#Zionists distort history to their advantage
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gryficowa · 8 months ago
What pisses me off is the Zionists' narrative to antagonize Muslims and Poles that "They didn't save enough Jews", it's sick on many levels!
Poles were also victims of the Third Reich, so they lived in fear and danger at every turn, and rescuing people from concentration camps meant that the Nazis could murder the entire family when they discovered that you were hiding a Jew!
This is so damn disgusting that I don't believe in you, rescuing people from concentration camps was risky, and the Nazis had no qualms about shooting the child of a family that hid a Jew!
This is literally blaming the victim for not doing something in a situation where she and her family could have been murdered!
And the worst thing is that Americans and people from other countries believe Zionists about this when it is a disgusting method of blaming the victim!
The Nazis murdered Poles, so when I read disgusting propaganda that Poles collaborated with the Nazis, it makes me want to puke
Especially since it comes from Zionists who have a history of cooperation with the Nazis, they are fucking hypocrites using propaganda to distort the truth about the Holocaust!
Why do many people believe Zionist propaganda on this subject? Why do people ignore historical facts? Why do they buy their propaganda about Palestinians? Why the fuck do people still believe Zionist propaganda?
The Zionists lied and continue to lie, they hate Holocaust survivors because they say something that is inconsistent with their propaganda, and these Holocaust survivors live in poverty and poor conditions!
I hate that people from the US say Israel is lying but believe everything the Zionists said about the Holocaust, it's sick!
If the price of killing you and your family isn't too great for you, then you're a fucking sadist pretending to care about people
The price was too great here, and pretending it wasn't there and saying that "Not many Jews were saved" is disgusting
People have put their lives and the lives of their loved ones at risk and now you have the nerve to say it's not enough? Can you fucking hear yourself?
There's something wrong with your head if you say so!
I'm pissed off how Zionists lied about the greatest tragedy in human history and blamed the victims for complicity in the Holocaust because "They didn't save enough people!" Seriously, all I want to do is beat the crap out of you for this way of thinking because you're a piece of shit
Poles were victims, and Jews were not the only ones murdered by the Nazis! Finally understand it!
If you believe that the Holocaust was only Jewish, then you are queerphobic, xenophobic, ableist and racist because you erase LGBT+ people, Roma, people with disabilities and Poles who were murdered in cold blood!
It's disgusting that you do this to other victims who were murdered by the Nazis! Zionists erase other victims for profit and it's sick!
They also erase those who saved them to justify the genocide of the Palestinians! Why do you Americans still believe Zionists? They don't care about Jews and historical facts, but about manipulation for their own benefit! They don't believe in other Holocaust victims, but you don't care! As people who talk about other holoacust victims, you should be concerned about this!
"Po ataku Niemiec na Polskę oddziały niemieckiego SS, policji i armii rozstrzelały tysiące polskich cywili, w tym wielu przedstawicieli polskiej arystokracji, kleru i inteligencji. Wiosną 1940 r. niemieckie władze okupacyjne rozpoczęły Akcję AB zaplanowaną jako systematyczną eliminację Polaków uważanych za członków „klasy przywódczej”. Celem akcji było usunięcie tych Polaków, których uznano za najbardziej prawdopodobnych przywódców ewentualnego oporu wobec niemieckiej władzy, oraz zmuszenie polskiej ludności do uległości poprzez zastraszenie. Niemcy dokonali masowych rozstrzelań tysięcy nauczycieli, księży i innych intelektualistów. Kolejne tysiące ludzi wysłali do Auschwitz, Stutthof i innych obozów koncentracyjnych w Niemczech, gdzie do marca 1942 r. Polacy (nie-Żydzi) stanowili większość więźniów. "
"After Germany attacked Poland, German SS, police and army units shot thousands of Polish civilians, including many representatives of the Polish aristocracy, clergy and intelligentsia. In the spring of 1940, the German occupation authorities began Operation AB, planned as the systematic elimination of Poles considered to be members of the "leading class". The aim of the action was to remove those Poles who were considered the most likely leaders of possible resistance to German power, and to force the Polish population into submission through intimidation. The Germans carried out mass shootings of thousands of teachers, priests and other intellectuals. They sent thousands more people to Auschwitz, Stutthof and other concentration camps in Germany, where until March 1942, Poles (non-Jews) constituted the majority of prisoners."
"Hitler miał zamiar „zgermanizować” Polskę zastępując polską ludność niemieckimi osadnikami. W kraju miano zatrzymać tylko tylu Polaków, ilu było potrzebnych przy pracy fizycznej, reszta miała zostać wypędzona albo zabita. Jako pierwszy krok nazistowscy namiestnicy zaanektowanych terytoriów (np. Arthur Greiser w Kraju Warty i Albert Forster w Gdańsku-Prusach Zachodnich) deportowali setki tysięcy Polaków do Generalnej Guberni, następnie przesiedlając na te tereny ponad 500,000 etnicznych Niemców. W latach 1942-43 SS i policja przeprowadziły akcje germanizacyjne w okolicach Zamościa w Generalnej Guberni, usuwając stamtąd siłą około 100,000 polskich cywili, w tym 30,000 dzieci. Rozdzielano rodziny: wiele ofiar wysłano do obozów koncentracyjnych albo na roboty przymusowe, a ponad 4,000 dzieci trafiło do Rzeszy, jako nadające się do germanizacji. Ogółem co najmniej 20,000 polskich dzieci odebrano rodzinom, przeniesiono do Rzeszy i poddano procesowi germanizacji.
Jednak dopóki trwała wojna, Niemcy potrzebowały polskiej siły roboczej. Nazistowscy urzędnicy narzucili obowiązek pracy wszystkim zdolnym do niej Polakom – z czasem zaczęło to oznaczać nawet 12-letnie dzieci. Niemieckie władze decydowały o zatrudnieniu Polaków i mogły zaciągać ich do pracy w Rzeszy. Żeby zaspokoić wymogi pracy przymusowej, policja organizowała łapanki na ulicach i w pociągach, na targach i w kościołach, a także podczas ataków na wsie i dzielnice miast. Niemieccy urzędnicy wysyłali do obozów koncentracyjnych Polaków próbujących uniknąć robót i wymierzali kary ich rodzinom. W latach 1939-1945 deportowano na roboty przymusowe na terenach niemieckich co najmniej 1,5 miliona polskich obywateli. Setki tysięcy uwięziono też w nazistowskich obozach koncentracyjnych."
"Hitler intended to "Germanize" Poland by replacing the Polish population with German settlers. Only as many Poles were to be kept in the country as were needed for physical work, the rest were to be expelled or killed. As a first step, Nazi governors of the annexed territories (e.g. Arthur Greiser in the Wartheland and Albert Forster in Danzig-West Prussia) deported hundreds of thousands of Poles to the General Government, then resettled over 500,000 ethnic Germans there. In 1942-43, the SS and the police carried out Germanization operations near Zamość in the General Government, forcibly removing about 100 000 Polish civilians, including 30,000 children. Families were separated: many victims were sent to concentration camps or forced labor, and over 4,000 children were sent to the Reich as candidates for Germanization. In total, at least 20,000 Polish children were taken from their families, transferred to the Reich and subjected to the Germanization process. However, as long as the war lasted, Germany needed Polish labor. Nazi officials imposed compulsory work on all Poles who were able to work - over time, this included even 12-year-old children. The German authorities decided on the employment of Poles and could recruit them to work in the Reich. To meet forced labor requirements, the police organized roundups in the streets and on trains, at markets and churches, as well as during attacks on villages and city districts. German officials sent Poles trying to avoid labor to concentration camps and punished their families. In the years 1939-1945, at least 1 were deported to forced labor in German territories, 5 million Polish citizens. Hundreds of thousands were also imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps."
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Zionists are disgusting and lie even about it
"szacowanie liczby osób zabitych wskutek nazistowskiej polityki jest trudnym zadaniem. Ocenia się, że w czasie II wojny światowej Niemcy zabili pomiędzy 1,8 a 1,9 miliona polskich cywilów nie będących Żydami. Ponadto Niemcy zamordowali co najmniej 3 miliony żydowskich obywateli Polski."
"estimating the number of people killed as a result of Nazi policies is a difficult task. It is estimated that during World War II the Germans killed between 1.8 and 1.9 million non-Jewish Polish civilians. In addition, the Germans murdered at least 3 million Jewish citizens of Poland."
Do you see how many fucking victims there are? And they are evil and collaborated with the Nazis? Can you guys fucking stop lying?
There were millions of non-Jewish victims!
Poland was a victim of colonization (like Palestine today), the Third Reich wanted to erase our national identity and culture, but no, we cooperated in the holocaust, because the Zionists there said, it is so disgusting and on many levels
Forgetting that Poles were victims of the Nazis is distorting history to your advantage
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gryficowa · 2 months ago
Apparently so, but you see, it sucks that the Zionists distorted the entire history to their advantage and now they go unpunished (And Zionism just created Israel)
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The man literally cannot show up to a memorial for war crime victims because he knows he himself will be arrested for war crimes.
I would call this Black Mirror but Black Mirror is more subtle than this, to be honest.
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deniscollins · 5 years ago
In Amazon’s Bookstore, No Second Chances for the Third Reich
In 1998, when Amazon was an ambitious start-up, its founder, Jeff Bezos, said, “We want to make every book available — the good, the bad and the ugly.” Customers reviews, he said, would “let truth loose.”  David Duke has published several books advocating for the Ku Klux Klan, an American white supremacist hate group that argues for the purifying American society of African Americans, often based on distorted information. If you were an Amazon executive would you: (1) allow David Duke’s Klan books to be sold in honor of freedom of speech, or (2) ban Klan books by David Duke, as well as other KKK advocacy books? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
Amazon is quietly canceling its Nazis.
Over the past 18 months, the retailer has removed two books by David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, as well as several titles by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Amazon has also prohibited volumes like “The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power” and “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind.”
While few may lament the disappearance of these hate-filled books, the increasing number of banished titles has set off concern among some of the third-party booksellers who stock Amazon’s vast virtual shelves. Amazon, they said, seems to operate under vague or nonexistent rules.
“Amazon reserves the right to determine whether content provides an acceptable experience,” said one recent removal notice that the company sent to a bookseller.
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been roiled in recent years by controversies that pit freedom of speech against offensive content. Amazon has largely escaped this debate. But with millions of third-party merchants supplying much of what Amazon sells to tens of millions of customers, that ability to maintain a low profile may be reaching its end.
Amazon began as a bookstore and, even as it has moved on to many more lucrative projects, now controls at least two-thirds of the market for new, used and digital volumes in the United States. With its profusion of reader reviews, ability to cut prices without worrying about profitability and its control of the electronic book landscape, to name only three advantages, Amazon has immense power to shape what information people are consuming.
Yet the retailer declines to provide a list of prohibited books, say how they were chosen or even discuss the topic. “Booksellers make decisions every day about what selection of books they choose to offer,” it said in a statement.
Gregory Delzer is a Tennessee bookseller whose Amazon listings account for about a third of his sales. “They don’t tell us the rules and don’t let us have a say,” he said. “But they squeeze us for every penny.”
Nazi-themed items regularly crop up on Amazon, where they are removed under its policy on “offensive and controversial materials.” Those rules pointedly do not apply to books. Amazon merely says that books for sale on its site “should provide a positive customer experience.”
Now Amazon is becoming increasingly proactive in removing Nazi material. It even allowed its own Nazi-themed show, “The Man in the High Castle,” to be cleaned up for a tribute book. The series, which began in 2015 and concluded in November, is set in a parallel United States where the Germans and the Japanese won World War II.
“High Castle” is lavish in its use of National Socialist symbols. “There’s nothing that there isn’t a swastika on,” the actor Rufus Sewell, who played the Nazi antihero, said in a promotional video. The series promoted its portrayal of “the controlling aesthetic of Hitler” in its nomination for a special effects Emmy.
But in “The Man in the High Castle: Creating the Alt World,” published in November by Titan Books, the swastikas and eagle-and-crosses were digitally erased from Mr. Sewell’s uniform, from Times Square and the Statue of Liberty, even from scenes set in Berlin. A note on the copyright page said, “We respect, in this book, the legal and ethical responsibility of not perpetuating the distribution of the symbols of oppression.”
An Amazon spokeswoman said, “We did not make editorial edits to the images.” Titan, which wanted to market the book in Germany, where laws on Nazi imagery are strict, said Amazon approved the changes.
Some fans of the series said they found reading the book as dystopian as the show itself. “If you can’t even have swastikas shown in a book about Nazis taking over America, please do not make books ever again,” wrote one reviewer.
When Amazon drops a book from its store, it is as if it never existed. A recent Google search for David Duke’s “My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding” on Amazon yielded a link to a picture of an Amazon employee’s dog. Amazon sellers call these dead ends “dog pages.”
Some booksellers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said they had no problem with the retailer converting as many offensive books to dog pages as it wished.
Mr. Delzer, the proprietor of a secondhand store in Nashville called Defunct Books, has a different view. “If Amazon executives are so proud of their moral high ground, they should issue memos about which books they are banning instead of keeping sellers and readers in the dark,” he said.
The bookseller said he only knew Amazon was forbidding titles because he received an automated message from the retailer, saying two used books he sold seven years ago — “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star: Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds” and “Toward the White Republic” — were now proscribed.
“This product was identified as one that is prohibited for sale,” Amazon told him. Failure to immediately delete listings for these books, the company said, “may result in the deactivation of your selling account” and possible confiscation of any money he was owed.
Amazon said it didn’t really mean any of that about “Toward the White Republic.” “We did not intend to imply the book itself could not be listed for sale,” it said in a statement.
As for “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star,” which is widely available from other online booksellers, Amazon said the book did not comply with its “content guidelines.”
Mr. Delzer said the email, which he posted on an Amazon forum, was clear and Amazon was dissembling about “White Republic.”
A bookseller since 2001, Mr. Delzer said he does not condone white supremacist material but believes people should be free to read what they want. The biggest seller in his shop at the moment is by Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist.
“Amazon wants its customers to trust Amazon,” he said. “The place that sells books doesn’t want much critical thinking.”
In 1998, when Amazon was an ambitious start-up, its founder, Jeff Bezos, said, “We want to make every book available — the good, the bad and the ugly.” Customers reviews, he said, would “let truth loose.”
That expansive philosophy narrowed over the years. In 2010, when the news media discovered the self-published “Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure” on the site, the retailer’s first reaction was to hang tough.
“Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable,” it said at the time.
That resolution wilted in the face of a barrage of hostility and boycott threats. Amazon pulled the book.
Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, said Amazon has the same First Amendment right as any retailer.
“Amazon has a First Amendment right to pick and choose the materials they offer,” she said. “Despite its size, it does not have to sponsor speech it finds unacceptable.”
Physical bookstores rarely stock supremacist literature, for no other reason than it would alienate many customers. The question is whether Amazon, because of its size and power, should behave differently.
“I’m not going to argue for the wider distribution of Nazi material,” said Danny Caine of the Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kan., who is the author of a critical pamphlet, “How to Resist Amazon and Why.” “But I still don’t trust Amazon to be the arbiters of free speech. What if Amazon decided to pull books representing a less despicable political viewpoint? Or books critical of Amazon’s practices?”
Amazon’s newfound zeal to remove “the ugly” extends beyond the Nazis. The order page for the e-book of The Nation of Islam’s “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” stated last week, “This title not currently available for purchase.”
“The Man in the High Castle” was based on a 1962 novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick, whose stories are often about the slippery nature of reality and how it will be controlled in the future by governments and corporations. One character in the streaming series was Mr. Rockwell, the American Nazi Party founder.
In photos in “Creating the Alt World,” the tribute book, the swastika around Mr. Rockwell’s neck was removed. The real life Mr. Rockwell has been largely removed from Amazon’s bookstore as well.
After a complaint by a member of Congress in 2018, a children’s book that Mr. Rockwell wrote disappeared from Amazon. So did his book “White Power.” Other Rockwell material, like The Stormtrooper Magazine, is described as “currently unavailable.”
Some sellers circumvent the blocks by listing titles with a word or two changed, other booksellers said. One seller said he recently received a message from Amazon that several titles by Savitri Devi, also known as “Hitler’s Priestess,” were forbidden. But they are now on the site. And a copy of “Toward the White Republic” recently popped up on Amazon, for $973 plus postage.
There is still an abundance of other Nazi material available on Amazon, much of it with favorable reviews. There is the “SS Leadership Guide,” many editions of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and Joseph Goebbels’s “Nature and Form of National Socialism,” to name just a few.
That only underlines how hard it can be to tell exactly what Amazon’s rules are. The confusion is reinforced by AbeBooks, the biggest secondhand book platform outside of Amazon itself.
Some of the books dropped from Amazon are available on Abe. Recently, there were 18 copies of Mr. Duke’s books on Abe, at prices up to $150. Amazon, which owns Abe, declined to comment.
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