#Zia Rookey
jester-junk · 4 years
My Inferno Girl: Zia Rookey
Zia Rookey was an art student and died with 25 years only half a year ago after she came home from a LARP festival. She's still a fledgeling when it comes to her time in the Netherworld and there is a lot she doesn't know yet. Still, she tries to cope and get by, which is why she eventually found herself on the steps of Dante's Inferno Room, asking for a job. Again. And again. After lots of begging, she assumed the role of the bartender (despite initially winging every single cocktail she mixes. She also lost count of all the glasses she broke so far). Zia helps clean the place as well, in exchange for a sleeping area to call her own on the top floor. She greatly prefers the single room over the house she's still bound to for a few more centuries. Not once has she explained why, and luckily, people generally don't pry in the Netherworld.
She's not a dancer, but she uses a Stage Name nonetheless, never revealing her true identity. While the Inferno Girls and the Madame call her "Jinx" because of her clumsy attitude and ability to wreak havoc within mere seconds, she tends to pick random names each time a customer asks. She'll just look at what's around her and improvise accordingly. Fawks, Button or Red Velvet are just a few examples of names customers use when conversing with her.
The cause of her death is no secret - she bled to death because of an abdominal stab wound. How it happened, though, is a mystery. Every time someone asks, Zia changes the story, but it always ends with her being clumsy and killing herself in a stupid accident. She always jokes how she technically should've become a Case Worker, but the way she died was so embarrassing and ridiculous, they couldn't stomach (Ba dum tss) having her among them and made an exception for her. The truth that she's been killed by her abusive boyfriend is only known by her Case Worker, and their pledge of secrecy keeps them from spreading the word. Zia is very much in denial about her passing, and joking or lying is her way to cope. Other than that she has a cheeky, sometimes sarcastic attitude, but overall she's friendly to everyone who treats her with respect and as an equal, despite her inexperience in the Land of the Dead. She loves to make people laugh and forget their worries for at least a little bit. If you need someone to cause lighthearted trouble and play pranks, she's your gal. She ain't no snitch and will never reveal a secret someone entrusted her with.
The fact that she's a murder victim cause her to be triggered by people who think everything happens for a reason, or that things are just meant to be a certain way. She will not get along with them and will leave the room instead of staying in their presence. She also has difficulties being in the proximity of murderers. 
Her regular clothing style as a bartender is nothing extravagant (red, green or purple blouse, black vest, short skirt and Dr. Martens boots that fit the colour of her shirt) and she rarely alters her appearance. Never change a running system. When she's alone in her room she prefers baggy clothes, loving to wear shorts and shirts too large for her size. She feels safe in them. Especially if they’ve got silly or nerdy prints on them. She is absolutely fine with wearing clothes that reveal her neck, back, arms or legs, but she will never wear anything that would show her stomach. She guards and hides the scar on her front vigorously. She swears that nobody will ever see her completely naked. The damaged pearl in her hair is something she only takes off to shower or sleep. 
She has always been very pale, and while she should be deathly white now, she makes it a habit of changing her skin tone to something more lively while working. She keeps up the charade until she’s alone in her room. When she thinks nobody’s watching, she often practices her shapeshifting abilities. She likes to grow sharp fangs and admire them in the mirror, the involuntary drooling, however, keeps her from displaying them while on the job.
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She doesn't quite know what to make of Keatlejuice. He only ever approaches her for booze and never showed any real interest in small talk or even deeper conversations, which is fine by her, as she thinks he's a little creepy. She sometimes watches him leave with Inferno Girls to the private booths, but isn't jealous in any shape or form. They acknowledge each other. From a distance. That's enough for now.
Musicaljuice is entirely different. They love to talk until it's time to close up and she will draw funny faces for him on napkins and exchange puns while mixing his favourite drinks. She knows deep down there's a good core inside of him and she wants him to succeed in finding happiness, never realising that she might play a part in that. He eventually finds out her last name and will never stop calling her Rookie because of her inexperience about the whole being dead thing. She plays pranks on him nearly every time he's there and it's her personal highlight to aggravate him.
No matter the AU (if she’s alive or dead), she will eventually fall in love with Musicaljuice (preferably Bright!Juice), but she’s adamant on keeping it a secret. 
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