#Zenigata's younger sister
kazimakuwabara · 1 year
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An oc for a lupin the third story I wrote. Sayako is domestic abuse survivor, Zenigata's younger sister, and thief hopeful (once she gets out of her bad life).
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin III Chapter 1 Review
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Omg!!! I'm finally gonna do it for real!!! It's been a while so sorry if I'm sorta rusty on this haha
The chapter doesn't reveal Lupin's identity until the end, but I'm gonna spoil it to you anyway.
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He's the guy with the glasses! Next to him is detective Kogoro Akechi, whom Lupin is going to be narrating this chapter to. He says it's gonna have a good ending, so let's see if he's right.
It all starts in this awesome estate that belongs to a man called Dr. Ouki. His two daughters are hosting a party in his estate but all of sudden, it is interrupted by none other than Inspector Zenigata!
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Nobody likes him and doesn't take him seriously at all, but finally, Dr. Ouki comes out hearing the commotion and Zenigata sorts out the situation to him.
Zenigata's been given a warrant to search his estate, because surprise surprise, Lupin is there..
Meanwhile, one of the guest of the party tries to seduce one of the daughters in a private room elsewhere, but his advances are cut short, and her older sister enters the room.
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i have no fucking idea what she's doing to him on the right panel tbh
The older sister tells them to come downstair because something's happened, refering to Zenigata interrupting their party.
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Lupin is here that is crazy
Dr. Ouki and his two daughters don't seem care that much, until Zenigata finds a tortured hanged corpse of Dr. Ouki's secretary. That's quite bad.
They assume that Lupin is behind all this, and Zeni tries to get Dr. Ouki to spit out the truth on something, or else more people will get hurt. And certainly, someone else is hurt!
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The younger daughter, whom we learn that her name is Michi, comes out severely injured and faints on the ground.
I like how Lupin keeps appearing as a background character in almost every panel (clearly he's not doing any of this)
Zenigata checks her body, and tells them that she's luckily going to survive. Dr. Ouki gets extremely frustrated and yells at Zenigata at his incompetence, but this is technically his fault, as he hasn't told Zenigata of the complete truth that Lupin has sent a letter informing him of his heist.
The letter reads: "Dearest Ouki, kudos on the clever research, but your discovery has attracted the attention of an unsavory foreign element. I'm going to swing by tomorrow night and pick up a copy of the schematics, for safekeeping. Don't bother leaving a key, I'll let myself in."
Always, L
While this is being discovered, the guest that had tried to seduce Michi now has his eyes on the older sister dude i don't know about you but i think he might be the culprit it's a really crazy assumption i know
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The older sister clearly isn't stupid to let the guy do whatever he wants to her, and has the man at gunpoint and tells him to surrender to the police.
Unfortunately, the man throws a knife towards her hands and disarms her, leaving him the opportunity to shred through her body, but for what?!
Dr. Ouki meanwhile explains that he had destroyed the original schematics that Lupin is seeking. He then made an almost perfect replica of it as a microfilm and hid it inside his eldest daughter, which the man finds OH NO
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Luckily, as the man finds it, one of the guest steps in and murders the man and picks up the microfilm.
Dr. Ouki and the others run towards the room, and it is revealed that obviously, the man was the culprit for all that has happened in the party all along. Dr. Ouki tells the guest to give him back the microfilm, but he doesn't give it back.
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Detective Akechi comes out of nowhere and explains that guest that saved the older daughter is none other than Lupin III!
As Lupin is about to leave, Zenigata tries to stop him, but Lupin throws the microfilm towards a pigeon and it carries it towards his hideout.
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Certainly a happy ending for Lupin, but will he be able to escape imprisonment? That you'll have to find out next time.
The End.
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lombax-lombardi · 8 months
Lupin III Self Isert Bio
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Hello everyone, I made a bio and lore for the new self insert, here you go. Under a read more for your convivence.
Character Bio.
Franchise: Lupin III
Madilyn Elisa Ginger
Age: Late 20’s - Early 30’s
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4
Description: Long haired brunette with dark chocolate eyes, with a braid that peeks over her shoulder, wearing smokey purple/red jewel on her neck, wears a gray undershirt with a purple dress over the top of it and gold bangles around her wrists. Black thigh high socks and red flats.
Powers via jewel: Psychic powers and the ability to levitate objects and people. Healing powers but cannot use them on herself, due to the gems influence (it houses two spirits inside it), using said powers causes her eyes to turn bright red.
It’s told in storybooks and legends about the Raven Queen and her Serpent King husband, their love created two gems, the Eye of the Serpent and the Raven’s Heart. The King’s Eye is the gem embedded into Madilyn’s necklace. Her father whisked her and her sister away from a family crisis after her Mother departed and they were raised in a small country village down in Australia.
Madilyn, unknowing of her family’s real heritage and realizing she has magical gifts, uses them to pursue her love of baking, eventually opening up her own chain of Bakeries called *Whiskers Kisses* after her beloved pet cat Whiskers.
Her elder sister, Magnolia is oddly protective of her younger sister and her Father searching for the lost gem, the Raven’s Heart. She repeats a phrase passed down from their Grandmother, “The thief waxed poetics on how to rescue a fair lady from yonder tower. Seek the tower and you shall be enriched for your entire mortality” Madilyn herself has no idea what that means herself but keeps it tucked away in her mind's eye.
Unbeknownst to her, she’s being followed by a notorious gang looking for riches and she’s the key to getting it. Magnolia ever the dutiful sister found a note stuck to the register at her sisters place of work.
The jewel of the house shall be stolen at this time and this date! Do not worry, no harm shall come to the treasure!
Regards, Lupin III
Signed with that stupid peanut face, the elder sister snatched the note taking it to her Father. He had no choice, he had to hire help and in comes Interpol/ICPO to keep it safe, the great Inspector Zenigata, a charming bumbling old fellow hell bent on capturing Lupin himself.
Without ever knowing the treasure, it is around Madilyn’s neck. Shining ever brightly against the harsh Aussie sun, she is busy opening up the bakery, petting her cat Whiskers and placing him in his giant enrichment room as the small bell that signifies customers entering, she steps downstairs, the scent of flowers, fresh bread and pastries filling the air.
Usual greetings, chat and ordering, she rushes out the back to get to work. Lifting pants, whisks and turning on ovens with her powers, the curtains closed, windows open as she didn’t want anyone seeing her powers and throwing her aside like so many others.
What our poor dear didn’t know as she was busy making sales and having her other girls working the registers, she had no idea a certain fate was waiting for her, in broad daylight.
A man approached through the curtains, in a snap the flying cutlery moving on its own was back to normal, as if all this was done by hand, the man was tall, slightly lanky in frame with sideburns framing his face and a wide grin reaching up to his eyes.
Madilyn, startled upon seeing a complete stranger in her kitchen, praying to a higher power that he did not see the magic she uses. He seemed to be plain; she could see something else in his eyes. Something whimsical, mischievous and a boiling fire deep inside. 
“Why are you here?” She speaks, holding a whisk in her hand, as if she were to hit him with it. “You need to leave, this is private property back here, sir.”
“I am afraid I can't do that, little lady.” His voice was somewhat higher than she thought but seemed to match his frame, his face, and that curled grin he wore upon his face. Magnolia was hiding in the back nearby, she was in the middle of a visit, seeing this man enter her establishment, she knew who it was.
She just saw the photo from the Inspector!
“Why not?” said the baker, clad with just her whisk, pointing it at the unassuming man, watching his shoulders vibrate when he chuckles.
“Well you see, my dear, I’m after something. Something important.”
“Important?” She blinked owlishly. That's when she heard it, the click of a gun, eyes peering to the corner to see her sister holding her firearm.
“You need to leave” spoke Magnolia, pushing her sibling behind her back to shield her. Madilyn, afraid and unsure, grabs her sister's shoulder and says ‘Sister! Please let me handle this!” “Can’t do that Lil Sis. That’s Lupin. He’s here for something we have!”
The lanky man bows, as if to give a proper introduction. “Well I was standing right here, I was wondering when the smarter sibling was going to figure it out. Sorry there, dear, but I will have to take when I promised to steal~”
Magnolia, gripping her weapon tighter grits through her teeth.”Yeah, well your Inspector is here and I don’t think you’re gonna leave this time.” “You got Pops in on this? And what does he know about what I’m trying to take hm?”
“More than you probably. Now I said leave!” 
Madilyn watched this standoff between her sister and the great thief, he just stood there with his hands in his pockets and a dumb grin on his face. How could this be the grandson of the great Arsene Lupin? He seems so unassuming.
But that’s what got her.
He raises his hands in the air. “Alright ladies, I’ll go….I’ll go….Oh but first-” As if on cue, Magnolia’s gun was shot from her hands, a warning shot not intended to harm or kill and poor Madilyn, in the confusion was swept up in the arms of the thief! In a panic, Magnolia called for help, people in the store front panicked as this man, carrying a full grown woman in his arms ran out the front door. 
“N-No! Please take me back!”
“Can’t do that, sorry, I need your help!” “What do you mean MY help?!?!?! And who shot my sister!?!?!”
“Please she’ll be fine.” As if on cue, a small buggy like car pulled up, he tossed her in the back seat, jumped into the front and motioned the driver to speed off. “Where the hell are you taking me?!?!?!”
A book landed into her lap. A book titled The King Serpent's Eye and the Raven Queen’s Heart. She knew this story, Grandmother read it to her all the time.
“See turns out, those gems in that book are real. I tracked them down but they vanished half a century ago. Turns out your family was the last to see them. If we find them, we'll let you go!” 
The brunette turned her head to take in her surroundings. Small car, a man next to her with dark hair, looked to be a samurai and the man driving seemed to be wearing a fedora, but all she could see was the back of him and the man talking to her. Lupin.
“All I know is the story, I don’t know anything about any treasure or anything.” She heard a slight deflated sigh. “Look come on sweetheart, you know next to nothing about your family history do you?” Her heart stopped. “My family….? No. I don’t know anything.”
She watched his eyes shine again. That glint she saw. That glimmer.
“How about I tell you?”
She didn’t know at the time but those words would send her off to a great adventure.
Status: Alive.
Occupation: Psychic Thief/Baker
Lupin III
The notorious thief who took her on a quest and adventure to find the treasure of her family history, she found herself falling into the pull that this man has. Seeing her powers, his eyes sparkled, grabbing her by the shoulders and calling her “the greatest treasure”. Feeling this was just a crush as she would be told about his past “flings” and seeing Fujiko Mine crushed her heart piece by piece, preferring to bury those feelings deep inside herself. What she didn’t know was that feelings run deep, and his did. 
Like water falling down your back, tapping against your window, the rumble in the storm clouds with promises of things to come, the clear night sky with rain falling upon awnings. It’s exciting, scary but fulfilling. Upon realizing feelings on both sides, they became official. 
In Grandma’s Story, his Moniker is The Thief.
Daisuke Jigen.
The right hand and gun of Lupin himself, he was a tough and cold nut to crack. Full of smoke, booze and gunpowder, perhaps it was the hidden soft depths buried under that gruff and scruff that drew her in or the drawl of the deep earthy baritones of his voice. Upon learning about her powers, he is more than welcome to ask questions about it even if it is “supernatural shit”.
She spoke about him, like he was solid foundation, earth, bold and strong. Worn down but not yet ready to, give up quite yet, like the ledge you pull yourself upon, the strong tones under your feet to steady yourself, the warmth upon a fire when you arrive from the cold. It was just one kiss, in the moment it sealed their fates.
In Grandma’s Story, his moniker is The Grizzled Gunman.
Goemon Ishikawa XIII
Madilyn and Goemon became friends during their interactions. She likes the way he speaks, appreciating the bluntness of his nature. She calls him “the wind” as he cuts, blisters yet has an aura of calm to him. 
Upon learning of her powers, Goemon wanting her to protect herself, gave her some self defense training lessons however Madilyn exclaims she knows some spells, just not a whole lot as all knowledge came from her Father with the request to keep it secret and not tell a soul. He gives a nod of understanding, much like sand and the wind, they understand.
They are very close friends, citing jealousy from Lupin himself as he (jokingly) believes Goemon is “stealing his treasure”.
His moniker in Grandma’s story is The Stoic Samurai.
Inspector Kōichi Zenigata
The ever bumbling detective/inspector, Madilyn finds him oddly charming in an odd way. She always wonders why he just hasn’t given up his chase but she never has understood men very well due to past relationships. Zenigata is very fond of the young baker wizard but always weary of her as she is with Lupin’s Gang, like he wants to arrest him but like there's this NICE girl here!?!?!?
He’s confused but is always willing to help her if asked.
In Grandma’s story his moniker is The Devoted Paladin.
Fujiko Mine
Ever the lady thief, Fujiko was the one who took Madilyn’s jewel further on into the story, not realizing it didn’t give the holder any powers, she just wanted it for the money. The powers were the benefits but upon realizing it didn’t give her any when she got surrounded by the gang, she tossed it, watching it shine and fall but, strangely it rose back up into its rightful owner's hands.
Ever since that moment, she’s been intrigued by the magical Aussie woman and always asked for the gem during their search for the family treasure, Madilyn refused often citing her to be like velvet, pleasant comfort but then turns rough if not handled correctly. Madilyn saved her life once, it set off the fire inside her and she swore she’d steal her away, romantically of course.
Her moniker in Grandma’s story is The Lady Rogue.
Magnolia Tilly Ginger
Magnolia, Madilyn’s older sister (around her 30’s late 40’s) is a former officer of the law, leaving the force when she saw her partner die in front of her, she swore an oath to keep her sister safe. Being the eldest, she knew what the story of the Serpent King and the Raven Queen was about their family, the current Raven Queen being their departed Mother, she tasked herself to find the missing gem, The Raven Queen’s heart. 
She despises law breakers the most and spends the journey trying to save her sister from the arms of Lupin, without seeing the shadows controlling the scenes in the background. She wears her partners, Cassidy, wedding ring around her neck to keep the promise to her family.
In Grandma’s Story, her moniker is The Devoted Knight.
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lazleylazarus · 2 years
I came up with their concepts like a year ago but this is the first time I sketch members of my own new gen Lupin gang. Meet my dumbasses: the Lupin twins, the leaders.
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Lupin V looks almost identical and acts identical to his long gone father and probably late grandpa. Amelie is his younger twin sister and his voice of reason. Like their ancestors, they and their band steal things, explore their family tree history in details and escape from Koichi Zenigata’s descendant and his oddly familiar right-hand man
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Lupin III WWDITS AU PLEASE please like
I’m adding Pycal in here because I like him, sorry in advance. Also warning for some What We Do in The Shadows Spoilers!!
- Pycal is a vampire (got turned into a vampire by someone he slept with), he stays inside all day and works with Kyosuke Mamou in hopes that they can someday take over the humans and rule them.
- Fujiko is a sort of rogue human, usually hanging out with Pycal as his familiar, he promises to turn her into a vampire but doesn’t plan on keeping that promise. Honestly she’s also there to be a spy and sabotage his plans.
- Kyosuke Mamou is a energy vampire, he feeds on the energy of humans, really he just likes to infodump about his creations..
- Lupin is a vampire who lives with his roommates Jigen and Goemon. Lupin was born a vampire and is from a long family of vampires, Jigen is a werewolf but Lupin keeps him around because he likes him. Goemon is a human that also stays with the two, studying their powers and also protecting them from vampire hunters 
- Zenigata is the familiar of Lupin, he slowly begins to realize he’s the descendant of a family of vampire hunters, overall he wants to keep Lupin out of trouble (and he wants to avoid getting killed by Goemon)
Other characters that i don’t have full stories for yet:
- Yata is Zenigata’s human friend
- Keiji/Melon is a vampire hunter in secret, he is also friends with Zenigata
- Melon G got bit by a vampire at a party, she’s Keiji’s younger sister, she’s trying to keep it a secret she’s a vampire because at the same time she’s a vampire hunter
- Rebecca is a vampire
- Ami has sort of a Lydia from beetlejuice role, she becomes friends with Lupin and his gang after running away from her family
(If anyone draws any of this or has more ideas to add on please tag me or reblog I will cry /pos)
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stealinghero · 5 years
I just found out zenigata voice actor had voiced beast in beauty and the beast and i was wondering if you could do zenigata and his s/o are at a ballroom party and lupin had pared them up to dance with each other like the movie
Owwww, it’s a bt longer. And somewhat chaotic? I hope you can still find sense in this piece. ^^”
“I beg you!”
“Come on! I will pay for everything!”
“I said no.”
“Jigen will do your hair!”
You crossed your arms and huffed. “And my make-up,” you insisted.
“Deal!” Your brother held out his hand to you to seal the agreement. In the next room you heard the gunman sneeze.
 “Remind me, why I have to do this?”
“Because you are the best.”
“You should do your own make-up. You are a woman.”
“And you are a gay man with great make-up skills, so shut up and do your work.”
Jigen bit back any comment and sat down opposite of you to begin your styling, while Lupin went over the plan again.
“Okay, so, he have Zenigata checked by my lovely sister here. Did I tell you, you look lovely?”
“Call me lovely one more time and I am going to strangle you,” you threatened.
After coming home the first time in ages it didn’t take too long that your dear brother, none other than famous thief Lupin the 3rd, had tried to involve you in his activities for various reasons. One was of course, your inherited skill in thievery, but also the fact that your face was unknown to his enemy, Inspector Zenigata of Interpol.
You had taken a fast good start with the rest of the gang, seeing the two men more as brethren as your own flesh and blood. They were mature, he was not. They had manners, he had none. Or so it seemed.
“Are you really okay with this role? We can just put him to sleep, if it’s too much,” Jigen offered while looking for the right tone of blush for you.
“Sure. It’s not that I get to dance on a real ball some other time soon, right?”
And all this was not the end. As the bait you had to entertain the nosy inspector for the time of the heist. How long had it been since you had danced with a man?
“We will keep contact and as soon as the heist is over, you are free again.”
“And paid.”
Your brother licked his lip and scratched his temple.
“Sure. Half, right?” he asked through gritted teeth. You had made an example out of this demand. He wanted your help after all these years, not even asking once how your time in different countries had been. Did he even know what you had been doing? So why should you offer services for free when he was so desperate to use you?
“And I get to keep the jewels and dress,” you added, making Jigen laugh.
“She’s got you by the balls, my friend.”
The thief just dismissed it with a wave of his hand.
“And all of this for just dancing.”
“Maybe we will kiss.”
“Or maybe we will use the time a bit different.”
“I quite like a man in uniform.”
“You will just dance and when I see his hands on your body I will shoot them off.”
“Why should you care? As long as he is spending time with me, distracted, everything is fine, right?”
“You are my sister and I will not tolerate you coming home…”
“In love?”
“You make me crazy.”
You laughed and turned away from him. “I know what you mean. This is the house of thieves.”
Your whole life this mantra had been hanging over you. Secrecy, a close look on the men you brought home when you were younger. A loud fallout between you and him when you told him you were going to leave home, changing your name with it.
“I’m worried about you, you know?”
“I danced the waltz on a fucking minefield. Don’t come here now and tell me how to do a thing I was raised for.”
You never had been asked by your father or brother what you wanted. You were raised a thief, you were expected to be an assistant to the heir of the family. Nothing more.
And you left home, checked in with a humanitarian service around the globe and got to see the world, leaving all of this behind you. Falling in love with police officers, having an affair with a spy, helping people getting their right, their medication, clean water, whatever they needed. And here was your brother, worrying about a dance?
“We will talk about it later.” He didn’t slam the door when he left, but the tone of his voice left little to imagination.
Jigen and you traded a quick glance and nodded. He was totally overacting.
 A black limousine brought you to the dance hall. Everywhere you looked you saw policemen standing guard. The annual Interpol Gala. The mightiest and richest people scattered around, trying to impress each other with their fame and wealth while their ‘accessoires’ accompanied them laden with jewels and skimpy outfits to accent their status as nothing more as a luxurious prostitute.
And here you were in the middle of it, a beautiful dress, sparkling jewels around your neck and in your earlobes. You showed your invitation, of course a perfectly made fake, and were admitted into their midst, already looking for your target.
He wasn’t invited, he was working. Ensuring the Gala would be undisturbed, even after an advance warning by your brother. Why did he had to send these things? His work would be so much easier without them – but less loaded with charm. A curse of the proud Lupin family.
“Excuse me, Miss? You lost something.”
What a man. Before you stood a handsome man, dressed in uniform, smiling and holding up your lost earring to you.
“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it,” you stumbled over your own words, cursing your shyness when it came to such nice men.
“Of course not. You should be more careful, Miss. Have a nice evening.”
You watched him leave and remembered to breathe.
“Do you copy? Any sign of Zenigata?” You could hear your brother clearly through the headset in your hair, connecting to your ear.
“None. But there was a really handsome officer just here.”
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Relax. He’s gone.” You turned your head to see if you could find him again, but the hall was filling with guests.
“Check the photo and look for him. We can’t start without you.”
You nodded and rolled your eyes, wondering if your brother could see you right now. But nonetheless you still looked into your purse at the photo he had given you of the Inspector.
It was him. But unshaven, scrubby, shouting and seemingly in a bad mood. Not the complete opposite you had just met!!
With a sigh, you began to search for the officer in question, already thinking about an excuse to talk to him again.
 “I was looking for you,” you admitted, reaching for two glasses on a nearby tablet.
“Me, Miss?” He held back, raised a brow, but his sense of duty was stronger than his curiosity.
“I wanted to thank you again for finding my earring.”
He nodded and stared straight at some distant point. “It’s the duty of a police officer to help those in need.”
“Oh, and I fear I am in need.” You took his hand and gently pushed the champagne-filled glass into it, barely registering his callous hands touching your hand.
He stared at the glass, unsure if it would be okay to refuse you, but clearly wanting to take a sip.
“How can I be of assistance?” Oh yes, the safe way of professionalism.
“I am in dire need of a dance partner.”
“I am on duty, Miss. I am truly sorry.”
Yeah, you could see that!
“But this is duty. There is a man that’s harassing me all night to dance with him and he just won’t accept a no. Maybe if he saw me with another man, he will get the sign. I would like to spare him the shame to be put down officially.”
You saw the sympathy in his eyes, scanning the crowd with a quick look, wanting to find the bad man that was harassing a lonely woman.
He couldn’t know you were talking about your brother, lying in wait for your sign that Zenigata had left his post.
“I don’t know,” he seemed reluctant to leave his post.
“Just one dance. And I promise, you won’t get into trouble. After all you were just helping an helpless damsel in distress,” you tried to tell him in your sweetest voice.
It didn’t matter that you had learned to defend yourself on the front lines. That you had killed people to save yourself. For now all that mattered was him taking your hand.
And he did.
“Well, I can’t leave a civilian without protection!” he mused before nodding and offering his hand to you.
You smiled at him, genuinely happy to have him at a closer range.
“But you need to tell me one thing first.”
You nodded, surprised by his request, a bit taken aback. Had he seen through your disguise?!
“Why is a lovely Miss like you alone here? Shouldn’t your husband be here with you?”
A laugh escaped you and you whistled in admiration, but also to give your brother the sign to begin his plan.
“You are right, Inspector. But I fear this Miss is just a single lady with a bit too much influence to be not invited. And I can’t stand the idea of buying company.”
He nodded, clearly liking your answer and followed your gentle pull away from his post.
 “I’m afraid I am not that good of a dancer,” he admitted, reaching the dancing floor.
You shook your head.
“Just hold me in those arms and I will see what I can do,” you promised, placing his waiting hands on the right spots. He was watching you with a curious look on his face, giving him a cute expression of clumsiness and shyness.
“Your hands are really big!” Compared to yours, at least.
“And yours are very delicate,” he gave back. He clearly never had been flirted at before. Or at least not by someone like you.
“Shall we dance?”
He nodded and began to take a step in the right direction. Good, at least he had the basics.
“May I say, it’s a real pleasure to dance with a fine lady like you?”
The way he angled his head let you believe he wanted to hide under an imaginary hat, beginning to blush.
“I have to give that back to you. If I had known there would be such a nice looking man here, I would have come sooner,” you said, looking into his eyes, realising with a pang what those feelings inside your guts meant. You were honest with him.
“I didn’t want to come. All this is just a charade for a bigger plan,” you admitted, leaving your words a bit unclear.
He smiled at you, shaking his head.
“I know. But let us forget those things for this dance. This isn’t the time for politics.”
Saved! He thought your words were a criticism on the society.
 The dance was followed by another, the two of you simply forgot to part, lost in each others eyes and smiles. You didn’t talk, just lived the moment, and you had to admit that his first statement had been a lie. He was a good dancer, giving you space when you needed it and held you firm in his arms. Besides, he really looked stunning in his uniform.
“Do you want something to drink?” he offered when after the second dance you finally had to take a break.
“A glass of red wine would be great.”
He gave you a devout smile and bend down to kiss your hand.
“Just wait for me. I’ll be right back.”
What a man.
“Did he slobber on your hand?!”
You flinched from the voice in your ear before you could remember the headset.
“Are you watching?!” you had to keep your voice low in order not to attract any unwanted attention, but your brother was unreasonable!
“Listen, in a minute we will cut the electricity and put out the sleeping gas. Just stay where you are and don’t move!”
You took a breath and nodded, already seeing Zenigata making his way back to you. Your heart beat a bit faster.
“A red wine for the lady.” With another smile he offered your glass to you and blushed a bit when your fingers touched when you took it.
“You are my saviour,” you told him with a wink and nipped on your wine. Now how to be still in this situation, keeping the Inspector in control during the final stage of the heist?
You reached for his hand and pulled him a bit closer to you.
“Don’t look but the man is back.” You acted good enough for him to believe you and stepping in front of you to hide you with his broad frame.
“I could talk to him. A man shouldn’t stalk a woman like that.”
You smiled at him, realizing how close you had actually pulled him. You could smell a faint scent of after-shave on him.
And the lights went out.
 The first screams were heard as soon as darkness fell. You immediately felt two arms wrapping around you, the Inspector coming a bit closer.
“Don’t worry. I will protect you!” he whispered, reaching for his weapon. You couldn’t risk him shooing your brother in the dark, so you acted fast by full hugging him.
“I am so scared!”
He let out a low laugh and pressed your body against his.
“Don’t be.”
You heard the rattle of the grenade and held your breath when it unloaded with a nasty sound.
“Hold your breath! That’s sleeping gas!”
Well, thanks for the tip, Inspector, heed your own advices. He had missed the point and stumbled against you, becoming heavier by the second.
Something was pressed over your face and you could see your brother in the darkness, grabbing the semi-unconscious Inspector. Clean air filled your lungs when you took a first trial breath through the gas mask.
“Lupin…” Zenigata seemed to fight with all he had, still mumbling the name of his adversary while the sleeping gas pumped through his system.
“Stubborn as a donkey.”
A hand reached out for you before falling on the floor as the Inspector was finally completely asleep.
“Let’s take what we can and go!” Your brother snapped you out of your trance and pulled you with him.
 Bending over a mistress and taking her necklace, you couldn’t help but to look back to the place where Zenigata laid. He had a peaceful expression on his face, not fitting the description your brother had given you about the angry and always shouting man.
“You like him?” Jigen was next to you, eying the watch of a man, seemingly thinking about if he should wear it himself or take it to the cash out with the rest.
“He was nice. It’s a pity he will know who I am soon,” you admitted, standing up and looking for another victim that was worth your time.
“So he was right… Well, I’m sorry.”
You turned around to see the gunman standing behind you, a spray can in his hand. Before you could even scream for your brother, the sleeping gas was already in your system, leaving you unable to move.
The last thing you saw was Jigen winking at you.
 “Are you okay?”
Carefully someone touched you, helped you into a sitting position. A glass of water was offered. A blanket had been wrapped around you.
“What…?” you recognized Zenigata sitting next to you, holding the glass to your lips, helping you to drink a bit of water.
“That damned Lupin! How could he do that?!”
You didn’t understand. There had been the heist. Jigen. The gas?
“What happened?” you asked finally, not getting a bit of sense out of your own thoughts.
“He stole everything! But to think he would go that far to even steal your dress!”
You choked on your water and had to cough. Immediately Zenigata gently patted your back to help you.
When you looked down, you saw it. There was nothing underneath the blanket. No jewels, no dress. No head set in your hair or your ear.
“And this note.  I don’t get it.”
 “And all the while the princess slept her dreamless sleep, the thief had taken everything what was his. The deal was off and the princess was left to dance another dance with her beast.”
 You snorted when you read the note. He had taken your dress and jewels and you wouldn’t get paid. But for this he hadn’t blown your cover. Giving you more time to spend with the Inspector? Yeah, sure. Your identity would be blown during the questioning.
“By the way, I hope you can forgive me my curiosity but I found your passport in your bag.” Zenigata blushed a bit and traded the note for your handbag.
So much for your little secret.
“Belle Mauriceson. A beautiful name. And quite fitting for a beautiful lady.” He blushed harder and cleared his throat, hiding behind his fist.
Dumbfounded you stared at the ID, clearly showing the flawless skill of a professional forger, still refusing to acknowledge this had been a part of your brother’s plan.
But he would have to justify himself for the name!
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 11/09/2019 (The Forge Edition, Week 1)
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#64 (01) - The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A: Freelance journalist Taneo gets an exclusive with Class 1-A in hopes of uncovering the new Symbol of Peace after the retirement of All Might.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#03 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall: Bucciarati agrees to introduce Giorno into the Passione organization, but he has to be evaluated by Polpo, a morbidly obese capo. Giorno visits him in prison and realizes that he is a Stand user. Polpo tasks him with keeping the flame on a cigarette lighter burning for 24 hours as a test of his trust. Giorno arrives back at his dorm with the lighter, but he is forced to evade Koichi, who has come looking for his passport. The lighter is accidentally doused by a janitor; the janitor reignites the lighter, causing Polpo's Stand Black Sabbath to appear. Black Sabbath kills the janitor by grabbing his soul and piercing an arrow through it, then turns to attack Giorno.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#05 - My Own Steel: The demon's body disintegrates and the souls of Urokodaki's students he killed depart to the afterlife. As the demon dies, he remembers when he was turned into a demon as a young boy and even after his transformation, had always been longing for a warm hand to hold, specifically that of his older brother's. Tanjiro smells sadness from its body and holds its hand, causing the demon to cry. For the next week, Tanjiro continues to survive, asking every demon for a method to turn a demon into a human again, though none answer. At the end of Final Selection, Tanjiro and three others are the only survivors, all of whom are assigned the lowest of 10 ranks, Mizunoto, as well as a Kasugai crow to help in communication. They are also give uniforms and allowed to chose the ore of their personal Nichirin Blades. Tanjiro returns to the cabin bruised and exhausted, as Nezuko arrives to greet him, having awoken from her year-and-a-half long slumber. Urokodaki deduces that Nezuko is making up for not eating humans by sleeping to gain strength. 15 days later, Tanjiro's sword is delivered by Haganezuka, the swordsmith. As Nichirin Blades change colour depending on the wielder, his turns black, a rare colour that superstitions make out to be unlucky. Now having a sword, Tanjiro's Kasugai crow delivers his first mission: to head to a town in the northwest where young girls have been vanishing nightly, and kill the demon responsible.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#05 (17) - The Martial Arts Tournament: Metal Knight tries to defeat Elder Centipede, but fails to even scratch the behemoth monster. After a lengthy battle Garou defeats Metal Bat, but grudgingly admits that Metal Bat would have won if he managed to hit him even once. Metal Bat gets up and nearly kills Garou when Garou's back is turned, but stops when his younger sister, Zenko, finds him. Garou counterattacks, but Zenko gets between them and orders them to stop fighting. Garou relents (having a soft spot for kids) and walks away to find Watchdog Man. Metal Bat tries again to go after Elder Centipede, but collapses due to too much damage from his battles with Elder Centipede and Garou after Zenko slaps him back down to get him to stop. The two C Class heroes (Pineapple and Mohican) who have Narinki and Waganma are confronted by Rhino Wrestler and are swiftly defeated, which causes the monsters to capture Waganma. Two Monsters named Phoenix Man and Sludge Jellyfish try to persuade Garou to join the Monster Association, but Garou refuses. Phoenix Man promises Garou that they will meet again if Garou will continue to hunt for heroes, and tells Elder Centipede and the rest of the monsters to retreat, with Metal Knight following them. Bang and Bomb continue to try to find Garou, and Bang lets out his frustration on a Demon-level monster named Boxing Demon, killing him violently with a ruthless barrage of blows. Many monsters of different disaster levels (Martial Gorilla, Do-S, Hundred Eyes Octopus, Pure-Blood, and Make Plasma) start attacking heroes, which worries the Hero Association. Before Do-S can kill Dynamite Man (her power being that if she whips someone, they will be under her control) with her mind controlled heroes, Fubuki stops her attack. Meanwhile, in the Fight Tournament Saitama is introduced to Bakuzan, Suiryu, Lightning Max, Ring Ring, Hamukichi, Choze, Zakkos and Snek, with Genos watching in the crowd. Suiryu notices Bakuzan's bloodlust toward him, and is only after the prize money, although Suiryu wishes he could have fought against WolfMan (Garou in disguise). After Lightning Max defeats Ring Ring, Zakkos reveals that the fighters are often paired up based on their looks. Saitama deduces that Zakkos is weak since he's paired up with Saitama (Saitama being sorted due to him appearing "weak.") which angers Zakkos. In the post credit scene, Saitama slaps Zakkos, defeating him in one hit, much to Saitama's annoyance. Suiryu notices Saitama's strength and is excited to face him in the finals.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#12 - Buddies Back to Back: The silver spear made by Senku is revealed to be a sensor to detect poisonous gases coming from a pool of sulfuric acid, which they need for the antibiotic. Knowing the risks involved, Senku offers to teach Chrome everything he knows about science on the off-chance that he dies, but Chrome refuses, instead proposing a tag-team style approach. While gathering the acid using special gas masks, Chrome nearly falls into the pool but is saved by Ginro, who overcomes his fear and helps the duo obtain a bottle of the acid.
Fire Force EP#15 - The Blacksmith's Dream: Knights of the Ashen Flame, Yona and Arrow, report Shinra's Adolla burst to their commander, Sho Kusakabe, Shira's brother. Meanwhile, forensic scientist, Viktor Licht, is assigned to Company 8 and Shinra is selected to take Arthur and Iris to recruit the crackerjack engineer, Vulcan. He has an intense dislike for Haijima and the Fire Force, but at his junkyard workshop they meet Vulcan's apprentice, Yu, who agrees to take them inside. Vulcan explains his a dream of recreating animal life on the planet. While there, Captain Dr. Giovanni from Company 3 arrives to ask Vulcan to join him, but he refuses even though Giovanni has stopped supplies getting through to Vulcan's workshop. Vulcan's assistants, Lisa and Yu, explain that Giovanni was one of Vulcan's grandfather's two apprentices, who joined Haijima after the other two died suspiciously. Meanwhile nearby, Giovanni prepares to kill Vulcan, however Shira detects his presence.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#18 - The Karaage of Youth: Noting that the shopping district focuses more on walk-and-eat food, as opposed to Mozuya's packaged approach, Soma shifts his focus towards creating a karaage that can be enjoyed straight out of the fryer. Opting to go with chicken thigh meat with a chilli-based marinade, Soma gets inspiration from a bento shop owner and decides to serve his karaage in rice flour wraps with salad, providing enhanced flavor, portability, and appeal all at once. This brings a large amount of business, which in turns helps the rest of the shopping district come back to life, and Nakamozu has no choice but to admit defeat. Afterwards, Soma puts Mayu in charge of helping with the karaage's sales, having noticed her good qualities. Returning to the academy, Soma is brought before Mozuya's puppetmaster, Etsuya Eizan, the ninth seat of the Elite Ten, who informs him that he has been chosen for the Autumn Elections.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 Enzo Bron Arc EP#21 - An Outdated Master Thief: Enzo Bron, the president of the global IT company Shake Handz, officially presents his company's new app called PeopleLog, a service linking facial recognition with global databases to create publicly accessible personal profiles. Lupin and company soon find that PeopleLog has become widely used to check people's identities, making it impossible for them to appear in public and easy for the police and Lupin's enemies to track his movements. Also, the apparent reliability of PeopleLog easily sways public opinion, and the world's governments become concerned that the app may cause political control to slip from their hands. As Lupin and Jigen head to rejoin Goemon, who has retreated into the mountains, they encounter Zenigata, who tells them that Fujiko has been captured by Enzo.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#94 - New Future: Yami attacks but is too late to stop Licht retrieving the stones and disappearing through a portal. Rhya activates his self-destruct spell to kill Mereoleona. Asta, having seen the same spell used by Vetto and Fana, nullifies it. Asta demands to know why the Midnight Sun hates humans when they themselves appear human. He also insists on trying to understand the Midnight Suns motives and making peace with them, echoing the Wizard Kings wishes. Rhya realises Asta sounds exactly like Licht used to. Julius realises that Licht had enough power by himself to kill everyone in the kingdom; therefore the stones must have another purpose. Julius entrusts his dream of a better world to Yami and all the other magic knights before finally dying. Yuno approaches the mage, who has the ears of an elf. He also notices another black sword nearby. Licht betrays Rades, Sally and Valtos, revealing his total contempt for their human greed and selfishness and also that the stones will not grant them greater magic power but will in fact use them as sacrifices to fuel the resurrection. As he places the stones in the tablet light covers the entire kingdom. Rhya reveals the resurrection has begun as he transforms into an elf. The elf in the sphere of light suddenly awakens while Yuno also begins to transform into an elf.
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gaarfielf · 6 years
k im gonna throw in my hot take on part 5 now i think the time has come where i’ve watched enough of the damn series i can make a coherent essay on whats what on what (putting it under a read more bc this shit is gonna be long and i dont want my followers to suffer too much)
I’ll do this character by character starting with the new ones
Ami: I’m having a hard time deciphering whether she’s being underutilized or over utilized because number 1) her character isn’t interesting enough to have her keep coming around, especially when her only connection to the group is Lupin. She hasn’t had any interaction with Goemon or Jigen that i know of and she hates Fujiko for ??? reasons. That being said, I would’ve preferred if she was fleshed out more because 2) literally having her be the distant girl that is quiet and doesn’t understand social norms is..... really boring. It’s almost as boring as having a female character whose only there as a set of boobs... (coughs). She isn’t interesting because they didn’t make her interesting, yeah? It’s hard to hate a character based on the fact alone they were clearly written by a man but I mean it very literally when I say she could’ve been something great. Having her confess her love to Lupin was straight up disgusting and I really expected more from tms in that vein. Putting romance where romance doesn’t need to be is bad enough let alone when you jack knife it in between a child and an adult. And for those of you saying ‘Oh hhhh she’s like nineteen’....look into your heart. Even if she is 1) she sure as hell doesn’t look it and 2) Lupin is like 40-50. In the wise words of me, children loving adults was a myth made up by pedophiles in support of the devil. Npot to mention pitting her against Fujiko because they both like Lupin?? I ain’t even gotta explain why that’s a pathetic excuse at writing. But I will. Fujiko is a grown ass woman so why the fuck would she care and Ami is a child who shouldn’t be in love with him anyway. She has truly been nothing in the series except a tool and even at that not a likable one.
Yata: Do I even have to say that I can’t write anything about a man who hasn’t had more than 4 minutes of screen time in the last 24 episodes? He was hyped up before the series started and he’s done nothing but be Zenigata’s personality in the place of Zenigata y’know. Actually speaking and having one for himself BUT WE’LL GET TO THAT LATER. He’s done nothing but yell and cry over literally nothing? Like he fights Zeni’s fights because for some reason Zenigata got super lazy this season (again, we’ll get into that later) and he’s just a pointless character.
Albert: Gay rep for life haha just kidding he was bad at that too. I think they literally introduced him as faux-gay rep because they know the fans wanted more sensitive interactions from their already existing male cast members and they were like ‘well that’s gay so we’ll give them this guy’. And speaking on behalf of myself - ‘I don’t want these’. So Albert shows up, supposedly having a HUGE connection to Lupin’s past and then............we never see him again. And they literally tell us nothing about him except he’s gay and works in the government. Apparently when we say ‘we want gay rep’ they hear ‘very minor gay character??’ and didn’t hear us say ‘no’ back. And every time I hear anyone say 1) ‘well, his connection to Lupin is supposed to be a mystery!’ I can feel hives growing on my skin because i’m allergic to bullshit like if they weren’t gonna tell us the connection, and whatever the connection is didn’t reveal anything new about the character outside of ‘Lupin knew somebody that wasn’t Jigen when he was younger’ then why?? mention it?? why make an entire arc dedicated to not telling us something if the end result was ‘it doesn’t matter who he is’? 2) ‘well they’re obviously cousins’ except they obviously aren’t. if they obviously were, they’d say that they were cousins. like if y’all are digging up bits of the manga from 40 years ago to say ‘there was a character who had the same last name’ but are also out here saying ‘Jigen doesnt have a sister bc they said that over 40 yers ago and haven’t mentioned it since’ then I ain’t got nothing to say to y’all, you’re just dodgy and ain’t worth the stress of talking to. 3) ‘they’re maybe gay’ well the cool thing about gay rep is that we don’t give honourary mentions out for series that were too cowardly to actually come right out and say it. So in conclusion, Albert was written by cowards who couldn’t decide what to do with him.
Enzo: Boring. That’s literally all I have to say. Trying to give him depth by making Ami his daughter was predictable and not at all interesting. To be honest I completely forgot she was looking for her dad anyway because she didn’t seem to care that much about finding him either (or seem to care about anythign really). He’s a shitty villain and every time he speaks I got my finger on the right-key because I don’t care what he has to say and so far I haven’t missed anything good so yeah. Just disappointing.
I think that’s it??? For new characters?? So I’ll move onto the main cast
Jigen: I 👏 WANT 👏 JIGEN 👏 TO 👏 DO 👏 SOMETHING like good fucking God the man hasn’t done anything this whole series up until 24 where he got  5 minute scene dedicated to him killin’ cops (direct action) but like?? As a character he hasn’t progressed he has BARELY spoken and we’ve learned one new thing about him the whole series in the episode where he meets the daughter of a woman he used to work with. And that one thing that we learned was: he used to work with the mother of this girl. That’s it. Episode 24 he got a little bit of dialog with Lupin that I guess was supposed to be like character development but it was so weird because it was kind of directed at the audience?? So it’s like is he talking to me or to Jigen because if I was Jigen I would not have one goddamn clue what he was talking about. Also, he’s so depressing this season?? Right up until now we’ve seen very little personality from him aside from Angry and Complains a Lot. He smiles sometimes sure but like he doesn’t exactly have a lot to smile about this season considering he’s not really in the limelight anymore and is only brought back to foreshadow how much he hates technology and wants to retire. Personally, Jigen is one of my favourite characters and the fact he hasn’t achieved much this series is a big let-down
Goemon: I can’t even imagine how let down Goemon fans feel because again, up until Episode 23 he did nothing. He had an episode where he fell in love?? With a girl?? Disguised as a woman?? For some reason?? It was in one of the throwbacks and I’ll admit that maybe the episode made sense and I probably missed something but to me I had no clue what was going on. ANYWAY like his big scene in the spotlight is 3 episodes before the end of the series (its not like he’s a main character or anything) and he cuts Lupin. Because he thinks that he isn’t really his friend. That’s it that’s the only reason he almost murders his friend. Just kidding the other reason was that it was a half ass attempt at shock value to make sure the audience was still paying attention. They can’t seem to decide this season whether they want Goemon to be edgy or stupid but I think we’ve gotten a greta big helping of both so thanks tms /sarcasm/. They’ve really just dragged his character through the mud this season because he used to be stoic, mysterious, traditionalist but lowkey clumsy guy and then now he’s. I don’t even know how to describe it he’s just become so cutesy and edgy at the same time so we get him cutting Lupin in half right in front of UwU i eat my fish skin first ! I’m quirky ! like what am I supposed to feel about this grown man? He’s really too back-and-forth for me this season
Fujiko: I’M GONNA GET HEATED ABOUT THIS ONE SO BUCKLE UP I’ve never seen Fujiko written this poorly since TWCFM (yes i’m outting that as a bad series too so don’t @ me about that lil tidbit). She’s there as a piece of eyecandy bUT SHE IS SO POORLY DRAWN IT MAKES ME WONDER IF ANYBODY AT TMS HAS EVER SEEN A WOMAN IN THEIR LIFE TIME. Seriously her proportions are so off and outwardly repulsive looking it makes it hard not to skip anything she says in the series on account of how half-ass her character looks. Not limiting herself to being visually repulsive, she also has a half-ass personality. Suddenly Fujiko isn’t the come-and-go as she pleases, mysterious woman that gives Lupin intel on very high security operations she’s just. There. At some point in the series she said ‘a woman’s body is just a tool to get something she needs’ and I wanted to puke this is NOT Fujiko’s character at all and I’m disgusted that they’re brushing her off as a pair of walking talking boobs. Also her absolute lack of empathy is just mind numbing because they’re somehow trying to convince the audience that Lupin broke her heart due to wedding related reasons that still haunt her but? Seeing him cut almost in half does nothing for her? And then she deadpan ‘This is just how it is’ like this is just putting her in such an evil light that I hate because I love Fujiko! In every other season she’s fighty and sarcastic and witty AND NOT JUST THERE FOR EYE CANDY. And going back to the wedding thing, why is this being made into such a big deal? There’s literal episodes in other seasons called ‘Fujiko Doesn’t Look Right in a Wedding Dress’ ‘Fujiko Doesn’t Want to Be Married’ ‘A Ring Is Like a Trap’ like she 👏 don’t 👏 want 👏 to 👏 be 👏 married 👏. And the preview for the next ep shows her in a wedding dress so I’m ultimately preparing myself for the big season finale being them getting married.
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Final thought on Fujiko being, the episode where she picks up Lupin to save him from succumbing to his crossbow wound (easily the funniest thing thats happened all season) I mean. Yeah it’s kinda cool. I don’t really have any strong feelings about that like I’m not about to praise them for something like that when it was immediately followed by her and Ami slap fighting over him again.
Lupin: In my days of watching Lupin movies/specials my slogan was ‘if the ratio of screen time in the movie between characters is 10:0 in Lupin’s favour then it ain’t a good movie’ and it’s ringing true to this season where it’s all about Lupin. I understand obviously it’s a series called Lupin III like I’m not stupid but the amount of ass kissing to his character is something else like they’re putting him on this huge pedestal like he’s a do-no-wrong kind of guy to the point where he’s boring because he’s done nothing wrong. Ever. He doesn’t argue with anybody he doesn’t have any strong emotions really (outside of that episode where Zenigata loses his memory we see him outwardly angry for a minute). It just makes him such a dry character when they try to mold him into being absolutely flawless and admirable. Also the amount of faking his own death and ‘oh no is he gonna die’ moments are just not entertaining. Like I said earlier when he got shot with the crossbow that was the hardest I’ve laughed in a long long time. It played like an SNL skit (you know what one). And again we aren’t learning anything new. Whose Albert to him!? We never got to know, What’s his relationship to Fujiko!? We’re probably gonna find out they’re getting married last episode after all the touching moments they had together this season like.... like uh.... when they uh... oh right they’ve barely spoken to each other all season. And when they did they were arguing. Love is in the air huh?
Zenigata: AI’ll try to keep this brief but Yata’s taken over his character this season. He’s barely spoken, he has like, NO energy or determination. After the episode where Lupin faked his death (the first time, not the proceeding 90 times) Zenigata just stopped appearing and stopped doing anything productive. If anything his character became an excuse for an info dump. Like oh we see a war torn area whats going on? Zenigata is conveniently nearby to say ‘these people are at war!’ and then outside character will tell a 18 paragraph history on him of whose at war and their history and then Zenigata says ‘okay’ and doesn’t appear again for the next 2 episodes.
Now for the closing thoughts I guess
i don’t know why they’re looking at Lupin having plot as separate from Lupin being episodic. Like they’ve separated him from adventure so he’s just doing the same things over and over again. Not to mention like I said earlier, the fans wanted to see more sensitive interactions between the already existing characters, and if anything, they’re farther apart and just really confusing and contradictory. It’s hard to get through an episode when every week its another ‘great time for another plot arc they’re never gonna finish’. When I watched episodes of Part 1 and 2 and 4 (not so much 3 because i can’t find anywhere to watch it lol) I’m pretty attentive all the way through because the series drops tidbits of information about the characters and they make the episode enjoyable to watch. This season is so dreary and dry I can’t find anything to enjoy about it because it’s just one disappointment after another. I’m trying to to sound bitchy as I type all this out but I mean I’m speaking as a fan who is just really disappointed. I know I’ve said ‘disappointed’ a lot in this whole thing but there isn’t another word to describe it because that’s really the way that I feel about part 5. Seeing my favourite characters on screen is supposed to make me feel happy and excited to see where they’re gonna go and what they’re gonna do not make me think “I hope they don’t ruin this character for me’ in every. single. episode. This season has been underwhelming, unenjoyable, inconsistent and just really exhausting to me overall.
i gotta go eat now so peace out and if you read to the end of all this then hopefully i’m not the only one in this boat but if you don’t agree with me then i guess thats just how it is yeah?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the callbacks were cool at first but now I just find they’re baiting me into thinking i’ll enjoy the episode because i’ll find something I liked from one of the better seasons in it. They’re just really overused at this point because these callbacks aren’t being used for anything. like ‘lupin is making his plan at the cagliostro castle!’ like. why. ‘detective melon is also angry at lupin!’ but if she isn’t like teaming up with zenigata or actually doing anything to find him why should i care. 
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stars-and-suns · 3 years
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“Kojima-kun’s still on his way; his train’s just running a bit late. But there’s no need to worry! He’ll be here as soon as he can!”
Basic Info
Full Name - Haruki Kojima
Japanese Name - 小島晴樹
Kana - コジマ ハルキ
Meaning - Small Island / Sunny Tree
Preferred Name - Kojima
Preferred Honorific - ‘-kun’
Height - 175 cm (5’ 9”)
Weight - 96 kg (211.5 lbs)
Chest Size - 82 cm (32”)
Age - 22
Birthday - May 17
Star Sign - Taurus
Blood Type - AB
Gender/Sexuality Info
Gender - Demiboy (AMAB)
Preferred Pronouns - He/Him or They/Them
First-Person Pronoun (Japanese) - 僕
Sexual Orientation - Bisexual (male lean)
Romantic Orientation- Biromantic (male lean)
Important Relatonships
Akito Shishijima (Father) [stars-and-suns]
Emily Kojima (Younger Sister) [stars-and-suns]
Hoshiko Zenigata (Best Friend) [stars-and-suns]
Mitsutora Kozaka (Father) [stars-and-suns]
Taika Shishijima (Aunt) [stars-and-suns]
Being outside
His freckles
Making friends
Roller skates
The colors red and blue
Being disliked
Cool-toned lights
Magic shows
People making fun of his speech patterns
Talking about his family
No Known Triggers
Other Notes
He has a very distinct way of speaking. This is because he’s from Sakai.
He moved away from Sakai when he was fourteen after having a huge fight with his sister where she expressed that he wasn’t wanted in the family anymore and she never wanted to see him again. So he packed his things over the next week, switched schools, and moved in with his aunt. He hasn’t seen his sister or his parents since.
He was student council president at his and Zenigata-kun’s high school.
Simplified Family Tree
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NSFW Information
0 notes
rockymountaingothic · 7 years
yo o o whats happening
I think a Guy Ritchie Raffles movie would be good ?
I don’t think he’s gonna, because ultimately it’s too similar to sherlock holmes which he’s already doing great with. But if he did, out of necessity it would walk talk and shoot gun differently. Probably more in the vein of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. with the expensive clothes and cars and high stakes sneaking around (napoleon solo even has the thief background so hyeah if you didn’t like his holmes adaptations pls go watch that)
And that would be amazing, right??? Holy fuck the dude makes crime movies /it’s what he does/ i would absolutely kill to see him take on /the gentleman thief/ archetype the way he took on /the secret agent/ in the man from uncle. here are some things raffles has that he has already demonstrated great use of in his other films
Morally ambiguous characters
Characters who are unbelievably good at one thing, usually a crime thing, and are flawed in almost every other way
Assholes who do shitty things but are so charming you can’t help but root for them
Usually because they’re up against someone who’s also on the wrong side of the law but also kills puppies or whatever, y’know. worse than them in some way
Card game scenes
Say what you will about RDJ as Holmes but that depiction of Victorian England kicks my ASS EVERYtime i watch game of shadows
So with that in mind here are some things I could see him doing and basically my version of a good Raffles adaptation by Guy Ritchie, and me, AJ
The movie starts with Wilful Murder, told as a pretty short introduction sequence. this shows us what their lives are like - as well as sets up the main conflict of the movie; their reputations are constantly in danger because of their activities. Raffles likes to think he isn’t above killing to prevent their exposure, and Bunny would follow him anywhere. But there’s no tension or suspense, because they fuck up climbing over the fence, they fuck up breaking the window, and they both trip over Angus Baird’s body and are extremely relieved like oh thank god.... thank fucking god he’s already dead (we realise yeah... these guys are kinda fuckin it up at the burglar thing...)
from upstairs, somebody shoots at them and BAM! TITLE SEQUENCE! Full of still frames and short slow mo clips of them rushing away from the house pursued by a gang of ruffians who had other beef with angus baird over idk a franz ferdinand song or something like that? what do the kids listen to these days. there are explosions, not sure why
dunno what the plot is but it involves at least three break ins, each zanier than the last, it probably takes some notes structure wise from Mr Justice Raffles but eh
Raffles probably has a threesome with Teddy and Camilla? just sayin
Inspector Mackenzie is there in like, a zenigata capacity and SHE’S BEAUTIFUL
Bunny does some voiceover but get this, it’s in the context of letters he’s writing to Miss Carruthers because that sounds like some movie shit they’d do! right!! she’s in the movie and she has a GUN
They play card games because it’s a guy ritchie movie but maybe we can work in that adorable thing from the show where the stakes are candy-based . huff. hff. charactersizaation.
I think Raffles’s sister helps them get out of a jam mid-movie. I’m just throwing in all the ladies i can
Cursing ( a lot )
Did i mention gun
JUST watch me I’m gonna write this whole thing just to prove a guy ritchie style raffles movie could be good
Bunny doing a voiceover of some burglary shop talk, explaining in detail how something is supposed to work, then as we see them doing it everything goes completely wrong and along with being funny as fuck its very becoming of Bunny as an unreliable narrator
a shot that shows you the inside of a lock as it’s being picked probably
like a slow motion fight scene between two people who don’t really know how to fight would be pretty great lmao
and then it ends with a gift of the emperor/knees of the gods style sacrifice and we realise Raffles was a selfish dick, but in the end he helped Bunny in the only way he could: by removing himself from his life
and Bunny is having a moment by himself like dear god he really did care and Raffles crashes through a window and dusts himself off like “back”
Roll credits
The best thing about what he does when he adapts is that he takes stuff like the characters and setting of the whodunit holmes stories and spy/action man from uncle and gives them a sense of humor about what they are- so yeah, maybe when you think about sherlock holmes your first thought isn’t greasy iron man kicking a guy so hard he flies 20 feet backwards through a boarded window and into a lake (and lives!) but fuck- I like sherlock holmes, I don’t really care for action blockbusters, but for some reason when you combine them it’s entertaining as all get out. And of course it’s not like the books, because that would be boring. And if anyone adapted Raffles in a way that was exactly like the books it would be boring.
Because the books are comprised of two things: One, very technical, concise descriptions of the way things happened, and two, how Bunny, as the narrator, felt about them. One being something movies are very good at showing, and two being something movies are certainly capable of with a very sensitive, emotional director like Lynne Ramsey but like... NOT guy ritchie, for sure. But if you want a Raffles movie, do you WANT something sensitive and nuanced? Do you want a heartfelt exploration of a younger man’s changing vision of the man he met in his youth as he finds himself manipulated into a life of crime or whatever? maybe but ... i dunno that sounds boring to me. maybe as a short film i could handle it
but like the real thing is “I want a fun movie and I want to see these characters I love brought to the cinema as it is in this day and age in a manner which i feel is true to the original nature of the stories and reminds me why I love them” and not turned into something which to me is barely recognizable from the source material
and if you don’t like ritchie’s holmes adaptations that’s probably why. Personally, i think Game of Shadows is a wonderful film and one of the best adaptations of a Professor Moriarty story, defs my favorite. Plus Rocknrolla and Snatch are some of my favorite movies and thinking about a Raffles adaptation with all the fun and charm and excitement of those gets me SO PUMPED UP
But also I know if it’s hollywood imma be disappointed. good thing its never happening?
you know what would definitely suck though? a wes anderson raffles. lmao holy shit
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Urusei Yatsura, Omnibus 6
By Rumiko Takahashi. Released in Japan in two separate volumes by Shogakukan, serialized in the magazine Shonen Sunday. Released in North America by Viz Media. Translated by Camellia Nieh.
Every fan has their obsessive favorite minor character. Usually more than one. I have two when it comes to Takahashi’s work. I’ve already discussed Akari Unryuu, Ryouga’s girlfriend in the later parts of the manga in my reviews of that. As you might have guessed, my favorite Urusei Yatsura character makes their debut in this volume. No, not Kotatsu-neko, though he sort of amusingly stoic. No, not the school principal either, though it is funny that both he and Kotatsu-neko debuted around the same time. No, it’s Shutaro Mendo’s younger sister Ryoko, introduced here as essentially an agent of chaos in a series entirely composed of agents of chaos. Ryoko is fickle, bored, and also a sociopath, happy to trigger her brother’s fears of the dark, annoy him by flirting with Ataru, or simply toss a hundred grenades out her window because it’s fun. Most North American fans experiences her Ranma knockoff, Kodachi Kuno, first. Accept no substitutes, though, Ryoko is best unfiltered.
Having established most of the regulars by now, Takahashi is starting to experiment with her work, dialing up some things and ramping back some others. Ran, who’d vanished for a while, is back on a semi-regular basis. So is Rei, and we start to get the start of the eventual Ran/Rei pairing when we see the one thing that’s sure to win Rei over: food. (Lum’s cooking, usually lethal to Ataru, is implied at times to also be lethal to actual aliens – she fills the ‘can’t cook’ stereotype box.) Oyuki is starting to be the soft-spoken yamato nadesico, but is still wearing her battle bikini rather than her kimono. And she’s dipping back into Japanese history again – this is the first book to feature new, never before officially translated manga material, and I can imagine 1990s Viz translators wanting to cut the chapters where Ataru is Zenigata (no, not the Lupin one). Nowadays, there are actual endnotes to explain things like Ryoko’s kuroko attendants (being a drama major, they are another reason I love Ryoko).
Also, while it’s always been around, we’re really starting to see a lot more fourth-wall breaking here. Tezuka started this, of course, and Takahashi’s friend and colleague Mitsuru Adachi also does it. But Takahashi is as broad and blatant about it as with the rest of UY’s humor, with Lum appearing on the title page to complain that she’s barely in this chapter, and other characters complaining about Ataru not being in it at the start because he’s still in bed. UY is a performative manga that its characters know they’re in, but they aren’t actors. For the most part the stories are still one-shot chaotic messes, though sometimes chapters run into each other, such as the first part of the book detailing the students trying to leave school to get lunch outside campus, which ends up being the students simply ditching school entirely.
As these chapters were being written, the anime was also being created – it debuted in the Fall of 1981, right around the time the Ryoko chapters would have been in the magazine. As the manga goes on, there will be a little influence from one on the other – though less than you’d expect. Fans of the anime might be startled, though, by one chapter here early in the manga being the basis for the final episode of the anime. That said, even if you’re not an experienced UY fan, these volumes are still chaotic, funny fun.
By: Sean Gaffney
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kazimakuwabara · 2 years
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my tablet has long been dead. Went out viking style in an apartment fire. God bless her. But I wanted to doodle an oc, with Fujiko Mine from a lupin the third Story I’m doing.
This is Sayako Zenigata, younger sister to Koichi Zenigata. She’s been through hell and i feel for the poor woman.
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 10/19/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#02 - Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki: Tanjiro continues to make his way to Mt. Sagiri, carrying Nezuko in a clothed straw basket on his back during the day. That night, they encounter a demon feeding in a temple, who attacks Tanjiro. Tanjiro barely manages to fend him off, but Nezuko manages to decapitate it with a kick. Tanjiro manages to pin the demon's head to the tree using his axe and pushes its still-alive body off a cliff. An old man with a tengu mask approaches the siblings and orders Tanjiro to kill it, but he hesitates until daybreak, where the sunlight burns the demon to ash. The man, revealed to be Urokodaki, worries that Tanjiro's kindness and weak resolve will be his undoing should he become a demon hunter, but nevertheless brings him and Nezuko to Mt. Sagiri. Urokodaki leaves the sleeping Nezuko in his cabin and brings Tanjiro to the peak of the mountain, ordering him to return by daybreak, as a test to see if he is fit to become a demon hunter. However, the test may not be as easy as it seems as the mountain road is filled with booby traps, greatly slowing his progress, coupled with the fact that the air is extremely thin. Tanjiro manages to use his keen sense of smell to detect the scent of the traps and evade most of them, allowing him to return just in time. Urokodaki recalls a letter sent by Giyū requesting that he train the siblings, and acknowledges Tanjiro.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#02 (14) - The Human Monster: During the meeting, Garou insults both the heroes and the villains, saying that he is on the side of monsters and declares everyone as his enemy. He beats up everyone using his martial arts skill except Sitch as a message to spread the word of Garou. Meanwhile, Saitama is at his house playing video games on the PlayStation Portable that he stole from King, while Genos is doing chores when Genos hears a knock on the door. Genos opens the door to see Speed O Sound Sonic trying to find Saitama to fight him. While Genos and Sonic fight someplace else, Fubuki, going by Hellish Blizzard, is the B-Class Rank 1 hero who tries to persuade Saitama to join her faction. Fubuki fails to convince Saitama, and orders her underlings to attack him, but Saitama easily beats them in one punch. Fubuki uses her psychic abilities to seemingly defeat Saitama, but Saitama remains unfazed from her attacks. He then berates her for surrounding herself with underlings, as she thinks that if she's surrounded by underlings she would be stronger. However, he tells her she would eventually face a villain that would be stronger than her and her underlings. Saitama proclaims that factions are useless, and warns the esper to never insult heroes ever again. Fubuki ignores his lecture and tries to attack him again, but Saitama sees Sonic and Genos fighting behind her and an imminent explosion. When the explosion clears, it is shown that Saitama saved Fubuki from the blast while remaining unscathed himself. During the scuffle, it seems that there is no clear winner as Sonic is too fast while Genos is way too durable. Genos tries to create a huge explosion which would knock out Sonic, but Saitama knocks Genos down, reminding him that if he made the explosion, it would have destroyed Saitama's apartment. Saitama then challenges Sonic, and hilariously counters Sonic's shadow clone move with Killer Move: Serious Series Sideway Jumps (by side jumping really fast). Sonic is shocked, and in the moment Sonic passes through the after images, he crashes to the ground, badly bruised and defeated, while Fubuki watches the whole thing in awe of Saitama’s ease of defeating such an obviously powerful opponent. Later in Saitama’s apartment, Fubuki reveals that she is the younger sister of Tatsumaki, S Class Hero Rank 2 known as Tornado of Terror. Due to Tatsumaki being overwhelmingly strong compared to her, Fubuki gathers underlings to be stronger. Genos asks why she doesn’t strive to be Class A Rank 1, but Fubuki says she can't because Amai Mask is Class A Rank 1, and he is too strong. Elsewhere, Amai Mask brutally kills a monster named Suppon, emphasizing her point. Fubuki also says that she would never be Rank Number 1. Fubuki tries to convince Saitama one last time to join her faction, but Saitama refuses. Before Fubuki could insult him, King arrives to retrieve his video game. Fubuki is shocked to be in King’s presence, while Saitama tries to explain that he accidentally destroyed the PSP as well as erased King's saved data. The Hero Association gives Saitama the hero name Caped Baldy because of his appearance, while Genos is named Demon Cyborg due to his aggressive attacks. In the closing scene, Garou defeats Tank Top Vegetarian in an alleyway.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#09 - Let There Be the Light of Science: During their ramen patronage, the gang are approached by Gen Asagiri, a magician from Senku's time, who had been sent by Tsukasa to confirm Senku's death but claims he will give a false report instead. Using the successfully completed iron, Senku takes advantage of a sudden thunderstorm to turn it into powerful magnets. While Gen uses his street magic to ward off a violent villager named Magma, the gang use the magnets to build a power generator which they manage to convince Kinro and Ginro to operate, leading to the reinvention of the lightbulb.
Fire Force EP#12 - Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa: The fire fighters, including Company 8, commence reconstruction of Asakusa following the destruction by Benimaru, and relations improve between the two companies. However, the White Hoods dupe Benimaru into believing that Obi and Hinawa are creating Infernals and he attacks them. Obi and Benimaru fight each other to a standstill, and Konro risks his life to stop Benimaru and forces him to listen to reason. As Koro recovers from his injuries, he tells the 8th the story of his injuries. He suffers from tephrosis, permanent damage inflicted his body, after he exceeded the limit of his pyrokenesis when he saved Benimaru from a powerful Infernal.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma (Training Camp Arc) EP#15 - The Man Called "Carnage”: As the students make their way home, Shinomiya decides to return to France to make his restaurant the best in Paris, while the other alumni explain how the training camp also serves as a recruitment ground to determine potential for future employment. Soma ends up missing his bus and has to hitch a ride back to school with Erina, who explains the next event, the Autumn Festival. Returning to the Polar Star Dormitory, Soma is surprised to see his father, Joichiro, who is revealed to be an alumnus and former member of the Elite Ten who went by the name Jouchirou Saiba. As Joichiro treats the returning residents to a meal, Fumio explains that Joichiro and Dojima were once fellow Polar Star residents who were responsible for many of the luxuries the dorm has. It is also revealed that Erina has fond memories of Joichiro as well. Later that night, Joichiro tells Soma about his campus memories, filling him with more determination. The next morning, Joichiro challenges Soma to a cooking battle.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#18 - Fujiko's Souvenir: One day, Lupin finds his hotel room's toilet clogged. The resulting sanitary restriction, their need for secrecy, and Goemon's strict preference for Japanese cuisine creates friction among Lupin's gang, which is not helped when Fujiko unexpected appears, apparently let in by a drunk Lupin the previous night. While they wait for the plumber, Fujiko begins to act secretively about the bathroom, and they suspect one of her usual schemes against them. The situation becomes more complicated when a passing Zenigata is attracted by the smell of Goemon's cooking and pays a brief visit. In the end, it transpires that Fujiko had dropped by for a special anniversary between herself and Lupin, complete with a gift which she hid in the toilet's water tank, inadvertently causing the blockage.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#91 - Mereoleona vs. Rhya the Disloyal: Yuno learns from a defeated mage that the Midnight Sun is planning to be reborn into their true forms. Asta encounters a clone of himself causing confusion, until Mereoleona sets them both on fire, exposing Rhya as capable of using Copy magic to recreate the spells of other mages. He attempts to use Yami's Darkness magic but Mereoleona sets his spell on fire then punches him in the face. Elsewhere, Mereoleona's brother, Fuegoleon, appears to almost awaken from his coma. Mereoleona's power proves to be a match for Rhya's multiple magic's, even with his third eye activated. Zora reveals that Mereoleona spends most of her time living in the wilderness and has grown impossibly powerful by absorbing nature's magic. Furious, Rhya summons a copy of Asta's Demon Slayer Sword, but it is easily destroyed by Mereoleona as it was merely a copy of the sword and contained no Anti Magic. Mereoleona reveals she can use a powerful ability, Mana Zone, to completely control all the magic within a defined space, and annihilates Rhya, shocking Asta who knows from experience how powerful members of the Third Eye are. Elsewhere, Yuno's skill leads Mimosa to suspect Yuno is also capable of using Mana Zone. They follow the sound of a powerful heartbeat and find a mage floating within a sphere of light.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind will premiere its English Dub on Toonami this Saturday at 2:30 AM.
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