fffloweeer · 4 months
So don't stop me now don't stop me
'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time
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pixiedump · 1 year
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✿ ✿ ✿ 70s babes ✿ ✿ ✿
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nie-ko · 6 months
zinai, kaip sakoma "gerose rankose ir virve stovi". bet cia ne apie virves sneku ;---))
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zinaidigital-blog · 1 year
Zinai Digital
We’re a private limited company with our head office in Kochi. Get in front of prospects the moment they’re searching for you. Our revenue-driven approach as a Digital Marketing Agency is designed to attract, engage, and convert high-quality leads, faster. During the initial phase, we build your digital marketing plan on solid rock, as God intended. It usually takes between one week to one month of deep work and research to get through the full phase. Here’s how we get it done.
Understanding your business.
Researching & planning.
Creating and promoting content.
Measuring your success.
Analysis and conclusions.
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apsupta · 1 year
as nebenoriu sitoj skylej gyventi.
man taip bloga gyventi sitam mazam miestely, kur kiekviena pazisti, kur nieko naujo nepatiri, nepamatai, neisgirsti.
ir neturejau dar pirmos meiles, pirmo bucinio, as nezinau, ka reiskia myleti ir zinoti, ka reiskia jausti meile.
cia kiekviena diena gali isgirsti, kaip uz savo kampo savi stumia ant savu, ir zinai kiekvieno prisilietima, kiekvieno pykti, net kiekvieno pirstelijima.
as noriu eiti takais, kuriais nesu ejus, noriu pamatyti naujus veidus, maudytis kitoje upeje, isgirsti kitoki veja, primerkti akis del kitokios saules, sedeti kitoje tyloje, atsikelti del kitu pauksciu ciulbejimo.
as nebenoriu buti cia, nenoriu eiti tuo paciu taku i mokykla, atsikelti toj pacioj lovoj del to garsaus ciulbejimo..
as nebenoriu matyti taves, as zinau, ka jauciu.
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rinaimimpi · 2 years
Dosa-Dosa Besar 153: Sewenang-Wenang & Penyebar Kerusakan!
QS. Al-Qasas : 83, "negeri akhirat itu Kami jadikan bagi orang-orang yang tidak menyombongkan diri dan tidak berbuat kerusakan di bumi. Dan kesudahan (yang baik) itu bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa."
apasih bentuk kerusakan yang dimaksudkan dari ayat tersebut? here we go!
jangan melakukan keburukan kepada orang lain jika kamu tidak mau disakiti pula.
ada seorang pemuda yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah, dia akan siap meninggalkan semua keburukan kecuali berzina. dia masih ingin berzina. lantas Rasulullah menjawab bahwa, "apakah kamu ridha jika ibumu di zinai? apakah kamu ridha saudara perempuanmu di zinai? apakah kamu ridho pasangan atau keturunanmu di zinai?." -> intinya, pemuda itu pasti tidak ridho jika keluarga terdekatnya di zinai.
jadi, korelasi dengan ayat tersebut bahwa -> kerusakan yang terjadi antara individu satu ke individu yang lain atau dengan lingkungan -> dilakukan oleh pelaku yang melakukan kerusakan itu sendiri.
"tidak sempurna iman seseorang di antara kalian sampai hawa nafsunya mengikuti apa yang aku bawa." (HR al-Hakim, al-Khathib, Ibn Abi 'Ashim dan al-Hasan bin Sufyan).
apasih maksudnya? siapapun yang hawa nafsunya, sikap di setiap harinya, dan kemauannya tidak sesuai dengan sifat-sifat yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah -> akan terjadi kerusakan.
kerusakan yang dimaksud adalah maksiat kepada Allaah. maksiat dalam bentuk apapun.
QS. Ar-Rum : 41, "telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia; Allah menghendaki agar mereka merasakan sebagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar)."
tafsir: barang siapa yang bermaksiat kepada Allaah di muka bumi, maka dia telah berbuat kerusakan kepadanya. perbaikan dan kebaikan di muka bumi hanya bisa dicapai dengan ketaatan kepada Allaah. misal: ada orang yang berzina di suatu tempat, maka dia sedang merusak lingkungan sekitar situ (entah tumbuhan, hewan, tanah, udara, dsb). sedangkan jika ada orang yang sholat, dzikir, mengaji, kajian di suatu lingkungan -> maka dia sedang memakmurkan lingkungan sekitarnya.
jiwa seseorang tenang karena ketaatan. entah itu dia sedang diuji dengan penyakit, kesulitan ekonomi, fitnah, dsb -> orang yang taat akan tetap tenang. orang bermaksiat akan berkebalikan. jiwa tidak tenang, sumpek, selalu saja masalah dalam hidupnya.
Allaah memang sengaja mendatangkan kerusakan jika terjadi kerusakan akibat perbuatan perusakan oleh manusia karena kemaksiatan.
QS. Asy-Syura : 30, "Dan musibah apa pun yang menimpa kamu adalah disebabkan oleh perbuatan tanganmu sendiri, dan Allah memaafkan banyak (dari kesalahan-kesalahanmu)." tafsir: Allaah itu memberitahukan bahwa segala musibah pada diri, harta, anak-anak mereka, pada apa yang mereka sukai, semua yang menimpa tidak lain adalah hasil dari perbuatan maksiat yang mereka lakukan. sumber masalah -> maksiat. solusi? taubat dari dosa maksiat.
banyak manusia sekarang yang tahu bahwa itu salah, itu termasuk maksiat, tapi masih dilakukan. -> berarti secara tidak langsung mau dan harus konsekuen atas akibatnya.
banyak masalah dalam rumah tangga, tidak dikaruniai seorang anak, ributnya orang tua -> timbul karena maksiat.
kita harus memberhentikan orang-orang yang berbuat maksiat, jangan sampai banyak orang yang melakukan maksiat di lingkungan kita. suatu ketaatan harus didukung dan ditolong untuk maju karena menimbulkan kebaikan dan kemakmuran. amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.
pelaku maksiat yang mati disebut sebagai suatu ketenangan dalam kehidupan manusia, tumbuh-tumbuhan, hewan, dan lingkungan. -> menyelamatkan orang-orang sekitar dia yang bisa terkena tampias dosa dari orang maksiat.
efek maksiat itu massive -> berdampak pada sekitar.
bahkan, kadang ketika seorang yang pernah melakukan maksiat itu sudah bertaubat, terkadang masih ada ujian-ujian kecil yang membuat tidak nyaman.
Umar bin Khattab pernah mengucapkan doa yaitu: "ya Allaah sesungguhnya tidak akan terjadi suatu malapetaka kecuali dengan atau sebab perbuatan dosa. dan tidak akan hilang suatu malapetaka kecuali dengan taubatan yang sungguh-sungguh. maka, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami."
orang yang kembali kepada Allaah itu dipastikan Allaah akan betulkan dan diberikan janji-Nya. -> QS. Al-A'raf : 96, "Dan sekiranya penduduk negeri beriman dan bertakwa, pasti Kami akan melimpahkan kepada mereka berkah dari langit dan bumi, tetapi ternyata mereka mendustakan (ayat-ayat Kami), maka Kami siksa mereka sesuai dengan apa yang telah mereka kerjakan."
orang yang selalu menyeru pada kebaikan dan patuh kepada Rasul -> sesungguhnya seluruh ciptaan Allaah memohonkan ampunan. entah itu malaikat- malaikat Allaah, bintang-bintang, dan makhluk bumi, semut yang ada di lubangnya, ikan-ikan besar yang ada dilautan yang memohonkan ampun untuknya.
kalo kita tahu itu dosa, maka kita harus menasehati dan memberhentikan maksiatnya. kalo kita tahu ilmunya dan kita malah diam tanpa ada usaha, justru Allaah bisa menurunkan azab-Nya kepada yang faham itu. -> shalih untuk dirinya sendiri = gabagus, gabaik.
Allah tidak hanya menyerukan kepada kita untuk berbuat ketaatan, tapi juga meninggalkan kemaksiatan.
kalo datang suatu ujian dari Allaah yang kita tahu bahwa hal itu salah, hal itu maksiat, hal itu menimbulkan dosa -> maka kita harus bersabar dan berucap "Audzubillahiminasyaitonirojim" -> berdoa agar tidak tergoda.
Ustadz Khalid Basalamah
barakallahu fiikum readers!
Surabaya, 25 Desember '22 | 21.36 wib
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darkredphantomx · 5 years
Collab picture by @x-inay and me!
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ehrinrae · 6 years
‘The hardest part of this performance wasn’t learning the moves or even dancing in time... it was trying not to cry! I’m so happy for you two!!!’ @ziyo-yo @x-inay , happy engagement! I get misty-eyed every time. T-T Video courtesty of Willow from WYNG!
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Hi guys! This is my first element spotlight, where I take a name element or short word and combine it with other elements of the same language to create new names. This time I'm working with the element "zin" which means orchid in Burmese, and is a standalone feminine name. If you guys like the idea of element spotlights, feel free to send me a request :-)
Zinalangka - f (Burmese) orchid ornament
Zinaye - f (Burmese) quiet orchid
Zinbawi - f (Burmese) noble orchid
Zinchaw - m/f (Burmese) smooth, fine, handsome orchid
Zinchein - f (Burmese) balanced orchid
Zinchit - f (Burmese) love of orchids
Zincho - m/f (Burmese) smooth, fine, handsome orchid
Zinchou - f (Burmese) sweet orchid
Zincin - f (Burmese) diamond orchid
Zinduh - f (Burmese) love of orchids / desirable orchid / orchid wish
Zinei - f (Burmese) soft orchid
Zinekari - f (Burmese) orchid queen
Zingyi - f (Burmese) big orchid
Zinhan - f (Burmese) like an orchid, gesture, style, manner, appearance of an orchid
Zinhaymar - f (Burmese) deep forest orchid
Zinhcan - f (Burmese) extraordinary orchid
Zinhcu - f (Burmese) prized orchid
Zinhein - f (Burmese) big orchid
Zinheman - f (Burmese) winter orchid
Zinhkyac - f (Burmese) loving orchids
Zinhkyairi - f (Burmese) cherry orchid
Zinhkyam - f (Burmese) cold orchid
Zinhmat - f (Burmese) memory of orchids
Zinhmone - f (Burmese) orchid mist / sullen orchid
Zinhnang - f (Burmese) to bestow orchids / orchid mist, orchid dew, orchid snow, orchid frost
Zinhnin - f (Burmese) orchid dew, orchid mist / orchid snow, orchid frost
Zinhninsi - f (Burmese) rose orchid
Zinhoke - f (Burmese) true orchid
Zinhpru - f (Burmese) white orchid
Zinhsar - f (Burmese) star orchid
Zinhsaung - m/f (Burmese) carrying orchids
Zinhsu - f (Burmese) prized orchid
Zinhtoo - f (Burmese) special orchid
Zinhtun - f (Burmese) shining orchid
Zinhtwan - f (Burmese) shining orchid
Zinkalya - f (Burmese) beautiful orchid
Zinkan - f (Burmese) lucky orchid
Zinkay - f (Burmese) orchid hair
Zinke - f (Burmese) orchid hair
Zinkhine - m/f (Burmese) strong orchid
Zinkjaw - f (Burmese) famous orchid
Zinkrai - f (Burmese) star orchid
Zinkrany - f (Burmese) joyous, clean, clear, star orchid
Zinkyaing - f (Burmese) fragrant orchid
Zinkyaukni - f (Burmese) ruby orchid
Zinkyaw - f (Burmese) famous orchid
Zinkyawt - f (Burmese) elegant orchid
Zinkyi - f (Burmese) jouyous, clean, clear, star orchid
Zinkyu - f (Burmese) excessive fragrance of orchid
Zinlat - f (Burmese) fair, fresh orchid
Zinlay - f (Burmese) little orchid
Zinlin - f (Burmese) bright orchid. Also: Zinlinn
Zinlu - f (Burmese) orchid person
Zinlwin - f (Burmese) distinct orchid
Zinmanyju - f (Burmese) charming orchid
Zinmarlar - f (Burmese) garland of orchids
Zinmaw - f (Burmese) proud orchid
Zinmi - f (Burmese) orchid mother
Zinmin - m/f (Burmese) orchid ruler
Zinmoe - f (Burmese) orchid in the rain
Zinmon - f (Burmese) good orchid
Zinmo Nin - f (Burmese) walking on orchids
Zinmra - f (Burmese) emerald green
Zinmrang - f (Burmese) tall orchid
Zinmru - f (Burmese) orchid in the fog
Zinmyaing - f (Burmese) forest orchid / harmonious orchid
Zinmyat - f (Burmese) noble orchid, excellent orchid
Zinmyine - f (Burmese) orchid in a deep forest with a luxuriant growth of large trees
Zinmyint - f (Burmese) tall orchid
Zinmyintzu - f (Burmese) lovely orchid
Zinadi - f (Burmese) river orchid. Also: Zinnadi
Zinan - f (Burmese) palace orchid / orchid of golden thread. Also: Zinnan
Zinandar - f (Burmese) joyful orchid. Also: Zinnandar
Zinay - f (Burmese) sun orchid. Also: Zinnay
Zine - f (Burmese) sun orchid. Also: Zinne
Zinget - f (Burmese) bird orchid. Also: Zinnget
Zingwe - f (Burmese) silver orchid. Also: Zinngwe
Zini - f (Burmese) red orchid. Also: Zinni
Zinibban - f (Burmese) orchid of heaven. Also: Zinnibban
Zinilar - f (Burmese) sapphire blue orchid. Also: Zinnilar
Zinin - f (Burmese) orchid dew. Also: Zinnin
Zino - f (Burmese) orchid waking up. Also: Zinno
Zinu - f (Burmese) soft, delicate, tender, youthful orchid. Also: Zinnu
Zinway - f (Burmese) warm orchid. Also: Zinnway
Zinwe -f (Burmese) orchid vine. Also: Zinnwe
Zinyein - f (Burmese) calm orchid. Also: Zinnyein
Zinyui - f (Burmese) brown orchid. Also: Zinnyui
Zinyunt -f (Burmese) orchid growth. Also: Zinnyunt
Zinywan - f (Burmese) orchid tendril / orchid's spring growth / orchid tapered upward / the best orchid. Also: Zinnywan
Zinohn - f (Burmese) coconut orchid
Zinpaing - f (Burmese) owning orchids / accomplished orchid
Zinpaw - f (Burmese) emerging orchid
Zinpayang - f (Burmese) amber orchid
Zinphone - f (Burmese) glorious orchid
Zinphway - f (Burmese) beautified orchid / brilliant orchid / orchid agleam
Zinphyo - f (Burmese) bounty of orchids
Zinphyoe - f (Burmese) bounty of orchids
Zinphyu - f (Burmese) white, pure orchid
Zinpui - f (Burmese) orchid silk
Zinpulai - f (Burmese) pearl orchid
Zinpwint - f (Burmese) blossoming orchid
Zinsan - f (Burmese) water spring orchid / ideal orchid / moon orchid / new orchid
Zinsandar - f (Burmese) moon orchid
Zinsang - f (Burmese) orchid standing above others
Zinsauta - f (Burmese) moon orchid
Zinsaw - m/f (Burmese) honorable orchid / lord of orchids
Zinsein - f (Burmese) diamond orchid
Zinshwe - f (Burmese) golden orchid
Zinshwei - f (Burmese) golden orchid
Zinsin - f (Burmese) pure orchid
Zinsinggi - f (Burmese) superior quality golden orchid
Zinsu - f (Burmese) an orchid wished for
Zinsukha - f (Burmese) happy orchid
Zinsuu - f (Burmese) collecting orchids
Zinswe - f (Burmese) friend of orchids
Zintet - f (Burmese) orchid rising
Zinthaik - f (Burmese) treasure trove of orchids
Zinthan - f (Burmese) million orchids
Zinthanda - f (Burmese) coral orchid
Zinthandar - f (Burmese) coral orchid
Zinthang - f (Burmese) stormy orchid
Zinthant - f (Burmese) pure orchid
Zinthar - f (Burmese) peaceful orchid
Zinthaun - f (Burmese) ten thousand orchids
Zinthaw - f (Burmese) moon orchid / scent of orchids / orchid decoration
Zinthawda - f (Burmese) moon orchid
Zinthawdar - f (Burmese) moon orchid
Zinthein - f (Burmese) hundred thousand orchids
Zintheingi - f (Burmese) golden orchid
Zinthet - f (Burmese) orchid breath / living orchid
Zinthi - f (Burmese) orchid string
Zinthin - f (Burmese) fragrant orchid
Zinthit - f (Burmese) orchid breath / living orchid
Zinthukha - f (Burmese) orchid pleasure
Zinthuzar - f (Burmese) angel orchid
Zintin - f (Burmese) surviving orchid
Zintint - f (Burmese) proper orchid
Zintun - f (Burmese) shining orchid
Zintut - f (Burmese) supreme orchid
Zinwa - f (Burmese) yellow orchid. Also: Zinwah
Zinwai - f (Burmese) abundant orchids
Zinwanna - f (Burmese) orchid-like appearance
Zinwar - f (Burmese) yellow orchid
Zinwin - f (Burmese) radiant orchid
Zinwunna - f (Burmese) orchid-like appearance / orchid-colored
Zinyadana - f (Burmese) orchid jewel
Zinyadanar - f (Burmese) orchid jewel
Zinyamin - f (Burmese) orchid, beautiful young woman
Zinyarzar - m (Burmese) king of orchids
Zinyaung - f (Burmese) glowing orchid
Zinye - f (Burmese) bright red orchid
Zinyee - f (Burmese) orchid luster. Also: Zinyi
Zinyin - f (Burmese) cultured, gentle orchid / creating orchids
Zinzar - f (Burmese) lace orchid
Zinzaw - f (Burmese) supreme orchid
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full-pockets · 3 years
My Zonai theories that I have like no evidence to back up but why not say them anyway?
The Zonai pillars found around the land, esp Hyrule, Faron & even one in the Rito area, are all gravestones of the Zonai that died in Hyrule. I'm pretty sure I got this theory cause I mis-heard something in another Zonai related theory video.
The Zonai are not from Hyrule at all and they don't belong in Hyrule. The only evidence I have to back this up is that we see places of worship, Typhlo Ruins or the lybrinths. We never see actual destroyed settlements with housing that belong to them. No artifacts or weapons (besides the Zonai armor which I'm not counting cause those are found in the lybrinths), no decendents or even monsters that could have been Zonai but got corrupted by Malice. They came to Hyrule and later built the dragon statues to worship Farosh, the eagle for wisdom and the boar for power. Like ancient day settlements, they saw these forces as God like deities that they should worship. Even thou they are not from Hyrule, part of their ancestry or culture has parts of Hyrule's culture. We don't see any survivors because they all went back to their original domain/dimension. I don't believe they all died out, even from the Calamity.
Alternative theory to the above, the are made by the Sheikah & kept secret so that the royal family doesn't even know about them. Similar to the whole situation of the Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time. The Sheikah made them as another experiment and sent them across the land. To do what, idk. Why would they make Typhlo Ruins, the lybrinths and have dragon imagery around the Spring of Courage? Well these places all do hold shrines, so maybe they are just all unique tests.
The Zonai are desencdents of the Twili. The only real similarities thou is that the Luminous Stone have a similar teal colour the Twili have, which ties into the other theory that the Luminous Stones have the souls of the Zonai in them.
The original four pilots of the Divine Beasts where all Zonai. The civilizations that in the future would pilot the Divine Beasts, Rito, Zora, Goron & Gerudo, where either non existent at the time, had very small populations or just no one was equipped to pilot such large new machinery. If the Zonai were actually made by the Sheikah, it makes sense that they would pilot the beasts as the Sheikah would believe they had the trust of the Zonai.
This one has some evidence to back it up, thou still very vague. This is from the MasterWorks Creating a Champion book, a third party book.
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Impa never mentions the Zonai as part of the history cause 1 it's a dark secret 2 she also doesn't really mention anythin about the monks and how they are alive but not really and 3 the Zonai don't reside in Hyrule anymore, so there's no importance of telling Link or even Zelda about them. No other Sheikah or even Yiga mentions them cause it's a dark gruesome secret, plus it's not like all of the Sheikah or Yiga would know about them, it's possible only a select few were selected to do the experiments and even fewer were allowed to know what was actually happening. It's also very possible that the other oldest Sheikah we do see Robbie, Purah and maybe even Master Kohga, don't know about the experiments or weren't involved in them.
Since the Yiga broke off from the Sheikah very early on in time, they know even less, if anythin at all about the Zonai, not to mention anythin they might know would be severely outdated, if any Yiga even passed in information about the Zonai.
The Zonai are as old as Hyrule's history and have been around since the very beginning, 10,000+ years ago.
Another reason why we don't see any Zonai survivors is cause the Sheikah killed them all. They are described as a savage, magic weilding, war-like tribe so it's possible that they were either posing a threat to civilizations by attacking them, or were on the edge of rebelling against the Sheikah, their creators. They may have killed them all after the events of the first Calamity and their forced exile. The Zinai could have been considered part of the Sheikah technology, so as an effort to appease the King, the Sheikah killed them.
Somewhat relating to the above, if the Zonai were treated as technology made by the Sheikah, then they wouldn't have out right killed them, but rather hid them, like they did with all their other techy stuff. The Sheikah wanted to be able to use them again if need be, so instead of killing them, they embedded their souls into the Luminous Stones, and would use as a last resort. Emphasis on the last resort, as being an experiment made by them, the royal family wouldn't know about them. If they were as savage as they are made out to be, the Sheikah would be wary of releasing them, in fear they would attack or rebel again.
The Zonai armor does a poor job of showing us what the Zonai actually looked like back then. The skull headpiece isn't a skull of an actual Zonai, but rather an ancient monster that used to roam Hyrule. Similar to ancient civilizations, war-like people would wear skulls, bones or fur of animals they hunted or even human bones as a way to scary off anyone who dares to fight them, wearing the bones and fur as trophies and signs of strength. The clothing that comes with the Zonai armor has heavily deteriorated from thousands upon thousand of years.
The Zonai were not humans but rather a mix of human and monster. They have a human-ish body but with monster-like features, strength, magic, height, ect... Looking at the tapestry, I personally don't think the original Champions depicted on there look like the races that would pilot them in the future.
Anyway I'd like to hear your theories about the Zonai, weather you just think an idea is cool or you have solid evidence to back it up.
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vytautas-789 · 3 years
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nie-ko · 4 years
kaip i tumblr ateina iskaudintos panos
gyveno karta pacanas, kuris labai norejo numest pilnaverti pagali, nes jam buvo jau senai atsibode tampyt savo kolduna. staiga atsirado bobelka, kuri pajime ant dancio. jam patiko ir jis laisva valia atidare savo berzines sulos vamzdynus aka Gazproma. jis pripiso prota, kaip jis ja myli, kaip jam patinka jos asmenybe ir charakteris. “Man labai patinki, tu esi pati geriausia man ciupus boba. Po taves mano bybys maziausiai smirda cigarais, Labai grazia tatuiruote turi, ir ji tikrai nereiskia nemokejimo priimti geru sprendimu. Zinai, kaip panoms stojasi bybys, kai jos mato stipru ir isvaizdu seniuza, nes tai reiskia, kad patinas turi gerus genus ir offspringas bus efektyvus ir geru duomenu? Tai zinok pacanai tikrai neatsirenka, su kuo pasipist, tikrai kisa i bet kokia pasitaikiusia smirdaskyle. Pas pacanus nera to instinkto perduoti savo genus geriausiai patelei kuri efektyviausiai ir greiciausiai isaugins geru savybiu offspringa”. Ir sie zodziai paveike josios sirdi ir ji pajuto drugelius savo pilve. Ji pasijaute ypatinga, net ir susigedus, nuleidus akis nuo jo zodziu, ir pamaciusi savo eilinius vansus. “Aciu, tu esi mano sielos zmogus. Pagaliau saves ieskojimas kituose zmonese pasiteisino.” Ir po sito pokalbio ji nuejo ziureti Instagramos storiu, nes juk vidinis ziurkenas, be perstojo begantis rate, paeme virsu. Praejo keli menesiai, ir musu pacanas Andriuxa pamate kita pana, su geresniais duomenim, bet tokia pat kiaura ir primityvia - nenesancia jokios naudos Andriuxos gyvenime ir neturincios jokios vertes. Jis numete pagali ir atidare savo kremo vamzdyna antrajai panai, o tuo tarpu pirmoji pana nuejo i Senmerges instagrama ir susikure tumblr, kad galetu parasyti tai, kas jai uzeina ant seiles, kaip ir daro Laurynas-Bezdalynas
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heavensthralled · 5 years
>> Looking for RP, Friends, Connections, and Followers! <<
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The Basics ––– –
Age: mid 30′s (34-37ish depending on Time Bubble and such)
Birthday: 30th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Unmarried (in a relationship with @sophicpriestofmenphina in her canon)
Server: Balmung (Crystal DC)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Dark Navy with Magenta highlights, Long
Eyes: Silver White
Height: 5’ 4”
Build: Lush and curvy, though still in shape. Has just a little bit of softness in the stomach, thighs, hips. That kind of thing.
Distinguishing Marks: White tattoos all over her body, traditional Keeper face markings
Common Accessories: Depending on what she’s doing, fancy/flashy jewelry and outfits for entertaining, or medical accouterments and supplies when she’s healing or at her clinic.
Personal ––– –
Profession:  Healer, part-time courtesan
Hobbies: Collecting tea, practicing Alchemy, dancing
Languages: Eorzean, slowly picking up the languages of Othard
Residence: Has small apartments in both Ul’dah and Limsa, as well as a crash suite attached to her clinics.
Birthplace: The deserts of Thanalan to a wandering, somewhat shamanistic tribe. 
Religion: Spiritual, not really religious. Likes to call on Menphina and the stars for guidance and succor.
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover
Fears: Bees. Losing loved ones. 
Personality: Gentle and kind. Always wants to help other people. A little motherly, even though she hasn’t had kids. Open and non-judgmental.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Zinai Varali (mother, status TBD), Ahri’a (father, status TBD)
Siblings: None (TBD) 
Other Relatives: None of importance
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: No. Drugs: No. Alcohol: Enjoys a few glasses of wine every now and then.
Possible Hooks ––– –
The Healer: Are you injured? Is someone else injured and you need help? Do you need a healer to come along on an adventure? Do you have some issue a healer or practitioner of medicine or alchemy might be able to help you with? Sarai can probably help! She’s very well versed in many arts of healing, Astrology in particular, although she’s becoming very well versed in some more modern technologies, outside the norms of basic healing spells and bandages. Some would call it experimental. She has extensive knowledge of brews, potions, herbs and concoctions for all sorts of ailments, and is more than happy to help you heal and be mended.
The Courtesan (may be NSFW): Have an itch that needs to be scratched? Have questions or desires you’re too nervous or afraid to ask your lover about, or you’re just curious? Perhaps you need a pretty woman to grace your arm (and bed) for the evening? Sarai’s your woman - she’s very good at this part of her job, and enjoys it quite a lot. She’s also happy to perform a role much akin to that of a geisha, non-sexual and mostly about show and companionship.
The Priestess of Menphina: Sarai has worshipped Menphina for all of her life, and as such has a very open and accepting outlook on many topics related to the Lover - sex, love, relationships, that sort of thing. She’s happy to share her insight and wisdom of such topics, and serve as a therapist and friend to those in need for these situations.
Combination of the above: Maybe you’re an old lover or client and they’ve bumped into each other? Or perhaps you’ve sought her out again after some time for intimacies/advice/healing? Pre-established stuff is fun.
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Contacts and Friends!: I’ve been away for a while, but I’m back for now and would LOVE to have some more interaction on my dash, friends, as well as writing partners! Which leads to...
Shipping: I’m shipping trash. I love ships. Ship with me. Platonic or Romantic, doesn’t matter. Gimme all the fun shippy stuff. THAT said...
Romance: I love writing fluffy, sappy romance and relationship stuff, including the intense, probably nsfw stuff (which can also be fluffy and sappy). It’s kind of bread and butter for me? However...
Deep friendships: Gimme that friendship. That deep trust, those intimate interactions. Feels. I love it all.
Slice of Life/Random Interactions: Especially here on tumblr, I’d love to just have some random interactions through asks and threads, slice of life, cute/crack posts. That kind of thing. 
OOC and Roleplaying Preferences ––– –
I’m a 40 hour/week working lady - I have a fulltime job, and as such my time for games is limited. Once I’m home from work (usually after 6-9pm EST) I’m around for at least a few hours, and all day on my days off. I don’t usually schedule Roleplay sessions, but if that’s a need for you, I’m happy to oblige.
Timezone - Eastern Standard Time. I’m a night owl, but on days off when I don’t have a previously hard day, I’m willing to get up early for stuff to accommodate other timezones!
Available on Discord - Discord is my preferred form of contact and roleplay outside tumblr. However, when I’m at work I don’t usually check my phone (I don’t want to get in trouble!) If you message me and don’t hear back within an hour, I’m probably at work (or somewhere I don’t have reception). I’ll get back to you after my shift (anywhere from 8-11 hours) or when I get home! If you haven’t heard back from me within 24 hours, something big came up and I’ll respond as soon as I can. 
In-Game: I don’t usually like to roleplay in game, I have a little bit of stage fright. I also probably have ingame projects I want to work on when I’m in game during my limited free time. I might do a few little interactions, but generally nothing major. I’m trying to get better about that though!
Talk to me!: I’m very friendly and open, and very willing to talk and plot about all sorts of things. I’m sort of a geek and a nerd, love memes and sillyness. I just want to be friends and have fun with our characters. <3
Regarding M/ERP: I’m comfortable writing it (Mun and muse are both 21+). If you’re a minor, GTFO/do not ask me. That said, smut isn’t all I’m after. I love all other aspects of writing, as stated above. Smut is great when it has plot leading to it/within it (ex: Sarai’s Village in the Sky verse with @sophicpriestofmenphina where she wants kids and a family). One off or indulgent smut is also fine, but it’s not what I really want ALL of the time. I want feels and fun stuff and PLOT also. Just because she is a courtesan doesn’t mean Sarai is an ERP toon - she’s a full character and I want to have fun with her in all sorts of writing!
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord - please ask me
In Game - Sarai Varali
Tumblr - @heavensthralled
Items in this post subject to change if/when the need arises (regarding roleplay).
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manpoxui · 5 years
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laiminga kai zinai kad nebereiks tunot namie tris dienas is eiles
bent iki vasaros
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zinaidigitalsblog · 2 years
Get Your Products Listed on Flipkart: Unlocking a Whole New World of Opportunity
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If you're looking to expand your business in India, then Zinai Flipkart product listing service is a great place to start. It's one of the country's largest e-commerce marketplaces, with over 100 million registered users and more than 150 million products. In this article, we'll show you how to get your products listed on Flipkart and take advantage of the opportunities it offers.
Flipkart is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers. It was founded in 2007 and acquired by Walmart in 2018. Today, it offers a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, and home appliances. As a seller, you can list your products on Flipkart and reach millions of potential customers.
Benefits of selling on Flipkart
There are many benefits to selling on Flipkart. First, it's a popular marketplace with a large customer base. Second, it provides a range of services to sellers, including logistics, payment processing, and customer support. Third, it offers a range of promotional tools to help sellers increase their sales. Finally, Flipkart has a robust seller protection policy that helps sellers resolve disputes with buyers.
 How to sell on Flipkart
To sell on Flipkart, you need to register as a seller and follow the platform's guidelines. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Register as a seller on Flipkart by providing your business details and verifying your mobile number and email address.
Step 2: List your products by providing product details, images, and pricing information.
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Step 4: Fulfill your orders by packaging your products and shipping them to the customers. Flipkart provides a range of logistics services to help you with this.
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Tips for selling on Flipkart
Tip 1: Optimize your product listings by providing detailed descriptions and high-quality images.
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Tip 4: Provide excellent customer service to get good ratings and reviews.
Tip 5: Use Flipkart's promotional tools to increase your sales.
Flipkart is a great platform for sellers looking to expand their business in India. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can get your products listed on Flipkart and take advantage of Flipkart's vast customer base and easy to use marketplace. With Flipkart's comprehensive seller services, you can easily increase your sales and grow your business in India. Contact Flipkart Product listing Company for more business sales.
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paynehannah3rx-blog · 5 years
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Understanding More About Chiropractors
There are a lot of activities that we involve ourselves in and they can really be the reason to why your bodies are weak and this is a way is showing weakness to contacting diseases like back pains.  Make sure to visit the chiropractor regularly so that they can help you by massaging your spinal cord and this can help your body to cure itself naturally.  Through reading of this article the learner will get to know more on the advantages of chiropractor therapy. View Back Pain in Wyckoff
When it comes to good health and treatments we all want that kind of treatment that won’t have side effects since side effects also can make someone to still feel like they are sick therefore if you want to avoid such things you can always consider seeking help from the chiropractors who can help you recover naturally, and this is by encouraging your body to adapt and get to treat itself without the need of using medicines.  
You can always choose to visit the chiropractor if you are having problems with your digestive system for they are very professionals and are able to help you cure your digestive problems with their good techinic of handling the body, as we have been told earlier the chiropractor is able to cure your body problems by massaging your spinal cord therefore your body is able to generate the healing process and that can help you cure or reduce your digestive problems. See Wyckoff Chiropractor
We always advice you to make sure you keep your body in a good condition and that means be stress free, and the only way you can get to keep your mind in a good condition and function well is by visiting the chiropractor for their therapy session that involves massaging the spinal cord so that it can relax your body and mind and this can lead to having good health.
Always ensure to pay a visit to the chiropractor who is able to massage your spinal cord thus making you sleep well, if your spinal cord is hurting and you are finding it hard for you to sleep then we advice you to visit the chiropractor since they can be able to give you the treatment that will help your spinal cord to stop paining hence you can be able to sleep again.
More details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zINaY-j1Clw
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