#Zeffra Sphinx
zeffrasphinx · 11 months
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Sometimes, bad behavior is a good example of how NOT to be.
Don't fight like cats and dogs…
The Bible says to love each-other and keep (obey) the commandments. That's. ALL. God wants from us.
His disciples spreads the gospel (the good news) that God loved the world SO much that he send his only son, Jesus, to live a sinless life, die on the cross as the ultimate perfect sacrifice/offering and come back to life again after 3 days, to wash away our sins with his blood, so that we can be sinless, blameless, in God's eyes on Judgement Day.
If we believe.
The Bible… well, is the Bible. God's living word. It belongs to Jehova / Yahweh / God.
These 2 new characters don't have any official names yet… though, I was thinking of "Nya-tasha", for the cat lady.
Not sure about the dog man… something with the sound for "woof" (in Japanese, Russian, Hebrew or any other language if it sounds cool/clever) and archaeology maybe. Because, aside from being a preacher, he is also an archaeologist. X3
The fox is me =3 Zeffra ^_^ (I still have the ancient-egyptian-isk cat form too). They're both called "Zeffra", but to differentiate between them, I call the cat "Sphinx".
God willing, I'll have time to show you her updated look, show you the full fox outfit AND explain what's going on, story-wise, with the two…
Anyway, art and characters belong to @zeffrasphinx
Gotta go for now!
Oh, and if you see bright lights appear in the sky one day, and lots of children and people all over the world disappear… it's not aliens or UFOs. It's the Rapture.
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zeffrasphinx · 11 months
Do you remember Gar The Cat?
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Updated ask ^_^
AND with BONUSES! =D (And probably confusion, lol XD)
Hope you like, @hypernovasmash ^_^
Also, I drew your Sonic OC from DeviantART. Hope you don't mind ^^;
The Snow Leopard's name is kept blank, because I'm not sure if Wisp2007 on DeviantART wants to reveal it.
But it's his Sona (or at least used to be).
Was gonna draw Gar from pure memory, but took a sneak peak and saw the new way Snakey is drawn, and decided to implement it.
As far as "Zeffra" and "Sphinx" goes... it's complicated. Both are my sonas... and both are called "Zeffra" XD
But where "Sphinx" (the feline) is my pure Sonic sona (made exclusively as a character that interacts with the Sonic Universe and lives in the desert and has healing powers),
"Zeffra" (the hybrid vixen) is my sona sona... no powers. My furry real-world representation, because I don't like drawing humans.
The vixen is modern.
The feline is the "past".
Both are part cat part fox =3
(Sphinx inherited the fluffy fox tail, while Zeffra inherited the oval feline head. Yes, both in my original style as well as in Sonic style).
Confused? =D
"____" the Snow Leopard, ZigZag, Gar Rainhardt and Snakey belongs to Wisp2007.
Hybernova the Hedgehog belongs to @hypernovasmash
Tailie Chemixter, Zeffra Sphinx and... vixen Zeff belongs to @zeffrasphinx
Art by @zeffrasphinx
By God's grace I was allowed to finish drawing this and showing it.
It took 8 DAYS to draw.
(Because I don't use AI)
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zeffrasphinx · 11 months
Ya know, if having one long tail is impressive, what would happened if Zeffra or Tailie had multiple long tails?
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Here's the picture as promised, Anon =)
Sorry it took so long!
(Drawing takes a long time).
Zeffra Sphinx, Zeffra the hybrid Vixen, and Tailie Chemixter the Longtailed Vixen belong to @zeffrasphinx
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