#Z Flip 4 specifications
evvlevie · 9 months
I basically shifted again.
hi, hello, it‘s me: your favorite shifting blogger Evie 😼❤️
ever since your girl Eves has had the time and motivation to focus back on shifting, she has been on fire 👀
I suppose that if you guys are seeing this right here, you have probably read my most liked / reblogged / commented post about my first shifting experience already. And in case you didn‘t …
➡️ G O C R A Z Y R I G H T H E R E ⬅️
This one is going to be as detailed as possible once again, so in case you are one impatient mother-lover: I am sorry <3
🔆 I am telling you this time was very different from the first time for one very very important reason: I didn‘t fucking try to shift. Last time I was actively trying methods and visualizations, I actively tried to keep me in the right mindset and I don‘t want to say I was forcing it, but I was definitely concentrating on shifting. 🔆 Ever since I started embodying the energy/the mindset I was describing in this exact post, I never even methodically tried to initiate shifting. All I ever did was rely on the universe to basically let me meet my DR as soon as it deemed me ready for it. 🔆 However I was following a certain routine for the last week when it came to shifting and I suppose that was very crucial. Each night before falling asleep I would take my melatonin spray and I would very consciously and with clear intent say with each spray I took: „This is my shifting spray, and now I will shift tonight.“ I always take like 4 sprays and then I would lay down to sleep and just imagine one certain scenario tied to my DR and nothing else. I wasn’t even actively trying to feel every emotion, or sensation like I used to do it when I attempted shifting, I was just playing the scene over in my head and basically just enjoyed the moment for myself. 🔆 Last night tho, I did not take any melatonin and I didn’t even imagine my little scene because i laid down to sleep so late at night I actually forgot to try basically. But since I was so used to my routine and this was so imbedded into my brain my subconscious was very aware of my shifting-intent. Since I was not actively trying to shift, I was not monitoring any feelings or signs or symptoms and everything just happened naturally which is the key here. I did mention in this old ass post, that when you are too aware of you shifting you basically sabotage yourself and keep yourself from shifting.
🔆 I distinctively remember how I was in the middle of falling asleep, and suddenly I felt like I was floating. And when I say suddenly I mean from one second to the other I suddenly felt like there was no mattress under me anymore, and I was just flying around in the fucking universe or something. 🔆 even if I didn‘t open my eyes somehow everything I saw was a white light swallowing me and everything around me was white 🔆 As weird as this may sound now but I was very aware of the fact that I was between realities in that moment and that I was basically swirling round the universe in order to land in my DR. 🔆 In my imagination my DR-Day starts with me waking up on a bed, because I am in a luxurious hotel in Bali and it‘s my wedding weekend (I‘m having a How-I-met-your-mother-season-9-kind-of-DR) . I always had a very specific hotel room in mind when visualizing me waking up. And even if I wasn’t really conscious of anything I just know I was swirling around trying to do a front flip onto that damn DR-Bed in order to land there. 🔆 I know how fucking idiotic that sounds but you guys need to understand that I am just that weird sometimes, that it is really like me to front flip into a different reality😭
🔆✨ the most interesting part about all of this, is that just like last time where I was feeling myself getting pulled into a different reality, I was able to physically feel all of my flips, just like when you go on a roller coaster and that fucker is turning you upside down a lot and you are starting to get sick. I could literally feel my stomach turning upside down.
🔆✨ before any shifting denying people want to comment on my post that I have psychosis again: I am a legal adult that has lived two decades, I can very much distinct between a dream and physical sensation, I have encountered enough situations in my life that allow me to make a pretty spot on differentiation here. I fucking know I was not dreaming.
🔆 I fucked up a little when I started becoming too aware of what I was doing and accidentally grounded myself in the CR again (like last time goddamn it)
➡️ 📜 ⬅️ this ancient advice is going to be the best one I can give you. (dare to click that old ass looking paper emoji) Trying to control how all of this goes down, will only drive you insane I promise. Just like the last time, I shifted when I wasn‘t actively in my shifting-mindset. Last time I called that a Mini-shift because well I didn‘t end up really spending time in that other reality but this time I am confident enough to say I shifted. I was experiencing exactly what has proven me again that shifting is not only real, but that it is definitely a feeling you have to get used to.
I am so excited that after my nearly year long shifting break I am not only back, but evidently on the right track and stronger than ever
I Hope this post was able to help y‘all in some way or another, and don‘t be too shy to ask questions ❤️
Yours in every reality,
Evie <3
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kakiastro · 5 months
The Numerology and Astrology of 1997
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Numerology is my 2nd favorite thing to study besides Astrology. They go hand in hand in my mind. They’re interconnected with each other. You’ll see when I break it down for y’all in this post.
I specifically chose this year because well, I realized 1997 and 2024 are both 8 years. Let me break it down…
Add up the numbers
1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8
So if you were born in 1997, then you was born during an 8 year. 2024 is an 8 year as well. So this year is like a rebirth of some sorts or a karmic cleansing.
Keep in mind. This is different from life path numbers because you add your birth month, day and year. It’s a lot lol but we’re only focusing on your birth year only
-ruled by Saturn and Capricorn in numerology. These born natives may have had a tough or not easy upbringing. They may have had to grow up or learn some harsher lessons early in life than most. They were born during a karmic year so if you’re the type who believes in reincarnation, then you can say these native “have been here before” could be an ancestor that’s come back, I think a lot of kids born this year are “old souls” as well.
-these natives life lesson needs to learn how to balance the spiritual world with the material world. They have a strong belief in a higher power(s) and believe that no matter what challenges they go through, they will succeed and flourish. These natives are the hard knocks kids. These are the first group of Gen-Z but they relate more to their older Millennials siblings. They remember what the world was like right before we entered into today’s digital world. They remember blockbuster and flip phones, hell, most of them probably had one themselves as preteens before smart phones took off😅
-another lesson these natives need to learn is to help out when they can. It doesn’t always have to be financially either, helping someone with bags of groceries, complimenting someone (helps their self worth), donating old clothes or money to a charity, giving out advice or encouraging words to people are also good. Do this out of the kindness of your soul and heart, not because you expect a reward. I will tell you this, 8 is a loop so what you put out will come back around one way or another. I know that cliche but that’s the energy 8 has. 8 is connected to the spirit realm and earthly remember that.
-ambitious and powerful individuals. They enter a room and you notice them immediately. If these natives do succeed materially, just know, it was through hard work, sweat, blood and tears literally and figuratively lol
- August is the 8th month of the year. This is one of the Summer months. August is late Leo and Early Virgo seasons. These natives exhibit warm energy which means theyre kind, and have a welcoming personality. They may be popular in their friend group or just well liked by people. They may constantly go through health issues in their life but these people are warriors, they can get through some tough situations. August is a late summer month, these people are considered late bloomers (not a bad thing!) and since they’re a Capricorn group, their life can become more lighter and easy going as they get older. They work hard in their early years to relax in there older years. Usually after their First Saturn Return and around 35 is when life can start to improve.
-since this is a Saturn ruled year group, we need to look at what sign Saturn was in, in 1997.
-Saturn was in Aries during this year. Which means this group has Martian energy. They are warriors like I said earlier. Harsh upbringings but they push through. I wonder how many people born this year had to have surgery or suffered any burns growing up. Scars may be heavily present in these individuals during this year.
-identity and finding who they are outside off what they were taught to be will be a theme for them. They may struggle with self confidence during younger years but they find it as they age. I know I talk about age a lot but it is significant for this group since Saturn rules Age and time.
-since Saturn is in Aries, these folks 1h and Mars are the most important.
In 1997, Mars was in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
-Mars Libra natives will learn the lesson how to balance the most. Working with others and being diplomatic will be lessons on what to learn. Marriage and partnerships. Family such as their grandmothers will important to these natives. They need to learn the balance when to pick up their sword and when they need to lay it down to negotiate. Aries oppose Libra. There’s always going to be a push-pull with these natives. I can’t stress enough, find that balance.
-Mars Scorpio natives will learn the lesson of vulnerability and intimacy. Aries is an independent and solo sign but Scorpio is how we connect on a deeper level with each other. Sex may be something they struggle with and will need to learn understand beyond societal conditions on it. Financials and paying off debt.
-Mars Sagittarius natives will learn the lesson of philosophy and beliefs. You may be the type to fight for them and don’t like to be challenged on them. Now you will need to learn others beliefs and this doesn’t mean you have to agree with them but it’s best to get well rounded on different viewpoints for your spiritual benefit.
-Mars Capricorn natives will be the main ones learning about hard work and ambition. I feel like this group may have it the hardest because you got that double Saturn energy in you that you have to learn. People may not respect you or you don’t get the recognition you feel you deserve. I promise once you learn theses old cycles, it will get better. Aries Sq Capricorn as well so this is not an easy but necessary lesson. Y’all got this!
8 is also ruled by Pluto. So this group will always be going through extreme transformation, this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing either. Their Pluto is in Sagittarius so their beliefs and world view will go through different phases. They have deep thirst for knowledge and truth. 8 is also co ruled by Mars so there’s that warrior energy again lol
These Natives are turning 27 this year!
2 + 7 = 9
9 represents endings and cycles. 9 is also ruled by Mars and in astrology is ruled by Jupiter.
Saturn is currently in Pisces. Pisces also rules over endings since it’s the last sign of the zodiac. They are also going through their pre-Saturn Return shadow period.
The Current NN Aries is conj their Saturn and numerology planet ruler. A small few is going through their Reverse Nodal return as well
This is also their 4h profection year. The 4h isn’t just about family, it’s connected to your soul and soul family.
-these natives are going to feel like they’re going through Deja vu while also going through new experiences. There’s a level of uncertainty thats filled with hope. My advice is to just go with the flow and take each day at a time. You guys are wrapping up 8 year another cycle. They are discovering who they are under in depth. They are exploring there faith and ideals and what feels right to them.
-This current cycle lasted from 2016-2024. Think back on those years, while still learning this one.
-This cycle will be from 2024-2033. 2033 is the next 8 year
Fun facts
When you all were born, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Men in Black were the biggest movies of that year!
The first Harry Potter was also released that year. It’s funny that there’s a tv show in the making during its return😅
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kidfur · 3 months
1. how did you first find out about agere in general?
2. how did u first find out that you were a regressor?
4. does your music taste change when you’re regressed? if so, how?
5. which fictional characters do you most relate to (or kin) when you’re little? do you still relate to them when you��re not regressed?
7. what most often makes you regress?
12. what’s something typically associated with agere (pacis, babbling, bluey, etc) that you don’t do?
16. what’s a niche or unpopular interest you associate with your regression?
18. which (if any) fictional characters do you think would be littles?
20. what’s something you wish you knew about agere when you first found out about it?
A WHOLE Bunch of them! I LOVE learning!!!
1 from looking up kidcore on tumblr as a teen! i went from just appreciating the aesthetic to wanting to actually age regress pretty fast
2 i guess the above kind of answers that xD but it helps i actually had a friend in high school who was also a regressor! we had a lot of fun in sleepovers
4 ACOUSTICSSSS i Love acoustics when im regressed, and anything calm and lullaby sounding. piano, guitar, and music boxes r very soothing to me ^w^
5 hmm that kind of depends on which wishy is out! as eevee wishy... well, eevee xD and the others r fairly self explanatory (basil is headspace basil, puppyboy is a puppy or tails the fox, anime girl wishy is any cute young anime girl) i guess just bc agere and being childlike is very Intrinsic to the wishy
7 music! its my biggest regression trigger
12 specifically deco pacies -w- id be afraid to break them! and also babbling, i talk a little different but not straight up babbling
16 dragon ball z!!! cuz i watched it as a bio little kid so its very nostalgic to me, i love thinking of dbz characters as my caregivers
18 outside of my and my systems kins.. i would say glamrock chica, kokomi genshin, silver the hedgehog, and i know i headcanon trunks as my caregiver but i think he would also be a flip and regress to like 8 or 9! as a way to sort of get the calm, peaceful childhood he never got to have (future trunks ofc, i dont think present timeline trunks would actually be much of a regressor) he'd still be caregiving a little bit when regressed but thats cuz hes like my big brother then ^w^
20 that kinky people Arent Evil and in fact we can all hold paws and be niceys so long as we're respectful to each other and dont push boundaries! i am holding paws with all my kinky little mutuals
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ananke-xiii · 4 months
“What’s it like, settling down with a hunter?” is such a good line, I love it!
As a standalone line is just hilarious because, while Dean and the verb “to settle down” have a very complicated relationship, he for sure knows “what’s like” living with a hunter, he’s been living with one for the vast majority of his life and he’s been nesting (not the same as settling down but I think Dean knows how to take a win when he gets one) in that damn bunker with his brother for how long? 4-5 years give or take? So yeah, Dean is quite adorbs when he says that.
As a central line to the whole scene is very straightforward because Dean has explicitly compared  Caesar and Jesse to him and Sam saying that the first fight just like brothers, almost as bad as the second. Caesar corrects him though, and tells him that actually it’s more like old married couple. Therefore, the “settling down with a hunter” unequivocally refers to “being married/in a committed romantic relationship” with another hunter.
As a key line connecting this episode to the season’s overall theme of pining&longing is incredibly telltale. Dean is curious, interested even. Marrying another hunter is not something far-fetched, Sam and Dean have met some married hunters in the past so that’s not news to him. He wants to know “what’s like” because he’s given that a thought. So far in the season Dean has come to the realization that there’s something missing in his life, a blank space, a void inside himself.
This episode starts with Dean deep in research-mode on one of the bunker’s desks and Sam instantly knows he’s worried about Cas. They’ve been like this for a whole week, trying to find a way to “bring the idiot back home”. Sam thinks it’s time they got out and hit the road for a case. Therefore, the reason why the brothers are in Gunnison, Colorado is because Sam thinks Dean needs to get out of the bunker and stop obsessing over Cas. From the plot pov, Cas’ absence is the trigger event of the episode. This is confirmed later on when Dean tells Sam that maybe Caesar and Jesse can “give them a hand with Amara, you know, with Cas”. This, per se, doesn’t necessarily mean that Cas is that something or rather someone who can fill in the empty space Dean has inside himself. But it implies that Dean feels that the “something” that’s missing is very strongly connected to Cas and Cas’ presence in his life.
Finally, “What’s it like, settling down with a hunter?” is a great line because it flips over a key scene in “Baby” by Robbie Thompson. I love when writers so explicitly communicate with their colleagues in their work! I mean, this is basically an indirect quote. Love it, love it, love it!
In “Baby” there’s this beautiful dialogue between Sam and Dean:
Dean: Piper? That's awesome. Heather. One-night wonders, man. Shoot, we're lucky we still get that at all.
Sam: Really? You don't . . . Ever want something more?
Dean: I'm sorry, have you met us? We're batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs.
Sam: You don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever. But . . . Something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?
Dean: Have you not heard a single word Bob's been singing about? You're tired. I can tell. You're exhausted. Well, I'm still wired, so I'm gonna pull over, get some gas. You hop in the back, get some Z's 'cause, buddy, you earned 'em. Proud of ya! Piper. Mmm. Man, she smelled good, too.
At the beginning of the season Dean seems to be quite certain that there's no chance for them to have a “domestic life”. Sam doesn’t disagree but he highlights Dean’s limited perspective on the matter. Not marriage but… something more. Specifically, something more with a hunter or with somebody who understands the life. Dean replies too dismissively to his question, so I think he's actually thought about that but either he didn’t like the end result of that particular train of thought or he didn’t want to talk about it.
However, by the time Dean meets Caesar and Jesse something has clearly changed. If in "Baby" Dean goes from 0 to 100 (from "one-night wonders" to "domestic life", geez, Dean calm down man lol) and he's quite "touchy-touchy" about the subject, in "The Chitters" not only does he seem more open to the topic, but he even freely and voluntarily brings it up with a couple of people he’s basically just met. And yes, the big thing that has happened to him in between these episodes is not Amara. It’s Cas’ absence. So it’s safe to say that the show is implying in no uncertain terms that Cas’ absence and Dean’s sudden interest in “settling down with somebody who understand the life” are connected. Do with that what you will.
Nancy Won managed to intertwine scene, episode and season in one single line. I must admit it’s quite brilliant.
Anyway, “The Chitters” is such a packed episode, Nancy Won really tried her best to weave a compelling MOTW (the Bisaan is hands down one of the most horrifying monsters in all of SPN), the season’s main themes and some good ol’ subtext. She also wrote “Thin Lizzie” and I remember that I liked it a lot, too bad she didn’t stick around in the writers room for later seasons.
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klenda-v · 2 years
Thinking about the King’s Jubilee special of 2003,
which featured Every Ultra they had a suit for at the time, an absurd amount of rap music, an Ultraman hip-hop dance troup, and Zearth’s hip-hop son, B-Boy Zearth Junior. He looks like this.
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Literally I have difficulty watching this because this might be the single piece of ultra content that delivers the most psychic damage to me. It’s just. It’s absurd, it’s a musical, it revels in its shamelessness—or at least I think it does?
Link and more specifics below:
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Just gathering screenshots I feel my soul deteriorating. For the curious and foolhardy, here’s a link to the video. No, there are no subtitles; no, you won’t need them. CONTENT WARNING: flashing lights and images, absurdity.
I will go briefly through each song, to give you an idea:
Song 0, 2:27 - Meet the performers
A dance/rap(?) group made of kaiju, aliens, and maybe bedazzled ultras? Or maybe they’re just dressed up as Ultras, the eyes are dark and they’re slightly Off? Maybe the announcer actually says, I think the general consensus is that they’re not true Ultras, but some other kind of alien cosplaying as ultras to…honor them? Or at least play as them for the purposes of the “narrative” they’re about to play out.
It’s also an incredibly large cast of performers. We’re just starting, we’re barely three minutes in.
UPDATE: My friend Emcee was kind enough to share the names of all the performers, which I will now relate to you:
"Ultra" dancers, referred to as Ultra Funk Jam:
Dyna Rocksteady, Gaia Electric, Zearth Funkygroove, B-Boy Zearth Jr., Cosmos Air, 80 Super Cool, Agul Boogiedown, Tiga Spinning, Ace Galaxy Step, Seven Shuffle, Justice Pointer
"Kaiju" Dancers (IDK their group's name):
Baltan Big Twister, Pit Flash, Izaak Wildstyle, Magma Freeze X, Dada Sexy (YES REALLY), Lady Benzene Hypnotic, Godola Popping, Bomberhead Gan-Q, Deban Floorcrown, Chaos Headder Grandmaster, B-G-RL Lady Benzene Daughter, Z Capsule Kouju Miraclon
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Song 1, 3:15 - four-man hip-hop dance
There are no words I can possibly use to match the actual experience of watching this. I think it’s the fact that I can’t tell if this is satire, or if they’re playing it completely straight. They never tell us. Or maybe they do, I don’t speak Ultra.
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Imagine if you will, any late 90s rap. Then imagine the music video for it. But filmed as if it’s a live stage performance, but also everyone is a trained gymnast and we get synchronized flips with Zearth Funkeygroove, Justice Pointer, Gaia Electric, and Tiga Spinning.
Song 2, 4:14, Kaiju Team’s turn
Now that I’m watching this, I think it’s framed as a dance competition? Where the kaiju and “ultra” teams alternate songs, like a rap battle with performances?
Anyway this song starts with an audio sample from, of all things, the sound Ultraman’s timer makes when he’s in mortal peril. This audio blinks sporadically throughout the song, hitting that sweet spot right between “huh I guess it’s just playing at the beginning, huh” and “actually using it as a sample/carrying any meaning.” Maybe the weird timing of the audio has significance with the JP lyrics, but I doubt it. The timer blinking tempo doesn’t quite sync up with the tempo of the actual music.
While the NotUltra’s solo performance had heavy use of flips, the kaiju team impliments a lot of floor work. Lotta breakdancing, if the camera cuts slowed down enough for me to catch most of the moves. Honestly the dancing throughout is very solid overall, with, again, the big caveat being the bewildering editing choices.
Also I think the ultras in the audience are moshing? Maybe I don’t know what moshing is. Watching this, I don’t think I know what anything is anymore.
Song 3, 5:21 - Kaiju Team, or the “Sexy Dance Time, Check It Out” one.
I…wish I were making this up. This one stars Dada Sexy (his [their?] actual name), alongside a feminine-coded alien I only later learned was Lady Benzene Hypnotic. At this point I wonder whether this is better watched high, or if this is already making me high.
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The groove to this one starts notably different, but like…if the Cha Cha Slide tried to be steamy. And no I didn’t grab a screenshot mid-frame-shift, this part is literally shot like this. It goes on for several seconds. They wanted it to look like this.
Oh and the Not-Ultras are here too. Seven Shuffle is one of them. Do with that what you will.
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The dancing itself is definitively less hip-hop and more…interpretative dance? I absolutely believe that this is an alien party, because nothing about this presents as remotely normal or human.
Partway through, a green screen cape (Kings?) flies through the screen. I can’t bring myself to care. Every Ultra in the audience is Very into it.
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Then about halfway through they switch it back to…hip-hop? I think? It still has multiple Interpretive Dance elements to it. The Not-Ultras bedazzled suits have neon lights on them, btw, I think you should know that.
And yes, by the end, they have the (male) narrator's voice chanting variations of “oh, sexy” in a way that makes me feel. vEry uncomfortable and I wish I could turn back time. I can only hope that the writers truly, legitimately didn’t know what that word actually meant in English, or what it implied if you sing it with the breathy energy they put into this number.
Benzene Hypnotic lets out an alien scream/trill at the end of the song, and we cut to the Ultra audience applauding at what a fun song that was. I want to go home.
7:43 - The Kids Come And Do a lil dance!
This next song is the intermission, a little ditty sung by and danced to by children. One of whom is B-Boy Zearth Jr. Zearth has a child. I barely notice; I’m still reeling from Sexy Dance.
This song, inexplicably, also has the “Dying Ultra’s color timer” sound. It actually appears more here than in the “villain” song. The song itself is…I think cute and charming? It’s hard to tell, my eyes are still glazed over. The kids do a pirouette or a cartwheel or something. The song ends, the announcer praises how super kawaii the performance was, I get a drink.
9:03 - Actual Dance Battle
This one has Justice Pointer, Agul Boogiedown, and I think Dyna Rocksteady (Might be Gaia Electric; his head is weird so I can’t tell), in a dance battle against three Kaiju Team members. This one’s probably my favorite, it sums up the weirdest parts of this while also having some legit solid dance moves. That and since it’s turn-based, we get lots of cool freeze-poses. Plus Agul Boogiedown throws up some gangsta peace signs, which is deeply funny after watching how edgy he is in his show.
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The rap song itself appears to also be framed as a rap-battle? I think? My JP is limited but each team’s bar of music seems to be lightheartedly dissing the other/pumping themselves up. Everyone ends the battle by doing the splits on the floor, which is what my head’s gonna do in a minute.
10:42 - A Ballet Number
What’s that? You wanted this to make less sense? No? Well that’s okay, this is basically a ballet number (??????), with violin and slow swaying from the crowd. Zearth Funky Groove is dancing ballet with Lady Benzene Hypnotic. It’s actually…you know what, this is kinda nice. It’s a nice break from—NOPE ITS HIP-HOP AGAIN, LADS
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But like a…flamenco (I think?) influenced hip-hop. This song is actually really interesting in terms of merging VERY different influences. Definitely a musical style inspired by the carribian or one of the Romance languages, but asking me to search my mind for factual information while watching this is like asking a boxer to do trigonometry mid-match.
The announcer tells the crowd to grab your sweetheart and dance with them. Tiga bows before Camearra and offers to dance (she graciously accepts). A Daadaa propositions Seven to dance, which seems to catch him off-guard in a bad way. Ultra Father offers his wife his hand, though they don’t properly dance, they just hold hands and sway to the music. Incidentally, Yullian and 80 are present and clearly went together, but they don’t couple up for this dance (that we see).
This doesn’t fit anywhere, but Zoffy is REALLY into the music. Like I’ve never seen him this enthusiastic for anything before. It's really sweet honestly. He’s dancing alone but is clearly more than happy that way.
12:22 - Final Dance
I have trouble articulating exactly what happens in this segment. Clearly it’s framed as a final battle, but those interpretive dance bits are still mixed with the hip-hop. As before, the dancing itself is quite good, if you like incredibly 90’s hip-hop dancing and breakdancing. It’s definitely the most floorwork-heavy of any of the songs.
The camera-work, while strange but functional before, takes a turn even further into the surreal. Some of the camera cuts are so rapid you’d think it was a stage-3 marvel movie; in places it gets to about 5 cuts per second. It will also cut not only between angles on the same person mid-action, but to random other shots, like the crowd of ultras, or a different dancer, or someone unrelated doing half a flip before cutting back again.
I think this must be the point in production where someone discovered you could rotate a camera, because suddenly multiple flips or dance moves are filmed with the camera spinning—presumably to follow the movement, but not quite synchronized and there’s no way we’re doing another take.
At the climax of the song, I can only assume Ultra Father saw some risk to the child-dancers; the music gets tense, and the kaiju-dancers close in around the kids, who cower back-to-back. Ultra Father exchanges an urgent glance with his wife, and together they SHOOT A PULSE OF ENERGY AT THE PERFORMERS ON STAGE.
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Which puts everyone on an acid trip. Or I think it does? The colors turn negative/green/weird, and then all the adult-coded performers drop to their knees in a clearly rehearsed part of the dance.
I’m losing my mind. What was this? Was this choreographed or not? Was Ken supposed to do that? I can only think he must have, but then why did his body language radiate legitimate fear for the children’s safety? Why have the Ultra Parents do that part, isn’t this King’s party?? What am I going to do with the avocado I bought two days ago and is gonna go bad??
Not labeling this as a separate song, because the last one never truly ended. But this is clearly the epilogue of the “fight”; the ultras do elaborate secret handshakes with the aliens and monsters, indicating everything’s A-OK now. I will never be A-OK again. The announcer is chanting “happy," though I think he’s repeating the last syllable a bit too much. I don't think they thought through what yelling "HAPPY-PEE" would actually mean in English.
The experience ends with King’s greenscreen cape floating down and King materializes onstage between the two child performers. He then levatates back up, which is the most normal thing to happen this whole time. He says something in English that sounds like maybe “Happy Mercy?” Messy? Blessing?
After the third listen, I realized he’s saying Happy Birthday. It’s his birthday. He’s saying it to himself. The crowd wildly applauds his self-congratulation and repeats the English phrase, and King makes his bows. My splintered psyche notices that the foley-work on his cape movement is very nice.
The end closes out with what I at first think is a hip-hop version of Dyna’s opening theme. I am wrong. They start a weirdly paced hip-hop beat with Cosmos’s “Something You Can Do” vocals. They loop the opening line twice, then go back to rap.
The announcer delightedly cries in English “See you NEXT YEAR!”
I take this as a threat.
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i4iuvs · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ TAGLIST: @itzy-eve
⃕ . . . coco masterlist !
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˗ˏˋ PHONE & COVER ´ˎ˗
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the samsung z flip 4. she wanted this specific model because it was purple
her cover is pretty simple but cute and was a gift from hobi
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coco is the biggest dog mom in the world so obviously her lockscreen is a picture of her with her puppy jean
chungha took the photo while the they were out getting lunch together a month ago and she hasn’t changed it since
her home screen is of her and her boyfriend hanging out together in her back yard. she hasn’t changed it in over 6 months
her cover screen (the small screen on the back of the phone) is a photo she saw while scrolling on pinterest and she loved it so she saved it
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aside from being a samsung ambassador, coco just thinks the airpod headphones are ugly so she chose the sony ones instead
she bought the stickers at a convenience store in the middle of the night while she was shopping for snacks
she doesn’t leave the house without these
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the most followed member on instagram
she posts fairly often whether that is on stories or actual posts
highlights : ∞ - for the tannies , leds - vids/pics of herself , 🧩 - for her friends , lalala - music
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Part 2/2 of Day 2:
I refilled my water bottle with the same stupid method. . .
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Maybe I'll just buy bottled water next time idk.
Anyways I took a nap until we arrived in Raton NM around 4:30pm, which would be our last stop before we entered Colorado.
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This is the stop where the Boy Scout backpackers got off to begin their excursion...and got replaced by a new swarm finishing their own. I think Raton is close-ish to the Grand Canyon? Hence to it being a backpacker stop. Not much else to say here.
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About an hour later, we arrived in Trinidad CO, where a lot of the Amish got off (and more got on). This is also where I parted with the Amish couple who got on with me at Union Station in Los Angeles—the husband came up to me and wished me safe travels, explaining that their daughter was having seizures due to pregnancy and since she lived in Colorado they were going to get off here (this explained the usage of the flip phone—it was out of necessity as well as worry about their daughter's wellbeing). I wished them best of luck.
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From that point, Z approached me again and asked me what my favorite poetic forms were, and I shared with her the villanelle and it launched into a discussion about form and Z reciting the different poems she knew off the top her head. She had some really poignant remarks to make about word stresses being different from Greek to English, and was wondering about the musicality of older languages like Egyptian but I was so out of my expertise I didn't have much to say. I know form on a practical usage level but as a historical artifact of language and translation—there really is a lot an MFA cannot teach you!
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We had a brief stop in La Junta to stretch our legs. I tried to wave and get the attention of the blue haired girl from yesterday but she didnt seem to notice me. Instead Z and I met with the girl who sat across the row from us, who I shall call A.
When we got back to our seats I asked if A ws hungry and shared a yam with her among some other things. A and I talked through the rest of Colorado and into Kansas—she grew up on the outskirts of in a little town outside of Albuquerque and was visiting her e-boyfriend she met through mutual friends for the very first time in Chicago IL. This conversation made me realize the vast differences in American experiences. She recalls dirt roads, her high school (she went to a classical high school or something, I want to look into this later) mostly being a handful of trailers parked along the highway until they could afford a school building. Her home is a large trailer (she used a specific phrase—destination trailer perhaps?) and she pays rent to her parents and works at a Chinese restaurant for 14 dollars an hour between school semesters with her media classes. She wants to learn more Chinese phrases because of this, since the restaurant she works at is a small family restaurant and she wants to work with the employees better. She has never really been to a large natural body of water and I told her about California beaches. She has never lived in a place with public transit and I told her about LA transit in the most detail I could. She said that 900 was too expensive for a studio and that 3.70 a gallon was too expensive for gas and I shared with her the avergae studio price im LA (1.5-2k) and gas price (4.50-5.20 per gallon). We discussed our love for thrifting and browsing antique stores. We kept pointing out the farmhouses we were passing and wondering about the lives of their inhabitants. I don't know if this is making sense but I am realizing how just two states differentiate in life experience. She really had the small town middle America experience. It's making me feel weirdly emotional. God I love humanity. I love female solidarity.
Anyways quiet hours started early because we jumped to Central time...A and I watched a crazy storm of lightning we spotted across the Kansas plains. I caught a video of it.
**[video to come]**
It's late and we are rolling through Kansas. A eagerly pointed out to me the meager gas prices at Dodge City—a feeble 2.90 a gallon! I want to stay awake until Kansas City but I don't know if I can stay awake throughout the night. I know they are going to sit someone next to me and I hope its someone my age again but I doubt I'll get lucky twice. We'll see.
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igoldenlaser · 3 months
5 Axis CNC Stone Cutting Bridge Saw for Quartz, Granite, Marble
5-axis CNC stone cutting bridge saw is a specialized piece of equipment used for cutting and shaping stone materials, such as granite, marble, and other natural stones, with a high degree of precision and flexibility.These machines are a valuable asset for businesses involved in stone fabrication, design, and sculpting, as they offer precision, efficiency, and the ability to create intricate and customized stone products. When considering the purchase of such a machine, it’s crucial to thoroughly research options, assess your specific needs, and budget accordingly.
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5 axis CNC bridge saw is an automatic infrared stone cutter to make custom slabs and countertops for kitchen and bath including granites, modular granites, granite tiles, honed granites, engineered stones, laminates, soapstones, marbles, quartzites and other stones.For example, cutting and milling straight and inclined edges, chamfering, cutting arc edges, polygon, edge milling, edge tracking, and other powerful functions. The 5 axis bridge saw is widely used in the stone processing plants, kitchen countertop processing, background wall profiling, and other fields. It is the ideal machine for cutting stone slabs with different shapes and sizes.
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5 axis CNC bridge saw adopts a PC-based five-axis linkage numerical control system for stone machining. The tool is controlled by three linear axes and two rotary axes, and the two rotary axes rotate around the X axis and the Z axis respectively. The automatic function of cutting, engraving and milling with complex pentahedral features is mainly used for the processing of high-quality stone decoration with complex surfaces in multi-dimensional space. The stone industry has undergone many product technological changes. The technical characteristics and advantages of the processing equipment whose tool motion trajectory is controlled by 5-axis and 6-axis linkages are becoming more and more obvious. The CNC five-axis bridge stone cutting machine is a professional stone machining equipment with outstanding flexible manufacturing ability and high automation, which uses a diamond disc saw blade as the main cutting tool.
5 axis CNC stone cutting bridge saw adopts an automatic computer control system, which can realize manual programming or CNC programming and other programming methods to automatically complete cutting operations.
5 Axis CNC Stone Cutting Bridge Saw Features
1. It adopts 5 axis bridge cutting head, which is independently researched and developed and adopts the cast rotating bracket. This ensures good stability and flexibility during operation.
2. This bridge saw uses a high-precision RV reducer, ensuring better rotating precision of the cutting head.
3. It has built-in CAM software in the control system for the convenient of drawing designs and programming. Besides, it’s easy to learn the software to make designs.
4. The worktable can flip automatically up to 80 degrees, reducing human labor and facilitating the unloading process.
5. It is capable of cutting lengths of up to 2800mm, widths of 1200mm and thicknesses of 100mm.
6. The table automatically tilts up to 80 degrees. And the spindle is automatically rotated 90° or 360°by hydraulic pressure.
Main Configuration
NameManufacturer/BrandBodyHeavy duty bedGantrySteel structureTableAutomatic copy flip feedingGuide railTaiwan hiwin 35 guide railRackTaiwan YYC 2MScrewTaiwan TBI screw5010MotorVEICHISystemCutcamWater pumpStandardWater pipe12 meters long, 16mm in diameterStandard configuration functionLaser positioning, table flip, cutter, can cut square, round, horse belly side cutting, 45 degree cutting, Taichung basin cutting, Yin Angle drilling and milling, milling cutter openingOptional FunctionsSuction cup displacement, photo layout, inverter, transformer, clean installation and measurement software
5 Axis CNC Stone Cutting Bridge Saw Application
The 5 axis CNC bridge saw can cut any shape of stone lines, arc edges, duckbill edges, straight edges, beveled edges, non-slip grooves, dry hanging grooves, sink processing, and special-shaped edge forming.
1. Countertop cut: blank slab cutting, rear gear cutting, reverse buckle cutting, hanging material, L-shaped table to length, corner cutting reserved, 45-degree chamfered front mouth, pot hole, stove hole, Diagonal line cutting, cutting at any angle of the wall crenel.
2. Automatic cut: Realize the import of CAD drawings, cutting completely according to the drawing style, no need to enter complex data.
3. Bridge cut: It has all the functions of bridge cutting equipment on the market.
4. Roman column cut: Cut the square Roman column main board and both sides at one time, and simultaneously chamfer 45 degrees on both sides to complete the Roman column hole cutting.
5. Arc-shaped line cut: Install the line grinding head to complete the arc-shaped line shape, and cut into a rough arc-shaped line as a whole, which requires manual polishing.
6. Concave-convex cut: According to the arc, grind out the desired convex or concave plate. It is mainly used for grinding and making curved plates of special-shaped background walls or special-shaped decorative panels.
7. Abnormity cut: To solve the problem of uneven walls, cut out asymmetric quadrilaterals or isosceles trapezoids.
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What machining processes can this machine complete?
It can complete edge milling, curved edge cutting, countertop cutting and milling, inclined edge cutting, arc edge cutting and milling, wash basin cutting and other processes.
What software and control system does it use?
This 5 axis stone bridge saw is provided with a built-in CAM software with customized control system dedicated for stone CNC machine. The interface is human friendly, so it is easy to learn and operate.
Can the worktable rotate?
Yes, the worktable of this machine can flip up to 80 degrees to facilitate the unloading of stone slabs. It also improves work efficiency and saves human labor.
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Related Products
5 Axis CNC Stone Bridge Saw for Quartz, Granite, Marble(2023 Upgraded)
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5 Axis CNC Stone Cutting Bridge Saw for Quartz Granite Marble
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govindhtech · 9 months
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Specs: A Comprehensive Overview
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We monitor the latest sales, and if you’re looking for a great foldable phone at a great price, check out this Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 offer. The Flip 3’s upgraded camera and battery life make this stylish and fast smartphone perfect for daily use. Its foldable screen makes it compact.
With the release of the Flip 5 this year, the Flip 4’s price was always going to fall, but at $600, it’s comparable to less powerful phones. Let’s examine its features to see if it’s right for you.
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Specifications
6.7-inch Foldable AMOLED Display: AMOLED technology gives the Flip 4’s 6.7-inch display a clear, vibrant look and improved power efficiency over the Flip 3. You can multitask with different programs on each half of its foldable screen.
Display Screen Coverage: The Flip 4’s 1.9-inch cover display lets you check notifications, play media, and more without opening the phone, and it hides away when not in use.
Memory of 256 GB: Your Flip 4 has 256GB of storage for photos, music, and games, so you can snap without worrying about space.
The Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 processor: The Flip 4’s Snapdragon 8+ CPU chip handles daily tasks and lets it run two programs in dual screen mode.
Battery life for the entire day: The Flip 4’s upgraded battery lasts 11 and a half hours of constant use, so you don’t have to worry about it dying on you once you leave the house.
A pair of 12-megapixel cameras: Two 12-megapixel cameras with an improved image sensor, two 12 mega pixel cameras let you take stunning normal or ultra wide photos day and night.
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 is a great all-a rounder that can handle anything a typical user throws at it. Foldable screen is the party piece and makes the phone very compact when not in use. Smart battery, camera, and CPU upgrades from the Flip 3 give it plenty to offer. The latest generation will be released this year, lowering the Flip 4’s price. You might find a better deal in six months.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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benefits1986 · 9 months
YE 2023 Countdown: Story Lines > Story Lies
Show. Don't tell. That's how worthwhile stories ought to unfold.
Feelings Management 101 is now in my book. It's not easy but if I want to nail down my "14 going 40" life peg, I'd have to train my protein-deficient social and mental muscles in time for another social construct called NEW YEAR. Let's add subtopics in this rubric so that I don't fall into the trap of overthinking, for a change.
Today is a holiday, I think, but I'm on wellness leave; so, I just had a super "go with flow" day because I usually plan my leaves down to my shot list and numbers of rum/whisky shots taken, too. Since, this day is quite curious, let me try to show how it panned and dollied. CHOZ.
Story #1: Passenger Seat Princess Dashboard Confessions I shared that my 4th anak-anakan was the one who convinced me to go to ina and ama's humble home for Christmas. She asked me to be her passenger princess since she is a student driver. She invited me for brunch in Muni Coffee because she knew I'm getting back to IF after feasting on a whole lot of decent holiday food that doesn't involved spaghetti, macaroni salad, fried white tilapia or ina's famous menudo ng angkan.
I slept for 7 solid hours which is a pleasant surprise as I'm trying my best to refocus my lens that has been wonky for a few months, already. Honestly, I need this break to prevent the 12 out 12 signs of burnout. I asked her if she wanted to review so I could squeeze in even 4 solid hours of work, but, she choked me. LOL. She told me that she'd also run errands and that she'd need me to be with her.
Of course, I said yes, because why not? As we were passing through the balmy roads of ina's sleepy town, we had a real talk without the filters. I asked her how she is, really and this time around, I actually answered her: Ate, "kamusta ka ba talaga" question which I usually evade and divert. She was taken aback when I told her that her luwas to Manila is actually a trigger turned glimmer. I thanked her because that timeframe reminded me that my life is not as crappy as I thought it was. I also told her that her 100% trust with my meager existence is something that keeps me more alive. Of course, we had a good dash of bashing, but I told her that I'm learning a lot from her Gen Z brainwaves. LOL.
Even when she knows that she's the tamer version of wild child, scattered brain, brain fog me, she's allowing herself to embrace emotional maturity way better than me at 23. LOL. Ang lala ko kasi talaga nung 23 ako. HAHAHAHAHA. She also asked me super specific questions that I'm not gonna TMI because, kahihiyan levels 100000.
Honestly, she is my kind of "uncut" journal, too. Medyo lume-level na siya kina soul sis and Ju sa mga puwede akong ma-blackmail levels na 'to. LOLOLOLOL. But, I'm not threatened because she is my safe space when it comes to certain topics that are super ugh.
Syempre, dinaldal na naman ng tatay kong magaling ang Japan trip ko and seryosong if I have the funds and she has the time, I'd take her to Japan with me. HAHAHAHA. E busy na siya sa Q1 since she's off to med school preps. Ako naman, super specific lang din ng budget because medyo mapapalaban tayo ng malala sa JaFunds pero ready naman tayo kahit munti. LOL. Hotel bookings from travel buddy paganaps are super sulit because maganda location. HAHAHAHAHA.
I know, one day, we'd spend 2 weeks in Japan and by then, she's closer to giving me a legit med cert for whatever it is that I'd like to officiate. LOL. Kidding aside, seeing my 4th anak-anakan in her element even if she's stabilizing her body chem, the pressure of being the first doctor sa angkan, her ate-daughter duties and all the things in between, I know she's gonna make way better choices than I did ages ago. I'm kinda living vicariously through her, too.
#2 Kids Say, Do, Feel, Think The Darnest & Darkest Things Since my three Gen Alpha cousins think that I'm 27 years old, I almost flipped. LOL. Ganun ba talaga ako ka-immature? Hahahahaha. They feel like they can just invade my space and don't feel sorry for them or for me. LOL. I find it funny that even when I'm RBF, they seem to come too close whenever there's a window of opportunity.
Mga 3 hours max lang talaga kaya ng pake ko, but, this holiday kagulo with them hits differently. First, I gifted Vi her second violin. It's a hand-me-down from a super good friend who migrated to get married and have a kid. This violin is a reminder of my first ever encounter with an actual hold up. LOL. I did a few lessons, but, I didn't push through as I remember the scenes with every fiddle. The mom of Vi almost flipped because the price tag is kinda steep. I told her that "pahiram" lang naman 'yun. HAHAHAHAHA. Violin-teacher approved because the former owner, my super good friend actually played it for a short while.
Second, Vi is so weird because she kept smelling my pits as she's trying to sleep. Sabi ko tigil niya kasi 'di pa ako naliligo. Sabi niya: Why do you smell so good? Sabi ko naman: UHM. NO. Weirdo kasi si Vi. As in. Artsy e. But, you know why I don't want her actions and her comments? I smell mother dragon's pits when I want to lambing and go to sleep even when I was a full adult na working na. LOL. Ang weird pala nun noh? A while ago, I didn't get triggered which is so refreshing. Small win ko 'yan. Allow the emotions to flow instead of constricting them and CTRL + ALT + DEL them.
Third, my Virgo baby girl (VBG) who's dalaginding middle child is a tough cookie. Medyo kakaiba 'to kasi she and my brother share the same birthday. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Dad teases me na kamukha ko 'to nung bata ako pero payat siya. :p VBG is super moody to the point that it gets off the roof. Very Virgo, very like my brother especially during his early days. You know what calms VBG? Hugs and words of affirmation --two things I abhor. :D But, I've learned that kids who have fucked up mood swings usually feel overstimulated and/or overwhelmed. Hugging her and affirming her even when I feel like a total idiot reminds me of my childhood in a way. As a millennial Tita, I think and see the difference of this approach. It's not easy, might be counter-intuitive to a lot of people, pero wapakels naman ako since wala namang masamang sumubok. She threw a good round of tantrums because she was teased yet again by my brother and her mom.
I gave her space and tried hugging her. I told her that I'm just by her side and that she's a sweet, gentle, smart baby girl. Aba, nakalma. HAHAHAHAHA. 'Yung pagiging middle child niya kasi is medyo sagad. 11 months apart lang sila nung bunso. Ayun, tantrum volcano eruption averted and nahatid namin pauwi ng maayos sa bahay nila since maaga pa silang lalarga bukas.
Third, my binatilyong cousin (Le) who's the only thorn among the roses, is shaping up. He's no longer the bully brother kahit paano. He was actually the one who started my age reveal and he failed miserably. Akala raw niya talaga 27 lang ako with matching wide eyes and mouth opened wide. Le is a thinker and a competitive doer. Siguro kasi siya lang lalaki and he seems to have this thirst to be the kuya when he's but the second child with an ate (my 4th anak-anakan) who's super straightup na strict na RBF. He seems to have a girlfriend na and I'm really glad to see him in a more confident and caring chapter. HUHUHUHUHU. Syempre, mga jokes nilang magkakapatid medyo graphic na graphic. Matic lang sa kanila na DIE as a joke. Sabi ko tigil nila 'yun kasi it's a bad joke. They learn it from YouTube raw and it's a joke, a common one. Sabi ko naman, tigilan nila kakanood ng kunwaring kid-friendly channels.
Kids. I think is not my cup of tea nor my goblet of sangria, but as I told my 4th anak-anakan, if magkaroon ako, TL 'yun. GG pa. TL = true love. GG = God's Gift. JUSQ. I have yet to get my check up again kasi mas madali pa rin for me to go to the menopausal route para tapos na talaga 'tong topic na 'to. :P Mas madaling magiging negotiations and zero chances na ng inception.
#3 The Box of Chocolate and Crate of Lemons Called Life
My tito (Eu) chose to stay in ina's home instead of having a trip with his whole family. His reason: Fighting the gravity pull of his advanced CA. Tito Eu has been battling this bitch for 3 years in no less than Singapore's National Cancer Center. It is a bloody fight and I've been trying to reach out to him more often even when this reminds me of Tito Taurus quite a lot. The thing is that, Tito Eu is dad's "best rival" ever since they were hunting down firewood and getting coconuts at a young age together. By best rival, I mean, 'yung magkapatid na onti lang years agwat and basically outsmarted each outher nung bata. Dad naman is not competitive unless triggered, so, I try my best to help him look after Tito Eu. Dad said that he's not ready to lose another family member to CA.
Tito Eu is a strong force to reckon with. LOL. But, what I like about him is that he wants a healthy debate and is open to a super unfiltered talk. The past months, he's more vocal about how he really feels and this is something that I hope to happen more and more. Since he flies non-stop to get treated and tested, our time to catch up is not that much. I guess that this is another way for me and dad to face death as friend rather than a foe through Tito Eu.
He knows that he's but a ticking time bomb and that his expiration date is just around the corner. Since he's an adrenaline junkie, dad and I egg him to do shit that would make him more alive which are: skydiving, bungee jumping, getting a pimped 4WD pick up and the like.
It's heartbreaking to hear him share that he's feeling the pull of his battle as he's been losing weight because of poor appetite. From 102 kgs, he's now at 100 kg, real quick. I'd try to squeeze in a roadtrip with him if he's up for it in the coming days. When you see him, he doesn't look sick at all, maangas pa rin 'to e. My only hope is that he'd be able to make peace with the things that he's worried about; so he can focus on his graceful finish. Easier said than done, but I know and feel that this sad story is a story of hope and total surrender. While at it, I'd like dad and I to have more open conversations about this topic, too.
#4 Mothers Know Best/Mothers Know Nothing Moms, moms, moms. The world is made and destroyed by moms. LOL. Having a mom is tough. Losing a mom is way tougher; even when it can be "good riddance" at the core.
Moms are usually given a report card that they didn't sign up for, but did anyway. Seeing my titas and cousins who are living the mom life up close and from afar is weird. It's kind of expected from moms to know so many things and know best even when they are clueless about answers and questions, too.
Moms also know nothing because there's no graduate program or even a handbook for this super specific role. However, moms signed up for this and they try their best to embrace all the facets and fuck ups that go with motherhood in the hood.
Losing mother dragon and ina is a game changer. Even when the celebration in ina's house is above average, the menudo and white tilapia of ina are irreplaceable. I've been gently asking my angkan one on one about how they're coping and damnnnnndamin all over and over and over again.
I guess, this is me trying my most challenging empath/wounded healer era to date. While at it, I am also able to come closer to how I didn't grieve mom's loss since 2012. It's always on WIP but now, steroids doesn't trigger me as much. Palliative healthcare topics don't burn me inside out. More importantly, I'm slowly growing into a headspace that's brewed the right way.
I want to go on and on and on and on, but I'm choosing to end this here and now, for now. Catch you later?
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regulartechie · 1 year
Went into Best Buy to get a look at all the new phones that have come out so far. Here are my takeaways.
The iPhone 15 Pro Series: is as clean as always. Seems more like the "S" upgrades of past phones but they have made the dynamic island very functional and cool. Cameras don't seem much better than the 14 Pro Series and titanium is a gimmick.
iPhone 15 Series: Only complaint. Please have at least a 90Hz refresh rate going forward on the cheaper phones. Other than that, usual solid upgrade for anyone whose phone is 4 years or older.
Z fold 5: Was really excited for this phone but the only thing that changed was the hinge. Although it's a good change it's not worth an upgrade on a first generation hinge. Excellent if you have a zfold 2 or a different slab phone and can get a good trade in for it.
Z flip 5: That outer screen makes all the difference. If you're a minimalist with small pockets. This is the phone for you. Can even probably replace a smart watch. Everything else is the same as before, so a better upgrade than the fold but still iterative.
RazrPlus: Motorola has a hard time competing in the Android space but the functionality of the front screen of this phone is the best on any foldable. Aspect ratio is perfect and the back of the phone feels amazing.
Pixel 8 Series: Blown away by the cameras, I'm still partial to the customization of OneUI but Android 14 is a very usable upgrade and I think bored iPhone users should look into these phones. Other than that the AI and Assistant is top notch. I'm always leery about long term performance. Hopefully the 7 years of updates will help.
Pixel Fold: First generation product that needs some refined aspects to the software, specifically multitasking. The hardware is extremely high quality and the front screen is better for anyone who doesn't want the tall aspect ratio of the ZFold. Cameras are good but not as good as the flagship slab Pixels.
Sony Xperia Series: it's like the z fold front screen and the pixel had a baby. This is the true phone for audiophiles and the 4K screen is *chef's kiss*. The price and lack of support in the US could be a deal breaker but these phones are notoriously sturdy and have been since the TMobile contract days.
Galaxy A Series: the bang for buck on these is stellar. If you just need something to do basic functions these are cheap phones that get the job done with amazing screen tech. If you wanna up the camera game a bit go with the A54 or higher.
Pixel 7a: by far the best for camera tech and for stock Android. The phone is fast and basic. Still not as customizable as a Samsung but definitely worth a look.
DM me if you'd like a recommendation for a new phone :)
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randomnessness · 1 year
Pokemon Go Randomness
RNG stands for Random Number Generator, it does as its name suggests generate random numbers. Then these random numbers are used to define various aspects of the game. In other words, it defines luck.
Pokemon Go
For Example, Pokemon Go uses randomness for most of the main aspects of it such as the CP (Combat Power) is random which is the power that means a high CP Pokemon will perform better than a one with lower CP and the higher CP will yield a higher HP (Hit Points).
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Another randomness aspect in Pokemon Go is the randomness of a chance to get a shiny Pokemon the chances to get a shiny Pokemon is 1/500 but in some cases the rates can be better with special event putting down the rates to 1/125.
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Another way theirs randomness is in Pokemon Go is the appraisal stats aspects where it randomly choose how good/bad the stats can be for HP, Defense and Attack they can be either from 0-15 for each stat the base floor of theses stats can vary from different game mechanics such as base wild Pokemon have the chances to be any from 0-15 trading with a good friend has it to be 1-15 great friends makes it 2-15 ultra friend makes it 3-15 and best friend makes it 4-15 also when you hatch a egg the chances are 10-15 and when you catch a rain Pokemon that's also the same chances for good stats.
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For context each bar on Attack, Defense and HP represents 5 points.
Rocket League
Another example of randomness is in Rocket League such as the box that you open to get chance to get any certain selection of items the higher the rarity the item is you want the hard the chance it is to get it the rarity go from uncommon, rare, very rare, import, exotic and black market.
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Another way theirs a random aspect in Rocket League is the Rumble game mode in that game modes theirs a few power ups you get after 10 seconds and its random of what that will be.
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Genshin Impact
Another example of randomness is in Genshin Impact such as in the gacha system when wishing for your desired character.
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For example, on the standard wish, there are 36 total items in the 4★ rarity pool, and because, just by chance, it is equiprobable to obtain any given item from the 4★ pool, we can calculate the rate of obtaining any given specific 4★ item whenever a 4★ item appears (the rate within the same rarity) using the following formula:
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Unreal Engine
Random Integer but only set amount of odds this randomness is constrained with the number that we give it which in this example is 1-6. For context we add 1 because Unreal Engine starts to count at 0 so we add 1 to make it like a dice.
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Array is where you give it options to chose from and it will choose it at random in the photo below its mimicking a coin toss.
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Coin Flip this is the code to implement a coin toss element in a game. the minimum is 0 because Unreal Engine starts to count at 0 and above 0 is set as Heads then 1 as max to be Tails.
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Random Rotation: by splinting up the x, y and z rotation and putting in random rotation will have the random shape but in a uniquely rotated shape
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Shape Changing
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shyamjai · 1 year
iPhone Flip Specifications Coming Soon:- Leaked Price, Specifications
To win the gadget war, Apple planning to launch it’s first foldable smartphone, iPhone Flip by Q1 2024 with a huge 9-inch Foldable display with self-healing technology reported to cost you Rs 1.50 Lakh($1,999 Est.) in India. It will counter Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, OnePlus Open, Google Pixel Fold, LG Fold and Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. If rumors and leaks come true, the upcoming Apple iPhone Flip comes…
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[ad_1] Extra information about the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 had been leaked forward in their anticipated release on August 11 – and so they might be the finest Samsung wireless earbuds but.In step with a tweet from leaker SnoopyTech, the true wireless earbuds will include energetic noise cancellation, a 28-hour blended battery lifestyles, and an IPX7 water resistance ranking, which means that you want to feasibly submerge them in a single meter of water for as much as thirty mins with out breaking them. Galaxy Buds2 Specifications:Bluetooth 5.2Battery: 61mAh according to Bud and 472 mAh Case.Shiny finishAmbient Sound/ANC3 Mics18h with ANC (5 + 13 within the Case)28h with out ANC (8+ 20 within the Case)55 min Battery with 5min ChargingQi ChargingTwo audio system 11 mm Woofer + 6.5 mm TweeterIPX7 percent.twitter.com/tBbR2IoGhgAugust 3, 2021See extraThe tweet additionally claims that the the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 will fortify Bluetooth 5.2, wi-fi charging, and can include a shiny end. Now we have in the past heard that the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 will are available 4 other colours: black, white, inexperienced, and red. Those colour choices fit the rumored variants for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3, which might be mentioned to be coming in black and inexperienced, and inexperienced and lightweight violet, respectively.In step with SnoopyTech, every earbud will include two audio system: one 11m woofer and one 6.5mm tweeter. That is the similar as Samsung's earlier fashion, the Galaxy Buds Professional. The Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro are the best-sounding Samsung buds but, however they do go away a little bit to be desired. Whilst their general presentation is well-balanced, and so they do make for a nice listening enjoy, they lack the element and presence of audiophile-approved earbuds just like the Cambridge Audio Melomania 1 Plus or the Sony WF-1000XM4. We are hoping that, regardless of the drivers being the similar dimension, Samsung has tuned them another way in order that the Galaxy Buds 2 supply extra readability and a much broader soundstage.If Samsung desires to up its sport, the Galaxy Buds 2 must supply extra readability within the mid and excessive frequencies, in addition to a much broader, extra immersive soundstage.As with every leak, you need to take those main points with a pinch of salt – but when Samsung can ship high-end specifications like waterproofing, ANC, and a tight battery lifestyles for a excellent worth, the corporate might be onto a winner. We may not have too lengthy to determine, anyway – we are anticipating to look the brand new buds at Samsung Galaxy Unpacked on August 11.Research: an excessive amount of too quickly?The Samsung Galaxy Buds Professional (pictured) had been best introduced in January 2021. (Symbol credit score: Samsung)Samsung won't had been in the actual wi-fi earbuds sport for terribly lengthy, however it is received a name for freeing new fashions in very fast succession.The Samsung Galaxy Buds Professional best introduced in January this yr, and because 2019, the corporate has launched a minimum of 4 fashions within the Galaxy line. Through comparability, Apple has best launched 3 AirPods fashions since 2016 (no longer together with the over-ear AirPods Max). Samsung's technique dangers making its wi-fi earbuds appear expendable – why would you spend a variety of cash on a couple of the corporate's earbuds whilst you know a brand new fashion is most likely at the method in six month's time?Samsung could also be taking extra time to actually hone its audio era – which nonetheless leaves one thing to be desired – somewhat than pushing out new fashions as temporarily as conceivable. [ad_2] #Samsung #Galaxy #Buds #specifications #leak #forward #Unpacked #match #theyre #promising,[email protected] , 2021-08-04 09:16:42 ,
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news4nose · 1 year
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 Phone, the Latest Model Steals the Show
Samsung introduced Galaxy Z Flip 5 the Latest Model, a made in India Phone at the Galaxy Unpacked 2023 event on July 26.
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This new foldable Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 smartphone, an upgraded version of last year’s Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4, comes with some cool improvements. What are those?
Once you go through the specific features in detail, you won't deny that it is a compelling choice for users who seek a powerful, elegant, and reliable smartphone.
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raisab332012 · 1 year
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