#Zhangye Tour plan
silkroadtravelchina · 4 years
Best Deal on Zhangye Tour Package with Xinjiang China Travel
Zhangye offers many stunning landscapes; here we recommended some must-see attractions, that any domestic and foreign tourists travel here are worth to visit. So let's start to explore the charm of Zhangye. Contact us at: 86+991-2699399 and Book now Zhangye Tour with Xinjiang China Travel. Here we offered some popular tour & transfer service for tourists who will travel to Zhangye. Besides, we can customize a private tour for you according to your requirement. For detailed information visit us at our website.
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mercierzeng · 5 years
Zhangye & Dunhuang photography tours offer the professional photo tour planning and guiding service to the unique Rainbow Mountains & Mogao Grottoes.
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bookofjin · 5 years
Annals of Taizu of Later Wei, Part 5
[From WS002. Covers 401 - 403, the last years of the Tianxing era. Tuoba Gui sponsors scholarship, and on 10 October 402 defeats Yao Xing in the battle of Mengkeng. On 25 November 403 he makes his oldest son, Tuoba Si, King of Qi and Great General of Chariots and Cavalry.]
[Tianxing 4, 30 January 401 – 17 February 402]
4th Year, Spring, 1st Month [30 January – 28 February], A separate leader of the Gaoche led his section, more than 3 000 groups, to adhere to the interior.
2nd Month, dinghai [12 March], instructed music teachers to enter the schools and practice the dances. Offered vegetables to the former sages and former teachers.
On dingyou [22 March], separately instructed messengers to travel and inspect the provinces and commanderies, to listen to and examine accusations and litigations, and investigate and charge the unlawful.
3rd Month [31 March – 28 April], the Emperor personally fished, and made offerings at the rear chamber in the temple.
Summer, 4th Month, xinmao [15 May], abolished Ye's Acting Tribunal. Decreed to have the ministers to clarify and display the concealed and uninhibited.
5th Month [29 May – 26 June], raised the Purple Ridge-pole Hall, the Mysterious Military Tower, the Cool Air Watchtower, the Stone Pool, and the Deer Park Terrace.
Autumn, 7th Month [27 July – 24 August], decreed the General who Quells the Distant and Inspector of Yan province, Zhangsun Fei, with 20 000 infantry and cavalry, to go south and patrol Xuchang and Pengcheng. Decreed to bestow on Under Heaven's quelling and defence generals and soldiers cloth and silk each proportionally.
Winter, 12th Month, xinhai [30 January], decreed the Great General who Conquers the West, the King of Changshan, Zun, and others to lead a multitude of 50 000 to chastise and rout the Duolan section's separate leader Muyiyu. The General of Gifted Officials, He Tu, to lead 6 000 cavalry, and assault the various sections of the Chufu, Suguyan, and others.
Assembled the Broad Scholars and Ruist masters to compare the multitude classics' written characters, the right-minded followed each other, and altogether there were more than 40 000 characters. The title was Classic on the Multitudes Writings.
This Year, Murong Sheng Died. Bao's younger brother Xi usurped the establishment. Lü Guang's younger brother's son Long killed Zuan and established himself. Juqu Mengxun of the Lu River Hu privately appointed [himself] Shepherd of Liang province and Duke of Zhangye. Mengxun and Li Gao both dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
[Tianxing 5, 18 February 402 – 7 February 403]
5th Year, Spring, 1st Month, dingchou [25 February], Murong Xi dispatched generals to rob Liaoxi. The General of Tiger Power, Su Taqian, and others resisted in battle without success. They abandoned Lingshi and turned back.
The Emperor heard Yao Xing wanted to rob the border.
On gengyin [10 March], a great inspection of the many followers. Decreed the various armies of Bing province to store up grain at Pingyang's Qian Fort.
On wuzi [8 March ?!], the General of Gifted Officials, He Tu, routed the various sections of the Chufu, Suguyan and others. He captured more than 3 000 horses and more than 70 000 cattle and sheep.
On xinmao [11 March], Zulun of the Ruanruan dispatched cavalry to aid the Suguyan and others. He Tu confronted, struck and routed them at the Bend of the He south of the mountains. He captured more than 2 000 armoured horses. Distribute [them] to the host, and bestowed on the generals and soldiers each proportionally.
2nd Month, on xinchou [21 March], the Great General who Conquers the West, the King of Changshan, Zun, and others arrived at Gaoping in Anding. Muyiyu led several thousand cavalry to escape and run with Weichen's Qugai. They pursued to Wating in Longxi, did not catch up and turned back. They captured his supply wagons and hoarded stores, more than 40 000 horses, more than 3 000 camels and yak, and more than 90 000 cattle and sheep. Distributed and bestowed on the generals and soldiers each proportionally. Moved his population to the Imperial City.
Zhang Qiao of Shamen titled himself No Higher King [?]. He and Xianyu Cibao of the Dingling assembled partisans at Xingtang in Changshan.
Summer, 4th Month [18 May – 15 June], the Grand Warden Lou Fulian chastised and beheaded them.
5th Month [16 June – 15 July], Yao Xing dispatched his younger brother, the General who Calms the North, the Duke of Yiyang, Ping, led a multitude of 40 000 to come and intrude. Pingyang's Qian Fort was captured by Ping.
6th Month [16 July – 14 August], arranged the troops at the eastern suburbs. Apportioned and divided the multitude armies. Decreed the Great General who Garrisons the West, the King of Piling, Shun, Zhangsun Fei, and others, 3 generals and 60 000 cavalry to be the vanguard.
Autumn, 7th Month, wuchen [15 August], New Moon, the Chariot Drove to chastise the west.
8th Month, yisi [21 September], arrived at Chai Fort. Ping strengthened the defences. Advanced the army to besiege him. Yao Xing thoroughly raised his multitudes to come and aid.
On jiazi [10 October], the Emperor crossed at Mengkeng. He confronted and struck Xing's army and greatly routed it.
Winter, 10th Month [11 November – 10 December], Ping went into the river and died. Took prisoner his remaining multitudes, more than 30 000 people. This is told in the Biography of Xing. Captured Xing's General who Conquers the Caitiffs and Supervisor of the Right of the Masters of Writing, Di Bozhi, the Colonel of Outriders, Tang, Xiaofang, the General who Amasses Crossbows, Yao Liangguo, the General who Establishes Loyalty, Lei Xing, Kang Guan, the Commander of the Palace Gentlemen of the North, Kang Wei, Ping's cousin Boqin and below, from Fourth Grade Generals and upwards were more than 40 people. Captured the previously absconded subjects Wang Ciduo and Jin Qin. Beheaded both and displayed them.
Xing again and again sent messengers to request peace. The Emperor did not accept. The crowd of subjects recommended advancing to pacify Puban, but the Emperor worried the Ruanruan would be a difficulty.
On wushen [23 November], returned the host.
11th Month [11 December – 8 January], the Chariot Drove to stay at Jinyang. Summoned the Inspector of Xiang province, Yu Yue, to be Minister of Works. Dispatched the General of the Left, Mo Ti, to chastise Shangdang's crowd of bandits' Qin Po and Zhai Du at Huguan.
On dingchou [22 December], the Grand Warden of Shangdang arrested Po and beheaded him. Du ran to Linlü.
12th Month, xinhai [25 January], arrived from the western campaign.
Shelun of the Ruanruan violated the frontier. Decreed the King of Changshan, Zun, to pursue him. He did not catch up and turned back. Mofu of the Yueqin led his section, more than 10 000 families to belong to the interior. He was settled north of Wuyuan.
This Year, Tufa Wugu died of illness. His younger brother Lilugu carried on the government, he dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
[Tianxing 6, 8 February 403 – 27 January 404]
6th Year, Spring, 1st Month, xinwei [14 February], a separate leader of the Yuchi section of Shuofang led more than 10 000 families to belong to the interior, he entered to live in Yunzhong.
Summer, 5th Month [6 June – 4 July], a great inspection of the many followers, perhaps to plan for the Jiang and the Huai, and pacify the chaos of Jing and Yang.
Autumn, 7th Month [4 August – 1 September], the Great General who Garrisons the West and Colonel Minister of Retainers, the King of Piling, Shun, made an offence, used the King to return to his mansion.
On wuzi [30 August], the Chariot Drove on a northern tour. Built a detached palace at Chai Mountain. Let loose the soldiers on a barricade hunt. Went north-east beyond Ji High Pass, and set out for Canhe and Dai Valley.
9th Month [2 October – 31 October], travelled to favour southern Pingcheng. Outlined and measured the river south of the Lei, facing Xiawu Mountain and to its back Huanggua Hill, perhaps to establish an new town.
On xinwei [12 October], the Chariot Drove to return to the Palace.
Winter, 10th Month [1 November – 29 November], erected the Western Bright Sunny-side Hall.
On yimao [25 November], established imperial son Si as King of Qi, concurrently Great General of Chariots and Cavalry, ranking as Chancellor of State. Shao as King of Qinghe, concurrently Great General who Conquers the South. Xi as King of Yangping. Yao as King of Henan. Enfeoffed the  former King Min of Qin's son Kui as King of Yuzhang. The King of Chenliu's son, the General of the Right, Yue, as King of Zhuti.
On dingsi [27 November], decreed General Yi Wei to led 20 000 cavalry go north and assault the Gaoche. Sima Dezong dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
11th Month, gengwu [10 December], Yi Wei greatly routed the Gaoche.
This Year, the Island Barbarian Huan Xuan deposed his master, Sima Dezong and established himself. He usurped to declare himself Great Chu.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Millions in China working from home amid novel coronavirus crackdown
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/millions-in-china-working-from-home-amid-novel-coronavirus-crackdown/
Millions in China working from home amid novel coronavirus crackdown
In the middle of a phone call with a customer, an important visitor knocks on Michael Xiong’s door: his 3-year-old son.
Xiong, a salesman in Chibi, a city near the center of a virus outbreak, is one of millions of people in China who are obeying government orders to work from home as part of the most sweeping anti-disease measures ever imposed.
After breakfast, Xiong leaves the 3-year-old and his 10-month-old brother with their grandparents. The salesman for IQAir, a Swiss maker of household air purifiers that are popular in China’s smog-choked cities, goes into a bedroom to talk to customers and try to find new ones by phone and email.
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His son “comes to knock on the door when I am in a meeting, asking for hugs,” Xiong said. “I put myself on mute, open the door and tell him I will be with him later, and he is fine with that.”
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Most access to Wuhan, a city of 11 million people where Xiong usually works, was cut off Jan. 23 and some other cities have imposed travel restrictions. Controls imposed on business to try to stem the spread of infection extend nationwide, affecting tens of thousands of companies and hundreds of millions of employees.
The government extended the Lunar New Year holiday to keep factories and offices closed. Cinemas, temples and other tourist sites were shut down to prevent crowds from forming. Group tours were canceled and businesspeople told to put off travel.
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Beijing flower business suffers due to COVID-19 outbreak
China’s vast manufacturing industries cannot function without workers in factories. But as some businesses reopen, Beijing has told anyone who still can work from home to stay there.
That is forcing employees, from solo entrepreneurs to automaker Volkswagen AG’s 3,500-member headquarters staff in Beijing, to stay in touch with customers and business partners and keep companies functioning by phone and email.
Millions of Chinese entrepreneurs operate house-cleaning, small trading and other businesses out of their homes. Many have suffered the same impact as bigger businesses from restrictions on movement and orders to families to stay indoors.
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Maggie Zhang, founder of SheTalks, a company in Beijing that organizes events for women, is working out of her parents’ apartment in the northwestern city of Zhangye in Gansu province. She went for the Lunar New Year and said she might stay through March.
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Zhang temporarily stopped organizing talks and other public events and is gathering material for her company’s social media account to attract users.
In the morning, “I will do some interviews over the phone or online with women working at the front in fighting the epidemic and sometimes foreign businesswomen working in China,” said Zhang. “When I am working, my parents always try to keep quiet and not disturb me.”
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Winnipeg businesses feeling economic impact of coronavirus
Zhang said she uses the sunny living room to write and moves to a bedroom to do interviews or talk to employees. She works out on an elliptical machine during those calls “because my mind works faster when I exercise.”
Numbers of new virus cases reported daily have declined, but economists warn against assuming the disease and its impact on the world’s second-largest economy might soon be under control.
Quarantines in the central province of Hubei, which surrounds Wuhan, and some neighboring areas still are in place. Many large companies have told employees to stay home.
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“A return to normal isn’t yet in sight,” said Roger Diwan of IHS Markit in a report.
Many employees already were equipped to work from home due to China’s almost universal adoption of smartphones, the internet and messaging and video call services, including the popular WeChat operated by Tencent Holdings Ltd.
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China is “probably one of the best countries to do this,” said Michael Mayer, who is in charge of marketing for the Volkswagen auto brand in China. A 27-year veteran of VW, he came to China from India three years ago.
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Coronavirus outbreak: China Health Commission says death toll at more than 1,300
“This would be hard to do in Europe. People here are much more open to using digital tools,” said Mayer. “As sad as it sounds, this is the best place for us to try this experiment.”
After breakfast with his three teenagers, Mayer moves into a back room of their Beijing apartment to talk with coworkers by phone and video call while his children study in their bedrooms. They meet again for lunch.
“Now everybody’s at home,” said Mayer. “Not too bad. Actually quite interesting and quite pleasant.”
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Volkswagen plans to reopen its Beijing offices on Monday but is waiting for updates from health authorities, said Mayer.
Xiong of IQAir expressed frustration at not being able to make his sales pitch to potential clients face to face but said the quarantine gives him more time with his son.
Xiong and his wife are among millions of parents who also looking after children who are cooped up at home because schools have been closed indefinitely. Xiong said he helps his son with lessons sent over WeChat by the kindergarten.
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University of Montreal doctor doing his part to battle coronavirus
“Usually, when I get home from work, it is almost time for his bath and bed,” said Xiong. “Now that we spend time together every day, I think I know my child more and he relies on me more. Our connection is stronger, and so is the whole family.”
Many have barely set foot outdoors for almost three weeks.
Cities including Hangzhou, an industrial metropolis of 10 million people southwest of Shanghai that is home to e-commerce giant Alibaba, are allowing only one household member out each day to buy food.
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Apartment complexes in Beijing and other cities have been ordered to check visitors for fever. Many allow only residents to enter.
Zhang said she has left her parents’ complex only once to go shopping. She was nearly barred by security guards from returning.
“There are almost no people or cars on the street,” she said.
Ray Cheng, a Macau-born entrepreneur in the southern city of Guangzhou, said he starts the day by making a plan for his 7-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son — “what they need to do, then lunch, then what to do” — and then gets on the phone with his employees and customers.
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Coronavirus outbreak: Champagne says no further planes chartered to repatriate Canadians
“When I work, I arrange for them to do something to do. They are very focused and won’t bother me,” Cheng told a reporter. “Right now they are watching ‘Lion King’ so I can talk to you.”
IQAir’s China sales manager, Mike Bearden, said he usually spends 50% of his time on the road but has been at home in Beijing for three weeks talking by phone with potential customers. He said sales might get a boost from the virus because families and hospitals are thinking more about clean air.
“It’s probably the longest stretch I’ve stayed in Beijing in the last 10 years,” said Bearden, a Canadian-American who grew up in Seattle. “My exercise is basically pacing my apartment while having phone conversations.”
AP researcher Yu Bing contributed.
© 2020 The Canadian Press
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silkroadtravelchina · 4 years
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Find the best Zhangye Tour Packages in China.Travel photography in China is a big topic and therefore this article only explores the parameters that will go towards making your visit a success.  If you are planning to explore the ancient history of china and the rainbow mountains then we have different Zhangye tour and travel packages at a reasonable price. For booking of Zhangye Tour with Xinjiang China Travel, contact us at 86+991-2699399 or visit https://www.china-silkroad-travel.com/destinations/zhangye.html
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silkroadtravelchina · 4 years
Get the Best Deal on Gansu Tours with Xinjiang China Travel
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Traveling in Gansu is a quite difference from traveling other places, such as Beijing, Guilin, Xian, Chengdu, etc. The landscape here are vast and grand - the incredible Danxia Landform, stretching Gobi deserts, etc. At the same time, Gansu Tours is a famous historical place full of legendary stories - the Great Wall, ancient Silk Road, military passes. This is a thorough Gansu tours to discover the best highlights of Gansu from Lanzhou, via Xiahe, Zhangye and Jiayuguan, to Dunhuang. If you are planning a trip for Gansu, the book from Xinjiang China Travel at 86+991-2699399 and visit: https://www.china-silkroad-travel.com/gansu-tours/
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silkroadtravelchina · 5 years
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Best Deal for Zhangye Tour 
If you are planning your first Zhangye tour and don't know what to do. Xinjiang China Travel arranges the most popular holiday destination for you and offers a great choice of things to see, things to do, excellent restaurants, exciting nightspots, and good shopping opportunities. For booking visit on our website https://www.china-silkroad-travel.com/.Best Deal for Zhangye Tour 
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