zel-zo · 2 months
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My bestie and partner and I drew Dungeon meshi doodles and this was one of mine lol
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taikeero-lecoredier · 2 months
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Originally inspired by @koryabeebee when they drew everyone's version of the jse egos, I decided to do the same, but with Actor Mark instead ! It truly was a blast for me to do, and I want to apologize for taking so long with this, I feel like I learned a lot trying to understand everybody's style,and I'd LOVE to do this again but with darkipleir instead, maybe this summer after Artfight ? So keep an eye out for that !! I have also posted this on Cohost, Bluesky and Twitter :) Tag list under read more ! But yeah I really hope people enjoy this :) I put a lot of efforts into this !
I'll post individual pics in the coming days !! @ghiertor-the-gigapeen @regalrain @midnightnautilus @kevinzhechaircreations @astrumnihilum-art @urdadsceilingfan @rebar2042 @thomothysdoodles @ramixha @annie-quill @jimsandfruit @greaserink @aliendrawsstuff @the-moon-pal @smiledog15578 @mythbits @pigeon-latte @eternalegohell @jsketchi @feelixte @kingofmeatballs @ratt-teeth and ofc my au blog @mythos-egos >:) come check it out.... extra peeps whom I think might be interested seeing this : @obsidiancreates @satanicshamrock @glass-trash-bab @zel-zo @meo618 @bugteaaa @bubblesbinxs @room027 (i really hope i didnt miss anyone omg)
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jontaro-kun · 5 months
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I did a quirky little redraw of The Tower last night
Okay so there's a good chance that no one who follows me will have any idea who this is lol, this woman has made herself like half my personality for the better part of 3 years and y'all can blame @zel-zo for convincing me to even post this shfskjvbdfjkhvb
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mythos-egos · 4 months
Actor Mark !
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AND WITH THIS, MY AU BLOG IS OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED ! I figured it would only make sense for Actor Mark to be the first one to be posted here lol For anyone not recognizing me, hi! it's @taikeero-lecoredier and if you're curious about the au you can read the gist here ! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask !!
I'm tagging several people whom I think might be interested in seeing this, but if you'd like to be removed from future uploads, let me know !! @mythbits @eternalegohell @glass-trash-bab @satanicshamrock @pumkinkit @urdadsceilingfan @smiledog15578 @thegayneighborhoodcannibal @pigeon-latte @mail-me-a-snail @meo618 @obsidiancreates @zel-zo @ari-trash @bendoodle @perromago
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queersrus · 6 days
Hello! Could you do LoZ (more specifically BotW or TotK) names, titles, and pronouns? It would be wonderful, thank you! ^^
i have not touched totk yet so heres botw!
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(nick)names: list of characters(link)
brea, breath, breathe, breathy
cala, calam, calami, calamity daruk, dore, doreph, dorephan ganon, gor, goro, goron, geru, gerudo
hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hyr, hyru, hyrule, hestu impa link, lege, legend/legende
ko, kor, koro, korok, koshia, kohga, kass mipha, mak, makee, makeela, maz purah, paya
rev, reval, revali, riju, rome/rhome, robbie, rito sidon, shie, shiek, shieka/shiekah teba
urbosa wil, wild/wilde/wyld
yunobo, yiga zelda, zora
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
li/le/legy/legendine/legenself li/linke/linky/linkine/linkself zi/ze/zeldy/zeldine/zeldaself bi/bre/breathy/breathine/breathself wi/we/wy/wildine/wildself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
lo/legender/legendrs/legenderself lo/linker/linkers/linkerself zo/zelder/zelders/zelderself bo/breather/breathers/breatherself wo/wilder/wilders/wilderself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
le/legend, leg/end, legend/legends, li/link, li/nk, li/ink, link/links ze/zelda, ze/lda, zel/da, zel/zelda, zelda/zeldas bre/breath, bre/breathe, brea/breath, brea/breathe, brea/th, bre/ath wi/wild, wil/d, wild/wild hy/hyrule, hy/rule, hy/lia, hy/hylia, hy/hylian, hy/lian
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the hero of hyrule, the legendary hero, the prince(ss) of hyrule, the prince(ess) of zora, the calamity
one who slept for many years
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*one can be replaced by any prn
sorry i couldnt think of much
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444namesplus · 7 months
Ba Baaa Baiun Ban Baoer Be Beei Ben Beoil Ber Beuu Bi Bia Bieon Biii Biiul Bil Bir Biui Bo Boeur Bol Bom Bon Boom Bu Bum Bun Buue Buui Cha Chaae Cham Chan Char Chaui Chauo Che Chein Chel Chem Cheuun Chi Chiaol Chie Chiie Chion Chir Chiur Cho Choe Choi Chol Chooe Chooer Chor Choua Choum Chu Chua Chuain Chum Chur Chuu Chuur Da Daea Dai Daia Daien Dair Dal Daoi De Deaol Deii Dem Deuan Deue Di Dil Dio Do Doal Doim Don Doum Du Duer Dum Duo Duua Duuu Fa Fae Fair Fam Far Feaan Feil Fem Fi Fii Fil Fin Fiol Fir Fo Foaun Foe Foeul Foir Foui Fu Fuer Fuir Fuom Ga Gaai Gai Gaou Ge Geim Geu Gil Gioi Giom Giou Gir Goii Goo Gool Gu Gueim Gul Gum Gun Guon Ha Haoin Haoor Har Haua He Heaam Heai Heun Hiaun Hieen Him Hir Hiur Ho Hoi Hoou Houol Hu Huim Huoo Huuil Ja Jae Jaiar Jaim Jal Jam Jan Jaou Jaul Je Jea Jei Jem Jeo Jer Jeul Jia Jil Jioum Jiur Jo Joaan Joi Jom Joom Jor Jua Juai Juei Jul Juu Ka Kaaun Kaen Kam Kaoim Ke Keem Kel Ki Kiael Kiiur Kil Kim Kio Kir Kiuem Koim Kooum Ku Kuaar Kueo Kum Kun Kuuun Ma Mair Mam Maoun Me Meee Meie Mel Meo Meon Meoo Mieo Mioa Mioi Mo Moin Moiom Mom Mon Moo Moool Moua Mu Muae Muain Mum Na Nai Naia Nan Naoi Nar Ne Neai Nee Neen Nel Nen Neoo Ner Neu Neuur Ni Niin Nim Nin Nioe Niu No Noaum Noeer Noiun Noo Nou Noui Nuel Nuion Nuo Nuor Pa Paal Paei Pai Pail Pal Pam Pan Paoar Paon Paoo Paour Par Pe Peio Peuu Pi Piae Pil Piuo Piuom Po Poem Pom Pou Poum Pu Pua Puaim Pue Pun Ra Raia Ral Ram Ran Raoel Rauer Rauir Re Reeu Rei Rem Ren Reoa Ri Rieun Riiu Ril Rir Riuel Ro Roa Ror Rul Rum Sa Saior Sao Sau Sauim Se Seaa Sei Sem Sen Ser Sia Siaar Siam Siaur Sier Sim Sin Sir Siuem Sium So Soa Soe Su Sum Ta Taem Tai Taiem Tail Tal Taour Tau Tauum Te Teia Teui Teur Tie Tieal Tiien Tiuo To Toaen Toe Ton Tou Tuen Tum Tuoa Tuoim Tur Tuun Vaaa Vaau Vaou Var Vau Vaun Ve Vel Vem Veoe Veoo Veou Veu Vi Vieum Viiun Vin Viuam Viuu Vo Voal Voe Vom Von Vooum Vou Voun Vu Vun Vuou Vur Za Zal Zan Zaua Zaual Ze Zeiu Zel Zem Zer Zeul Zi Zieu Ziian Ziil Zir Zo Zoeil Zoeol Zoi Zoiem Zoo Zu Zuau Zueon Zui Zuian Zuiom Zun
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casipi · 1 year
A week to go
kon ngaih luat chia bang, one fine day a i om didan khong ngaih tuah zel inga,  day dream zel inga, hichia thil ka hih lai bang a, random flashes om mah bang a.
non bawl dan ka khek theih bang mah a om kei a, explanation or clarification ngen in, kap zen in hon ki houpih in hon chi leng le, nang na ut tuan kei leh, na heart kei change theih ahi tuan kei a.
na ut louh bilbel thil hih lele, kei adia poimoh lua hina pi in, na heart a bang mah lou dan a na pom leh, a significance om tuan lou in kamu.
thil a om dan chiang kasa a, kei leh kei kaki heh nem a, kaki awi dam a, khek theih lou thil kheng sawm lou a, ka hing leh tawldam zo din ka gingta.
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the-moon-pal · 4 years
I have a Request (if i'm not too late): Your persona doing something you love! Self care hours!!!
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Movie time baby-
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zel-zo · 5 months
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"You are the God I Made"
Here's final act bird boy because I don't think just the princess should have a sick ass final boss form. Also if you know where I got the whole "wings have eyes and each represents one of the voices and they can speak to him" thing, uh, *throws smoke bomb*
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closetedgoth8 · 6 years
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@zel-zo what can I say? I got bored and *poof* made A -A belongs to artist @zel-zo
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jontaro-kun · 1 year
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Look at this cool and epic and based art I made for @zel-zo
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privatesepticeye · 6 years
Hi! I just found this blog and i'm already excited for this game, just from what I've seen here!!! Since you said it would be a Visual Novel/ Dating Sim i was wondering what character(s) it would be focused around?
ahhh we’re excited too!! and it’s going to be about an OC that represents you, and you get to possibly date the canonical egos (anti, schneep, chase, marvin, jameson, jackieboyman)! It’s kind of like a choose your own adventure x reader game LMAO
~ Mod Fluff
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taideko-balsam · 2 years
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Finally got around to digitalize the doodles I made for @mythbits :3 Check the original here ! Close ups under the cut + tag list !
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@eternalegohell @zel-zo @meloncalic​ 
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chara-beara · 5 years
So I disappeared for over 2 weeks
Really sorry about that. Especially if you like seeing my garbage. Life's been rough. My family hasn't been very lucky lately and everyone is stressed. I'm counting the days until my next therapy appointment.
But posting really makes me happy so I want to do more of that. And I'm going post some of my really rough sketches because I feel like I need to accept that they aren't trash lol and I need to post more
So basically the schedule I want to follow is
Wednesday and Sunday are finished art
Monday, Thursday, and Saturday are rough sketches
Friday is mystery day basically I do whatever I want or even nothing at all
Tuesday you get nothing because Tuesdays suck
Ok I hope y'all have a great day/night.
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Zellow, zlack, zellow, zlack, zellow, zlack, zellow, zlack. zoh, zlack znd zellow! zet's zhake zit zup za zittle. zarry! zreakfast zis zeady! zOoming! zang zon za zecond. zello? - zarry? - zdam? - zan zou zelieve zhis zis zappening? - zan't zelieve zit. zi'll zick zou zup. zooking sharp. zuse zhe ztairs. zour zather zaid zood zoney zor zhose. zorry. zI'm zexcited. zere's zhe zraduate. ze're zery zroud zof zou, zon. zA zperfect zeport zard, zall zB's. zery zroud. za! zI zot za zhing zoing zere. - zou zot zint zon zour zuzz. - zOw! zhat's zme! - zave zo zus! ze'll ze zin zow 118,000. - zye! zarry, zI zold zou, ztop zlying zin zhe zouse! - zey, zdam. - zey, zarry. - zIs zhat zuzz zel? - zA zittle. zpecial zay, zraduation.
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I drew @zel-zo’s fantasy Diavolo!!! Go follow them and check out their art!!!
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