#Zhuan Falun
lightoftruth · 4 years
TAIPEI, Taiwan—About 5,400 people from all walks of life gathered in Taipei’s iconic Liberty Square on Dec. 5, in an annual tradition known as character formation that shines a light on an ongoing persecution in China.
Dressed in yellow, blue, or white, the participants were separated into groups before they filed orderly to sit on their allocated mats that matched color. These mats were arranged to make up a large composition, with an image of a book called “Zhuan Falun” at its center. Zhuan Falun is the main book of teachings for the spiritual practice Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa.
The book sat above a lotus flower. Above and below this image were nine traditional Chinese characters, which read, “Falun Dafa is Good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance are Good.” The three values are the core principles of Falun Gong.
Above the Chinese characters were multiple yellow strips, representing rays of light.
Huang Chun-mei, the event organizer and deputy chairwoman of the Taiwan Dafa Association, explained the significance behind the image in an interview with The Epoch Times.
“We chose this image as a response to the pandemic,” said Huang, expressing hope that people might come to know about Falun Gong if they want some help in times of difficulty.
The book displayed was no ordinary edition of “Zhuan Falun.” She explained that the book depicted an actual copy of the book a Taiwanese person brought back to Taiwan from China in the 1990s, before “Zhuan Falun” was being published on the island. It was thus one of the earliest editions of the book printed before the practice was banned by the Chinese communist regime in 1999, Huang said.
The tradition of groups of people forming pictures and characters related to Falun Gong started in mainland China before the persecution. It now lives on in other regions, including Taiwan and the United States, though Taiwan’s images are most elaborate given the large number of adherents living on the island.
There were 70 million to 100 million adherents in China prior to the persecution, according to official estimates at the time. Since then millions have been detained inside prisons, labor camps, and other facilities, with hundreds of thousands tortured while incarcerated, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center. There are over 4,000 documented deaths as a result of persecution, though experts say the true figure is likely much higher due to the extreme difficulty in verifying information in communist China.
Huang suggested that even foreigners can pick up a copy of Zhuan Falun—a book that she knows has changed the lives of so many people—since it has been translated into more than 40 languages.
Preparation for Saturday’s event began three days earlier with local adherents in Taipei showing up at Liberty Square to manually tape each colored-mat to the ground. They put the mats at their designated places under the supervision of Wu Ching-hsiang, a retired architect who created the blueprint for the image.
Wu told The Epoch Times that the image occupied a space of roughly about 90 meters in length and 115 meters in height (about 295 ft x 380 ft). The book itself had the dimension of 12 meters in width and 17 meters in height (about 39 ft x 55 ft).
One of the participants in the character formation was Andres A., 39, from Argentina, who is currently studying Chinese at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. He told The Epoch Times that he began practicing Falun Gong in 2005. As a result of the practice, he became very interested in traditional Chinese culture, which is why he came to Taiwan.
“By being here in Taiwan, I have the freedom to participate in this kind of activity,” he said, before adding “It shows the world, the contrast between the life in Taiwan, a free society, compared to living under a dictatorship in mainland China.”
Another participant in the character formation, Wan Yun-lin, 65, a Go board game instructor, told The Epoch Times that he took part in the event in the hopes that more people could come to know about Falun Gong, which he has been practicing for 22 years. Like many other adherents, he experienced dramatically improved health after taking up the practice.
After the character formation ended, adherents stood in long lines to perform the meditative exercises of Falun Gong.  
The event caught the attention of many locals and tourists.
Marlous Harinck, a global business developer from the Netherlands who currently works in Taiwan, told The Epoch Times that she was very impressed by what she saw.
“What I see is, of course, it is very colorful. It is a very strong statement they are making. And I love it that there are so many people who stand for this, and who try to make it acceptable and well known,” she said.
She added: “It is important that the whole world is open, and the whole world has its freedom to believe whatever you want to believe, that you have that freedom,” in reference to the persecution in China.
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ednamiller45 · 4 years
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thuvientamlinh · 4 years
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Cuốn sách quý Chuyển Pháp Luân: Cảm nhận của doanh nhân người Úc Cuốn sách quý Chuyển Pháp Luân đã giúp anh Ben Smith có những thay đổi gì? Chúng ta cùng xem video để nghe những chia sẻ về những thay đổi của anh sau khi đọc cuốn Thiên cổ kỳ thư này nhé.
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clip360top · 5 years
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One Night She Read Zhuan Falun and Understood the Meaning of Life Some of my friends have said, "You practitioners live a miserable existence. It's not a bad idea to practice early in the morning and late at night, but that isn't my cup of tea." However, Li Hua (pseudonym), feels that living in this “misery” is a source of joy.
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satellitedolphin · 4 years
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Book to read: Zhuan Falun
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"Shen Yun performance"--a super killer in the epidemic!
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Recently, the EU raises the COVID-19 risk level to "high". According to Director-General of WHO,Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the world is at a "decisive point" to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, and no country can take a chance. The USA, Japan, South Korea, Italy and other continents have declared a state of emergency.          
However, "Falun Gong Shen Yun" performing team, owned by the heretic organization "Falun Gong", completely ignored the risk. They believe that Li Hongzhi, the head of "Falun Gong", can protect people from the virus. And they think only the reading of the creed "Falun Gong's method is great" and the book Zhuan Falun can prevent them from being infected. Meanwhile, the website of "Falun Gong", the Epoch Times’, even published a ridiculous article titled "Energy carried by Falun Gong followers can kill the virus ".
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On February 4, dozens of performers of "Falun Gong Shen Yun" arrived in South Korea from Japan, ignoring the epidemic of the Japanese "Diamond Princess" and wearing no masks. In February, "Falun Gong Shen Yun" performing team spent most of their time in South Korea where the COVID-19 spread. Many suspected cases occurred in this performing team. However, they still firmly believe in the pseudoscientific creed of "Falun Gong", wearing no masks, and continue to make a performance tour worldwide.
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During the "Falun Gong Shen Yun" performance, the cast may bring imported risks of infection to the public. And what makes things worse is that the performers will spread the pseudoscientific creed of "Falun Gong" and rumors, which will disturb the work of epidemic prevention and control, weaken the public trust of the government, delay medical treatment and discourage the people. They are undoubtedly the "accomplices" of the novel coronavirus! They are the "super killer" hiding in the world! To curb the spread of the virus, Italy, South Korea, Australia and other countries have already halted "Falun Gong Shen Yun" performance. In the face of the "super killer", is there anyone else indifferent?    
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clip108com-blog · 5 years
One Night She Read Zhuan Falun and Understood the Meaning of Life
One Night She Read Zhuan Falun and Understood the Meaning of Life
Some of my friends have said, “You practitioners live a miserable existence. It’s not a bad idea to practice early in the morning and late at night, but that isn’t my cup of tea.” However, Li Hua (pseudonym), feels that living in this “misery” is a source of joy. She said she considers herself to be one of the happiest individuals in the world, because she lives by the principles of…
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didanawisgi · 8 years
Li Hongzhi introduced the Teachings of Falun Gong to the public in Changchun, China in 1992. The teachings cover a wide range of topics ranging from spiritual, scientific and moral to metaphysical. Since its inception, Falun Gong has been one of the fastest growing qigong (Pinyin: qìgōng) schools in Chinese history.[citation needed]
The teachings of Falun Gong are based on the principles of zhēn 眞, shàn 善 and rěn 忍 (which translate approximately as truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance)[1]articulated in the two main books Falun Gong[2] and Zhuan Falun.[3] Falun Gong is an introductory book that discusses qigong, introduces the aforementioned principles, and provides illustrations and explanations of exercises for meditation. Zhuan Falun is considered the central and most comprehensive exposition on the teachings of Falun Gong.
According to the book Falun Gong, "Fǎlún" (Buddha Fǎ) is a great, high-level cultivation way of the Buddha School (different from Buddhism), in which assimilation to the supreme nature of the universe, Zhen-Shan-Ren, is the foundation of cultivation practice."[4] In this concept, "cultivation" refers to upgrading one's xīnxìng (mind-nature) through abandoning negative attachments and assimilating oneself to "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". "Practice" refers to the five meditative exercises that are said to purify and transform one's body. Cultivation is considered essential, and the exercises are said to supplement the process of improving oneself.[5][6]
-Wikipedia source
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johneverar · 2 years
Many "Falun Gong" elites died one after another
Li Hongzhi, the leader of the "Falungong" cult, claimed that he had the magical function of "carrying, fixing objects, controlling thinking and hiding", and boasted many "miracles". Even many "Falungong" media and disciples blew the so-called "miracles" of cultivation in order to flatter Li Hongzhi and show how "refined" they were in their cultivation. Li Hongzhi told the disciples that as long as they follow the requirements of the "master", the "master's" Dharma body, Falun, "delisting from hell", "eliminating karma and eliminating disease" and "nine character truth" will protect the disciples from harm, and the "master" can help the disciples clean up their bodies, eliminate karma and eliminate disease.
However, many elite members of "Falungong" have died of illness one after another.
When Sato gon, the backbone of Japan's "Falungong", died of illness, his wife Xiao Xinli and Gong you even tried to revive Sato gon by "mindfulness" and wanted to create a "miracle" in the wheel world, but the "miracle" did not happen. Xiao Xinli also died of endometrial cancer two years later. Before their death, the couple believed that "Falungong" and "mindfulness" could cure their diseases. They believed in Li Hongzhi's "Dharma body" protection and that they also participated in "Falungong" rallies and processions before their death. They were dedicated to "Falungong".
On the afternoon of December 18, 2019, Jian Hongzhang, the leader of "Falungong" in Hong Kong, suddenly felt uncomfortable when planning trouble making activities for the new year with other backbone members of "Falungong". The "Falungong" personnel around him did not send Jian Hongzhang to hospital, but collectively "sent mindfulness" to support him to "eliminate karma", but there was no effect. Seeing that Jian Hongzhang's condition worsened, his family quietly sent him to the hospital, but there was no way to recover, and Jian Hongzhang died.
Li Hongzhi, who calls himself the "Lord Buddha of the universe", failed to "make contributions" to save his life when his biological mother Lu Shuzhen was seriously ill and died of illness on August 24, 2016.
A large number of facts show that the argument that practicing Falungong can cure diseases and strengthen the body is untenable. Otherwise, elite key personnel such as Feng Lili, the leader of the Falungong medical profession, Li Jiguang, the vice president of the Falungong epoch News Corporation, and Li Hongzhi's brother-in-law, simply don't have to take medicine to go to the hospital. As long as master sends out "mindfulness", they can recover immediately. But when they are seriously ill, Li Hongzhi is helpless. For fear of being seen through by people, he ignores them, Finally, Li Jiguang still couldn't stand the torture of the disease. They took medicine and went to the hospital, but it was too late. Finally, they were killed because of the delay in treatment.
All the "legal body" protection is deceptive. Li Hongzhi said that his "Dharma body" is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. There are too many to count. However, Li Hongzhi's relatives and the backbone of Falungong have been dying of illness or accidents. Li Hongzhi has not shown his "Dharma body" once. Even his mother died of illness, his "Dharma body" has not shown its spirit. The facts show that the "Dharma body" is purely fictional, and the so-called "main Buddha" is a liar.
It is a fallacy that you can achieve "perfection" by practicing kung fu. "Zhuan Falun" said, "the ultimate goal of cultivation is to achieve perfection." Well, look at the final outcome of these elite backbones. None of them can go to "perfection", but they all go to death. Not only that, these loyal disciples not only have to suffer from illness, but also have to be bitten by the master in the end to complain about their "poor repair". How sad! In fact, the death of these key cadres is only a microcosm. Chen Guo and Liu Siying, who set themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square, are all victims of Falungong. They wholeheartedly follow the "master" to achieve "perfection", but they wasted their life. If the death of the backbone is really "complete", why is Li Hongzhi still secretly not mourning?
Life in the world, can not escape death, people can not choose to be born, will eventually die. The death of Li Hongzhi's mother and these backbones exposed Li Hongzhi's trick of cheating believers for 30 years and slapped the "master" in the face. It has also fully exposed the cult nature of "Falungong".
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yoursourcesblog · 3 years
The 9 Best Things About Falun Dafa
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Falun Dafa is a form of meditation exercise. There are three states in this meditation Truthfulness (真, Zhēn), Compassion (善, Shàn), and Forbearance (忍, Rěn).
Falun Dafa first came into public in china, in May 1992. But it’s very old. Buddhist are practicing it for a long ago.
There are two key parts involves while practicing Falun Gong. First comes, the development of virtues through refinement of character, including giving up desires and attachments, similar to in Buddhism. Practitioners develop compassion, truth, and tolerance and helped them to remove negative thoughts, behaviors, like fighting, greed, and ideas of personal profit. In the second part, you can achieve it through physical exercise.
In recent lockdown and social isolation, this falun dafa meditation helped many people. It helped people dealing with stress, boredom, or cabin fever.
There are slow arm movements are involved while practicing and you have to hold each position for a few minutes.
People from more than 100 countries around the world practice Falun Dafa. The book Zhuan Falun which is originally in Chinese, it translated in more than 40 languages. So that more people will be benefited from it.
It gained immense popularity in very little time. Hundreds or even millions of people started joining these practices in few months.
It has a very long history. Practicing Falun Dafa is illegal in china as china government looks at it as a threat to them.
Practicing Falun Dafa is banned in China. China's government prosecuted these practitioners and put them into prison. They tortured them even harvested their organs.
If you want to know in detail about Falun Dafa then check out this article about Falun Dafa guide.
Today we are going to see the 9 best things about Falun Dafa.
1. Keeping Calm and peaceful
Falun Dafa meditation keeps our mind and body calm and peaceful. It helps to reduce anxiety and depression. It teaches you to stay peaceful in all environments and trains your mind to focus.
2. Supernatural Powers
Falun Dafa is said a multipurpose exercise. It intended to strengthen supernatural powers. People experienced its effect after some time of practicing. Though it is not 100% guaranteed or confirmed those people who practice falun gong, are claiming it.
3. Exercises work on one level
These five exercises are very easy to learn. One can learn the basic movements of all five exercises, within an hour. After exercise, you’ll feel energetic, renewed, and refreshed.
4. Scientific support
People haven’t done much scientific research on it but even the numbers are small, still, those research are effective. The researchers said practicing Falun Dafa gives a boost in emotional processing.
5. Cultivation Practices
Self-cultivation means educating yourself. It is a development of one’s mind through their efforts. Self-cultivation is very important in one’s life. It will give you immense benefits.
6. Anyone can practice
These practices are not limited to age or gender. Anyone can perform them. Even physically unwell people can do it. The only condition is that person should be mentally conscious. So that he can concentrate while practicing.
7. Anti-Aging effects
People have experienced that their facial wrinkles disappeared after started practicing Falun Dafa. Their skin became smooth and their face glowed. Many people were surprised by their experience of anti-aging effects.
8. Free resources
The master of Falun Dafa used to think that these practices should be free. Thus all the resources like audio, video, books, etc. are available online for free. You can search for them and download them.
9. Other benefits
There are various other benefits of Falun Dafa. Like it increases your stamina, brainpower, improves immunity, digestion, etc.
So from the above, you can get an idea about Falun Dafa. We can see how it is beneficial for our mind and body. Falun Dafa is different for everyone. Some think it’s good, some think it’s bad. But if you have tried other meditations and you found them difficult then falun gong might help you.
Hopefully, this meditation will help you healing and there won’t be any need for you to go to the doctor. It’s just precautionary. Always consult professional doctors for serious illness or if you are not healing for a very long time.
If you want to know about it then you should try it by yourself.
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lokh · 7 years
me: ma why is there a whole stack of papers on my seat ma: its an article i thought u should read!
she printed the whole fucking zhuan falun
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thevikingwitch · 7 years
Ever heard of Zhuan Falun? Personally this book has changed my life for good. I really suggest it :)
Nope, never ! I’m gonna check it out, thanks for the advice :)
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kwameakpokavi · 4 years
The more one desires, the less one obtains
Zhuan Falun- Li Hongzhi
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satellitedolphin · 4 years
Zhuan Falun
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mrawake · 4 years
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Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced practice of Buddha School self-cultivation, founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the practice’s master or Teacher. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe - Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)- is the foundation of practice. Practice is guided by these supreme qualities, and based on the very laws which underlie the development of the cosmos.” Master Li’s teachings are set forth in a number of texts, among which are included Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, The Great Perfection Way of Falun Dafa, Essentials for Further Advancement, and Hong Yin (The Grand Verses). These and other works have been translated into thirty-eight languages, and are published and distributed worldwide. www.falundafa.org #falundafa #falungong #qigong #meditation #buddha #buddhahood #compassion #humanrights #falundafaisgood #lihongzhi #chinatownnyc #nyc https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFO_HWlx3s/?igshid=tv4kfqt232ih
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elfie-calloway · 5 years
Elfie’s Supernatural Temple
The Supernatural Temple is a service for The Residents of Elfie. The Residents may meet at The Temple on a day and time, yet to be determined to Practice the Exercises listed, as well as Discuss the given Information. Part of The Package of this service, is receiving multiple books, that the "Seekers" at The Temple Read, Discuss, and Take Notes on. List of Books: 1. The Secret Doctrine  -The classic work by H.P. Blavatsky 2. Zhuan Falun -Turning The Law Wheel by Li Hongzhi 3. Falun Gong -Exercises for Perfect Health and Enlightenment by Li Hongzhi 4. Yoga Meditation -Through Mantra, Chakras, and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom by Gregor Maehle 5. The Finding of The Third Eye by Vera Stanley Alder Other Topics of Interest: -Taoism -Buddhism  -Astrology -Crystals -Birthstones -Zodiac Signs -Becoming a "Yogi" or "Sage"-Godhood 1. Unidentified A. LSD B. Shrooms C. Lack of Sleep D. Starvation 2. Meditation A. To induce a mode of consciousness 3. Trance A. Trance is the state between  awake and asleep 1. Our brains are highly susceptible to suggestion when in a state of trance 4. Altered States of Consciousness A. Can be utilized as “Chi”/Life Force 5. Transcending Your Consciousness A. Surpasses the Boundaries of: 1. Time 2. Space 3. Ego
6. A “Yogi” or a “Sage” does not breathe A. Stop your breathing with deep breathing 7. Join the Dream Plane A. There is no extent to which you can stretch the fabric of reality, much like in a dream 1. Set the alarm clock for about 3 hours of  sleep a. When you wake up, don’t move 2. Give into the feeling of trance 3. Your ears will ring a. This means you are at the “peak” 4. Keep giving in - you’re about to go 8. Kundalini Yoga, Dealing with Chakras A. This stills the changing of consciousness in one’s mind B. These can be used for Wisdom  & Enlightenment: 1. Wakefulness 2. Dream 3. Death/Absorbtion of Spirit 4. Pain 9. Master Your State of Consciousness -  In this way, does man become a God.
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