ziggysgender · 4 months
Is your url a reference to Ziggy from Quantum Leap, Ziggy Stardust, Ziggy from Lazy Town, or a secret fourth thing?
as tempting as it is to say a Secret Fourth Thing and then refuse to elaborate– it is indeed quantum leap
my beautiful gorgeous canonical transfem queen fr 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
in fact i went as far as purchasing the whole ass $700 handlink replica (from the same guy they got one from for the reboot) . anyways hi i’m autistic
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n-chu4ever · 5 years
Superhero Control
Based on @majorxsportyxboy ‘s brilliant post (which I don't know how to link to, but search up the word ‘pound’ (as in animal pound) and it comes up pretty nicely.
We open on an exterior shot of SPORTACUS’ AIRSHIP. The music swells as per usual, and we cut to inside the airship, where SPORTACUS is practicing flips. Suddenly, we cut to a shot of his CRYSTAL going off, and then back to SPORTACUS looking down at his crystal, before he says—
SPORTACUS: Someone’s in trouble! Door!
We cut to a shot of the airship door opening; SPORTACUS runs out onto the airship door and pulls out his telescope. He looks through the telescope, and we see a view of the LAZYTOWN KITTEN. It is, once again, stuck in a tree. SPORTACUS shakes his head fondly with a smile before leaping from the airship. His backpack becomes the GLIDER, and he flies towards LazyTown. We see the shot of him flipping down to the ground, the glider compartmentalising as he runs towards the tree where the KITTEN is stuck. It meows pitifully as SPORTACUS reaches the tree and leaps up into it. He grabs the tree branch and carefully picks up the KITTEN before hopping down. We see a character we’ve never seen before run up. His name is JIVES; he is another human actor. He is a young adult. SPORTACUS has met him at some stage.
JIVES: Yo! You found my kitten!
SPORTACUS’ eyes widen in response.
SPORTACUS: This is your kitten, Jives? I’ve rescued it so many times!
JIVES: Yes. I usually let her out, because I’m often busy with college! This is Julie! 
SPORTACUS: Hello Julie! You really ought to be more careful next time! Perhaps you should get her a collar.
JIVES: She keeps losing it. I think she’s too small for it. I got her microchipped, though, so I’m not too worried. Yo, thanks for saving her! I’ve got to keep studying!
SPORTACUS: Bye Jives! Try and take a break today!
JIVES: I’ll try! [He disappears off-screen with Julie]
SPORTACUS shakes his head fondly again before turning to the camera.
SPORTACUS: It’s always a good thing to have your pets collared and microchipped! You never know what might happen to them! [He does one of his small laughs]
We cut to the LazyTown opening. After it finishes, a title card pops up, and STEPHANIE’S voice reads—
STEPHANIE: Superhero Control!
We zoom in over to the playground. The KIDS are all there. STEPHANIE is sitting on a bench. TRIXIE is sitting to her right. PIXEL and ZIGGY are sitting on the ground in front of the two girls. STINGY is holding PIGGY, and is sitting at the metaphorical head of the table. STINGY declares—
STINGY: There’s nothing better than my Piggy! [He strokes PIGGY possessively]
PIXEL: Are you sure about that, Stingy? I think a real pet would be really neat!
TRIXIE: Yeah! Who wants a porcelain piggybank when you can have a real pig?
STEPHANIE: I don’t think that would be a good idea. Real pigs can get really big! Like, as big as your car, Stingy!
[They all gasp in horror; this is news to them.]
ZIGGY: Wait, how do you know about that?
STEPHANIE: My grandpa ran a farm. Sometimes mom and dad would take me to visit, and the pigs towered over me! It was terrifying! Here’s a picture! [She pulls out an older diary – this one is faded – and shows a picture of what appears to be four-year-old Stephanie standing next to a pig.] That smile is forced!
TRIXIE: Aren’t there micropigs?
PIXEL: There are, but I think other pets would probably suit LazyTown better. Where would we even keep even a micropig? I doubt you have a pen at your house, Stingy.
STINGY: No, I don’t…
ZIGGY: Where do we buy pets? Maybe we can go take a look!
TRIXIE: Either the pet store or the animal shelter in the next city. That’s where Jives got his kitten.
ALL: Who’s Jives?
The KIDS all look over to STEPHANIE’S right. We cut to a shot of JIVES approaching the group. He is carrying the KITTEN, whom we now know is named JULIE. 
STEPHANIE: Isn’t that the kitten Sportacus keeps rescuing?
ZIGGY: It is! Look! It’s got a collar now!
JIVES: Yo, kids!
JIVES: My name’s Jives! I live in that house over there [he points towards a thin house], and I’m usually too busy with college to come out! In fact, before I randomly encountered Sportacus at the store, I didn’t even know we had a superhero! Sportacus usually stops by to make sure I’m eating healthy, and now I’m stronger than ever! 
STEPHANIE, GIGGLING: That’s Sportacus for you! Is the kitten yours?
JIVES: Yep! I had no idea until this morning that Julie here keeps getting into trouble! So I finally got her a collar! I was taking her home from getting a collar when I heard my name being said.
TRIXIE: We were talking about pets.
STINGY: Where should I get a pet? I wanted a pig, but they are too big.
JIVES: I’d recommend getting one from the shelter in the city or from a professional breeder if it’s a dog or cat. A lot of the animals in the shelter have been there for years. I’m probably going to adopt an older cat when Julie gets older.
PIXEL: How come older pets aren’t adopted as often?
JIVES: Humans are jerks sometimes. We want tiny baby kittens and puppies that we’ll have for years. We tend to ignore the older animals. I once heard of a dog that passed waiting for an owner. It made me feel terrible.
The KIDS all nod solemnly.
JIVES: Say, why don’t I take you all there?
The KIDS all cheer, and their cheers echo down to ROBBIE ROTTEN’S LAIR. We have an exterior shot of the LAIR before we see a shot of the speakers falling down and waking up ROBBIE ROTTEN with the sound. ROBBIE immediately falls out of his orange chair and scowls at the ceiling.
ROBBIE: Why can’t those kids be lazy for once?!
He storms up to his periscope and pulls it down. The periscope pops out of the ground. Through his periscope, ROBBIE sees the KIDS talking with JIVES. 
ROBBIE: [He pauses.] Isn’t that the LazyTown mangy thing? And what ARE they talking about?
Back on the surface, JIVES is beginning to explain the concept of the pound and shelter to the KIDS.
ZIGGY: What does the shelter do?? 
JIVES: It takes in stray animals born in the open, animals that can’t be cared for by their owners, and pets whose owners have passed away, among countless other animals. 
Down in the lair, ROBBIE suddenly gets an idea.
ROBBIE: Maybe I can get rid of Sporta-pup by taking him to the pound! Yes, yes, that’s a BRILLIANT IDEA!
He sinks down to his armchair and pulls out a phonebook. He quickly finds the shelter’s number and calls it up.
SHELTER: [Incoherent words]
ROBBIE: Yes, hello, City Shelter? I would like to drop off a STRAY. Why? Because he’s too noisy. And too bouncy! He’s been roaming the streets for WEEKS. What? Yes, he just wants To Play! That’s exactly the Problem! Will You Take Him? What Kind Of Animal Is He?
We quickly zoom out to an aerial shot of LazyTown, and we hear Robbie scream—
We zoom back in to see ROBBIE slam the phone down and go into a pouting position, crossing his arms and slouching. We zoom back up to where the KIDS are running towards SPORTACUS, who is flipping around, as usual.
SPORTACUS: Hi, kids! Hi, Jives! What’s up?
STEPHANIE: Jives said he’d take us to the shelter in the City! Would you like to come?
SPORTACUS: Of course!! I love seeing animals! Jives, you might want to leave Julie at home, though.
JIVES: Oh yeah, totally. We can take the bus!
As they clamber onto the bus, STEPHANIE starts singing the episode’s song, titled ‘Pet Love’. I can’t write lyrics, so just imagine the KIDS, and JIVES (who is good at singing) all singing about how pets are incredible as the bus drives towards the CITY and they enter the CITY SHELTER. Barking, meowing and a variety of other noises immediately greet them, as well as ASSISTANT AMELIA. 
AMELIA: Hi! My name is Amelia, and I help take care of the animals here! I recognize Mr Junkfood, and I’m assuming these kids are the LazyTown kids!
ALL KIDS: Yep! [They introduce themselves]
AMELIA: I’m fairly certain you’re the superhero Sportacus, correct?
SPORTACUS, EMBARRASSED: Well, slightly above average hero…
AMELIA: What brings you all here today?
JIVES: The kids wanted to look around the shelter.
STINGY: I wonder if I can convince my father to let me get one. TO THE SMALL PETS!
STEPHANIE: I’m going to go see the dogs!
TRIXIE: Hey, wait up, Pinkie!
PIXEL: I’m going to go see the cats! 
SPORTACUS: Inside voices, everyone!
We pan outside, to where Robbie pops up from one of the bushes. He has followed them to the CITY, as he wants to complain to the SHELTER about their policies. He peers into a window, and sees that STEPHANIE and JIVES are looking at dogs. One of the dogs has only three legs, and its tag says: UNWANTED THREE-LEGGED DOG. PLEASE CONSIDER ADOPTING.
STEPHANIE: Why wouldn’t someone adopt such a sweet-looking dog?
JIVES: Like I said, humans can be jerks. Not everyone is as kind as you. I think, from what I’ve seen from you so far, that you’d adopt every animal in the shelter if you could!
STEPHANIE: You’re right on the money, Jives! I would adopt every animal here! I wish I could adopt this sweetheart here, but there’s no way I’d be able to deal with the medical side of things. I hope you find an owner soon, puppy!
The dog just pants happily, as STEPHANIE is patting it. Outside, ROBBIE has a SECOND BRILLIANT IDEA!
ROBBIE: I don’t want Sportacus in town. The shelter won’t take him… but maybe the Superhero Control can! [He laughs evilly before stamping on the ground and, somehow, takes a chute back to his LAIR]
Meanwhile, STINGY has fallen in love with a guinea pig, and he’s just called his father. He excitedly runs back to the group.
STINGY: My father said I could buy the guinea pig!!
The KIDS and SPORTACUS cheer.
SPORTACUS: That’s great news!
AMELIA: I assume you meant this one? Mr Spoilero literally just rang me to adopt her!
The KIDS all coo over the adorable guinea pig. STINGY holds the cage almost reverently.
STINGY: I shall call you… Piggy the Second! 
They all laugh, and we zoom down to ROBBIE’S LAIR, where ROBBIE declares—
ROBBIE: IT’S DISGUISE TIME! [He walks by a clown outfit.] Too goofy. [He walks by a very frilly dress.] Too floofy. [He walks by what looks like a furball.] Too poofy. [He walks by his own outfit] Hel-lo handsome! [He walks by an outfit fit for an animal catcher.] PERFECT! [He pulls the level on the disguise machine and spins into the outfit, laughing.]
We zoom back up to where STINGY is showing off PIGGY THE SECOND to MAYOR MEANSWELL and BESSIE BUSYBODY, who think that the guinea pig is adorable.
STINGY: Isn’t my guinea pig just the best?
MAYOR: Ah, yes! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one quite like it!
JIVES: Hey, sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to tell y’all that I’m going home!
ALL: Bye Jives! 
JIVES runs off, picking up JULIE on the way. He waves goodbye to the others, and they all wave back. 
SPORTACUS: Stingy, you should probably go home and set up Piggy the Second’s cage.
STINGY: Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I’ll have to ask my father to help me! Bye!
STINGY also runs off. ZIGGY, PIXEL and TRIXIE, disperse themselves, after PIXEL suggests—
PIXEL: Hey, I’ve got a new game to play. Who wants to come?
STEPHANIE: I’ll join you guys later! I need to ask Sportacus something!
STEPHANIE turns to SPORTACUS, who is now looking at her half-expectantly.
STEPHANIE: Sportacus, have you ever owned a pet?
SPORTACUS: My parents did, when I was growing up! After they retired from being heroes, they had a few dogs, and one really grumpy cat that I ended up befriending. They were all great pets, and I, unfortunately, still remember the days they passed away. I don’t own a pet at the moment, though, unless the owl called Who-Who counts, since she keeps visiting me. I just don’t have the space for a pet.
STEPHANIE: I’m interested in having a pet. Mom and dad were too busy working, and then too busy fighting, and then too busy divorcing to consider one, but now that I live with Uncle Milford, I kinda want to get one, like an older dog or cat; one that hasn’t been loved as much as it should have been. I’m going to ask my uncle about it.
SPORTACUS: You honestly are one of the sweetest kids I know. I’ve met people who have dumped their pets. My brother ended up taking all those pets in out of kindness, before he proceeded to almost get thrown in jail because he beat up the former owners! 
STEPHANIE, HORRIFIED: Your brother is right, but crazy!
They both laugh. Suddenly, there’s a loud noise, and they turn to see a van with the words ‘SUPERHERO CONTROL’ on them. ROBBIE ROTTEN, disguised as THE HERO CATCHER, clambers out.
ROBBIE: I received a report a few hours ago that there was a rogue superhero in LazyTown! Mostly dressed in blue, pale, blue eyes, apparently brunette, with a pointy moustache. YOU fit the description perfectly! Which means, of course, I’m going to have to bring you back to HQ for sufficient inspection and sheltering. 
SPORTACUS, HOLDING UP HIS HANDS: Um… we haven’t had a rogue hero in decades…
STEPHANIE: Hey, leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything wrong!
ROBBIE: Oh really? Tell me, little girl, have you studied at the School of Superhero Control?
ROBBIE: Have you spent a decade refining hero-catching skills under the Master Hero Catcher?
ROBBIE: Have you caught so many heroes that you’re going to take over all of HQ?!
STEPHANIE: No, and Sportacus already started running.
ROBBIE: … OH, COME ON! [He grabs a net and starts running after SPORTACUS]
STEPHANIE, watching them run, hurriedly runs to PIXEL’S HOUSE. Inside, STINGY has joined the group, having left PIGGY THE SECOND at home.
PIXEL: What’s up, Stephanie? You look like you fried a circuit board!
STEPHANIE: A hero catcher has come to town to catch Sportacus and send him to the shelter!
They all gasp in horror. 
STINGY: Uh… Sports candy? That should help him evade, right?
They all run out to one of the apple trees. TRIXIE does that cool kick she did in Once Upon a Time, kicking down a few apples. They all run out to where SPORTACUS is running and flipping away from ROBBIE, and STEPHANIE tosses an apple to him. From that point onwards, music similar to the Benny Hill theme plays as SPORTACUS continues running away from ROBBIE, constantly being tossed apples, until suddenly a cage folds up around the hero!
ROBBIE: A-HA! Comfortable there, rogue?
ROBBIE: Now, now, don’t cry, this is a dangerous hero we’re dealing with. He only acted friendly to infiltrate the town. You don’t want him here – trust me! He’s an unwanted menace who is promoting a terrible agenda! You should be glad I got here before he caused any real damage! You hear that, elf? You’re unwanted! Now, if you’ll excuse me, kids, I’ve got a rogue to deliver. 
The KIDS all look at each other in terror and sadness, but can only watch ROBBIE load up the truck with the hero inside the cage. Eventually, though, STEPHANIE storms over.
STEPHANIE: I don’t care if Sportacus has an evil agenda! He’s our best friend!
PIXEL: He’s saved me from malfunctioning equipment more than once! And he saved my hard-drive memory once!
STINGY: He taught me that it’s better to share!
TRIXIE: I’m learning martial arts because of him!
ZIGGY: I’m beginning to eat less candy!
STEPHANIE: And I got a better father figure than my own father could ever hope to be. He’s not unwanted!
Unseen by everyone, SPORTACUS appears to have tears in his eyes.
ROBBIE: You really think that this dangerous elf actually cares about you?! All rogues are like this! They infiltrate a community, force their propaganda on the unsuspecting residents and turn them into overactive health freaks!
ROBBIE is about to continue ranting, but he’s kicked the truck, which starts rolling down a hill – and he gets caught in a rope! SPORTACUS’ cage is also still in the truck! The KIDS all call out to SPORTACUS, but the hero has hit his head! He’s unconscious! The KIDS all start chasing after the truck on their bikes, PIXEL looking up statistics. 
PIXEL: By my calculations, they’re headed right for the LazyTown Cliffs! 
STEPHANIE: We have to stop the truck!
STINGY: Yeah, I remember it once gave you a new pencil.
STEPHANIE: Of course! Pixel, steer me while I call the airship!
PIXEL holds both his bike and STEPHANIE’S bike steady while she calls up the airship. 
AIRSHIP’S AI: Hello Stephanie, how can I help you?
STEPHANIE: We need an anchor down here, and fast! Sportacus and a Hero Catcher are both stuck with a truck that’s heading towards the cliffs!
AI: I’ll do my best to hook the truck! What happened to Sportacus?
ZIGGY: He hit his head!
The KIDS continuing their pursuit; it garners the attention of the MAYOR, BESSIE and JIVES, who all chase after them. JIVES soon realises what has happened, and gives STEPHANIE a hard push so she can help attach the anchor. She ends up right behind the truck, and catches the anchor as it falls, before attaching it just as they reach the cliff edge. She’s thrown over the top of the truck by the force of her bike hitting the suddenly stopped truck, but SPORTACUS, who’s just awoken from his unconscious state, saves her just in time. Everyone cheers, before SPORTACUS notices that ROBBIE is falling and manages to catch him just in time.
SPORTACUS: Stephanie, are you okay? 
STEPHANIE: I’m okay; thanks Sportacus! [She hugs the hero; he hugs her back]
SPORTACUS: You’re welcome. Mr Catcher, are you okay? [He hauls Robbie onto the grass, and his disguise falls off]
Everyone laughs as ROBBIE storms off, and they spring into Bing Bang. There’s an aftermath shown where STEPHANIE adopts an older cat, whose collar reads ‘CHLOE’, while STINGY introduces PIGGY THE SECOND to her. CHLOE licks PIGGY THE SECOND in response. AMELIA has adopted the three-legged dog. We then shift into the epilogue. ROBBIE, exhausted from the running, tries to collapse into his chair, only to hear an indignant ‘mrow!’ A cat has made his home on his chair! At first, ROBBIE is angry, but he suddenly softens when the cat rubs against him.
ROBBIE: [Sighs] Fine, you can sleep here. I’m calling you Glanni. YOU are going to be the GREATEST VILLAIN CAT OF THEM ALL!
I haven't posted fic in like forever, so I hope you enjoy this, Major! I’m like two months into the LazyTown fandom, so I’ve been writing fanfic kind of feverishly. Maybe when I complete my longest one, I’ll upload that to here (and maybe to AO3, idk)
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otome-doll · 7 years
Secret Friend Day gift for Thesherlockdavenger
Hello there Thesherlockdavenger! I hope you enjoy this fan fic, lol I don’t really know what else to say other than I hope you like it! Your blog seems really cool and you seem like a wonderful person. So…Um…I didn’t really mean to and it didn’t start out this way but I kinda…accidently…made Trixie and Stephanie gay for each other… I hope you don’t mind, lol…Anyway, without further ado, let’s go!
“Help…!...HELP! Somebody save me!” A scared voice rang throughout the streets of Lazy town. “Help! Help!” Trixie screamed, her feet pounding on the pathway as she ran from the yellow car that sped after her. “Hey…that’s my car!” Stingy complained from behind her, looking at her in disgust. “Stingy!” She managed to bark, despite the fear in her stomach. Things were not looking good for Trixie.
A man dressed in blue lay on the floor, his arms palm down as he did push ups. A sudden beep jostled him and he watched his crystal flash and the beeping continued. “Someone’s in trouble” He muttered before jumping up in an impressive flip. He landed back on the ground as he ran over to the steering wheel on his large airship. Guiding it quickly to the town they called LazyTown.
Trixie continued to run, yet she felt herself running out of breath and beginning to slow. No! Surely, she couldn’t give up! She had to keep going! “Trixie hold on!” A voice called, and her head turned to see Stephanie. “Stephanie, help me!” She cried to her best friend who was chasing after the car. “Trixie, don’t worry! Sportacus is on his way!” Her friend yelled back. Stephanie let out a short gasp. ‘He’s here!” She cheered. “Sportacus!” Trixie yelled back, relief flooding her words. Ah, so she would be saved after all! “Trixie hold on!” Sportacus said, a rope in his hands. How on earth would Sportacus save her with a piece of rope. That’s it! She was doomed! “Stephanie, you know what to do!” Sportacus called. Stephanie nodded. “Right! Ziggy, throw me sportscandy!” She yelled at her friend who was sat on the wall, his legs dangling off with a lollipop in his hand. Next to him sat a basket of shiny red apples. “Okay!” He called, picking up an apple in his chubby hand and throwing it at Stephanie. The apple flew in her direction and in one hand she caught it. She quickly brought it to her mouth, taking a large chomp before tossing it to the side. “Trixie don’t worry I’ll save you!” The pink haired girl called to her best friend. Stingy’s little yellow car now seemed massive as it loomed of Trixie, now only a few centre metres behind her. Would her rescue be too late? “Now!” Yelled Sportacus and he threw one end of the rope, wrapping it around the car. The car had almost reached Trixie and she closed her eyes, screaming at herself that it was the end.
That was when suddenly she felt herself being swept up. Stephanie scooped up her best friend’s trembling body before dodging to the side, out of the way of harm. “My car! Stop it!” Stingy whinged loudly and Sportacus pulled on the rope, bringing the car to a sudden halt. The car’s engine switched off and Sportacus dropped the rope. Everyone was safe. Well…except for one. “Stephanie!” Trixie gasped, staring up into her saviour’s grinning face. Trixie’s face felt hot and her cheeks blushed red. For some reason butterflies were zooming around her stomach. Maybe it was because she had almost died? Yeah…I’m sure that’s it. Nothing else. “It’s okay Trixie. Your safe now” Stephanie grinned, her cheerful eyes on Trixie. “Th-Thank you!” She exclaimed. Stephanie let out a cute giggle that sent Trixie’s heart pounding. “There’s no need to thank me. We’re friends, there’s no problem” She smiled. Trixie tried to return the smile. They were friends…But that was just it. There was a problem and that was it. Just friends…nothing more. Yeah, they were only friends. Because friends make your chest throb with strange feelings that you must keep hidden. Cause friends make it painful to be around them, knowing they were nothing more than that. Friends make you feel the way that Trixie had been feeling ever since she first met her. Just friends… Trixie felt beads of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. “Y-Yeah!” She said, trying to play harsh as she shoved her way out of that warm, comforting embrace. “Whatever, it’s no big deal” She feigned coldly. Stephanie shrugged with that beautiful grin of hers. “Trixie, are you alright?” Sportacus asked, running up to the girl. “Yep, thanks Sportacus!” She replied. “You’re welcome!” He smiled and everyone cheered. Everyone was happy…Well, all except for Trixie and one other…
Robbie let out a loud, annoyed snort, his eyes suddenly jolted open. “Who is making so much noise at this time?” He demanded to his cold room, curled up with a blanket on his orange fluffy chair. The loud cheering continued and Robbie scowled in disgust. “Kids?” He asked, pushing off the blanket and standing up. Poor Robbie…All he wanted to do was take a nice long afternoon nap and be lazy. “Why can’t they just be quiet?” He cried, clutching the stuffy air with his hands. “Just like the way things used to be. Until that little girl came and brought that stupid blue kangaroo with her. That Sportaflop ruined everything!” Robbie clenched his fist as he marched over to his binoculars. He grabbed them, pulling his eyes to them to see what all that racket was about. He looked around, seeing the blue sky that made him shiver. Ew. Who likes the sun anyway? He searched until he found all the kids and Sportacus all laughing and cheering and hugging. “Disgusting” He spat, pulling away. He would have to put a stop to it once and for all! But how…? Suddenly a lightbulb appeared over Robbie and he held his finger up. “I have an idea!” He smirked sinisterly.
He found all the citizens of lazy town on the street, all playing a game of soccer and laughing. Robbie spat in disgust, asking himself how anyone could live like that. No matter, with his master plan, and with Sportacus out of action, Lazytown was sure to return to its Lazy ways! Robbie held the sugar apple in his hands, grinning wickedly as he climbed the tree. Now, all he had to do was drop it on Sportaflip, so he took a bite, leading him to have a sugar melt down. And with Sportaflop unable to…well…do whatever those stupid flips were…Lazytown would finally be lazy again! It was genius! Robbie climbed onto a thin branch as he shuffled his body over to above where Sportacus was standing with a shining grin. Robbie held out the apple, stretching his arm out until it would just be above that blue kangaroo’s head. Just a little further. Almost there- And that’s when he realised he had reached too far. Robbie lurched forward, his body dropping and his heart pounding. His clutch on the sugar apple loosened and it fell to the ground. Robbie’s hands reached out. Clawing at the air in attempt to grab anything to save him. That’s when his hands gripped onto the branch he had previously been crouching on. Everyone looked with shock at him. “Hellllp!” Robbie’s voice cried as he thrashed his body around with fear. “Hold on Robbie!” Sportacus yelled. “Stephanie apple!” Stephanie grabbed an apple on the ground. But not just any apple. The apple. As in the poison one!
She chucked it at Sportacus who brought it to his mouth, about to take a bite when- “Wait! Don’t eat that one!” Robbie cried. Everyone glanced up at him. “But he needs it to save you” Pixel replied. Robbie scolded himself. What was he saying? Why should he care about that stupid, problematic Sportaflop? Hadn’t he wanted Sportacus to eat that apple and go into a sugar melt down? But…There was something within him that didn’t want Sportacus to take a bite of that apple. It was probably just because Sportacus wouldn’t be able to save Robbie if he was in a sugar melt down. Yeah…that’s it. “I…” Robbie started and took a deep breath in. “I put sugar in it so you’d have a sugar melt down” Stephanie glared up at Robbie and everyone else shook their heads with crossed arms. “Robbie!” Miss busy body scolded. “Yes, yes, I know!” He said, his feet still dangling up in the air. “I’m sorry, now please help me!” Ziggy ran to the tree beside the one Robbie was hanging from. “I’ll get it!” His voice cheered. With one short jump and a small grunt, he had managed to pluck a large red apple from one of the lowest branches. “Go Sportacus!” He called as Sportacus caught the apple Ziggy had thrown. Sportacus took a bite and something in his eyes shifted. He wore a determined grin as he tossed the apple to Pixel.
“Robbie, let go! I promise I’ll catch you” Sportacus voice came. There was just something about that accent of his that seemed to comfort Robbie, even in the dire circumstances that he found himself in. “I-I can’t!” Robbie snapped, yet he could already feel his loose grip on the branch beginning to loosen. “Robbie, you need to let go!” Sportacus, called, his arms outstretched, ready to catch Robbie’s body as he dropped. Robbie glared down at Sportacus. His perfect blue eyes that sparkled with life. His muscular and perfect biceps. The way his brilliant and encouraging smile somehow seemed to set him on edge…yet make him feel a strange warm feeling in his chest. “W-Why should I trust you?” Robbie spat, refusing to let go. As if he’d trust this guy. This stupid guy who ruined everything. Robbie had everything he’d ever wanted. LazyTown was quiet, peaceful, lazy. And ever since that blue kangaroo showed up everything had turned disastrous! Robbie looked down at Sportacus, but something was wrong. Sportacus wore a sad frown and his eyes drooped as if he were about to cry. Robbie tried to ignore the urge to run over and comfort him. “Why…?” Came Sportacus’s choked out words. “Because I love you, Robbie”
Robbie’s fingers slipped and suddenly he found himself falling. He only just comprehended the words that came out of Sportacus’s mouth. No…It couldn’t be! That was when Robbie landed, his back supported in Sportacus’s arms and his face. Oh no…His mouth slipped right onto Sportacus’s. Robbie’s eyes widened, and so did Sportacus’s…and so did Mayor Meanswell and everyone else in the whole entire town. Though the surprise, Robbie found himself not pulling away, and neither did Sportacus. “And that kids…” Began Miss Busybody with a smile on her face. “Is what you call gay” The kids all nodded, continuing to stare at the scene that had unfolded before them. Both men pulled away. Robbie turned his face down, blushing heavily with a pretend scowl as Sportacus grinned endearingly at him. “Well…now that we know what gay is, I think I have something to say!” The words that tumbled out of Trixie’s lips shocked everyone, even herself. Yet she couldn’t stop it from tumbling out. She had held this secret within her way too long. It…It was finally time. She turned to Stephanie and grabbed both her warm hands in her own trembling ones. “Stephanie” She took a deep breath in, her friend looking down at her with wide eyes. “I…I like you!” She said, her heart feeling as though it had lightened. “Like…Like Like” Stephanie’s expression read utter shock. Even Robbie was gawking from within Sportacus’s tight embrace. “Oh Trixie!” Stephanie gasped, pulling her friend into a close hug. “It’s okay! I like you too!” Stephanie’s arms were comforting as she held her friend to her. Trixie’s shock was quickly replaced by immense happiness. “I’m so glad!” Trixie cried, her arms wrapping around her friend. “And no matter what” Stephanie smiled, “We’ll always be together forever, okay?” Trixie nodded into her friend’s shoulder. “Okay” She sniffled and everyone smiled softly at the two girls. They pulled apart, Stephanie grinning at Trixie who blushed and looked away. “Well, today has been very eventful hasn’t it Miss Busybody?” Mayor Meanswell turned and asked her. “Oh yes, yes it has” She replied. “Wow, the internet’s gonna blow up at this ship” Pixel called. “What an Otp!” Stingy let out a grunt. “They both may be Otps, but they’re my Otps” He replied. “Stingy, you want some really good advice” Began the Mayor Meanswell’s happy lecture. Stingy let out a groan. “What?” He asked, annoyed. “Well, an Otp is something many people share. Isn’t it better for it to be lots of people’s Otps. It can’t only be yours- “ “Why not?” Interrupted Stingy’s voice. Mayor Meanswell looked into the camera like on the office as he contemplated stabbing himself. “Uncle!” Stephanie grinned. “Isn’t this great?” Mayor Meanswell smiled back at the girl. “Oh yes, it is wonderful” Stingy smirked in triumph. “I know, let’s dance to celebrate!” Stephanie smiled. Suddenly a tune swept throughout the town and Bing Bang began to play. Everyone, even Robbie, sung and danced cheerfully.
The music came to an end, and everyone smiled. Things certainly are upside here in LazyTown aren’t they?
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The Monster of LazyTown Lake - Part 2
I meant to do this a few hours ago, but my family wanted to start watching S2 of Stranger Things, and my copy of Assassin’s Creed Origins finished downloading!  Though, I can’t get the stupid thing to run over 8 FPS during gameplay... >.>
Anyways, here’s Part 2!
Warnings: umm... indirect alcohol mention?  That’s it.
Normally, the lair maintained a temperature about ten degrees below the temperature on the surface, but today that still left it hovering around 100 Fahrenheit.  Almost fifteen degrees over average.  Robbie was sweltering.  He couldn't even sit in his chair.  Taking a nap was entirely out of the question, and neither coffee nor cake sounded appetizing at the moment.  Pulling his T-shirt over his head and pulling it down to cover himself, Robbie flopped onto the bare metal floor.  Was it good for his back?  Absolutely not.  Was it comfortable?  No. Was it significantly cooler than standing around or sitting in his chair.  Yes.  His back was shot anyway.
Robbie was just starting to contemplate jumping into a cold shower or bath when the phone by his chair started to ring.  "Who could it be?" he grumbled, crawling over to the side table and yanking the phone down to his level.  He put the receiver to his ear.  "Hello?"
"Hello?" came the grainy response.  Robbie grinned, laying back against the cool floor.  He knew that voice all too well.
"Alex, I thought even you would have been down for the count today.  What is it, 114?"  Sportacus mumbled something on the other end, something that sounded like, 'I don't care where you read it, don't say it'.  Robbie shook it off, assuming he was with the children. "Alex."
"What is that in centigrade?"
"About 46 C, silly elf.  Are you with the kids?"
"Oh, yes! I was wondering if you would like to go to the lake with us?  It should be much nicer down there, and we could go swimming?"  Robbie drummed his fingers.  It was certainly a tempting offer.  Anything would be better than sitting in his lair sweating his rear off.
"Sure, I'll go with you.  We're not walking, are we?"  There was a long pause on the other end, and Robbie suspected that the elf hadn't considered that little aspect.  "I have a van.  It should fit all of us, and it has air conditioning."
"That would be great!  I wouldn't want any of the kids have heatstroke before we even got to the lake. Or either of us, for that matter." Robbie forced himself to sit upright, wincing at how his skin peeled off the floor.  Urgh.
"Where are you? I can be on my way soon."
"Pixel's house. We'll see you soon, Robbie! Bye-bye!"  Robbie was about to say goodbye as well but he heard the line go dead, and he hung up the receiver with a grunt.
"Stupid impatient elf."
Sportacus entertained himself by hopping up and down the stairs; the children were pretty well occupied with Pixel's newest video game, but they were still antsy to get out of the house.  Sportacus kept checking his phone, now in his pocket, every thirty seconds or so.  He couldn't wait for Robbie to get there and whisk all of them away to what he hoped to be cooler weather.  Being stuck inside was suffocating.  He'd have been free-running if it wasn't for the heat.
His crystal hadn't gone off so far, which was good.  Everyone was staying inside.  He smirked as he kept himself from tripping on the landing.  A few months ago, that would have been Robbie's greatest dream. Everyone inside being lazy, Sportacus himself nowhere in sight, absolute quiet.  Things were different now, and it made the elf feel warm inside.
Sportacus was about to check his phone again when he heard a low rumbling and a loud honking. He ran to the window and pulled up the blinds, grinning widely when he saw Robbie hanging out of the driver's side window of an old but well-maintained van, leaning on the horn. "Robbie's here, kids!" he called, skidding around the corner to grab his own bag.  "We're leaving!"  Seven pairs of footfalls came tromping down the stairs.  The kids had all traded their street clothes for swimsuits.  He wouldn't have been surprised if they'd already been wearing them.  Sportacus held the door open for them, and he waited for Pixel to lock the door before running beside the boy to get in the van.
Sportacus shrieked when he sat in the front passenger seat.  "It's hot!"  Robbie shook his head and handed the elf a towel to put under himself.  Sportacus stuffed his bag in front of him and put the towel down so he didn't get burned again.  The kids were already chattering excitedly in the rear, either ignoring Sportacus's outburst or oblivious to it.  Satisfied that he wasn't going to burn himself anymore, Sportacus clicked on his seatbelt and turned to smile at Robbie.  The taller man was smirking, not even attempting to hide his amusement.
"Hello, Alexander," Robbie greeted, trying not to snort.  Sportacus just grinned happily.
"Hello, Robbie. Thank you for coming to get us. Right, kids?"  The children stopped their chattering for a moment to chorus, 'Yes.'  The two men laughed at how quickly they returned to their conversations.
"It better be cooler there, Alex, or I am coming back and jumping into a cold shower." Sportacus giggled before shifting his body so he could put his feet up on the dashboard.  "What are you doing?!"
"My feet are hot, and the vents are up there."  The elf wiggled his toes in his sandals, and Robbie resisted the urge to cuff his friend.
"We don't want to smell your feet, Sportadork," Robbie said, leaning over and pushing his feet back to the floor.  Sportacus waited long enough for Robbie to get his hand out of the way before putting his feet back up.  "You're five years old.  You disgust me."  Sportacus giggled again, and Robbie just rolled his eyes before putting the van in drive and pulling away from the sidewalk.  "I hope you're all buckled!  Oliver would kill me!"
The lake was maybe ten minutes out of town.  It would have taken them much longer to walk there, and the children kept thanking Robbie over and over again.  But Robbie was getting slightly bored with driving.  So he directed his voice to the children as best he could and asked, "Have any of you heard of the Monster of LazyTown Lake?"  The kids instantly stopped talking.
"I never heard of a monster in the lake," Penny piped up.
"Me neither," Jives and Pixel said at the same time.
"My dad said something once, but Mother said he was 'intoxalated'," Stingy added.
Sportacus sat silently as Robbie continued, "Well, they say that there's a monster in the lake!  A really big one!"  The kids 'ooh'ed, their minds pulled to stories of the Loch Ness monster. "They say it'll nibble your toes if you go in too deep, and, if you cross the center, it'll drag you down to the depths!"  A couple of the kids screamed as Robbie reached one hand back and grabbed Ziggy's leg, tugging and shaking it gently.
"You know that story isn't true, Robbie," Sportacus interjected, shaking his head. "They sent a probe into the lake when we were kids and there was absolutely nothing there except for some little fish!"
"And that was fifteen years ago, Alex!  Things could have changed since then."
"You're scaring the children."
"I'm the villain number one!"  The kids started giggling.  Sportacus huffed and folded his arms across his chest.
"There are no such things as lake monsters…"
I hate writing phone conversations :/ but there you have it!  Part 2!  I’ll post Part 3 in a few.
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LXXXIX - Favourite Colour
Sportarobbie Fanfiction - The 89th Shortie
Based On A Prompt
Warnings: None at all :)
Summary: Sportacus is colour blind, and the kids find it very hard to imagine a world without every single beautiful shade of colour. They come up with a plan.
“Alright, Sportacus. You can go over to the red platform there”, Stephanie instructs as they’re starting to play a new game. Sportacus looks over to where Stephanie pointed, staring at the green and red platform in confusion. “The one by the tree”, Stephanie clarifies, and Sportacus nods, running over to the platform. Stephanie can sometimes forget that Sportacus is colour blind.
After the game, Ziggy stares at the green and red platforms that Sportacus got confused with several times during the game. “Sportacus.” “Yes, Ziggy?” Ziggy furrows his eyebrows and asks: “Does being colour blind mean that the whole world is black and white for you? Like in old movies?” Sportacus laughs: “No, Ziggy, that’s not what it means. It means that I can’t see the difference between some colours. For example, green, red, and yellow look pretty much the same to me. It’s kind of hard to explain, since I don’t know what you see, and you don’t know what I see.” “Oh...”
The other kids were aware of how colour blindness works, but they hadn’t before really started to think of what it’s like. They all feel kind of bad for Sportacus, even though it doesn’t seem to affect his everyday life.
After a while, Sportacus leaves with Robbie. The kids all stay quiet for a moment, thinking of the same thing. Trixie is the first one to speak: “Think about it. He can’t see how green everything is in the summer.” “Or all of Stephanie’s pink outfits”, Pixel adds. Stephanie nods: “And all of Robbie’s purple. I wish we could do something.” “Yeah...” Stingy says, adjusting his reading glasses. Pixel squints his eyes at Stingy’s glasses, and then grins. “Guys! I’ve got an idea!”
Robbie finds all of the kids at Pixel’s place, physics school books open, researching on the internet, investigating Stingy’s glasses, and working on something very small and complicated.
“Hi! What are you kids up to now?” All of the kids panic at Robbie’s presence. They start hiding their stuff quikckly, and Trixie whispers: “Is Sportacus with you?” Robbie furrows his eyebrows in confusion at the kids. “No? He went to get water for his airship from that icebreg as always. Why he can’t just have some tap water, I don’t know...” The kids all sigh in relief and continue working.
“So... What are you up to? Why so secretive?” Pixel shows Robbie some goggles - they look almost identical to Sportacus’s own ones, but more stylish, thank goodness. “You see, Sportacus is colour blind...” “Yes, I am aware. We have been dating for quite a while now.” “Yeah, so we felt kind of bad for him, so we’re making him glasses that he can see all the colours with.”
Robbie furrows his eyebrows: “No offence but... You kids really think you can do that?” Pixel rolls his eyes at Robbie: “You might remember that one time I built a working rocket ship all by myself, in secret. And also flew to the moon and back with it.” Robbie shrugs: “You got me there.”
Robbie watches as the kids make the glasses, helping whenever he can. But at the end of the day, he knows that Pixel’s better than him at these things - Robbie is more about engineering than science.
They finish the glasses just in time. Only a few minutes after they’re done, Ziggy sees Sportacus’s airship arriving back at Lazy Town from the window. Robbie and the kids run outside with the glasses, eager to see if they actually work.
“Hey, Sportacus!” “Hi! What’s going on?” Sportacus asks, giving Robbie a kiss and smiling at the excited kids. “We made you a gift!” Stephanie exclaims, and Pixel hands a tiny box over to Sportacus. He smiles, and opens it, seeing the goggles. He stares at them with confusion, but still smiling. “Try them on!” Stingy says excitedly. Sportacus shrugs and does as told.
Tears spring to eyes immediately as he looks at the world around him. He stares at the trees and the grass in wonder, and then looks at the kids. He gasps. He gasps at everything he sees. At Pixel’s bright orange hair, at Trixie’s red outfit, and Ziggy’s red cape. Suddenly Stingy’s bowtie stands out of the rest of his clothes, and it’s amazing. He looks at Stephanie and laughs confusedly at how pink everything is. He looks at Robbie, and his striped trousers and vest suddenly look better than ever before. He looks closely at Robbie’s makeup, and smiles.
Suddenly Sportacus goes running without a word. The kids look at each other confused, and then run after him. Sportacus runs into Bessie, and gasps at her clothes. He continues running and watching the world in amazement. He loves everything he sees and collapses onto the ground, touching the grass with wonder.
The kids and Robbie finally catch up with him, and he smiles at them. “This is amazing, this is unbelievable, it’s...” Robbie walks over to the overwhelmed Sportacus with a smile. He sits on the grass with him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Sportacus stares at Robbie’s outfit and then touches one of the purple stripes on his vest. “This is purple?” “Yes.” “I’ve just decided that it’s my favourite colour.” Robbie chuckles, and the kids step closer. Sportacus tries catching his breath and looks at the kids. “Stephanie.” “Yeah?” “Pink really suits you.” Stephanie giggles.
Sportacus finally notices to looks down at his own clothes. They’re still the same blue he has always seen, only slightly different, but he grins at the red stripes on his boots. “I love it.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much. This is... wow. Thank you!” The kids all practically jump on top of Sportacus, giving him a big hug, and he can’t stop smiling. “Thank you.”
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Life After Heartbreak - The Chronicles of Rita Rotten
Chapter Two: Welcome to Lazytown
February 14th - Midday
Rita smiled as she looked down at the plate of cookies in her hand. They looked very tasty, she had to say, and was sure that the children of Lazy town would enjoy them very much. 
As she left her home, gently shutting the front door behind her, she heard the faint sound of children's laughter from a nearby park. Her eyes scanned ahead of her, where she could just make out a soccer ball flying through the air. 
“Okay, lets go say hello,” she said quietly, looking down at Rosie. Rita had purchased a baby harness, and Rosie was bouncing happily inside it. 
“L... lo!” she said, laughing. “h’lo!”
Rita smiled, feeling very proud. “You’re growing up so fast...”
She sighed, and walked off towards the park. It wasn’t a long walk, seeing as LazyTown was a fairly small town. As she approached, the children paused to look at her. There were five children in total. Three of them were boys - a small blond one holding a lollipop, a brown haired boy with a piggy bank, and a taller boy, who seemed to be the oldest of the three, with dark skin and interesting orange hair. The other two were girls, one smaller girl with pigtails and another dressed in all pink. For some reason, the girl in Pink looked at her kinda funny, as if she though that Rita was up to no good. 
“Hello,” Rita said, putting on a kind smile. “I’m Rita. I just moved to town, and I thought i’d come by to say hello.” 
Rosie giggled in her harness, and Rita laughed. “And this is Rosie, my daughter.”
The children looked among themselves before turning and saying “Hello,” in chorus. Small smiles warmed their faces.
 An excited gasp escaped the mouth of the blond boy, his eyes widening as he saw the plate of treats Rita brought. 
“... Who are those cookies for?” He asked, his voice full of hope. Rita smiled, bending down slightly to present the plate to him.
“Would you like one?” she asked. “I made them to share!” 
The blond boy smiled happily, reaching out to snatch a cookie. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he said, poising to take a bite. However, the Pink haired girl stopped him.
“Ziggy, you shouldn’t just take food from strangers!” she said, turning to the boy. Ziggy looked at the pink girl startled, then lowered his head in shame. The girl then turned to Rita, her eyes accusing. “Are you Robbie Rotten?”
All of the other kids began to study Rita, their eyes beginning to have that same look. A chorus of, “Yeah! That looks like Robbie!” shot up from among the group. Rita gasped, a little bit uncomfortable and very confused, but then began to laugh. 
“You all know my son?” she said, her voice cheerful. All of the kids eyes widened, their mouths dropping open. A chorus of “what’s” and “no ways” filled their group.
“Robbie has a mom?” the small girl said, her voice harsh. “Didn’t know trolls had moms!”
The girl began to laugh, snorting at her own joke. Rita’s smile faltered, her eyes widening in shock. “What? Why would you say that?” she asked, looking at the girl with confusion. After a moment, the girl stuck her tongue out at her.
“Psych!” she said, snorting again. “Come on Robbie, we all know it’s you! Take the stupid wig off!”
Rita reached up to touch her hair. Wig?! does my hair look bad?
She suddenly felt very embarrassed, her eyes lowering in shame. Why do they hate me... why do they hate Robbie? Rita felt like leaving then, running home and away from these rude children. Thankfully, the pink girl seemed to sense her genuine discomfort. The girl turned to her friend, gesturing for her to stop. 
“... If you’re not Robbie,” the girl said, turning to Rita slowly, “Then... can you please bend down?”
Rita felt confused, but slowly she obliged. The girl reached out, gently tugging Rita’s hair. It hurt a bit, and Rita winced. The girls eyes widened. 
“That’s real hair! You really aren’t Robbie!” the girl said, her voice shocked. “I’m sorry...”
All of the other kids chorused their apologies, looking down in shame. Rita slowly forced another smile, still hurt by their words. “I-It’s okay...”
“I didn’t mean that about your hair, really,” the pig-tailed girl said. Rita just nodded at her, not sure what to think at this point. 
“... I’m Stephanie,” the pink girl said, giving Rita a sheepish smile. She then turned to gesture to all of her friends. “This is Trixie, that’s Ziggy, that’s Stingy, and that’s Pixel.”
Everyone said hello as their name was said, and Rita nodded to each of them. “I’m pleased to meet you,” she said, slowly feeling a bit better. “... would you guys like some cookies now?”
They all nodded, reaching out to grab the cookies. Each one thanked her, and began to eat. Their eyes widened happily.
“These are SO good!” Ziggy said, quickly eating his. All of the other kids agreed with this, eating happily. After all of the cookies were gone, Stephanie turned to Rita with a smile.
“Thank you again,” she said. “You’re really nice!”
“Yeah,” Trixie said. “Especially for being Robbie’s mom!”
Stephanie nudged her friend, gesturing again to stop. Rita tilted her head, feeling very confused. She didn’t get to confront them about their apparent hatred of Robbie, however, as suddenly a beeping sound came from the orange haired boy Pixel. 
“No way!” Pixel said, his eyes widening as he looked down at a device on his wrist. “My new Racer9000 finished downloading the VR components! Come on, lets go check it out!”
Everyone cheered, rushing away without a second thought towards a house with a huge satellite dish. Stephanie paused, turning around to smile at Rita.
“It was very nice to meet you,” she said before turning and dashing away.
Rita stood there for a moment, feeling a bit odd. What was that all about? She turned, slowly walking back towards her own home, suddenly wanting to take a long nap. 
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XXXI - Warm My Heart
Sportarobbie Fanfiction - The 31st Shortie
Warnings: None at all :)
Summary: Sportacus and Robbie have a wintery day with the kids. Snowball fights get intense, and afterwards hot chocolate tastes sweeter than ever.
Sportacus and Robbie go walking outside. It’s snowy and beautiful. Robbie has to admit he likes it too. The sound of snow crunching under his shoes is so satisfying, and all of Lazy Town glimmers beautifully, covered with snow. If only it wasn’t this cold. Robbie hates the cold. He hates the cold so much. And he hates it when it’s hot. He hates a lot of things. Like the sound of children screaming.
“It’s my turn!” “No, Stingy! It’s not!” “Yeah, you already had two turns in a row!” “But it’s still mine!” “No, it’s not! It’s not even your sled!”
Robbie sighs as Sportacus is already heading over to the kids. “Hey, guys! What’s going on?” All the kids start explaining and shouting at the same time, and Sportacus can’t make sense of anything. “H-hold on! One at a time, okay?”
Stephanie steps up: “Well, you see, we’re taking turns pulling each other on my sled - not Stingy’s - but Stingy won’t let anyone else have a go being pulled on the sled!” “And Stingy also won’t pull anyone else on the sled!” Ziggy adds.
“Well, how do you expect me to pull any of you on a sled? All of you are way too heavy for me!” Stingy exclaims. “So, you’re saying you’re too weak?” Trixie asks teasingly. “No, I’m not!”
Sportacus turns over to Stingy with a gentle, scolding look. “Stingy, we have talked about sharing.” Stingy responds with a long sigh: “I know, I’m sorry. I just really like being pulled on the sled, and it’s really tiring to pull the others...” Sportacus smiles: “Don’t worry. We forgive you, and we understand. You don’t have to be really strong.” All the kids nod in agreement. Sportacus’s face lights up. “You know what? I can pull the sled for all of you if you want.” “Yeah!”
Soon enough, Sportacus is pulling the sled with all of the kids enjoying the ride. Sportacus runs really fast, and effortlessly pulls the kids behind him. Robbie snorts at how ridiculous and adorable Sportacus looks while he laughs with the kids.
Eventually the kids have had enough of the sled ride. “That was awesome, Sportacus!” Pixel exclaims. Sportacus laughs and is about to say something, but then a snowball hits him on the back. He slowly turns around to see Robbie grinning with snow on his mittens. “Snow fight!” Stephanie shouts as she throws another snowball at Sportacus, while he’s still concentrated on Robbie.
Everyone splits up quickly to make snowballs and find hiding places. Stephanie motions Robbie to join her behind a bench. Robbie is ready to throw dozens of snowballs in case it’s a trap.
“Team up with me”, Stephanie whispers once Robbie has come close enough. “Alright”, Robbie obeys. He likes the idea of getting really strategic. “Great! We also have Pixel on our team. The rest are against us.” Robbie gets a shocked expression on his face: “Wait, they have Trixie?” “And Sportacus.” Robbie sighs. Having Trixie against you in a snowball fight means trouble. Everyone knows that.
“Hey guys, I got us lots of ammo”, Pixel whispers as he joins Stephanie and Robbie behind the bench. With him, he has Stephanie’s sled with a big pile of already made snowballs in it. “Great job, Pixel!” They start making a simple battle plan.
“Robbie, try and check if they’re up to something”, Stephanie orders. Robbie peeks his head from behind the bench and is immediately hit in the face with a snowball. Pixel and Stephanie start laughing together uncontrollably. “What are you giggling about, get to battle stations!”
Stephanie takes a couple of snowballs with her and goes to sneak around without anyone seeing her. Meanwhile Pixel stays at the base to observe the situation, and take care of the snowball storage. Robbie decides to go take vengeance.
Sportacus and Ziggy are hiding behind a tree together, while Stingy is using a trashcan as a shield. Trixie is nowhere to be seen. Sneaky little kid. Probably aiming at Robbie right now.
Robbie sneaks behind a wall. He makes a big snowball and starts aiming at Sportacus. Just as he’s about to throw, another snowball hits him from behind. He turns around, and sees Trixie running. Suddenly she starts rapid firing snowballs at Robbie, and then dissapears once again. Robbie grunts and looks back over to Sportacus and Ziggy. Both are holding up snowballs with playful looks of ‘don’t come any closer unless you have a death wish’. Robbie turns back and tries to come up with a new plan.
Not soon after, Stephanie, Pixel, and Robbie are destroying the other team. Snowballs come out of nowhere, and they don’t have time to look around to see where the others are, because they have to quickly get to safety.
Stephanie is continuing with her sneaky technique, while Pixel supplies her with snowballs. Robbie has found his place up in a tree. He keeps throwing unexpected snowballs, at Sportacus especially. He loves seeing Sportacus so confused.
Eventually, Stingy notices Robbie in the tree. He informs about it to his teammates and starts aiming at Robbie. A couple of snowballs hit Robbie, and that is the moment he remembers exactly how terrified of hights he is.
“Robbie, are you okay up there?” Sportacus asks, and everyone stops throwing snowballs for a moment. “Well... No?” “Should I help you?” “Well, no. The battle is still on, you need to fight for your team!” Sportacus hesitates at first. He doesn’t have to think about helping Robbie with getting down much longer, because that is the moment Trixie throws a big snowball at Robbie, and he falls down - luckily onto a big pile of soft snow.
Exactly when Robbie hits the ground is when the well planned fight turns into crazy snowball throwing in the middle of the park. No one cares much for looking for cover anymore, and they just throw snowballs at whoever they can. You can barely understand what’s going on as snow flies around and everyone keeps screaming and laughing.
Finally, everyone decides this has been enough. Everybody is covered in snow. Robbie’s hair has started to curl, and Trixie’s pigtails have loosened up. They all walk together to Stephanie’s uncle’s house to warm up. Robbie and Sportacus hold hands on the way, and Stephanie squeals a little bit at them.
Everyone takes off their wet winter clothes, and puts on warm, fuzzy socks. Milford gives all of them blankets to get wrapped up in, and makes them hot chocolate. Sportacus gets a sugar free version.
“That was a lot of fun!” Stephanie exclaims. “Yeah!” “It’s was great!” Sportacus and Robbie stay quiet in the corner, all cuddled up. Sportacus pets Robbie’s curly hair affectionately, while Robbie sips his hot chocolate. They both watch the kids fondly as they talk excitedly about the greatest moments of the day. Milford listens to the kids explaining, and smiles at Sportacus and Robbie whenever the kids mention something funny they did. They’re so sweet.
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XIII - Surprise
Sportarobbie Fanfiction - The 13th Shortie
Warnings: None :)
Summary: The kids set up a romantic date for Robbie and Sportacus, and it ends up being absolutely perfect.
Stephanie finds Sportacus jumping around town. She runs up to him and asks: “Hey Sportacus, can you meet me at the Lazy Park at six in the evening?” Sportacus is surprised, but smiles at how excited Stephanie is. “Sure thing. What is it about?” Stephanie giggles a little bit: “It’s a surprise!” Sportacus chuckles and promises he’ll be there. Stephanie says a quick bye and runs off.
Stephanie and Pixel meet up at Stephanie’s uncle’s house. The other kids are inside already. “Hey Pixel, how did it go with Robbie?” “He was hesitant at first, but he agreed to come. Let’s hope he keeps his word.” They hurry inside.
“Alright guys, uncle Milford promised to keep a fake meeting for grownups at five, so that’s when we can go set up the park. Until then, we have to stay here, preparing.” Everyone nods and gets to work. Trixie is in charge of the decorations, Pixel takes care of the lighting, Stephanie does the cooking. Ziggy and Stingy are helping all of them whenever they’re needed. Stephanie starts singing a simple melody, and soon Stingy starts singing along. Next Ziggy and Pixel hum along, with Trixie finally joining in. All of them are so excited for the surprise.
Once the decorations have been made, the lights have been organized, and the food is only missing the final touches that will be added right before the meal, the kids go and dress up. They all have gotten their best, neatest outfits for this. Stingy is obviously the fanciest.
The kids have agreed on having Stingy and Pixel as performers. Pixel will play his electric piano, while Stingy sings. Everyone knows Stephanie will probably go and sing at some point, for she can’t really help herself. But they don’t mind, not even Stingy - he’s bringing his saxophone exactly for that, so he won’t be pushed off the spotlight.
“Guys, it’s five o’clock. I think it’s safe to go now.” The kids take all of the stuff and go to the Lazy Park. They have to go back and forth a bit to get everything there, including the table and chairs. Pixel and Stingy set up their small stage, while Stephanie and Ziggy start setting the table. Trixie is putting up the decorations. “Trixie, you should probably put those decorations a little to the left over there”, Stephanie points out. “Pinky, you should probably put them a little to the left. I’m putting them up, so I’m going to put them where ever I want.” Stephanie rolls her eyes and continues setting the table.
As the last thing, they all start putting the lights up together. They have fairy lights hanging up on the tree, and candles all over the place. It’s starting to get a little dark - only a little bit though. They would’ve had the surprise later, so the lights would show even better, but decided on having it earlier, because of Sportacus’s bed time.
It’s almost six o’clock. The meeting has finally ended, and Sportacus and Robbie start walking off. Both of them are headed to the park, though neither of them know that. They still walk together, holding hands. “That must’ve been the most useless meeting I’ve ever been to”, Robbie scoffs. “Come on, Robbie. The mayor does his best, and he is a very kind mayor.” Robbie shakes his head at his boyfriend. He always sees the good in everybody - even Robbie.
They arrive at the park and are surprised to see candles everywhere. Stephanie scares them, appearing almost out of nowhere and greets them: “Good evening, and welcome to the surprise date. This meal has been especially planned and made for the cutest couple in all of Lazy Town. Please take a seat.”
Robbie and Sportacus follow Stephanie to the table and are amazed by all the decorations and lights. Pixel starts silently playing the piano as they sit down. Ziggy and Trixie bring them their meals, while Stephanie pours water into their glasses. They made them both some spaghetti, but with different sauces, since Sportacus eats almost nothing else than sportscandy, and Robbie refuses to eat any. They did sneak in some tomato though, and Robbie doesn’t seem to notice.
“Well, this surely is a surprise”, Sportacus says simply. “A very lovely surprise”, he adds. Robbie stares at him. Sportacus gets a little worried, when Robbie continues to stare at him without saying a word. Then he finally speaks: “Take the hat off.” “What?” “Take the fricking hat off. These kids have gone through so much trouble to make us a fancy dinner with lights and music, I will not allow you wearing that ridiculous hat.” Sportacus is confused, but laughs a little. “Robbie, it isn’t that bad...” “It looks stupid, and it’s ruining this romantic mood. Take it off.” Sportacus rolls his eyes and finally takes the beanie off, revealing his soft, wavy, golden hair. Robbie smiles with victory. Sportacus always hides his hair in his hat, and Robbie always feels blessed when he gets to see it.
After they have eaten their dinner, Trixie and Ziggy take away their plates and bring dessert - a fruit salad for Sportacus and chocolate cake for Robbie. Meanwhile Stephanie is hiding behind the wall and taking cute pictures. Stingy is singing as softly as he can, and he’s actually doing a great job. Robbie and Sportacus eat and have a bit of conversation. This is going even better than the kids thought it would.
Once Sportacus and Robbie have eaten their dessert, all the kids go to the stage to sit around, and Stephanie goes to sing. Stingy gets his saxophone out. It’s starting to actually get dark, and the park seems even more magical with the candles now. Robbie gets up from the table and walks up to Sportacus. “Care to dance?” Sportacus gets all flustered and hesitantly gets up to go and dance.
Robbie knows exactly what he’s doing as he puts one arm on Sportacus’s waist and hold his hand with the other. Sportacus doesn’t. And Robbie can see that. “Don’t you know how to dance?” “Y-yes, I do. Just... Not this kind of... slow dancing and waltz and all of those things.” Robbie laughs: “One would really think you’re the master of this. I guess I’ll have to teach you one day...”
Robbie and Sportacus agree on just hugging each other and kind of swinging to the music while doing that. Pixel plays his piano, Stingy plays his saxophone, Trixie and Ziggy have gotten out a tambourine and bongos to play along, and Stephanie sings with her sweet voice. Robbie and Sportacus are as close as can be, and Robbie hums the melody quietly in Sportacus’s ear. Neither of them can stop smiling, and the kids can’t either. It’s really a perfect night.
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