#Zenira Aracni
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Attacking the keep
"Jaisnt, I got your message!" Alexandra came into the cellar as Jaisnt began to prep some weapons together. Zenira and Amorra were there helping him as they chose certain firearms to take. "Are we really going to do this?!"
"Yup." The blue blood answered and quickly cleaned out the inside of chamber of his rifle. "We're gonna hit Morrin's fancy mansion."
"Oh shit... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I don't know if I'm prepared for this! You have so many weapons that I don't know which ones I'll be goo-"
"Have you ever used a gun before?" Jaisnt interrupted.
Alexandra quickly thought for a moment. "Well... I never used a gun before. Only thing, I guess would count as one, was a prototype weapon I was making. It was almost like a gun, but-"
"Then you get to use a gun." Jaisnt interrupted once more.
"Woah, wait! Hey! I wasn't done!"
"Alex, you're in Alternia." Amorra began to speak. "On this planet, it's either live or die, and you don't get enough time to learn the ropes of whatever is being handed down to you. What we deal with, we learn from mistakes. We learn from the many cuts and bruises we get. So you're either going to be a helping hand or someone that will be a damsel. And hey, whenever you get back to your human planet, you'll learn some things to keep you safe."
"Um... right." The human said. She has forgotten that the species inhabiting this planet is different from Earth. On Earth, Â you have to prepare for things though many parts of Earth have different views and values on certain matters. War is always a big topic among them. On Alternia, it's a fight for survival and other times for certain beliefs and it seems the whole planet is divided because of it. "So... what gun should I use?"
"Depends on what you think. I suggest taking three since you want to be light when maneuvering around. In fire fights, you have to be a harder target for those that want to have you on their sights." Jaisnt explained and pulled out an M16 assault rifle. "Take this. Modified it with a laser sight along with an EOTec holographic sight. The trigger is also a hair trigger so be careful with that when squeezing it. Very easy to set off, so be sure to have the safety on while we're heading to the mansion."
"Okay... other two?"
"A sub machine gun would do nicely. The Chopper, as I would like to call it. A modified version of the usual MP7 SMG. As for why I call it the Chopper, well because it's an ammo hose. Spits out bullets like a CZ, but that's why having a drum mag for it helps. And for a side arm, a Glock 17. I'd give you the G18 version, but since you already have two weapons that are automatics, the G17 should do nicely. Has an extended mag and a suppressor."
"Jeez... this is serious, huh?" Alexandra stated as she wraps the straps of the weapons over her shoulder and hid the handgun behind her back on the top hem of her shorts.
"You have no idea." He says and walks out of the cellar as Zenira, Amorra, and eventually the human followed behind him.
The plan is simple, get to the mansion and capture Morrin Luccan. Though, after the stunt that Jaisnt, Zenira, and his ancestor did during one of Morrin's parties, it's more than likely that the security is going be increased. As for knowing if any of Morrin's men might have firearms of their own is unknown to Jaisnt and everyone else. Being prepared is a good thing with ranged weaponry.
As the four finally got to the location of Morrin's mansion, they were surprised to the sight they were seeing. A lot of men seems to be pulling out a lot of things from furniture to stacks of papers. The papers they're burning, more than likely to not leave anything for anyone to see. "Huh... looks like they're cleaning hive." Jaisnt said as the four of them stayed at a farther distance and overlooked the place.
"But why?" Amorra questioned. "Does that mean he's not here anymore? Did your infiltrating really stirred him up that badly?"
"I don't think it was that..." Alexandra says as she looks over at all the men moving things out of the mansion.
"What do you mean?" Jaisnt wondered.
"Some of those things look like body bags... a whole lot of them, too. Jai, you said that infiltration mission you did went bad towards the end, right?"
"Yeah... but me and Zenira mainly had tranquilizer guns. Nothing that shouldn't cause fatal wounds or to kill." He answered. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that something must've happened after that mission you did. It seems like someone stirred up this Morrin guy and left a lot of bodies for him to clean out. After that, I'm pretty sure he found his place compromised and decided to move to a new location, but that also means to move out or destroy whatever is left behind." Alexandra explained as Jaisnt was surprised by the analysis.
"Huh... never thought of it that way." He says. "Good shit. Alright... well, I guess capturing this guy is out of the question. Our new plan of action is to stop those guys from destroying anything that could be important. Files, documents, dossiers, anything that could be helpful and anything that would know his new whereabouts is essential. Zenira, you provide sniper support. Shoot if we're getting overwhelmed."
Zenira nodded as she began to climb up a tree and takes her position as Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra moved closer to the mansion. It wasn't long where everything amped up as soon as Jaisnt threw a couple of modified grenades. It wasn't to blow up the men at the mansion but to make holes for the three to take cover in. As the explosions erupted, and the dust settled, Jaisnt, Amorra, and Alexandra jumped into their holes as they heard gunshots being fired at their direction. It seemed the men were outfitted with firearms after all, Jaisnt quickly thought.
Jaisnt stayed in his hole as he pulled up his rifle, beginning to fire at Morrin's men while Amorra quickly activated her camouflage and quickly ran up to fight the enemy head on. Alexandra, on the other hand, covered her ears as she flinched with every bullet hitting near her position. Shakingly holding the rifle that was given to her, she peeked out to see what was going on. To her, everything felt like those movies. Everything is in slow motion, bullets flying by around her. Amorra uses her cybernetic legs to increase her speed as she keeps knocking down the enemies and shooting them with her SMG while they're on the ground to ensure they stay dead.
Looking back behind her, she could see Zenira taking shots, being patient, finding the right moment and firing. She's accurate. Very good. Jaisnt as well as she turned to look over at him. He was calm. He has been in fights before, she can see it in his eyes. Her? She feels helpless. Alexandra is a scientist. Not a fighter. Closing her eyes, she takes all of this in and it felt like sound finally back around her. Opening her eyes, she knows that she had to do something. Taking the rifle in her hands, she turned towards the enemy, taking the safety off, and fired. Timing her shots well to not try and shoot Amorra accidentally as the teal blood moved around. In that moment, she felt like she was fighting for her life and the lives of others. Something she never had to do before back on Earth.
From the other hole, Jaisnt glanced over to see Alexandra. He grinned. That girl found her fighting spirit, he quickly thought. Like that, he went on back to the offensive and soon enough, it was over. "Cease fire!" Jaisnt yelled and Alexandra, including Zenira, pulled their finger away from the triggers. Alexandra breathed in heavily, planting her head on the dirt as she exhaled, relieved that she's alive.
"Hey! We got a guy here! He surrendered!" Amorra yelled as she dragged a random troll out in the front. The troll frantically tried to run away as soon he was let go, but was stopped by the teal blood as dark mist spewed out from her hands. Her expression was a look of anger, intimidation. "I thought you surrendered..." She quietly said to him.
"Don't do anything rash, Amorra." Jaisnt said as he and Alexandra, along with Zenira catching up, walked over to the teal blood and the troll. Jaisnt looked over at the troll. Lesser muscle. Possibly got him signed up to just watch over things but never expected anything like a gun fight would happen.
"P-Please don't hurt me! I-I-I'll tell ya anything!" The troll begged. "Just... d-d-don't kill me..."
"Then tell us this, what's with those body bags?" Alexandra demanded. "Did something happened here?"
"Y-Yeah... a girl! Yeah! Red blood. She came here, tried fightin' Morrin, mah boss. She used some kinda crazy ass spell. It literally turned all the high bloods into zombies or whateva. All the buyas were literally undead and Morrin's right hand men took care of 'em, meaning they had to kill 'em. The low bloods and mutants took off. They were left alive..." The troll explained.
"Merlee..." Jaisnt muttered. "Merlee told me, Alex, and Zenira that she went to face Morrin, but she got injured and escaped."
"What does this Merlee girl had to do with him?" Amorra questioned.
"Ah! Oh! Mah boss wanted her because of how powerful she is. The red blood girl is the descendant to the most powerful mage in all of Alternia. The Exiled... she sure showed it during that rainy night. Like something off of a movie! The boss is obsessed over her, wanting her as a weapon. The Exiled was used like a tool of war. Morrin wants to do the same."
"That's basically the whole story." Jaisnt stated. "Looks like Morrin knew that if Merlee were to come back, she'd be coming for him again since she knew where he lived. That's why he decided to move."
"Tell us where he is!" Amorra demanded. "Or else you'll be sent into your own worst nightmares that you'll be spending the rest of your life driven insane until you die from them."
"A-A-Ah!! I-I don't know where he is!I was just told to get rid of the stuff from his old place! I know nothin' about where he is now! Us lesser guys never know what the hell is happenin' most of the time! We're practically expendable!"
"He's telling the truth." Alexandra says as Amorra and Jaisnt turned to look at her. "If he actually knew where this Morrin guy is, he would've  told us the moment you caught him. But... that doesn't leave the fact that maybe there's any kind of document that can hold the location of where he is?"
"As far as I can tell, none of that here. All the files we're burning are regarding trolls that we got stowed away and waiting to be put into auction for the slave trade. He literally didn't want no one to know of anything. He's that strict!"
"Shit..." Jaisnt whispered. "Well, there goes that... I'll have to go back to trying to search for Morrin's new location."
"What do we do with this guy, then?" Alexandra asked. Both Jaisnt, Amorra, and the human looked at each other, shrugging.
"Well... ya could let me go and I'll run off free and not tell anyone about ya all?" The troll said nervously only to get knocked out from behind. Zenira came up behind the troll and hit him directly on top of his head with the butt of her rifle. Looking down at the troll, she turned to everyone and gives a smile and a thumbs up.
"Well... that's one way." Jaisnt said. "Let's leave him here."
"Wh-what?!" Amorra cried out, shocked from what she heard. "This guy will wake up and tell him about us!"
"True..." He crouched down, taking out a grenade, pouring some glue-like substance and had the guys hand wrapped around it, Jaisnt pulled the pin, letting the troll deal with an active grenade. Let go of it, that means letting go the activation for it to set off. "Let's head back." Getting back up, he began walking back to the direction of his hive as the others followed while Amorra took one last look at the guy who is knocked out and then begin to follow the others.
As they walked, Jaisnt turned to look at Alexandra who was quiet, very unlike her. Normally she would be a bit chatty, but not this time. "Hey, Alex."
The girl got back to reality as she turned to look at him. "Uh... yeah?"
"You did great for your first time. You surprisingly were better than me." He praised her as she only smiled slightly from the compliment.
"Honestly... it was only at the end that I did something... I was so scared when they started firing at us. I never been in a situation like that before. Back at Earth, I'd always hear stuff like that on the news. Robbers having a gun fight against police officers, or our troops telling the world their stories of their gun fights. I always thought that stuff like that would never happen to me... I guess I was wrong."
"Well, you didn't expect that you'd be at some random ass planet where the species are violent as hell. That's the biggest thing."
"Yeah... I guess."
"What is a normal life like back your planet then. Tell me." Jaisnt asked.
"Well, like every day to me, normal as it can be." Alexandra answered. "When I was young, I'd get up, eat breakfast, and head to school. Now, I pretty much get up, work on new science experiments or projects and hoping that some of them would be approved by the head scientists, hoping to have my name out there. Though getting to that point was hard..."
"How so?"
"Well... my parents never saw eye-to-eye. My mom and dad would fight all the time. My mom didn't like that my dad was too focus on his work than the family. He was known in the world of science... which didn't make it easier for me in school... meaning I was the kid that has to strive to be the best than everyone else. I'd be the only kid that would have straight As. Nobody would talk to me... there was one time that some of the girls messed with me... they took my stuff and I kept begging them to give them back to me. They were assholes... I didn't know what to do but beg... I wanted to retaliate, but I was afraid of the what would happen if I did... during that fight a couple of minutes ago, it felt like that. I felt like I was ten years old all over again and I was being picked on, not knowing what to do. Whether to just hope until it was all over with... or fight."
"Jeez... that must've been rough. And whatever happened to your... mom and dad? Your guardians, I presume?"
"My mom separated from my dad when I turned fourteen. During that time, I skipped up a few grades and I was practically in college because of my intelligence, that and also my dad helped me get there... and... to be honest... I never liked my dad and how much he pressured me over the years. He literally drove my mom away from me. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together because of how busy my dad made me with constant readings and extra work he had me do... I practically didn't have a normal childhood."
Jaisnt stayed quiet. The human's life is so much different than his. Everyone's lives are different depending on how they are brought into the world with what's told to them, but hers seems like it was forced upon. the planet that she's from is a strange place to him and their customs are odd at best. Though he can see how they're similar. "Alexandra... one day, you have to tell me everything there is to know, and to do, at your homeworld. I know that life, like yours, was not the greatest, but just know that you don't have to do the things that were brought upon you. You're a scientist, right? Are you a scientist because that's your passion? That's something you want to do and succeed in? Or is it because the shadow of your dad still looms over you and you feel like you're still doing everything for him?"
The sudden question from Jaisnt was very sudden that she didn't know how to even answer it. Thinking over it, it literally made her question everything that she has been doing the last couple of years. Was Alexandra doing it for herself? Or for her dad? Taking a moment to reflect on it, she turned to him and responded to him. "I'm doing it for myself."
That was the answer he wanted to hear. Jaisnt smiled, nodding to her. "Good. Do it for you. Not for anyone else. You have been shown the ways to do what you're doing, but after that, you think about yourself. What's important is your own well being. I'm sure your mom would be happy knowing that if you were to meet her one day."
"Thanks..." Alexandra smiled. The rest of the walk is pure silence, but during that time, she thought over what he told her. Ever since her parents separated, she hasn't heard from her mother in so long. Alex assumed that her mother cut all ties to her and her father or maybe her dad is preventing her from speaking to her mother. Whenever she gets back to Earth, she's going to try and look for her and visit her. Catch up on all the years they missed out spending time together.
#Jaisnt Rodnik#Zenira Aracni#Amorra Zeroni#Alexandra Pyrite#ExpositionzOfSilence#this one is a long one...
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redraws of trolls I have been wanting to get to for so long but my lack of motivation just kicks me in the stomach and tell me âNOâ .w.
left to right!
Zenira Aracni | Leanie Cruziv
Verrex Varron | Lidian Aoliaa
the first three I have been wanting to redraw ;w;
mostly Zenira and Verrex. they both needed redraws the most. Zen only because I want her to have innards instead of a very narrow waist. and Verrex only because I finally figured out what I wanted to do with him outfit wise and decided that heâs going the goth route
the other two I just wanted to redraw considering my art has somewhat improved since the last time I drew them ;v;
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Quadrant master post
making this to remind myself because I made one before in the past but I canât find it ;w;
anything bold means that itâs filled
Claire Minola (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nexono Seruex (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Linith Dimava (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Kalios Mashik (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Lensee Varous (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Ulyino Ulvikh (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Protes Olmahk (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Verrex Varron (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Taline Nevaac (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Serena Cryone (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Janyse Marcan (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Jaisnt Rodnik (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Piocis Jonilh (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Fesira Oranaq (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Mnacro Tahirr (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Elanti Atonia (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Varani Xolphi (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galenu Corfee (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Amorra Tarona (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Calrin Jozrei (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Lidian Aoliaa (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Merlee Zodius (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Neonce Vilana (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Xanoys Talisa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Kiliko Hallow (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Keelix Venosa (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Kaalin Venosa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Laxine Fenova (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Manikin (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Rinous Iinabe (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Hexina Linali (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Tonila Travun (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Zenira Aracni (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Leanie Cruziv (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Hirana Niirio (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Orelia Mezeni (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galina Dracor (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nixina Zmatra (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Jaxnyi Saneli (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Anyssa Hanell (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Zaiten Beltos (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cylion Cytone (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Axxiom Donovk (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cilrus Xonova (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Vivily Hammon (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Lemoru Xenett (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<Â
Vexias Calisi (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Aileen (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Denala Fawnox (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Xariva Lagomo (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
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That night...
Alexandra is walking back to Jaisnt's home after spending some time with Merlee for the last couple of days. She's actually glad to finally become friends with her even though it took a while for the human to fully understand the whole magic thing. With positive vibes surrounding her, she finally got to Jaisnt's home, unlocking and opening the door only to be met by darkness. "What the? Why is it so dark?" She muttered to herself, feeling at the walls as she tries to find a light switch of some kind only to be surprised by the lights turning on and to suddenly be cornered by a large group of people. "What?!"
"Happy wriggling day, Alex!" Everyone said, including Jaisnt.
Alexandra raised her brow. "What's that?"
Like that, everyone was silent muttering to each other as one of Jaisnt's friends became more audible. "You forgot to tell her?!"
"Um... uh... shit. To us, it's basically when we're born? Which is your... uh..." Jaisnt tried to explain.
It took a moment for Alexandra to think about, piecing it together. "Born... my birthday... OH! My birthday!"
Everyone agreed as they all clapped, the human now feeling a bit overwhelmed from this but ecstatic nonetheless. Alexandra walked up to Jaisnt, hugging him as he was not prepared from this and just accepted it, wrapping his arms around her to return the favor.
The human pulled away from him, smiling. "You remembered!"
"Well, I have a shit memory overall. But... yeah. I remembered." He responded.
"So... you told everyone who I am?"
"And they're all... okay with-"
"Alex. It's fine. Trust me. They're my friends. I trust them and they trust me. We've all known each other for a long time. Happy wriggling day... or birthday... whatever you humans call it."
Both laughed as everyone cheered, the rest of the night has been chatter, everyone catching up and introducing one another to Zenira and Varani. Alexandra was surprised by the amount of people that Jaisnt is friends with. All of them unique in their own way as she walked around the living as she eavesdropped on conversations. "So what did you do, next, Nex?" Linith says as both she and Serena became intrigued by the story Nexono was talking about.
"So this guy, big guy. Muscular or some shite, came up to me and was like oy! What the hell ya doin causin a ruckus in me bar. Or some crap like that. I just wailed on him, not a single punch even flinched him until I backed him up enough that he slipped on a bottle that was on the floor and fell, breaking his back. Everyone laughed and... oh shite it was damn funny!" Nexono finished as the two girls just let out a sigh of disappointment.
Alexandra then came across Jaisnt speaking with his friends Claire and Taline, seems to be talking about others that hasn't shown up. "So what about Verrex and Protes? Heard from them?" Jaisnt asked.
"Sorry, Jai." Claire answered. "They couldn't make it."
"Yeah. Protes said that he had some important tournament he needed to attend and Verrex... uh... fuck. I don't know. He's mysterious but he said he couldn't make it either. Didn't say why." Taline added.
"What about Ulyino?"
"Jai, you know how he is." Claire began to explain. "Ever since he opened a restaurant, he's been focusing on that. It's his business."
"Right... sorry."
"Hey, Jai, don't feel bad. We know that you wanted to have everyone together again for this moment." Claire says as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We missed you and the time we all have together. Especially meeting your new friends."
Jaisnt smiled a little, slightly nodding as Alexandra began to turn to Janyse speaking with Varani and Zenira.
"So... you can't see?" Janyse asked Varani.
"That is correct though, weirdly enough, I am able to make out outlines of people's auras." Varani explained. "It is the only way I am able to "see" so to speak. It's quite complicated but I am unable to make out detailed features."
"Hmm..." Janyse then turned towards Zenira. "And you're a mute?"
Zenira nodded but then hesitated a bit, putting her hand out flat and twist it back and forth as a "sort of" and then pulled out a piece of paper, writing on it and showed it to her. "I am able to talk but I just choose not to because of my accent."
"Hmm... fair enough." Janyse finished.
Alexandra couldn't help but chuckle from the conversation. She's surprised by the amount of friends Jaisnt has that are girls. Apparently there seems to be only a few male friends he has excluding one, which he has talked about, that used to be his friend but complication ensued that terminated their trust. The human was about to walk to Jaisnt to speak with him but heard a couple of knocks at his door. "I'll get it!" Alex called out, walking to the door and opening it to be surprised by both Merlee and Amorra. "Merlee!"
"Hey. Jaisnt called me." The red blood shyly waved.
"And also me!" Amorra added, hugging the human.
Alexandra smiled, greeting both of them and brought them inside until she sees another troll standing in front of the doorway. "Oh hello."
"Uh... hi... name's Lensee." She answered, rubbing her left arm with her right hand nervously. "I'm... Jaisnt's friend." The brown blood stood there awkwardly.
"Oh, well come in! A friend of Jaisnt's is a friend of mine!" Alexandra smiled as the brown blood hesitated but slowly walked inside as the human closed the door behind her.
Throughout the rest of the night, everyone was having fun, talking, laughing, something that Alexandra hasn't experienced for as long as she can remember. She felt like a normal person, not surrounding herself with tubes, beakers, lab equipment, and worrying about becoming the next scientist on some magazine cover for some discovery she has made. This was something she needed. Not long that Merlee lured the human off to the side and began to speak with her.
"Hey, so I have made progress on the spell." Merlee began to explain the plan they have started to set in motion.
"You have?!" Alexandra was excited for this news.
"Yes. I have practiced immensely with the spell and have also gathered the necessary items that will help aid me to bring you back." Merlee says. "I never done a spell like this, bringing someone across galaxies. The more stuff to help build up my energy, the better your chances of going back home... and seeing your mother."
Alexandra wanted to cry but held back the tears and instead hugged the red blood. "Thank you so much, Merlee! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Merlee merely smiled, hugging her back and pulled away. "Go enjoy your party. You deserve it."
Alexandra nodded, going back to chat with everyone else. A couple hours later, she finally went to Jaisnt, taking him outside of his home to escape the immense amount of people for a while, get some fresh air and some space. "This was really nice what you did for me." She said to the blue blood.
"Well... it's the least I can do." He responded. "You've been... a good friend to me for the time being that you've been here on Alternia. Even helped me get out of the funky mood I was in for a good while."
"It's the least I can do." Alexandra then looked up at the sky, seeing the two moons and the stars shining brightly. "They're great people."
"Your friends. They're good people. I can tell."
"Thanks... it wasn't me that formed the group. I don't remember who did it, but since then, we've all just stuck together growing up. Except for Nexono. He can be a bit... eh... every once and a while. He gets in a shit ton of fights now but, hey, it's his life style."
Alexandra laughed as they both became silent. For a moment, she wondered if this was the best time to finally admit it until she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to look at Jaisnt. "What is it?"
"There's been... something I have been wanting to ask you... but first I want to give you this." He went through his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace with ruby gems on it, handing it to her.
"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" She puts it around her neck, smiling widely. "You shouldn't have bought it..."
"I... I didn't. I made it."
"What?! You make jewelry?!"
"Every once and a while. Some of the gems I find aren't always used to power the weapons I make or whatever. Sometimes I use them for jewelry I make when I have some left over scrap."
"It's lovely! Thank you so much!"
"Yeah... and... this may sound weird, coming from someone that is basically an alien to you... but... uh... I... I-I love you."
The news came to a shock to her, not fully expecting something like this. Alexandra was speechless, standing there quietly as Jaisnt looked nervous, wondering what he said was done poorly. He began rambling, trying to take back what he said, figuring it wasn't the right time or maybe he should not have said it at all considering she and her are entirely different in species. Alexandra just placed a finger on her lip, gesturing him to quiet down as he did so. She then slowly leaned close to him that her face was a good inch away from his as he was confused by this until the human suddenly kissed him, lasting what felt like an eternity. She then pulled away, smiling. "I don't care if you and I aren't the same species or whatever. Love is love, right? How do you say it... matespritship... right?"
Jaisnt was still shocked by the sudden kiss until finally answering. "Um... yeah!"
Alexandra shook her head but laughed from his response. "You have not done this in a while, huh?"
"It's... been a while."
"Then it's good to have a fresh start." She pecked him on the lips, hugging him. "I love you, Jai. Thank you so much this day."
"I love you too and you're welcome." Jaisnt smiled, both hugging under the starry night sky
#Alexandra Pyrite#Jaisnt Rodnik#Claire Minola#Taline Nevacc#Linith Dimava#Nexono Seruex#Lensee Varous#Janyse Marcan#Serena Cryone#Merlee Zodius#Amorra Tarona#Zenira Aracni#ExpositionzOfSilence
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Pure science
Knocking on the door. Multiple times that anyone can count in the span of three minutes. Alexandra got up, hearing the knocks on the door, already getting annoyed by it but wondering why someone would come to Jaisnt's house. Going to the intercom that was next to the front door, she pressed the button and began to speak. "Hello? Who is it?"
"Oh! This is a new voice. Are you Alexandra? The human? I'm a friend of Jaisnt and I came by to drop something off!" They replied back.
A friend of Jaisnt? How many friends does he have? Then again, she doesn't know all of his friends currently other than the ones she has met, or has befriended him in the midst of her. Opening the door, she was greeted with a girl with a crazed, but, joyful look on her face as she quickly stepped in, taking a look at Alex. "Holy shit! He wasn't kidding! You are nothing like us!" The troll quickly grabbed the human's hand, extending her arm and caressed it, feeling the texture of Alex's skin. "Hmm... relatively normal skin texture albeit the color is quite beige in a way. More close to pink." She then pulled out a flash light, shining it in front of Alex's eyes as she was quickly blinded by them. She was ready to say something but was then cut off from the troll's rambling. "Blue eyes, bright, and light. Maybe could be consistent of what could be on the inside..." And the final part was pricking the human's skin with a needle that the troll carries with her, watching the small drop of red blood coming out from the human's finger. "And exactly that, you are indeed human!"
"Hey! Ever heard of personal space?!" Alex yelled.
"Oh... yeah. Sorry! Shit, what are my manners. My name is Linith Dimava. I'm a scientist. I got excited from what Jaisnt told me that I HAD to come and take a look for myself... and do a quick examination."
"Well, I can tell you that this is all you're going to look at... but it's great to meet another scientist." Alex smiled a little. "But Jesus Christ... why do you even have a needle with you?"
"You can never be too sure if you really need one... that and I just remembered having it in my pocket from the last time I used it for my experiments... it is sterilized!"
"You are a weird kind of troll."
"And you are a human stuck in a world where there's hostile species. I came here to meet you... and to give you something that me and Jaisnt have been working up." Linith searched through her pocket, pulling out a metal chip that was almost the size of her palm. "Jaisnt told me of your little adventure out in the city and almost biffing it."
"Ha ha... asshole... so what the hell is that supposed to do?" Alexandra asked but not too confident of what's being shown to her.
"You need a disguise, but obviously you don't want to go through the hassle of putting on make up, getting fake horns and all that stupid crap, right?"
"Uh... yeah! It's a lot of work and it would seem monotonous if I have to keep doing that every day."
"Exactly my thought. So I gave Jaisnt an idea that maybe with his brilliant inventing, and my excellent mind of science, that we can make you something that would able you to change your appearance, minor, without all that hassle. First, I'm going to need you to turn around."
Alex raised a brow, confused from this though she complied and turned around, having her back facing Linith.
"Now, your gonna feel a slight sting... and maybe feel a bit woozy for a quick second, but I assure you that this won't harm you in any way, shape, or form." Linith tugged a bit on the human's shirt, placing the metal chip on her bare back which connects her spine as tiny needles retracted and embedded into her skin. Alex flinched as she felt the needles and almost fell as she was seeing her vision becoming blurry for a moment.
"Okay... so what now?" Alex said until she was caught off guard as the chip retracted out, extending an arm that hovered above her head and then lasers shined all over her body. "What the fuck is going on?!"
"This chip pretty much reads off your body through lasers. It reads your brain that connects to your nervous system, which the needles are connected to on your spine. Once that's done..." And soon enough the human's body began to change, her skin becoming grey and horns appearing on her head. "... It grants you the body of what we look like. Mostly the horns and, if you want to become a sea dweller, fins or gills."
Alexandra examined her skin and then touched the top of her head where the horns are, feeling them. "Please tell me this is not permanent."
"It's not. You are still you. Think of this as some of kind high level illusion using cutting edge science. The horns may seem real, may feel real, but they're not real in some sense. It's pretty much the chip on your back that's doing the work for you to look like the way we do. Here's the best part." Linith pulled out a tablet, showing it to the human as she's seeing a full body image of the human from head to toe. "This is you in troll form. Jaisnt designed this program which would allow you to change whatever you want on appearance horn and sea dweller-wise."
"Wow... this is... really nice of you to do... and Jaisnt, too..." Alexandra takes a look at the program, looking at the horns she has right and touched the screen, editing the horns to not look completely ridiculous and she can even see, from the reflection on the screen, that it is changing what's she's doing in the program. "Holy crap! This... this is amazing!"
"Another neat thing about this is that whenever you're not in public, or near any trolls, you can disable the program and you'll have your normal human skin without horns and all the other stuff."
"Thank you so much. This is really amazing, Linith."
"Thank Jai. He's looking out for you. Let me just tell you one thing, but I'm sure he told you at some point. We are violent people, but some of us want to be peaceful and often times help others that deserve it."
"Yeah... I think he told me something similar to that. Oh... my name is Alexandra... Alexandra Pyrite." The human said, almost forgetting to give her name even after all this.
"Pyrite... that's a name of a-"
"Type of rock. Yeah. On my father's side. He's a scientist like me and that's why I became one."
"Hmm... you have to tell me that story some day. I'd be interested to listen on everything that is human related. But, for now, you don't have to worry about going out in public! You might have to change your first name though... shrink it down to six letters. Anyway, where the hell is Jaisnt?"
"Oh! He's at his shop."
"Well, thank you, miss-"
"You can call me Alex... or Alexa. Whichever you want. I really don't mind."
Linith smiled, nodding to her. "Alright. Thank you, Alex. I hope to see you next time!" The red blood turned and walked away, waving to her as Alex stood and smiled from the generosity that was bestowed to her.
Closing the door, she was then greeted by Zenira, startling her for a moment. "Holy shit! You nearly gave me a heart attack Ze..." Zenira frowned and gestured to her in a apologetic way. "It's okay... I know you didn't mean it. Anyway... what do you think? I look just like you guys now!"
Zenira smiled, nodding to her. "You look nice."
Alex was shocked hearing her speak. She's a mute, right? "You... you can talk?"
"When I want to." The orange blood answered. "But I am still a mute either way."
"Huh... small world I live in. If you can speak, who taught you?"
"My lusus. Our guardians. They all consist of creatures, animals in the wild that gained the intelligence to raise trolls. Mine is spidermom. I was once feral, living off in the wild. I can still remember myself running through the forest butt naked with nothing but my bow and spear, hunting for food, gathering water. Funny how times change."
"That's really interesting..."
"It was. My lusus saw others that were different like me and decided to change my life. She began teaching me the language that all troll's speak. Overtime, I even took the liberty to even look at how troll's acted, how they dressed, how they are to others. Though... I'm still learning."
"I think Jaisnt told me the many stories of you breaking into other people's homes just to steal their food."
Zenira blushed, bowing her head to stare at the floor. "I was hungry! What am I supposed to do?! Starve?"
"It's alright. You're still learning, but I don't think you'll be able to learn the right way if you keep burglaring people's food. Hell, I don't think anyone has done that back on Earth. That just seems weird but partially funny."
"Right... does... your people also deal with anything that they can never explain?"
"Well, there's ghosts and all that, but there's always some rational or scientific explanation for those things."
"What about... magic?"
"Oh god. No. No. I don't want to get into-"
"So you don't believe in it." Zenira said, her words being serious and Alexandra can tell by just hearing and looking at her expression.
"I mean... a lot of things can be explained!"
"How can you explain something that you can never understand? What you can't comprehend?" Alex had nothing else to counter her argument. She was starting to even doubt herself on the whole subject of magic. "A while back... I found an idol. A strange looking one. I thought it would look nice to bring it home, but it broke and something came out of it. A soul. A dark, negative spirit. Ever since then, I keep getting dreams of me being my ancestor, as if I was seeing through her eyes. It's as if I'm peeking through her memories of when she was alive. There are often times I always think I see her in full form and whenever I look back, she's gone. Do you have a way to explain that? Possibly hallucination. Delusions maybe. But why would I have such things like that? I'm not on the brink of insanity nor have I taken anything that would cause me to hallucinate in any way. Alex... whether you want to deny it or even disprove it, magic is real. The super natural, witches, demons, mythical beings beyond our understanding. They're real. This is Alternia. Some day... you'll learn to believe it... but it's not going to be pleasant." Alex was frozen from Zenira's lecture. She didn't know what to even say or how to respond to something that was thrown at her suddenly. "Anyways... have a good evening. I'll be out practicing with my bow if you need me."
The orange blood walked out, leaving Alex alone as she is stuck taking in everything that was told to her. It can be explained, right? Magic doesn't exist. Though now she's not so sure after what Zenira told her and possibly a hint of a warning behind it. Perhaps she should forget it and consider it being something out of character from Zenira. Yes. Just something out of character. Possibly.
0 notes
It is a quiet evening. Merlee is reading her books, figuring out more of the scythe that's in her possession. She has heard some small stories of it, but never believed them to be true. The red blood merely thought it was a myth. Stories say of a wretched witch that practiced with the most heinous kinds of black magic, able to trick the person's minds in the most wicked ways. It was supposed to be something that someone would tell to wrigglers to make them behave but apparently they are very true.
The down side of it is that she does not have much information about the witch or the power she imbued into the weapon. Merlee knows the scythe has magic, felt it resonating by just touching it, humming almost. Almost as if it's speaking to her. Strange way to describe it, but that's the only way she can describe it. Turning a page of her book, she was startled by the sound of knocking at the front door. Pausing for a moment, she had to think about this for a moment. Whoever it could be knocking can be anyone. Possibly Morrin trying to capture her again. Or... it could be Rowyna. Going to her window, Merlee slightly took a peek to see who it could be. Not Rowyna, but three people. Two trolls and some other being that she has never seen before. They could be another one of Morrin's lackies. She wasn't going to let them capture her alive or dead. She has the element of surprise.
The three people outside, on the other hand, waited patiently for the troll to open the front door. "Are you sure this is the right place, Jaisnt?" The girl said to the blue blood.
"I'm sure this is the place." Jaisnt said. "The database on my computer tracked her down to this hive."
"Maybe it could be wrong."
"It's never wrong. I never make anything that gives me false information."
The girl only sighed softly while the other troll, along with them, just stayed silently and away from them, not wanting to be between with their arguing. Jaisnt was about to knock once more until all three of them began to levitate above the ground and a shield, of some sort, forms around them.
"What the hell is going on?!" The girl screamed as she struggled to go back to the ground.
"Calm down, Alexandra." He said and gestured with his hand. "She knows we are here."
As the three of them floated above the ground inside of a bubble-like shield, Jaisnt turned to the front and see something manifest before him. First came the scythe that he had in his shop, slowly appearing in front him and standing straight along with Merlee as she holds onto the staff of the scythe with an angered expression. "You!" The red blood said. "Who the hell are you? Did your boss, Morrin, sent you here to kill me?!"
"Wh-what? Fuck no." He exclaimed rudely. "And how do you even know him?"
"You fucking tell me, smartass." Merlee returned with another retort.
"Wow..." Alexandra sarcastically said. "Way to go, Jaisnt. Aren't you a lady's man."
"Who are you?" Merlee questioned.
"My name is Alexandra Pyrite. I'm a human from the planet Earth." She answered. "I also happened to be a scientist and is currently stuck here on this planet. Now, would you please put me down!"
Merlee paused for a moment as she thought over the request. After a couple of seconds, she taps the ground with her scythe as the three individuals fall to the ground, but leaving the shield up to keep them encased for cautious reasons. Noticing the third troll, who happened to be quiet, she sensed some unstable energies within her. As if some parts of her isn't fully her. "Who is she?"
Jaisnt turned to the orange blooded troll and then to Merlee. "Her name is Zenira. She's a friend of mine." Zenira merely waved. "She's a mute. Also, that scythe belongs to me."
"No. The scythe belongs to no one."
"What the hell does that supposed to mean?"
Merlee only shook her head in disappointment. "Do you have any idea who wielded this scythe?"
"I'm sure a bunch of people have used it."Jaisnt sarcastically said. "I mean I did just find it, so I could be one of the many people that have-"
"This scythe belonged to a wretched witch." The red blood interrupted. "She was the most evil troll that used the most cruel black magics that has ever existed. Look at the markings on the blade." Merlee turned the scythe to show the strange symbols on the blade. "Magic runes. But ones that the witch knows. This weapon is pure evil and shouldn't be wielded by anyone nevertheless sold at a shop for anyone to buy it off of."
The blue blood stayed silent. He may not be an expert into the supernatural or any kind of magic, but from what the red blood is saying, he has to believe it.
"Um... may I interject?" Alexandra said. "But... what the hell kind of nonsense are you saying? Magic? Really? There's no such thing."
"Really?" Merlee questioned. "How could you explain when you were floating or the shield that's right in front of your eyes?!"
"You have some sort of device underneath us that caused a regularity to activate zero gravity, but the shield here is just keeping us in mid air. Controlled zero gravity. And the shield is the same thing. Underneath and blah blah blah."
"Um, Alex." Jaisnt added. "Magic... is real."
"Jaisnt. Shut up. You're not a scientist. I know what I'm dealing with." The human fired back.
Speechless by Alexandra's remark, he turned to the red blood. "Okay... let's forget about the scythe. Let me ask you a question now. How do you know this... Morrin character."
Merlee stood there, looking at the ground to think on how she can word it properly. It's obvious that these people aren't with Morrin, which means she's in no danger at all. It's fair she can let them in. Having the shield fade off into the sky, the red blood opened the front door. "Come in. I'll tell you what I know." She heads inside and both Jaisnt and Zenira followed.
Meanwhile, Alexandra was a bit cautious about the troll. Especially on the idea of "magic." Perhaps she can humor the troll as she finally walked inside, stopping in front of the living room only to hear the door shut behind her. Turning to look at the door, she was puzzled on how it could close on its own. "Uh... how did that happen? Maybe a draft? Where's a fucking air vent?" She whispered to herself.
As Alexandra was off in her own world, Merlee heads into the kitchen and grabbed some glasses and filled them with water, coming back as she lets the glasses of water float to each individual. "Please. Sit down." Merlee genuinely said and gestured over to the couches. Jaisnt and Zenira did so while Alexandra is continued being puzzled and even more so as a glass of water levitates towards her. Hesitantly, the human grabbed it and sat down on a couch.
"Well... how should I start this..." Merlee stammered. "It was odd on how we... met, perse. Started with a message that was given to me for a party he was attending. It was very sudden for someone, who I never knew, invited me to a party. So I thought, why not? I never been to a party nor met any other people that might have an interest in me to even invite me. I felt... happy at that moment and felt like I was being noticed. Dressed all nice in my suit, I went to his mansion which was filled with many high bloods. Very few low bloods. As I was about to head inside, a blue blood stopped me and walked me inside into the grand hall. Humongous. Like... wealthy big. Very spacious grand hall."
"I pretty much know what you're talking about." Jaisnt interrupt. "Me, Zenira, and my ancestor sorta... infiltrated that place for documents that it may have... sorry to interrupt. Continue."
Shocked by the sudden bit of information that was given to her, she continued her story. "I'll talk to you about that sometime... anyway... um, oh! After a bit I finally met him. I didn't know his name at first, or maybe he told me and I can't remember... it was... uh... um, we talked a bit until I saw someone that was familiar to me that made me scared. He is a yellow blood named Kalios. He-"
"Kalios?!" Jaisnt interrupted once more. "How do you know him?"
"Long story..." Merlee answered. "The moment I saw him, and seeing him interact with Morrin all casual-like as if they have been friends for who knows how long, I became cautious and ran away outside to the front until I was stopped. Kalios... poisoned me a while back... making him have complete control over me with a command from his voice. I tried fighting back, but I fainted. Morrin and I met again for the second time... this time he decided to stop by at the place I work. He has powers... something I never seen before, but seems primitive. He stopped time just to speak with me. I guess he thought I might lash out at him and didn't want to make a scene. I wouldn't want it either... I'll give him credit that he's smart enough to think all this to tell me something."
"What... did this Morrin guy tell you anyway just to do that 'hocus pocus' stuff you're saying he's doing?" Alexandra questioned with arms crossed in front of her chest.
"... He told what he wanted me to know. He knew my ancestor, The Exiled." Merlee answered while giving a glare at the human. She was starting to annoy the red blood. "The Exiled is the greatest mage that has ever been known on this planet. She wasn't known as the Exiled before, she was called The Teacher because she taught wrigglers magic and all that they need to know. Terrible things happened to her and being a slave is one of them. Apparently Morrin's ancestor, The Forcer, sold my ancestor to a royal sea dweller and they used her like a weapon. Back then, people feared magic users because of what they don't understand. The Exiled was one they needed to fear. She was powerful... but apparently that's not the case. Morrin says that I'm the most powerful mage that has ever existed and wants me. He made a deal with me. If I were to go with him peacefully, he won't have to terrorize me or try to hurt my matesprit. I didn't take his deal. He left and I left work... haven't gone back since then. I wanted to collect my thoughts on the situation. After that... some stuff happened between me and my mate and we sorta... separated... at that point... I didn't know what to do. I wasn't thinking and decided to take care of Morrin myself to stop this insanity for power... and to have peace for my life and my mate's... at least I hoped. I remember going in front of his mansion as he came out and playfully welcomed me. The last thing I remembered was just... anger. Pure rage and everything else was a blur. The last thing I can recollect is hearing a gunshot through the sound of rain that has been pouring for some time. After that, I felt pain and I blacked out. In short... I fucking hate him."
"Shit... that's some heavy stuff." Jaisnt retorted.
"Yeah, maybe sugarcoating it with all the talk with make up magic and stuff." Alexandra sarcastically added.
And with that, a shadow-like creature appeared from the ground and formed its body in front of the human. "You, human, are asking for a death so profound that you'd wish you can solve it with your science!"
Alexandra screamed, flipping over behind the couch and crawled to a corner. "What the fuck is that?! What the ever living fuck is that?!"
"Parasaiya. Stop." Merlee commanded.
"This human is trying my patience and her rudeness is not tolerable or acceptable." The creature spoke.
"Who the hell is he?" Jaisnt added as he cowered back into the couch. "What the hell is he?"
"My apologies." Merlee said. "This is Parasaiya. He's a shadow creature that was created by my ancestor. He lives within me... or at least taking residence within my mind. He sees and hears everything I see and hear. That and also he can manifest with anyone's shadow."
"Why did she create him?" Jaisnt questioned.
"During the time my ancestor was held prisoner, and kept as a secret weapon for the royal highness, she felt alone and decided to create a being with her magic." Merlee explained. "
"ENOUGH WITH THE MAGIC TALK!" Alexandra screamed. "There's. No. Such. Thing!"
"You, girl, are the most ignorant being I have ever had the pleasure meeting." Parasaiya yelled as his formed frizzed all over, almost wanting to envelop the room in darkness.
"You're a fucking hologram! You cannot hurt me, you outdated piece of machinery!"
"ENOUGH!" Merlee yelled. "Parasaiya. Go away."
"But Merlee!" It begged.
"Stop. I dislike her, too. Just go." Parasiaya merely looked at Merlee as it calmed itself, retracting itself to its normal form and floating down into the ground from a shadow that belonged to Zenira. "Miss, Pyrite. I don't care if you believe in magic or not, but I have four words for you: shut the fuck up. Otherwise, I will make you believe in magic the hard way and so help me, you do not want to even experience it. Now, be a good girl and be quiet."
Alexandra slowly got up from her corner, rolling her eyes and sat back down on the couch, glancing around her as she's cautious.
"Well... this is something." Jaisnt awkwardly said. "So... I'm gonna guess that the whole story you said was it... right?"
"Yes. That's the whole story of what I know about Morrin."
"I have much more information on him, but that will be saved for another time. Um... also... sorry about intruding you about the whole... uh... yeah. I'll forget about that. I don't deal with the whole magic stuff." Jaisnt said, slowly turning to Alexandra as she only scoffed at him.
"It is alright. "
"So... maybe we can help each other. Morrin happen to also be our main subject because of the things we're afraid he might do."
"I'd be glad to join in, but only if you need me. I have more important things to do at the moment. I've been busy looking for information on the scythe and its inventor, the witch. Among other things, I've also been searching for my mate... but that's personal for me."
"Understandable. Thank you miss...?"
"Merlee." She smiled. "Merlee Zodius. Thank you for having this talk with me despite the odd start."
Searching around in his pocket, Jaisnt eventually pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Merlee. "My contact information to get in touch with me. I'm a black and gunsmith. Plus, I am also a robotics expert and weapon specialist. If you ever need me... or if I'll ever need your expertise." Merlee looked at the paper with the information on it and then looked at the blue blood, nodding to him. "Well, see ya. Come on, gang."
Jaisnt headed to the front door, walking out as Alexandra followed, stopping for a moment to turn to look at Merlee only to give out her middle finger at the red blood. Merlee returned the favor with the double middle fingers and grinned as she used her magic to cause Alexandra to fly out of the front door. Hearing a scream, Merlee couldn't help but giggle only to stop to see Zenira in front of her face. "Oh, Zenira..." She said. "Is something wrong?"
The orange blood only stared at Merlee for a while until giving a toothy smile. For a mute, she seems adorable despite the odd choice of clothing she's wearing. All of a sudden, the orange blood gave a hug and when she did, images flashes before Merlee's mind that she had to pull away from her to recollect what she just saw. Zenira was both upset and confused by the reaction. "I'm sorry Zenira..." Merlee apologized. "I... I-I'm sorry..."
The orange blood frowned and walked out the front door. The hive is now empty. Merlee stood where she is to try and figure out what was shown to her until Parasiya came back again to speak. "I hate that human."
Merlee couldn't help but let out a chuckle from that as it distracted her from what she was thinking. "So do I, Para. So do I."
0 notes
A visitor
It is almost time. Alexandra Pyrite. The first scientist to visit a different planet through her teleportation machine that she has bult for two years. She quickly grabbed a recorder and began speaking into it. "This is Alexandra Pyrite. I have finally put in the coordinates to the planet that I have been studying thoroughly on for the past three months. I have run some tests, but now... it's time for a live subject and I, myself, decided to go into the machine."
Stopping the recorder, she sets it down and walked over to a video camera pointing at the machine. Putting it on record, she prepared the machine and walked over to the pad until looking over to the camera and spoke once more. "This is my first test on a human subject to be sent to planet AP-22, which I have named. I do not know what to expect which is why I am sending as little electronics as I can to not mess with the electromagnetic polarity of this machine. I'm only bringing my phone and that will be it, but if I do happen to make it to the planet, I will be recording and hopefully find a way to come back to Earth and bring the information of what I got."
Steadying her glasses, she waited patiently until a beam of light blinded her for a moment, a loud whirring sound came from the machine and when she opened her eyes, she was in a different place. It wasn't her lab. Not at all. Looking down beneath her, she realized she's standing on a smaller teleportation pad. Possibly a modified version of the one she made back at home. Slowly stepping off of it, she looked around, pulling her phone out and began to go on video camera mode, checking around the place she's in.
It wasn't long until she heard a door opening and quickly went against the wall. She then heard a voice speaking in some odd language she has never heard. Peaking around the corner she sees a person, humanoid, but with... grey skin and horns? Raising her eye brow, she stayed cautious as she can be until hearing footsteps behind her, then feeling something poking her back. At this point, she was afraid to look back. Is she gonna die now? Turning around, she sees a female holding a rifle though she wished she didn't see her now by how she's dressed.
The girl let out a whistle and the other person came into the room that Alex is cornered in. Soon the male came over and only let out a sigh. "God damn it. Who the hell are you?" He said in Alternian. Alexandra only raised an eye brow, confused as to what he said.
"Uh... what did you say?" She asked. "I'm... I'm from Earth. Planet Earth."
The male pulled out some kind of device and it seemed to have translated to what she said. "Oh... oh! Well... shit." He said, feeling awkward at this moment and began speaking in English. "Shit. Okay... this is going to sound weird, but uh... you aren't accepted here so I don't know why you are here."
"Wait... you can speak English?!"
"Um... yeah."
"No... wait a fucking second. This is a prank isn't it?"
"... What?"
"This is a prank, right? God damn it! Those fucking Jeffersons beat me to it and sabatoged my machine, watching through hidden cameras and making fun of me right now!"
"... Who?"
"How much?"
"How much are they hiring you to act like this?!"
The male raised a brow and closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance. 'Are humans all like this?' He thought. Taking her arm, her brought her outside and showed her what she needed to see. At that point, she didn't want to believe it, but with the humanoid-looking species, it was hard to believe. The outside, however, was different as she sees a bright green sun, purple skies and lucious, colorful trees. At that point, she knew she had to believe that she actually did make it.
"Welcome to Alternia. Hopefully you're not planning to stay." He said, walking back inside. Alexandra snapped back to reality and then followed him back inside and questioning on the mention of what he said. "What do you mean? Why not?! I didn't come all this way just to see trees and stuff and then go back home!"
"Trust me. You don't want to check this planet out." He said, heading down into the cellar as the girl goes down with him. Alexandra only pouted and followed him down, seeing a display of many weapons. Even some robotics that she never thought she would see in a million years. The technology and the advancement of weapons was far beyond what she imagined. "Wow... you are an advanced race of..."
"Trolls? That's what you call yourselves?"
"Yes. We are known as trolls. My name is Jaisnt Rodnik. I'm a blue blood. I am bot a black and gunsmith as well as a robotics expert. The person you met is my friend, Zenira. She was once a feral and is trying to learn to fit into society." Alexandra turned to Zenira as the girl smiled and stuck her tongue out at her. Alex only gave a hesitant waved and continued speaking.
"Wait, wait, wait... blue blood?"
"Yes, I'm a blue blood. Or, in other words, a high blood. Our society is split into blood colors, or castes, as some would like to call them. Similar to yours where there's a class system."
"So... there's... different blood colors?"
"Yup. I'm a blue blood. Zenira is an orange blood and there's many others. Low bloods are red up to olive. Mid bloods are jade upt to teal. And high bloods are blue up to tyrian though tyrian bloods, any hue of blood that is tyrian are sea dwellers."
"But... you haven't answered my question on why I shouldn't stay here? Or at least stick around?"
Jaisnt let out a sigh, sitting down on a chair and got back to work on something he started in the morning. "Alternia... isn't like Earth. We are a violent race. There's some high bloods that think they're better and would do anything they can to empower anyone that isn't high blood or are not pure. Mutants are out of the questions. They get the worse of it from high bloods."
"Mutants? Like... birth defects?"
"What? What the hell is that? Sounds awful."
"It sorta is. Pretty much some humans are born with odd defects and are often ridiculed or made fun of for it as they grow older, but it's not their fault that they got it. Just the way of life, pretty much."
"So do humans have black blood? Or are born with certain animal features like tail, ears? Or have white hair?"
"Uh... not anything close to that."
"Well, welcome to our planet. You're bound to see a lot of things that you never thought would even be real. Alternia has it all. Even magic."
From the mention of magic, Alexandra couldn't help but chuckle. "What? Magic? Are you for real? What the hell is this? Harry Potter? There's no such thing as magic. It's literally just some special effect stuff."
Jaisnt let out another sigh. "You have a lot to learn... uh... what the hell is you name?"
"Alexandra Pyrite. I'm a scientist on Earth."
"Wow, that's a mouthful. And a scientist, huh? I have a friend who's a scientist. Does the same sorta stuff you're doing, but goes a bit extreme over it. Also... she's a bit of a flirt."
"You guys have scientists here, too?!"
"Like I said, we have everything from the kitchen sink."
"Holy crap! I need to explore more!" She said and soon she was off and out of Jaisnt's home as the blue blood tried to stop her.
He eventually gave up as soon as she got too far away from his reach. Standing where he is, Jaisnt watched as she ran. "Why do I always get stuck with the crazy ones? Oh well. She's gonna back anyway. She doesn't know where the hell she's going."
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Into the mind
It has been a few days since the infiltration at the mansion of Morrin Luccan, a blue blood that left Jaisnt and his ancestor, The Commander, wondering if he's still continuing the deeds of his ancestor. From the information Jaisnt took, there's a lot more to it than he figured. With the info he took, he doesn't need to worry about it until Zenira fully recovers.
Jaisnt has been watching her, but the sight of Zenira the day when they infiltrated the place, the day they were captured, she saved him though her eyes, the voice from her. It sounded exaclty like her voice, but her whole demeanor changed, something he didn't expect at all and the way the guards ran away in fear as if she showed them something. Though she didn't make him hallucinate what they did.
Jaisnt sat in the living room with Zenira on the couch, keeping an eye on her whenever he can. She hasn't woke up since they escaped. He's worried. Not knowing what to do. He has met other trolls with abilities he can't possibly explain, but never know what to do if it takes a toll on them. Jaisnt is just a normal troll. Fire arms is the only skill he knows for as long as he can remember.
Silence shrouded the living room. Quiet for some time since his ancestor left to leave him and Zenira alone. That soon ended when he heard Zenira coughing and waking up. Jaisnt quickly looked over her and seen her quickly jerked up and started panicking.
"Hey! Hey!" Jaisnt said, trying to calm her down. "It's okay! It's me, Zenira."
Zenira looked around and seen Jaisnt in front of her as she breathed heavily.
Jaisnt sighed contently as she calmed down a bit. "It's okay. We're okay. You me. You got us out, but... I wanted to ask, do you remember everything that happened?" He questioned.
Zenira stared at him, silent as ever, but quickly nodded. This was the same demeanor he knew before they got captured. Seeing her acting normal actually scared him a bit knowing the other side of her.
"Zenira... I know that you don't wish to talk, you want to stay a mute, but there's still a lot that I don't know about you." Jaisnt said.
Zenira frowned, positioning herself so she's sitting on the couch and looked at the floor. After a while of silence, she looked at him and placed her hand on his head, her thumb touching his forehead. As soon as he opens his mouth to question what she doing, her eyes glowed again and everything blacked out. He opened his eyes and only find himself in a black abyss with a white road leading to somewhere.
Looking around he knew it was one of these situations. Only logical explanation is to follow the road. He doesn't know how long it took him, but he finally reached a door at the end of the road, opening it to find himself in some place. It was odd. Everything looked out of the place as if he's not on Alternia anymore but in some other alien world. There was a road in the world he was in and followed it.
It wasn't long until he reached a waterfall, or at least what looked like a waterfall, but the water flowing in reverse. Next to the shore, sitting on the grass is Zenira, but her outfit is different and it seems to be misty-like, the tails flowing in the air and dissipating like smoke. She looked over at him, her eyes seemed to bleeding some black sludge, following down her face and turning into mist. On her head there is another horn on the opposite side mimiking the other, but it looked very spectral than an actual horn grown from her head.
Jaisnt stood there in shock, not knowing what to say until she started to speak. "Jaisnt. Don't be afraid." She said with an accent.
"Zenira... I... I don't understand." He said, unsure of what is going on.
"That's okay. Let me explain." Zenira said. "I choose to become a mute because of what I am. I'm not a normal orange blood, overall a normal troll. I was once feral, that is true, but there's a lot more to me. During the time I was trying to berid of my feral nature, I underwent some... change. I don't know how to describe it. Something happened to me that must have involved my ancestor somehow, The Fang. I don't know anything about her, but... I do.... somewhat. I never read anything about her. Does... that make sense?"
"No. Not at all." He said. "You have to know your ancestor by studying, finding things about them... did... did you find anything involving your ancestor? Like some sort of object? Maybe something that you didn't know it belonged to her?"
She sighed heavily, extending her hand out, her palm flat upright as a black smoke of of an object formed. The object formed into a small figure with extra legs like a spider on its back. "During the time I was learning to speak, I found this in the woods onto some shrine. I picked it up and the next thing I knew, I began having visions that weren't mine. Visions of her past and even gaining some of her powers. It all still doesn't make sense to me yet either. I chose to be mute because of the accent I have. I... feel like I'm not actually who I think I am. I try to look into the visions, but it's all hazy. I want to know who she really is, what she was back then. Maybe then I wouldn't feel ashamed about talking."
"I see." He finally spoke. "So this... what is this place?"
"A realm into my mind." Zenira said. "Each person has their own realm within their mind. Each one different than the other. My realm is very... interesting. A lot doesn't make sense, but it's because I still don't make sense. I know a lot isn't making sense, but I appreciate you dealing with me. I... just wanted to say thank you for everything... even though... I haven't talked." She smiled, standing up.
Jaisnt stood there and smiled a little. "Hey, I'm just glad hat I can help you in any way I can. We need to look out for each other."
Zenira nodded. "Well... it's time for us to meet each other in the real world."
Jaisnt nodded and soon everything seem to distance himself, as if he's being forced to go away from the location. Before he knew it, a bright light came and he was back where he is, in front of Zenira. She took her hand away from Jaisnt's head and looked at Jaisnt, sighing heavily.
Jaisnt stayed silent for a while. He stared at her for a while before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. We look out for each other." He said, Zenira looking at him with a surprise look. "And I'm willing to help you trying to find out about your ancestor."
Zenira stared at him for a moment and had a big smile on her face as she pounced on him into a hug, knocking him to the ground with a groan left from him.
"Okay...! That hurt!" He said on the ground. At least she still has her joyous spirit.
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It has been a couple of days since the last time Jaisnt has met his ancestor and the discovery of The Forcer being the ancestor of a descendant named Morrin Luccan. Now, The Commander, Jaisnt, and Zenira are about to infiltrate Morrin's mansion. Jaisnt and Zenira will be sneaking outside the perimeter of the mansion while Jai's ancestor gets to be the eyes and ears inside.
"Zen, here's your weapon." Jaisnt said, handing Zenira a tranquilizer rifle. Zenira examined it for a moment, pulling the bolt and looking inside to not see a bullet inside. "It doesn't have a bullet. We don't want to make a bit commotion when we're sneaking in. We're using tranquilizers that will put trolls asleep."
Zenira tilted her head a bit until nodding as she understood it. Jaisnt got himself ready and walked over to his ancestor who is getting ready. "You know how long it has been since I have been into one of these events?" The Commander asked.
"I don't know." Jaisnt replied. "How long?"
"A long time." He answered. "The last event I was in was when I with The Swordsman. Orilon. Months before we both had to fight each other and ended up with me dying... and her taking her own life... anyways, I have the wire on me. I will update you on anything that is going on."
"Thanks. Let's head out." With that, all three did. A couple hours later, they all made it to the mansion with Jaisnt and Zenira heading around the back, leaving Jaisnt's ancestor to heading into the party. The interior was large enough to hold hundreds of trolls and it was full of them. It overwhelmed Korvan as he looks around and seeing many trolls roam about and talking to one another. Many of the trolls are high bloods, and practically few low bloods.
In an event like this, and it being crowded, it would make it easier to snatch low bloods and mutants. As Korvan walked around, Jaisnt and Zenira sneak around to the back entrance, knocking out two guards and heading inside. 'I didn't think they would have this many guards for just a party.' Jaisnt thought as he and Zen made it past through a corridor with multiple rooms on both sides. 'There must be something here that would have this much security.'
Meanwhile, The Commander bumped into a troll who seemed very fanatic. "Oh I'm terribly sorry, miss."
"Oh, no, no, no! Don't be sorry!" She said and quickly shook his hand. She was a blue blood and had on a white dress, but had on glasses and beanie hat that didn't match the whole outfit. Especially had piercings on her lip, left eyebrow, and and on her nose. "How are you? Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Axlyss Dremor. I pretty much hunt ghosts and catch them on video or audio. You might have heard of me."
Korvan stood there, confused and only shook his head to answer her response. "I have not heard of you, but did you say you hunt... ghosts?"
"Yes!" Axlyss answered with excitement in her voice. "The paranormal, the spirits, the after life. All that stuff has interested me for as long as I could remember. Don't you think it's weird that you see day walkers plain as day? Or knowing that rainbow drinkers are actually dead, but still have a material body and are cold as freakin' ice when you touch them?!"
"The thought... never occured to me." He replied.
"Well, that's why people like me want to look for those answers!" Axlyss confidently said. "Alternia is a crazy world with people having powers or whatever, but spirits have the most power out of everyone, if you think about it. There was this one time I got an audio recording, or an e.v.p. recording, of a ghost looking for someone. Said something about a commander or something along those lines. Must've been in the fleet."
The mention of that sent chills down Korvan's spine. Could it be? The Swordsman looking for him? It wasn't long before he was soon interrupted by someone approaching him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello there, sir." The troll said. "I apologize for intruding on your conversation, but my name is Morrin Luccan."
Korvan looked at him for a moment and returned back to the task at hand. "Ah, you must the host of this wonderful event. It's a pleasure, mister Luccan." He answered and bowed slightly, leaving Axlyss behind.
"Uh... okay. Cool. You can go with that guy." She said, seeing them leave her. "Follow me on my blog!"
"I'm terribly sorry that you had to leave the conversation you were having with that young lady over there." Morrin said.
"Do not worry." Korvan answered. "I didn't know who she was and she just caught me by surprise and, well, I had a conversation with her unexpectedly."
"I could see that." Morrin said as he looked at Korvan with suspicion. "What is your name, by the way? I don't believe you ever said your name."
Already, Korvan's heart sank. Should he use his first name? No. He shouldn't or else they would start suspecting. Quickly, he chuckled and lied his name. "Vandrr Okrino. That was rude of me."
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, mister Okrino." Morrin said until he was interrrupted as a troll came by. He seemed to be a yellow blood that whispered next to Morrin's ear. It didn't take long until Korvan noticed his horns and that wasn't until the troll's eyes widened as soon as he took a look at Korvan. "Excuse me. I have some business to attend to, but do enjoy the party, mister Okrino." Morrin left, but the yellow blood stared at Korvan more until a sinister grin appeared and he followed suite.
With Korvan by himself, he touched his ear piece and quickly talked to Jaisnt. "Jaisnt. Come in. I made contact with Morrin Luccan. How's it going along on your end?"
Jaisnt and Zenira quickly made it to an office, bringing two sleeping guards inside and locking the room. Hearing his ancestor's voice coming through his ear piece, he quickly answered. "We made it inside an office. The security in here is fucking crazy. I never seen this many guards. I'm gonna be searching through the files and see what we can find. Keep us updated on what he's doing."
Ending the talk, Jaisnt looked back at Zenira and ordered her to keep watch. She nodded and did just that as Jaisnt looks through the file cabinets and rummaging through the files. What he found was something that proved what he and his ancestor had theorized. "You've got to be kidding me..." Jaisnt whispered to himself. "Morrin met his ancestor through a time traveling device. And let Morrin to continue his legacy."
Taking out his phone, he quickly took pictures of all the files including one that surprised him the most. "What's this? Project ZERO? This seemed important. I'll take this." He said to himself and stuffed the file into his pocket until guards came storming in through the room. Catching both Jaisnt and Zenira by surprise, one guard stuffed a sack over Zenira's head and carried her out of the room and did the same to Jaisnt, but punched him in the stomach to weaken him a bit.
Korvan continued to roam about the crowd and overheard the commotion coming from his ear piece. Already, he was feeling concern and quickly looked around to see where Morrin is, hoping whatever happened didn't relay back to him.
While Jaisnt's ancestor is busy in the party, Jaisnt finally had his sack pulled as he was sitting in a single room with two guards and with Zenira next to her with the sack still over her head. Already, Jaisnt start off with his sarcastic nature. "Hey fellas! Did you catch your buddies sleeping off the job?" He sarcastically commented and instantly got a punch to the face in return.
"Listen here, asshole, you're gonna tell us what you two are doing here." The guard demanded.
Jaisnt sighed heavily and shook his head. "Sorry. I can't tell you. I mean I could, but, honestly, me knowing is more important. Otherwise what would the point be of keeping a secret?" Jaisnt answered with a smile and received another punch to the face. Zenira let out a gasp of concern underneath the sack covering her face.
At this point, the guard turned their attention to Zenira and walked in front of her. "Maybe she'll talk. If not, we'll make her talk." The guard reached out to grab the sack, but was interrupted by Jaisnt stopping him. "What now? Ready to talk?"
"Actually... I wouldn't take that off of her head, if I were you." Jaisnt lied. "Bad things can happen to you guys."
The guard looked at him and then looked at the other guard standing by the doorway and shrugged. "Nice try, asshat." The guard said and took off the sack and instantly heard shrieking as a grotesque spider became pouring out and jumped at him. Both he and the other guard screamed while Jaisnt sat where he is, hearing the guards screaming to get whatever they were seeing off of them.
"Holy shit... I should never get on her bad side." Jaisnt whispered to himself, seeing the chaos from the guards as they just ran out of the room. For a moment, Jaisnt could of sworn he saw glow in their eyes and apparently it caused a chain reaction as he's hearing screams echo across the hall and towards the room they're in. With both Jaisnt and Zenira alone, Zen got out of the ropes that tied her in.
Jaisnt was afraid to look at her, but he heard her voice. Her voice? It didn't sound Alternian, though he heard her voice as clear as day as he looked at her, her eyes glowing. "Oh my god..." He said to himself. The next thing he knew, the ropes that held him were released and he was dragged out of the room by hand.
Back at the party, Korvan has been looking everywhere for Morrin and finally spotted him at a balcony, looking off at the guests until finally looking straight at Korvan. As Korvan stared at him, he noticed the same yellow blood came to talk to him about something and that was when he knew that he was in trouble. Though it wasn't before long until screaming came into the main hall as guards came screaming and jumping off the balcony that caught Morrin by surprise.
The sudden scene got everyone to panic and began leaving. This became Korvan's cue to leave as he blended in with the crowd, walking out and touching his ear piece to get in touch with Jaisnt. "Jaisnt? Where are you? Are you okay?"
"We're okay!" Jaisnt answered. "Me and Zen got caught, but thanks to Zen, we got out of there. We got everything we need. I'll fill you in when we get back."
"Got it." Korvan responded. "I'll meet you back at your place." With that, he took out his ear piece and dropped it, walking over it and breaking it.
Jaisnt and Zenira quickly left through the same entrance they went in and got as far away as possible. It wasn't long until the glowing on Zenira's eyes finally fade and they went back to normal though she collapsed to the ground. Jaisnt worryingly grabbed Zenira, placing her right arm around him and helped her walk. "Come on, Zen. I got you." He said. "We're heading back. And when we do, you can rest... you earn it for getting us out."
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Ancestor and descendant
It has been a long day. Jaisnt slept on his couch while Zenira was in his cellar looking over at all his firearms, making sure they were all functioning correctly. The last couple of months, Zenira finally got Jaisnt's trust and even enough to help him around the hive. Though mainly checking on the weaponry he makes. Even she worries about him overworking too much.
As she was about to check the next firearm, she heard some noises coming from upstairs, loud thumping noises as if someone just entered inside. Stopping what she's doing, she quickly grabbed her spear and slowly walked up and out of the cellar and checked around. Jaisnt is still asleep which leaves the second floor.
Before she was about to head up the stairs, she was soon on the floor as she was knocked down as she exited the doorway of the cellar. The noise instantly woke Jaisnt up as Zenira quickly got up, preparing charge her spear on the intruder as it moves it away and uses their palm to knock her back down. Groaning, she quickly crawled back as Jaisnt got his hand gun ready and approached the invader who had their back facing him. "Who are you!" Jaisnt demanded. "What do you want?"
The troll stood where they were, hands up in the air as soon as they heard the sound of a gun drawn on them. They slowly turned around and looked at Jaisnt directly in the eyes. "Title, The Commander. Leader of the Imperial Fleet. Also... the leader of the regime of rebellions. Real name, Korvan Rodnik." The troll spoke. Jaisnt stood where he was and slowly lowered his gun, surprised that his ancestor is here, right in front of his own eyes. "I believe we have met. Though not enough for us to properly speak to each other considering I left that temple."
"Ancestor... why? Why are you here?" Jaisnt asked while grabbing Zenira's arm and bring her back up.
"There's a bit I wish I can tell you, but not right now." The Commander answered. "Though I can tell you how I am... alive. I can tell you that it was overwhelming, as you can see from the reaction when I saw you and your friend... by the way, who was your friend that was with you? All I can remember was that she had-"
"Rings around her horns." Jaisnt answered. "Yeah... she... she was my moirail. That day we both went to the temples you used to be in to find any more journals of you. She came along to hopefully find anything involving her ancestor and why she has the rings around her horns."
"What happened to her?"
"... I don't know. She disappeared." Jaisnt said timidly, not wanting to think of it. "I don't want to talk about it. At this point, I've had people that were in my quads that just suddenly disappear without a trace. It's been hard for me to cope with something like that."
"I understand." The Commander said, staring at Zenira who's been eyeing him angrily. "I'm... terribly sorry for what I did to you, miss. Normally I would knock on the front door, but I wanted to be careful. I am a trained fleet commander, after all."
Only response Zenira gave is sticking her tongue out at him. Jaisnt only chuckled as she walked away and sat on the couch. "Um... her name's Zenira." Jaisnt said. "She's an ex-feral troll. She sorta broke into my hive to get food and I have been teaching her on how to normally live in troll society and been letting her help with me around here."
"I see." His ancestor responded. "Is she always..."
"Quiet? Yes. She's a mute." Jaisnt answered once more. "She can talk, but she just... refuses to. Even I don't know. She wrote to me that I'm not ready to know."
"Interesting. Never met an individual that is a mute but can talk... just refuses to. Usually it's when they don't like their voice or because they speak a different language."
"You think that's the case?"
"It's only what I assume. I just came here and knocked her down to the ground in self defense."
"But... you started it?"
"... Anyway..." His ancestor changed the subject as he finally felt awkward after that question. "I came here to make sure you were okay."
"What do you mean?" Jaisnt questioned. "Why would I not be okay?"
"This... has something to do as to why I'm alive." Korvan answered with concern in his voice. "The Resurrector knew he would have a descendant that would carry out his deeds. I told him that if I were to die that I need you to send the message to your descendant to resurrect me. It eventually happened. But... I wasn't the only one. Apprently word is going around that The Decapitator was revived a couple months after me and is stirring up things. To make matters worse, I intercepted a radio transmission that there's a fleet ship coming back."
"A... fleet ship?"
"Yes. The ship is called the Eye of Titan. The ship housed the ruthless to conquere planets, even sent out mercenaries or hunters to catch the beings and make them bow under the Empress." The Commander answered and continued. "Once they completed their mission, they were ambushed and their ship was set off course. They repaired the damages on their ship, but it would take a long time until it could get back on its original course back to Alternia. So they all went in cryostasis to wait it out. Eventually, they all woke up and now their ship is arriving soon. Inside housed the most feared mercenary, but theyr call her a hunter because of how she treats her prey. Her title, The Huntress, proves it. I met the woman... there's... nothing right when you talk to her. Like she's not even a troll. It's as if she's a monster. Everyone is terrified to speak to her and her coming back is not great news considering her reptuation."
"Who does she hunt?" Jaisnt questioned, but he already knows the answer to that.
"Mutants. Low bloods. Trolls that are betrayers to the empire." His ancestor answered once more. "When they tell her to hunt someone, she'll take the job and will kill them without any hesitation. Even enough to treat them like their animals by chasing them. She said that it's the fun in the hunt. It'd be too easy to just get the prey right then and there... monstrous woman. I don't even know if I'd call her that."
Jaisnt stood where he is. This was a lot to take in all at once. Even now that he was about to get ready to infiltrate a troll's mansion across from his forest. Elanti's ancestor coming to life and another feared one coming back is too much. "Is... she also alive?" Jaisnt stared at his ancestor and asked the last question he'll have.
Korvan looked at him for a moment in confusion. He didn't know what Jaisnt was talking about until he finally figured out what who he meant. "No... she's not alive. Though I don't think she'd forgive me." He stayed quiet and then breaks the silence by clearing his throat. "So... I hear that you are planning to break into someone's place?"
"How... did you know?"
"You being my descendant, and knowing I'm alive, you'd expect that I would snoop around and see what you're doing. I was the leader of the small band of rebels and I did a good number of infiltration and recon missions. Being the commander of the fleet has its perks. Have you got anything on this troll you're planning to break into?"
"Just that he throws parties a whole fucking bunch." Jaisnt answered. "Seriously. I feel like this guy has nothing better to do and just throws parties all the damn time."
"And what else...?"
"His name is Morrin Luccan. Blue blood and the descendant of The Forcer." Jaisnt responded and instantly, his ancestor's eyes widened as if he just saw a ghost. "Nothing much on him though."
"The Forcer... it can't be..." His ancestor whispered to himself. Jasint just stood there, confused and expecting an answer. "The Forcer... he was given that title because of the things he did... terrible things. I had the misfortune of seeing it with my own eyes. During the times I was with the fleet, The Forcer would capture low bloods and would put them in horrific situations, enough to just break them and brainwash them to becoms his servants. Though he would take low bloods with powerful psiionics and use them as the empires weapons. Their scars... from all the abuse they were put through and using their powers to the breaking point until they die... was saddening. Other than that, he also had something else on the side lines, but I could never figure out what it was. He had a device and up to this day I could never figure out what it does. The the only thing I know is that he always randomly disappear."
From the mention of a device, Jaisnt thought for a moment and instantly remembered something that his friend, Linith, was trying to accomplish all this time. "Wait, I think that device was a time machine. It could only make sense! He must be going either forward or backwards in time to do something."
"He has always that he's worried about his legacy... then... that means he's..."
"Going forward in time. Bringing the knowledge he knows to his descendant!"
"There must something that Morrin must have involving his ancestor." His ancestor said. "We have to find out what that is."
"In a couple of days. We'll infiltrate that place. He throws parties a fucking lot. We'll use that as our cover."
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characters I am currently redrawing

Zenira Aracni (thereâs a good reason why I am redrawing her... itâs quite obvious on that picture .w.)

Leanie Cruziv (also planning on giving her a new haircut :o)

Verrex Varron (planning on giving him a goth look)

Lidian Aoliaa (just want to =u=
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The misunderstood food thief (open rp)
So much to learn. Yet, still haven't learned not to break into people's hives for food. Zenira quickly runs as a troll is chasing her. Worse that it's in the city where there's not a lot for her to hide. If it was in the forest, she could've easily get at the top of the trees and be hidden right away.
Finding an alley way, she quickly turned the corner and kept running just to be sure. Zenira hid behind a dumpster, waiting to hear footsteps to see if the troll followed her. A minute later, it seemed she was in the clear and the troll either stopped chasing her or kept running where they thought she went. She lets out a sigh of relief, getting out of the alley and peeked her head out to make sure the troll isn't around.
The orange blood is in clear and getting odd stares from certain trolls as a crowd of people suddenly came out of nowhere, filling up the streets. How do trolls even get through places like this in the city? She thought. So many people and some giving off weird looks. Maybe it's what she's wearing. She does only have on shorts, a tied up bra, torn stockings, boots, and a sweater with the sleeves ripped off.
Nonetheless, she finally gains the courage to come out of the alley and walk through the city, as scary as it is to her. It's huge and one person could easily get lost. She doesn't know what a lot of things are but she thinks Jaisnt told her once. Stores? Is that what they're called? Too preoccupied by the variety of things that are in the city, she bumped into someone. Falling to the ground, she let out a grunt and quickly looked up at the person in annoyance.
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Breaking and entering (open)
>Youâll never learn. Though you donât think youâll ever learn at this point considering how hungry you can get out of nowhere. You quickly ran up to a hive, carrying yourself your wooden spear and bow, looking around the home to see any defenses. So far, most hives always seemed to be covered with some type of defense to keep intruders, like you, away. Seeing nothing that would be considered dangerous, you quickly climbed onto the hive, breaking the window on the top floor and entered a room.
>You walked quietly, making your way out of the room, down the hall, and down the stairs. Looking around for a bit, you found the kitchen and instantly smiled, walking towards it. Looking inside the fridge, you pretty much grabbed whatever is inside and ate it. Some of it being meat, which you constantly eat a lot of. You sat down and enjoyed yourself for the time being.
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Small hunt (open rp)
Remember what was taught to you. Never make a sound but your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Then take the shot. Zenira reminded herself in her thoughts, aiming with a rifle at hand, watching an elk slowly stopping at its tracks. Putting the finger on the trigger, she breathed in and then out, pulling the trigger and the gun went off. Just like that, the large elk was hit quickly went off running, bleeding out.
Zenira began to chase after it through the trees, jumping from branch to branch until the elk finally slowed down near a river, lying down as it finally lost both the energy and blood to keep going. She carefully dropped down to ground level, going over to the elk with a knife in hand while running her other hand over the animal, shushing it. The large elk breathed in heavily while Zenira began humming, wanting to calm it down. She caressed the fur of animal, letting her hums soothe the animal. When the humming stopped, she stabbed it, making sure it didnât suffer anymore.
Sighing heavily, she puts away her knife and puts her rifle behind her back, grabbing the dead elk by its leg and began to drag it, heading back to her home.
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World of mysteries (open rp)
Zenira is sitting on a tree, observing everything from up top. Itâs peaceful. After a couple of days of accidental breaking and entering in multiple hives for just food, she wanted to stop that, becoming actually civil for once. At least as civil as she can be. She still has a lot to learn on to actually being a normal troll instead of going into her feral instincts. Climbing down the tree, she walked through the forest, humming to herself as she did.
Today is nice. It is still chilly, but itâs not cold enough for her to seek some shelter. She stopped suddenly, hearing people taking in the distance. Hiding behind a tree, she kept an ear out, eavesdropping on the conversation. âSo what did you get me?â
âA necklace! Wanna see?â
âOh my! Itâs beautfiul! this is the best quadrants day gift ever! Thank you so much, hun!â
Zenira gave a puzzled expression. Today is something special? Are all days like this? Peeking out, the two trolls have left and she got out of her hiding spot and continued the direction, but still thinking about what was said. She wonders if her lusus knows anything about this âquadrants dayâ that the two trolls talked about.
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A bit of travel wonât hurt (open rp)
>Getting out of the hive was something you needed, grabbing your bow and spear, you headed out. You need to get acquainted with everything, after all. And maybe you should learn to stop stealing from those... shops? If you remember correctly, you think theyâre called that. At least when the owner of the clothes shop said âeither you buy it or leave!â You left, obviously, knowing you didnât want to cause more a situation than it was.
>Spotting a hive nearby, you smiled, running to it and began climbing up to the windows. Quickly check to see if the windows were open first, jiggling it a bit, until making a final attempt of using the end of her spear to break it. Getting inside, you kept your bow and arrow at the ready, walking around and looking over at the things that are in the hive. Honestly, you were pretty hungry. Which means you went downstairs to rummage through the fridge.
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