onestepbackwards · 13 days
Love That Bites Pt. 14
This took. So long. I'm so sorry OTL But!!! It's done! I hope you all enjoy it! This chapter was suppose to be around 3000 words. It ended up being twice as long. Oops haha. I hope you all like this chapter though! Hopefully the next one won't take near as long (❁´◡`❁)
Summary: It was finally time for you to head home, but it seems Dracula wants to at least make sure you are healthy and safe before you go. A shame after you leave all your anxieties seem to hit you all at once...
CW: Anxiety attacks, slight mental breakdown, mentions of abusive relatives, brief mentions of injury, blossoming feelings
Word Count: 6384 Words!
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First: Here
Last: Here
Next: ?
You were beginning to wonder if your life was a party, and you were the piñata.
In the span of less than a literal week, you had your shit kicked in since you couldn’t just fight off your step family, and accidentally revived an ancient ‘evil’ vampire that was your family’s immortal enemy.
Said immortal enemy then has tended to your health, Death threatened you, and now you somehow, by some stroke of luck, have convinced Dracula not to destroy all of humanity.
It… confused you.
Perhaps this really was a dream? Maybe you were actually still bleeding out on the floor of the castle or your bedroom?
By all means, you expected to possibly be dead after Dracula mentioned wanting to talk. You were in a way, ready to accept such a fate.
But his willingness to hear you out, and perhaps try not to kill people threw you for a loop.
A big loop.
One that had you questioning a lot, if you were being honest with yourself.
Had it always been that easy? Or were you genuinely just a special case? He did say he found you in particular fascinating.
One of your hands came up to rub your face as you felt your cheeks warm at the thought.
…Why did you have to find that kinda hot? Whatever, that wasn’t the point-
To be fair, given that the situation leading up to this point had already been weird and unusual, presumably even by your family’s standards. You doubted any of them would have had picnics with Dracula’s statue and run to his castle while critically injured.
But… you honestly couldn’t believe it was real. Dracula actually agreed not to try to destroy humanity. Somewhat.
Of course, that was his word alone, but…
…When you shook his hand, you couldn’t help but feel as if you had made a deal with the devil itself.
It was as if a part of you had a feeling deep in your chest that he would abide by the terms you both set.
But if you were being honest with yourself… you didn’t know if you could believe this. That the fact you even got him to agree was real.
You spent so much time worrying about it. Even before you ever found his statue, you had nightmares and days worrying about how you would handle Dracula if you had to confront him.
Was it all some plot? Some plan to make it hurt after betraying you?
Those pesky thoughts lingered, but you found it hard to believe them. Despite how often they popped up in your head, it was easy to counter them.
After all, why keep the Belmont alive after being slain so many times?
There were multiple opportunities to hurt you, kill you, torture you. Hell, if he wanted you as a prisoner, he didn’t have to give you such a lavish guest room.
Perhaps it was the fact everything you had been raised to believe at this point was now being called into question? After all, with everything happening, it felt like your world was spinning at a thousand miles an hour.
A part of you was probably also in shock.
Sure, your life has been hell up to this point, but it had a normalcy to it. You could expect to deal with dumb shit at home, and to fight evil monsters that were some of the worst of their kind when you did get to hunt.
It wasn’t fun, but it was normal.
This though? All the things you had happening to you?
Not normal at all, and it was hard to think.
Or maybe a bit too easy to do so.
It was as if a flood of thoughts swam in your mind, yet it was hard to comprehend so many of them.
“...At least the bed is comfy.” you mumbled, staring into the ceiling as you tried to calm your nerves. You still hadn’t completely calmed down since Dracula had talked to you.
Dracula had left not too long ago after you reached a… stable compromise?
He had said something about needing to check on some things, and to prepare to tell everyone about the deal you both came to.
You wondered just how much chaos that would stir.
A part of you felt a bit guilty. No doubt Dracula would have a lot of anger to deal with from some of his servants and the like. Many were already on edge with you just staying here, so you imagined the news wouldn’t go down without some outcry.
It was no secret many followed Dracula for his power, but it was also a well known fact many followed him because they hated humans. Hated hunters.
Though you doubted any public outbursts would be tolerated. Dracula no doubt would handle everything. You hoped.
If you were being honest though, a small part of you wanted to see the reaction on some of his servant’s faces. You bet some of the jaw dropping looks would be one to remember for years to come.
Unfortunately, you probably wouldn’t even be here to witness it.
Even if by some miracle you managed to possibly hold off the destruction of the world, you still had to deal with your step family, after all. Jason was already making your step brothers inquire about you, which was never a good sign.
You were lucky they backed off this long, and would probably give you a little longer before growing too restless.
After all, you did give them a bit of an ass kicking. Even if it was at the cost of your own health and mental well being, it was a long time coming.
That, and you doubted you would get such an opportunity so soon in the future. Best enjoy it before heading back and become their punching bag once again.
At least you probably wouldn’t have to worry about them trying to jump you like that any time soon. The fact they seemed to almost intentionally try and fatally injure you… it settled uncomfortably in your core.
Given you were willing to actually defend yourself for once, perhaps they won’t attempt something stupid like that again.
Despite that, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, either. Even if you showed you wouldn’t take a beating to that degree without fighting back, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t get creative with it for a possible next time.
Still, that didn’t change the fact you still had to go home. Sooner rather than later.
But… you’d be back. Hopefully.
That was one of the conditions Dracula asked for. He wanted you to come back. He wanted to see you again.
You tried not to think too deep about it. Surely, it was both to help keep the compromise in place, and to learn more about the current century, and all he had missed?
A part of you though couldn’t help but… daydream about the idea of him just wanting to see you. For you.
He said he found you fascinating, after all. But again, a part of you didn’t want to think too hard about it.
For all you knew, his version of ‘fascinating’ was simply seeing you as some sort of entertaining bug or something. Should you become a pest, all he had to do was squish you with his shoe.
…You didn’t want to believe that either, though. Not with how those ruby red eyes looked at you when he first was freed. How he asked who had hurt you.
The very thought of that moment had your heart racing again.
“Am I really that emotionally starved?” you mumbled to yourself once again. That question had been popping in your mind the more you thought about it, and how just one man/vampire made you flustered like a teenager having a crush.
When was the last time anyone had looked you in the eyes while injured, and asked who had hurt you? Then took care of you?
You hated to admit it, but Dracula had charm that a lot of people didn’t have nowadays. Or at least from most people you have met up to this point.
No doubt he had to have had it in order to be considered the King of the Night. You don’t just get that without some sort of charisma, you’d think.
…A part of you was going to miss it. You really had to return home, which is why you were dreading sleep.
Tomorrow you would head home. You would be back here, of course. A part of the agreement, after all.
But you didn’t want to go, almost like a small child not wanting to go to school.
Your chest pinged with anxiety every time you closed your eyes. It was hard to even relax enough just to rest.
By the time you felt your phone buzzing with an alarm to wake you up, you had nothing to show for what you ‘slept’, except for a migraine and a brewing anxiety attack.
Eyes heavy, you sat up in bed. A bed you were very much going to miss.
Even now, as you shuffled out of bed towards your bag, you could already feel yourself yearning to stay. Like a child who felt unwell and wanted to skip school, except 20x worse.
Grabbing your bag, you quickly went through the stuff you had, making sure everything was still here.
You trusted Dracula just fine with your bag, but you didn’t trust any other entity in this castle to not try and pull a fast one on you.
As much as it felt like some sort of Looney Tunes plot, you weren’t gonna put it past some disgruntled monster or entity to put a stick of dynamite in your bag or something hoping to blow you up.
Thankfully, you didn’t have much on you to begin with, but it didn’t hurt to be sure.
Tossing your bag to the side, you ran a hand over your face, trying to soothe your head and anxieties.
However, you nearly jumped when you heard a specific knock on the door. That same one you had grown familiar with.
Just how had Dracula known you were awake? Was he just guessing, or did he know? Did the castle tell him?
…Or perhaps he heard you thumping around. That was also possible. You decided not to think too much on it at the moment.
“Come in.”
The doorknob turned, before the door was pushed open, revealing Dracula himself.
He entered your room, giving you a polite nod before closing the door behind him, and walking up to the bed. Much like before, he pulled a chair close and sat in front of you.
A part of you wondered if he was doing that to seem more on an equal level as you, though you didn’t dare ask or point it out.
Getting comfortable, Dracula’s eyes seemed to see through you as he settled. Those ruby red eyes practically pierced you, and he didn’t even have to say a word for you to feel a bit small.
Yet, his words next were so gentle.
“How are you feeling?”
Despite it all, a small smile appeared on your face at his question. Your eyes dropped, and you looked over to the side.
“I’ll live. Head kinda hurts, and I didn’t sleep too well. A me issue, don’t worry.”
A flicker of a frown appeared on his face, before his face cooled back to a more neutral look.
“I see. What about your wounds? Any irritation? Are the stitches still holding up?”
You tried to ignore the warm feeling bubbling in your chest again at his concern, despite how hard it seemed to persist.
“They are healing nicely. I only feel a dull ache now compared to the pain I was in a few days ago.”
It was true. You barely felt your wounds compared to how you felt when you arrived. Dracula had done a lot to help them heal, going farther than most people have for you.
Dracula though, looked over your body, his eyes lingering where your wounds lay.
“May I see? I would like to check on them myself.”
Blinking, you leaned back onto the bed slightly, not too surprised.
“Yeah, sure. Here-”
Immediately, he was up from his chair, gently hovering over you from a slight distance. Far enough away to still give you some personal space, yet close enough to check over you.
He was quick, yet still just as gentle. It didn’t take much for him to remove your bandages, and look over your healing injuries, making sure to look over them thoroughly.
You hoped he didn’t think anything of the goosebumps showing up on your skin whenever his hands or nails briefly brushed against your skin. Hopefully he would assume you were chilled from the air, or were reacting to how cool his own skin was.
Another part of you hoped that thinking didn’t seem too pathetic.
And in an even deeper part of your mind… a part of you wondered what he would do if he did think you liked his touch. That was a part of your mind you tried not to linger on too much while Dracula’s face was less than a foot away from your own.
Dracula hummed a bit as he checked over your worst injuries, as well as your head injury. You may not have known him long, but you could assume he seemed pleased with your progress.
Most of your wounds had mostly healed up into scabs, instead of raw and fresh ripped flesh. Something that no doubt would have taken at least two weeks on its own without the help of the few potions Dracula has been giving you.
It would still take some time for them to completely heal, but you were no longer at a huge risk of infection, or had to stay in bed to heal.
Truly, you owed Dracula a great debt. Another thing you were… feeling odd about.
Before you could dwell too much on it though, Dracula was carefully placing your bandages back on.
“Good. They are healing quickly. I’m pleased with your progress.”
You gave him a smile as he sat back down, trying not to soak in his words too much. You were happy he was happy with your healing! A totally normal thing to want and achieve!
While you were trying to mentally downplay the buzz in your head from his ‘praise’, Dracula’s eyes looked over to your bag, which sat innocently on the bed next to you.
“Ah, were you still planning on returning to your home today?” he suddenly asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Trying to keep your anxiety about the mere thought of your ‘home’ in check, you nodded.
“Yeah, if I am away too long, it could cause some issues. It’s best if I leave today.”
Dracula leaned against his hand, his other on thrumming against the arm of the chair. You wondered if that was something he did often.
“And you’ll return?”
You nodded quickly.
“Of course. We agreed on that, right? Though…” you began, your hands playing with your shirt, “...It may take me a few weeks to a month to come back, but I will be back.”
Giving you a look, Dracula’s expression turned almost teasing.
“I would hope so, I would hate to have to hunt you down myself, Little Belmont.”
His tone was clearly joking in nature, with his lips curling into a grin that showed off his fangs.
You chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of your neck. However, the way he said it had heat rushing to your face.
God, why did you like the sound of that? Why? Why did your brain like it so much? You swear there had to be a deity out there who found your suffering hilarious.
You didn’t think you would be finding so much stuff about yourself when you arrived here a few days ago. Apparently you had interesting tastes, and were into things you hadn’t even considered before now.
No doubt you would be unpacking a lot of that later, possibly in the middle of a mental breakdown. It was too soon to tell.
Coughing a bit to try and stop those thoughts, you looked back at Dracula.
“Regardless, I will try to be here next month. I should be healed by then too…” You spoke, mumbling that last bit. Dracula gave you an odd look, and you had a feeling he wasn’t too sure of that, just as you were.
Sighing, Dracula then stood up, and much to your surprise, held a hand out to you. You stared at it for a moment, before looking back at his face as he began to speak.
“Well, are you ready to leave? If so, I shall escort you out myself.”
Your eyes flickered to his hand, which was still outstretched to you. After a moment, you took it.
“Trying to get rid of me so soon?” you joked, ignoring how your smaller, warmer hand easily slid into his larger, cooler one.
Dracula’s lips twitched upward as his hand gently curled around your own.
“Maybe I am? Someone has to get rid of the ‘Scary Vampire Hunter’ apparently haunting my castle.”
His words were pure jest, and that had the small smile on your face widening as he gently pulled you up to your feet.
“Can you walk?” He then asked, still clearly worried over you leaving so soon. You managed to stand on your feet without too much issue, and looked back up at him.
“Eh, I’m still a bit sore, but I can walk. I’ll be fine.”
It still actually hurt quite a bit, but hey, you have had worse.
Dracula also didn’t seem very convinced, but at this point, who was he to argue with you when you wished to leave?
Regardless, you were still a bit surprised to see him offer an arm to you after you managed to gain your balance.
“May I?”
Seeing Dracula offer his arm to you did not help the blossoming feelings in your chest. Why did the man who was humanity’s greatest enemy have to be such a gentleman??
Your face was hot, and you prayed to whatever god was listening that your blush wasn’t too noticeable.
“S-Sure.” You spoke, mentally hitting yourself with a hammer for stuttering.
Slowly, you reached out, nearly hesitating as your hand neared his arm. Gathering your resolve, you gently wrapped your own arm around his own.
He wasn’t as cold as you expected, despite him wearing a long sleeved shirt. Though it was hard for you to think as you registered just how big he was as you felt his muscles underneath said shirt.
Then, you nearly jumped when your bag was suddenly hovering in front of your face. You had nearly forgotten it on the bed behind you. Carefully, you grabbed it with your free hand with a quiet ‘thank you’.
“It is no issue at all. Shall we?” He spoke, looking down at you.
Oh stars, how he made you feel small.
With that, he gently walked to the door, opening it with a flick of his wrist, and leading you out into the hall.
His pace was most likely slow for himself, given you were positive his stride easily would outdo yours. However, Dracula took his time so you could easily keep up.
You found you didn’t particularly mind. If anything, it gave you the perfect opportunity to admire the decor of his castle.
Castlevania had been described in many different ways from the journals you had read. Some said horrifying and confusing, while others spoke of it as if it were gorgeous, yet almost fake feeling.
You found yourself mentally describing it as hauntingly beautiful.
Just the hall outside your room was nothing less than extravagant. Dark red curtains hung above the giant windows that seemed to lead to a courtyard, while painting after painting adorned the walls between each window.
Each painting was unfamiliar to you, but they still astounded you all the same.
Dracula noticed your awe, and his lips curled into a smile.
“The castle, being connected to me, usually inherits my tastes. Though I’ve noticed it has a fondness for decorating on its own, and even has preferences. For instance…”
He paused in front of one of the massive windows overlooking a garden.
“The gardens always look a bit different, but it is fond of giant fountains. Nearly every iteration has one without my interference, though it is pleasing to see.”
You tried not to giggle at that. The thought of a sentient castle being fond of giant fountains and having decoration preferences was so silly, yet given what you were looking at, was very possible.
Dracula and you didn’t linger long at the window, but after that, Dracula almost enthusiastically pointed out different decorations and what some of them meant to him.
It was little things, such as his tastes in candelabras, or the story behind every other painting. Apparently there were many immortals who dabbled in the arts.
You wouldn’t lie. Walking through his castle was very… surreal.
This was a place you were supposed to storm through. A place you were supposed to look at with disgust and revulsion.
Yet, you were fascinated, despite being on edge.
Only one of your ancestors remarked on the beauty the castle had. Juste, you think was his name.
Juste had written how the castle had a strange charm to it, among all the horrors he saw. Apparently he had an eye for detail and decor, and briefly wrote about how he had found it fascinating before destroying Dracula’s wraith, thus destroying the castle.
You could kind of see what he meant now that you were seeing it first hand, even if it was most likely incredibly different than when your ancestor had run through here.
It didn’t take as long as you thought to get to the entrance hall, which was covered with a lush red carpet, and filled with different displays and extravagant furniture.
A part of you wondered if this was what some castles were like hundreds of years ago, just with a more modern touch. Maybe he’d tell you one day?
After all, you agreed to come back. You’d hopefully have plenty of opportunities for questions.
One thing though you did notice walking through the entry hall, was the uptick of monsters.
There were suits of armor you passed, where you could sense enchantments on them, each standing at attention.
That, and maids were here and there, cleaning or tidying up. You could tell most weren’t human just by looking at them, but that was none of your concern. At least not at the moment, so long as they didn’t attack you.
They kept their distance, but you felt all their stares. Some looked at you curious, before averting their eyes. While others gave you cold smiles. You suppose you didn’t blame them.
Ignoring their looks, you felt your heart pound in your chest the closer you got to the massive door.
It looked different.
Instead of a worn down door that looked as if it had been left to rot, was a magnificent massive door that looked warm and taken care of.
And imposing. Very imposing.
Then again, that was most likely the point, even if you were looking at it from the inside. You could only wonder how it looked outside…
You didn’t have to wonder long. The moment you both approached the giant door, it opened completely on its own, as if the castle itself was opening the door for its master.
Despite having been around Dracula a little bit, his impressive feats of magic and mastery over the castle still seemed to awe you.
A part of you also wondered if he was doing that on purpose to show off. You wouldn’t be surprised with how he would occasionally look at you after doing something with magic.
Magic itself wasn’t new to you, but all that he could do? Especially when it wasn’t combat related? It was a bit impressive, you’d admit it.
As he walked you through the large doorway, you noticed the courtyard between the entrance and the gate had also changed. What was overgrown, wild shrubbery and trees was now a full garden. The plants seemed alive, but in a way that was almost… unreal.
He guided you through the courtyard, his arm still entwined with your own.
It didn’t take long before you were at the gate, and he came to a stop. Looking down at you, he posed a question that had your heart thrum in your chest.
“Is this fine, or do you require assistance to your cabin?”
His question caught you off guard slightly. You hadn’t anticipated him asking, nor had you thought that far.
“N-No, I’ll be alright. Thank you.”
A part of you really really wanted to say yes, so this moment lasted a while longer. So you didn’t have to say farewell.
But the rational part of you screamed no. Even if you somewhat trusted this man, were you ready to let him know about your cabin? How to approach it? What if you both were followed? Did you want anyone possibly seeing any weaknesses in your defenses?
No, the hunter in your brain won out. You couldn’t risk anyone finding your defenses, or rummaging through the one sanctuary you had.
You just hoped Dracula wouldn’t take it personally if he or one of his underlings investigated your cabin and exploded or something from one of the traps or wards.
Dracula meanwhile gave you a long look. If you didn’t know any better, you’d even say it was disappointment you saw in those ruby colored eyes of his. With a sigh, he gently let your arm go from his own, turning to face you properly.
“Very well. I shall await your inevitable return. Do not keep me waiting too long, Little Belmont.”
You already missed him. How?
Slowly, you nodded your head.
“Of course. Um…”
A part of you felt so awkward already.
“See you soon?”
Mentally, you were smacking your head against the wall. Did you really just tell the Lord of Darkness ‘see you soon’? You wanted to explode.
However, most of your embarrassment almost melted completely away when he gave you a small smile.
“Indeed. See you soon.”
You stared at him for a moment, you both seemingly unable to look away. It wasn’t until a rumble of thunder broke your gaze away, and you stared at the long walk at the edge of the lake you would have to trek.
With a sigh, you turned, and began to walk.
Already, you were regretting not taking him up on his offer. But it had to be done this way.
Your heart was heavy in your chest as you pushed forward with every step. You couldn’t even muster up the courage to look back as you crossed the edge of the lake towards the forest.
At least, you couldn’t until you reached the edge of the clearing.
Already you were tired, but you couldn’t help but finally look back behind you. Back towards Dracula’s castle.
Your eyes widened when you did.
The castle, something that should have horrified you, was gorgeous surrounded by clouds and the forest. Its image even seemed to eerily reflect back at the lake despite the clouds above.
And Dracula remained in front of it, watching you.
It was hard to see from so far away, but you could just barely make out his cloak spiraling out behind him in the wind. He was watching you leave.
Was it to make sure you were really fine? Was it genuine concern? Why else would he watch over you while you left?
…Did he actually enjoy your company? Did he already miss it?
It took more effort than you would like to admit to swallow down the warmth bubbling in your chest.
How silly.
No need to get your hopes up. You hoped that at least a few days away from this place might clear your head. Surely that’ll make these confusing feelings go away. Right? Right?
You just hoped this wouldn’t mess up how you perceived your cabin… You already came to terms with your sanctuary being next to an empty castle. Now it is alive, and its king has an interest in you and your motivations.
With a sigh, and one last long look at the castle (and its owner out front), you turned back to the woods.
Each step back was heavy, and you felt as if you were in a daze. If it weren’t for the fact you had been bewitched before and knew how it felt, you would have wondered if you had been enthralled by some sort of spell.
At least you were self aware enough to walk back to your peaceful abode with caution.
You checked your traps as you went, watching your step as you did so. Thankfully, most were undisturbed except for one or two traps. Those you suspect were simply disturbed by animals rather than monsters looking for a meal.
Well, you at least hoped that was the case. You didn’t sense any paranormal residue of any sort, but that wasn’t a guarantee…
Still, you took enough time to go over most you came across, and as your cabin came into view, you checked around the building.
It was tiring, but quick with how your mind was still a buzz. At least nothing seemed out of place.
Just… a few blood stains from when you were here last and critically injured. Oops.
You sighed, debating if you should leave it as a problem for future you. Not like this place and your home were lacking in blood stains if you looked hard enough. What were a few more?
Still, you didn’t just want to leave it there, so you at least cleaned it up a little bit so you wouldn’t come back to a gross smell. Well, at least a worse smell, anyway. The blood didn’t do your cabin any favors, but hey, it could be worse.
You’d clean it properly and make it spotless when you came back. Eventually. Hopefully. Maybe.
It didn’t take long, but it was clear what you were doing. Trying to keep yourself distracted while in this fog. Trying to buy time before you head home. Buying time before the reality of everything that had happened hit you.
You didn’t get as much time as you would have liked.
Thankfully, since everything else in your cabin was untouched after a quick sweep, you didn’t take much longer to leave said cabin. Even if you wanted more time, it was a weight off your shoulders that you didn’t have to worry about anything being… tampered with.
All you had to do was toss your bag in your car, set your whip aside, and drive off.
Should you be driving while in such a state? No, but you didn’t exactly have the luxury of keeping your home waiting much longer.
The drive itself wasn’t long, or at least, it didn’t feel like it. With each mile, the clouds began to part, and the sun began to shine. It was almost insane how much reach the castle had in terms of weather.
Or was it Dracula’s influence? You wondered if he’d tell you if you asked next time you saw him.
Next time. Right.
Your grip on the wheel tightened, and you could feel your anxiety peaking as you drove further from the cabin. From the castle. Only to grow closer to your home.
…Would they all be there? Your step family?
Dread was already pooling in your gut as you imagined them waiting for you at home. Would they be extra pissed? Would they do something reckless?
With the shit they pulled last time… You weren’t so sure you would be safe. Even if you scared them a bit, you feared you only pissed them off more. If they were willing to fatally injure you so blatantly in ‘training’...
You feared what they might do since they didn’t succeed, and you couldn’t do a thing about it until they acted.
Sweat began to form on your temple as your heart uncomfortably began to beat faster. You felt ill. Felt like you were cornered by a pack of werewolves who were starved for a meal, and you weren’t even at your house yet.
Yet as your city came into view, you felt worse.
Would they scream at you? Yell at you? Call you worthless?
Or would Jason lash out, and finally attack you? You knew he had been holding himself back, but after last time…
What about your home? Was it in good condition? Or did they start destroying things? You wouldn’t be surprised if your room was destroyed.
Worse… would they kick you out?
You had no real legal standing if they kicked you out. All your family’s artifacts, weapons, and history… gone.
They would never give it back to you, or any of your living family members across the globe. No doubt they would simply will everything to themselves if anything happened to one of them.
Why did your mother leave everything to them?
It wasn’t fair.
You were beginning to feel even worse thinking about it.
Still, you forced yourself to swallow what felt like bile rising from your throat as you pulled onto your street outside of the city. Getting sick wouldn’t solve any of your problems, and would most likely make things worse.
But you could barely fight the rising panic as your family home came into view.
It was never so daunting and imposing before now. A place filled with light in your childhood now brought you nothing but terror and anxiety just looking at it as you drove closer.
As you pulled into your driveway though, you paused, and stopped your car.
No cars were outside.
No cars were outside.
No cars in the driveway or out front, and if you were lucky, not in the garage either. But at least your step brothers were gone.
The way your body practically sagged in relief. Even if somehow Jason was home, that was better than having to confront all three at the same time after getting back right away.
Taking a deep breath, you turned off the engine, and climbed out of the car. You only grabbed your bag, keeping anything else locked inside.
It took a few moments to gather your courage, before you slowly unlocked and opened the front door.
You waited a few moments, holding your breath as each tense moment passed.
It was dark, and you heard all the familiar creaks, but no footsteps. No sounds of a TV. No talking in the distance.
Carefully, you stepped inside, and quietly closed the door behind you.
There was still nothing.
Were you truly home alone?
A part of you wanted to relax, but the hunter in you stayed alert. With silent footsteps, you headed to the garage just to be safe. There was no one on the way there, and when you opened the garage door?
Closing it, you laid your back against the door, hand over your heart as you tried to calm down.
You were actually home alone for once.
Did they have a hunt? Need supplies and go shopping since you were gone?
Either way, it didn’t matter. You were home alone, and that was most important at the moment. You could let your guard down for a little while.
At least, until whenever they came home.
With a huge weight temporarily off your shoulders, you made your way to your room, a small plan in mind.
First, you needed to change clothes. You were thankful for the clothes Dracula had lent you, but… what you had on was a little dated. Even if you liked how the loose, puffy shirt looked on you, and the comfortable pants… No doubt there would be questions why you were wearing clothing that was popular in a different century.
Then you needed to shower, and write down some stuff you needed to do going forward. Maybe even get some sleep before anyone gets home…
Sitting down on your bed with a messy plan in mind, you reached into your bag to get your dirty clothes out for you to wash later.
As you rummaged through it, you froze when you felt something new inside it.
Thoughts ran through your mind as your blood ran cold. Have you been had? Did someone plant a bomb or a weapon in your bag? Did Dracula betray you?
Carefully, your hand grasped the cool object, before slowly pulling out of your bag.
You couldn’t help the small gasp that left your mouth when you pulled out a potion bottle.
Looking over the bottle, you noticed a tag attached to the cork, and gently held it still as you made out the intricate cursive on the note.
‘I figured you could use this. It should be enough to finish healing your wounds. I hope you put it to good use.
You didn’t notice you were beginning to cry, until your vision became blurry with hot tears.
“VDT…. Vlad… Dracula Țepeș…?” You asked out loud with a sniffle.
He didn’t betray you. At some point, he must have slipped this in your bag after his last visit as he escorted you out. How?
It was a silly question to ask, given the immense power he held… but…
You sniffled again, tears hitting your leg as everything slowly began to hit you at once.
Despite it all…
…Dracula went out of his way to heal you, and even made sure you had something for when you got home.
More tears began to form as you carefully cradled the small note to your chest.
Dracula at least cared about you, when no one else did.
That thought both thrilled and terrified you to the core.
…Because you were certain you cared for him back.
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onestepbackwards · 11 months
Hello Soulmate
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🔸Zhongli x Reader Drabble🔸
Summary: You've had a weird soulmark on your wrist since you were young. Who knew it was the soulmark of a god who has waited for you for almost 6000 years?
CW: Fluff, soulmate au
Word Count: 1428 words!
Imagine Zhongli, in all his years alive, has never found his soulmate.
On his chest above his heart, a small bird symbol lays dormant. If it wasn't for the very obvious mark, he'd believe he never had a soul mate to begin with.
But not once in his thousands of years on Teyvat, had it ever lit up, or burned, or glowed. Tell tale signs a soulmate is alive, and that you have met them, or that they were nearby.
His did none of those. It just sat innocently on his chest.
At least it wasn't ashen grey, showing his soulmate had passed.
He had long grown not to expect his soul mate to appear. Zhongli did have hope after becoming an Archon, hoping that would make finding you easier.
But you never once showed up.
Eventually time went on, and he no longer felt hope.
Well, that would be a lie.
He felt hope, but it had long since grown into a warm, smoldering coal, instead of the blazing fire it once was.
The dragon knew if he were to still meet you in this life, he would love and cherish you, excited beyond belief.
But that day had yet to come.
So with a heavy heart, he went through with the death of Rex Lapis.
It was one of the most difficult decisions he had ever made. But it had to be done, regardless if he truly wanted to step down or not.
Erosion would eventually come its way for him, much like it had done to Azhdaha. It was best to let his country grow on its own two legs, and be prepared for when that day came, whether it be in a hundred years, or a thousand.
A part of him worried you would come, only when he was beginning to wither.
Zhongli didn't want you to see him like that. You already missed him in his prime, but he had nightmares of meeting his soul mate when his mind started to erode.
But it had to be done.
He wasn't too surprised to see your mark on his human vessel, though he still felt so empty. Deep down, he yearned to hold his soulmate, even now.
So when he was sipping tea one day, taking his time for an order for Director Hu, he dropped his tea cup when he felt a burn on his chest, right above his vessels heart.
His eyes widen as he reaches up to touch the spot. For once, he curses himself for wearing so many clothes.
He's leaving the tea house he is in, uncaring if the mora he slammed down on the table was enough to cover his meal. Rushing to his small home he had bought years ago, Zhongli slams through the door, almost stumbling to his room.
Ripping off his clothes, he shakes as he sees it in the mirror.
Your soulmate mark, alive and glowing warmly on his chest.
He stares in wonder, fingers gently reaching up, touching the delicate looking mark with awe.
You were real. You were alive. You were close by.
Old instincts pushed at the boundaries in his mind, and he forced them back down.
Not now. You were alive. You were real. He had time.
Rex Lapis waited 6000 years for you. Zhongli could wait just a little longer.
Meanwhile, you had an odd soulmate mark, ever since it first materialized as a child.
It was the Geo symbol. Just that, the Geo symbol.
Your parents had been stumped since the mark showed itself, on the inside of your wrist clear as day.
It glowed a stunning amber, and was outlined in black. Whoever it was, was alive and well.
Most marks had very interesting meanings. But THE Geo symbol?
It had your parents scratching their heads.
Not once had anyone you met had any symbol similar. Never had anyone seen a mark of one of the elemental sigils.
As you got older, it only brought more questions than answers.
Though you remember talking about it with a friend in the bar in Mondstadt, when the bard there asked about it when he saw it on your wrist in passing.
"You know... It might be someone from Liyue that uses a Geo vision. Or maybe an adeptus that works with Rex Lapis? Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
The bard then laughed, and your face went red at the remark. You? Being able to claim a god as your soulmate? Please.
The head of the bar ended up dragging him away, though the mischievous, almost knowing look that bard sent you over his shoulder had you second guessing yourself.
His words kept whispering in your head. Maybe your soulmate was in Liyue? That was the nation's symbol after all. If anything, it would be a good place to start looking.
After all, you always felt sometimes you had to grab fate by the horns and take control of it yourself.
So when you packed a bag and headed out, your parents tearfully waving goodbye behind you, you didn't think much of it.
If you found them, then you did. If not, you could always go home.
Though you weren't expecting your mark to burn when you stopped to rest at a Statue of the Seven near the harbor. The late Rex Lapis' statue.
A part of your mind grew anxious at this news. Your mark glowing and burning like this.
"Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
The bard's words echoed almost tauntingly in your mind.
You tried not to sadly laugh as you felt the warmth flow through your body.
Of course, if it really was Rex Lapis, it would only be your luck it was a dead god you were tied to. If only you had been a year sooner...
But that didn't mean Rex Lapis' spirit was gone. You had read the papers, and Lady Ningguang had mentioned a dream where he told her about how he had perished.
Or something like that.
Perhaps that was what this was then? Since he was a god, that's why your mark wasn't ashen grey? His spirit was strong enough to live on?
How cruel. If that was what this was, your soulmate was taken from you far too-
"I found you."
You scream as you spin around, and a man with the most gorgeous amber eyes you have ever seen is standing behind you.
He looked a bit disheveled. His clothes almost haphazardly thrown on. You got the impression he normally didn't look like this.
The mark on your wrist pulsed, and your eyes widened.
"You..." You began, though you couldn't think of the words you wanted to say.
The man is quick to unbutton his shirt, and tug it to the side.
When you saw the glowing bird, pulsing on his chest above his heart, you knew.
That mark was yours.
Carefully, you lowered your wrist, and he oh so carefully reached out for it. His hands were so gentle as they took your own, as if you were made of glass.
The spark that followed as a thumb ran across the symbol, left you breathless.
"My symbol..." He murmured, in awe over the small mark.
But you could already tell there was weight behind those words.
His eyes snapped back to your own, and you saw it.
This man... he was older than he looked. Those eyes were the ones of an old soul.
You felt power radiating from him, and your mouth went dry.
"You aren't... human, are you?"
It wasn't so much a question, as it was a statement.
The man blinked, almost in surprise, before he began to laugh.
It was a gentle one, one that had your heart pounding in your chest.
He smiled at you, eyes glowing bright.
"I should have known my soulmate would be able to figure it out first thing."
"Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
Those word rang in your mind once more, and you found yourself speaking before you could think about what you were asking.
"...Rex... Lapis...?" You asked, almost unsure, though the thought somehow felt so right.
His eyes seemed to brighten, along with his smile.
He brought your hand up to his mouth, and kissed the Geo symbol on your wrist, sending shivers through out your body. He then nuzzled against your hand, eyes never leaving your own. The loving look he sent you left you almost breathless.
"Hello, my dear. It's nice to finally meet you."
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onestepbackwards · 6 months
Love That Bites Pt. 12
Hiii! It’s been a while! Sorry for such a long wait, my life has been chaos non-stop with one bad thing after another, but I was determined to finish this chapter! φ(・ω・` ) Forgive me if the pacing and formatting is a little off, but I finally got it done, even if I didn’t get to stuff everything I wanted into this chapter. But that just leaves more for the next one. I do hope you all Enjoy!
Summary: You begin to seriously dwell on your situation, but it seems even as much as you would like to stay, home comes calling. With home on the other line, it seems your fantasy must eventually come to an end. Though it seems Dracula may want a few words…
CW: Anxiety, budding feelings, dark thoughts, brief thoughts of murder, mentions of toxic family
Word Count: 5367 Words!
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Tag List: @tilldeathripsusapart @thedeadlynights, @pumpkinvampie @bethleeham @mshope16 @sixsixtwenty @haleypearce @rvautomatic @tinystarfishgalaxy @marshmelloe @maorizon @ursamajor17 @sapphicsfordracula @dame-sunflowers @sleepyendymion @starrlo0ver @onewiththebeanbag (i’m sorry, sometimes the @ doesn’t work?? ;~; )
First: Here
Last: Here
Next: Here
If you were being honest, you were beginning to wonder if staying in Dracula’s castle was driving you mad.
It had only been about three days, give or take, and yet…
How else would one rationally explain why you were actually enjoying your stay here at his castle? Or enjoying his visits with how tenderly the Dracula treated you?
Answer was, you didn’t.
At the moment, you were pressing your face into one of the soft pillows on the bed of your room. Outside of the castle, you could faintly hear the sounds of rolling thunder, and raindrops hitting the window.
Somehow, what normally would have been an eerie atmosphere had also become a comfort for you.
You weren’t as tense here. Despite being in Dracula’s castle, and that someone had already tried to kill you, you didn’t feel like you were in survival mode 24/7.
Not like how you were at your old home.
Clutching the pillow closer, you inhaled the pillow’s scent, before letting out a muffled groan.
There was also something you didn’t want to admit. The fact you were beginning to feel really weird about Dracula himself.
And it wasn’t even a bad weird.
It’s something you had been wanting to just shove into the back of your mind and never think of again, but it was beginning to be really hard to do that with how gentle and careful the Vampire Lord was with you.
Especially with the way he oh so gently held parts of your body when overseeing your healing injuries.
Your mind wandered to when he first picked you up, how he held you so effortlessly, holding you against his large frame as he carried you across the castle to this guest room.
Or how his large hands carefully cradled your midsection as he looked over your stitches that you had accidentally messed up. How his cool hands sent electric tingles across your skin-
Heat rushed to your face.
His voice had been so low, and those gorgeous ruby eyes looking at you with genuine concern.
And then his smirk.
How he smirked at you as he teased you, no malice to be seen on his face.
“I’m such a fucking goner, holy shit.” you mumbled into your pillow as heat flushed through your body.
You didn’t dare admit it out loud, but deep down, you knew what this meant.
Heart thudding in your chest, you gripped the pillow tighter.
You had a crush on Dracula.
It wasn’t something you could keep denying, not when your heart fluttered when he gave you such tender looks, or when his lips curled into an amused smirk when he teased you.
The urge to yell was strong.
“I must have really hit my head.”
Of course, that was an excuse you could only use so much until it was just a convenient lie. With the potion Dracula had made for you, the injury to your head had mostly healed.
With the injury to your skull no longer an issue, you knew deep down these feelings you had were unfortunately very natural.
Lifting your head from the pillow, you looked over to the window, idly watching a few flashes of lightning followed by thunder.
Swallowing thickly, you thought back to how he was just so… kind to you.
Even when he was being truthful, it was kind. Dracula didn’t have to tell you that the first batch of potions had been tampered with, but he wanted to be honest with you. It was clear he was putting his cards on the table so you could make your own decisions.
When had someone last been so… open with you? Willingly?
Just the thought had your heart pounding.
Was it really that simple? Someone just had to show you basic kindness for your heart to grow fond of them?
Another flash of lightning struck outside the castle, and you rolled onto your side.
Your mind idly wandered to something Dracula had told you while trying to make conversation. Something about how even the weather was connected to him, to a degree.
Despite the lightning and thunder, it wasn’t angry, like a beast lashing out. Not like it had been earlier.
Another part of you wondered if that heavy storm had been when Dracula found out the potions meant for you had been poisoned.
An even smaller part almost wanted to believe it, imagining how angry he could have possibly been on your behalf. Just like he had been when he broke free, how he wanted to know who had hurt you.
In truth, it was the storm earlier that had caused you to trip and tear some of your stitches.
A loud crack of lightning had shaken the castle earlier, all while you were getting up to use the restroom connected to the room you stayed in. It startled you enough to make you trip over your own feet, and collapse on the floor.
If it had been Dracula’s doing, you didn’t blame him. You doubted he was aware you had been up walking when he had been so angry.
…And because of it, you got to feel his hands on your body, even if it was brief.
A moment passed.
“Am I really that down bad?” you asked yourself, eyes drifting to the ceiling.
You wanted to scream.
This was not fair. Not fair at all.
Why Dracula of all people? The very man you were ‘destined’ to fight?
Deep down, it wasn’t hard to figure out the answer.
You were lonely.
Lonely, and a bit broken.
To have someone, even your biggest ‘enemy’ treat you with respect and kindness… Looking at it from an outside perspective? It wasn’t particularly surprising your heart was trying to latch onto him.
It didn’t make things any easier, though.
Especially when he gave you such fond looks. Looks you could almost imagine a good friend or lover giving you.
“Yup, I’m losing it.” You spoke, your eyes narrowing.
If anything, this made things way more complicated.
What on earth were you going to do now?
You’ve toyed with the idea of maybe politely asking Dracula to, you know, not destroy all of humanity in a attempt of mass genocide.
But would it be that easy?
Just because he seemed to respect you, did not mean he would give the same pardon to the rest of your kind. Especially how he didn’t seem too pleased when you mentioned you got your injuries from personal business.
It wasn’t a lot of info, but you had a feeling Dracula suspected it was humans that had done this to you. No doubt that wouldn’t help you with pleading your case.
Still… You also found your mind wandering over possibly trying to talk Dracula out of killing all humans, despite the odds.
It was something you had wanted the moment you found his statue, though you never really thought you’d get this far.
Could you really do it? Convince the Lord of the Night to leave humanity be?
Perhaps you could make a compromise? You knew he had to drink blood to live, perhaps he’d be interested in the few supernatural blood drives that existed?
…Or even your own blood?
You quickly shook your head, trying to get the image of Dracula intimately biting into your neck out of your mind.
That image pleased you a lot more than you’d like to admit…
With a huff, you brought a hand to your face, and rubbed your eyes.
“What was I thinking about again? Right! Compromise…”
It wasn’t like you could just stop hunting, either. Even if Dracula agreed not to kill humans, that didn’t mean other people who lived independently of him would follow such a lifestyle. If a beast or something of paranormal nature was out causing harm to innocent people, you’d have to put a stop to it.
But, perhaps… Perhaps you could convince Dracula at least to leave humanity be, unless someone personally spites him?
In that case, you could hardly feel the desire to stop him. Fuck around and find out and all that.
You would no doubt though have to give something up in return, no?
Not hunting Dracula wouldn’t be enough, you were sure. The King of the Night had sworn to destroy humanity for killing his wife. You doubted he would simply just stop in his crusade because you asked nicely and swore not to kill him for it.
“Perhaps if I added his castle and the covens that follow him…”
So long as his underlings weren’t out hunting innocent people, you generally had no reason to hunt them. The life of someone from the paranormal was tough, that you knew from the few supernatural acquaintances you had.
Not every dark being wanted to kill, they simply had to for survival. More often than not, it was humans that didn’t give them any options, hunting them down for being a dark being, or not helping them control their hunger.
On one hand, you understood the human perspective, to a degree. Why help something that needs to feed on your lifeblood to survive?
But on the other hand… If humanity helped them instead of scorned them, they would have no reason to hunt humans in the first place. Such as the blood banks to help feed vampires, so they were fed and didn’t have to give into their instincts.
Unfortunately, those weren’t incredibly popular as you’d like them to be. At least some of humanity was giving it a shot though…
Blowing a tuft of hair out of your face, you scowled. It really was an unending battle.
Didn’t help humans and many of the supernatural thought themselves above the other. No doubt if Dracula miraculously agreed not to kill humans, others would just find that stupid and do it anyway.
And you also figured others would come to hunt Dracula themselves. Even if the man agreed to leave humans alone, you doubted humans, let alone the church would take kindly to him just existing.
Hell, was his son even still alive? Alucard, you think his name was?
You had read about him from different journals of different Belmonts. It was clear the man was immortal, despite the human blood running through his veins
How the man was Dracula’s son, who had sworn to kill his father any time he should rise.
Swallowing thickly, you suddenly felt a bit sick.
Would you… Would you have to fight Alucard? The same man your ancestors thought so fondly of?
Somehow, that thought made your stomach churn.
You didn’t even know if the man was still alive. Could he be? Could Alucard really have hidden himself, even in modern times?
Or perhaps he had put himself to eternal rest until Dracula had awakened once more? You read something about him doing that in one of Richter’s journals. Something about how Alucard awoke to the call of Castlevania after Richter had risen the castle.
You felt your heart tick up a beat. Did that mean Alucard might come here and fight Dracula himself?
Turning onto your other side, you reached out and gently gripped your whip. Its old presence brought you a small comfort.
Chances were, you don’t think you’d have it in you to fight Alucard yourself.
Just like how you didn’t want to fight Dracula, just a little different in reasoning.
Would Alucard even listen if you tried to tell him Dracula didn’t want to kill humans? That is, if you even got Dracula to agree?
No, you doubted it would be that simple or easy.
Perhaps you could just stay out of it? Or at least try talking to him?
“Hah, am I really debating this?” You whispered to yourself, thumb running over some of the grooves of the whip.
You hadn’t even talked to Dracula yet about him leaving humanity alone, and here you were, thinking ahead as if you already accomplished such a feat.
Heaving a sigh, you slid the pillow out from under your head, and placed it on your face with a groan.
The weight of the world was still very much on your shoulders. Even if you didn’t have to fight Dracula now, you still had a job to do.
Protect humanity.
Was it really that bad you were hoping you didn’t have to fight Dracula to do that?
Not just because of your complicated feelings, but would it not be better just to have him be neutral again?
If you did end up fighting and killing him, he would simply come back within a hundred years! It didn’t matter what you would do, fate would no doubt put your family through the ringer once more to defeat him.
Or at least have someone step up to the challenge if not your own family. Perhaps someone from the Morris clan?
Though, if you could make him no longer a threat because he wants to stay out of it, would that not be better for everyone involved?
Of course, you could only hope it would be that easy. Your life had never been simple, and it loved to screw you over time and time again.
However, you found some of your mother’s words echoing in your head.
‘Expect the worst, but hope for the best.’
Moving the pillow on your face to the side, you sighed.
“I can do that. I guess.”
You sat in silence for a few moments, idly listening to the thunder rolling overhead. You still couldn’t get over how this castle seemed to have a peaceful ambience your own home seemed to lack.
A buzz brought you out of your thoughts, and your eyes narrowed.
Hand flinging to the side of the bed, you patted the sheets until you felt the familiar shape of your phone. Picking it up, you felt your heart drop into your stomach.
‘When are u coming home? Dad’s not happy.’
Your mouth went dry, and you felt your body beginning to shake.
That’s right. You have been gone for several days now. It was only a matter of time before someone at home contacted you, asking where you were.
“Figures I couldn’t even have a week…” you mumbled, staring at your screen with badly veiled disdain.
Putting your phone down, you ignored the urge to puke your guts up. Just thinking of heading back to your family home made you nauseous.
Especially if Jason was growing upset you were gone.
“Upset if I’m there. Pissed if I’m away. Bah.”
It wasn’t incredibly surprising. Anytime you had injuries or were sick, you were always expected to ‘pick up the slack’, as they’d say.
Maybe they’d leave you be for a day or two at best if it was noticeably bad. However, you never got your hopes up, especially when it came to injuries.
In their eyes, if you could walk, you could work. If not doing the dirty jobs, then you could at least clean the house while they did the ‘real’ work.
A flare of irritation and anger rose in you.
Sure, you were always annoyed with them, but especially now after everything you have been through over the past few days.
Nearly dying because of your step family, having a manic episode and accidentally reviving your nemesis, said nemesis then caring for you better than anyone has before since your mother passed…
And… you had admittedly enjoyed the past few days, even if you were in enemy territory.
Dracula kept a slight distance with you, that much was obvious. It was clear, however, he was doing so for your comfort.
Even then, he still regularly checked up on you every few hours. You could technically even leave if you wanted, he said he would not stop you or hurt you for doing so.
Just yesterday, he had offered to bring you some books if you needed them, which you had declined.
It had shocked you more than anything that he was willing to offer entertainment, though you suppose you shouldn’t have been too surprised either. Declining had been a gut reaction from surprise, but you made sure to let him know you appreciated the offer.
You weren’t sure you could really even read anything he gave you, given you didn’t know what books he had. You would have had to see for yourself, and you didn’t want to bother him about it.
Though… It wasn’t like you could have gotten too much reading done with how much you had been sleeping and thinking. The few times you did need a distraction, you still had your phone too, which miraculously still somehow had a data connection.
Given how you were healing though… You wouldn’t mind a book now. A bit too late to ask for it though, you supposed.
Letting out a shaky breath, you looked at your phone once more.
The text almost seemed to taunt you.
They wanted you back, after hurting you, nearly killing you. All over ‘training’. As if nothing had happened.
Granted, you did tell them as you left to pretend it never happened. You think. Your memory of that fight was a bit hazier than you would like to admit.
Probably bloodloss.
Did they think they could just make demands? Just like that?
A part of you wanted to call Seth, the one who had texted you, and chew him out. Tell him about the hell you endured because of them, and how you almost died because they didn’t give a single shit about you.
How you wanted to rip into them, unload every single thing they have done to piss you off and ruin your life.
How a part of you wanted to go home and cut them to pieces slowly and-
You froze.
The grip on your phone was tight, and you felt your breathing grow heavy.
Carefully, you put your phone down on the bed, and took a deep breath.
You were angry, but you hated when those thoughts began to show. It never led to a good place mentally when you thought about killing them.
It wouldn’t be worth it.
Even if you did feel a sick satisfaction from it, which you know you would have, you would still suffer.
Being a Belmont only protected you from the law so much. The city you lived in didn’t know what went on behind closed doors. To the city, your little step family did everyone a favor by keeping the ‘beasts’ away.
If you killed them, you would be arrested. You would lose everything you worked hard for.
Your home, your heirlooms, your whip.
Sure, you could survive on the run for a while… But it wouldn’t be worth it.
The whole reason you put up with those jackasses was because you wanted to keep your home safe. You couldn’t exactly do that if you couldn’t go home.
Life really sucked right now.
But at least… you found temporary peace.
Idly, you clutched your phone again, wondering if you should answer Seth, or ignore him like you wanted to.
Given just looking at your screen and seeing the message made pricks of anxiety and frustration bloom in your chest, you decided to ignore it for now.
You couldn’t ignore it forever. Things would get worse if you did, and you already dreaded what the house must look like since you’ve been gone.
No doubt Jason’s attitude has been foul, you wouldn’t be surprised if he took it out on your home, just for you to clean up.
Scowling, you let out a small noise of annoyance.
After another moment, you decided to sit up. The soft sheets slid to your hips, and you winced as some weight shifted to a wound.
Hand twitching, you resisted the urge to open your bandages to look at your injuries.
Most were beginning to heal rather nicely since Dracula had brought you a potion. However, you still had a long way to go before you were fully recovered.
At the very least, maybe it wouldn’t be that long if Dracula truly intended to keep having potions made for you.
Yet another concept that floated around in your head that still managed to surprise you.
It’s almost funny. If you had been any other Belmont, you were certain you probably would have been mocked and tortured for having injuries. You doubted he would have extended the same kindness as he had you.
This didn’t help the fuzzy feeling in your chest when you thought about him, in an odd way.
You were special to Dracula, at least right now you were.
He wanted you alive for now. Alive and well.
Wringing your hands close to your chest, you tried not to sigh again.
What were you going to do?
As you tried once again to think over your options, your eyes caught your figure in one of the mirrors in the room. One near a dresser meant to look over outfits, you presumed.
Though you couldn’t help but scrunch up your face when you noticed your reflection.
You looked awful. Felt it too, even if your injuries were doing better.
Despite this, Dracula still treated you so gently, and with respect.
As you were deep in your musings, you ended up jumping a bit when you heard the familiar brisk knock at your door.
You knew right away who it was, having memorized just how particular Dracula had been knocking on your door.
Perhaps it was on purpose? A knock you would grow to recognize in case someone else knocked on your door?
Regardless, you didn’t keep him waiting, telling him to come in.
You would admit though, you never got over the slight surprise you had as he entered your room each time.
His presence alone was intimidating, even as he made a point to try and not be as such. How he seemingly called for attention as he entered a room, even if he didn’t utter a word.
It was both impressive, and you weren’t entirely sure how to feel about it.
Nervous? Sure. Into it? You had to mentally smack your brain a little to avoid your thoughts going in that direction as he was in the same room as you-
“Good afternoon.” He spoke as he closed the door behind him, his voice deep and quiet. You know for a fact he had a voice that could lead an entire army, or gently put you to sleep.
A dangerous voice, one you liked a bit too much.
-Nodding to him, you gave him a small smile. It was strange, how relaxed you were becoming around him with each visit.
A part of you still yearned for it to never end.
But your phone weighed heavy in your hand, a solid reminder you couldn’t stay. Unspoken consequences idly rolled around in your head, which was beginning to make you grow queasy.
Dracula’s eyes seemed to see through you, and you wondered if he could read your mind with how his gaze seemed to look at your very soul.
You certainly hoped he couldn’t read your mind, otherwise things would be pretty awkward with all the suggestive thoughts you have been mentally fighting off with a bat that floated through your head.
Thankfully, Dracula didn’t say a thing about that, simply sitting down in the chair you decided to keep next to your bed.
“Are you feeling well? Has the potion helped?”
He asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Heart pounding slightly, you smiled a bit wider.
“Yes! It has helped tremendously. My head no longer feels as if someone hit it with a hammer, and I’m mostly just sore at this point.”
Granted, that didn’t mean you were out of the woods yet. Your pain tolerance was higher than most. Just because you felt better, didn’t mean you were greenlit to go do any serious activities or hunting.
Despite your inner musings, Dracula seemed pleased.
“Good, good…”
He then reached into his cloak, and pulled out what you assumed to be another bottle filled with potion.
It had been a little while since he gave you that first dose, so it should be safe to consume more..
Potions could be taken in large quantities, but it wasn’t exactly recommended.
The concoctions filled a person’s stomach, but didn’t offer any nutritional value other than healing wounds. It could even make a person sick if consumed too much without a break or food in between major doses.
Not that it stopped you before. You didn’t exactly have the luxury of being picky at home when constantly fighting illness and injury. Growing sick from too much potion was a risk you often had to take.
You decided to keep that thought to yourself as you took the bottle from Dracula’s hands.
“If your healing continues to progress, you should be completely healed in less than a week. Maybe even sooner once those other potions are finished.” Dracula spoke, drawing your attention back to him.
A week? You didn’t think you had that kind of time. You’d probably need to be home at most, three days from now.
Dracula gave you an odd look.
“Is that not satisfactory?”
You blinked, eyes widening slightly.
“Oh, no! That… that isn’t the issue at all. It’s… It’s just…” you stumbled over your words, running a hand through your hair as you tried to figure out how to explain without seeming unthankful.
Dracula remained patient, letting you figure out what to say. His gaze was cool, yet curious.
A part of you also swore you saw amusement as you fumbled your sentences together.
Nervously, you began to wring your hands together, and fiddle with your shirt.
“…I just… I’m uh, I’m expected to be home soon…”
Dracula raised a brow at your small explanation.
Immediately, you also felt the temperature of the room drop. Enough to make the hair on your neck stand on end, and send a shudder down your spine.
You hoped you hadn’t pissed him off by saying that…
The gaze on Dracula’s face shifted, going from barely concealed amusement, to something… darker.
Old instincts began to wake, and you seriously hoped this wouldn’t be the end of the small little bit of peace you have had up until now.
The last thing you wanted was a fight.
An intimidating silence took hold of the room, and you forced yourself not to reach for your whip out of nerves. After a few moments, Dracula then broke said silence.
“This home of yours…”
He leaned close to you, his eyes bearing into your own.
“…Is it the same place where you received these injuries?”
For a moment, it felt as if the wind had been taken out of your sails.
You were confused. Was he… not upset with you?
Dracula tilted his head, those same ruby eyes flickering over where you were still injured.
“Forgive me for being presumptuous, but is that not where you were attacked? Was it within your own home?”
The question had your eyes wide.
“I uh-“
Dracula leaned back, though the odd feeling in the room didn’t settle.
“Of course, you don’t have to answer. But if I am right, is it that pressing to return before you are fully healed to handle whoever, or whatever dealt such blows?”
His questions had you pausing, and you felt your mouth run dry.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Dracula seemed apprehensive about you returning home where you were hurt.
Almost as if he cared.
The very thought had your mind whirring in overdrive. If someone had told you months ago that Dracula himself seemed to care about you, you would have laughed in their face.
But with everything he has done for you… was it really that far fetched?
If anything, you could at least argue he’d hate to see all the hard work done in healing you go to waste, but you were certain it was more than that.
Again, not good for your conflicted feelings on Mr. Lord of the Night himself.
Rubbing the back of your head with a sigh, you felt yourself droop a little.
“It’s… complicated, but yes. I have to return home soon, or things might get messy.”
The very thought of what might happen if you disappeared too long left a sour feeling in your stomach.
Your eyes flickered up to meet his, and he held your gaze for a few moments.
“…I assume you can’t put this off then? That it must be urgent?” He asked, his voice low.
Nodding, you tried to keep holding his gaze, not wanting to seem weak about it.
“Unfortunately. I… I risk a lot if I wait too long.”
Dracula’s eyes narrowed on you, before he closed them with a sigh.
“Like I have mentioned before, you are my guest here. You are free to leave at any point you wish, nor are you to be attacked as you do so. However…”
Your head tilted slightly, heart picking up at the end of his sentence. However…?
“Are you… certain this is wise? That there is nothing else that can be done?”
Shaking your head, you finally looked away.
“…Will you be hurt again?”
You stayed silent, telling Dracula all he needed to know, even if you refused to elaborate.
Why bother making an empty promise? Even if you don’t get hurt this time when you head home, what about the next? You knew all too well it was practically a waiting game until you were sick or injured again.
With your silence, the room somehow became increasingly colder.
Daring to look up, you were surprised to see the red of his eyes glowing slightly, much like how he had found you.
He really didn’t seem to like the implications you left him with.
But what could you say?
‘Yeah, my step family might try to beat the shit out of me or leave me the rotten leftovers to eat, or even make me do the yucky missions. No doubt I’ll be injured or sick again by the end of the month!’
Yeah… that probably sounded a bit pathetic. Some Belmont you were, allowing your own ‘family’ to use you as a punching bag.
Dracula eventually let out a sigh, and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He looked frustrated. Or worried? You couldn’t be too sure.
A moment passed. Then another. You weren’t entirely sure what to say.
Another sigh left his lips, and when he moved his hand to look at you, his eyes briefly glowed once again, before returning to their same ruby red they were before.
The room remained cold, though the look in his face wasn’t quite as scathing or irritated.
“Very well then. It seems this is personal and important to you. Whenever you wish to leave, I will personally escort you out of the castle.”
A part of you grew warm and fuzzy at that. And they say chivalry is dead.
However, before you could bask in that warm, fuzzy feeling, his voice rang out once more.
“Before you leave however, we have much to discuss.”
You blinked.
As if a switch had been flipped, his entire posture seemed to shift.
His back was up straighter, and he crossed his legs. He then rested his elbow on the arm of the chair, resting his head on his fist.
His eyes seemed to sharpen as his gaze then zeroed in on you.
Your mouth went dry.
It was as if his entire demeanor changed.
Hair on your neck stood on end, and out of nowhere, it was as if a stone settled uncomfortably in your stomach.
“You had mentioned wishing to talk back when I was… imprisoned. If you are going to leave, I imagine you would wish to discuss this before you do so.”
You felt your blood run cold.
Ah. That.
Now you understood why his demeanor had changed so much in a matter of seconds.
No longer were you just talking to Dracula, your polite host.
You were now discussing terms with Dracula, King of the Night.
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onestepbackwards · 3 months
Love that Bites Pt. 13
IT'S DONE AAAA Sorry this took so long, I have had a rough few months, it's made it hard to write and focus. BUT! This chapter is at least 8000 words to make up for it! I hope you enjoy!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Summary: Despite what he had hoped, Dracula has decided to spring a talk of 'business' with you earlier than he had intended. He anticipates it to end in disaster, destroying what little peace you both had. However, he finds things might not end like he presumes...
CW: Anxiety, talks of depression, allusions to abuse, mentions of murder, mentions of sexist behavior, brief mentions of injury
Word Count: 8039 Words!
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First: Here Last: Here Next: Here
Dracula, if he were being honest with himself, had dread when this day would come.
Deep down, he knew eventually you two would have to talk. There was no getting around it, no avoiding it forever.
After all, you were still a Belmont, and he was King of the Night.
He had known this talk would come before he eventually had been freed. How you mentioned wishing to talk instead of immediately engaging in battle.
However, he would admit that a small part of him looked forward to this, especially before he had been freed from his stone prison.
Back then, he could not help but imagine different scenarios of himself and you discussing the future. This primarily was before he had got to know you a little bit more with each ‘visit’.
Before you broke the curse on him, he had planned on using this talk to gouge your own plans, and see just what kind of a Belmont you really were.
Would you be all bark and no bite? Or was the idea of wanting to talk really just a guise to make yourself more high and mighty than him? Another ‘holier than thou’ spiel he had heard countless times throughout history, and still managing to condemn him?
Perhaps it was even a trick to try and lower his guard? Just to attack like a snake on unsuspecting prey?
Not that he would have let his guard down that easy in the beginning, of course…
Other questions though still had run through his mind at the time as he slowly grew to know you in his imprisonment.
Were you really different? Did a small bit of Leon still persist despite the generations of Belmonts? Was it truly kindness that shone bright in those tired eyes of yours?
It certainly wasn’t naïveté, despite what some may think. Those eyes of yours had seen too much to be dull witted. Any kindness you had to give, it was because you chose to, despite knowing the risks.
That kindness, and your interest in asking questions for yourself. That still drew him in.
However, as time went on, it became almost alarmingly clear that you were in fact serious about this. How you didn’t particularly want to battle him, at least not without hearing him out personally.
No power play here, no desire to put yourself above him while seemingly giving the vampire a chance.
You were a rarity that Dracula didn’t want to let go. Especially when you were just within his grasp.
Humans like yourself were rare, he didn’t want to just let you slip through his fingers, even if you were a Belmont.
If anything, that made it all the more important to try and sway you to see his side of things.
Or to at least… come to an understanding.
However, Dracula was all too familiar with how finicky fate could be. Should he try and lock you away or strongarm you into staying, he’d simply be pushing you away.
It also didn’t help that the idea of simply holding you hostage didn’t sit well in his gut. The last thing he wanted, (even if he refused to admit it out loud), was for you to hate him for stealing you away.
…He would admit he did consider it, though. Dracula had already lost so much, was it hard to blame him for wanting to protect this Little Belmont who was clearly a hidden gem amongst the rotten trash that was humankind?
Still, he couldn’t afford to risk losing you to his own arrogance. Not like this.
Unfortunately though, you unintentionally threw a wrench into his plans.
Originally, he hoped to have you here for at least a week, if not two. During that time, he planned to gleam who had hurt you, and deal with them swiftly if need be.
All while healing you, and seeing if he could push past a few of your walls.
That way, hopefully when you eventually had to have a talk with him about where you both stood, he had hoped he would have enough information to form a way to convince you to stay.
Alas, things never went to plan for him. Fate seemed to enjoy taunting him that way, it seems.
Despite how receptive you had been to him, and how you accepted his care, you surprised him with what you had to say.
How you could not stay much longer. You had to leave soon.
Your words weighed heavy in his heart. However, it became clear this wasn’t exactly a choice you wanted.
It seemed you were oddly reluctant to even mention why, clearly unhappy and anxious about the idea of going back.
That had alarm bells ringing in his mind.
The Lord of the Night was no fool. When he wasn’t constantly being slain by your ilk, he was a ruler, a leader, and a tactician. Among many other things.
No one lived as long as he, and not pick up on different things about human behavior.
A part of him wanted to puff up in pride. You seemingly wanted to stay.
But that was unfortunately a double edged sword, so it seemed.
Sure, you were receptive to his care and being his guest, but that was far from being entirely trustworthy and comfortable around him.
…So just how bad was your home life for you to prefer staying at his castle, even after someone already tried to foolishly tamper with your life?
You seemed a bit dodgy when he delicately prodded about your home life. However, the less you said, the more of a picture it seemed to paint.
No words had to be said for him to assume the worst. The wounds you had must have been from wherever you resided outside his castle.
Yet you stubbornly refused to give him details. Even if you were different from your ancestors, you were still very much a stubborn Belmont.
It would be endearing, if not for the fact he worried about your safety the moment you left his property.
And the fact he had to have this conversation with you now, rather than when he would have liked. He had at least hoped you would be in a better physical and mental state before he sprung this talk on you.
After all, you both couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room forever. One of you would either have to give and declare war, or… Perhaps meet halfway.
Even though he hoped for the best, Dracula was well aware this may end in disaster. He at least hoped it wouldn’t be too explosive.
He’d like to at least fight you on even ground with respect, like you had wished to do for him.
The last thing he wanted was to fight you as you looked up at him, clearly still incredibly injured, despite what the potions have done for you so far. He wouldn’t underestimate you, but he knew that you would no doubt leave with permanent damage if you managed to win.
And if he were being honest, Dracula didn’t want to deal with the whirlpool of emotions he no doubt will have to suffer from if you choose to try and destroy him.
He may be a prideful man who didn’t like admitting his faults, but he was well aware how badly he handled losing someone last time. He didn’t want to kill you or try to hurt you with his own hand.
So he donned his King of the Night mask. Ready to face the music.
Your reaction to his change in demeanor was instant.
Those wide eyes of yours sharpened, and he could practically see the hair on your neck stand on end. Seems a hunter’s instinct never rests.
It was almost fascinating to watch in real time, if he were being honest with himself. Any Belmont he had faced, almost exclusively were ready to fight him from the get go.
So to see you so subtly shift, as if a snake preparing to strike, or a cat ready to react with a strike of its own…
Dracula would be lying if he didn’t find such a sight interesting, stirring a set of feelings in him he thought he had long since buried. A shame he had to see such a shift when he might become your enemy in mere moments.
The air around you both was tense, and was charged with enough energy Dracula idly wondered if it could charge a light at this rate.
“So,” Dracula began, his voice becoming a bit of a bored drawl, “what exactly do you intend to do now, Little Belmont?”
Your eyes nervously bore into his own, and you swallowed thickly as you sat up straighter.
“What I intend to do?”
Dracula kept his lips from curling up into a grin. He at least would try to hold off from antagonizing you like he would with annoying diplomats from other monster and vampire clans.
“Yes. Forgive me for being rather blunt,” he began, his eyes glowing idly as he watched you for any change in behavior, “-but you know as well as I do, that we can’t just pretend the other doesn’t exist after you leave.”
It was subtle, but he recognized the calculating look on your face after he finished speaking. He wondered what thoughts were flying through your head as you scoured your mind for an answer.
Dracula knew his words had to be thought on, though he also imagined you probably had thought about this long before he had even been freed. Although, imagining what one would say in such a situation, and being in the situation you had imagined didn’t mean things would go as one planned.
You were silent for a moment. Then another.
Dracula didn’t mind, nor did he rush you. Despite his shift in attitude, he didn’t intend to push you to make a choice at that exact moment, even if he did put you on the spot.
Though perhaps, that may just be his thin veiled excuse to keep the peace, just for a little while longer.
After a few more moments, you let out a sigh, and put a hand on top of your head. You averted your eyes from him, and closed them.
“I… I don’t wish to fight you.” you began, almost tentatively. Your hands gripped the blanket nearby, and began to fiddle with it.
“You have been very kind to me since uh… Since you were freed from being a statue. You didn’t have to do that, for me of all humans.”
For a moment, your eyes met his own, and Dracula felt some tension in his body lessen, just ever so slightly.
So you didn’t wish to fight him either. It was one thing to suspect as such, but to hear it from your own mouth relieved him in a way he couldn’t explain. No doubt it also took a lot for you to admit that, to your own destined adversary.
But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t fight him. No, it was clear you would if you had to. The words were unspoken, but still there.
Despite this, you were still clearly nervous, your heartbeat pounding hard enough for him to hear in the quiet room.
“I’ll be honest. I… may be a fool for admitting this, but…” you began, your eyes flickering between your whip, which sat next to you on the bed, and Dracula himself.
“...I probably wouldn’t even win. What’s the point, anyway?”
That was indeed surprising to hear from your lips. The way you practically sagged as you admitted such a thing, showing just how tired you really were.
Dracula could see it now. It wasn’t just exhaustion in your eyes from whatever happened to you at your home.
You were tired of life. You were tired of the burden you had on your shoulders. You didn’t have much to fight for, anymore.
Dracula felt those words of yours tear into his heart. They struck a chord with him in a way that was almost unsettling.
“If I fight you, then what? I ‘win’? There’s nothing in it for me. Sure, I save humanity, or whatever-” You say, making finger quotes as you shake your head, “-But then I just end up back home in my own hell hole, no doubt with injuries that can no longer be healed. Then I’d still be expected to keep hunting.”
It was strange, as if a dam had broken within you. Dracula had a feeling this was something that had been building for years. No doubt from when you were a child, thoughts like those had been swimming in your head. Especially after you had lost a parent.
“Plus, what then, you rise again in a century? If even that? I know for a fact sometimes you have risen in half that time. What’s the point then? Just holding off until the next battle until someone else in my family stands up to fight you?”
Blinking quickly, you rubbed one of your eyes with your wrist, clearly trying to hold your emotions in check. The conversation clearly weighed heavy on you when you were already dealing with enough as it is.
He’d admit though, it was surprising to hear this from you.
Some Belmonts seemingly had been eager to seal him away. Either for glory, or the sake of mankind, thinking it a triumphant thing to succeed.
Here, you simply showed the opposite. How cruel fate really was, how winning against him was nothing more than a temporary, hollow victory in the grand scheme of things.
And how those words of yours echoed deep within his own mind. How many times had he been forced to answer the call of humans and other forces since he was killed that first time after Lisa’s death?
Those first few times, he had been vengeful. But after he had fought with his own son one on one, it had become increasingly clear how hollow his life had become.
How far he had sunk since he even lost his own dear Elisabetha.
How he encouraged this lonely life as a vampire after losing his first wife, then grew to detest the cursed cycle he had been put in after his second wife was murdered.
Fated to be the monster talked about in folk tales to keep children from misbehaving, only to reappear due to the whims of Chaos and Order. Cursed to be revived, when after all these centuries, he had finally wanted to rest.
He was tired too.
At least he was living in the hole he had dug for himself. He had no one to blame other than his own self and actions.
But there was a strange pang of sympathy for you in his chest. His actions were his own doing, but you? Your family was doomed because of both him, and your ancestor who created his whole clan just to slay him and his kind.
You were born to slay him, for better or for worse. Raised to kill him, and if he didn’t appear, raise a child in your family to kill him in your stead.
Did you even get to live a life of your own? Dracula doubted you could, unless you completely cut all ties, probably having to go as far as to change your own name.
After all, any Belmont was free game, regardless if they hunted or not. If there was a chance someone was related to a hunter, let alone a Belmont, beasts and monsters would hunt them for sport.
He would say at least you had your own family to support you. In the past, that seemed to be the case.
However… If your own family treated you like the dirt they walked on…
No wonder you were tired.
The room was silent for a moment, the tension having morphed from something tense and anxious, to somber and dreary.
“May I ask you a question?”
Dracula was almost startled by your voice, and how soft it had gotten. You were now looking out the window, watching as rain had begun to fall. A rolling thunder was heard off in the distance.
He wondered if that was due to the castle, or from him from the dull ache in his chest.
“You may.”
Dracula was also surprised by how his own voice had softened. He prepared himself to act like The King of the Night, yet here he was, already unable to stay cold and curt with you.
How his icy demeanor had already cracked seeing you so… broken.
It was silent for another moment as you gathered your thoughts.
“Why bother at this point? Is not coming back again and again exhausting? Why keep planning to attack humanity?”
At first, the questions seemed piercing and aggravating, until you finally looked back over at him. Those tired eyes of yours meeting his own.
“No one ever really told me. I have an idea, but… Most of what I know I learned from old journals. I highly doubt things written by a victor are always 100% accurate.”
That familiar, proud warmth stirred in his chest amongst the painful feelings that swirled from old memories.
But this… this is what he had wanted. When was the last time he got to explain his side?
…Though to be fair, he knew he would be seen as wrong, regardless of what he told you. However, it was still nice to at least have a chance to explain, without immediately being called a heartless monster first.
You at least were curious. You wanted to know for yourself, rather than just believe the words of your ancestors without thought.
Truly a marvel for most humans, even now.
Dracula looked over you, and how your eyes still watched him with a wary, curious gleam.
He sighed.
“Several centuries ago, my wife, Lisa, was murdered by humans.” Dracula began, letting himself relax slightly as he began to speak. You, meanwhile, sat up a bit further, clearly interested in what he had to say for himself.
“She insisted I go travel, and that she would be fine in the small home we had built away from the castle. Lisa wished to stay, having pursued the career of a doctor. Taught her everything I know.”
A small smile flickered on his face as he recounted his time with his late wife, though that smile quickly fell back to a frown.
Your eyes seemed to sharpen slightly, and it was as if he could see you calculating in real time what must have happened. No doubt you were already making educated guesses.
“Unfortunately, many didn’t take kindly to her healing others. Even a few of those she treated reported her to the church.”
Eyes widening slightly, a look of sorrow and horror briefly passed over your face. Had he not been paying attention, it would have been easy to miss.
No doubt you had an idea before, but his words were painting a horrific story, even if he hadn’t even said what had happened specifically just yet.
“For a year, she was fine. We occasionally wrote letters to the other, and she would tell me about her different patients. Sometimes how fulfilling it was to be a doctor, something she had dedicated her life to. Other times… She’d mention how her patients weren’t as kind or cooperative.”
Dracula held back a sneer at the reminder. He really should have noticed the signs so much sooner. How he could have avoided her horrible fate if he had just relied on his gut…
“They would groan or complain that she was treating them. How it wasn’t normal for a woman to do man’s work. They would sometimes curse her out or grow aggressive even. Some accepting her treatment while saying vile things about her. Although… My son at the time usually was around to help if things were too violent.”
Recognition flashed in your eyes. Of course you would recognize his son, to some degree, if you didn’t already know him.
There was doubt in his mind however, that you knew his son. Dracula at least liked to think his and Lisa’s son would have stepped in by now to help you if he had an idea of whatever was happening behind closed doors.
Especially given how his son had been insistent on helping the Belmonts throughout the centuries, even if it wasn’t always by choice since it regarded slaying him.
Though that did make Dracula briefly wonder just where his son was. Had he gone back to resting? Or had he stirred now that he himself was awake and free?
Dracula was no fool. Alucard had a connection to this castle just like he did, even if it wasn’t on the same scale. His son’s powers being from his own would always have a connection to this place, so long as Dracula remained alive.
Those thoughts were pushed back into his mind. He could dwell on such thoughts and speculations later. If he was still alive and this went well, of course.
Clearing his throat, Dracula continued.
“It was nearly the time I was to return home, when it happened. The church and heads of the nearby town seemed to have had ‘enough’ of my wife ‘playing’ healer, despite the fact she had most likely treated someone they knew, if not themselves.”
Anger and irritation began to simmer a bit brighter in his chest as he thought of how his wife had been treated. How alone and scared she must have been that day.
“They came. They saw the instruments we both used for medicinal purposes. Something I believe you would find rather modern, or even old by today’s standards, but at the time…”
You looked up at him then, realization in your eyes.
“They accused her of witchcraft, didn’t they?”
It was more of a statement, then a question.
Dracula could only give you a small nod.
“She was.”
You had a pained look on your face, clearly upset.
“I’m… not surprised.” you began, a bit hesitant.
“Humans fear things they don’t understand. Or things they can’t control. I imagine being a woman, and a doctor who no doubt had a great success rate at that… Add the more modern medicine practices…” you mumbled, eyes looking down to the side as you thought out loud.
Dracula was at least somewhat pleased you were beginning to see the gravity the situation had been. He had no idea what your knowledge of his wife had been, but this no doubt was an eye opener. That is, if you were choosing to believe him.
Given how you were reacting though… he’d like to hope you were. At least you weren’t screaming obscenities at him and calling him a liar and a heathen like some of your ancestors might have.
“Indeed. It… was brutal.”
Your eyes were now back on him, and he mentally cursed as his voice nearly wavered. He wanted to grow angry once more, and yet, a part of him wanted to simply mourn.
When did he last ever get the chance?
“When I arrived at the small home we had shared, all that was left was cinders. She had been taken captive, and I had been informed… She was to be burned at the stake.”
The air was colder, and your body tensed as a growl slowly crept into his voice.
“By the time I had found where they were keeping her…” he began, his voice low, growing strained, “...They burned her, claiming she was a witch. That this was God’s will.”
He could feel his fangs grow just ever so slightly, as well as his claws. Dracula could practically remember the smell of those ashes of that home.
“It was a lie, of course. All of it. They simply wanted her dead, and used all of that as flimsy excuses to placate the town.” he snarled, leaning forward slightly.
Despite the anger clear on his face, you remained steady. You didn’t flinch away like he thought you might, though your eyes were still wide with horror all the same.
Though… he had the feeling it wasn’t horror from seeing him like this. You weren’t scared of the beast threatening to break free from his flesh.
“By the time I located her, she was already burning. Her soul was already beginning to fade. She was gone.”
Dracula leaned back into the chair, his heart heavy in his chest.
A moment passed, and then another once more. The only thing either of you could hear was the storm that had begun to persist around the castle. How the rain harshly hit the window against the wall, and the wind wailed.
“Not one human stood up. No one looked at what was happening, and said no. All they did was watch.”
Your eyes flickered to the arm of the chair Dracula was sitting in, how it splintered under the pressure of his claws.
Yet… you still didn’t look afraid.
“I then warned them. I gave them a year to apologize and admit they were wrong. A year to pack up and leave. No one did. Not one.”
It was quiet for a moment, and Dracula took a deep breath. In an instant, the air was no longer as heavy as it had been a moment before, though a deep chill still ran throughout the air.
A part of him wanted to feel a bit bad. The moment the air lessened, you slumped again. You were still wounded, and weren’t able to hold yourself together like you no doubt would have if you were healthy. He would have to be mindful how much of a powerful presence he had.
Thrumming his claws against the partially destroyed arm of the chair, Dracula looked over you briefly before continuing.
“In my grief and anger, I declared a year from that day, I would rain hell on those who killed her. I would raze humanity to the ground.”
Your eyes met his.
“And then you did. Or tried to.” you spoke, your voice surprisingly steady.
His eyes never left your own.
“Indeed. I did.”
You swallowed thickly, your hands gripping the sheets under you nervously.
Different ways over how you would respond flashed through his mind again, much like they had earlier these past few days. However, what you said next surprised him.
“I… I don’t blame you, if I am being honest.”
Sure, Dracula thought of the possibility of you saying something along those lines, but he didn’t think you’d actually say it.
Even if you were different from some of your ancestors, he still expected you to go along and claim he was still an evil bastard, that killing those people was still horrible.
Though, that thought isn’t wrong. He knew what he was doing all those centuries ago, and knew what he was doing each time he had been revived and set out to attack. How evil those actions were.
Yet here you were, so quietly admitting you didn’t blame him.
“I’ll be honest… If it were my partner, or someone close to me… I can’t say I wouldn’t have wanted revenge.” You began, head tilting slightly towards him.
“Though uh… I don’t think I would have tried to kill all of humanity, but… Well… I don’t know your situation in full, but I do know grief is a powerful motivator for a lot of things…”
Dracula wasn’t sure what overcame him, but he found himself standing up out of the chair and leaning forward. His arms caged you in as he rested his hands on either side of you on the bed, while he loomed over you.
“You, Little Belmont, would commit murder? To avenge someone close to you, despite what your ancestors have stood for?” he asked, curiosity truly burning in his chest.
You didn’t shrink back, instead met his gaze head on, even as he caged you in. Even as he heard your heart pick up, and your breath hitch, you didn’t back down from his question.
“I’m not saying I would have tried to destroy all of humanity… or even that entire town. But I would hunt down every single person involved. They would know I was coming, one by one.”
Your eyes spoke promise, as if this was something you had thought of plenty of times before. The certainty in them was surprising.
“I’m not my ancestors. I protect humanity, sure, but don’t assume I'm just like them.”
He stood over you for a moment, his face so incredibly close to your own as he stood above you as he took in your words. Your pulse was loud enough to ring in his own ears, and your body was stiff as stone, as if awaiting him to call you a liar.
Then, he laughed.
It was more of a chuckle really, though seeing your bewildered face as he pulled back away from you nearly had made him want to laugh harder.
Leaning back and sitting into the chair once again, Dracula ran a hand against his face and into his hair.
“Forgive me- Forgive me…” He began, his lips twitching into a smile. “I just never thought I’d see the day where a Belmont would admit something such as that. Though…”
Dracula adjusted his posture to a much more relaxed one, most of the tension that had been in the air washing away in an instant.
“You are correct. You are far from what some of your ancestors have been.”
You definitely had Leon’s fire. It was hard to say if Leon would have committed murder against humans if the past had been slightly different… But you had that gleam in your eye that his old friend once had. A fierce look that was different, yet just as vicious as Belmonts before you.
With such a revelation, Dracula could feel the heavy feeling in his heart lessen, but that didn’t mean you both were in the clear, even if you understood each other just a bit better.
Even if you were sympathetic to him, that didn’t change the fact he very much attempted to kill many people. Multiple times, sometimes against his will. He very much has caused harm again and again.
Still, you looked at him with such a complex look on your face. No doubt conflicted yourself with everything you had learned today, especially if you were going to go ahead and plan to fight him anyway.
“So, Little Belmont.”
His voice had you looking back up at him.
“Now that you’ve heard it from my lips, why I detested humanity for so long, what do you plan to do now?” he asked.
Dracula wouldn’t lie. He was genuinely curious what your response would be. Anxiety began to creep up his throat once again, however.
…Maybe you would say something that would once again surprise him.
It was silent for a few moments, as you looked deep in thought, before looking back up at him.
“Well… Do you intend to keep trying to kill every human? Seems kinda… counter productive to do so now. Especially when things have changed so much in the centuries that have passed.”
Though you gave a slight wince.
“Granted, I don’t expect you to like anyone. But at this point, what do you gain? Are you… Not tired of fighting and dying and being revived?”
Once again, he could sense a genuine curiosity in your questions.
What did he gain, at this point?
Killing every human would be suicide for vampires everywhere. It would do more than just destroy vampires, but ecosystems as well.
As much as Vlad hated to admit it, humans were a necessary factor when it came to the earth.
But why should he care?
The moment that thought crossed his mind, his eyes landed back on you. How you fidgeted a bit on the bed, though seemed far less anxious than before. Your instincts didn’t seem as on edge as they had been when he first initiated this conversation.
Granted, he hadn’t been as… enthusiastic about world domination in centuries, if he were being honest with himself. His last run in with his son definitely left a mark, how his son grimly told him what Lisa’s last words had been.
But even though he often wished to stay dead, many would find ways to bring him back, and it was as if a cord was attached to his back, tugging him like a string. A force urging him to kill once again.
He’d barely be awake even a few hours, before he was set to be killed again.
Dracula would admit, he was definitely tired.
This wasn’t exactly what he expected his life to become after he chose to forsake his own humanity to spite God. Though he supposes that’s what he gets for doing so in the first place.
Who knew immortality would be full of boredom, tragedy, and bone deep tiredness?
Still, without it, he wouldn’t have experienced the brief bouts of love and joy that he wouldn’t trade for the world.
His eyes stayed on you as those thoughts swirled in his mind.
Despite everything that has happened to him, he found it hard to regret meeting you, at least so far.
For a moment, his eyes gazed to the side, different thoughts conflicting in his mind, but…
He didn’t wish to fight you, either.
Fingers thrumming against the arm of the chair, Dracula leaned his face against his hand.
“I suppose that is a fair point. Nearly every human that has personally spite me is dead. It gets tiring being woken up, and then killed for attempting vengeance when those who personally wronged me are gone.”
Your lips twitched upwards slightly at his ‘admission’, before giving him a look.
“But tell me, Little Belmont…”
He leaned in close again from his spot in the chair, looking at you almost amused.
“What should I do instead, hm?”
You blinked, and your face briefly flushed from the proximity.
“Um… Well, what did you do before declaring humans as your enemy? Uh, I’m no historian, but didn’t you just kinda do your own thing, only killing people that came to bother you or hurt you? Like how the church likes to refer to you as Vlad the Impaler to hide that you are a real vampire that exists?”
Dracula stared at you for a moment.
“They what.”
Hands flew up, and you shook them a bit in front of you as Dracula leaned back.
“Uh- don’t worry, I can tell you that later, but in all seriousness-”
Arching a brow, Dracula briefly wondered just what the church and human historians have been saying about him all these centuries if they were attempting to hide his existence. Despite being freed for a few days, he still had much to catch up on.
Regardless, he gave what you said some thought.
“That is true. I… did mostly keep to myself. I had no desire to join or hide amongst humans. Though I had little pity for those who sought me out to destroy me and met a… bloody end.”
At his words you blinked, before nodding to yourself as if you agreed. However, your eyes widened ever so slightly, and you were looking at him with that familiar spark in your eye he had seen come and go.
“Um… Why not do that again? Actually, how about a compromise?”
Now he was interested. What kind of compromise would a Belmont come up with? You were different from many of the others, sure, but he couldn’t help but be curious.
“Well…” You began, clearing your throat, “Unless any innocent humans are harmed, I have no desire to or need to hunt you, or anyone in the castle, really. What would be the point? I know from personal experience not everyone of the paranormal nature are ‘evil’, after all.”
Your hands were fidgeting in your lap, and you were having a hard time sitting still.
“Uh… that is to say I won’t hunt anyone that hurts any innocent folk. But at that point, that was their own choice, right? Unless you ordered it, I can deal with them personally. No need to go to war if you aren’t attacking anyone. And…”
It was clear you were growing more and more flustered as you tried to explain yourself and your reasoning. It wasn’t for the fact he had to take this seriously, he would have found it cute.
“And I- um- I can try to keep people away? I own a part of the property nearby and can have the road closed off. Of course, I can’t stop trespassers if I am not here, but I have plenty of traps set around the property… close to my cabin, really. I can try and keep people away…”
You were mumbling more in thought now as you tried to come up with ideas.
“...And I know a few blood banks for vampires, and a few other paranormal people who require blood to live. I know a witch that owns one, too. I’m sure she’d be thrilled to bits to help.”
All were interesting ideas, if you felt you both could really pull it off. However, he still had one question.
While you were rambling, he gently reached forward, clawed fingers tenderly grabbing your chin to have you look at him. You stopped talking and froze, eyes wide.
“All very good ideas, Little Belmont, but please answer me this,” He began, watching as your eyes comically flickered between his hand and face, “What about your family legacy? It was founded on the very idea of killing me.”
You swallowed thickly as he spoke, eyes trained on him.
“You asked why it mattered. Are you really willing to throw away the one thing your clan was founded for? For peace? For both humans and monsters? Are you willing to toss aside the very reason your ancestors became hunters in the first place?”
You stared at him in silence for a moment, swallowing thickly once more. After a few moments, you moved your head out of his grip, a sudden annoyed look in your eyes.
“I said it once, and I’ll say it again. I’m not my ancestors.” you began, a sharp look on your face.
“I didn’t ask to be born a hunter. To be born a Belmont. I’ll protect humanity, sure, but why do I have to limit myself and people’s lives based on what my ancestors decided what- 500 years ago? Why should every rule my ancestors made define my life in its entirety?”
It was as if your nerves had dissipated, and you crossed your arms in annoyance. Dracula wondered if this also was something you have thought about for years.
It made sense, he supposed. If your personal life was as much of a mess as he suspected, then what did you have to show for being a Belmont besides pain and strife?
His lips twitched upwards slightly into a small grin. You just keep finding ways to surprise him.
“Fair enough. It’s admirable to forge your own path rather than be held down by your ancestors.”
Dracula then tilted his head, that smile never quite leaving his face.
“So, Little Belmont. Let’s say I do agree to your ideas. I won’t destroy humanity, and you won’t hunt myself, and the residents of my castle. You’ll help keep humans away, and help anyone here who needs a meal. What will you do then?”
The annoyed look on your face fell, and you thought for a moment.
“Um… I could show you a bunch of modern stuff? No offense, I know you are a genius and all, but uh… I doubt you know all the ways civilization has changed since you were last around for more than a day.” you said with a wince, though you perked up almost instantly.
“Oh! I could get you a cell phone! Oh, I bet you would like some of the online libraries as well-”
He would admit, he had no idea what a cellphone was, but he was intrigued by the idea of a library.
But he was more interested in the very idea of you not only not slaying him, but you coming back to visit.
Yes, the idea of you wanting to come back was very pleasing to him, indeed.
It was at the cost of playing nice, but was that such a hard thing to achieve?
If it had been several decades ago, he doubted he would have been so… willing. He has had plenty of time to cool off, being imprisoned in stone. That urge to kill never truly left…
But that urge to devour humanity whole… that was dwindling. He’d argue that it had been dwindling for a while now.
He may be King of the Night, but this song and dance was growing tiresome.
That, and your ideas had merit. He could work with them, within reason.
“Alright Little Belmont.” he began, and you paused in the middle of your muttering.
“I’ll make a deal with you.”
You sat up straight again, eyes at attention, and he could practically hear your heart pick up in anticipation.
“For starters, I won’t attack humanity, not as a whole. However, I won’t show mercy to anyone who personally slights me. That, and any human foolhardy enough to come to my castle in an attempt to destroy me shall be dealt with accordingly.”
After you gave him a brisk nod, he continued.
“You, on the other hand, shall not lay a hand on anyone in this castle, unless they attack first. Am I clear?” He spoke, his voice becoming firm. You tilted your head, and he decided to elaborate before you agreed.
“Everyone in my castle is under my protection. They are here either as a direct connection to me as my servants, are here for sanctuary, or are here for political endeavors. They are not to be harmed unless they attack you first, or attack humans on their own accord.”
He could only imagine the shit show that would follow if you killed one of the political guests for another coven. A part of him actually considered letting you loose on them, now that he thought about it, especially with those nasty guests that like to undermine him for dying to Belmonts…
That could be a thought for another day.
A look of understanding crossed your face, and you gave him another nod.
“That’s reasonable.”
It was more or less your idea, after all, but he was glad you were willing to agree to what he added on to it.
“Next, you said you own the property nearby, and could help keep other pesky humans away. I’ll hold you to that, because I may not attempt to kill humans for existing, but I do not wish to be bothered.”
Though he’d admit, he wondered if you would be willing to show him the land you own. Vlad was curious how a little cabin you owned.
What would it look like? Did you keep it clean? Messy? Was it large? Small?
Questions he could ask later, should he see you again and you agree to these terms.
You blinked, before nodding at him slowly.
“I mean… I’ll try and do what I can. Of course, If the government or church discovers you, they may try to override me, or send someone to attack from a different position. I can’t stop that, but… I will do what I can. If I can’t, and you haven’t done anything besides exist…”
Your eyes flickered to a nearby mirror, before looking back at him.
“Well, like you said, they’ll be dealt with. I can try to persuade but… well at that point, if they won’t hear me out… I can’t stop anything you do to someone trespassing.”
That was a fair compromise, he supposed. He had little idea how the human government worked in this day and age, let alone how entangled hunters were with them. Should anyone be foolish enough to challenge him, then he’ll make sure to deal with it.
But if you were at least willing to help him out, even a little, in regards to keeping humans away. Even if you most likely weren’t a fan of the idea of him exterminating any human that foolishly sauntered into his domain.
“Agreed. Now, another thing…”
Dracula tilted his head as he looked at you.
“I’d like to see you again after this, Little Belmont.”
Your eyes widened a degree, and your face grew slightly flushed from surprise.
“What I mean is, you intrigue me. You fascinate me in ways I had long since forgotten, and I’d like to hope this simple compromise will simply be the beginning of a… commendable relationship.”
He felt his lips curl upward again at the look on your face. Clearly you weren’t expecting him to be so forward in asking to see you once more.
“Are… Are you sure? I uh, no offense, didn’t think you’d want a Belmont around after I leave… Or your castle’s inhabitants, since I know how some of them feel with me recovering here…”
Oh, how you had no idea how much he wanted to see you again. Vlad knew his time with you now was short, and his old heart was beginning to pound in his chest at the possibility of this little meeting actually working out.
He had to see you again. One way or another.
“I am sure. You will soon find that I don’t say things I don’t mean without reason, especially in company I like.”
He wished he had a camera, it was clear you weren’t quite used to subtle compliments. Or perhaps there was more to it?
Dracula could think more on that later.
Gently, he held out a hand to shake.
“What do you say, Little Belmont? Are these terms agreeable?”
Eyes flickering between him and his hand, you held out a hand, before hesitating.
“Okay… On one condition.” Dracula raised an eyebrow, but was curious nonetheless.
“Name it.”
After a reluctant pause, you spoke up.
“It can’t be this easy.” You began, though quickly continued when you saw his face fall.
“When I say that, I’m not referring to you. I mean our circumstances. I worry something might come up that would be… disruptive to this ‘peace’. I propose that we at least try to talk about something before acting rashly if one of us feels slighted, or if the other may have broken the agreement without realizing it.”
Dracula had to give you credit, even while injured and under what must be an absurd amount of stress, you were managing to think ahead. Something a hunter no doubt had to be good at while on a hunt, so why wouldn’t it show in other areas as well?
Plus… It pleased him you were still being careful, critically aware of your situation instead of blindingly agreeing. You were no fool.
No doubt your mind was whirring with possibilities, ways he, or someone in his castle could try and trap you by these agreements. Those thoughts weren’t unfounded, at least involving his subjects.
He had no doubts there would be chaos when you started coming around for visits.
Even if he himself wouldn’t dare try and trap you by your own rules to invoke a battle, it still impressed him that you were cautious. There were too many conniving fools when it came to such politics, even now as he settled back in as King.
Vlad smiled.
“Very well, that is agreeable. Anything else?”
You were still hesitant, but after a moment, you reached forward, your smaller hand meeting his own.
“No, that will be all for now.”
With your warm hand clasped with his own, Dracula felt his body finally relax, and his gaze on you softened.
For now, things might finally start going his way.
Even if that meant his desires had morphed into something different than pure destruction. All he wanted was to learn more of you.
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onestepbackwards · 8 months
Love That Bites Pt. 11
Hi! Here's part 11 to my Dracula x Reader series! I apologize for the huge delay, I've had a lot going on IRL, so I haven't has as much time/energy to write as I would have liked. Still, I hope you enjoy! I hope to have more happen in the next chapter as well, hopefully some action! Summary: Dracula finally manages to get things running somewhat smoothly, only to run into a snag when it comes to the potions he's had made for you. Thankfully, it isn't as big of a setback as it could be, so long as he can see you beginning to heal. During all of it, he begins to recognize some old feelings...
CW: Injury mention, death mention, brief description of injury, thoughts of murder,
Word Count: 6244 Words!
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Tag List: @pumpkinvampie, @bethleeham, @mshope16, @sixsixtwenty, @haleypearce, @rvautomatic, @tinystarfishgalaxy, @marshmelloe, @maorizon, @ursamajor17, @sapphicsfordracula, @dame-sunflowers, @sleepyendymion, @starrlo0ver, @onewiththebeanbag First: Here! Last: Here! Next: Here! - - -
Dracula was beginning to wonder just how you had managed to survive so long on your own.
He wasn’t doubting your skills. In fact, Dracula could tell from a glance you were a powerful fighter, much like your ancestors had been. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of the strongest Belmonts yet.
No, he was concerned over how you seemed lacking when it came to taking care of yourself.
Sure, you had bandaged yourself on the way to his castle, and he was thankful you seemed to have some sort of survival instinct.
But he noticed you didn’t put in too much effort though in your own health overall.
It wasn’t just from how you came to his castle recently, but something he had noticed long before he had been freed.
After the first few times he saw you, it was clear to him. You would briefly mention your headaches, and your homelife, how you just ‘dealt’ with it.
You had mentioned to him in a joke how even though you had been sick at one point, you just pushed through it while sleeping in your car for a week.
He couldn’t ask you at the time why you did such things, being trapped in stone. Now, he felt it would be counterproductive to ask you. Not until you were comfortable around him.
But it was a horrifying thing you mentioned offhandedly while eating a sandwich, and you refused to elaborate. Why would you put yourself through that?
Add that to his mental list of reasons why he had to investigate your home life. If anything, that was blatantly unhealthy. How the hell was your immune system putting up such a fight on its own if that was how you handled being sick at your home?
How did you handle most injuries before you met him? A part of him really did not wish to find out, but he couldn’t help but feel the desire to know.
Dracula was at least thankful you mentioned a small cabin once. After you had mentioned it while he was stone, you realized what you had said, and were quick to try and change the subject. You had not meant to tell him about it, it seemed.
But he was thankful at least that you had a small place nearby to rest.
At one point throughout the day as he checked in on you, he briefly considered going to see this cabin, or sending a scout to see where it was. However, he dismissed this idea almost as soon as he had thought it.
You’d no doubt be upset if you found out he had done so, and he would be willing to bet you had traps all over the land leading up to your small sanctuary away from your home.
It was only logical to assume so. You had found his castle nearby your own property.
Something he didn’t fail to see irony in. Of course his castle would choose a place nearby a Belmont’s property.
Still, if it had been him in your situation, he would have placed traps on top of traps once finding out such a thing. Sending an underling was just asking for it to either be captured, destroyed, or injured. Or for such information to spread to less enthusiastic minions who were disgruntled about your stay here.
No doubt when you inevitably left, you would check the traps, or at least notice one out of place, if not finding a dead monster's remains on your land. Dracula couldn’t afford to have you lose trust in him just because he was curious.
Yes… Dracula would wait, and put his patience to the test. He’d try to get you to open up to him, and show him yourself.
You already were showing you didn’t detest him, something that was bringing an old warmth to his cold heart.
He’d even wager you opened up to him just a little earlier, when you had mentioned your injuries had been from something personal.
Sure, it wasn’t a large amount of information, but it was progress.
Now, he just had to keep this progress going forward, something Dracula knew was not going to be smooth sailing as he had hoped. There was already unrest in the castle, he could just feel it.
No one had said anything to him, but Dracula was more in tune with his castle and its magic than people gave him credit for. Every being here had energy that was woven with the castle’s in some way shape or form.
And people were anxious.
Some were restless, some were afraid. Many were irritated.
A Belmont being treated as a guest? He knew it would only be a matter of time before someone or something acted out.
Dracula just hoped it wouldn’t be at your expense. He could clean any other mess as need be, but he wouldn’t stand you being injured further.
Alas, he couldn’t act unless someone else acted out first, or he could see they were planning something that involved you. Dracula, loathe as he may to admit it, would only cause more unrest by acting too hastily.
That was fine though, he could bide his time.
The only thing that had him on edge was your current injuries. Or rather, he didn’t want you fighting with your injuries and making them worse, especially after your healing has been progressing nicely.
Speaking of which, You were healing incredibly quickly. If it wasn’t for your lineage, he would have guessed you had some sort of distant supernatural blood in your veins, such as vampirism.
Still, even though you were healing at an impressive rate, it still wasn’t enough. Your injuries by all means could have killed you, and they were still deep and fresh.
His fingers tapped on the wood of his desk in his study, concern no doubt etched clear on his features.
Those potions should be finished today, or at least the first batch of them. The stronger type usually required a longer amount of time to simmer for better healing effects. Time though, was not something he could afford, so a batch of the regular sort would have to do.
Of course, he’d have to thoroughly check them himself after his alchemists were finished. He had not explained who the potions were for when he had ordered it to be done, but now, there was no doubt in his mind the ones creating the potions knew it was for a hunter.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t even trust most of his underlings with this. Even his more trusted ones, he was going to be forced to keep an eye on.
The chances of his alchemists messing with your potions were low, but not impossible. Thankfully, he knew potions very well after studying them centuries ago. Dracula was confident he could catch any ‘unneeded’ ingredients that might slip in the finished batch.
However, he hated that he would have to check.
“How bothersome…” he mumbled as he pressed his face into the palm of one of his hands.
Looking for poison itself wasn’t the issue, it’s something he’ll gladly do. It was the fact this would mean it would take longer to get the potions to you that irritated him.
If the potions were tampered with, like he worried they might be, he’d probably have to make them himself. Something he would also do without pause, but again, he didn’t wish for you to stay injured any longer than necessary.
Dracula rubbed his eyes for a moment, wondering how he had grown so protective of you like a mother hen.
The last time he could remember fretting over someone, was whenever his late wife had gotten sick, or when his son fell ill once or twice.
Back before everything fell apart.
He sighed, feeling another migraine coming on. It wouldn’t do well to think of that now. The less distractions, the better.
At least one good thing came from this. You were receptive to him checking in on you. Dracula doubted you would trust any of his underlings to do it, or at least any of them bringing you meals.
Not without him there to supervise, it seemed.
It was small, but that amount of trust you had in him was a lot for the circumstances.
Dracula felt another sigh escape his lips, and he ignored the temptation to lay his head on his desk like a daydreaming school boy.
What were you doing to him? Had the Great Dracula really fallen for a Belmont?
His eyes widened slightly at his own thoughts.
Fallen? No. Though he detested the idea of admitting he had a schoolboy crush.
He could at least admit he felt fonder for you than some human teenager just figuring themselves out, thank you very much.
Deep down however, thinking about this unsettled him.
Dracula cared for you. He could admit that in his head whole heartedly. Somehow, the Little Belmont had wormed their way into his cold, dead heart without even trying.
But he feared to think about what that meant for him. His life. His future. Your future.
The trust between you two was rocky, but it was there. Could he really push to have you trust him more? Was that really a future he could hope for? Try for? To even care about?
Was it even worth it?
Dracula ran a hand through his hair, and debated summoning another glass of blood to sooth the migraine he could already feel forming in his temples.
Himself and your family had been doomed to fight for centuries. Would even trying to open up the possibilities of at least a friendship be very wise?
Looking from the outside, it seemed like something doomed to fail.
So why did he want to try?
His fingers began to thrum idly on the desk again.
The answer was still the same as before. It was you.
You were different. Different from most Belmonts.
Was wanting to bet on that difference really worth the possible pain? Heartbreak? Potential agony?
Vlad’s eyes drifted over to a portrait that hung in his private study. One depicting his precious Lisa.
Lisa had been worth it, even if his time with her had been so cruelly cut short. He knew her time with her would have been limited, as she had wanted to stay human. It was one of the things that had made her so precious.
One of the few things he regretted was not being there for her when she needed him most. Probably one of his biggest regrets, alongside not being next to Elisabetha when she passed back when he had been human.
So perhaps… This too, would be worth it.
He could not deny that this was a golden opportunity. If, by small chance, he could change fate…
Perhaps he would not have to suffer being killed once more, and this damned cycle between him and your family could finally break.
Dracula was no fool. He was sure this cycle affected your family just as much as it did him. Ever since Leon, almost every Belmont has had to learn to fight creatures of the night. Either to be a hunter, or to avoid simply being the prey.
No doubt not every Belmont liked this, and judging from the small glimpses of your home life he has seen, the Belmont clan seems to have fallen into disrepair.
There was a darkness in your eyes when you spoke about your home, one that had him worrying all over again.
That was something else he was going to have to focus on. Your life at home.
Given that your clan was full of vampire hunters, even if he did by chance get your home’s location, he doubted himself or any of his underlings would be able to get too close. Surveillance wouldn’t be an easy option, or most likely would not be an option at all.
Unless, of course, your family’s home and protections have also deteriorated. Perhaps getting close to the home wouldn’t be as big of an issue.
But alas, he wouldn’t risk most of his underlings finding your home like that. He has a few he trusts, sure, but he couldn’t in good faith let most of them know where you lived.
All it would take is one slip up, and your home would no doubt be swarmed. Even if it wasn’t monsters from his circles, it wouldn’t take much from other groups to learn and decide to exterminate you en masse.
Even if no one could penetrate your home’s defenses, it wouldn’t be hard to stage an ambush to have you assassinated the moment you left your property. Or anyone else that lived with you.
Dracula’s eyes narrowed at that thought. Oh, how that was tempting, just to see those who may have hurt you torn to shreds.
But he had to wait. He’d have vengeance for you one way or another.
Before he could contemplate who he had to murder, he heard a brisk knock at his door. Crimson eyes narrowed, and with his mask slipping back into place, he sat back in his chair.
Large doors to his study creaked open, and one of the alchemists he had working on your potions stepped into the room. A young man who had answered the Castle’s magical call for power and safety.
The young man before him tried not to tremble under his gaze, barely making eye contact before looking at a different part of the room. Dracula had to hold back an annoyed sigh.
A shame those who could create potions were few and far between, leaving him with such a sniveling fool. At least he could get the job done, along with the few others he had working under him.
“Is the task I set for you and the others finished?” he asked, thrumming his fingers against the desk once again, a bored look on his face.
Swallowing nervously, the alchemist nodded, before remembering he needed to speak.
“Y-Yes, milord. The first batch of potions has finished, but…”
Dracula raised an eyebrow. He was already nearing the end of his patience.
The young man flinched, and the vampire tried not to roll his eyes.
“I’m afraid, ah… this batch won’t be that potent, due t-to us having to rush…”
As if Dracula didn’t already anticipate that.
No matter though. What was important was getting you something to fend back the majority of your injuries. Even if it is just enough to help you fight infection and mend a few patches of skin, it was better than nothing.
“I’m aware of the effect of making potions on such short notice. Is that everything?”
For a split second, the alchemist’s heartbeat spiked, and he avoided looking at the Vampire Lord. Dracula forced his face to remain neutral.
How curious.
“That’s everything, sir.”
Almost immediately, the shadows in the room crawled forward, and the temperature dropped a noticeable amount.
Dracula stood up from his chair to his full height, and leaned over his desk. His claws dug into the wood, and his eyes grew black and red.
“Tell me, Alchemist, why are you lying to me?”
A squeak left the young man’s lips, and he physically shrunk in on himself. No one wanted to be on Dracula’s bad side.
“I don’t tolerate liars in my court.”
The Alchemist fell backwards onto the floor in a scramble, and shuffled backwards a few feet. The door magically shut behind him, and he looked as if he were to faint.
Dracula felt the air grow heavy around him, and the pathetic man in front of him began to pant and shake.
“Now, what is it you are hiding from me?”
The threat was clear as day. Should the young man in front of him lie, or do something foolish, he would not live to see tomorrow.
Swallowing thickly, the Alchemist shakily stood to his feet.
“I… As I was finishing up my batch of potions, I overheard a few of the witches talking.”
Dracula had the tension in the air lesson to a degree. The boy in front of him was willing to speak, so he may as well not make it too difficult, lest the coward faint.
Though he made sure his displeasure was apparent.
“Go on.” Eyes darted between him and other parts of the room, the Alchemist shrunk in on himself further before speaking.
“I… I overheard them talking about how they think the hunter has bewitched you. That the hunter is going to kill you, and everyone involved.”
Dracula wanted to scoff. Just mild gossip. He wasn’t surprised it was already making the rounds, though he’d have to keep an eye on it lest it fester into something unmanageable without conflict.
Rumors and resentment building would only cause unrest, and the less he had to deal with, the better.
“And just who were the witches who were discussing this?” The man swallowed. “I don’t know.” “So you didn’t think to get a look on who it might be?” He shook his head, fingers twitching idly.
“No sir. But…”
Dracula could feel the throbbing in his temples. Perhaps he should summon some wine…
“...The witches talked about wanting to do something before it was too late.”
Now that caught Dracula’s attention.
“They what?!”
The Alchemist winced, though straightened up a little now that Dracula’s ire wasn’t entirely directed at him.
“I-I have no evidence, nor was I able to follow them, but- I think some of them might be planning something, sir.”
The room’s temperature dropped further, and at the moment, the Alchemist felt like his soul left his body.
Dracula was well known for his fury.
How his anger was icy, yet his fury ran hot.
“Planning something?”
His voice was low, in a way that was like a growl. Like a predator readying to bite down on the neck of its prey. It was inviting, yet it had the survival instincts of anything around him screaming to run.
The wind picked up around the castle, and lightning began to strike across the clouded sky. The flashes of light only seemed to emphasize the anger on his face.
Briefly, The King of the Night hoped you weren’t bothered by the pick up of the storm. Surely you’d notice the change in atmosphere…
But that was something he could check in with you later.
“And do you happen to know just what they might be planning? Or which ones it even was?”
Dracula’s mind was beginning to work overtime. Which witches lingered near the Alchemy lab? He's going to have to do a sweep it seemed, and soon. At least Castlevania would give him some insight should he ask for it.
If some of his underlings were already conspiring against him…
The boy in front of him was eerily silent, and Dracula held back from snapping. Killing the fool wouldn’t solve any of his issues, especially as he needed him for now.
Then, a thought suddenly hit Dracula, and he sat back into his seat, his claws growing sharper.
“Boy, where is the finished batch of potions?”
The Alchemist froze for a moment, taken aback by the sudden question.
“Um… In the labs?”
Dracula’s eyes sharpened, almost glowing red.
“And is there anyone or anything protecting the finished batch of potions in the labs?”
Running a hand across his face, Dracula fought the urge to kill something.
He was going to need that drink before visiting you.
Much to Dracula’s disappointment (and hidden fury), it was just as he had expected.
He had decided to check on the batch of the potion himself after that conversation, just to be sure it hadn’t been tampered with.
It was something he was already going to do, but now it was incredibly important to do so after hearing what the Alchemist had to say.
Just as he had feared, the main batch that had been left out had indeed been soiled.
The potion itself was a darker blue than it should have been, a first tell that something wasn’t quite right. Then there was the smell.
Potions already smelled a bit bland, with a hint of bitterness to them. However, he was able to catch the scent of something almost sour.
The texture itself was also a bit… thick. Closer to a cream rather than the liquid form it was supposed to have.
Dracula felt his brow twitch with thinly veiled disdain.
With a sigh, and barely hidden rage, he ended up banishing the whole batch. No point in taste testing when he could already smell the signs of tampering. The only thing he would be able to get out of a test would be what ingredients specifically had been added, but there was no point. Not when he already knew the results.
It seems he would have to keep a closer eye on things than he thought.
Even if the alchemists and potioneers he had working on this were as trustworthy as they could get, it seemed that there was only so much he could do before the rats began to poke their noses where they didn't belong.
As much as he hated to section off parts of the lab, it seems he would have to until you were healed, or he found all the idiots involved who dared try and pull a fast one on him.
Thankfully however, not everything was lost.
Dracula was thankful that moment for employing several alchemists to the lab for different batches of potions. He could just take from those, since they would have a similar effect.
The other alchemists were to keep working on different batches of potions, so he could have stronger ones brewing while the first batch was finished. This meant there would be less powerful ones, sure, but he would simply have more made.
What mattered was getting this first batch to you.
You may be healing relatively quickly and well, but he was quickly growing to dislike seeing you injured.
The shadows under your eyes, and how sunken in your face looked, added to your winces of pain… He hoped that he could help with that by taking care of your wounds.
It would be a long journey, he was sure. No doubt it would take more than just healing your injuries to actually have you looked… alive.
That was what had his cold, undead heart beating worriedly in his chest.
You didn’t look like you were living.
Sure, your blood pumped, your heart still beats, but you didn’t have a happy light in your eyes. Dracula could mistake you for one of his minions with how those eyes alone looked.
He was thankful though, seeing a spark in them. It was subtle, and only showed up on occasion.
However, he found himself yearning to protect it.
Ha. Him. Lord of the Night. King of all Vampires, wanting to protect his own supposed enemy. Even more so, with such… feelings developing.
Dracula still wasn’t sure whether to find it amusing, or pitiful.
The beast in his mind that he had embraced so long ago surprisingly didn’t fight him on it. At first, it had called him pathetic the first time he found himself wanting to help you.
But that same beast had quickly done a 180, quickly growing to respect you much like his logical side had.
And oh, how it had quickly grown protective.
Dracula felt his lips almost twitch upward at the thought, feeling the very same protectiveness stir in his soul as he approached your door.
He gave a brisk knock at the door, casting a brief glance to the living armors he had stationed near your room. Stone still as always.
After a brief moment, he heard your voice, telling him to come in.
Carefully he opened the door, and it was as if a weight was lifted off his chest just seeing you. The way you subtly perked up when seeing him, sitting up in your bed…
He tried not to let his pride get to him, how it was him that you were sitting up for.
‘One step at a time, Vlad.’
The scent of your blood though soon quickly caught his nose, and he felt himself stand straighter as he walked quickly to your side.
“Your injuries… did one re-open?” He was quick to ask, internally scolding himself when he felt the urge to have a taste.
For a Belmont, your blood was still such an intoxicating scent…
Sheepishly, you looked away from him after he arrived at your side.
“Ah… I fell on the way to the restroom. I accidentally pulled some stitches open, but I got the wound under control.”
If he had been a human, he would have sworn you were trying to give him a heart attack at this rate. How was it you were such a trouble magnet?
Gently, he leaned over you, his hands hovering over where your shirt was. Underneath, he could already smell the irritated wound and fresh blood.
His eyes met your own.
“May I?” He asked, desiring to see how bad it had gotten. His voice was soft and tender, not wishing to push you or make you uncomfortable.
You froze for a moment, and a glimmer of emotion passed in your eyes. However, it left as quick as it came, and you carefully pulled your arms up to give him access.
Even now, Dracula was still incredibly impressed with the trust you were giving him. If this had been any of your ancestors, or any hunter, really, he would no doubt be in a fight.
Gently, his cool hands brushed against your warm skin as he lifted your shirt upwards to see the bandaged wound. He pointedly ignored the shiver you have, no doubt his cold hands most likely the cause.
At least, that’s what he told himself, also ignoring how you tensed slightly. Or how he heard your pulse pick up as he got closer.
It was not the time to let his mind wander and theorize.
Dracula would give you credit, though. Your pain tolerance wasn’t anything to scoff at, and you were taking everything in stride, even now.
He removed the bandages with a gentle ease, and immediately internally stomped down the sudden hunger he felt.
The fresh scent of your blood still somehow managed to drive him crazy, even when he wasn’t starving.
To think he’d find a Belmont’s blood so appealing?
It took a bit of his will power to calm himself, before continuing to look at the wound. Pursing his lips, he let out a hum.
His hands held your midsection still as he observed the new damage, ignoring your sharp intake of air.
“Apologies…” He mumbled, knowing full and well his hands were most likely even colder the closer they were to your feverish flesh.
“No worries…” You breathed, your voice small. His eyes flickered up to your face, and your own were wide as you watched him. Still vigilant, even now. Cute.
Eyes back on your wound, he felt a bit of relief. Thankfully you hadn’t torn open as many stitches as he had feared, and you had cleaned the wound up well.
It seems getting rest and meals was helping you both physically, and mentally. You weren’t hanging on a thread, wrapping wounds with little regard to your life now.
Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. Even if he was worried about how you thought of yourself and your health in general, you of all people would know how to properly wrap a wound when in good conditions to do so.
After a moment, he pressed the bandages back onto your injury, and stepped back.
“Despite several stitches being pulled, it could have been worse.”
You pull your shirt down, and smile sheepishly.
“That’s good. It didn’t look too bad, but I’m glad you agree.” You spoke, rubbing the back of your neck a bit nervously.
It seemed you were still on edge, though he didn’t mind too much.
He looked you over for a moment as you fixed your shirt. You really were looking better than when you first arrived. Even from when he saw you this morning, you seemed to be improving.
At least, he was definitely thankful you no longer looked like you were dead on your feet.
Clearing his throat for a moment, he nearly smirked at how you almost jumped. Most would have missed how your muscles tensed, though he decided to count the fact he wasn’t outright scaring you a plus.
“I have something for you.”
Immediately your interest was piqued.
How you subtly leaned towards him and tilted your head, you were curious.
“You do?”
He stepped back for a moment, before holding out his hand. In a flash of smoke and light, a bottle appeared in his hand.
As he held it out to you, your eyes widened as you gently took it from his grip.
“A potion? You really made some?”
Dracula crossed his arms a bit in pride as you looked over the bottle.
“Of course. You’ll find I am not fond of breaking promises, or going back on my word.”
You took a moment to look over the bottle you now held in your hands, almost disbelieving. Dracula felt a pang of something in his heart. Pity? Worry? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t like how astounded you looked over the fact he would get you some basic potions.
“I do apologize in advance. Due to the fact your injuries were severe, I had this made as fast as possible. It won’t heal you completely, but it should heal the worst of your wounds.”
For a moment, you were silent, clearly thinking.
“If you are worried about it being poisoned-” he began, but you raised a hand to cut him off.
“No! No, it’s fine. Sorry. I trust it isn’t poisoned.” You spoke. After another moment, you pulled the cork off the bottle, and debated if you should take a sip.
“However, I do wish to warn you about something.” Dracula said, speaking before you could drink it. He may as well tell you now, before you take a drink. No doubt you’d be upset if he told you after.
You froze, looking at him expectantly.
Dracula let out a frustrated sigh, a hand coming up to his forehead just thinking about it.
“Someone has tried to tamper with one of the batches of potions I have commissioned to be made.”
Your eyes widened, flickering to the potion, but he held up a hand to try and calm you before you could panic.
“I tossed that batch out after testing it myself. I can assure you the potion you hold in your hand has been deemed clean by myself personally. That one you hold in your hand was not supposed to go to you today. It was a batch that was supposed to simmer for a few more days.”
“To become a stronger batch…” You murmured, and Dracula felt a small twinge of pride. He supposes it shouldn’t be a surprise you would know such things, given how often you probably used potions in general.
“So… Someone wanted me dead…?” You asked, still eyeing the bottle critically. Dracula’s face turned a bit more sour.
“Unfortunately so. I will not lie to you, having you as my guest has… ruffled some feathers. I’m currently investigating those I believe tried to lace the potion with poison.”
Bright eyes flickered to him, and he caught that look, one of near disbelief.
“Why? I don’t particularly blame them, I’m a hunter, after all…” You murmured once again, eyes glancing back to the bottle.
“Because you are my guest. I will not tolerate those who wish to go against my orders, and attempt to kill the company I deemed worthy to keep.”
Dracula wondered if you weren’t used to such thoughts, with the way he saw emotions flicker across your face, gone as quick as they came.
Summoning a chair from the side of the room, he sat down, placing his elbows on his knees as he rested his chin over his clasped hands.
“If you don’t wish to drink that potion, I will not force you. It will just take a longer period for you to fully recover. I will not blame you for doing so.”
After all, he just admitted someone tried to use a different batch to kill you. He wouldn’t blame you for being careful.
You seemed to think for a moment, and Dracula decided to keep speaking as you thought about it.
“I also wish to officially inform you that unrest is beginning to stir in the castle. However,” Dracula began, taking in your expression of slight alarm, “I once again wish to reiterate something. You are allowed to protect yourself. I will not vilify you if you defend yourself from an attack.”
It was the truth. He had means to see if it was self defense, or a planned attack. He doubted you would attack unprompted.
You look at him a bit confused.
“But… How would you know it was self defense? The monsters who want me dead could just lie as a group, right?”
Dracula felt the corners of his lips twitch upwards. You had clearly been thinking about this, though he could tell it was something that must have weighed on your mind.
Not so much you thinking you could get away with attacking his subordinate, rather, you were worried about being attacked and thinking ahead.
He felt his lips curl into a small, amused smirk.
“I have my ways of figuring out what happens throughout my castle without being present.”
It was through his close connection with Castlevania, really.
Thanks to his connection, he was able to loosely figure out just who had tampered with your potions. Needless to say, it wasn’t hard to get the two witches to admit it, with how weak willed they were.
His castle was now a few witches less. Not that it mattered.
It wasn’t all of them, he was sure. Dracula still had a bit of investigating to do. The two he disposed of were just the ones who admitted to it, and Dracula could tell more were involved. No doubt he would be busy later looking further into the matter.
Some certainly weren’t happy with him, but alas, that was what happened when you attempted to hurt those he was protecting.
You seemed a bit skeptical, or perhaps curious?
“Um… Is it through the power of Chaos you can?”
As soon as you asked it, a worried look appeared on your face.
“Uh, if that isn’t too personal of a question, I mean…?”
He almost wanted to laugh. You were trying to be respectful, unsure if that was too much information to ask for.
“Trying to figure out a way to one up your enemy, hm?” He asked, though his lips ticked upwards in a full grin, clearly teasing you. Dracula could tell that wasn’t what you meant.
“No! That’s not what I-! I didn’t- fuck, I mean-”
It was adorable how you sputtered, and tried to catch your words to apologize.
“Relax, I’m only teasing you. Yes, it’s partially through the power of Chaos. Though Castlevania itself is bound to my very soul. Not much gets past me, should the castle alert me about it.”
You instantly relaxed at his words, and seemed to perk up in interest.
Once again, your eyes flickered to the bottle in your hand.
“Is that how you found out the last potion was poisoned?”
Dracula hummed, leaning back in the chair.
“No. One of my Alchemists alerted me to the fact several witches were discussing how they were… unhappy about your presence. I decided to check on the potion early, even if it was finished. I simply had my castle assist me in finding out who had done it.”
Silence filled the room once more. It seemed you were unsure what you wanted to say next.
After a beat passed, you looked back at him.
“Thank you, then. For checking. And for giving this to me.”
Your voice was soft, as was your smile.
If Dracula still breathed, he just knows his breath would have caught in his throat.
That was a smile that was worth protecting.
After you thanked him, you brought the bottle to your lips, and began to drink down the potion.
The effect was almost immediate. Even if he couldn’t see most of your wounds, he could see how you changed.
You no longer favored one side, leaning oddly to the left. Nor did you hold your arm as close as before. In fact, your body seemed to relax even further, now that the worst of the injuries were finally repairing from the magic treatment.
When you finished the drink, you pulled the bottle away from your lips, a disgusted look on your face presumably due to the taste. You coughed for a moment, and shook your head a bit.
After gathering your bearings, you then looked back up to Dracula, and truly smiled.
For once, you looked happy. You looked alive.
Yes, Dracula thought. Pursuing a future where you two don’t have to fight, would be one worth aiming for, just to see you smile once more.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Love That Bites Pt. 7
This fic has me by the throat a lil bit. Though it was never my intention to write the chapter to be this big 😅 it kinda did what it wanted.
Summary: Things seemingly were beginning to go well for you. Of course, you should have known it was only a matter of time before things went horribly, horribly wrong.
CW: Multiple injures, blood loss, panic attacks, abuse, irresponsible injury treatment, cursing
Word Count: 7111 words!
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Taglist: @onewiththebeanbag
First: Here
Last: Here
Next: Here
It was only a matter of time until things spiraled out of control.
You supposed you shouldn’t be surprised.
Given that you were a Belmont, you knew your luck could only go so far, especially with how you had been cruising what little good luck you had left until now.
In hindsight, you really should have put forth an effort to further anticipate this.
After all, it was only a matter of time before you were heavily injured by your ‘family.’
Things had briefly gotten admittedly better, before things took a turn for the worst.
It had been too good to be true. You relaxed too much. Let yourself get too comfortable.
A little over a week before this had happened, your family had seemingly backed off. Something that you had admittedly been relieved about at the time.
They gave you space, well, about the same amount of space before you started sneaking away even more to see Dracula’s statue.
Jason had no longer been up your ass complaining and trying to instigate a fight.
That itself had been a huge weight off your shoulders. Your step brothers you could handle, but your step father? He had quickly grown into a short fuse over the years, and had especially been reactive as of late.
With Jason backing down, your brothers seemed to follow his lead.
Seth had taken to lingering in the background when you were around. Ever present, watching you, but never saying anything.
His gaze unnerved you, but hey, it was better than talking to him most of the time.
Mark meanwhile had barely been around the house. When you did see him, he seemed pissed off. Angry, just like his father.
He especially seemed mad at you, but would storm off before he would yell.
That had you concerned at first, and you worried you would have to watch your back for him instead.
Nothing ever came from any of them. Just the usual shit from about a year ago. Avoiding you, still making you clean, and having you take dirty jobs.
You could live with that.
Even if it was still poor treatment, it was better than whatever had originally pissed your step father off bad enough to hit you outside of training.
With them not all constantly down your throat, you were beginning to feel a lot better too.
Sure, you still weren’t getting as much rest as you’d like, but now you were at least able to rest.
With the lack of immediate stress, and some actual sleep, you actually were beginning to feel a little better.
By the end of the week, you’d dare even say you had felt somewhat good. It was a wonder what a lack of migraines and puking your guts out could do for your health and overall well being!
You had even taken a trip back to your cabin to check up on Dracula at the end of the week. With each bout of sickness, it had been harder to head over there without issue.
But when you were feeling better, you left with no hassle. Not even a peep from your step family when you left in the evening!
That should have been another warning.
They always have something to say if they catch you ‘sneaking’ out. If not a snide comment, it’s usually yelling and screaming as they followed you to your car.
The visit itself had been uneventful, but you had brought some snacks, and happily talked on about how you were feeling better for once.
You knew better than to tempt fate like that, yet you still did it, too happy and in bliss.
It had even felt like you were welcome. The Castle hadn’t felt intimidating in a long time. It felt, dare you say, somewhat welcoming.
Or that was just your hope and delusions talking.
Dracula hadn’t moved at all, though you did notice his eyes still changed positions on occasion, still solidifying he was somewhat aware of you.
You had left that visit happy, and feeling a bit lighter.
Of course, all good things must come to an end.
The few days afterward were similar to the last, and you didn’t suspect a thing. You only became wary whenever Mark would get upset, but like before, he would turn and leave you alone.
It wasn’t until an average Monday afternoon that things turned sour.
You had been writing in your journal, noting your visits with Dracula inside it in code. It had become a pastime for you when you arrived home, and figured detailing your visits wouldn’t hurt if you needed them in the future.
As you had been writing, you heard the familiar sound of footsteps walking up stairs and towards your room.
Quickly, you hid your journal, and pulled out another to pretend to write in.
Moments later, your door opened, with not even a knock.
Jason stood there, an odd look on his face. It almost seemed… gleeful.
That unsettled you, but you kept your face blank.
“Get your things. We need you for a training session.” He said, though you knew it was an order.
One of the few things you couldn’t talk your way out of in this house.
“Alright. I’ll be there in a minute.” You said with a sigh, closing your mock journal.
Jason didn’t waste another moment, and turned and left, not even closing your door behind him.
You made sure you had your whip with you, and changed into some comfortable gear to dodge in. It’s not like they’d let you actually attack them, anyway.
Quickly, you then headed to your family’s training area, drrad an annoyance in your stomach.
That wasn’t unusual. You never enjoyed training with them, with how aggressive and temperamental they could occasionally be.
Not to mention, this was just an excuse to use you as a punching bag to take their anger out on.
With how temperamental Mark had been lately, you had a feeling you would be leaving this ‘training session’ with a few more bruises than normal.
It started as normal. Your step brothers were allowed to choose whatever weapon they wanted, same with your step father.
Any weapon, except for your whip.
Anytime they asked (read: demanded) to use your whip, that was the one line you never let them cross.
Even in the past, when they physically threatened you, tried to take it forcefully, and tried to intimidate you by threatening to evict you, you held firm.
The Belmont family whip would stay in the family. It’s not like they could awaken and use its power properly anyways.
…Not without killing themselves in the process, at least. The whip was very picky, apparently.
Since you had your whip, they often argued you didn’t need any other weapon. That was the downside of keeping it on you around them.
“If you were so great at fighting, you wouldn’t need them anyway, right?” They’d always say.
It wasn’t too different this time, though you just decided not to bother asking for a chance to use something else.
Best to skip the ‘formalities’, after all.
As usual, Jason instructed you where he wanted you to stand, and that your step brothers and himself would be practicing weapons they weren’t the best with.
“Better to practice with a live target, right?” Seth had spoken, grabbing an old battle ax.
The look on his face made you shudder.
Those words, and the weird look made your gut churn.
You didn’t like that, not one bit.
Glancing to the side, Mark stared at you with a steely gaze. That iron hot anger simmered behind his eyes, and you felt yourself beginning to sweat.
He was silent, and alarm bells were ringing in your head.
Mark was always the loud one of the two brothers. His silence spoke volumes.
Him also holding a spear with murderous intent didn’t help.
Jason was in front of you across the room, as if to act as a referee. You knew damn well it was only for show. He only stopped the fights if you fought back, just to yell at you for daring to ‘attack his precious sons.’
He also would join in if he really felt like it. If he ever was in a foul mood, or felt you weren’t taking enough aggression, he’d try and sneak into the fight. Something he only started doing after your mother had passed away.
If he had tried that shit when she was alive, even if she was ill, she would have torn him to pieces.
Stars, you missed her.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to settle your nerves.
Jason was staring at you, a focused look on his face. You gripped your whip tightly, your stomach beginning to churn.
Something was wrong.
Every instinct that had been drilled inside you was screaming at you to run.
You weren’t the hunter here. This didn’t feel like it was going to be a regular training session.
You were now the prey.
In an instant, Mark sprang into action, and threw his spear at you with alarming accuracy. You let out a yell of surprise as you jumped back, the weapon narrowly missing you by a few inches.
Jason hadn’t even given the okay. That had been an attempt on your life, you were sure of it.
You didn’t have much time to think on that, with Seth running up to you with a yell, swinging the ax at your neck.
The weapon came down at a vertical angle, and you hissed as you dodged to the side.
“What the fuck is your problem!? If that had hit me, I-“ you yelled, though let out a curse mid sentence when you spotted Mark out of the corner of your eye, trying to stab at your mid section.
Your free hand came up just in time, and you managed to parry the spear, sending it to the left.
Seth was in front of you again, and you panicked. With Mark behind you to your left, you had very little room to dodge the ax once again headed your way.
Before Seth could bring down the ax, you pushed forward, taking him by surprise as you got in his personal space.
With no room for him to swing, you ducked under his arm, trying to get away and put some distance between you and them.
Before you could run, you felt a hand at your back, grabbing your shirt, and tugging. With a yell, Mark threw you backwards behind them both, and the force knocked you to the floor.
You didn’t have time to even acknowledge the air being knocked from your lungs as you quickly rolled to the side. Where you were just a second prior, Seth’s ax was lodged into the ground with a worrying thunk.
As Seth tried to tug the ax from the ground, you saw Mark running at you, fully intending to gut you with his spear.
Swiftly, you kicked his legs out from under him, rolled backwards, and landed onto your feet.
Mark fell to the ground, landing on his lower back with a groan. A curse followed as his spear tumbled out of his hand, and part of the handle landed on his face as he struggled to grab it.
Shaking from the adrenaline and slight panic, you looked between the two siblings, bewildered.
Sure, they loved beating the shit out of you, or trying to during the ‘mandatory’ training sessions Jason would throw at you. But this?
They were trying to kill you.
Every attack had been an attempt to end your life, not just break a bone or two and cover you in bruises.
“Just what the fuck your problem!? It’s not training if you’re genuinely teaming up to kill me you asshats! Jason, this is going too far, even for-“
You paused as you panted. Jason was not where he was moments prior.
In a split second, it was as if time slowed down. Your instincts once again screamed at you to move.
Without thinking, you dived to the right. Your body felt like lead, but your mind moved at a thousand miles an hour.
You felt it before you saw it.
A sharp, striking pain erupted in your left side. You could feel it practically burn your nerves alive as the pain slowly spread.
Landing with a roll, you let out a pained yell as time seemed to finally catch up with your senses.
You gripped your side, and looked where the pain was, and your shirt was quickly growing soaked with red.
There was a tear in your shirt, though you couldn’t properly see the wound from how you sat.
However, you certainly felt the pain, and could see the blood both dripping down onto your pants. Your shirt was quickly becoming soaked with red, and you were instantly concerned with how bad the wound must be to be bleeding that quickly.
With a hiss, you cupped the wound, wincing as you tried to stop the blood flow.
You turned to look behind you, and you grimaced when you saw Jason holding a bloody hunting knife.
“Motherfucker, did you just-“ you cursed, and Jason simply clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“You’re getting rusty. That should have been easy for you to dodge.” Is all he said, and your eyes narrowed.
He lazily swung the knife in his hands, as if admiring it.
“You fought back against Mark, so I figured you needed a challenge. It seems I was right, if I was able to hit you.”
A grin grew on his face, and you felt dread build up in your chest as Seth and Mark began to close in on you, both having recovered from earlier.
“After all, without a challenge, how can you ever hope to improve?”
Shakily, you stood up.
Gripping your whip with one hand, and holding your side with the other, you glared at the three.
“This is nuts! You really think critically injuring me is going to help me improve?” You spat, your mind swimming as pain filled your senses.
Your step father gave you a disgusted look, as if you were nothing but the scum on the bottom of his boots.
To him, you most definitely were.
You let out a yelp when Seth’s ax swung down at you, and you stumbled back.
Twisting to the side with a grunt of pain, you narrowly dodged another wound in your side from Mark. However, you cursed when you felt the edge of the spear cut your right arm.
“Who said it was just you needing to improve.” Mark spoke, and pulled his spear back to stab you again. Seth dashed at you at the same time, trying to take you off guard.
Bobbing and weaving, you barely managed to avoid both weapons. Though your eyes widened when you felt a bit of air next to your ear from behind you as you ducked.
Jason, the fucker, had aimed for your damn head.
You licked your lips as you struggled to figure out what to do.
They weren’t the best fighters on their own. Deep down, you think they all knew this as well.
It’s one reason you always got the icky jobs. They were never tough enough to handle them alone.
But together? They were annoying, and an actual threat since they were actually trying to kill you.
Sure, they were disguising this as training, but you knew they were aiming for that ‘lucky’ hit to put you out of commission at best.
If you were to die? Well, you were from a family of hunters. Accidents happen, after all. It unfortunately wouldn’t be the first time a hunter died from an accident in training.
You had to do something, figure out a plan. This wasn’t good.
Your mind was growing a bit foggy. Moving was beginning to get harder too, not just from the pain. The blood loss was beginning to slow you down.
Jason was right, much to your dismay and disgust.
In a way, you had let this happen. You weren’t paying enough attention, and you might end up gravely paying for it.
Letting your guard down and thinking this would be regular training was your biggest mistake.
Hopefully, it wouldn’t be your last.
You moved to back away, and gasped in pain when one of them kicked you in the back, sending you toppling forward.
“Still not fighting back, just as I had taught ya.” You heard your step father practically gloat from above you as you struggled to push up.
“At least you’re able to listen to some rules. Not a complete idiot who doesn’t know how to listen to an order.”
The wind was then knocked from your lungs as a shoe slammed onto your back, and you crumpled to the floor.
Your hands clenched into fists, and you felt hot tears welling up in your eyes.
How could you let this happen?
You could level armies with just a whip. Destroy packs of demons with a knife. You trained to defeat Dracula, of all people. Your family had even praised your prowess, confident you’d be able to do so should the need arise.
Yet you let these three clowns get a lucky hit, and had you falling like a flimsy house of cards.
Granted, they had never gone this far before. You should have seen it coming.
You got lazy. Compliant. Relaxed.
How could you let it get to his? Were you really still that afraid of fighting back?
Did the fear of losing everything really hold you this far back?
“Oh look at that. They’re crying! When was the last time they’d done that?” One of them laughed above you. You were so out of sorts, you weren’t sure you could tell who it was.
One of them scoffed.
A moment later, you felt a sharp pain to your ribs, and you let out a cry of pain and surprise.
The kick had enough force to flip you over, and you cursed. They had hit you right in the wound.
You cracked your eye open, and immediately regretted it as the handle of Seth’s ax came down at your head.
It missed your eye, but the brunt force was enough to turn your vision white regardless with hot, blinding pain.
“Holy fuck-“ you cursed, curling in on yourself and trying to grab your temple.
“Shut up.”
A scream was then ripped from your throat when you felt searing pain in your leg.
This wasn’t training anymore. This was torture.
“Hmph. Look at them. How pitiful.” Seth, you think, spoke up.
One of them chuckled.
“What a disappointment. Such a disgrace doesn’t deserve the Belmont name.” Jason scoffed, and he bent down to your level.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him reaching for your whip.
Your ears rang, and for a brief moment, you suddenly had a moment of clarity.
A growl ripped from your throat, and Jason let out a squawk of surprise when you suddenly reached out, and tossed him over your body.
Faintly, you heard his body harshly hit the floor at your side.
Mark and Seth were briefly taken off guard, and you took the opportunity to shakily stand to your feet.
“Don’t ever say that to me again. You may have taken our family name, but you three will never be Belmonts.” You snarled, holding your whip close as you struggled to stay standing.
Mark’s face twisted into fury while Seth had rushed to his father’s side. Jason had seemingly landed on his face, and was now cupping his nose as blood dripped down his chin.
You hoped he broke his nose or fucked up his jaw.
Mark raised his spear, and was about to rush you again.
Before he could, you felt the dam break.
Gripping your whip, you lashed out, and a loud crack echoes across the room, followed by a hollow clutter against the floor.
The spear had been masterfully ripped from his grasp by your whip, and was now innocently rolling across the ground.
All three of them froze.
It had been years since you raised your whip against any of them. The last time being when your mother was alive, and you were allowed to fight back during training.
The silent fury was evident in your eyes and posture. Despite your injuries, you were still standing, and ready to fight once more.
And you were pissed.
No one talked. No one moved. Their eyes flickered between yourself, and the whip in your hand.
Unknowst to you, the weapon was glowing a soft purple. All three of them could feel a rage from the whip, one that was completely different from the rage coming from you.
The temperature seemed to drop, and the three of them suddenly struggled to breathe properly. It was as if they were suffocating from how heavy the air had become.
So this was the power of a Belmont.
You hadn’t even done anything, but all three felt the immense pressure, the immense power you wielded. The immense potential you had, even after the injuries they had inflicted onto you was untold.
They were no match for you, they knew this.
Growling, you cracked your whip again, making all three flinch.
“That is enough.” You spoke, your voice echoing in the chamber.
“I’m going to leave this place to recover, regardless of your consequences. You will not stop me. If you try to attack me when my back is turned, I won’t hold back.”
Your words were cold and icy, and they could sense the frustration and fury you were holding back.
Slowly, you turned towards the exit, and began to limp to the door.
However, you momentarily paused before opening it.
“I’ll be back eventually. I recommend we pretend this didn’t happen, for both our sakes, understand?” You said, your voice even, but your rage still ever present.
The three looked at eachother, though you missed the frustrated, annoyed looks on their faces. Despite this, they did not speak.
Nor did you give them the chance to.
You opened the door, and slammed it behind you, limping up the stairs and through the house to your room.
It wasn’t until you reached your bed that you finally collapsed.
Gasping for air, you groaned as you felt the pain rip through your body.
You lost so much blood. The wounds they gave you weren’t life threatening on their own, but left unattended, and being forced to move with them had cost you.
Gripping the side of the bed, you lifted yourself up slightly, and opened your bedside drawer. Feeling around inside, you let out a sigh of relief.
…Only to groan is frustration when the potion bottle you pulled out was almost empty.
Right. Up until this last week, you had been sipping on these to help with bruises and your bouts of illness.
All that was left was about an inch of liquid in the bottle.
Not enough to fix any severe damage, but enough to hopefully slow down the bleeding.
Without hesitation, you downed the little bit left in the bottle, and proceeded to crawl towards your bathroom.
You could at least feel the wounds trying to stitch itself together, and your head didn’t hurt as much.
This is what you get for not stocking up. Instead, you had decided to go visit Dracula again, when you really should have contacted one of the alchemists you did business with.
Lesson learned, you supposed.
With a grunt, you clambered over to your desk, and pulled out a first aid kit. With practiced precision, you began to dress your wounds.
It was sloppy and rough, but it was better than leaving them open. Anything to slow or stop the bleeding, and avoid instant infection.
You could clean them up later when you got away from here. Anywhere from here.
Though you already knew where you would be going. You didn’t even have to ask yourself such a question.
When your wounds were eventually wrapped, you put a small bag together of anything you needed, and began limping back down the stairs.
You grimaced at the blood stains on the wood. You'd let them deal with it, knowing they’d care too much about the house to just leave it be.
Wouldn’t have even been an issue if they had not decided to torture you. It was their problem now.
You ended up passing them briefly on your way to the car. Your hand was still on your whip, and they gave you a wide berth as you passed them.
It pleased you to see your step father with a bandage around his nose. Fucker.
Still, that didn’t stop the glares he sent your way, or how Mark seemed to twitch in his seat in the kitchen as you passed by.
Was it bad you almost wanted him to attack you again so you could hurt him?
You decided no, it wasn’t. You’d process those feelings later when you weren’t still in possible danger and injured.
When you reached your car, you tossed your things into the back, and hit the gas as soon as the engine was on.
There was no time to waste. You wanted out. You had to get out. Had to leave.
It wasn’t until you were out of town did you notice how badly you were shaking, and how much blood was on your hands.
Your own blood.
A heavy sigh passed through your lips, and you continued driving.
The silence in your car was heavy. Your mind felt like it was racing, yet felt eerily calm at the same time.
It wasn’t until an hour into the drive that you finally pulled over, and got sick on the grass at the side of the road.
This wasn’t the same as when you were ill. This was some sort of physical response to the stress.
The last time this happened had been after your mother’s funeral, though that had been years ago.
Still, as you sat in the grass with a bottle of water, redressing your wounds as you nursed a migraine, you couldn’t help but feel your world was crumbling.
Your step family… they had finally done it. They hurt you. Intentionally. You know for a fact some of those attacks had the intent to kill.
Hot tears fell down your cheeks as you sat there, dwelling on it.
If you hadn’t fought back, finally giving in, who knows how far they would have gone when you had been a broken mess on the floor.
The fact your step father had even reached for your whip proved what it had all been about. He wanted everything. Having the house, the money, and the artifacts wasn’t enough.
He wanted to be a Belmont. He wanted your family’s legacy. The power, the notoriety, everything.
You refused to break.
Of course, you knew you couldn’t stay away forever. You’d have to go back eventually. There was no way in hell you were leaving the house to them without pitching a fit at least.
Wiping tears from your eyes, you heaved a sigh.
Everything sucked so much right now.
All you really wanted was to be in the cabin, or the castle. Run away and hide from this mess.
You would for a time, at least.
Lick your wounds before returning to what had become your own personal hell. You at least counted yourself lucky you had somewhere to go in the first place.
It took longer than you’d like to get back on your feet, but you had to keep moving. It was dangerous to camp out on the side of the road as injured as you were.
So you finished up, trying to avoid looking at your wounds as much as possible while still messily patching them up.
The less you acknowledged this at the moment, the better.
So you got back in your car, and continued to drive.
You could at least admit you felt a little better after crying a bit, but you had a sinking feeling this shit was gonna do some hardcore psychic damage to your mental health once you started processing it.
That could wait until later. Right now, your body was still tense.
It was strange. Your body couldn’t relax. Your body was still in fight or flight mode, and you could only wonder if it was the shock.
It took a while longer to reach the cabin. Longer than you would have liked, but it still somehow felt like a blur. You briefly wondered if you were losing your sense of time from the trauma.
“At least its working in my favor…” you couldn’t help but mumble as you dragged your bags into the house, uncaringly dropping them on your couch.
It wasn’t like you had anything too delicate anyway.
You ended up sitting on your bed, staring at your lap as you attempted to relax.
Even after hours of mindless driving, your heart still hammered in your chest, and your body shook.
The searing aches and pain from your wounds didn’t help either.
In fact, they kinda made you just wanna crawl into bed and die.
Heaving another sigh, you put your face in your hands, wincing when you felt the wound on your head.
“Man… I probably have a concussion too. Probably should not have driven, but…”
The words went unspoken, but even in this state, you weren’t going to take any chances of being followed. Physically or otherwise.
“What should I even…” you began to mumble, but stopped.
You didn’t know what you should do, but you knew what you wanted to do.
Realistically, you should just stay here. Redress your wounds (again), and eat, and take a long nap.
But you couldn’t. No way would you be able to rest in the semi manic state you were in.
No matter how many deep breaths you took, you still shook. Your heart still pounded in your ears. It was too hard to think. To focus.
“How pathetic…” you mumbled as you stood up, stumbling at the firey pain erupting from your calf.
“I’ve fought scarier monsters, obtained worse wounds, and walked it all off fine. Get beat up a little bit though by those… scum, and suddenly I can’t do anything right?”
You could probably go hours beating yourself up over this.
But you wouldn’t. Not right now.
Despite being at your cabin, your sanctuary, you did not feel at peace.
But you knew where you could calm down.
Was it a bad idea? Oh absolutely it was.
That wasn’t going to stop you, though. At this point, you could care less about what might happen.
“If anything, I’d rather Dracula kill me than my own step monsters.” You grumbled as you stumbled through the living area, searching for a specific bag. Grabbing it, you were out the door in moments.
Besides, it’s not like Dracula hadn’t seen you at a few lows already. What was one more?
If he still thought lowly about you, he’d at least get a kick out of it.
You pushed out the door of the cabin, your mind still feeling as if a thousand wasps were buzzing inside your skull.
So many thoughts, but it was hard to truly think about any of them. They were like water flowing through your fingers, and you didn’t care enough to cup your hands to try and catch them.
It was a bit of a walk, and it was arguably incredibly stupid to push yourself even more just to get to Dracula’s castle, but you were determined.
Also incredibly stubborn.
The walk wasn’t as easy as you had hoped it would be. Time didn’t pass as quickly as it did in the car, though the fact you were actually moving your body around instead of driving may have a bit to do with it.
You were in a painful daze every step of the way. Tremors or pain shot through your body with each miniscule movement.
But you didn’t relent.
It took a bit longer to arrive, but you couldn’t deny the wave of relief you felt when you passed the clearing to the lake.
The familiar, dark, looming castle was still there, surrounded by a vortex of storm clouds.
It was a sight that brought you an intense feeling of comfort and familiarity.
When had this cursed castle begin to feel closer to home than your own family house?
The thought was fleeting in your mind, the only thing you really cared to think of was getting inside, and getting past the obscene amount of stairs.
“How the hell did my ancestors get around this shit… Dracula, the lucky bastard, can teleport. How did anyone else get around?”
You were really regretting deciding to come here injured. Your legs were screaming at you, and you were drenched in sweat.
It was only a matter of time before your body forcefully shut down so you’d rest.
You at least wanted to be in the main tower when you inevitably passed out for a few days.
Despite everything you should have thought, it was the only place that felt safe. The only place you could pass out in peace.
Something a year ago you would have scoffed at, yet here you are.
You were sure you must have looked like a hot mess when you pulled the throne room’s doors open with your good arm.
No doubt you still had blood on you, and your wounds were still badly wrapped. Your face probably looked just as rough if the tender spot above your temple was any indication.
It was strange.
You could have sworn the energy in the castle shifted the moment you walked through the throne room door.
From the usual, comforting feeling you had grown accustomed to, the energy suddenly felt… off.
Vile? Angry? Suffocating? Hot?
But… you didn’t feel unwelcome, despite how the feeling around you made your stomach churn.
Slowly, you stepped forward, your limp becoming much more apparent now that you were here. You could relax a little.
“Hey, I’m back.” You spoke, albeit a bit weakly.
The air seemed to tighten, and you felt a bit hot.
“I know, I know. I look like shit. I feel like it too…” you spoke, your voice softening to a murmur the closer you got.
When you were a few feet away from the statue, you sighed, and dropped your bag.
Nothing had changed since last time, it seemed. Dracula’s hand was still outstretched towards where you had fallen asleep that one time.
“Ugh…” you mumbled, and finally sat down. Gripping your head gently, you opened your bag, and grabbed a water bottle.
Taking a swig, you grimaced.
“Bleh… tastes awful. Is water supposed to taste that bad…?” You mumbled, looking over the bottle, unaware of the growing distress from the other person in the room.
Your face scrunched up as you took another sip.
“Ugh. Tastes sorta like metal. Did this get left out?” You hummed as you forced yourself to drink more. You’d need the water after everything that happened, after all.
You sat there in silence for a while, contemplating what to do. What to say.
“Today was rough.” You spoke, your voice cracking.
Now that you were somewhat safe, you could feel the familiar heavy feeling sinking in your chest.
Pain. Anguish. An unexplainable sickly feeling…
That's not to mention the absurd physical pain you felt. Your injuries were screaming at you at this point.
It was probably some of the worst pain you had felt in years.
You finished your water bottle, and tossed it back into your bag with a wince.
Just turning your body hurt.
“Aw, fuck-“ you then hissed, feeling your wound on your side pull open again.
It had only been a matter of time. You had poorly treated it before leaving your family home. That, and all the walking to get here?
Yeah, your wounds reopening wasn’t a surprise.
“Son of a bitch…” you mumbled through grit teeth, and pulled the bag closer.
You may not have any potions stocked, but you at least remembered to stuff some medical supplies in this bag for when you got here.
It took a moment, but you finally found the gauze and some medicine. You hissed as you got to work.
“What a mess…” you groaned out as you started on your injury on your side.
Maybe bringing an extra shirt would have been smart. Fuck.
Still, you pushed the messy garment away, and cursed when you began to undo the bindings for the wound.
Just as you thought, the wound had reopened.
It could be worse, but it certainly didn’t look pretty. You had to clean this up, and fast.
You reached over for a bottle of antibacterial cream, only to start cursing when it slipped from your hands after picking it up.
The small plastic jar rolled on its side across the floor, until it bumped against the statue, innocently slowing to a stop at its feet.
Head hanging low for a moment, you contemplated how bad the damage would be if you just left it.
“Damn it…” you mumbled, and slowly stood to your feet.
Gripping the wound on your side, you took a few steps forward, before gripping your head.
You were so exhausted. No doubt you were dehydrated, and your body was trying to shut down to try and rest.
Standing up and trying to walk, even if it wasn’t fast, was enough to give you a headrush. It also made you suddenly feel incredibly dizzy and nauseous.
Your vision blurred, and your feet stumbled, causing you to trip over yourself.
A string of colorful curses left your mouth as you fell forward, desperately trying to catch yourself.
One of your hands flew forward, and you let out a small ‘ack!’ when your hands landed on Dracula’s statue.
You fumbled as you tried to catch yourself, your bloody hands landing on his outstretched arm as you attempted to avoid hitting the floor.
“Fuck me…” you gasped as you attempted to avoid heaving up the water you had previously drank, leaning loosely against the stone arm.
“What a-“ you began to mumble, but froze when you heard the distinct sound of stone grinding against stone.
“-…pain?” You weakly spoke, eyes widening as your head snapped back to the statue you were leaning against.
Your heartbeat thud in your ears, and you felt like you were about to choke for entirely different reasons than before.
Dracula was moving.
His head shook, and stone dust fell around him…
…And his head snapped to look at you.
“Oh sh-“
Before the words were even out of your mouth, it was as if the castle itself took a deep breath, and then there was an explosion of power that followed.
A scream was immediately ripped from your throat as you were thrown backwards, sliding on your back against the floor past your bag.
You were dazed from being thrown, but you could faintly feel the air grow thick with energy, and the very castle beneath you shook.
It was almost too much. You felt like you were going to be sick.
Almost as fast as it began, the castle’s tremors slowed to a stop, and you finally could catch your breath.
Only to choke when you attempted to sit up.
Torches on the wall began to light up with flames, one by one, and the air began to clear from all the dust in the air.
And in the center of the room, an all too familiar figure slowly stood to their feet.
You couldn’t think. You couldn’t breathe.
Panic began to well in your heart, and you were shaking all over again.
You were frozen. You could not move.
Dracula turned, and you felt like you were punched in the gut.
That same beautiful face you had grown accustomed to, was now full of color, and striking red eyes met your own.
Dracula was back.
You were going to die.
It wasn’t so much a thought, but rather a feeling. You knew in your current state, you were unmatched.
The silence was deafening. His gaze never left your form.
Pure, stone cold rage was on his face.
His ruby colored eyes, however, were scathing hot. Hot in a way that made you think of the fiery pits of hell itself.
The air was suffocating.
Dracula took a step towards you. Then another. And another.
Each step echoed loudly in the chamber, like a thunderclap in the eye of a storm.
Every step he took, you felt your heart attempt to jump out of your throat.
It felt slow, and so fast. Time was frozen, yet moving faster than you could understand.
Dracula grew closer and closer, and you felt yourself beginning to hyperventilate.
You weren’t ready. Of all times for this to happen, you weren’t ready.
Eventually he was right in front of you, and you found yourself frozen. All your muscles refused to move. Fear gripped your heart tight with a vengeance.
Dracula was tall. He easily loomed over you as you sat on the floor, and you had to crane your neck just to see his face properly.
This was it, wasn’t it? He was going to kill you.
You waited in bated breath for him to mock you, or at least to strike you down where you laid.
He did neither.
In fact, you nearly jumped when he began to lower himself, crouching down to your level.
He was so close… less than a foot away.
Then, he reached forward.
At first, you flinched as his hand reached for your face, and he hesitated. That nearly brought you out of your stupor. Why would he hesitate?
But then, instead of lashing out, his giant hand ever so gently reached forward, and carefully cupped your face.
Your breathing hitched, and you froze.
The action was so out of place from what you were expecting, it caused you to stop panicking from disbelief.
Dracula’s hand was tender and cool against your fevered flesh. He seemed to be looking over your wounds, which were now beginning to sting all over again.
He was quiet for a moment, and you couldn’t help but grow confused, though your heart still hammered painfully in your chest.
Finally, after a brief, tense moment, he spoke.
“Who did this to you?”
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Love That Bites Pt. 6
Hello! Welcome to the next installment of my Dracula x Belmont!Reader series! It’s been a while, but its finally here! Reading so many kind comments really helped me push through writing this 💚
It took forever to get this finished. My health has not been doing well with how the weather has been flip flopping the past few weeks. Going from a drought, to rain and heat on and off was not good for me. The rains backed off a bit, so now its just the humid heat i have to deal with ^-^’
I hope you guys enjoy though! To makeup for it, I made this chapter over 6000 words! If you wish to officially be on the tag list, please let me know!
Summary: After waking up and making a chilling discovery, you make the decision to head back home. You try to get into a routine of things, but slowly, you feel as if your life is crumbling apart. For some reason, your only solace seems to be Dracula’s statue and his castle. Dracula meanwhile observes as you seem to be growing worse for wear, a gnawing feeling of dread growing in his gut with each visit.
CW: Toxic and abusive family, mentions of repeating illness, anxiety, mentions of injury, nihilistic thinking.
Word Count: 6196 Words!
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Tag List: @starrlo0ver
You weren’t entirely sure when you began to regain consciousness.
All you really knew was how stiff your body had become, and how tired you still were.
That wasn’t completely it, either. You may still have been tired, but for once in your life? You felt rested.
It had been years since you felt like you had gotten any decent sleep. The fact you actually felt rested, even after the odd dreams you had, was quite the achievement.
Speaking of dreams, you tried desperately to cling to what you remembered as you began to wake.
You didn’t remember much, like what you saw. All you could really remember was what you felt.
A strange warmth, and the feeling of being held. Like someone holding you gently, but unwilling to let go. A warmth you so desperately craved to crawl back to.
Faintly, you could also remember a voice. However, you couldn’t remember what was said. All you could make out was that the person, a man, was trying to get your attention.
It was odd. The more you tried to pay attention, the farther the voice seemed to get. At that moment, it was like everything was slipping through your fingers like water.
You wanted more, but alas, you found yourself waking up against your will.
The carpet was the first thing you noticed, besides how stiff you were. It was fluffy under your touch, and still somehow comfortable. Your fingers curled into the light fuzz as you slowly woke.
Face scrunching up, you let out a groan as a flash of light blipped behind your eyelids, followed by a low rumble of thunder.
Rain? Where were you again?
Mentally, you went through everything in your head, when you suddenly remembered exactly where you were.
You almost sat up when your heart rate spiked, but calmed down as you blinked your eyes open.
Considering you were still alive, and still on the carpet in the main hall, you were most likely fine.
“Ugh… how long was I out…?” You mumbled, and pushed yourself up, trying to blink the fog away in your vision.
“Still, that was one of the best naps I’ve had in- HOLY-“
You couldn’t help but shriek as you scrambled back, falling right back on your ass as you scurried away from the statue.
Said statue had moved.
Dracula no longer had been reaching towards the middle of the room.
Instead, he had been reaching out towards you.
His head had been tilted downward towards you as well. The vampire’s head was looking in your direction, facing the ground where you had been laying.
“What the fuck.” You whispered, your heart hammering in your chest. It was as if you couldn’t move, could hardly breath-
How? How had he moved?
Standing up in a mild panic, you made sure to keep your distance as you eyed the statue warily.
Curious, and a bit frightened, you circled the statue, noting the differences while your hand hovered above your whip.
After examining him for a few minutes, you hesitantly relaxed a bit.
It seemed whatever had happened, Dracula was still cursed. He just somehow managed to move slightly while you were sleeping.
That was a thought that sent chills down your spine.
Still, he hadn’t moved since you woke up, so that was a plus.
It was still incredibly freaky though.
Gathering your courage, you inched a little closer to the statue, and got a better look at his face.
It wasn’t such an angry snarl anymore, more like a look of… desperation? You weren’t entirely sure what to call it.
Thankfully, it at least didn’t look angry. You think.
There was also his hand, it was still outstretched, but…
The hand wasn’t tense, with his claws outstretched. It looked more like he was simply reaching toward you.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say his body language suggested he wasn’t trying to attack you in your sleep.
Then again… you could be reading too much into it.
Regardless, you couldn’t stop the inkling thoughts that pressed in the back of your mind. As a hunter, you had to be observant, more so than the average person.
Which meant learning body language.
And this just screamed lack of aggression. Interest, but no signs of anger. Not like before.
It… unnerved you. Something that should have at least been a relief, made you incredibly wary.
Why would he move now? What did you do for him to suddenly do so? Could he move this whole time?
This at least more or less (hopefully) confirmed one thing. He had to be somewhat aware of his surroundings.
You had no idea to what extent he was aware of, but he had to at least be able to see you, given he had been reaching for your sleeping form.
That did raise another question. If he could see, could he hear? Could he feel things through the stone? Could he taste? Smell?
It brought about several questions, and only offered educated guesses at best.
Heaving your chest with a sigh, you pressed a hand against your face, trying to think.
“What am I going to do…?”
At least, a small part of you was somewhat comforted. Chances were, he probably could feel things, not just see things.
If you had attacked him, he would have been forced to watch, and feel as you tried to kill him.
Oh, if that thought didn’t make you feel a little nauseous-
If you had really struck down the statue, he very well could have been hurt, and had been aware and felt it.
Sure, you knew it was a possibility, but actually confronting that thought now that you knew he was somewhat alive? It made your palms feel clammy.
“So… you are alive… I’m… not crazy.” You mumbled at the statue. His face was still turned downward, but if this was true, he was hearing your every word.
Carefully, you lowered yourself to your knees, and looked at his face once more.
He… looked so… intense? Desperate?
You wouldn’t say that outloud, but it also felt odd to refer to him as such. The King of the Night, looking so determined while reaching for you.
Without thinking, you found yourself reaching forward to cup his face. Before you could even make contact, you froze, before pulling your hand away.
No. Bad idea. Why would you do that.
Last thing you needed was showing any affection and getting attached.
That was like a number one rule. Never get attached until you know damn sure whatever you want to get close to won’t hurt you.
With another sigh, you rubbed your temples.
What would you do now? Leave?
It wasn’t like you really had a choice. You had been here for who knows how long, and no doubt you’d have to deal with a pissed off step father the longer you stayed.
But could you just leave him here like this?
You wanted to curse. This was the same damn dilemma you had been dealing with ever since you first saw this stupid castle. You were getting tired of fighting yourself in your head over all of this.
Reluctantly, you stood up, catching yourself as you wobbled a bit on your feet.
“Seems I still have a lot of resting to do…” you mumbled as your vision spun just slightly.
Yeah, you were definitely still a little sick, but you were feeling leagues better than you were a few days ago.
“I… I gotta get home soon.” You muttered, holding your head in one of your hands.
Silently, you looked over at the statue again before turning to leave.
“I’ll… I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
It was weird. Everything was weird. Now that the statue seemingly was noticeably alive, you felt different on how to approach and act around it.
Though maybe you shouldn’t act different?
More and more thoughts swam in your head as you groaned. No, you did not need to do more mental gymnastics.
Carefully, you began to leave the throne room, noting how heavy the atmosphere had become. Depressing? Frustrated? You couldn’t place it, but you certainly related to the feeling.
You didn’t notice the eyes barely managing to tun upward to watch you leave.
As you made your slow descent through the castle, you fought back an ever growing headache as you thought about your situation.
Something that was becoming more common than you’d like to admit.
If Dracula really was somewhat alive, you couldn’t help but sympathize for the guy. It had been a few decades since he had been sealed, around 20 something years.
No doubt he was going mad. You were probably the most interesting thing he has seen in the past decade or two.
Even if you were his enemy.
But… were you? Now that you had not attacked him? He sure didn’t seem like he was trying to attack you in your sleep.
“Ugh. I need another nap.” You mumbled as you walked out of the castle and towards your cabin.
You had a lot of catching up to do.
The day after you had gone back to your cabin, you decided to return back home. You dreaded doing so, but unfortunately you had very little choice in the matter.
The messages you received from your ‘family’ were, as usual, annoying and endless. It was only a matter of time before they started destroying your things again for staying away too long.
Thankfully, the stars were shining on you today, as no one was home when you returned. It was easy to sneak a bit of food and hide away in your room.
You wish you could say that they ignore you as usual after they all realized you were back.
Alas, things never seem to go your way.
Your step father had gotten somewhat physical with you again after he arrived home, your two step brothers watching from the doorway.
He had yelled, even gripping your hair and throwing you hard. You hit the edge of the bed frame, but thankfully had dealt with worse.
Though you’d admit, the concussion you had gotten from it was already a pain in the ass.
He wasn’t finished though, and made sure to yell at you some more. At that point though, you simply just let his angry words flow in one ear and out the other.
It ended with a sharp kick to your ribs, which genuinely took you off guard. Your step father never took it this far before outside of ‘training’, and he wasn’t holding back.
Thankfully, he seemed fed up enough with your presence to leave you be. He shoved past his sons, slamming the door behind him as you gasped for air.
You had managed to crawl to your drawers, and take care of the wound on your head. You also decided to count yourself lucky he didn’t seem to break your ribs, just bruise them.
After the pain subsided, you crawled onto your bed, shaking as you thought about everything.
What was your life turning into? Did your step father really not care about crossing that line? It certainly seemed so.
You weren’t looking forward to the future, if this is what was promised.
Unfortunately, your fears were turning out to be true when it came to your home life.
Your ‘sweet loving family’ were growing more and more violent, toeing that line with how far they can get away with their behavior until you snapped.
But you couldn’t.
The moment you fought back, was all the excuse they needed to kick you out, and take everything you owned. Everything that was rightfully yours, would fall right into their hands.
The perfect excuse to anyone related to you by blood why the family artifacts were no longer theirs.
Your legacy, your mother’s things, your family’s artifacts… all gone, to someone not even in the family by blood. That alone was dangerous, some artifacts only resonated kindly with your family’s blood.
Hell, your whip was one of those very artifacts. Its one reason you never parted from it, making sure they never had the chance to swipe it from under your nose.
Not to mention the weapons and powerful tomes hidden in the family vault. In the wrong hands? Your step family could rival vampire lords with how dangerous they could become.
What a nuisance.
You knew they would take advantage of it too. It’s the whole reason they were trying to get you to attack them, or ‘give’ them everything by your own free will.
They wanted everything. The power, the artifacts, the riches… they wanted all they could get their hands on. All while looking completely innocent so they’d have an excuse if anyone inquired about it
And it seemed they were willing to raise the stakes to get it.
Despite your step father seemingly growing more physical, he still seemed to prefer to hover and threaten you, rather than just straight up brawl with you.
He seemed irritated. Impatient. He was cracking, but still trying to remain in control.
It made you fear what reaching his breaking point would be. What would finally break the dam that was slowly showing its cracks?
At least when he tried to hurt you, it was brief. Like a warning and a threat.
It wasn’t as… rough as that first night you came back, either. More like purposeful shoves, the occasional hit to your back or stomach. Sometimes your arms. He never hit you again after an initial assault, but the threat was very much there.
If he didn’t hit you, he would slam tables and walls next to you. Slam doors in your face, toss chairs. He even threw some old plates, ruining a set your great grandmother had passed down.
That had been a rough night for you, realizing they were willing to destroy stuff from your family without thought.
Then there were the bouts of sickness you were experiencing.
Just like when you had been at the cabin, you were constantly falling ill.
It was random when it would happen, and the severity of each bout of sickness seemed to vary, but it was beginning to drive you insane.
Sometimes you would just get extreme migraines. Other times you were stuck in the bathroom for days nearly unable to move.
If it was a rough week, you were then banished to the car. No one in the house wanted to catch whatever was making you so violently ill, if by chance it was contagious.
Occasionally one of your brothers would take pity, and toss you some bread or a bottle of water and some gas station medicine. Most of the time though, you were on your own, trying not to puke your guts out for days on end.
It was beginning to affect your overall health. How could you go back to being in a healthy state of being if you were getting sick right after feeling better? How would you be able to keep up being a hunter if you were becoming a liability?
You were beginning to wonder if you were shutting down. The thought made you fear for yourself often when alone with your thoughts.
It was beginning to remind you of your mother, how she had fallen ill…
This made you miserable.
More than once, you ended up silently crying into your pillow in your room. You hadn’t cried in so long, but now it was hard not to after dealing with so much shit.
The one saving grace you had was your laptop, and sneaking away to visit the cabin.
Watching the castle on your cameras late at night brought you solitude, it helped calm your mind when you were overwhelmed. Even if it was just scrubbing through hours of nothing, just watching the castle seemed to put you at an odd sort of ease.
If you weren’t terrified of your step brothers or step father destroying the laptop, or finding out about the castle, you’d probably even use it as white noise to sleep when at home.
An idea you would have laughed at if you told yourself a year earlier.
You? Enjoying the ambience outside Dracula’s castle? You would have attacked whoever told you so, thinking they were trying to mess with your mind.
Now though, it was an odd comfort.
When you did sneak off to the cabin, you would leave the laptop on to listen. The oddly quiet atmosphere with the occasional clap of thunder had you sleeping in minutes.
Something most hunters would scoff at. Most can’t sleep through thunder and lightning, but the atmosphere had put you at ease.
It should bug you how much you were growing comfortable with the Master of the Night and his ominous abode.
But you were beginning to care less and less.
So what if you liked the castle? Liked visiting the Lord of the Night? It’s not like he had moved from his place since you slept on the floor.
The only discernible difference was the occasional movement in his eyes. Something that freaked you out a bit at first whenever you noticed it, whenever it rarely happened.
You and him weren’t hurting anyone, and you were still able to keep an eye on him.
Though your increase in trips were becoming a slight problem.
It was a getaway, and it angered your step family horribly.
You weren’t sure why they cared so much. They always talked about how if you didn’t exist they would have been better off. Surely being out of the house would be a relief.
Yet, whenever you went on a trip and came home, they always seemed angry, and not because you came back. They were angry you left.
It was all getting overwhelming. You felt like you were losing your mind. Why would they care so much, when it was blatantly clear they couldn’t care less about your well being?
The bizarre behavior only served to push you away even more. Why bother with their behavior when you could just vanish for a few days, even if it restarted this stupid cycle?
It only drove it further in your head that you were feeling trapped.
But once again, you at least had your sanctuary. Even if your comfort with the place had shifted so much the past few weeks, it was growing back to what it originally had been.
A sanctuary. A safe place from home.
Your visits with the statue had also changed as a result.
At first, you were hesitant on how to act. Should you be more wary? Closed off?
But when you took a trip back again after that time you had been sick, you decided to just roll with the punches.
He already saw you sick, and sleeping. Did it really matter at this point? As long as you were polite, you didn’t see a reason to behave any differently. He was still technically your host, after all.
If anything, you were more relaxed than ever.
After you had thought about it, the idea that Dracula was aware had somewhat been a weight off your shoulders.
He had already seen you as a mess. You didn’t have to play up any pretenses.
You also found that he was easy to talk to. It wasn’t on purpose, you just started talking on your visits.
At first, it was to fill the awkward silence. You talked about little things that had happened. Some silly hunts you had, and world events that had happened since he had been sealed away.
Though you began to wonder just how close you were getting to your family’s immortal enemy, when you started sleeping on his throne room floor on purpose.
Sometimes you’d find you talked too long, and it was late in the night. You started making the decision to sleep there every so often.
You never slept as close as you did the first time, still wary to a fault.
The statue didn’t move like the first time, though you swore the eyes followed you sometimes when awake. They would be in different places every so often.
You knew they were when you slept. It was… stirring confusing feelings in you, so you tried not to think on it too much.
It would have made you nervous if you hadn’t already spent so much time with him. You just wrote it off as a little quirk.
How fitting. The Statue of the Lord of the Castle, being able to watch your every move like in a cartoon or horror movie. It would be creepy if you didn’t find some odd comfort in it.
You later on ended up even searching your family home a little, curious if you could break the curse yourself.
‘It’s just in case,’ You would tell yourself.
As much as you wanted to deny it though, you knew you were curious. How you wondered if you had a means of breaking the curse, even though your own family placed it on him.
Would you actually do so? Probably not, even if the thought made you a bit sad.
Something you were a bit unsure and uncomfortable about. Were you really that lonely that you briefly thought about what it would be like to talk to him while free?
Yes, yes you were.
But you had a duty to uphold. Setting Dracula free could have so many consequences.
You also didn’t want to misread this.
Just because you felt comfortable at the castle, and in his presence, did not mean there wasn’t a chance he would kill you.
Your family was still his enemy, after all. He technically never agreed to just talk with you after you decided to spare him as a statue.
You didn’t want to get killed, and possibly doom the world over your silly delusions of maybe having a friend in the enemy.
There was something odd though about the whole curse.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t find much on it. You could only sneak into the family vault so often. You didn’t want to risk your family demanding you let them in again, or try and follow you. Again.
Even then, the few times you did manage to sneak into the vault, you didn’t manage to find much. Even when looking at the journals of each Belmont, all you really found was mentions of a spell, and a curse.
The last Belmont to fight Dracula, your grandfather, didn’t mention much about it. How he and his friend had used an old spell they had found to seal the Vampire away.
You found it convenient that you couldn’t find much about what the spell actually was.
By convenient, you actually mean annoying.
What if you needed to seal him away again? Or something went wrong?
Not a lot of planning on your grandfather’s end if he really didn’t leave any information behind.
That wasn’t even the worst of it either.
Apparently, there was a curse of some sort Dracula had placed on your family when your Grandfather had fought him. However, your grandfather refused to mention what it was, or what it entailed. All his journal mentioned was that a curse ‘existed’.
That certainly didn’t ramp up any lingering anxiety. Thanks grandpa.
Briefly, you wondered if this was why he was always so distant with you, and your extended blood related family. Perhaps he thought it would be less effective if no one really knew about it.
You had half a mind to call him and demand what it was, but that would only create a massive beacon towards the fact the enemy he sealed away had been found again after the castle initially disappeared.
It wasn’t worth the risk.
Something that still surprised you to think and say.
Still, the frustration, added along with the stress and sickness you were dealing with, were not mixing well at all. You were this close to tearing your hair out.
But you didn’t.
You held yourself together. You were at least thankful for your hunting experience. Without it, you wouldn’t have been able to keep a steady head in all this for as long as you have.
Still, even now as you warily watch your back just walking to your car for a hunt, you knew one thing was for sure.
Wherever calm resides, chaos is sure to follow.
You wouldn’t be able to keep this up forever.
Vlad prided himself on being a man of many things.
He was Lord of the Night, the King of Vampires.
He also considered himself a man of science, a title he wielded, long before he had even turned his back on god.
His prowess with magic was also something he considered himself a master of. He took to magic much like alchemy, though it helped he had centuries to learn and practice all he could.
That, and having the Crimson Stone and Death itself under his thumb was a boon for him. He had little to worry about when he had been young, so he had time to master anything that caught his fancy.
As time passed, and his interest in revenge and humanity had first diminished, he had even taken up other hobbies.
Renaldo, his old friend, may have been an old fool. However, he had been right about one thing.
Eternal life could be incredibly dull.
Vlad took to learning many different things and trades. He excelled as a tactician, so he also took on learning different means of battle and war.
It came in handy when dealing with armies of the damned.
Helping lead an army of crusaders had been one thing, but armies of hell's bloodiest fighters? It had been a whole new experience, one he easily took to.
Though after he had firmly set his place in the underworld, and proven he was far superior to any other vampire, life grew dull once more.
So he collected books. He had always enjoyed them, much to the chagrin of the church when he had been human.
They always said his time was better spent strategizing. If he must read, it was better spent on reports, or looking into ways to counter the enemy.
Vlad had barely gotten a chance to read for enjoyment as a human. When he had been Mathias.
As Dracula, he had all the time in the world. No one dared oppose him, even just to read a book or novel.
He had even taken the time to write and bind his own collection. Something only a select few close to him had known about.
So for all of his achievements, being killed over and over again, and then being turned into stone, was very much a slap to the face.
It was a huge blow to his pride and ego, though he had reluctantly begun to accept he was not on fate’s side when it came to the damned Belmont clan.
Being turned into a statue though? It was one of the lowest blows to him of all time. He would rather be prowling around in purgatory or hell, waiting to eventually be revived against his will, than be stuck as stone for several decades.
But, there was an upside.
Vlad had mentally scoffed when he first saw you. He went through this whole song and dance in his head.
How you no doubt would be the one to free him. How you seemed so pathetic. So weak.
He didn’t find himself thinking such thoughts anymore.
Vlad wondered if he truly was growing to like your presence, or if being stuck in his own personal hell as stone was finally catching up to him.
Had he really gone mad from being stuck like this for so long? To the point he liked a Belmont?
Yes, he was a prideful man indeed, but even he could admit at this point that he was beginning to enjoy and look forward to your visits.
You truly were nothing like the previous Belmonts that had slain him. He really could see Leon in you, when he had assumed the bloodline had changed for the worst.
He liked you.
Would he admit it outloud? Probably not. But to himself in his mind, while stuck here? He didn’t see why he should deny it any longer.
Perhaps humanity still occasionally produced a diamond in the rough.
Vlad yearned for your presence. After those first few times, and he had caught glimpses of your personality and kindness, he craved to see you more.
He did partially blame that on being stuck like this for so long. However, he did genuinely wish to see you.
After he watched you grow ill the first time, is especially when it became difficult to deny he had at least somewhat grown attached after anxiety bubbled in his chest.
When you returned, the relief he felt had even surprised himself.
You had looked bad when you had stumbled out of his castle. It was another instance where he feared the time had come for his curse to take hold.
Yet, you managed to make it back wherever you were residing. You must have, because you came wandering back a few days later.
Your skin had sunken in, and you looked like you hadn’t slept in a week.
He must have been right, assuming you had been sick. Whatever you had must have been rough on you.
Vlad watched as you walked in, apologizing, talking with him for a while. It was even dare he say, cute, how you were still a little skittish. Still instinctively wary of him, but didn’t seem afraid. It was amusing in a way that would have had him teasing you if he could.
He listened as you spoke that visit, before you had gotten comfortable.
When you fell asleep though, he was a bit surprised, but he didn’t blame you. Even though you looked like you had some energy, you still looked like you needed rest.
It was strange.
For the first time in a long time, he felt warm, seeing you curl up close to his feet.
He doubted you fully trusted him, but when was the last time someone had done something so… gentle? Letting their guard down around him without fear, like he was another person?
It had been centuries, at least.
Did you really feel that comfortable? Or at least assured he could not hurt you?
He wouldn’t of course, not without cause.
Vlad watched you curl up, your body going still as your breathing evened out. You were out like a light.
You looked so peaceful sleeping. When you were awake, even when still sick, you were constantly on guard.
Sleeping however, your body relaxed, and you had a small smile on your face. He wondered what your genuine smiles looked like. Were they similar?
Dracula cursed his prison. He cursed your predecessor.
But not you. No, you hadn’t done anything wrong.
He wanted out. Wanted to talk with you. Meet with you formally and personally, not as he was now.
It was as if he felt his undead heart beat in excitement at the thought. Something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
That nearly made him pause. Just what were you doing to him? How was this grip you had over him growing so strong?
You hadn’t even done anything, except show him some basic kindness and mercy. He should hate you.
But as he has sat here and thought about it, dwelling on it, he finds he has no reason to.
Besides your bloodline, of course, but he didn’t always hate the Belmonts either. That would just be an excuse at this point.
He wanted to talk with you though. That promise you had made, of wanting to talk with him if he was freed… he wanted that. He yearned to be able to speak properly with you, let you know he was listening.
There was something about you. How you talked about your family, how you carried yourself. The way you still gave him respect, despite at one point had been terrified for your life.
You were fascinating. Vlad didn’t care if he was a broken record, but you were one hunter he wanted to learn about.
No doubt you had interesting stories and viewpoints. He’d love to hear them all.
The more he thought of it, the more he desired to be free. To move.
Dracula wanted to move. To talk. To touch.
You laying in front of him only made that urge, that desire, run hotter.
Your body was right there. He could have almost touched you. Feel you. Shake you awake.
Then the unthinkable happened.
Vlad moved.
It should have been impossible. He was well versed in what spell had been used on him, even if it had been modified to contain someone like him. The only thing that should have been able to make him move was blood from you or your family.
Yet, he moved.
Determined, he used this stroke of luck to push forward, bit by bit. He was so close to you, it wasn’t impossible to reach you.
It was tantalizing, and took so much power to keep going.
But he had to reach you. Touch you. Speak with you. It was as if that very desire was allowing him to keep going, to move another inch.
He was so close! Just a little further!
Before he could reach you, and cup your face, your eyes fluttered open.
You mumbled something under your breath, before jumping back in a squawk of surprise.
Had he really moved that close? Was it that noticeable?
It had to have been, with how alert you had appeared. You hardly seemed to believe that he had been able to do so.
But now that you were awake… it had been near impossible to get that same focus he once had. He wanted to curse and yell.
So close.
You kept your distance at first, confused and a bit wary.
After that, you surprised him by seemingly letting your guard down more.
In fact, you were more chatty than normal. It was like you were at ease with him, as if he were a nice acquaintance instead of an enemy.
What had changed? Had he startled you that much?
Or… perhaps by moving, you had a realization? You were acting more like he was in the room with you than before. Had that been a wake up call for you?
Vlad found that he didn’t particularly mind.
He would silently admit he liked it even.
You spoke about anything and everything.
Normally, Vlad could not have cared less over the little lives of humans, only checking in if there were wars or major events in the making.
But he couldn’t help but listen, captivated by anything you spoke about.
Sometimes you spoke about current events. Other times you occasionally talked about your hunts or home life, though he noticed how you held back when speaking about personal things.
He wasn’t blind to how your demeanor changed when you mentioned your home life. Alas, he couldn’t ask more about it given his current state.
It didn’t change how he couldn’t fight the bubbling worry that tried to blossom when you seemed pained when talking about it.
In fact, he was growing rather concerned with each visit at this point as well.
He enjoyed your visits immensely, enjoying hearing you talk, even if it was about darker subjects.
However, after a bit of time, he noticed how your visits were becoming a bit sporadic. Normally, it would be no business of his what your schedule was like.
But Dracula was a smart man. He was well known for his observations and keen eye over the centuries.
Something was wrong.
It wasn’t just the odd air around you when you briefly mentioned your home life, or the odd inconsistency of the visits.
No, what was beginning to concern him was how you came back injured, more often than not.
Or sick. You were rapidly falling ill time and time again. This wasn’t normal. Something was wrong.
He knew you were a hunter and all, but this was getting ridiculous.
You often tried to hide it too, though he had a feeling some of it wasn’t intentional, as if this was practiced. A learned habit.
Even if you tried to hide your injuries, you couldn’t escape his keen eye.
A wobble here, a stumble there. Favoring one arm over the other just ever so slightly.
You didn’t make it easy, but he could still spot those injuries clear as crystal.
It was happening at a higher frequency with every other visit, until you were sick or injured every time you visited the castle.
If Dracula could hum and fidget, he would be.
He didn’t like this, not one bit.
At this rate, as time went on, Vlad couldn’t help but grow weary.
Given his luck and experience, it was only a matter of time until something went wrong
He was sure of it.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Remember when I said how Ingo was done dirty in the Pokemon Legends Arceus game and I went on a tangent on what could've happened, yeah? Now hear me out… platonic yandere warden Ingo, the little times he gets to see you you've gotten stronger and stronger. You're clearly dedicated to your work as a Galaxy corpse member and seeing all that hard work get trampled because of something out of your control struck a nerve with him. Also if we were to take into account that one angst bit that I pitched to you some time ago where the readers team gets killed by Volo's, rest assured that Ingo wont take so kindly to any threats aimed at you. I doubt that he would let you go into town without him or his Lady, he's already lost fragments of someone really important to him, he's not about to lose another through sheer ignorance of others.
Platonic Yandere Warden Ingo is certainly interesting!
He’s almost more protective of you than when his interest is romantic. He sees how kind you are, amongst all these villagers and clan folk. You care for even the smallest person, such as himself. A light like that must be protected. You can handle yourself in a pokemon battle just fine, sure. It’s something he is very proud of! But what about people? You are so kind, you are bound to be taken advantage of. It’s only proven true when you are banished from your village by your idiot of a team leader. You were the highest rank, and did so much for the village and the Galaxy Team, only to be tossed aside like trash. He takes you in instead, and doesn’t let you go anywhere without him. He’s willing to face Irida’s ire if it means protecting you. He’ll even take being banished himself if it means keeping you safe. Thankfully it doesn’t get that far. When you are attacked by Beni, it takes everything in him not to strangle the ninja. But much to your suprise, and Beni’s, he walks right up to the ninja, and slugs him right across the jaw. “Leave, and don’t come back.” Beni only sighs, and rubs his chin, before disappearing. After that, he’s your shadow. If your village leader was willing to send an assassin after you, he’s not taking any chances. When you are welcomed back into the village, he hardly leaves your side. If he can’t be with you, he asks Lady Sneasler to keep an eye out for you as well. She likes you a lot, so it’s thankfully no trouble. People learn to leave you be when they see the man following your every step, who you have affectionately referred to as you ‘Uncle Ingo.’ You don’t see how he glares at them from behind your shoulder. Not one of them came to your defense. They are nothing but pests to him that don’t deserve your kindness. But it would upset you if anything happened, so he only sticks by you as a guard, and as a warning. The only ones that aren’t receiving his own ire is your little rival, Cyllene, and the professor, who all seemed upset at how you had been banished. Kamado, however... After seeing Kamado when you had to save the day, he only held himself back for your sake, since there were more pressing matters at the time. But now? Kamado openly avoids you. He nearly refuses to have meetings with you unless absolutely necessary, though you aren’t quite sure why. You have no idea Ingo paid him a visit late one night, easily sweeping through his pokemon, and pinning him to a wall. “If you ever do something so stupid like that again, and put them in danger, I will kill you.” Kamado stares at him with a steely gaze. “Is that a threat, Warden?” Ingo tightens his grip on the man’s neck, his Gliscor snapping its claws ominously behind him. “No. It’s a promise.” He also has near to no mercy for Volo. Summoning a legendary to smite you down, right after a battle and wearing down your poor pokemon? Ingo isn’t sure why, but he’s pretty sure that’s against a rule of some sort. So if Volo plans to forgo the rules, so will he. He will battle by your side against the legendary pokemon. He goes in to give Volo a real piece of his mind, only to be held back by you. The Warden relents, but silently decides the moment he sees Volo when he’s not with you, it’s on sight.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Our Angel Pt. 3
Hello! Welcome to part 3 of my Greaser Submas x reader series!
I will admit, I kinda struggled this chapter. I had a lot going on when writing this. Regardless, I still hope you all enjoy this short chapter!
Summary: It has been a few days since Emmet had left your home. Just as you are about to give up hope on seeing him again, a stranger who looks just like him knocks in your door…
CW: minor mentions of injuries, mentions of getting jumped, mentions of toxic family
Word Count: 2825 Words!
Like my writing? Come check me out here and support me! Every bit helps!
First: Here
Previous: Here
Next: ?
It had been a few days since Emmet had snuck out of your bedroom window.
Just as you had predicted, you haven’t seen him since that day.
It honestly was a little… disappointing.
The thought was silly, that you kinda wanted to see the greaser again. He had been a little goofy, but he was sweet. Even if he was a flirt.
It made your life interesting, for a day. For the first time in years, just helping a guy out had made you feel more alive than you have in a long time.
Because of this, you hadn’t been able to get him out of your mind.
He had been such a breath of fresh air! …If you don’t count the fact that you had been terrified for two days that he might die in your bathtub.
When he was fine(ish) though, he had been nice. A lot nicer than at least half the people you knew.
You just hoped it wasn’t the concussion doing most of the talking. However, you had your doubts you would ever find out.
He hadn’t come back, after all. Nor had you seen heads or tails of him on your walks back from campus.
“Figures…” you mumbled, head in hand as you sat at your desk. At least you got to experience it when you did. It would be a fun story to tell when you were finally free of this place.
Though you would admit, when the doorbell rang, your hopes shot up.
You squashed them down, of course. No doubt it was a friend of your parents or a salesman or something.
At first you tried to ignore it. Your parents weren’t home, after all, and you didn’t want to deal with someone selling you something. Or even worse, your dad’s stupid work friends, or your mom’s friends from her book club.
After a second series of knocks, however, you heaved out a sigh. Closing your book, you left your room, and headed to the front door.
You opened it, already putting a fake smile on your face, preparing to deal with whoever was willing to bother you.
“Hello, how may I….”
The words died in your throat, however, when your eyes met silver ones.
He was back.
At first, you fully believed it was Emmet. Silver hair, silver eyes, similar get up. However, something was off about him.
This guy… he had no injuries.
When Emmet had left your home, he had a nasty black eye, bruises everywhere, a busted lip… you doubted he could heal that quickly.
He also had his hair parted slightly different, and his clothes were completely black, instead of the white shirt. A small detail, but you felt it was off.
There also seemed to be what you assumed as a tattoo of some sort peeking out just from under the mans’s jacket collar on his neck. You had seen Emmet shirtless, and he definitely didn’t have that tattoo as far as you remembered.
Then there was the frown on his face. It was something that seemed so out of place for Emmet. However, he didn’t seem upset. In fact, he straightened up almost excitedly when you pulled open the door.
You both stared at each other for a moment, neither saying a word.
He was just as pretty as Emmet was. Were they siblings?
The man seemed to snap out of it after a moment, and began to speak.
“Hello there. I am Ingo, Emmet’s twin brother.”
You blinked, perked up, and took that in.
It made sense. You were sure if you hadn't seen Emmet with all those wounds, they’d be practically identical. The only differences being the smile, clothing choices, and the way they part their hair.
“How is he? Is he alright? Are his injuries healing okay?”
At that moment, a switch flipped in Ingo’s mind, and you didn’t even know it.
But you did see his eyes grow a teeny bit wider.
It seemed he wasn’t as expressive as Emmet was.
“Yes! Thanks to you, he is healing up nicely! There haven’t been any issues so far with his healing.”
You slumped against the doorframe, relieved. If you were being honest with yourself, the thought of his well being had been weighing on you since he left that day. If he even made it home, or recovered at all.
“Oh thank goodness. I had wondered if he was alright after sneaking out after being unconscious for so long. With those injuries too, no less.”
Giving Ingo a small smile, you didn’t notice how his cheeks had grown slightly pink.
“Thank you so much for letting me know!”
Now you would hopefully be able to sleep a bit better at night, knowing Emmet was gonna be okay.
This man, Ingo, you think he said his name was, cleared his throat.
“I wanted to give you this.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment, before looking down.
He was holding out a piece of paper in his hand. Hesitantly, you took it from his grasp.
Much to your surprise, it was a set of numbers, along with his name written in cursive. Not something you expected from a greaser, but you knew from Emmet looks were deceiving.
“Are you… giving me your number?” You asked, feeling your face heat up as it really hit you over what he had given you.
You… never had a guy’s phone number before outside of school, since that was always for projects…
Ingo gave you a look, one you had a feeling was a more serious one than his regular face.
“Yes. If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I’ll take care of it for you.”
Shock must of been evident on your face, becuas his look seemed to shift into a somewhat amused one. His frown wasn’t as prominent, and the look in his eyes seemed lighter.
“But… why?” You asked, genuinely confused. He didn’t even know you, and you had a feeling having this guy’s favor was probably a big deal.
He tilted his head at you, confused as to why you would ask.
“Because you saved Emmet’s life. We both owe you a great debt. If you had not helped him, he very well could have died.”
His words settled into your stomach like rocks. Yeah, you knew he was in bad shape, but thinking how Emmet could have died without your help was an unsettling thought.
“Ah…” you only managed to mumble.
You then let out a squeak when Ingo was suddenly directly in front of you. His right are rested against the door frame above you, and his other hand was suddenly gently grabbing your chin.
“I mean it. Anything you want or need, it will be yours. I know Emmet is especially desperate to do anything you wish.”
Your face was red, and you found yourself sputtering at the sudden shift and contact. It didn’t help you swore you could see a smirk pushing through that ever present frown.
“We owe you so much. Please, even if it’s just to talk, call or message me.” He asked, having you look at him. Gone were the traces of the smirk, and his face seemed serious again.
Slowly, you nodded.
“I-… okay.” You agreed, you heart hammering in your chest.
All you were doing was agreeing to take his number and tell him if you needed anything, so you didn’t have to call him…
But the thought of getting to make sure Emmet got better whispered into the back of your mind. This way, you could make sure he was okay….
This was a risky game though. You knew greasers were trouble, so you would be playing with fire the more you associated with them.
Though you couldn’t help but wonder; was it really that bad that you wanted to talk to them, to make sure one was okay? They certainly didn’t seem all that bad…
Unaware of your inner turmoil, Ingo backed away, though he seemed much happier and brighter than when you had first opened the door.
“Excellent! Now, would you like to-“
Before he could finish, your phone made a small jingle, signaling your mother had messaged you. Ignoring Ingo, you scrambled for the device, and opened your messages.
Your heart nearly fell in your stomach. It seems your mother’s shopping trip was ending early, saying she couldn’t find everything she needed and would be home shortly.
Panicking, you didn’t notice the look of concern on Ingo’s face as you slipped your phone back into your pocket.
“I-I’m sorry, but you have to leave.”
The man’s eyes widened, taken aback by your sudden panic.
“What? Why-“
You shushed him, and looked further out the door and down the street.
“My mother is on her way home. If she sees you, she’ll freak out and start yelling. She’ll probably call the cops too.”
Quickly, with a quiet ‘sorry’, you grabbed his shoulder, and turned him around. You pushed him down the sidewalk towards what you assumed was his car.
“I’m so sorry, but she can’t see you. I promise to try and message or something, but for your sake, you must leave!”
You absolutely hated doing this to him. He seemed nice, if not a bit more reserved than Emmet. But you knew if your mother saw a greaser of all guys talking to you, she’d blow a gasket. She’d make accusations, scream, yell, probably ground you…
Then she would tell your father, who would make things worse. He may even go as far as to pull money for your tuition, or even try to get these guys arrested for just talking to you.
Even as an adult, you were still shackled to your parent’s wills.
Thankfully, Ingo didn’t resist you, and quickly walked with you to his car. Before he went to his door to get in, he gave you a look.
“Are you going to be okay, Angel?” He asked, his voice surprisingly soft compared to how loud it had been before.
You blinked, brain nearly freezing at the nickname.
“I-Yes-I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about what could happen to you. I can’t be seen talking to you or Emmet by my parents, and my mother is on her way home.”
Ingo’s lips tightened into a fine line, and he gave you a brisk nod.
Before he turned to walk over to the driver's side of his car, he surprised you.
He grabbed your hand, and pulled it up to his lips, giving the back of your hand a kiss.
You sputtered, feeling hot all over again.
He smirked against the back of your hand, before releasing you.
“Take care, Angel. I look forward to hearing from you.”
You almost didn’t register his words, too flustered from the gesture. It wasn’t until he climbed into his car, and shut the door, that you were taken out of your daze.
“W-Wait, I-“
He drove off with a wave before your brain could finish catching up.
Standing there a bit dumbly, you could only watch as his car turned a corner, and out of your sight. You ended up not moving for a few minutes, nearly jumping in surprise when your mother drove up behind you with a honk.
Spinning around, she rolled down the window as she pulled over closer to the sidewalk where you stood.
“Hey sweetie! Why are you standing out here?” She asked, a bit confused. She even tried to look in the direction you were facing, trying to see what you were looking at.
“Um…” you spoke, trying to keep the panic out of your voice.
“There were some rowdy kids on bikes yelling just a minute ago down the street. I was just…. Seeing if there was anything wrong.”
Your mother tutted, and then scoffed.
“Probably just some no good brats from a few blocks down. Don’t worry about them dear, they are nothing but trouble. They would drag you down just for wanting to help.”
She then rolled up her window and began to pull into the driveway, but you hardly noticed. Your mothers words echoed in your ears as you followed her inside to help woth groceries.
‘They would drag you down just for wanting to help.’
Would they, though?
Ingo stared hard at the drivers wheel in the driveway at home, heart racing.
You, he didn’t know what to expect when he met you…
And yet…
You were so cute and sweet!
He had wondered if Emmet had exaggerated at all when he talked about you, but given how Emmet seemed so infatuated…
It made Ingo wonder just what was so special about you before.
His brother didn’t talk about you like you were just some flame he wanted to win over, oh no. He talked like he had been in love.
That had been surprising to Ingo.
Both twins had their fair share of partners, but neither had acted like this before.
No doubt Emmet will throw a fit when he finds out Ingo went to see you on his own without taking him, but Ingo had to see you in person. He had to see what kind of a person you were without his brother nearby.
Only the best would be allowed to properly date his baby brother, instead of just being a small flame for fun.
After meeting you, Ingo began to understand. You fit that criteria perfectly.
Ingo now knew why Emmet was so infatuated with you.
You were already cute, that much was certain. You were gorgeous, even.
But Emmet hadn’t been kidding when he said how sweet and kind you were.
How you were so worried for his brother still, who was a stranger to you.. Ingo knew right then and there that Emmet had not been exaggerating one bit. You, someone who didn’t know either of them, truly cared if Emmet was recovering.
You didn’t even care if you were talking to a greaser, you just genuinely cared if a stranger was okay.
Ingo felt his heart skip a beat in that moment. You really were an angel.
When he gave you his number, you didn’t even seem scared, or excited. That last bit may be a surprise, but given him and his brother were leaders of their group, many people wanted to be in their favor.
You just seemed a little hesitant and confused. He decided to take that as a good sign.
Ingo then sighed, pressing his head against the steering wheel once more.
It wasn’t uncommon for him and Emmet to share a partner, they both had similar tastes after all.
But he knew Emmet was already possessive and protective of you. There was a good chance he’d fight about it after he learned of Ingo’s own interest.
“Oh hell…” he mumbled. He couldn’t fight with Emmet. Not yet. Not when he was still healing.
After that?
It was fair game.
Until then, all he had to look forward to was you messaging or calling him.
Ingo’s frown then deepened after he thought about it.
Would you be able to safely?
You had seemed rather spooked when you got a message on your phone, mentioning something about how your mother can’t see him with you. All for his sake, you had said, but he felt there was a lot more to it than that.
Emmet mentioned you had him sneak out a window, that he would most likely have the cops called on him by your parents if they saw him.
Add that with what little tidbit he learned today… he wasn’t liking the picture that was forming in his head.
Were you safe? Were you okay?
Ingo began to also understand what Emmet meant when he would mention he was worried for his Angel.
Ingo gripped the steering wheel.
He had to figure this out, nor would he just let you sip through their fingers. You were a diamond in the rough, he could already tell.
If you didn’t want them? Fine, they could live with that. They could be happy being your friends and protecting you.
But oh, they wanted you. You really were an angel.
One Ingo had decided, they both would do just about anything for.
Now all he had to do was wait for you to call or message him. He’d take this slow, and let you lead. Ingo was sure Emmet was thinking the same thing, even now.
Thrumming his fingers against the wheel, he heaved out a sigh.
Until then, he had to go inside, and pray Emmet was still in bed healing.
You would no doubt be incredibly upset if he hurt himself again, after all. Something Ingo proudly used against Emmet when he tried to crawl out of bed.
Ingo grinned, happy to finally have a means of temporarily wrangling in his brother.
Yes, Ingo would enjoy this opportunity while it lasted.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Love That Bites
I’ve been playing Symphony of the Night randomized for months, and rewatching some stuff from the anime, this series has had me in a choke hold. I’ve had a thing for Dracula for Y E A R S and the first season of the anime did not help (Even if I have my gripes with that adaption). Unfortunately, there is very little Dracula x reader content out there, and I can only reread it all so many times. o(TヘTo) I also started writing this a bit before the Dead Cells x Castlevania crossover was announced, so that only fueled my motivation to write this. This series is also going to ignore some stuff in canon like some stuff in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. Canon is just a sandbox and I’m making a castle. I hope you all enjoy the start of this new series! This is part 1, and is mostly setting up the scene for the story. Hopefully there will be more to come! Apologies if this chapter is a little messy. (❁´◡`❁) Summary: When you decide to take a vacation to get away from a toxic home life, you just expect a few days of relaxation to revitalize yourself. However, you didn’t exactly plan on finding the castle belonging to your family’s arch nemesis. Especially when he should be dead for the next century... CW: Reader is a Belmont, Anxiety and anxiety attacks, brief mentions of past trauma, mentions of toxic home life, increasing stress, death mention, paranoia and confusion, you’re safe though don’t worry. Word Count: 6016 words! First: Here! Next: Link
All you had wanted was a break.
You wanted, no, needed to get away for a week. Simply put, your home-life had become unbearable once again.
Normally, you at least tried to plan ahead when you wanted to take a break away from home, but things had been piling up. You knew if you didn’t get out, you were going to crash and burn again, and that was the last thing you needed as of late.
So early in the morning, before anyone else in your home had awoken, you packed a few small bags, and loaded up your vehicle.
You left a note on your kitchen counter for your relatives, and quickly left. If you thought too much about it, you’d start feeling guilty again, and stay behind.
Thankfully, the quiet car drive had been a welcome one, every mile further away from your home only seemed to lift the stress off of you little by little.
It took a while to get to your destination, but a few hours were nothing to you, considering your profession.
When you have to go on hunts across the country, and occasionally around the world, you learn to get used to the long travel time.
The trip to your current destination had always been worth it, though.
It was a small cabin out in the countryside. Your family had purchased some of the land a few generations ago, and it was a sort of vacation spot, at least until recent years.
Not many family members knew about the property anymore. Your late mother had been one of the few that knew about it, and had still used it. When she was alive, she took you often as a kid to get a break from your training.
You had nothing but fond memories of the place.
The little cabin and surrounding wildlife had become more than just a place with fond memories as of late. It had also become a safe haven.
When things got rough at home, it became a habit to take off to said little safe haven.
So here you were.
The cabin was the same as you had left it, not that it ever changed.
You walked through the overgrowth on the porch, and pushed through the front door. The inside was just as old and dusty as you remembered leaving it a few months ago.
Despite the layer of dust, it still looked well kept and comfortable. Just like you liked it.
Lugging your bags through the entry, you let out a sigh as you made your way through the small cottage. When you entered the living area, you unenthusiastically dropped your bags to the floor, and fell onto the couch with a loud sigh.
You didn’t do anything for a while, simply staring at the ceiling as you sat, your thoughts fast, but your head feeling empty. Overwhelmed, but dissociative.
It was like this every time you came here, but you could finally breathe.
No yelling, no arguing, no working your days away with chores at a house. If you were lucky, there wouldn’t even be hunting involved. Just pure, unbothered peace.
A scoff left your mouth at the thought.
“Some Belmont I am…” You muttered to yourself. What Belmont doesn’t like going hunting? Your aunts and uncles probably still jump at the chance to do so, and your step family would already be out the door with weapons in hand.
You didn’t hate hunting. But nowadays, you were beginning to dread doing it.
Either you were hunting all the time, especially on trips that were long and hard on you, or you were at home, forced to play housekeeper half the time. Anytime there was a hint of a possibility of a monster near your city, your step family took the job. They essentially barred you from doing anything nearby, only having you do the tedious jobs.
As much as you liked traveling, you didn’t like doing it for a hunt that might be a bust half the time. When you arrived at your destination, either the monster was long gone, never existed, or was already killed by a local hunter instead.
It’s become a drain on your personal finances, and a drain on your energy. Especially since you were always ‘expected’ to come right back home. Didn't matter if you were an adult, they needed their precious servant back.
“What a joke…” You huffed, before closing your eyes.
Attempting to relax, you took in the scent of the area, listening to the slight breeze and wildlife from outside.
There was so much going on in your head, but the cabin was already helping, you could tell. Despite your thoughts, your body was already beginning to lose tension.
This was just what you needed.
You waited a few more minutes, taking everything in, before you got to work. Getting up, you grabbed your few bags, and hauled them off into a bedroom. You dropped them on the bed, and moved to the closet, looking for something specific you had left behind years ago.
Opening the closet, you pulled out an old backpack, and brought it to your bed. With memorized ease, you opened your bags, and tossed a few things in.
It’s not like you’d need a lot for a hike. Just a few snacks, some water, and a few weapons just to be safe.
You weren’t exactly afraid of monsters showing up, but being who you were, you couldn't afford to be too careful.
Chances were you’d be fine. Monsters were incredibly rare on this stretch of land, and the wildlife tended to keep to itself.
You paused though when you gripped The Vampire Killer. The whip that had been in your family for centuries.
Would you really need this for a hike to clear your head…?
You stared at it for a moment, battling with yourself in your head. You took it just about everywhere. Not so much for hunting, but so it wouldn’t end up in anyone else's hands.
Eventually, you came to a decision, and placed the whip to the side. The whip was safe here at the cabin, and you had several weapons. It would be fine. You would be fine.
With your mind made, you finished packing your backpack, and slung it over your shoulder, before heading for the front door of the cabin.
The door locked shut behind you, and you set out in a random direction. It was still early in the day, just around noon, you figured you could go out by the mountains. You raised a hand up to the sky, wincing at the light.
“The shade should be perfect to come back this way by 5….” you mumbled, and got to walking.
You wouldn’t be out longer than a few hours. By the time you got back, you could make something light to eat, and catch up on some reading, if you were lucky.
Wandering around, you followed a few paths, before turning around the base of a smaller mountain. You knew the area well, but still enjoyed venturing out and exploring.
Especially as of late, the beauty and nature of the area was an amazing way to clear your head and de-stress.
The walk was nice, and you swore you remember a lake being in the area. If you could find it once again, it would be the perfect place for a picnic.
It had only been an hour of walking when you turned the corner of the base of the mountain, where you normally would have been able to see the lake.
Something felt a little bit off, though. Despite the weather forecast being clear for the day, the sky seemed to be clouding up the further you walked. Then the further you walked, the more on edge you felt. It was as if you were somewhere you weren’t supposed to be.
However, instead of a beautiful lake surrounded by a forest and mountain range, you were met with a sight that made your stomach drop.
Out across the edge of the lake, just past the tree line, was a humongous castle. One you distinctly remember not being there in the first place.
Lightning occasionally flashed around it, and you could hear the thunder in the distance. Despite how dreadful the dark clouds looked above it, the weather almost seemed deadly calm. It faintly reminded you of the eye of a storm.
You felt sweat beginning to form all over you, and you swallowed thickly as you stared at the ominous structure. Your hands shook, and you were finding it hard to stand.
Dracula’s Castle.
There was no doubt about it. You had learned about this castle your whole childhood, and understood what its presence meant.
Sitting down on the grass beneath you, you took a shaky breath. If you stood any longer, you were worried you would faint.
How was this possible? Dracula hadn’t been vanquished for that long…. Right before you had been born, if you remember correctly.
Has someone resurrected him? Or was someone trying to take his power? You had heard of both scenarios happening, and you weren’t sure which one you wanted to be true.
Hell, you knew it was possible for Dracula to be revived just a few years after being defeated, if someone powerful enough wanted to.
But if you were being honest… You hadn’t expected Dracula to be back in your lifetime, or at least in your youth. You had somewhat hoped it wouldn’t be your problem.
You didn’t exactly want the fate of the world resting on your shoulders.
It had been something you had feared since you learned the truth of your lineage. That Dracula may very well come back, and you, or your future kids may need to step up and defeat him. That you might have to be the one to save the world from destruction.
Licking your lips, you tightly gripped a strap from your backpack till your knuckles went white, and looked up at the sky.
“Hey God? Why me?” you asked, genuinely serious.
As expected, you received no answer, just another flash of lightning and clap of thunder in the distance.
Your eyes then landed back on the castle, and you let out a nervous sigh.
You knew you needed to check it out, despite the feeling of dread in your gut.
As you got up though, a sudden thought struck the back of your mind.
The Vampire Killer was back at your cabin, almost an hour away.
Groaning loudly, you couldn’t help but smack your face in frustration.
“Of course! The one time, the one time-! Of all times to have decided not to take the whip with me!” You cursed, frustration building in your chest alongside the anxiety.
Yeah, you could go back to the cabin and go grab it, but that would be wasting possible precious time.
“Okay… So, it’s not the end of the world… Yet… People have defeated Dracula before without the Vampire Killer. Not a big deal.”
It was a big deal, to you at least. This was huge. Dracula could be planning to attack humanity at any moment, and the best weapon against him was sitting snugly on your pillow back at your cabin.
You sighed.
Still, as you watched the castle in the distance, you couldn’t help but notice something odd.
You didn’t see any monsters. Hell, you didn’t see any bodies outside the front of the gate. Didn’t Dracula have monsters all over his castle, inside and out? Not to mention all the stories you had heard, involving impaled corpses that tended to sit outside the castle every other resurrection.
It was quiet.
No monsters. No bodies. No Dracula.
It made you feel sick, like you were waiting for something to attack you from just around the corner.
But the attack had yet to come.
You weighed in your options. Could you really just leave and go back to the cabin? How were you so sure nothing was watching you right now? What if something followed you back, and found your cabin?
Another thought suddenly hit you like a freight train.
Just how long had Dracula’s castle been here?
It has been over a year since you last checked out this lake. The castle was in the perfect place to remain hidden from view at the cabin, being behind a mountain. The castle could have been here this whole time, just an hour away from you, and you were never the wiser.
The very thought sent chills throughout your body. Just how close to death had you been this whole time?
You felt like you were going to hurl.
As much as you want to leave, and puke from the overwhelming emotions, you force yourself to stand your ground.
You had to investigate.
It wasn’t up for debate. As much as you would like to throw excuse after excuse until it was nighttime, you did not have that luxury.
You came to a decision.
The most important thing you could do right now is head into the castle and check things out. You had some weapons on you, so it wasn’t like you were going in defenseless.
If push comes to shove, you could always make a hasty retreat, and head back over to the cabin. There you could grab The Vampire Killer, and return after regaining your strength.
Was it the best plan? No. But right now, any plan was better than nothing.
A thought passed through your mind as you took a step forward.
Should you call for backup?
You had your father and step brothers, and even your uncle and aunt. Quick, you pulled your phone out, only to sigh in frustration.
“No service. Figures.”
You should have guessed. There was just barely usable service at the cabin, why would there be any out here in the wilderness?
Looks like it was all you. No help was coming for you.
If you died… You doubted help would come for you as well. Your family would probably only come looking for your equipment, if anything. The chances of them looking for you, especially here at this lake, were slim. There wasn’t a question in your mind that they would miss the castle.
Just like you had for who knows how long.
Gripping your phone for a moment, you sighed, before shoving it back in your pocket.
Calling was no use. It really was just you against the forces of evil.
“So much for an uneventful, relaxing trip…” You mumbled, and reached into your bag. Pulling out a dagger, you gripped in your hand for a few moments, before finally heading towards the castle.
The walk towards the looming castle wasn’t as long as you had hoped it to be. All the while, it also felt like it lasted an eternity.
Must have been the impending doom and anxiety, which only increased with each step you took.
Why hadn’t you come across any enemies? So far, just like you had seen from afar, there were no monsters.
Even as you quickly approached the gate, you saw no adversaries. No undead armies. No wolf men ready to tear you to shreds.
Just an old, rusted looking gate.
You couldn’t help but wonder, what was Dracula’s game? In nearly every journal you’ve read with family members in the past hunting him down, his castle is filled with enemies of all sorts. Even at the gate, monsters are usually ready to attack.
Yet, it was quiet.
For a few moments, you could only stare. It was now or never, and you couldn’t exactly ignore the fate of the world.
Gently pushing at the massive iron looking gate, you were surprised at how easy the door gave way. It slowly opened with a loud squeak of the hinges, stopping just a few feet forward, waiting for more force to push it forward.
You were a bit dumbstruck.
Was it really that easy? You weren’t going to lie, when you approached the gate, you assumed you may have to find another way in, or some obtuse way of opening it.
Peeking your head in, your eyes widened at just how… empty the courtyard was.
There were a surprising number of plants and trees, sure, but other than that? The only sign of movement there was, was the plants moving from the wind.
It was ominous. The lack of any life, or undead rather, made your hair stand on end.
A low rumble of thunder went off above you, and you looked up at the dark sky. Despite being early in the afternoon, it felt so late with the clouds surrounding the area like this.
It was fitting, you supposed.
Steeling your nerves, you pushed the door open further, and stepped into the courtyard. Each step had you on edge, with you anticipating an attack that never seemed to come.
That didn’t stop you from keeping an eye out though.
Approaching the door to the castle was more or less the same as the gate. Though it wasn’t any less daunting. The doors towered over you all the same, and did nothing to quell your nerves.
“...Should I knock?” You mumbled to yourself, before shaking your head.
“Stupid… It’s a Vampire Lord’s castle, who of which I’m supposed to vanquish. ‘Should I knock…’ what a dumb question.” you grumbled to yourself. Though at this point, it felt like you were stalling.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open, fully expecting an attack.
But once again, you were completely surprised to see an empty entry hall.
“...Now this is definitely weird.” You mumbled, carefully eyeing the long, dimly lit hall.
You pushed past the door, and let out a small squeak as it shut behind you. The grip you had on your dagger tightened, and you shuddered at how the temperature seemed to drop.
It was cold. Unnaturally cold.
The air was stagnant, and hardly cold itself, but something about the area was nearly sapping your warmth. Was it your nerves? Or just some aspect of the castle being supernatural?
Perhaps it was the strange nerve wracking loneliness that seemed to echo with each step down the hall?
Either way, something was not right about the castle, and it wasn’t just the fact it was a being of Chaos.
It was the fact that the further you walked in, you were encountering nothing.
The courtyard and entry all weren’t the only empty areas. The large open room you entered after that had also been empty, along with the hallway and stairway after that.
Not a monster in sight.
There wasn’t even any sign of life in this place. Sure, you hadn’t encountered anything yet, but every room you entered, every hall you cleared…
It was as if nothing was here in the castle.
You weren’t going to lie. You were starting to have doubts about this being Dracula’s castle.
But at the same time, there wasn’t any explanation for this place otherwise.
Not to mention, the air in this place wasn’t normal. There was an underlying power in the air. The same kind that made your hair stand on end. The same kind that made the air feel colder than what it was.
What castle could feel this way, besides Castlevania?
“Still… none of this makes any sense…” you mumbled to yourself as you cleared another empty room. At this point, you were both extremely nervous, and incredibly frustrated.
You had combed through several parts of the castle at this point. It was getting late, and you were getting nowhere. Already you had been through what looked like an art gallery, passed by a library, and pressed on through a giant dining hall.
As you neared another set of stairs, you could only run a hand through your hair in irritation and stress.
Despite how much ground you have covered, you found no sign of this place being lived in. You only had so much daylight left, and you were beginning to feel like you were investigating a weird, lost cause.
Still, you persevered. If there was a throne room, you at least wanted to check it out. If you didn’t find anything, you would come back another day more thoroughly prepared.
And if you found something? Well…
You could hope for the best. Maybe if Dracula is there, he would be weak? It would make sense, given the lack of life and monsters in the castle. If he was weak, you wouldn’t have to worry about not having your whip, you hoped.
If not… Well, you could run away. Despite the lack of weapons on you, you still had a few tricks up your sleeve. You didn’t live this long as a monster hunter without learning a few ways to give yourself a back door for a fast escape.
Thankfully, it wasn’t too hard to figure out where the throne room was. It tended to be high up in the castle in nearly every iteration your ancestors talked about in journals.
Still, as you came across a final staircase leading up to a separate tower of the castle, you couldn’t help but be more on edge than ever before. The clouds circled above you, occasionally cracking off lightning and thunder uncomfortably close by.
“It really feels like I’m about to be in some final showdown from a movie…” You mumbled as you approached the door, your dread pooling in your gut.
However, much like the growing trend of this castle, you noticed something odd.
The door to the throne room was open, and creaked on its hinges. It was as if it was half hazardly pushed away by someone running out the room.
You briefly wondered if that was a bad sign or not.
Going against the little voice in your head telling you to turn back, you pushed past the door and walked in.
The first thing you took note of, despite the poor lighting from outside, you could see just how huge the room was. You could easily imagine it being big enough for a battle, or a council meeting.
Then there were the giant windows that occasionally lit up the room whenever lightning strikes. Some were even open, clacking open and closed from the wind outside, said wind occasionally pushing the curtains back every so often.
It certainly added to the creepy atmosphere.
Finally, there were the two most glaringly obvious parts of the throne room. The giant throne on top of a set of stairs, and what looked to be a statue kneeling in front of it.
You could only stare in silence. The tension you felt in the air was so thick, you felt it could snap at any moment like a stretched out rubber band.
Your curiosity pushed over your fear, and you found yourself walking forward. Each footstep echoing through the chamber, the sounds of your steps bouncing off the walls.
Coming to a stop a few feet away from the throne and the statue, you couldn’t help but feel… odd at the sight. A mixture of fear, dread, curiosity and intrigue turned in your gut as you stared down the statue.
It was Dracula.
Or at least… You thought it was Dracula.
The statue was big, despite the figure kneeling on one knee in what looked like pain or exhaustion. A hand gripping his gut, while another reached forward, clawed fingers pointing towards you. A cloak seemed to wrap around his body, but it hardly hid his large form.
The head was… a lot of things.
His face was hauntingly beautiful, much like you had come to expect from vampires. What was his hair seemed to beautifully frame his face, with his mustache and beard only adding to the charm.
However, under the beauty, you could see traces of what he really was. A monster.
Despite his handsome features, his face was contorted in what looked like a pained snarl. His fangs were bursting forth, large and ready to pierce.
And his eyes… His eyes were wide open, the whites a darker shade than the iris, which only added to his supernatural and inhuman look.
The room was silent, and you felt your blood run cold, despite the sweat on your skin.
It was Dracula, no doubt about it, but…
Why was he a statue?
Tentatively, you took a few steps forward, but still kept your distance.
You studied the statue a bit more, rounding it cautiously. After a few moments, you carefully stepped forward, and poked the shoulder, before jumping backwards.
Pure stone.
Your hands fell to your sides. It really was just a statue.
“Unbelievable.” You mumbled, confusion and disbelief clear in your voice.
Just what was going on? The castle was here, so in theory, so should Dracula. Not a statue of the guy.
“Unless…” You murmured, putting a hand along your chin in thought.
Dracula being turned to stone somehow… Perhaps that was the reason the castle was like this?
It made sense, the more you thought about it.
“It’s as if the whole castle is asleep…”
If Dracula was technically alive, but out of commission, then it would make sense. Though if you were being honest with yourself, you were still surprised you weren’t seeing some of his more powerful supporters. Surely you would have at least seen Death by now?
The deity was loyal to its master, appearing even when Dracula had not always been in control. So where was Death, or any other powerful monsters that no doubt would support the Lord?
Perhaps being petrified like this, also cut ties with his presence to those powerful monsters? He simply seemed asleep to them, or not fully revived. If he wasn’t fully around, or at least enough for any of his powerful generals to sense him, they simply did not know he was here.
Other than that, it was the only explanation you had.
It still made you nervous and uncomfortable though.
You continued to eye the statue. Was Dracula dead, or was he aware? What had happened to lead to this?
Thinking hard, you tried to remember everything your mother had told you about the last time Dracula had appeared. It was a long time ago, and your mother had only heard about what had happened from another family member.
Didn’t she mention that the Belmont who defeated Dracula last say something about a curse?
You cursed your poor memory, which had been worsening with your own health as of late. Shaking your head with a sigh, your frown deepened.
Still, even if you didn’t know all the details, this could easily have something to do with said curse you were briefly told about all those years ago.
Biting your lip, you placed your hands on your hips, unsure what to do, or where to go from here.
Obviously no one was in danger at the moment, even if you still felt on edge. Dracula was very much contained here in the castle.
But that left you with a bunch of different thoughts rushing through your mind.
You couldn’t really ask for a better spot for the castle to be, if you were being honest. It was hidden, right along private property. Chances of civilians finding it were slim. The less innocent lives you had to worry about, even if it was idiots trespassing, the better.
Then there was how to deal with the problem at hand. What do you do with the statue and the castle? You couldn’t just leave Dracula here could you?
“If I had only brought the Vampire Killer…” You mumbled under your breath, nails digging into your palms.
The whip was ancient, but incredibly powerful. It was strong enough to break down stone. You could finish the job tonight, if you wanted to make the trek…
But would that be wise?
…Did you even have much of a choice?
It’s not like you can actually do anything right now, anyway. Your dagger and other weapons can’t cut through stone. Not like your whip could. You would be here for hours.
You let out a sigh and rubbed your temples, exhaustion creeping up on you. Sure, you hadn’t fought anything, but this whole ordeal was adding onto your already existing stress.
Running a hand through your hair, and looking out a nearby window, another thought ran through your mind.
What if you revived him by destroying the stone? Even if he was cursed, you weren’t aware of the specifics, and you didn’t want to be the one to accidentally doom the world by trying to ‘save’ it.
Feeling your hair stand on end again, you quickly glanced back at the statue. Even if he was on his knees, he was still level height with you.
And it felt like he was looking right at you.
The thought made you very anxious. Was he alive? Or even aware you were standing right in front of him? A Belmont, debating on how to end his life?
Suddenly, the very thought made your stomach sour.
“I… Need to go. I need to leave.” You said, finally making a decision. You needed to get away from here.
You were not equipped to handle this.
A fight to save the world? Sure, you could improvise.
But whatever was happening here? No. No way.
Despite your conscious telling you to stay and deal with the problem, you tentatively took a step backwards. Then another. And another.
Your eyes stayed on the statue until you reached the door, and you quickly turned and left, shutting the large door behind you.
It didn’t take you long to hightail it outta of the castle. The main layout you had passed was burned in your mind, and made it easier to run through.
Though it wasn’t until you were out of the castle, did you feel like a weight had been lifted off your chest. The moment you passed through those large, ominous doors and into the courtyard, it was as if you could breathe again.
You didn’t wait to catch your breath.
Running through the courtyard, you sprinted out past the rusted gate, not stopping until you were long past the lake that sat in front of the castle.
Finally, when you reached the spot where you had first noticed the castle, you came to an abrupt halt. Panting, you turned around, and eyed the ominous structure.
It was late now, the sun had been setting for a while. However, that didn’t hide the castle from your sight. The dark clouds still hovered above, with lightning and thunder striking every so often.
You still couldn’t believe it. Dracula’s castle was here, for who knows how long.
And you were going to have to destroy it somehow.
“Lucky me…” You mumbled.
Taking one last look, you anxiously made your way back to your cabin.
The walk back, which normally would have been peaceful and relaxing, was nothing but a stressful venture for you. Sure, the castle seemed empty, and you could no longer sense it the further you walked. However, that didn’t mean you were safe.
For all you knew, you were being followed by an army of hell, just waiting to ambush you.
That… didn’t really put you at ease, even as you approached your cabin.
Cautiously, you opened the door. With your weapon ready, you made a quick search of your small home.
Thankfully, no one but you seemed to be here. You weren’t sure if that relieved you, or made your anxiety worse.
You decided to take it as a blessing.
Still, you didn’t rest. It was too late to drive back, nor did you want to just leave, knowing the castle was right there, just an hour away by foot.
Biting your lip, you eyed the Vampire Killer, which was still sitting innocently on your bed. You could practically hear it in your mind to pick it up and head back to the castle. ‘Use me! Use me! Finish the job!’
As much as you wanted to, you felt a sick feeling in your stomach. Something wasn’t right, and you knew it. You just needed to figure out what it was, before you made any hasty decisions.
One wrong move, and you could not only revive your family’s immortal enemy, but also potentially doom the world if you fail at killing him. This was something where you had to tread lightly, lest you make a horrible, world ending decision.
No pressure.
You stood next to the bed for a few minutes. It felt as if your mind was racing, but you felt unable to think at all.
With a sigh, you made up your mind. Grabbing your whip and a bag, you headed to the backdoor. You wouldn’t be hunting Dracula tonight, no, but you still had to ensure your safety.
Starting with some protective measures.
Thankfully, throughout the generations, your family came up with many different ways to ward off monsters and vampires from properties. If you wanted any sleep tonight, you would have to put some of these in place, at least for your peace of mind. It wasn’t something that would take too long, but better safe than sorry.
Even if you hadn’t seen a single monster, you weren’t going to risk your life by making assumptions. It was small mistakes that got hunters killed, and you weren’t going to join their numbers.
Setting up a few traps and enchantments took longer than you would have liked, but you weren’t going to take any chances. Your cabin already had some traps in place, but renewing everything wasn’t going to hurt anyone, let alone you.
When you finally sat down on your bed, you rolled onto your back, and blankly stared at your ceiling. The Vampire Killer in your hand tightly.
“What now?” you asked yourself.
The answer seemed simple. Sleep, wake up, and take care of the problem.
It wasn’t that simple though. You already had fought yourself about this for hours. Did you really need to now, right before bed?
You turned your head to the side, seeing your phone charging on your nightstand.
“I could call for assistance…” you said, toying with the idea in your head. But did you really want to invite that mess here? With how reckless your family at home was, you didn’t think it was a good idea.
Then there was the fact they would find this place. Your little sanctuary away from them. They would never give you peace if they found this place. In fact, you were sure your father would tear it down, or claim it was his, since he was the beneficiary after your mother passed.
They would never let you have anything like this. You knew they already had tried multiple times to find where you go when you disappear, you weren’t going to give them that luxury.
Most of all, you weren’t going to give them the last thing left untouched that had been your mother’s.
You could call your other family, such as your uncle, but you shot idea that down. You hadn’t really talked to your aunt or uncle in years since your father took over everything. For all you knew, their numbers had been changed again. As much as they’d probably like to know what was going on, you felt a bitterness in your gut.
As much as you loved your aunt and uncle, they hadn’t so much bothered calling or texting you these past few years. Why would they help you now? Maybe for some glory? ‘To keep humanity safe?’ When they haven’t even helped out family?
You snorted. No thanks.
Besides, it would no doubt take them hours to get here, and they’d probably tell your father about this place against your wishes. Something about wanting all ‘Belmonts’ on deck. Bah.
Turning onto your side, you reached over and turned the lamp on your side table off.
You could think more on this tomorrow.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Love That Bites Pt. 2
Hello everyone! Welcome to the second chapter of my Dracula x Reader fic! I felt very motivated to write this chapter (wrote over half of it last night hehe). I did write it on very little sleep though, so apologies if its a little messy. I still had fun writing it though! It was fun to move the plot on a little bit, even if it feels like it repeats itself a little... Whoops? Regardless, I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: After a rough night, you decide to finally confront your family’s biggest foe.... Only to suddenly have second thoughts. You are unaware of the affect this undoubtedly has on your imprisoned adversary.
CW: Anxiety, feelings of dread, minor self doubt, talks of murder, slight mental breakdown from stress, battle with morality.
Word count: 5059 Words! Previous: Link Next: Link
Safe to say, you didn’t sleep well last night.
From nightmares of having to fight Dracula himself and dooming the world, to waking up every hour worried your little safe haven was being broken into by monsters.
When you finally forced yourself to get out of bed in the morning, you felt sick, and had a migraine. If you were being honest with yourself, the idea of turning tail and running back home felt more appealing than dealing with the Lord of the Night.
But you had to do this. Whatever this was.
You took your time getting ready, dreading returning to the castle. You couldn’t even eat properly, feeling sick made it near impossible for your stomach to settle. The only thing you could stomach was a few crackers and some water.
In a fit of frustration, you just threw some food in one of your bags, and decided to call it good. You could try and eat later if you got hungry.
After you prepared for the walk, and what would most likely be a battle, you set out.
A part of you hoped it had all been a strange nightmare. Perhaps the stress had finally gotten to you? You wouldn’t doubt it, given your current life struggles, and how sick you had been getting as of late. Despite not having any major symptoms of an illness like you had in the recent past, your body could have easily just given you a fever dream!
Deep down though, a part of you knew it was pointless to hope for such things. Everything that you had seen so far had been real, from the fear, the castle, and of course, the statue of Lord Dracula himself.
Shaking your head, you could only feel your anxiety worsen with each step you took.
Of course, that was nothing compared to the feeling you had when you arrived at the valley with the lake, where Castlevania loomed off in the distance.
It was much the same as it had been yesterday. Despite how it had been a bright, sunny morning when you departed from your cabin, clouds now ominously swirled above the area. Like before, lightning would occasionally strike, and thunder quickly followed.
And it was quiet.
The same, creepy quiet it had been last time. It did nothing to ease your bubbling anxiety.
Despite how much your legs felt like stone, you pushed forward towards the castle. Each step you took felt like it was once step closer to your potential doom.
As soon as you approached the gate to the courtyard, however, you were a bit stumped. Once again, no monsters were ready to greet you and try to tear you a new one.
Just the same, empty atmosphere as before.
With a bit more courage than yesterday, you pushed forward through the courtyard, arriving at the large doors that hid away the interior of the building.
“Well… no turning back now, I guess…” You mumbled, not feeling very enthusiastic.
You didn’t rush through the castle this time, but you also weren’t trying to search it either. The destination was clear.
But so was the path there.
Nothing but an empty, lonely castle. Cold, dark, and desolate feeling. As if any sort of life had been gone for decades.
Given the situation, you wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.
Unlike the last time you were here, getting to the throne room was remarkably easy when you knew the way to go. Though you would admit, you almost wanted to get lost. At least then you could have an excuse for taking a while to arrive and stall.
Here, you had no such luxury.
The doors to the room were closed this time, seeing as you had shut them on your way out yesterday. However, they were no less daunting and creepy. The weather didn’t help either, with the thunder and lightning making you jump every so often.
Mentally screaming in your mind, you gripped your whip tightly, and pushed the door open.
It slowly swung open with a creak, echoing loud in the humongous room before you. Though that was nothing compared to the sound of blood pumping through your ears.
Lightning once again was your only real source of light, the clouds blocking most the daylight outside, and the room eerily remaining unlit.
The room still had its main centerpiece as well, the giant statue in front of the throne.
Reluctantly, you strode forward, one step after the other, until you were a mere few feet from the sculpture once again.
It hadn’t changed since yesterday. Dracula simply remained in that kneeling, outstretched pose. His hand reached out towards you still, all while the same snarl was present on his beautifully sculpted face.
Of course vampires would still look good, even when turned to stone.
As you quietly studied the statue, you felt the hair on your neck stand on end, and your adrenaline spike.
You swore you were being watched.
Your eyes quickly met Dracula’s stone ones, and your breath caught in your throat.
He was watching you. He had to be.
Even if you couldn’t prove it, you could swear he was aware, watching your every move.
The hand holding your whip gripped it tighter, and it was as if you saw amusement in his eyes, just beckoning you to strike him.
‘Come on, little Belmont. Hit me, strike me down. Destroy me if you can!’
Your face scrunched up, and you were about to lift your whip to attack, before you stopped yourself.
The air grew tense, like the room itself was holding a bated breath.
Was this really what you wanted? Was it a good idea?
Was it a kind one?
Your arm dropped uselessly to your side, and the grip on your whip slackened.
Could you really kill someone who could not fight back, and currently posed no threat?
The thought made your stomach sour, all while you were screaming at yourself in your head.
“Why now, morality? Could you not hit me at a worse time?” You grumbled to yourself.
Dracula was definitely not some defenseless being, far from it.
But here? It just seemed cruel.
The fabled enemy of your clan, reduced to a statue, unable to even defend himself against you.
Again, it just seemed cruel, and highly unhonorable.
And… it was something your mother had drilled in your head as a child.
Never attack anything that poses no threat, and can’t defend itself. We are Hunters, but we are also Belmonts. We shouldn’t be needlessly cruel, even if it’s a creature of the night. Not all things that go hide in the shadows wish harm, and those who can’t cause it shouldn’t be slaughtered.
It was a rarity to come across a monster that posed no threat, or wished no harm. But for you, it wasn’t unheard of.
Your mother had been a kind woman, who wanted to give people and monsters a chance if they showed potential. She told you many stories of monsters wanting to just exist, and that needlessly killing made you no better than the ones deserving a hunt.
But did that apply to Dracula? Lord of Vampires? Chosen one of Chaos or whatever? Guy who sent the armies of hell onto the world?
Though that did give you pause. You had read something about that in an old journal when you were younger.
Your ancestor, Trevor, had mentioned something. He had fought alongside Dracula’s son, Alucard. The writing was old, but you faintly remember Dracula declared war on mankind, because humans had killed his wife.
The journal didn’t go into further detail about that. It was more about the journey he had, and other things that had happened in his life since confronting Dracula.
But what you remember about it, made your mothers words ring loud in your head. You didn’t know the details… And he did kill a bunch of people… But the church had killed his human wife.
Hell, if the church killed your partner, you’d be pretty pissed too.
Certainly not an excuse, but… It certainly painted him in a different picture. How many of your ancestors considered that every time Dracula was revived?
It left a weird taste in your mouth. The kills he had committed were unforgivable. But… that had been hundreds of years ago, because his wife was murdered.
How could you even kill him now, when he hasn’t done anything? Stuck like this?
Did he have regrets? Was he just bound by fate to be killed almost immediately after being revived? Again and again? When was the last time anyone in your family had a conversation with him, not just pointing fingers and telling him to die for being a monster?
So many questions, and you couldn’t get any answers. Not with him like this.
Your instincts were screaming at you to pull your whip back and just finish the job.
But you couldn’t. Not like this.
He was stuck as a statue. If anything, trying to kill him would probably make everything worse.
Say you did kill him by striking the stone. Great. Now you just had to wait another century or so for him to revive again. Then it definitely would be your children or grandchildren’s problem.
The Lord of Vampires was stuck here. He wasn’t able to hurt anyone. Perhaps that was best.
Even if this whole situation felt… weird? Awful? Bad? Off? Confusing?
You had a lot of words and confusing feelings about it, that was for sure.
With a sigh, you hung your whip on your belt, and ran a hand through your hair, looking at the statue while biting your lip.
“Is this really the best idea?” You asked yourself, once again mentally cursing your morality. This was a lose lose scenario to you, no matter how you looked at it.
Try and kill him, and you kill someone who can’t fight back, or currently hurt anyone. It goes against your honor and morals.
Or, you try to kill him, and accidentally free him. You either win, and feel awful about attacking him when he can’t fight back, or you get killed and possibly get humanity destroyed.
But even leaving him as a statue didn’t sit well with you either. Surely, if he is aware, then is this truly right? Leaving someone in what is arguably a position worse than death?
But it’s Dracula. Dracula!!
How can you possibly have sympathy or pity for a guy who has killed people?! Raised armies from hell? Had innocents slaughtered hundreds of years ago!?
You wanted to bang your head against a wall.
“That’s it. I’ve lost my mind!” You spoke, exasperated. Turning, you pointed a finger at the statue.
“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for my mother. Wait, no-”
You wanted to scream. Why would you admit that.
Well… It’s not like he can use her against you, at least.
Though you certainly wanted to smack yourself, but you stopped from doing so when you glimpsed at the statue again. The air had almost shifted. It wasn’t tense like it had been before.
The statue was the same as ever. Same snarl on his face, same claws reaching out. But it felt different somehow.
It had to be the eyes.
You swear the bastard must be laughing at you from his mind, you could just tell.
‘This is the Belmont that is supposed to destroy me? They won’t even raise their weapon against me? Pathetic.’
You couldn’t read his mind, sure, but his smug bastard aura seemed to mock you.
Or maybe you were just taking this too personally. That was a possibility too. You came to this area to relieve stress near your breaking point, and all this happened. It wouldn’t surprise you if your stress was making this feel a little too personal.
Not that the statue needed to know that.
You shot a look at said statue. His smug aura continued to mock you. You held back from giving him a rude gesture.
“Some Belmont I am. Ha. Not even gonna kill the guy I’ve been ‘destined’ to destroy. Hmph” You muttered, now looking around the room.
It was kinda nice for a throne room, if you were being honest. You know, despite belonging to a Lord of Vampires and all.
“You know…” You began after a few moments, “This place doesn’t look half bad. I heard this castle takes different forms each time it appears, but it does look cool, I’ll give you that.”
You didn’t really want to think as to why you were humoring the statue with conversation. Well, more so your musings, but still.
“This throne room probably looks even cooler when actually lit up. I imagine the clouds probably stay with the castle or something, to help keep the natural sunlight out from the windows? Regardless, the lightning lighting up the room is a neat touch. Very gothic and atmospheric.”
The room was silent, though you heard the occasional clap of thunder. Awkward.
You sighed, and turned back towards the statue.
“Okay, look. I’m not going to attack you or kill you, or whatever. I’m firmly against just… Going in headfirst like that, and attacking someone who can’t defend themselves, or is a threat to others. I don’t even know if you can hear me. For all I know, I’m just making myself look like a jackass.”
You shook your head, almost unable to believe the words coming out of your mouth.
“Regardless, if you can hear me… If you break free from whatever…. this is,” You vaguely gestured to his stone form, “I’ll be here. I will make sure to finish the job if I have to. I won’t have you putting innocent humans in danger.”
Quickly, you turned on your heels, and looked over your shoulder.
“But… I’d love to have a conversation first. Did any of my ancestors just sit down and talk with you, or did they attack you on sight? Maybe that will be my downfall, but hey, I’m curious.”
Plus, you’d like to get some real answers to things. You couldn’t rely on century old journals for both sides of a story. Perhaps it was your mother’s words echoing in your head again, but you would rather learn more about your adversary before you made a decision on taking his life again.
If you came to the conclusion he would hurt more innocent people, then hey, you at least would no longer feel bad about having to kill the guy.
Though that sounded more morbid than you would like.
“I’ll be back. Just because I’m not doing anything now, doesn’t mean I won’t be keeping an eye on you.”
With that, you took a deep breath, and headed towards the exit. Despite the anticlimactic end to this ‘meeting’, your heart was pounding in your chest. It took all your willpower to keep your chin high, and avoid shaking.
It was hard to ignore the feeling of eyes baring into your back.
You didn’t falter, even as you closed the doors to the throne room, or as you quickly walked down the stairs and through the castle.
Even as you left through the courtyard, you continued on walking, head held high, not even looking back behind you.
It wasn’t until you reached the cabin, that you shut the door behind you, and threw your supplies to the ground.
Your back hit the door behind you, and you slid down it, and broke into a sob.
Why did everything in your life seem to always go wrong?
It had been a long time since he had seen a living soul.
It had been years, decades even, since he had last seen anyone. Anything.
Dracula had to admit to himself, this curse had been one of the worst things he had experienced yet.
The other times he had been defeated, he was merely killed or destroyed. As much of a literal pain and annoyance as it was, to be revived time and time again, only to be killed off, this easily took the cake.
At least when he was killed, his soul was either wandering hell, or temporarily at rest. But this? Being stuck as stone for decades? Even he had limits to his seemingly endless patience.
There was nothing to do. Nothing he could do.
Nothing but sit here and think, all alone with his thoughts. If he wasn’t who he was, he no doubt would have gone insane by now.
Or perhaps he already had? He could not say.
But he had been here, alone for a long time. All thanks to those Belmonts.
The last Belmont had arrived not too long after he had been revived for the umpteenth time. He had come in, determined to ‘slay the beast, once and for all.’
Dracula had scoffed at the outlandish remark, one the Belmont’s ancestors all had said. How each would end his ‘reign of terror’ and save humanity.
Though most of the time, he hadn’t exactly been revived willingly, or had desired to come back. Nor in half those cases, had even done anything to humanity. Yet.
But this time, he’ll admit the Belmont took him off guard.
The battle had been going poorly for the human hero, and Dracula found himself quickly winning. A delicious change of pace from the past few hundred years or so.
However, he should have known the battle would have ended up being a farce.
The Belmont had played him. Behind the scenes, a little human friend had secretly been setting up a trap. A series of runes with magic power. Right when he thought he had the little hero pinned, a bright light had enveloped both, before the Belmont had slipped away.
Despite having happened so long ago, that final battle was still fresh in his mind.
Chains of light gripped his wrist, his body, everywhere. Everything burned.
“What… What is this!?” He yelled in shock and outrage, his victory stolen from right beneath him. The Belmont gave him a steely look, and raised the whip, striking him as he was stuck.
Dracula could only snarl, and gripped his side when hit with a particularly nasty lash.
Chanting filled the room, and his eyes landed on the human woman he had previously ignored. The chains glowed brighter, burning his eyes, burning his flesh.
“No! What is this!? Release me!” He demanded, attempting to struggle, though was only met with more licks from that cursed whip.
“Silence, beast. When we are through, you won’t be able to hurt anyone ever again.”
Dracula’s eyes widened, the chanting becoming clear. He recognized that spell. The runes on the floor, the chant, the spell.
“No! I will not be imprisoned-!” He growled, his face warping into a snarl. In a last ditch effort, he reached forward towards the Belmont with all his remaining might…
...Only for the light to begin to envelope his body. He was too late. He couldn’t escape this, his body was already beginning to harden.
“Hear me speak Belmont, and know this!” He spat out, trying to fight the spell as much as he could.
“It will be by your clan’s blood, I shall be revived once more!”
The Belmont’s eyes widened, and the human girls eyes widened, her chanting pausing for a brief second before quickly continuing.
“Your kin will find me, and through their blood, I shall be released once more! It shall be done!”
There was a strange snap in the air, and the curse slotted into place. Dracula grinned maliciously, before snarling once more in pain.
The light flashed once more, and Dracula could move no more. His body turned to stone.
The Belmont and the woman sagged, the tension leaving their bodies. However, they shared an uncertain look, one that Dracula mentally took glee in.
His power, even if he hadn’t been at full power at that fight, was not something to scoff at. Speaking such a curse into existence with his remaining strength was no issue, though he was not fond of relying on them.
And the satisfaction of seeing such unease on a Belmont after they ‘won’ the battle, was something he would keep burned in his mind. Even as they reluctantly left as his castle began to ‘collapse’, he couldn’t help but feel like he had the last laugh.
Especially when his castle disappeared, reappearing somewhere he knew not. Cold and empty, mirroring his status as stone.
Now, all he had to do was wait. Fate would find the Belmonts eventually.
And wait he did.
It was torture, but much like he had expected, the wait paid off.
He couldn’t say how long exactly it had been, since he had been sealed away here, but it was certainly long enough for a new Belmont to show up.
He felt your presence the moment you entered the castle. At first, he wasn’t sure if it was a Belmont or not. He just knew it was a human.
But the moment you peeked through those large doors, he knew.
A nee Belmont had arrived, and he felt his excitement beginning to rise. Finally, he’d be free of his stone prison.
But… then he wasn’t.
You were a small, squirrelish little thing, jumping at every noise you heard.
He recognized that hunter’s instinct of yours. No doubt running wild with how confused you must be, given your expressions.
Though he had to admit, he was quite curious about this Little Belmont.
Surely, your ancestor explained to the family his curse, to keep you all away? Why were you here?
Surely, it wasn’t to slay him. You looked ill prepared for a battle against him.
When you hesitantly poked him, and jumped back, he wanted to laugh when it all clicked into place.
You had no idea why he was like this. Your family hadn’t told you about his curse.
It was obvious from your behavior, and how jumpy you were, not to mention the dagger in your hands.
You obviously knew who and what he was, but didn’t know why he was a statue. He could cackle at his luck.
This Little Belmont would be the one to free him. Their blood would be the blood to release him from his prison. He could feel it.
But you still managed to surprise him. Instead of attacking his little prison, you turned around, and left.
The little hunter was obviously very frazzled, but it hadn’t been what he had been expecting.
He anticipated you pulling out your family whip, and attempting to destroy him. Something no doubt would have happened, and you would have ended up injured, and your spilt blood freeing him.
But that didn’t happen. You just left.
He briefly wondered if perhaps, his mind had made the whole thing up, but alas, he knew it was true. After years of being stuck in the same position, day after day, he recognized that everything that had happened had been real.
And he always would recognize a Belmont. Their blood had a peculiar scent. A scent that he was far too familiar with, after all these centuries.
But this left him quite confused.
No matter, you would be back, he was sure.
He didn’t even have to wait long. The very next day, you had reappeared.
You seemed more prepared this time, your face blank, and your body language reflecting that more of a hunter. The Little Belmont looked ready for battle.
Oh, how he anticipated such a battle from you. You were such a tiny thing compared to him, it was almost cute.
But he wouldn’t underestimate you, oh no. You may seem weaker and unsuspecting than some predecessors, but he had battled enough of your family not to take you lightly.
Especially after the last battle he had. His prison was a cold reminder to never let his guard down in battle again.
You approached him, your gaze level with his. Slowly, you raised your whip, fully intending to strike him. This was it, the opportunity he had been waiting for! He was practically begging you to attack him. Surely, you would bleed, freeing him-!
…Except, you didn’t strike him. You simply looked at him, an odd look on your face. Your arm then went limp at your side, and Dracula was almost speechless. Were you not going to try and destroy him? Much like your predecessors? You came in, fully intent on doing so, if your get up and body language was anything to go by.
So why?
“Why now, morality? Could you not hit me at a worse time?” You grumbled to yourself, and suddenly it all made sense to Dracula. He almost wanted to laugh.
The Little Belmont pitied him? Felt they were going against their morals? Such things got people killed. How were you alive this long if you struggled with such emotions?
It was kind of amusing. And a little pathetic.
Perhaps it was his patience wearing thin, or his distaste for your clan, but he was about fed up.
But… He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find you interesting. You, a Belmont, were debating the moralities of killing your clan’s greatest enemy. It was so ridiculous, he would have scoffed if he could.
But you were a bit amusing. How long had it been since he had any form of entertainment?
“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for my mother. Wait, no-”
Oh how he wanted to laugh, but also was intrigued. What did your mother have to do with this? Was she a soft hunter? Regardless, you seemed rather upset that you had admitted that to him, realizing your own mistake.
He didn’t know whether to laugh, or see this as a letdown.
Dracula chose to be amused.
Especially since you seemed to pick up on his amusement, only making him wish he could laugh even more.
It was almost cute, how you seemed to puff up like a tiny animal, with how upset you were getting. How prickly you seemed to become.
You weren’t happy with his amusement. It seemed to make you more irritated. Good.
He could just feel you trying to ignore the urge to say something crass or rude as time went on, and you talked with yourself.
Though it didn’t take you long to ‘calm down’.
But once again, you surprised him when you started talking about his castle, and the throne room.
Just who were you? Were you really a Belmont? Your quick 180 was throwing him for a slight loop.
Though he had a suspicion you were doing it to deflect. You had some idea he was aware, judging by how you were talking to him as if he was in the room, but you seemed unsure on how to move forward.
Though you seemed to pick up on the atmosphere, and spun around to face him.
“Okay, look. I’m not going to attack you or kill you, or whatever. I’m firmly against just… Going in headfirst like that, and attacking someone who can’t defend themselves, or is a threat to others. I don’t even know if you can hear me. For all I know, I’m just making myself look like a jackass.”
You were, but hey, he was enjoying the mess of a show.
Though your statement did interest him. Surely, you shouldn’t be alive by now if that was your ‘morals’ that you had mentioned? Or had times truly changed through the centuries, and he hadn’t had a chance to see them?
But you still made a point to ‘threaten’ him, as weak as the threat was. But it was your next set of words that genuinely surprised him
“But… I’d love to have a conversation first. Did any of my ancestors just sit down and talk with you, or did they attack you on sight? Maybe that will be my downfall, but hey, I’m curious.”
You at least acknowledged that what you had said was a bit… odd. Didn’t you ever learn curiosity killed the cat?
Dracula could not lie though. This was a changing point for him. You wished to talk? With him? He normally would be amused, but… You were something else. Something entirely new.
When was the last time he had a civil conversation with a Belmont? No lives on the line for either side? No one yelling threats and obscenities?
He might have misjudged you. That alone struck a chord with him.
You seemed so weak and pathetic earlier, but… Getting a good look at you, you had a look of someone who was wise beyond their time. You stumbled a bit, and were scared of him, he could tell that much.
However, you had an air of wisdom he has not seen in a long while. A type of wisdom one got through hardship. He’d argue his old friend Leon was the last Belmont to act as such, and that opened his eyes.
You had since turned on your heels while he had been deep in thought, and your next words almost excited him.
“I’ll be back. Just because I’m not doing anything now, doesn’t mean I won’t be keeping an eye on you.”
If he could lick his lips, he would have. Oh, how he was so curious about you now. You were more of a Belmont than he gave you credit for. It all made sense.
It was about time there was a Belmont that was close to Leon in views and personality. They all matched and surpassed his old friend’s strength, and they all had a strong desire to protect.
But many didn’t have Leon’s desire to talk things out, and hear what the other party had to say. Some indulged Dracula after defeating him, but most did not care, just wishing him gone.
After that, you hastily made an exit, not even turning to look at him like you had last time. He watched you as you left, already looking forward to seeing you again, and what antics you might get into when you do so.
He ignored the small pull in his chest as he watched you leave, unwilling to admit he already missed your presence.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All The Buzz About? Pt. 6
Welcome to part 6 of my beemas fic! 🎉
I struggled a lil with this one, but I hope you all still enjoy! This is primarily a Jackie chapter, with a lot of story set up for the next chapter!
Summary: You begin to notice some odd behavior from all the bees in the hive. Fearing you may have upset them, you ask Jackie about it. Horrified you thought they were upset with you, Jackie spills the beans. An offer is then made.
CW: Stress and Anxiety, near mental breakdown, miscommunication, mentions of body harm and death from the previous Queen, misunderstandings, mentions of taking eggs (yes, that kind of egg), suggestive themes (no smut), angst and comfort.
Word Count: 4929 Words!
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First: Link
Previous: Link
Next: Link
Things were different at the hive.
Sure, you were struggling with inner feelings and such for the hive, but… Something had changed.
The bees were acting a bit odd towards you.
Drones seemed incredibly clingy, but also…. Very distant? You weren’t sure how to describe it.
They seemed so careful around you. Like one wrong move might upset you.
You have no idea where this came from. Sure, you have an attraction to them, but you didn’t think you had acted in any way to cause such a change.
Had they caught on to your feelings, and were trying to distance themselves? Oh, how you hoped not. You’d be mortified, and feel terrible about it.
But if that were the case, why were they so clingy? Drones seemed eager to be near you and do things for you, but seemed so careful around you. Like you’d snap.
The Kings were acting similarly. They wanted to be near you, help you clean, and change. Sometimes they help you with minor things too, like brushing your hair, or feeding you.
If you objected, thinking Kings shouldn’t have to do such silly tasks, they’d simply tell you they wanted to. How you were human, and they were curious about it, and how you were their esteemed guest.
But they recently seemed so… Careful. They asked to do all these things for you, but you could sense a weird apprehension. Like they wanted to say something, but were hesitant.
It was beginning to bother you. You didn’t want them doing anything if they didn’t want to. Or if you had offended them, you wanted to know what you did wrong, so you could apologize.
Not to mention how… pent up you were. That was not helping anything at all.
You could only wonder if your awkwardness was something they were picking up on instead. You didn’t know how bee hybrid biology worked, but for all you knew, they could sense stuff about humans with ease.
Another reason to fear they knew about your attraction, and were trying to be careful about it.
You’d probably die of mortification.
Now though? You were starting to feel sick from the anxiety. It had been like this for several days, and dwelling on this was beginning to make your stomach churn with each day that went by.
You weren’t sure how much longer you could take this. It made you feel guilty for something you might not have even done.
It was turning you into a wreck.
Maybe you were overthinking it, but at this point, you wanted to be safe. If you were just imagining things, you wanted to clear up the room.
Especially before you healed up. You were getting closer and closer to being properly healed. Your leg hardly hurt anymore, and the bees were helping you test out walking every so often.
At this rate, you’d probably be heading home soon. Maybe within a few days to a week.
That didn’t exactly help improve your mood, either.
The whole time you had been here, you have felt… free.
There had hary been any stress, until your most recent dilemma.
The bees and Kings took amazing care of you, and alway helped keep you entertained.
Sure, you missed a few things, like your music and the internet. However, the bees were very helpful and always helped you when you needed it.
Needed entertainment or gossip? The drones with you had been more than happy to help, and tell you the local news.
Needed some space? The bees left you in your room, just a call away.
Wanted assistance with something? You had the Kings and drones eager to help you with anything you requested.
It sounded simple, but it was way more than you could have ever asked for.
Not only did they save your life, but they treated you with such kindness and respect. It was something you couldn’t stop thinking about.
You felt like you owed them, even after they assured you that you had no such obligation.
Sighing, you slumped slightly. Jackie, who had been in the room with you, gave you a worried look.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his wings twitching anxiously. You seemed rather sad today. It made him a bit upset to see you as such.
You gave him a soft smile.
“It… it’s nothing.” You told him quietly. It wasn’t nothing, he could tell from the look on your face.
Sitting down on the bed next to you, Jackie tilted his head.
“It doesn’t sound like nothing. What is bothering you?” He asked. He tried not to show how nervous he was.
Was this it? Were you finally getting sick of the hive? The very thought nearly brought Jackie to tears.
He didn’t want you to leave! None of them did!
But it was getting hard to come to terms that you might have to anyway.
…And the things you had been doing were making things incredibly difficult.
The drones and Kings were no fools. They knew you were having some sort of attraction to them. Or at the very least, were emitting pheromones.
Jackie didn’t know a whole lot about humans, he’d admit, however….
Himself and the drones nearly fell over themselves when you’d become aroused. They know you had been doing things at night as of late, when you wanted to be alone.
The Kings briefly explained that some humans simply enjoyed the pleasure.
But it drove them all crazy. Especially when you started smelling so sweet around them.
Like when you bathed, or when you were alone in your room at night.
It only made you all the more tempting.
But, you never asked for them. You never requested their help.
The Kings said it could be a mating thing. Some humans only get intimate with those they are in a relationship with.
But they desired you. Desired you like a mate. They wanted you to be their Queen.
You’d be more than a mate. You’d be their everything.
But they didn’t want to scare you off. The Mings warned them that acting rashly could make you uncomfortable, or even frightened. The thought of making you feel as such made them sick.
None of them wanted you upset with the hive.
It was hard to handle themselves sometimes, especially when you look like you want comfort or company. So many have pulled themselves. It was difficult.
So seeing you bothered by something, it didn’t sit right with the hive. It didn’t sit right with Jackie.
You didn’t speak for a few moments, but Jackie was patient. He would wait as long as he needed to.
“I…” you began, unsure on how to proceed. What if it really was all in your head? You didn’t want him to feel bad or get upset over a misunderstanding!
But it was bothering you, and it was now bothering Jackie.
He at least deserved to know what was eating you. You didn’t want to lie to him and make him feel like you didn’t trust him… especially after everything he has done for you.
“I just… have I done something wrong? Have I offended any of you in any way?” You quietly asked, looking at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers.
Jackie stared at you blankly, and you began to panic.
“I-I just-! I, I noticed some of the drones and the kings have been a bit distant in some ways, and I um… I…” you spoke, flailing your hands a bit as you grew more anxious.
Jackie stared at you more, an odd look on his face.
“I- I mean, uh… I could also be overthinking it? I mean um-“ you went on, trying to do damage control, afraid you had upset the poor drone.
Jackie was upset, but not like you thought.
Had you really noticed how they were holding themselves back? But you had no idea why?
This wasn’t good! This wasn’t good at all!
They were giving distance so they didn’t push you, or reveal what the Kings wanted to ask of you too soon!
But you thought they were upset! Oh, Jackie knew holding back like this would be a bad idea. Now you were sad and upset!
His antennae twitched wildly as he sensed your anxiety.
He had to say something!
But what? He was under strict orders not to say anything. Not to mention why they were behaving this way… not to talk about the hive’s desire to make you a Queen.
Jackie felt trapped. Trapped and horrified.
“-And um, If I need to, I’ll apologize! I just, wanna make sure I know what I did so I can avoid doing it-“ you were rambling, clearly overwhelmed and trying not to cry.
Jackie broke.
You let out a choked noise of surprise when Jackie jumped at you, wrapping his many arms around you in a hug. His wings buzzed anxiously, and he nuzzled into your shoulder.
“We’re so sorry! You didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Huh-?” You were taken off guard from the sudden physical contact, and how upset Jackie seemed.
“We- I- we…”
Jackie leaned back, and you were surprised to see tears in his eyes.
“We… The Kings…”
You tilted your head.
“Did I upset the Kings…?”
Jackie’s eyes widened.
“No! Not at all!” He tried to assure you, but that made you even more confused.
Jackie’s eyes continued to water.
“We don’t want you to leave!” He eventually admitted, and buried his face back into your shoulder.
You were a bit stunned.
They didn’t want you to leave? The whole hive?
“You don’t want me to leave?” You repeated, your heart pounding. The hive wanted you to stay?
Stay, as in, a little longer… or did they wish for you to stay permanently?
It was a bit odd… you hadn’t been here for a month, just a little over two weeks, but…
You liked this place. You liked it a lot.
Jackie buzzed nervously, and mumbled something into your shoulder that you couldn’t quite make out.
Gently, you rubbed Jackie's back.
“What was that? I couldn’t understand what you said.”
He leaned back again slightly, and was now crying into your neck
“The Kings… we weren’t supposed to say anything… they-they wanted to ask you first…”
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Is that why you all have been a little distant? Because you all wanted to ask me to stay and were waiting for the King’s permission?”
Were they scared of the Kings or something?
Jackie leaned back, and tried wiping his eyes of tears, but ended up just keeping one of his arms in front of his eyes.
“N-No… well… kinda but…”
Before you could even open your mouth to ask what that meant, he answered for you.
“We… Our antennae give us an advanced sense of smell…”
You suddenly had a sinking feeling in your stomach.
“-And, you smell… really nice when you pleasure yourself… and when we bathe you or hold you…”
You felt your whole face go red, and suddenly felt incredibly hot.
And you felt mortified.
You had been somewhat correct, that the bees had known what you had been doing, and probably knew you had an attraction.
“We… the Kings… they didn’t want us to scare you away!”
This whole conversation was becoming one weird whiplash after the other.
Jackie’s hands moved to grip the front of your shirt, and he looked down to avoid looking you in the eye. He seemed to be shaking.
“We… I…”
Your heart was back to pounding in your chest.
“We want you. We don’t just want you to stay, we want you like a mate.”
The words made your head spin. Your mouth opened and closed a few times. It was like your brain had stopped working. However, Jackie didn’t let the words sit long before more started to pour from his mouth.
“They didn’t want us scaring you away by making a move. They-They didn’t want us acting on desire and pressuring you. Didn’t… they wanted to…”**
It was as if your brain was lagging, trying to mentally catch up with everything Jackie was telling you. He was beginning to shake.
“What… did they want to do?” Is all you could ask. The question was out of your mouth before you had even processed what Jackie had said.
He actually hesitated. Despite how he just revealed so much, he seemed to really think if he should say anything else.
You waited patiently, your blood pounding in your ears.
His wings vibrated, and his antennae were twitching madly.
“They… they wanted to-to ask…”
Feeling a bit guilty for asking, you grabbed one of his hands, and gave the rough, cool hand a squeeze.
“Jackie, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable-“
He shook his head, but the hand you held squeezed your hand back.
“They… They want to ask…”
Jackie then looked up, his face incredibly close to your own.
“They want to ask if you would like to become our hive’s Queen.”
You froze.
Your mind went from lagging, to thinking a mile a minute.
The hive, the Kings… They wanted you to stay? And become a Queen?
They knew you had an attraction to them, but they wanted you to stay regardless?
Though that last bit rang in your head.
They wanted you to be a Queen.
But… How would that even work? The hive already had the Kings! Why would they need a Queen?
Besides, what could you do? You were human, not a hybrid. You were pretty sure a lot went into becoming a Queen. No doubt a lot of it went to how you ate and were raised in a hive, if you remembered bee biology correctly.
That, and all the other information you were still trying to sort through made it really hard to focus on one thing at a time.
Jackie shook again, and your attention was on him.
“I’m sorry! We never meant to upset you!”
Your heart broke, and you pulled him back into a hug.
“Oh Jackie, you guys didn’t do anything wrong! I thought I had upset all of you! I’m not mad, I promise!”
How could you be mad? There was some miscommunication, sure, but now that you had an idea of what was going on, you were mostly just confused. Confused and a little flustered.
Jackie relaxed in your hold, hiccuping into your chest.
“Um… may I ask a few questions though?” You asked, curious if Jackie would even be able to answer. You had a feeling he had broken a few rules the Kings had put in place for the drones just to calm you down.
You really didn’t want him to get in any more trouble, but you really wanted to know. If anything, you’d happily take the blame and heat if they tried.
Jackie hesitated a moment, before you felt him nod against you. He leaned back, and you were relieved to see he didn’t seem to be crying anymore.
“What do you want to know?”
There were several things, but you decided to start with what really confused you.
“How come the Kings want me to be a Queen? I thought they didn’t need one with both of them being a King?”
Jackie avoided your gaze for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain it that wouldn’t get his wings ripped off later by an angry King.
He pulled back two arms, and anxiously began to fiddle with his hands.
“Well… what I’m about to tell you kind of ties with half the reason we wanted to ask you to stay. But I want to make it clear that it's not the only reason.”
Nodding slowly, you gestured for him to continue.
“We… well, the Kings- they have the pheromones and the build for bee hybrid royalty, but since they were drones for so long, it is not the same as a Queen. Someone raised from hatching to be a royal.”
That made sense, you supposed, even if it wasn’t completely clear to you.
“The Kings, well… They both wished to make you an offer, being the Queen.”
That still didn’t really tell you what being a Queen meant. It already sounded like it came with a lot of power and responsibility… but it felt like there was a lot you were missing.
“And…?” You asked, fishing for more details.
“The Kings… they can lay eggs. However… they can’t grow them. The eggs won’t hatch, since they aren’t in a place they can grow… they need someone with a, what was it called- oh! A womb I think?”
You felt like your heart dropped through to your stomach, and you must have had a look mirroring what you felt on your face. Jackie looked like he wanted to panic.
“Was that it then? They just want a human incubator?” You asked, stunned.
The feelings in your chest kinda hurt. You felt hurt. Was that why they were being nice? Just so you would agree to be their egg holder?
Was that what all the friendship and kindness had been? Just to have a chance for you to carry their children? You felt a little sick.
Would Emmet have even helped you in the first place, had they not needed you?
Your vision became a bit blurry as thoughts swam through your head.
“Is that why you all had been nice? Just so I might feel obligated to be some incubator?”you spat out, tears threatening to fall.
Jackie pulled back from you as if he had been struck.
“No! No no no! Not at all!” He spoke frantically. Maybe this is why his bosses should have explained it after all…
Still, Jackie refused to let you believe you were just some egg carrier. You were so much more than that.
“It was only going to be an offer! They and the hive were going to reassure you that you would not have to do that if you did not want to! You are under no obligation!”
Your vision was still teary, but your breathing settled a little.
“You mean that?”
Jackie nodded quickly.
“Yes! We still would have helped you, and regardless if you take the offer or not, we still want to have you around! Or at the very least, all of us want to be able to see you again! We all adore you!”
That was honestly a bit more of a relief to hear. The way Jackie looked as he explained it, the look on his face as he spoke, you could tell he really meant it.
“What if I couldn’t lay the eggs? What if they didn’t take?” You asked, the thought popping up into your mind.
It surprised you, asking the question. Just a moment before, you were nearly crying at the idea of being used for eggs, but…
If you weren’t being pressured about it… you were kind of curious. You couldn’t say for sure how you really felt about the idea, but you kind of wanted to give it some thought.
Judging by Jackie’s earlier reaction, you had a feeling you wouldn’t just be tossed to the side.
Jackie let out a sigh.
“Our hive is not in a good spot. It’s why we need a Queen to begin with. But if the eggs cannot take, it will not be your fault.” He began. He still looked fairly nervous despite it all.
“I believe the Kings plan on negotiating with the closest hive down south. Maybe offer some honey in exchange for some larvae or eggs we can raise to be Queens. Without a Queen though, they may try to take the opportunity to destroy and engulf our hive with their own. That… is not ideal. “
Jackie was wrangling his hands again, a bit nervous at the idea of this happening.
Yeah, you could see negotiation being an issue.
“If the eggs didn’t take, I believe you would still be the Queen. We don’t revolt against Queens unless the situation is dire, such as cruel treatment, and destruction of the hive. Like with the last Queen.”
The last sentence had bells ringing in your head. You remember how the last Queen was mentioned to have died. They revolted?
“You all revolted against the last Queen?” You asked carefully.
“She… was awful. She purposely ordered us not to make anymore Queens, ensuring the hive died with her. She had anyone who disobeyed her hurt, or killed. Sometimes even sold off to traders for our bodies. Our stingers and wings fetch a high price for the right person, you know…”
Your stomach almost turned at the thought. Imagining that happening to the sweet drones and Kings you had met, it made you feel incredibly upset.
“I can see why you would revolt, then.”
Jackie nodded grimly.
“Even the Kings don’t like thinking about it.”
You didn’t blame them. The reality of it all sounded fairly grim.
Deciding to change the subject a bit, you thought back to one of the first things Jackie admitted to you.
“So… regardless if I become a Queen… you said the hive wants me to stay? As a mate?” You asked, feeling your face warm.
Jackie then reached back, and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
“Um… yes? We weren't supposed to say anything, but we all want it. We didn’t want to overwhelm you, though.”
He then dipped his head, looking off to the side.
“Seems I still managed to accomplish that anyway…” he mumbled, his wings buzzing a bit.
Still trying to process it all, you ended up falling back onto your pillow. A hand ran down your face, as you were clearly deep in thought.
“Okay… so…” you began, trying to piece this all together. Jackie was at your side in an instant, still ready to help in any way needed.
“The Kings want to ask me to take the role of a Queen, or at least stay and be a mate to the hive.”
It was a statement, more than a question.
Jackie nodded at you.
You then bit your lip as you thought about it
“And if I’m comfortable with it, carry their eggs, and try to help the hive. If not, then at least help be a political stand in so other hives aren’t tempted to attack.”
Jackie nodded, albeit a bit slower.
“Correct. There would be no pressure to immediately try taking eggs. If you are not up for it, they will search for another solution.”
That was a reassuring thought, if you were to take the offer.
Still, you heaved out a sigh and looked at the ceiling of the room.
Jackie twitched nervously beside you.
“How would I even be a Queen anyway? You said they had to be raised as such…”
It made you really wonder how it would work, being a Queen, that is.
You were human, not a hybrid. You had no means of doing most Queen things, you were sure. You didn’t even have Queen pheromones!
Jackie seemed to perk up though.
“Royal Jelly!”
The glance you gave him had him rolling back to explain.
“Our Kings, despite being drones for a majority of their lives, ate the jelly. When they did, they changed. Their scent, their height, the loss of a set of arms…”
That thought had you wrapping your arms around yourself in horror.
“It wouldn’t happen to you though! They only did because Queens have only one set of arms. It was apparently painless too.”
That last bit wasn’t super reassuring, but you weren’t a hybrid, so you hoped you wouldn’t be losing an arm.
“Okay… what would happen to me, then?”
You wouldn’t agree to a deal unless you had a decent idea of what would happen to your body. You did not want to take any major risks.
Jackie simply buzzed, giving you a smile.
“You’ll develop Queen hormones and pheromones!”
He said it in such a way as if he were sure of the outcome..
“How are you so positive about that?”
Jackie stood up straighter.
“Humans have eaten royal jelly before. Both from regular bees, and from hybrid hives. To you guys, it was simply a treat to eat. However…”
He leaned in close, his grin almost as big as Emmet’s.
“Us hybrids were able to sense a difference in their scents. They didn’t eat it consistently, but it was there. The human scientists smelled like a Queen.”
Your mouth opened into a ‘o’.
“Since the humans didn’t belong to a hive, there were no bees to follow them. All hybrids noticed it was the presence of a Queen, but they already had their own Queen, and steered clear instinctually.”
You leaned back into your pillow.
“So… I’d be seen as this hive’s Queen in all but the fact I’m not a hybrid? Would drones follow orders like I was a Queen?”
It was a weird thought. You know that pheromones are a reason drones follow most orders. If they saw you as a Queen, would they be instinctually inclined to follow most orders you gave out?
The thought was heavy in your stomach.
Though you thought back to Ingo and Emmet. Despite having the same ‘pheromones’, the drones seemed fully capable of thinking for themselves, and had proved it by revolting against the last Queen.
It was a little silly, but you were glad. You didn’t want to force the sweet bees to do anything they might be opposed to just because you smell a specific way.
Sighing, you rubbed your temples.
If you were being honest…. It didn’t sound like a bad deal.
You admittedly liked it here. Dare you say it, you loved this place.
This place was so nice. Everyone had been so kind.
Even with the stuff Jackie had told you, you couldn’t lie. There was still a large attraction to the hybrids and the Kings. The fact that the hive wanted you both romantically and sexually… it excited you.
But… this was a big offer. One you couldn’t just rush into making.
Especially given, you know, you had a traumatic, life threatening experience to get to this point. That, and no doubt you had a storm waiting for you the moment you went back up top into the city.
There was a lot you’d have to handle first, even if you accepted.
There was work, something you had avoided thinking about since you heard that last voicemail.
Then there was everything else. Your dingy apartment, your so called family, the few people you somewhat considered friends….
Wow, your life kinda sucked.
But until now, it had been the norm.
After all of this though, did you really want to go back? Even if you didn’t like it, you had some responsibilities…
Though you’d admit, it was becoming more and more tempting to drop them in favor of staying here…
Hearing a noise to your side, you were pulled out of your thoughts at Jackie’s anxious buzzing. He looked like an absolute wreck all of the sudden.
“I… I need to tell the Kings… I need to tell them I told you, against their wishes. Please excuse me-“
Ah, that had to be it. No doubt he feared punishment.
Well, you wouldn’t let that happen.
Quickly, you sat up, and grabbed one of his hands. Jackie was a bit startled by the action, and let out a small yelp when you tugged him back to the bed.
“Oh no you don’t.”
Scooting over, you patted the side of the bed.
“I don’t understand-“ he began, unsure what you were trying to do. You huffed.
“You seem worried about having to tell the Kings about telling me everything. I won’t let you tell them alone when I specifically asked for information. If you are to be punished, they will include me.”
You loathed the idea of Jackie taking heat for answering your questions, and being so honest with you.
Though you doubted the Kings would be horrible with punishments, you still didn’t know them as well as you would have liked. You had no idea how they handled disobedience.
If Jackie were to be punished, then fine. You will take it with him.
Jackie almost bursting into tears and hugging your side tightly took you by surprise.
“I’m sorry, if I upset you-“ you began, only to be cut off when Jackie leaned back to give you a big, teary grin.
“Thank you.”
He practically nestles under the covers next to you, keeping his upper body out for his wings before snuggling close.
This was the first time a drone had really snuggled you. It felt nice.
It also makes your face feel a little hot, but seeing how relaxed Jackie became after snuggling close… It makes it all worth it.
Slowly, you felt yourself beginning to drift off, your mind still flooded with thoughts and decisions on what you would do.
Though, as you felt Jackie snuggle close, you couldn’t help but feel like you knew what your heart really wanted.
However, that would be a choice you’d make after you woke up. You needed a long nap after everything you’ve learned.
Jackie meanwhile was trying not to burst from all the feelings running through his chest.
Even though he was anxious, he felt so happy at your side.
He really believed you would make an amazing Queen.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Our Angel Pt. 2
Hello! Here’s part 2 of my Greaser Submas x reader series!
I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Emmet wakes up, and you are quite relieved. Though the man you saved seems insistent on calling you Angel, even when he was more clear of mind than when you found him. Meanwhile, Emmet fears Ingo’s reaction for when he gets home…
CW: Minor injury mention and description, mentions of getting jumped.
Word Count: 4386 Words!
First: Here
Next: Here
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Everything hurt.
That was the first thing that ran through Emmet’s head as he began to wake up.
His muscles throbbed, his head ached, even his ribs seemed to scream in agony with every breath he took.
What had happened?
With a groan, he forced his eyes to open. At the sound of his voice, he felt a weight on his chest shift.
He blinked, and as his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, he noticed his Galvantula worryingly clicking at him on his chest.
“Hey girl…” he rasped out, and shakily reached up to pet her. He winced as his muscles resisted him, but he still gently put a hand on her head, scritching her fur. She happily leaned into the touch, clicking contently.
“What happened…?” He asked, his mind struggling to catch up.
As he pet his beloved pokemon, his eyes caught his arm, noticing it was bare.
A hand flew to his chest, and he gasped when it landed on a bandaged wound.
Suddenly it hit him.
The alleys. The ambush. He was attacked, his Pokemon barely able to escape her ball after he was taken to the ground, injured-
He had been attacked by some sort of rival gang. His head was still foggy on the details. Which gang had attacked him? He struggled to remember…
No matter, it was one of the ones he had pissed off, no doubt. He could narrow it down later.
First he had to figure out what happened to after he had been jumped.
All he really remembered was the surprise, and the pain, before throwing his own fists.
Even if he was taken by surprise, he knows he landed some crucial blows. It was one of the reasons when his pokemon escaped her ball to help, they turned tail and ran.
But after that… he couldn’t move, it hurt too much.
However… a voice. A voice, and a face.
A beautiful face.
Quickly, he sat up, and immediately regretted it, hissing in pain, and gripping his side.
Breathing deep to ground himself, he looked around, and his face scrunched up in minor confusion.
The room was dimly lit, and he was barely able to make out a shower curtain.
“A tub…?”
He was in a bathtub? A bathroom?
He had several blankets and pillows in the tub, so he wasn’t left abandoned. His wounds were also seemingly wrapped and patched up.
Another memory came back to him. Arriving at a house…
And then you.
He remembered. Just barely, but you.
His guardian angel.
You found him, and took him back here, and apparently patched him up.
…And he fell into your tub.
But oh, you were so worried. Worried about him! A stranger!
Yes, Emmet thought. You were his guardian angel. You had to be.
No one had ever helped him before like this, besides his family and gang. You were a complete stranger.
In fact, you had to know he was a greaser, or a gang member of some sort. The jacket was a dead giveaway.
Most people would have left him there, like trash. ‘It’s what you get as a troublemaker,’ they’d say.
They’d have no desire to get dragged into whatever messy conflict he was no doubt a part of.
But you did.
You helped him, regardless of the consequences. He could be dangerous, for all you knew, and you still helped him.
…Well, he was dangerous, but not to random innocent strangers.
But you wouldn’t have known that, yet you still took that risk, out of the kindness of your heart.
He didn’t even remember your name, but he did know one thing.
Emmet was already in love with you. He had to make you his.
Goal set in mind, he slowly began to make his way out of the bathtub you had placed him in.
His heart pounded in his chest as blankets fell off him. Even in the tub, you at least wanted him to be comfortable, when you easily could have left him there with nothing, or just a pillow.
You were a stranger, but you were so caring to him. So considerate.
His angel was perfect, he could already tell.
He had to thank you. Had to find a way to properly thank you and make it up to you.
If you had not found him, he very well could have died. He owed you his life. He’d give you anything you’d ask for.
Carefully, Emmet pulled himself out of the tub, his Galvantula skittering on the floor next to him.
The bathroom wasn’t too big, but perfect for a single person.
Another thing he noticed was a night light plugged into the wall, and next to it on the counter, a sticky note with a bottle next to it. His eyes took a moment to adjust, but after a few seconds, he was able to make it out in the dim light.
‘Here are some pain meds for you when you wake up! And some water too!’
In an instant, his face melted into a dopey smile, and he held the sticky note close.
You cared so much for him! A stranger! Even making sure to give him painkillers for when he wakes up!
Oh, you were a keeper.
He carefully folds the note, and places it into his pocket, as if it were a treasure.
Then he grabbed the bottle of meds, and grabbed a few. He quickly took them, and swallowed them with the help of the bottle of water nearby.
Though he didn’t realize how thirsty he was… by the time he finished, he had drunk the whole bottle. His mouth had been so dry…
Emmet then got a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and winced.
He looked like he crawled right out of hell. He should count his lucky stars he probably* didn’t break anything.
No wonder he felt like shit though.
The greaser no doubt would have to cash in some favors to help finish patching you what you couldn’t finish.
That was fine though. You did a pretty decent job for a patch up in a bathroom.
Another reason he liked you. You did well with what you had.
If only he hadn’t been so out of it when you patched him up… Emmet could imagine flirting with you while you took care of his minor injuries, scolding him to be more careful.
He let out a dreamy sigh, and turned to the door, which was cracked open.
Quietly, he peeked through, and saw you at a desk, doing some sort of work.
You were just as gorgeous as he remembered.
Even though you seemed distracted, you were so beautiful. You took his breath away.
How did he get so lucky? A terror like him?
Slowly, he pulled the door open, and your head shot in his direction. He wasn’t prepared for the relieved look you gave him.
“Oh thank the stars you’re okay! I was beginning to worry!”
His heart was melting.
You looked over him, all while he gave you a love sick smile. His angel really was perfect.
“How are the wounds? Are you feeling okay?” You asked, trying not to sound frantic.
“I am Emmet, and I am fine, all thanks to you, Angel.”
The nickname slides off his tongue easily, and he enjoys how flustered you get from the nickname. Your face goes red, and you seem a bit taken off guard.
“Ah, you still remember that name I see.”
He held back from laughing.
“Of course! How could I forget my guardian angel?”
You shook your head, and waved your hands in front of you.
“N-No! I’m not-“
Emmet gently reached forward, and grabbed your chin, causing you to stop before you could really speak. He gave you a sweet smile.
“You saved my life. To me, you are my angel.”
Your face turned redder than a berry.
It was cute.
He then ran his thumb over your lips, and you found yourself frozen.
His eyes really were beautiful.
“You still must have hit your head too hard…” you mumble, eyes looking away. Emmet felt his smile turn into a smirk.
“Say what you want. You are still my angel.”
He was awfully insistent, wasn't he?
The greaser began to lean in, keeping eye contact with you. You were mesmerized at first, though once your mind caught up, you lightly flinched back.
Emmet pouted, but stepped back. He wouldn’t force you to do anything you were uncomfortable with.
There would be plenty of time to try and woo you in the future, too.
You awkwardly cleared your throat, and walked to the closet behind you across the room. Pulling it open, you dug through it for a few moments, before letting out a cute ‘aha!’
Stepping back, you turned around, and pulled out his jacket and shirt, both clean, and surprisingly free of stains.
You shuffled over, and Emmet could only watch in wonder as you handed him his clothes.
“I had these cleaned for you. I’m sorry about the shirt though, the tears were too big to stitch together…” you said apologetically as he took the clothes.
But he barely heard you, in awe of the fact you cleaned his stuff for him. His jacket hadn’t been this* clean in months!
“This is amazing, Angel!”
You blinked.
Confusion was written on your face, clear you didn’t get what he meant.
“You did a verrry amazing job, yup!” He praised, and quickly pulled you into a hug, causing you to squeak.
Hearing that, Emmet quickly let you go, a bashful smile on his face.
“Thank you, Angel. I appreciate this.” He spoke, softly thanking you.
You were blushing again.
“I-It was no issue! I’m just glad I could help.”
Quickly, Emmet threw the shirt over his head, and slipped his jacket on after.
It smelled like you. It took all his will power not to do something weird, like sniff his jacket in front of you.
There would be plenty of time for that later when he got home-
Emmet’s eyes widened.
Home. Ingo.
Quickly, Emmet patted down his pockets, and found his phone in his back one in his pants.
Pulling it out and turning it on, Emmet winced, and ran a hand through his hair.
37 missed calls, and 62 unread messages.
Oh, the assholes who jumped him may not have killed him, but Ingo was totally going to instead.
“Angel?” He asked, his voice quiet.
You had been quiet, watching him up until this point.
“How long have I been asleep?” He asked, nerves creeping up his throat as he scrolled through the massive wall of notifications.
Thinking for a moment, you answered.
“Almost two days since we got here?” You answered, a bit unsure.
Emmet held back from cursing. No wonder Ingo was freaking out.
Emmet may be the reckless one, but he always told Ingo he was okay if his twin started to worry, even if they were fighting.
Yup! He was so dead when he got home later.
…That also explained why he was so hungry and thirsty.
“Um… are you okay?” You asked quietly, a cute worried look on your face. Emmet quickly smiled. He didn’t need you worrying about him.
“Nothing for you to worry your cute head over.” He assured you, putting a hand on your head and rubbing it affectionately. Before you could pull away, he pulled his hand back.
“I should go. I need to get home.” He spoke, and slipped his phone into his pocket, and began walking to your door.
As his hand wrapped around the knob, he almost jumped when your hands tightly gripped his arm.
His Galvantula, who had scuttled into the room, clicked curiously.
“Wait, you- you can’t go that way.” You spoke, your tone suddenly harsh and serious. Emmet was surprised by the change.
You seemed so meek and soft spoken, but now? You looked almost afraid.
His posture changed. What was frightening you?
Your eyes flickered to the door, and the room was silent. Silent for everything except the sound of a tv downstairs, and the sound of footsteps somewhere else in the house.
Eyes glancing back at him, he felt the urge to hold you close. You were worried. Anxious. Scared…. About something.
“My… My parents don’t know you’re here…” you answered quietly.
He felt a little bit of pride swell in his chest. Not only did you save his life and bring him here, but hid him from your parents? You may look soft and meek, but you were something else. There was definitely more to you than meets the eye.
A perfect angel for him, indeed.
You shook your head.
“If they… if they find out I snuck you here and didn’t tell them, especially a greaser… not to mention a boy… They’ll kill you, have you arrested.” You explained.
Emmet nearly flinched. Arrested? When you snuck him in? Healed his wounds? Someone who was injured?
He was beginning to get a feeling your parents were way more than just your typical ‘overprotective’ type.
That seemed extreme.
“And… they… they won’t… they won’t forgive me… I’ll never get to leave…” you spoke softly, looking away from him, your grip on his jacket loosening.
Oh. He was not liking what that implied.
Gently, you let go of his arm.
“Um… it’s evening. If you are willing to wait, we can sneak you out in the dead of night, when everyone is asleep. I can sneak you some food-“ you nervously offered, though went silent when Emmet held up a hand.
“I cannot stay. It’s important I get home.” He told you. If he kept Ingo waiting any longer, he knew he’d be in for it. Especially if his brother found out he decided to stay at his savior’s house after waking up.
He’d probably think Emmet was stabbing him in the back for a piece of ass. That was not true.
You were more than that. So much more. He’d want nothing more than to stay longer, but he couldn’t.
Emmet cared for his brother, and didn't want him worrying any more than he was.
He could call, but his phone was low on battery. It’d probably die mid explanation, worrying Ingo more.
Emmet also didn’t want you to see Ingo yell at him. You’d be able to hear everything, even if Ingo wasn’t on speaker.
This was all personal, no need to have you worry about him more.
It would also be easier to explain if he was in person, so Ingo could see his injuries, and not think he was making shit up.
Plus, he didn’t want you getting the wrong impression of his twin brother.
Ingo may be loud, scary, and intimidating at first glance, but he was just a big softie. A big softie who cared a lot about family, and got worried about him verrry easily.
Not a surprise with how much trouble Emmet constantly found himself in. Even though his twin was no saint either, Emmet was more well known to find trouble.
Emme glanced around your room for a moment, and saw your window near the opposite wall.
“What about that window? I’ll crawl through it.” He said, gesturing to said window with a tilt of his head.
You shook your head in response.
“We’re on the second story. I don’t want you jumping with those injuries.” You said, your concern evident on your face.
He may have said he felt fine, but how could you be so sure? Especially since you saw the wounds first hand.
Emmet reached out, and cupped your face.
“Silly Angel, who said anything about jumping?” He asked, giving you a wink.
A few moments later, he had successfully pried your window open, and his Galvantula hopped onto the window still with a happy click.
“Don’t sweat it, Angel! Galvantula is stronger than she looks. She’ll lower me down with some webbing, and crawl down the wall after me.”
You weren’t too sure about this, but you were no expert on pokemon. Were you really one to argue with a guy who had them presumably his whole life?
“Will… Will you be okay?” You asked a bit more quietly this time, still worried for the strange greaser. He was still injured, and you didn’t want him hurting himself even further scaling a wall.
He gave you a dazzling smile, and started to climb through the window.
“I am Emmet, and I will be fine! I have done worse with worse injuries!”
Somehow that both did and did not reassure you. Just how often did he get hurt for this to not be a problem?
Carefully, his Galvantula began to weave a string of webbing, and Emmet grabbed it with ease.
Slowly, he began to walk down the side of your wall, his pokemon producing enough webbing to act as a rope as he moved.
You were kinda impressed and amazed. Pokemon were so incredible!
Eventually, he reached the ground, and dropped the remaining way, wincing as he did so.
His pokemon rolled her web back up, and… ate it? You weren’t sure, but you assumed it was saving it for later.
The Galvantula turned to you, and waved its tiny… arms? It waved at you, looking at you expectantly.
Curiously, your hand carefully reached over, and hesitantly landed in the spider’s head. The pokemon let out a happy set of clicks, leaning into the pet.
It was kinda cute.
You let go after a moment, and with another set of clicks, the pokemon turned around, and began to crawl down the side of the wall.
When she reached the bottom, she jumped onto her owner’s shoulders.
Leaning out of your window, you looked down at the strange, smiling man.
“Bye, Angel! I’ll see you again soon!”
You weren’t so sure about that. Chances of you bumping into him again were pretty slim.
Though it was nice to think about. He was a little odd, and you think* he was flirting with you, but he seemed fairly kind despite it all.
With a final wave, he turned around, and marched off down your street. You were kinda surprised. He walked as if he had no injuries.
If you hadn’t seen his injuries yourself, you would’ve never guessed he was injured in the first place from behind.
You couldn’t help but watch him walk away, watching until he was finally out of your sight.
With a deep sigh, you leaned back into your bedroom, and shut the window.
He had been nice. You hoped you would see him again, but you knew it probably wouldn’t happen.
At least you’d have a fun story to tell in the future, once you were finally free from your parent’s iron grasp over your life.
It was a fun adventure while it lasted. You were happy you were able to help.
Quietly, you walked back over to your desk, and returned to your notes.
Back to studying for you.
Emmet walked with a spring in his step, ignoring how his wounds screamed in pain at him for doing so.
He just couldn’t help it! Despite the beating he had, he couldn’t hide his happiness.
Getting ambushed had been a blessing in disguise! If he hadn’t gotten jumped in that alley, he never would have met you! His own angel!
Even Galvantula liked you! She didn’t like anyone* but himself and his family!
He knew you had to be the one, especially if his pokemon liked you. She didn’t even like his past partners! But she likes you!
It was impossible to tear the grin from his face. Even as his stomach ached, and body hurt, he was too happy to care.
It took a bit of a walk to make it back to his home, but he persevered. His spirits were too high to let a long walk deter him.
Though when he was actually in front of his home he shared with his brother, he couldn’t help but feel his mood falter just a little. No doubt Ingo was waiting inside to throttle him.
Emmet took a deep breath before pushing open the house.
Immediately he heard some dishes clank from the kitchen, as if they were being dropped, and footsteps running in his direction.
Ingo quickly spun around the corner, gripping it with a hand to steady himself.
He took Emmet in, noticing the very painful looking black eye, and bruises on his face.
Slowly, Ingo walked over to Emmet, his voice dangerously low and even.
“What. Happened.” He asked, his steely gray eyes trained on Emmet.
Emmet sighed.
“I was jumped in an alley by 5th street and main. Around 5 of ‘em waiting for me behind dumpsters and a corner.”
Ingo straightened up, nodding at his brother.
“Go on.”
“They took me by surprise, but I managed to get a few good hits in. I was outnumbered though, so I did not last as long as I could have. It was not until Galvantula broke free from her ball that they backed off. I was on the floor at that point. Everything is kind of fuzzy.”
Ingo stepped over, and grabbed Emmet’s face, and began looking him over.
“How did you get patched up? Did you call someone? It sounds like you were out of it if you can’t remember much.”
Ingo’s voice was unnaturally quiet. He was pissed, though Emmet could at least take relief in knowing it wasn’t completely at him.
Emmet’s face went from serious, to lovey-dovey in a second.
“My guardian angel saved me.”
Ingo’s hands dropped to his side.
“Your what?”
Emmet slid his jacket off, and quickly pulled the shirt off of him as well, letting Ingo see the different patched up wounds.
Ingo sucked in a breath, clearly taken aback by the bruises and patched up places.
“My Angel found me in the alley, and took me to their home. Me! A complete stranger! Bleeding out in an alley!”
Ingo looked even more taken aback, a lot of his cold fury replaced by pure confusion.
“A stranger saw you bleeding out in an alley, and * took you to their house? Do you realize just how dangerous-“ Ingo began, only for Emmet to slide past, cutting him off as he walked towards his room.
“They snuck me into their home, and patched me up, all by themselves! Though I passed out for about two days.”
Ingo cut him off this time, using his arm to block him off.
“Wait, wait wait wait- they snuck you into their house, and you slept there for the past few days? That’s it? And you snuck out, I assume?” He asked.
Emmet hummed, and Galvantula clicked.
“Yup yup! Their parents are verrry strict. I don’t like it. They seem… bad, from what little I gathered.”
Ingo pinched the bridge of his nose.
“So, a stranger found you in an alley-“
“Took you to their house and snuck you inside, presumably while you are still critically injured-“
“And they patched you up, and you passed out there for several days, and that’s where you have been?”
Ingo let out a sigh, and ran a hand down his face.
“And you just woke up, and walked here? Why didn’t you just call me?”
Emmet moved around Ingo, and pushed into his room, tossing his jacket and shirt onto the bed before heading to his closet. He pulled out a first aid kit, and Ingo walked over and took it from him with practiced ease.
Emmet then took out his now dead phone, and showed it to Ingo.
“It was almost dead when I woke up.”
Ingo balled his hand into a fist, before relaxing it.
Emmet would admit, he was surprised by the lack of yelling.
But he supposed finding out Emmet had been critically injured, and unconscious for these past few days made him give some leeway.
Ingo carefully looked over Emmet’s wounds, checking over them. He seemed impressed with how clean they were.
“Who was this person that saved you, anyway?”
Emmet sighed wistfully, and began to describe you, and just how beautiful you were. How kind you were. How you didn’t care he was possibly some trouble maker.
“Even Galvantula likes them! She doesn’t like anyone!”
Ingo listened, slightly surprised with how much Emmet had to say. It was as if his twin couldn’t stop talking about you.
And the comment about his pokemon caught his interest. It was true, their pokemon were fairly picky with who they liked.
Whoever you were, Ingo could tell you were different than any other old flame Ingo or Emmet have ever had. Something that he couldn’t help but be curious about.
As Emmet droned on, Ingo made a mental note to himself.
It seems he would have to pay his brother’s Guardian Angel a visit. You saved his twin’s life.
He had to thank his brother’s savior after all.
Though Ingo couldn't help but be curious over what you were like. Ingo and Emmet had similar tastes in partners, so he couldn’t help but wonder if he would be as lovestruck by you as well. Or was Emmet just lovesick because you saved him?
Regardless, he had other reasons to see you, even if he found he didn’t like you personally.
Ingo owed you. The whole gang owed you. If it was as bad as he thought, there was a good chance Emmet might not have survived the night if his wounds weren’t treated.
It gets cold in Nimbasa City at night this time of year, after all. His wounds probably would have gotten infected, and the cold would have made it worse. His twin could have been too weak to survive that night if you had not found him.
So he had to find a way to properly thank you.
…After he dealt with the assholes who dared to attack his brother, of course.
Ingo was going to have a busy week, it seemed.
He was brought out of his thoughts however, when Emmet let out a cry, causing Ingo to freeze.
“Emmet! What is-“
“I didn’t get their number!”
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Our Angel
Hello! Welcome to part 1 of my new fic series, featuring Greaser Submas! No need to worry! I'm still working on Beemas and Love That Bites! This was just something I've been wanting to write for a while. I'm still in love with the Greaser au... And had actually planned to write this waaaay before beemas, but the beemas brainrot hit hard haha. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! (*^-^*) Summary: Walking home one day from college, you hear something strange in the nearby alleyway. Morbidly curious, you decide to venture off from your normal trek home, and come across a guy badly injured. Throwing caution to the wind, you decide to take him home to recover his injuries, unaware how drastically your life is about to change... CW: Brief description of injuries, injured Emmet, mentions of unhealthy family relationships, minor anxiety Word Count: 5094 words! Next: Here - - -
From the moment you woke up today, you had a feeling it would be different than normal.
You woke up, got ready for your college classes, ate breakfast, just like normal. Your father had even been kind enough to even drive you to campus for once, since you were up a little earlier than usual.
Classes had been almost painfully average. Most of it was just a review for some tests for Friday. As thankful as you were for the chance to study a bit more, you wish you could have just left to study at home.
Still, you dutifully took your notes (again), and left classes as early as possible. If you stayed any longer, you risked one of your classmates cornering you again, asking you to lunch. As much as your parents liked the man, you had no desire to hang out with him. He made you uncomfortable, and you knew you would be miserable if you agreed to go out.
Walking down the street, with your books in your arms, you held back the urge to sigh. The day had been painfully boring so far after all. Wake up, go to school, walk home… Now all you have to do is get home, eat dinner, study, and go to bed.
The perfect ‘good girl’ your parents had always wanted. You blew a tuft of hair out of your face, though turned your head when you heard the sound of laughing.
Over across the street was a park. It was average compared to Nimbasa’s amusement park, but it was a quaint little place. In the park, you could see a group of people having a pokemon battle. Your heart tugged at the sight, and you couldn’t help but be a little envious.
‘No pokemon allowed in our house!’ Your mother’s voice echoed in your head, a rule your parents kept, even as you were an adult.
Your head dipped low as you looked away. It would do no good to dwell on things you could not have.
Besides, all you had to do was finish college, and you would be free.
You couldn’t wait for that day. Until then, you would abide by the strict rules your parents gave you.
Even if you wished for more, at times.
Shaking your head, you continued onwards back home. You still had a bit of a walk, after all. It was best if you got home before too long so you could study some more. If anything, you would be prepared for Friday, and it would keep your parents placated.
Though you were beginning to get incredibly tired of studying almost every evening.
It wasn’t a rule per say, but if your parents didn’t like the place you wanted to go to, they’d heavily guilt trip you into staying, or make up some excuse saying they needed your help with something.
It was better not to push it. It only happened a few times, but they would hold your college over your head if you persisted.
‘We let you live here for free, and pay for your college classes. You agreed to follow our rules. You are not to go out tonight, or we’ll consider that you are going back on our deal.’
It left a bitter taste in your mouth.
You continued on your way, though your pace was noticeably slower than before.
As you got lost in your thoughts on your way home, you tried to ignore the heavy feeling in your heart.
However, you nearly missed what sounded like a clank in an alley you were passing. It brought you out of your musings, and you paused for a moment.
You stared into the alley way. It was a long one, one that had a crossroad down the middle. You could have sworn you had heard something.
Just as you shrugged and took a step to move on, you heard it again.
You looked around you, to see if anyone had heard it, but no one walking down the streets seemed to care, all wrapped up in their own business.
Before you could consider just moving along again, you heard it once more.
Clink! Clink!
Right after you heard the strange sound again, you tilted your head when you swore you heard a groan.
It could be anything, you were sure. In fact, it was more than likely just a pokemon searching for food in the trash. Or it could even be someone who works in the stores on this street, restocking, or taking a break, or something.
Something easily explainable, no need to go check out a dark alley just for curiosity’s sake.
Though as you nearly decided to leave, you heard the same groan once more, followed by a very weak sounding cough.
Biting your lip, you debated with yourself. Going into an alley like this without a pokemon was just asking for trouble, but…
You couldn’t help but feel drawn to it. Like something wasn’t right.
Slowly, you took a step forward into the alley, feeling tense and nervous. You were ready to bolt at any second, should anything go wrong.
Your books were tightly held in your arms as you made your way towards the corner. If you were being honest with yourself, you were almost frightened by what you may find. And yet… The idea excited you. You couldn’t recall the last time your heart pounded like this.
As you came to the corner, you slowed to a stop, freezing when you heard another ‘clink!’ like noise.
It was now or never. Surely it was nothing, and you’ll get to ease your worries, and say you had a fun mini adventure on an average boring day.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly peered around the corner, and stepped back in shock.
On the ground was a man, with very obvious injuries. Even though he was a bit away from you, you could tell he had several bruises, and must be bleeding from somewhere, if the little pool of dried blood under him was any indication.
He was wearing leather, and had what you assumed was white hair, but it was hard to tell from all the blood in it. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he almost looked like those greaser guys you heard about around campus…
You nearly jumped when you heard another clink. Your eyes snapped a bit to the left, and your eyes widened.
A Galvantula was by a trash can, hitting it with its front legs.
Was that his pokemon?
Just as you thought that, the spider pokemon saw you peering, and let out a little squeak. The pokemon then carefully scuttled towards you, but kept its distance. You noticed it stayed between you and the man on the ground, but didn’t seem aggressive.
Taking a step forward, you pointed to the man, hands shaking.
“M-May I check on him? Make sure he’s okay?” You asked, feeling a little silly, but nervous. You heard most pokemon could understand human speech, but you didn’t know for sure. The last thing you wanted was for the poor thing to attack you, thinking you were going to do more damage.
However, after asking, you nearly jumped back in surprise when the spider pokemon squeaked, and scuttled over to you. It gently tugged at your pants, tugging you forward.
Briefly, you wondered if perhaps the pokemon was making those noises earlier to draw someone’s attention…
You didn’t have time to think about it, with the pokemon now pushing you forward.
“W-Woah! Easy!” You said, nearly tripping over your feet. The Galvantula tapped its legs against the ground anxiously, but refrained from pushing you again.
Lowering yourself to the ground, you gently sat your books to the side, and looked over the man.
He was on his stomach, and slightly curled in on himself. He must have been taking quite a beating.
Gently, you poked him on the shoulder. He let out a groan.
“Okay… good news, he isn’t dead…” you mumbled. But he didn’t look good. He almost curled in further on himself, and was shaking with each breath he took.
You debated on what to do, before shaking your head. Glancing over at the spider, you showed it your hands.
“I’m going to try and flip him over, and see his injuries, okay?” You told it, and it seemed to nod at you. Pleased you got the pokemon’s permission, you gently grabbed the man’s shoulder that was farthest from you, and rolled him over.
The whole time, your heart was back to thudding in your chest. You were nervous, and a bit anxious over what you might see.
The man let out a moan of pain at the action, but didn’t resist you. Though you gasped when you saw a little bit of his wounds and face.
He had a swelling black eye, and a gnarly cut on his head. He also had a bruise on his chin, and a busted lip.
His white shirt was covered in blood, that especially had you worried.
Carefully, you lifted his shirt, and were surprised at the lack of open wounds. There were a few, but it was mostly bruises, and the open wounds weren’t heavily bleeding.
“Is this blood not all his own?” You mumbled, eyebrows scrunched together as you thought out loud
Taking another look at his jacket, you grimaced at the blood outside of it.
Well, this guy certainly didn’t go out without a fight.
Shaking your head, you slipped your backpack off, and reached inside. You had some tissues you could use to clean him up a little. You even had some band aids you could use on the smaller wounds.
Grabbing a water bottle with your tissues, you slowly began to clean up his face. He almost seemed to relax when the damp kleenex dabbled across his skin.
After a few moments, you reached to grab a new tissue, and when you looked back, you jumped.
The guy was awake, staring right at you.
Despite the condition he was in, you were taken aback by his silver eyes. They were beautiful…
You were frozen, and couldn’t look away.
Though when he spoke, it seemed to pull you from your trance.
“Am I in heaven?” He asked, his tone flat. You shook your head, giving a small smile to try and reassure him.
“No silly, you’re still-“
“-Because I must be looking at an angel.” He finished, cutting you off. His blank face then morphed into a dopey-lovey looking one with a wide smile. Your jaw dropped, and you felt your face growing hot.
“N-No! I’m no angel. I’m glad you are awake though, I should probably dial an ambulance-“ you spoke, and nearly squeaked when his arm shot out, grabbing your wrist.
He coughed a bit before speaking.
“No hospitals…!” He coughed again, wincing in pain, “Ingo will kill me if I end up in one again.”
You had no idea who ‘Ingo’ was, but given he was probably a greaser, he’d probably have a lot of trouble headed his way for ending up in one. “Okay, I won’t call a hospital then…” you told him, a bit uncertain with yourself. He really needed professional medical attention, not just tissues and a bottle of water.
His smile returned though, and you felt your face flush as he watched you.
You thought for a moment, and let out a shaky sigh. You didn’t really have anyone you could call, but you didn’t want to leave him here, or upset him by calling an ambulance anyway.
What could you do?
Suddenly, a stray thought crept up in the back of your mind.
‘Your parents are out late tonight, both on a date… You could take him home… It’s not far…’
Biting your lip, you wondered if that would be truly wise, bringing an injured stranger into your home...
But when you looked down at him, and saw his wounds, how some were still bleeding, you made a decision. You just hoped it wouldn’t come back and bite you. With your decision made, you quickly put your books away in your bag, and slung it over your shoulder, before reaching for the injured man beneath you.
“Come here.” You whispered, and gently began tugging him upward. He didn’t resist you, but he did look a bit confused.
“Angel?” He asked you, and you ignored the nickname. This was important. You could be flustered later.
“If you won’t let me dial an ambulance, I need to take you home so I can patch you up. It’s not far from here, and we can take the back alleys.” You quietly explained as you helped him to his feet, and wrapped an arm over your shoulders to steady him.
He stumbled a bit as he struggled to find his balance, but he eventually found it after leaning on you for a moment. However, you could tell moving put him in a lot of pain.
“Okay, Angel.” He slurred, his eyes narrowed as he tried to keep himself together. You couldn’t help but give him a worried look. This poor guy…
Before you got to walking, you looked at his Galvantula, who seemed curious, but ready to follow wherever you led them.
“I’m taking him to my house, would you please help keep an eye out on our way there? These alleyways are not very safe…” You explained. The little spider gave you a nod, followed by a chirp. You assumed that meant they understood.
It definitely made you feel a little bit better at least. You wouldn’t be defenseless if you both were jumped.
Carefully, you began to walk. It was slow, but the man was thankfully able to keep a pace without too much difficulty. You decided to take that as a good sign, though you hated making him walk in the first place.
Though every so often, he would talk, his words occasionally slurring.
“You’re verrry pretty, Angel.”
“I must be incrrredibly lucky, I have my own guardian Angel.” “Hng… Ingo is going to be so jealous… When I tell him…”
You decided he must have hit his head too hard. No doubt he must have had a concussion, with all the silly things he was saying.
Though that didn’t exactly help your anxieties about the man’s health.
Still, despite the rough condition he was in, he was able to make most of the walk to your house without much trouble. He only had to stop a few times, but otherwise, was able to keep up.
You thanked whatever deity was watching over you that the remaining walk home had been a short one. Especially since it was still daylight, and you had been worried about someone seeing the man, and asking you about it.
Thankfully, even as you escorted him past the main parts of the city into your neighborhood, no one saw you carry him towards the suburban alley way. If they did, no one said a word.
Finally, you approached the gate to your backyard, incredibly thankful that your father had not yet bought a lock for it. It was a small struggle, getting the old gate open, but you managed.
Carrying the man through your backyard, you carefully maneuvered him to your back door. Though you mentally cursed, realizing the door was locked.
“Here, lean against this.” you said, gently having him lean against the wall near the door.
“M’kay, Angel…” He mumbled, doing as you asked. You tried not to fret over how quiet he had gotten, compared to how he was mumbling earlier.
Quickly, you scrambled for the spare key, ignoring how shaky your hands had gotten. Once you found it, you made quick work of the lock, and pushed the door open. You hid the key once more, and once again had the man lean on you to walk.
Once inside your house, you made your way through the home, before making it to the stairs. It was a bit of a struggle, but slowly, you managed to get the injured man to the second floor, and to your bedroom.
Carefully, you led him to your bathroom. You especially thanked any god listening that your parents let you have a room with a bathroom, or this would be so much more difficult. As if you were carrying glass, you gently sat him down on the closed toilet, and took a moment to catch your breath. The man easily sat down, also happy to relax for a moment. All the while, his cute Galvantula jumped up onto the bathroom counter to observe.
“Here. Rest here, and I’ll do my best to patch you up. I have a first aid kit here.” you softly told him, hoping he was able to somewhat comprehend your words.
His head lifted up a bit, and he gave you a dopey smile.
“Whaaatever you say, Angel.” he slurred, before his head rolled a bit, before hanging low again.
You had to fix him up, fast.
Quickly, you grabbed the first aid kit under your sink, thankful your father insisted every bathroom have one.
Putting the large box on the counter next to the pokemon, you quickly opened it up, and nearly sighed in relief when you saw it was mostly untouched. You figured as much, but you did not want to dig around the other first aid kits, just in case your family noticed something was out of place. Moving a bit to a cabinet on the wall behind you, you pulled out a few rags. Once again, you were thanking any deity listening, especially for the fact your towels and rags were black. Blood could still be noticeable, but not near as bad as any other color. You could probably wash them out before your parents even got home if you are quick enough.
Carefully, you wet down a rag, and bent down in front of the man. You gently cupped his face, grabbing his attention.
“Sir? I need you to stay awake so I can clean your wounds, okay?” You told him. His eyes fluttered open, and he gave you a small smile.
“Okay.” You gave him a nod and a small smile.
“Good. I apologize, but this will eventually sting.” You warned him. You were cleaning the blood off with water, but when you used the medicine to clean the wounds further, you had no doubt it would hurt.
The man playfully scoffed, though it came out more as a wheeze.
“I c’n handle ‘t.” He spoke, trying to sound touch as he gave you a smile. Though he kept swaying, and seemed to slur his words even harder. You had to work fast.
Thankfully though, you didn’t have to worry too much about him bleeding out, most of his wounds had started scabbing over, only a few still trying to bleed. You winced as you tugged at his white shirt. You probably should have ripped some clothes or something to help it stop the bleeding. You were such an idiot, you were lucky he was still awake.
Tossing the rag into the sink, you grabbed another, and some peroxide and ointment. You then bit your lip, before tugging on his jacket.
“I need to remove your jacket and shirt, sir…” You told him, fighting the urge to become flustered. He was injured, no need to make it weird.
“I am Emmet.” You heard him speak. Was that his name?
“Okay, Emmet. I’m going to remove your jacket and shirt, okay?” You told him gently. He fluttered his eyes at you, his grin widening.
“‘Course, Angel, anything f’ you.”
He then started to shrug off his jacket, which you quickly took off his hands and tossed to the side. You had to help him with the shirt though, his wounds a bit painful to do on his own.
Though when he got his shirt off, you were incredibly thankful to whoever was watching your life right now. The wounds weren’t quite as bad as you feared, but you still had work to do if you wanted to help him get out of this alive without infection. You got to work, grabbing some bandages as well, and setting them off to the side as you began to clean. If you could get the bleeding to stop, and clean these quickly, you could get the wounds bandaged immediately. The moment you began to clean and put pressure on some wounds, Emmet hissed in pain. You were surprised when he jolted away from you, before making himself relax. Maybe he was a bit more lucid than you thought? Or he had one hell of a pain tolerance up to this point. Though you had to ask yourself just how big of a concussion he must have when he spoke to you again as you began bandaging a wound. “D’ya like what y’ see?” He teased, and you attempted to ignore his question. He had a bit of muscle, some slim abs, and noticeable pecs. However, you didn’t want to become distracted when the guy was still so incredibly injured. “You are very injured, forgive me if I am a bit more worried about your wounds than your muscles.” You told him, though your words weren’t harsh. You swore you heard him chuckle.
He then let out a whine as you cleaned and wrapped another injury, one of his hands curled into a fist, before relaxing. You couldn’t help but frown.
“Sorry! I’m trying to be gentle.” You told him. It wasn’t your fault, but you couldn’t help but feel bad for him, knowing this must hurt a lot.
He simply gave you another smile. You wondered how he could do so when no doubt in a lot of discomfort.
“S’okay, Angel. You’re p’fect”
Thinking for a moment, you spoke up, giving him your name. He blinked. “What?”
“That’s my name.” you repeated.
“Okay, Angel.”
You had a feeling Angel was probably your new name from him now. There was a chance he wouldn’t remember much of this, and it seemed Angel was the easiest for him to use.
After you had the bleeding wounds under control, you shifted your focus onto his head. That cut wasn’t bleeding, much to your surprise, but it still looked fairly nasty.
Leaning in close, you began to clean it, only to pause when you heard Emmet speak.
“You’re so gorgeous.”
You then turned to his Galvantula, who had been watching on the counter patiently.
“I think your master hit his head too hard.”
The spider made some clicks in reply, but you simply turned back to Emmet, who was now pouting.
“I mean it. Y’re gorgeous.”
You clicked your tongue, trying to focus.
“Hush. You have a concussion.”
You could test that, but you almost had no doubts he had one. It made blaming his odd behavior on it a bit easier.
This guy was also possibly a huge flirt, you had heard of his type. It would be best to ignore him and not engage in his compliments, no matter how much they made you feel warm inside.
After you finished cleaning the head wound, you began to put on some ointment, and get ready for some bandages. As you were unwrapping the bandages, Emmet spoke again.
“My beautiful Angel, no, a god!” he spoke, staring right at you. You wanted to rub your temples.
Dear Arceus, he upgraded.
“My own guardian angel… What’d I do t’ deserve you?” he mumbled, looking a little more out of it. It would be sweet, if you weren’t so concerned about him. It seemed the exhaustion was finally catching up to him.
You just hoped he wasn’t passing out from blood loss. But you patched those wounds, and they hadn’t bled too much after you found him…
Still, you couldn’t be sure.
Thankfully, you were nearly done cleaning him up, and finished securing the bandage around the wound on his head.
You bit your lip as you looked him over. Where would you put him? Your bed? Maybe you could hide him out on the floor out of sight from your door, in case your parents came to check on you?
That wouldn’t be too bad. You could grab some blankets hidden away in one of the hall closets, and make sure he was comfortable, and he’d be out of sight.
Looking at Emmet, the poor man was slouching, and was more than likely almost asleep. Biting your lip, you gently went over, and put your hand on his cheek.
“Hey, I’m going to move you now, okay? So you can get some rest.”
He didn’t say anything, simply humming in response. However, he did nuzzle into your palm. You decided to take that as an ‘okay’.
You also did your best to ignore how cute it was.
Nodding to yourself, you then gave him a moment, before looping your arms under his own.
“Here we go-” you spoke, grunting when you began to help lift him up. He was even shakier than before, and struggled to find his footing.
When he started to sway, you struggled to hold him steady, and nearly panicked.
“M’Sorry, Angel…” you heard him groan out, and he stumbled over his own feet. The moment you felt him start to tumble, you panicked, and tried to hold him still. It proved to be futile, he began to fall, and you were going down with him.
…Right into the bathtub.
You both fell in rather clumsily, with you landing on his chest as he fell in on his back.
It took you a moment to gather your thoughts, before you quickly began to panic. You were straddling the man, as he lay dizzy on the floor of your tub.
“Oh my gosh, are you alright!?” You asked, quickly looking him over. Did you open any of his wounds? Did he hit his head?
His eyes blinked open, and he gave you a lazy grin. You then felt his arms wrap around you suddenly, and pull you back to his chest. A squeak left your lips as you were pressed against his bare chest, and you felt your face light up.
“N’ver better, Angel.” he spoke, his words heavy as he laid his head down on the floor of the tub. You briefly struggled against his grip, before finally relenting. He held you tight, and you didn’t wish to worsen his injuries after you had just patched him up.
You stayed that way for a while, your own body pressed against his.
It wasn’t so bad. If it wasn’t for the fact you were worried about his wounds, and were in a bathtub, you would even consider this kinda… comfy, if the situation wasn’t so odd.
And the fact he was, you know, a stranger. A stranger that was half naked and injured.
You weren’t sure how long it was until you felt him relax, and his breathing even out. Carefully, you lifted yourself up, and put his arms to the side.
Thankfully he never woke up. You weren’t sure if that was a good sign or not.
A little bit shaky, you stood up, and stepped out of the tub. Your eyes met the Galvantula, who was staring at you curiously from the floor. Glancing back at her owner, who was knocked out still in the tub, you let out a small huff.
“I’m… Going to go and grab some pillows and blankets to make him more comfortable.” you muttered, and quickly left the bathroom.
It didn’t take long to grab the stuff you needed. As you put the stuff aside outside the bathroom, when you went in to check on Emmet, you nearly gasped at the cute sight.
The Galvantula had crawled into the tub, and was now resting on the greaser. Emmet, still asleep, had subconsciously wrapped his arms around her, and held her close as they snuggled.
It was a genuinely cute sight. Precious, if you dare say so.
Quietly, you carried a few pillows and blankets in. The pokemon only gave you a glance, before going back to relaxing on her trainer. Carefully, you placed a pillow under him, and two blankets on top of both. You set a few more pillows inside, before deciding it was enough.
You watched them for a few more moments, before a thought hit you. Just as quiet as you entered, you left, heading to the kitchen. You grabbed a few painkillers, and a sticky note on the way back in your room, and wrote a note, before putting both on the side of the tub.
Hopefully he’d notice the bright blue note if he woke up.
Gently, you closed the door behind you as you left, and sat down on your bed. Letting out a sigh, you dropped your head into your hands, and groaned.
“What am I doing?” you asked yourself, as everything hit all at once. For some Arceus-forsaken reason, you saved some random greaser guy on the street. You didn’t even call the cops, or an ambulance, like you should have.
This was such a bad idea. Probably a huge mistake.
The stranger in your home wasn’t even the only issue! What if your parents found out? No doubt the man would be arrested on the spot, and you would be locked inside your own home for years. Even if you were a grown adult, you doubted your parents would let you live freely for such a ‘transgression’.
Not only was it a boy, it was a greaser. A greaser who no doubt was trouble given how you found him.
But… you may have saved his life. If you hadn’t walked into the alley from sheer morbid curiosity, who knows what would have happened? Would anyone have found him? Would anyone have cared to even call an ambulance, given he was a greaser? You knew a large group of people didn’t care for the gangs running around, so would anyone have cared to call anyone for this guy?
It made you sick to your stomach. Even if you weren’t sure if this was a good idea, you can’t say you regret trying to help him. You wouldn’t have been able to live with yourself if you had just left him there.
You glanced back at the bathroom door, and bit your lip. Your hands shook as you finally took in everything that happened today.
Hopefully this won't come back and bite you.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All the Buzz About?
@r0-boat‘s BeeGearStation AU has had me in a vice grip for w e e k s. I decided to take a shot at writing for the AU myself (❁´◡`❁) It’s heavily inspired by their AU, so please check them out! R0′s writing and ideas are so good! The design for Bee Hybrid Emmet was also heavily inspired by @antidotesprout designs for them. Please check them out as well! Their art is amazing! I hope you enjoy the start of this new series, and have a happy Halloween! Summary: After ending up stuck and injured in the old abandoned Nimbasa City subway tunnels, you don’t have much hope in escaping. Despite the odds, you try to push onward anyway, only to meet someone verrry interesting. CW: Description of leg injury (though not too graphic), broken leg, anxiety attack, slight dark thoughts, cave in, minor claustrophobia, (It all gets better at the end, I promise), Beehybrid!Emmet, King Bee Emmet, Implied King Bee Hybrid Ingo. Word Count: 4138 words! >Next: Link -----
Today was just not your day Well, that wasn’t entirely true. It really just hasn’t been your week, let alone year. But this… This certainly topped everything that has happened to you yet. “Of course. Of all things to happen. Of all things!” You grumbled to yourself as you pulled your leg out from a pile of collapsed rubble. You hissed in pain, but managed to pull your leg free. Scooting away from the fallen debris, you shone your flashlight to get a better look at your leg, and winced at what you saw.  “Well… that isn’t good.” You hissed through grit teeth.  Your leg was covered in bruises, and was certainly swelling a bit in a few places. You would be surprised if it wasn’t broken. No doubt a cave in partially falling on your leg like this caused a break of some sort, even if it looked okay(ish) now.  
Most of the skin was intact, thankfully. Just a few scrapes on top of some fresh bruises. You at least wouldn’t have to worry about bleeding out all alone in a dark cave. Silently, you thanked any gods out there listening for your higher pain tolerance, and the adrenaline running through your veins.  You sighed, feeling overwhelmed, and fought back hot tears that threatened to fall. You knew going into the abandoned train tunnels would be a bad idea. Why did you let them convince you? You blew a tuft of hair out from in front of your face. Right. To keep your boss placated. Look how wonderful that turned out. Bastard. You took a moment to get your bearings. Panic was threatening to seep through your chest. “Calm down. Deep breaths. Panicking will get you nowhere,” you told yourself. It was certainly true. You had read plenty of stories about hikers and cavers panicking when they became stuck in caves, only to make things worse by doing so. That being said, you never anticipated getting stuck in a tunnel like this. Not immediately panicking was a lot easier said than done. You were beginning to see why even experienced folk were able to become so easily distraught. Your heart rate was already beginning to spike. 
You took another deep breath. Hyperventilating would only make things worse. Biting the inside of your cheek, you flashed your light over the fallen rocks, and cursed From the looks of it, the way you came in was completely blocked off. Attempting to dig through this mess might just make things worse. Not to mention, the rocks still looked loose. One wrong move, and more might come caving in on top of you. “...Well, no use going back that way, I suppose.” You mumbled, sounding a lot calmer than what you felt. Oh how you desired to scream. Shuffling a bit, you leered behind you, further into the tunnels. Your flashlight could only light the way so much, but it was better than nothing. Better than wobbling around completely in the dark having a panic attack. At least you could fight your panic attack in some form of light. “Positive. Just think positive.” You mumbled as you hobbled to your feet. You let out a pained yelp as you tried putting pressure on your left foot. Yup. Something was most likely broken. This hurt like hell. Grabbing the nearby wall for support, you placed the flashlight in your jacket pocket, and fished around your other pockets for your phone. Finding the device, you unlocked it, only to let out a shaky sigh. No service. Fucking figures. “That’s… fine. I can just… make my way through the tunnels. I’ll either find an exit, or a spot for cell phone service. It’s okay. I will be okay.” You weren’t okay. But at least you could lie to yourself until the shock wore off. Shoving your phone back into your pocket, you took your flashlight back out, and eyed the tunnel ahead of you. “Well… no time like the present…” you spoke, swallowing down the urge to cry. Reluctantly, you began making your way down the tunnel. It was slow, and painful. Your leg may not be as bad as it could have been, but it most certainly was giving you trouble. Several times you thought about stopping, only to shake your head and press on. You had to get out of here as soon as possible. You feared if you took a break, your thoughts would begin to spiral, and you would lose the will to continue. A bit dramatic, but given the circumstances, well… You didn’t trust your brain at the moment. Not with the fear in the back of your throat. Slowly, you pressed onwards. Thankfully, limping down the subway tunnel surprisingly helped keep your mind a bit busy. The despair really didn’t hit you until you came across a fork in the road ahead. In front of you were two tunnels, where the tracks converged into one, leading back the way you came. You stood there, almost dumbfounded. Of course a subway would have diverging tracks. Why wouldn’t it? It was designed to take people to many different places across Unova, after all. 
Still, seeing the fork in the road did little to help you. If anything, it made you this much closer to losing your shit. You really wanted to cry right now. You had been walking for at least two hours. You were tired, scared, and in immense amounts of pain… All you wanted was to go home, and crawl in bed. Oh how you wanted to strangle your boss for putting you in this position. Who knows? Maybe if you make it out alive, you’ll get the opportunity to do so. The thought of murdering your boss briefly helped against your growing nerves. However, you still had a choice to make. Left, or right? For all you knew, one was just a couple of miles to a dead end. Choosing wrong could potentially keep you here longer, and may even be a death sentence. Your hands shook as you looked between the two tunnels. Even if you weren’t injured, this was still a big choice to make. You only had so much energy, and you doubt you’ll be able to easily turn around and walk back the way you came if you choose wrong. So right… ...or left? Time was ticking. You couldn’t afford to sit and anxiously fight with yourself. Every moment you wasted was a moment you could be using to get out of here. That thought only made the knot in your stomach worse. Taking a deep breath, you decided. Just as you began to make your way left, you froze. It was faint, but you could have sworn you heard a noise coming from the right. Almost like a muffled tink of some sort. Whatever it was, it had to be far away, judging from the small echo, and how faint it was. But it was a noise. You couldn’t move, your heart racing. Thoughts were flying through your head a mile a minute. Down here in the tunnels, one little sound could be anything. From a stray animal, a rock falling from the structure shifting… ...Or even a person. The thought made you anxious. You would think the idea of finding anyone down here would give you hope. But why would anyone else be down here? Surely not someone up to anything good. Even you weren’t supposed to be here, only having been coerced to come by your boss and coworkers. You licked your lips. But if it was a person, they might take pity, and help you. But they could also hurt you and kill you as well. It was a gamble. And for all you knew, it might not even be a person. It could be a wild animal that would attack you for entering its territory. You wouldn’t even be able to run or defend yourself, no matter the case. You took a shaky breath. Quite the gamble indeed. You silently weighed in your options. Go left, and head into uncertainty. Or head right, and possibly get help. Your leg ended up helping make the decision for you. It was beginning to really hurt, especially after limping on it for so long. Any chance to receive aid was a chance you were going to have to take. The longer you were stuck here, the higher the chance of your leg becoming permanently damaged. And, y’know. Possibly dying down here alone from starvation. “Positive thoughts. Think positive thoughts.” You mumbled out through gritted teeth. With that, you forced yourself to move. Despite the circumstances, you tried to remain hopeful. Both for your own health, and peace of mind. You couldn’t afford to drown in despair just yet. The walk down the tunnel was slow, and it ate away at your nerves. Your flashlight could only illuminate the path ahead of you so much, and the anxiety of not knowing what you’ll find ate away at your mind. Every little noise, or odd looking object in the distance had you on edge. It also didn’t help that the further you walked, the more you began to hear noises. Strange noises. You couldn’t place what they were. Sometimes it would be tinks far off in the distance. Other times, you would hear what sounded like rumbling in the walls. Your light was no help. Whatever it was making such sounds was still too far away to be seen. Or again, in the walls. These were not comforting thoughts. You couldn’t tell if you wanted these sounds to be real, or a figment of your imagination. Going mad wasn’t exactly something you wanted to deal with this early on, but… ...You weren’t sure if you wanted to see whatever was making these noises at the end of the tunnel, either. In fact, you could feel yourself beginning to wonder if this was a choice you were going to regret. The thoughts weren’t sitting well in your stomach. The further you walked, the more you were fighting the feeling of being watched. It was silly, you know. There was no one in sight. No matter how many times you looked behind you, you never caught sight of anyone. Regardless, you still felt your hair stand on end.
“It’s just my nerves. No one is here but me. I’m okay.” You tried to assure yourself. Speaking it outloud helped a little bit, at least enough to keep you grounded. You could at least pretend to be okay a little longer if you could fool yourself. However, there was one thing that was beginning to distract you. There was an odd scent in the air. Several odd scents, in fact. The further you had walked, the sweeter the air had become. You knew this scent, but couldn’t quite place it. The air was pungent with it, almost humid in a way. Another scent in the air confused you. It was almost waxy. It didn’t make any sense to you. This was an abandoned set of train tunnels. Why were there these specifically weird smells? That, and it’s not like someone could grow a lot of flowers down here. Sure, some might survive in the dark, but you couldn’t help but doubt it was flowers causing the weird scent. It was heavy. Whatever it was, there had to be a lot of it.
You wanted to have hope, and say it was perhaps a flower shop above ground, but you doubted that would be the case. You were far enough underground that you wouldn’t be able to smell a flower shop. Nor would one be this… pungent in a specific scent. Swallowing thickly, you carried on. Surely, something this sweet smelling couldn’t be bad, right? It didn’t ease your rising heart rate, or the feeling of eyes on your back. Then there were the ominous sounds. Not only were there rumbling in the walls, but the further you walked, the more it sounded like it was all around you. You idly wondered if you were going to die today. You already almost died once in these tunnels. Maybe whatever god was out there wanted to finish the job? ...You really needed to get out of here. Walking further in though, you couldn’t help but feel the urge to just turn around, and head back the way you had come. Each little noise, the scents, and the feeling of being watched only made you yearn to the other path you could have taken. But it was so far back, and you had already walked for so long. You were getting really tired… You stopped for a moment, and leaned against the wall. It had been hours. You were tired, hungry, in immense pain, and your nerves were shot. You wanted to rest. “I can’t. I need to keep going…” you tried to reason with yourself. You can’t rest just yet. It isn’t safe here. But your body was beginning to feel heavy and sluggish, despite how anxious you were. You imagine a part of it had to do with how much you’ve been fighting your leg. Otherwise, you’d be able to easily keep moving. Shaking your head, you gripped the wall to press onward, only to pause when you heard a loud noise up ahead. You don’t know what it was, but it was loud. Loud and big enough to shake the tracks on the ground, which vibrated with a hum, before slowing to a stop. Then you heard it. A loud buzzing sound coming from the end of the tunnel. Multiple buzzing sounds. Eyes wide, you could feel yourself shaking again. That… was not human. You didn’t know what was down there, but all your instincts were screaming to turn around, and hightail it out of here. You didn’t belong here, you needed to leave. You began to walk backwards, but before you could turn around- Your back ran into something solid. The blood in your veins ran cold. It took all of your will power to gain the courage to turn around. Slowly, you turned around, and saw you were face to face with a chest. You hadn’t been alone. You felt tears prick your eyes. Blood was rushing through your ears. 
Hands shaking, you tilted the flashlight upwards. After a few beats, the light landed on a smiling face. You let out a shriek, and stumbled backwards, falling in the process. Your flashlight tumbled out of your hands, rolling away towards the tracks. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t breathe. You were starting to hyperventilate. Oh gods, you were going to die, weren’t you? This guy wasn’t human. From the quick glance you got, his skin(??) was yellow? And his eyes were black and silver… You swore you could still see them watching you, even though the light was no longer on its face. You were shaking, and you could hear his footsteps getting closer. Desperate, you began to crawl backwards, only getting so far with your broken leg. In your panic, you barely registered the footsteps veering off to the side. You only became aware the being hadn’t been walking towards you when it picked up your flashlight. Freezing up seemed to be the only thing your body was capable of doing as it got closer. They stopped right in front of you, and must have watched you curiously for a few moments. A beat passed. Neither of you moved. You heard an odd buzzing. You could briefly see the figure lean down, and you flinched, tears threatening to fall. When the being began to lean down, you closed your eyes and shook, fearing what may possibly come. …Only for nothing to happen. After a few moments, you cracked an eye open, and saw the figure holding the flashlight out to you. Staring for a few moments, you shakily reached out, and grabbed it. Were they not going to hurt you? Hesitantly, you shined the flashlight upwards, and fought back a gasp that threatened to leave your lips. “Hello! I am Emmet!” he spoke, a smile wide on his face. You were speechless. A hybrid…? Yes, he was definitely a hybrid, now that you were getting a good look at him. His face was golden, but he had silver hair, hair that almost looked like fuzz. And then his eyes… They were silver, though where the whites would be, almost seemed black. Then you noticed the… Antenna? Antennae? And the faint buzzing… Looking behind him, you could faintly see what appeared to be bug-like wings. It hit you, just what exactly kind of hybrid you were looking at. “You’re… You’re a bee hybrid.” You spoke in awe. Insect hybrids were incredibly rare. Not many existed, and most that did, stayed with a hive or a colony. Other independent bug hybrids tended to stick to themselves. You swallowed nervously. He was very pretty. And also very huge. You don’t think you had ever seen a hybrid this size before… His smile only seemed to widen at your awed expression. “Yup! I am a bee hybrid, and you are a human!” He gazed down at you. You seemed at a loss for words. “Are you alright? That leg doesn't look very good.” His words brought you out of your daze. Eyes flickering down, you noticed your leg, and the throbbing pain suddenly became a lot more noticeable. You bit your lip. Walking as much as you had no doubt had put a lot of strain on it. You would be lucky if it didn’t have irreparable damage. You remained silent for a moment as the thoughts ran through your head. Thankfully, the hybrid, Emmet, you think was his name, was patient. “I… Got injured in a cave in, near the entrance down that way.” You told him, pointing towards the way you came. He glanced where you gestured towards, an odd look on his face. He turned back to you, and you nearly felt your heart jump in your throat from how fast he was. “I see. What was a human doing, entering these abandoned tunnels?” he asked. You felt a bit nervous, but decided to answer anyway. What could you even do? Run? Lie? Even if he seemed nice so far, there wasn’t a lot you could do for yourself. “...I came here with my boss and coworkers. They wanted to explore the abandoned tunnels. I didn’t want to go but… I was coerced into doing so, or deal with my boss’ temper, and risk my job. Said it would be a fun ‘bonding’ activity for the office…” you grumbled. You were still very much upset about this. All of this. You were exhausted, tired, and in a lot of pain. Your nerves were shot, you were alone in a tunnel with a stranger, and as far as you knew, he could kill you at any moment. You were tired. At this point, you weren't even sure if you could cry. Emmet looked at you, a calculating look on his face. You felt a spike of anxiety in your chest. 
If there was a single bee hybrid here, did that mean…
You felt your stomach drop. 
If a bee hybrid was underground, it wasn’t because they were lost or looking for flowers. The tunnels must be their hive. You were trapped in a tunnel leading to a hive. That explained the odd noises, and all the buzzing, you supposed. You felt a bit sick. You had been this close to presumably walking into a live hive. No doubt the drones inside would not take kindly to an intruder. Hell, the Queen would probably have had your head. Maybe it was a blessing this guy found you first, even if you weren’t sure of his intentions as of now. He was at least kind enough to listen to how you got here in the first place. Maybe he’d take pity on you and let you live? Or at least he could point you to where you need to go, so you could get crawling. In your internal musings, you were unaware of the internal debate within the hybrid’s mind. This was a golden opportunity! If you proved to be a nice fit, you had potential to solve all his hive’s major problems. If you proved unfit, well… Depending on how you act, they could either drop you off outside the city, or easily dispose of you. But he couldn’t let this opportunity pass! The hive was in too rough a position not to try. He was sure Ingo would agree, after listening to reason! However, he had to gain your trust. You were very much stressed and afraid. He felt for you, he really did! Being injured, and left alone in an abandoned tunnel with a different species was probably terrifying. He would be stressed if he was in your position too. He briefly looked over your leg, and fought back a wince. Sure, there wasn’t a lot of blood, most of the cuts having scabbed over. However, the skin was badly bruised, and there was swelling in a few places. Emmet didn’t need to be knowledgeable on humans to know that probably wasn’t good. And yet, he could help but admire this small human he had just met. From what he gleaned from your story, you’ve already been through a lot! Being betrayed by your boss and their drones? And to try and persevere by making your way through the tunnels, all while in immense pain? All for survival? He wouldn’t lie. You appeared to be very strong, mentally and emotionally at least. Even physically too! It was almost as if he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He had been watching you for a while, ever since that fork in the road. His wings buzzed behind him for a moment in awe and excitement. Yes! Those made great qualities for a Queen of a hive! You could be a perfect fit! Plus, you were a verrry cute little human. He had seen plenty of your kind out and about, albeit hidden from their sights. You were way more cute and regal than any of those humans he had seen in the past. Now, he just had to convince you to try and take the role… …It wouldn’t be easy though, he’d imagine. Humans had their own lives, after all! They seemed to be verrry independent, and liked it that way, not wanting to be involved in other things unless they simply desired to. Not only that, but from what his hive has seen, humans were not huge fans of sudden change. Taking over a hive as a Queen no doubt would count as one of those sudden changes. So he had to make it tempting. But where to begin? His eyes landed back on your leg, and his antenna twitched. “Would you like help with that?” He asked you suddenly, and you nearly jumped at his sudden eagerness, hovering over your leg. “Huh?” You dumbly asked, not expecting the question. Help? What did he mean by help? “Your leg. You have put a lot of strain on it. It doesn’t look good. Let me help you.” You could only stare at him, trying to process what he said. “You can stay at the hive until you are well again!” He assured you, his smile seemingly growing excited. You couldn’t help but look at him a bit confused. “But… Won’t the uh, the Queen not like that?” You ask, slightly fearing for your life. If you ended up stuck in the hive with an angry Queen Bee Hybrid, you doubted you’d make it out alive. Especially if they were territorial. Emmet shook his head. “Our hive has no Queen.” Ah. His face almost fell as he said so. Well, that was one thing you didn’t have to worry about, but…
“What about the drones? And the other bees? Won’t they not take kindly to a stranger?” You asked, a bit hesitant. Not having a Queen made things less difficult, but that didn’t mean the drones and other bees would just accept you- “They’ll be no problem at all, I promise.” He spoke, confident as he attempted to assure you. “But-” “They will listen to me. I promise they will not hurt you. They will help you recover.” Silence followed his statement as you weighed in your options. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder… “Why would they listen to you?” It came out a bit more rude than you had intended, though he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, his grin grew incredibly wide. He leaned down towards you, almost like a bow, his wings buzzing behind him. “Because I am one of its Kings.”
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Random idea in my head but I kinda see ingo as a boob person and Emmet as a thigh person
ingo can't help but look at your chest your wearing a loose shirt and no bra just let him just squeeze em or suck on em he'll be satisfied
Ingo would definitely sleep on your chest to hear your heart beat and feel the softness
Emmet (this lil shit love him tho ) he will purposely buy you tight pants or shorts to see the thickness of your thighs pop out and would buy thigh high socks
Let Emmet get crushed by your thighs he doesn't mind if he suffocates he'll die happy
Ayo? 👀👀👀
Ingo may not be as physical as Emmet, but he is very loving when he is. Especially when he’s focusing on you and your body. He loves paying special attention to you, and especially your chest. Add that with Ingo with an oral fixation? He’s attaching his mouth to your tits and not letting go for a while. He’s happily squeezing and nipping. He’s moaning the whole time, enjoying pleasing you just as much as you enjoy his touches. When laying together, his hands naturally are drawn to your chest. Even in his sleep, he’s gripping a tiddy. Emmet is handsy. He will use every excuse in the book to touch your thighs and your ass. Sitting next to you at lunch? His hands are rubbing your legs. Hugging you? His hands are drifting south. Passing him in the house? He’s grabbing or smacking your ass, or squeezing your thighs with a laugh, running away before you can get him back. He wants you to sit on his lap, or his face, so he can grab those legs of yours, or have them squeeze his head. He loves it. You could cut his air off with your thighs, and he’d thank you.
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