#Zolar boy
followingthefanfiction · 11 months
Thinking of being Ricky’s friend before the accident and being an artist and drawing Zolar and the cat women for him and he loves it so much and you fall in love with his ideas and mind and his smile when you show him the art. He falls in love with the way you concentrate on the art and listen to him explain Zolar (the parts he knows you would be comfortable drawing at least….) and how you try your best to make him smile, not because you pity him but because you like hearing it. Maybe you don’t tell each other before the accident happens, but everyone around you can see how you act around each other.
this is out of character for me but i listened to SABM so. Woe, cat person be upon ye.
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I love hanging out with Ricky, we draw Zolar comics together! I’m trying to get them published, but it’s a surprise, so don’t tell him!!
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yourstruly9489 · 4 months
What is your OC passionate about?
I've seen stuff to help develop characters that's asking questions about them, eg. What do they want more than anything? What is their greatest fear? What are their dreams? etc. I've always had trouble with these for some reason. Possibly because they seem so impersonal to me, despite being directed at a person. But I discovered something the other day. I love crossover fics, and I sometimes imagine my own OCs going into a fandom I like. Because of this, and my recent interest in Ride The Cyclone, I found a way that works better for me.
Ride The Cyclone is a musical about six teens who died in a tragic roller coaster accident. A mystical fortune-telling robot, whose name is Karnak, somehow has the ability to bring one person back to life. He takes the six teens, Ocean, Constance, Ricky, Noel, Mischa, and Jane Doe, to a sort of purgatory. In this purgatory they are to decide which one of them comes back to life. Each character, excluding Karnak himself, sings a song about themselves so that they can judge amongst themselves who should be brought back to life. But they don't exactly sing about their actual lives, instead they sing about their passions. In the words of Karnak, "Tonight I wish to give them the chance to express not what they were perceived to be, but what they dreamt they were."
Ocean sings about what she's passionate about first: Wanting to be on top, first place, the best. She sings how she's better than everyone else. She sings how the world needs more of her, and less of others.
Noel is next. He sings about the art movement Romanticism, he is the most romantic boy in town after all. He sings about wanting to be a female hooker in post-war France. He sings how he wants to live a life of sin, to burn himself with cigarettes, to die in an alley. He wants to experience a tragic life, not just the good, but the bad.
The next to sing is Mischa. A boy from Ukraine who lost his mother to radiation poisoning. He starts by singing about his facade, a gangsta. He raps about how everything is awesome. How he's awesome. But then he breaks out of that character and sings about his true love. Of which is his fiance, Talia. He devotes himself to her wholly, singing with passion.
Next is Ricky. A boy who was mute and physically disabled his entire life. He was often avoided in life, with his parents and cats being the sole exceptions. He sings about an escapist fantasy. He sings about himself in a sci-fi world, sent to help the race of the cat people of Zolar. How he helps save their world from extinction, and becomes famous in history. He sings about being known and loved.
Then there's Jane Doe. The one unidentified victim of the Cyclone accident, she lost her head and no one knows who she was in life. She sings about how she doesn't understand. Why she couldn't remember her family, her friends, her name? Why can't anyone remember who she is. How she'll be eternally forgotten and how everything will eventually join her in death. She sings about not understanding why.
Finally is Constance. No one really knew her well, she was only known as nice. She sings how she used to think that her life sucked, and howit only got her down. Then she goes into how wonderful she realizes life is now that she's lost it. She sings about loving the life she used ashamed of.
All of them sing about their true passions. Without the fear of being judged, they're all dead anyways, no point in being self-conscious. Then imagining my own OCs in that situation, with no consequences for expressing themselves, really helps me deep-dive into their characters. Reframing the question "What are they passionate about?" Into what would they be like in this specific situation I'm familiar with?
So I think of my OCs and what they would sing about. For specifics, I have three OCs I've been working on recently.
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Left to right they are: Henry Robinson, Victor Shelley, and Mary Robert. Their story is very much about wacky mad science and creating life where there was none. Definitely inspired by the idea/story of Frankenstein.
When I imagine what they would sing about in a situation with no consequences, just a chance to truly express themselves, I understand them far more than I would with just generic questions.
I imagine Henry would sing about his triumph in creating artificial life, he'd sing about how he's going to be known all across medical history as the man to prevent death. He'd sing about how betrayed he felt when Victor abandoned him. He'd sing about how he deserves more. Victor would sing about his grief. He would sing about how stricken he is at Henry's blatant ignorance of the laws of life and death. He'd sing mourning the lives lost in this pursuit of life. He'd sing about his care for others. Mary would sing about her lack of understanding. How she was brought into a world, not through love, but through science. How she woke up in a lab with only Henry there to help her, a man who is only using her for his own gain. How she doesn't understand why she couldn't have stayed resting in a grave. She'd sing about her confusion.
With just the question, "What are they passionate about?" I think that Henry's passionate about science, Victor's passionate about his disregard for Henry's actions, and I wouldn't even know about Mary. But with the question, "What would they do/sing about if there was no fear of consequences?" I come up with so much more.
And so, I ask you, dear reader. What would your character rant about, if only there were no fear of being judged?
(watch Ride The Cyclone, it's great)
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jencattv · 5 months
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The Many Faces of Majestic Rep’s Jane Doe
- 20 minutes until places, admiring refreshed wig and trying not to choke on the neckline of my costume because it is on backwards
- 5 minutes until places, with witch cowl hood to conceal head for Dream of Life
- as Jane Dope (official unofficial rapper name) to hype up my boy Bad Egg in This Song is Awesome
- Flower crown for my boy’s wedding in Talia
- sexy cat woman from Zolar
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fic-tion-wri-ter · 16 days
Ricky Potts x Misha Bachynskyi
Autistic!Ricky Potts x Audhd!Misha Bachynskyi
Ride The Cyclone
Ricky can feel a meltdown boiling. Not only has he had a bad day, but now he has choir. He likes the choir kids. Misha, his boyfriend, is his favorite. Noel and Jane are his best friends! But he can't deal with Ocean's yelling today. He also doesn't want to feel the fluorescent school lights on his eyes anymore. Slowly but surely, everything is getting too overwhelming for him. He needs to go home. But alas, he'll be killed if he misses choir. So Ricky slips his headphones on and prepares for the overstimulation. The only thing calming him is the rubber on his teeth. Chewing always helped him a little, so Misha bought him some chew toys. He's trying to calm down, but as soon as he walks into the chorus room, the meltdown hits.
"Ricky sweetie, are you okay?", Ocean asks.
Ricky quickly nods and signs "bathroom" to get her off his back. He wheels himself to the bathroom and locks the door behind him. He starts hitting his head. It's one of his upset stims that he can't control. They hurt when he's upset. He keeps pounding on his head like something will crack, and he'll be okay.
"Where is Ricky?", Misha whines.
"Bathroom," Ocean smiles.
"Shit! You didn't tell me?!", Misha sits up and runs out the door.
"What?! Misha you can't just leave choir!", Ocean tries to get the boy's attention.
"Oce, think for a minute. Ricky never uses the school bathrooms. I'm sure Misha is just going to find him and make sure he's okay," Noel tries to calm her down.
"You're right. Oh my god, you're right! Ricky was wearing his headphones when he first got here," Ocean presses a hand to her mouth, slightly blaming herself.
Misha quickly walks to the boy's bathroom on the same floor as the chorus room. St. Cassian only did single bathrooms with no stalls. So it can't be that hard to find Ricky. Mischa knocks on the door to receive nothing in return. As soon as he turns to leave, he hears something. A sound that only Ricky would be making. He hears Ricky tapping away on his headphones. Ricky usually does that as a last resort to try and get the noise to be controlled around him. It's a familiar sound to Mischa. He tries the door handle, locked. He doesn't want to knock, that'll be too loud right now.
"Ricky, it's Misha. Can I come in?", Misha speaks through the door.
He hears the tapping stop. He really hopes he wasn't too loud. Misha has a hard time telling when he's too loud or too quiet. It's always been hard for him ever since he could talk. He still won't notice his volume until someone yells at him to be quiet. Eventually, the door unlocks, and Misha slowly opens it. He knows not to touch Ricky. So instead, he kneels down in front of him. Sure, the school bathrooms are fucking gross, but he needs to be here for Ricky.
"Hey, my star. My star, can you look at me?", Misha whispers.
Ricky doesn't look up. He just keeps tugging at his hair. Misha knows he obviously can't sign anything right now because of his stims, so he needs something else. He stands up and walks behind Ricky to get in his bag. He knows Ricky has communication cards. He just doesn't know where. Fuck, he needs to find them. Misha opens the smallest pocket first. Nope, nothing in there but Ricky's pencils and chapstick. After checking through the side pockets, the next pocket contains the cards, thank god.
"Ricky, I have your cards," Misha kneels back down in front of Ricky, "Can you use your cards for me?".
Ricky shakes his head no. He doesn't want to communicate he just wants to leave. He wants to go home with his bed, his cats, his comfy clothes. He needs to go home. Misha is at a loss. He sets the cards down on his lap. He needs to think. Maybe ranting will help Ricky? Maybe he needs to distract himself for a little bit?
"Ricky, do you want to tell me about Zolar?", Misha tries.
This simple question gets Ricky to nod. Ricky loves talking about Zolar. Except he can't exactly with how his stims are being. He wants to calm down so he can talk. He needs to breathe, and then he can calm down a little. Breathe. He takes a deep breath and feels his hands become loose in his hair. He takes another deep breath and feels his chest relax.
"There you go, good job Ricky. Here," Misha holds his AAC tablet out to him.
Ricky's AAC tablet is also his normal tablet where he draws and writes. He pulls up a new drawing about slime pets. He rants to Misha about how their pets are actually aliens, unlike the Zolarians who evolved from cats. He rants on and on until he remembers choir.
"Choir," Ricky signs.
"It's okay, do you want to go?", Misha asks.
Ricky nods. He wants to hear everyone singing now. He's keeping his headphones on just in case it's too loud. Mischa packs Ricky's bag up and opens the door. He doesn't push Ricky because Ricky hates that. The sounds of his friends' voices immediately warm Ricky's body. Sure, he hates them (not really), but their voices are angelic. Maybe in another life, he has one.
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ask-pottsricky · 2 months
Ricky Potts, the most imaginative boy in town...
Hello! My name is Elowen (they/them), and I'm the owner of this ask account
Main: @wens-loves-wednesday
I do fanarts if asked (might take a little while to answer fanart requests)
I'm a minor (13), NSFW is acceptable if:
It's related to Space Age Bachelor Man;
Related to Zolar lore;
Related to the cat women.
Otherwise, completely forbidden (I will not answer and delete it if it's too much. Jokes are welcomed though)
In my RP, Ricky is gender fluid and bisexual (fight me)
Jane x Ricky ✅️
Noel x Ricky ✅️
Constance x Ricky ✅️
Mischa x Ricky ✅️
Ocean x Ricky ❌️
Ocean is extremely ableist in the show, so I do not support the shipp or shipp it. I respect if you shipp it, though!! (They'd be a cute nerdy couple, but Ocean's attitudes are really not cool)
Ricky dates Mischa now, apparently :D (if any rp account (except Ocean) wants to, I'll agree. Polyamoury is cool yall)
Ricky can also be called Savannah
Based on the 2016 production
Any mention of SABM will be Danny Bó's version
Out of character posts will be like this
On character will be like this
Things I will NOT tolerate:
Any kind of prejudice.
Ocean: @another-ask-ocean-blog
Penny: @ask-penny-lamb
Mischa: @therealbadegg
Constance: @askconstanceblackwood
Noel: @ask-noel-gruber
I hope y'all enjoy the account!!
Be respectful
Be kind
Have fun!! ♡
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Ride The Cyclone Gender + Sexuality Headcanons
Just because I did the same with IT These are for my main au, they might change depending on the au.
Ocean: Cis girl She/her Lesbian, asexual Was in denial about being a lesbian for the first ~17 years of her life: "it's normal to want to spend all my time with Connie!" "of course every girl feels completely empty when her friend isn't around" "it isn't gay to want to kiss your bestie on the lips!". Noel both hated and loved every single moment of this.
Noel: Amab bigender He/she/neos Gay Has fallen for every cishet boy in school. Literally every single one. He needs help.
Mischa: Cis boy He/him, doesn't mind any Bisexual, poly Dating Talia, who by the way is also poly. He was completely clueless about his own sexuality until she told him, and then he started asking Ricky questions ("yoo Rickster! Talia said she likes lords, what's that mean?" "what???" "...lords-? пан, she sayed she's пансексуал!" ".....OH you mean pansexual" and it derailed from there) and that's how he figured it out.
Ricky: Amab non-binary They/them Pansexual (I genuinely thought they canonically said "the sexy catpeople from Zolar") Goes by Savannah online. Irl, they're only out as an enby to the choir (besides Ocean). In a QPR with Penny :)
Penny: Afab agender She/any Pan aroace In a QPR with Ricky :) Mainly describes her own gender and sexuality as "an empty void". Goes by all Penny, Jane, Sav and PJ
Constance: Cis girl She/they/neos Pansexual/lesbian (<- still questioning) Only completely out queer person in Uranium, since "she's so nice" nobody really cares.
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romanticallyghosting · 10 months
Hmmm, Ricky? Maybe Zolar Ricky if you'd like
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very very messy zolar boy for funsies!!! sorry like everything is off i just wanted to get the outfit concept across more than anything
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the-uraniumverse · 1 month
Hi it's me again..
I made the oc so here you go Uraniumverse treat him nice he's shy 😭
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Lucas Deniel. Born February 3rd, Aquarius : The 'silent nature'. Favorite ride, The high swings.
Born in Strasbourg, France - Lucas at a very young age had to leave his home country due to complications with his mother and father. Leaving the country of France with his mother to Saskatchewan and all his friends behind, the boy began to develop a more quiet nature not understanding many social cues or canadian exclusive slang said in Uranium city focusing on his studies instead. When he joined Saint Cassian Chamber High school, he imagined another year of simple classes and building his intellectual mind until the choir flyer caught his eye. Deciding to join, playing musical instruments for the choir on the side, he finally began to develop some people he could call his friends.
Lucas Deniel, The 'quietest boy in town'
Relations with the Saint cassian choir 🙀
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg : He doesn't really like her (for obvious reasons..) but tolerates her because she did help teach him to play some instruments and he respects that. Sometimes he kinda just stares at her like '😕' though
Noel Gruber : They'd bond over France low key. Lucas would tell him facts and stuff about France and Noel would read him poems he wrote about France. Lucas would adore the poems, maybe find some a bit angsty but he likes that about Noel, They are definitely friends. In another universe where everyone is happy and alive they'd probably move to France together as roomies, maybe date? I'm unsure. (Their ship/relationship name would be silentpassion though because its cute and makes sense)
Mischa Bachinski : He listens to his raps and sometimes and gives him advice on his YouTube comments + some rap ideas he thinks people would like. Definitely watched Rupals Drag race with him at some point (probably at the fall fair tbh). Lucas likes Mischa to an extent but not like a best friend more like friends who have a sort of want to go back home, something they both relate to
Ricky potts : Both don't talk, instead they have staring contests. Need I say more? Anyway he'd probably like Ricky but be iffy about Zolar (he didn't have THAT much Internet exposure). He'd probably help Ricky put realistic space facts/pictures into Zolar because I fear Lucas is a big nerd (I'm projecting) and on occasion when confidence is built he writes notes to express his thoughts and regrets it after because he's embarrassed from not being used to talking
Constance Blackwood : I feel like he'd be a regular at the Blackwood cafe just for the cupcakes. When he moved to Uranium he probably found a love for specifically chocolate cupcakes and eats one when he has the chance. Or they both probably take nature walks with eachother like quiet music walks and sit by like a river.
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb : When he meets Jane he'd kinda be like '😟...😨' and be scared. Not because she's like.. A doll but because of the fact she can remove her head. He'd find that scary as shit. Though slowly he'd (overtime) grow to like her after the fact he learned Jane doesn't usually do that and would play with her doll. Unlike Jane, with Penny, Lucas more so is neutral about her but defends her the best he can when people bully her (he's trying!!!)
Uhh also he has situational mutism which is why he doesn't talk often. He still has the ability just is way to nervous. He doesn't have a catchphrase because yk.. 😔 anyway I hope you guys like this little french dude I'm sorry for yapping 🙏 (i WILL do it again and come back)
he’s trying his best 🫶
i really like him lowkey, very silly dude !!
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M...a mean anon told me that zolar wasn't real :(
(Repost bc idk if the other one went through)
" Oh don't believe the haters other Rickster. Zolar is very real because obviously it exists in your mind "
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Damn I wish I could draw
I have an idea for the Sole Survivor AU (Where only Sarah Marie lives)
Sarah Marie crying at each choir members grave, and each one’s ghost seeing her there
Noel saying he’s sorry he left her alone, hand on her shoulder even though she can’t feel it. “I’m sorry I left you alone… sister.”
Mischa hugging her, sorry he can’t help her. She’s watching one of his rap videos and weeping. “мені шкода, що я не можу тобі допомогти, моя любов” (I couldn’t help myself with that one ok? Translate it yourself.)
Her showing Ricky’s grave a drawing of Zolar, him half smiling and giving it a thumbs up. “You did great Sarah Marie… thanks for listening to me.”
Constance sitting in front of her grave trying to tell Sarah Marie it’s ok and that they made their decision, holding Sarah Marie’s hand and crying trying to reassure her friend. “Sarah Marie, it’s ok! You deserved a chance. Please don’t be sad!”
Ocean standing behind Sarah Marie awkwardly, “I never meant to ignore you in life… I’m sorry:” Ocean slowly sitting next to her, and putting a hand on Sarah Marie’s back in a small effort of comfort.
After they all left Sarah Marie is left sitting in front of a memorial. A hand reached out, and this time she reacts and takes it. A girl leads her away from the graveyard. Sarah Marie just met Penny Lamb.
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dexabite · 2 years
because i'm bored: here's what i think about the characters of ride the cyclone!
ocean o'connell rosenberg:
definitely was a huge snob. in my language, we call those kind of people "maldita" HAHAHAH
she sounds so much like a high school bully that it's hilarious... but also, i feel like she was bullied in elem and was consequently also mean in highschool? idk she gives me that energy
DEFINITELY the kind of person to love legally blonde and mean girls and just projected it onto her persona LMAOO
though she's probably really very much a big softie once she developed at the end of the musical, but still hides it behind her bitchy and rude exterior
she looks like she would take someone's phone and squint whenever someone shows her a meme, like the way a mother would
noel gruber:
mean gay. that's it.
it's canon that whenever he's nervous or uncomfortable, he picks on his nail polish! and i love that! he's just like me fr!
i think the thing he really wanted was just a life outside of his simple one when he was alive... and i think monique gibeau was his drag persona
feels like he would be more reserved because he's trying to look normal because of his mom yk, so he probably didn't have many friends outside of the choir (who weren't very close to begin with, judging from the way they talk in the beginning of the musical)
but besides that, he wants to be FLAMBOYANT and FEMININE and i love him
mischa bachinski:
iconic. stole boxes of communion wine for his eight year old cousin because of birthday. im in love with him.
sorry to noel, but he's the REAL most romantic boy in town. nothing compares to the way he sings about talia as if he couldn't live without her. get yourself a man like mischa.
probably loves ridiculous memes. would laugh at them for so long and show everyone in the choir
i think he doesn't actually watch horror movies but watches analysis videos on youtube about them like i do.
when he actually watches horror movies, he squirms around and does all of these weird movements and noises to cope with the fear 😭 not outright scream though, he's too emasculated /j
ricky potts:
he is an oc writer just like me. i love him for that.
was most likely into warrior cats as a kid, obviously marvel comics and star trek too. no way he wasn't.
he mooost likely didn't want to be in the choir in the first place but ocean forced him in it, based off his reaction to ocean trying to get people to like her again after singing about social darwinism 😭
that said, he's just like me fr... using escapism as a coping mechanism for his lonelines... i love you ricky and and your sexy cat ladies from zolar
and actually, i think he's one of the most underrated characters apart from constance which is such a SHAME...
he's so nerdy and JUST LIKE ME FR!!!
i think that before his hands degenerated, he was an artist. not a good one, but enough for people to recognize it!
jane doe:
creepy... i love her...
and i think that she's really good at crocheting, to add onto the whole doll aesthetic. makes tiny sweaters for ricky's cats, probably made a phone case for constance made out of wool... no matter how inconvenient it was
i think that noel would've painted her nails black too because she deserves it!!!
anyway, her and ricky are the "the bad bitch i got thanks to my autism" meme definitely. going both ways
anyway her actor's voice always sounds like an opera singers it's so impressive! that's why i believe that she can actually sing opera if they ask her to
definitely knows obscure facts about medieval torture and lions... just because!
constance blackwood:
the unique lesson of "there's no shame in loving my small town" ...my god you never hear that in musicals EVER
it's always "GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE!!!!" not the lesson that's in sugar cloud
that said, god... the fact that she doesn't like being called nice because it means that no one truly got close enough to her to know her for her goofiness... her weird thoughts, and her silly mannerisms and she had no one to vent to </3
hell, even her so called BEST FRIEND is mean to her!!!
but i feel like they'd still be close, despite that yk? best friends always stick together and as ocean develops more i think that they'd get closer until they're literally the only two who knows the other better than themselves
OH and i think that constance would've loved writing fanfic... she just has that kinda energy yk? she and noel would bond over writing and they'd talk about what they write and constance would hesitate because she doesn't want to admit that she writes gay fanfiction on ao3 😭🙏
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
i wonder what it would be like if the whole choir miraculously came back. how do you cope from processing and accepting your death to living again?
they meet penny lamb on the 15th of september, each of them recognising the name from a hauntingly vivid dream they shared the night before.
but it wasn’t a dream. it couldn’t be. it was all real. they died. and they’re here again. what the fuck.
constance blackwood runs to her parents after school and hugs them. there’s nothing wrong with loving them, with being nice. sure, there’s so much more to her than that - her anger, her laugh, her pain, every part of her that makes her complicated and beautiful and worthwhile. but there’s nothing wrong with being the nicest girl in town. there’s nothing wrong with her. not for loving uranium, not for being a teenager, not for making mistakes.
penny lamb, upon talking to the five other teenagers, instantly recognises their conversation. she had a dream the night before, even though she wasn’t in uranium. even though she wasn’t a member of the choir. her elbows and neck aches every time she moved them, her head and forearms seemed as though they lacked blood. she was decapitated on the cyclone, once, but she never boarded it. they all knew her as jane doe, a forgotten name. now she was gifted this second chance, she would be remembered. by everyone, anyone. even if penny lamb was only remembered by herself, it would still be a victory. make a mark on people’s hearts, that would be her first goal. her second was don’t die by decapitation this time.
ricky potts is the most confused. he conceded, didn’t he? granted, that was when he believed only one would return. but still. his life was valuable, even though society looked down upon him. he’s still going to fantasise about zolar, sure, but he’s also going to be that zolarian prophet back on earth. he doesn’t know how much time he has left - none of the choir do - but he can always make a difference.
mischa bachinski has unlocked a new side of himself. rage and passion are twoo sides of the same coin, feeling so deeply for another that justice and care for them becomes your responsibility. but now, he allows himself to be selfish. be introspective. and not just to talia. he looks into himself, the boy he is, rather than being the man everyone expects him to become. he asks for help, for comfort, as he always tried to provide to the others in his life before the cyclone crash.
noel gruber realises the dull tragedy of his life. but even a dull tragedy has ecstasy within it. feelings of unrequited love. oppressed by the leading beliefs of his town for an unchanging part of his identity. a small town cliche. it took him a tragic death to realise the interest of his tragic life. he stops waiting. he starts writing, and continues living. and while the depravity and drama of post-war france is his ideal, maybe a bit of light to balance it out isn’t always the complete worst.
ocean o’connell rosenberg is an absolute fucking mess. if she keeps acting as she did with her second chance, what’s the lesson? that even when a person develops she reverts to her normal self in her original environment? that change is impossible? if she keeps building a life, working towards something, it could all come crashing down in a day. again. but if she stops caring, begins to act like her parents, well, that just shows that no one can break past their upbringing and genetics and no one should ever try. but then she looks out at the choir. her career, that’s fine, she can care about that, she can put work into it. effort for effort’s sake is not futile if the experience itself is enjoyable or helpful. that world, however, pales in comparison to the five people in front of her. caring for them, uplifting them rather than standing atop them, that’s what she wants to do. that’s what the world needs.
“i love you guys. i want to keep getting to know you.”
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willsperotruther · 1 year
i'm bored so swap au:
Mischa Bachinski: The happiest boy in town! (switched with Constance)
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In this au, Mischa was adopted by a loving couple, who were in fact expecting a 17 year old. He misses his mother a lot, but he has learned to deal with that healthily. The necklace was a gift, but he can't remember who it was from...
Constance Blackwood: The most creative girl in town! (switched with Ricky)
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Constance was born with a disease that effects her breathing, and can't sing in the choir because of it. She was often an outcast when she was young, and she still was as she got older. She turned to art as her way of expressing herself. She dreamed of a far off planet full of people made of gingerbread and sky's of cotton candy. There was one girl in the choir who would always go out of her way to talk to Constance, but she can't really remember her name...
Ricky Potts, the most passionate boy in town! (switched with Mischa)
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Ricky moved to Uranium from a small town in the UK called Zolar. Back home, he had a boyfriend named Felix, and he was widely considered the hottest guy at his old school lol. He was forced to move to Uranium, because they had the best doctors to treat his degenerative disease. He's very passionate about getting back to Felix in Zolar. He remembers a nice girl welcoming him when he first moved to Uranium, but he can't seem to recall her name.
Noel Gruber: The most ambitious boy in town! (switched with Ocean)
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Noel has always wanted to move to France to start teaching people about its history, so he put all of his energy into his studies. He turned out quite mean, seeing as he looked down on everyone in Uranium for being content there. He remembers being forced to tutor what's-her-name.
Penny Lamb, the dreamiest girl in town! (switched with Noel)
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Penny Lamb dreams of being a wealthy woman named Jane in the 20s, who murdered her rich husband, and then married a beautiful woman named Elizabeth. In real life, she worked at a run down Mcdonald's in the mega mall, wishing for a way out. She lived next door to a girl in the choir, but she never caught her name.
Jane Doe (Ocean): ??? (switched with penny)
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not-so-unusual · 2 years
What I think the choir members handwriting is like :))
Being able to write in two languages is difficult, so Mischas handwriting is bound to suffer, although the Ukrainian looks just as bad...
Not very thought out
He doesn't pay attention in class wither so half of them just trail off half way though with him saying he'll do it later...spoiler he won't.
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Very neat and percise note taking from Ocean
She takes pride in her work and actually looks over it to revise
Loves organising and writing everything down
Is the type of person to love stationary (me too girl)
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There are no notes coming from this creative boy, just new ideas for developing the realm of Zolar...or sexy cat ladies I guess
His whole note book is just little scribbles and drawings around the place with the rare sheet of work
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Very cute
Very aesthetic
She LOVES using colours in her work and is totally the girl who writes the titles like 💕💫the black death💫 💕
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Scribbles, but consistently
She knows what she wants to put down, but her head is faster than her hands so it's difficult to put everything on paper before she forgets about it.
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So aesthetic it's unreal
Practiced this handwriting for years and shows it off whenever he can
Tries to use a quill and ink but fails miserably
Used the ink and quill on class once and dropped the ink all over himself...ink and quills are now banned from St cassians.
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here are my pride hcs for the @june-doe-event!
ocean: Aromantic and asexual, but only realized that after death. She was putting off love bc she was going to take over the world and never gave it a second thought. then she died and was like "oh. i never wanted to love anyone like that" (she/her pronouns)
noel: Gay, realized it at a very young age, was raised by a mother who loved him and made sure he knew there was nothing wrong with him, but only wanted to keep him safe. He tries his hardest to keep Penny in the closet. If he knows the rest of the choir are queer, he is taking that to his grave. (he/him pronouns for everyone, he/she for his mom and the choir only)
mischa: Mischa is a Label Hater frfr. I don't think he realizes he likes men until after death in canon (and it's only fully cemented after sabm), but in an everybody lives situation, he doesn't use any. He loves Talia and he loves Noel and he also loves Ricky and he loves the rest of his friends, it doesn't matter to him what type of love goes where. (he/him pronouns, transmasc but stealth in uranium, especially since his mother put his gender and name correctly on his forged birth certificate)
ricky/sav(annah): Genderfluid and also a hater of labels. Loves the word queer. Uses she/he/they pronouns but kind of just shrugs if you ask which one she prefers or what pronouns she uses. Will not tell you their sexuality, but will ask if you wanted to read his Zolar comics, which is kind of a roundabout way of giving you an answer if you care enough. (They also use a lot of space-based neopronouns! star/star's/starself is his favorite set)
Penny: Bisexual!! She thinks she's not a lesbian because she likes boys like Johnny Moon and Ricky Potts. However, she also likes girls like Tammy Edwards and Constance Blackwood. RIP Penny, she's having a bit of a rough time with the whole sexuality thing. Also, labels aren't really a thing in Elysium and most if not all of the adult couples there are queer in some way. (she/her pronouns)
Constance: Connie is an ace lesbian with a very complicated relationship to sexuality. She went through a very complex and arduous journey to achieve the understanding she has now, and to be honest her labels fluctuate and she's fine with that. (she/they pronouns, please and thank you! i think they figure out the gender part while in the middle of dying) And then bonus legoland: Tammy: Lesbian, she/her pronouns. Only realizes she likes Penny the day of or after the crash.
Ezra: Transmasc but uses whatever pronouns are funniest or the most confusing. Only Penny gets to use she/her for him. Transitioned at a young age in Elysium on illegal testosterone.
ALSO the cut characters are all cishet except for Astrid and Hank, who are bi and transmasc respectively.
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