is greater than whatever divides us!
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 14, 2019
What's one way to enjoy the weekend without creating waste?
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 22, 2019
There's nothing shareable about death, and yet somehow this tweet exists:
To reach that unreachable star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far! To fight for the Right without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. For I know if I follow this glorious quest, my heart will lay peaceful & calm when I’m laid to rest!
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 20, 2019
And who else would fill out this Twitter poll besides your radical aunt and your high school creative writing teacher a *little too obsessed* with recycling? Nothing about this tweet would make it viral. That's exactly what makes it good.
Have you ever spent your free time picking up litter?
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 22, 2019
The retweets, my friends, are also incredible.
Peggy now has a chair that helps her eat and drink comfortably. She loves it! She still hops around the yard and sleeps on her bed, but this makes meal time easier. Having a house chicken is so fun! @EllieLaks #animallover #animalrescue #chickens #gentlebarn pic.twitter.com/9yg5dyLcjX
— The Gentle Barn (@TheGentleBarn) February 5, 2019
I don't want to get y'all too high on soap: At the end of the day, Dr. Bronner's is still a brand. They're on Twitter to advocate for causes and to sell their social justice soap. They have a hand sanitizer coming out that will soon be sold at Urban Outfitters. They talk about constructive capitalism.
Dr. Bronner's is launching a NEW Organic Hand Sanitizer on March 8, 2019. Can you guess the scent? 😉 Photo by Urban Outfitters pic.twitter.com/uA1ZmfUvTl
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 25, 2019
The brand posts plenty of tweets marketing their products, but there's nothing particularly malicious about them. Dr. Bronner's doesn't play on the 2020 election as Pop-Tarts recently did when they announced they were considering a presidential run. Their marketing-based tweets are plain and simple and limited to soap. 
Besides diluting, how do you make a bottle of Dr. Bronner's last longer?
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 12, 2019
Based on your week, what scent are you showering with this weekend?
— Dr. Bronner's (@DrBronner) February 7, 2019
Dr. Bronner's is a soap with a soapbox. They just it do better than anyone else out there on this brutal, cynical hellscape of a brandscape.
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