#Yves Afonso
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sacredwhores · 2 months ago
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Jacques Rozier - Maine-Ocean Express (1986)
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year ago
2023 in 12 movies (1 per months)
The Horse Whisperer (1998) directed by Robert Redford with Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Neil, Chris Cooper and Cherry Jones
[First Time]
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L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) directed by Bertrand Tavernier with Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau and Jacques Hilling
[First Time]
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The Fabelmans (2022) directed by Steven Spielberg with Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Keeley Karsten, Julia Butters and Judd Hirsch
[First Time]
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The Third Man (1949) directed by Carol Reed with Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard and Bernard Lee
[First Time]
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The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) directed by Ranald MacDougall with Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer
[First Time]
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La ciociara (1960) directed by Vittorio De Sica with Sophia Loren, Eleonora Brown, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Carlo Ninchi, Andrea Checchi and Pupella Maggio
[First Time]
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Oppenheimer (2023) directed by Christopher Nolan with Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett and Casey Affleck
[First Time]
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Heat (1995) directed by Michael Mann with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Dennis Haysbert, Donald Breedan and Ashley Judd
[First Time]
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Catch Me If You Can (2002) directed by Steven Spielberg with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Nathalie Baye, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, James Brolin and Brian Howe
[First Time]
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Le Grand Bain (2018) directed by Gilles Lellouche with Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
[First Time]
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Fools Rush In (1997) directed by Andy Tennant with Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez, Tomás Milián, Siobhan Fallon et John Bennett Perry
[First Time]
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The Great Race (1965) directed by Blake Edwards with Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn et Ross Martin
[First Time]
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Honourable Mentions :
Airplane! (1980)
Duel (1972)
Les Sentiments (2003)
The Carpetbaggers (1964)
Scoop (2006)
Mon crime (2023)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
臥虎藏龍 (2000)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Le Dernier Voyage (2020)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
L'ingorgo (1979)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Adieu Gary (2008)
Conflict (1945)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
La Nuit américaine (1973)
Sorcerer (1977)
La Guerre des polices (1979)
Life of Pi (2012)
The Big Short (2015)
Le Hussard sur le toit (1995)
Excalibur (1981)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
Le Procès Goldman (2023)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)
Chaplin (1992)
La Vie de château (1966)
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Au-delà des grilles (1949)
Second Tour (2023)
Le Couteau dans la plaie (1962)
The Eiger Sanction (1975)
JFK (1991)
Le Fugitif (1993)
Chef (2014)
Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Appointment with Death (1988)
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
River of No Return (1954)
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Die Glasbläserin (2016)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
Les Mystères de Paris (1962)
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kino51 · 4 years ago
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Double messieurs  1986
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jeanne-art · 5 years ago
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Anna Karina et Yves Afonso dans "Made in USA" de Jean-Luc Godard,  1966
(Anouchka Films / Collection ChristopheL)
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merzbow-derek · 7 years ago
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CE SOIR, CINÉ-CLUB (82) : “Ici et ailleurs” & “Vladimir et Rosa”.
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petersonreviews · 8 years ago
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From Made in USA (1966), dir. by Jean-Luc Godard
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claudiosuenaga · 3 years ago
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Tatunca Nara e a Crônica de Akakor 
Parte 9 - Tatunca Nara, um assassino serial chamado Hans Günther Hauck
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
O encanto do “conto de fadas” de Akakor começou a quebrar no final dos anos 80, quando o Federal Criminal Investigation Office (Escritório de Investigação Criminal Federal) alemão informou que Tatunca Nara era na verdade Hans Günther Hauck, um cidadão alemão nascido em 5 de outubro de 1941 em Coburg que havia fugido do país em 1967 para escapar ao pagamento da pensão alimentícia à ex-esposa e aos três filhos residentes em Nuremberg.
Christa, de quem Tatunca, ou melhor, Hans, havia se divorciado em 1966, foi trazida ao Brasil em 1989 pela revista alemã Der Spiegel e o reconheceu, mas Tatunca negou ser Hans.
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Registros de Hans Günther Hauck na Alemanha e no Brasil. Reprodução dos vídeos de Wolfgang Brog e do Fantástico, da Rede Globo.
Em 7 de outubro de 1990, o programa Fantástico, da Rede Globo, em reportagem de Afonso Mônaco e Pedro Bial, denunciava Tatunca Nara como sendo o alemão Hans Günther Hauck, estabelecido na cidade amazonense de Barcelos desde o final da década de 60 como guia turístico e apontado pela Polícia como suspeito dos assassinatos do norte-americano John Charter Reed (1980), do suíço Herbert Wanner (1983) e da sueca Christine Heuser (1987). Os três saíram em expedição com Tatunca e nunca mais retornaram. Em 1984, um grupo de turistas suíços encontrou um crânio humano que análises forenses identificaram como sendo de Wanner.
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John Charter Reed (1980), Herbert Wanner (1983) e Christine Heuser (1987): desaparecidos em expedições comandadas por Tatunca Nara, apontado como suspeito de tê-los assassinado.
Em 1991, o ativista pelos direitos humanos e aventureiro alemão Rüdiger Nehberg (“Sir Vival”, 1935-2020), desmontava completamente a fraude de Tatunca em seu livro Der Selbstgemachte Häuptling (The Self-made Chieftain),[1] não deixando dúvidas de que ele era de fato o alemão Hans Günther Hauck que em 1967 havia abandonado a sua família em Nuremberg para instalar-se na selva Amazônia, o que explicava o seu alemão perfeito e o português arrastado com forte sotaque alemão.
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Rüdiger Nehberg com sua filha Kirsten.
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A ficha criminal de Hans Günther Hauck em Nuremberg revela que ele já usava a alcunha de “Tatunge Nare” em sua terra natal antes de fugir para a Amazônia brasileira, onde após realizar resgates heróicos de militares na selva, caiu nas graças do Exército e foi recrutado como informante pelos órgãos de repressão.
Um relatório da Procuradoria Geral do Estado do Amazonas apontou a ligação de Tatunca Nara com agências de Inteligência do Regime Militar.
Anita Beatriz Katz Nara, sua esposa brasileira que ocupava o posto de secretária de Turismo da Prefeitura de Barcelos e depois se tornou secretária de Assistência Social e Cidadania, confidenciou ao oceanógrafo, explorador e documentarista francês Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997) que Tatunca havia inventado a história de Akakor para motivar inocentes turistas a financiar suas buscas por pedras preciosas na Serra do Aracá,[2] onde dizia ter encontrado restos de uma antiga muralha.
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Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Em 1999, os alemães Hans Barth, Hans Kemmling, Hernrick Trautschold, Hans Augustin, Wolfgang Schmidt, Horst Paul Linke e o guia Tatunca Nara foram flagrados pela Polícia Federal às margens do rio Negro, próximo a vila de Paricatuba, transportando 350 peixes ornamentais e plantas, pelo que foram indiciados por crime de biopirataria e citados no relatório de 2003 da CPITRAFI, a Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito que investigava o tráfico ilegal de animais e plantas silvestres da fauna e flora brasileiras.
Teria Tatunca Nara engendrado uma da mais fantásticas fábulas de todos os tempos, um épico enormemente enredado, apenas para escapar de pagar a pensão alimentícia à sua ex-esposa? Se sim, devemos reconhecer o quão estimulante e inspirador pode ser uma situação dessas...
Ironicamente, Tatunca havia dito a Brugger que o seu povo “não acredita no divórcio. Se o homem e a mulher insistem, podem voltar a viver separadamente, mas sob a pena de serem exilados se tornarem a casar. Para quem conhece só um homem ou uma mulher a vida pode ser verdadeiramente feliz.” O controle populacional e os métodos anticoncepcionais já eram uma prática entre seu povo: “De acordo com as leis de Lhasa, cada família só pode ter dois filhos. Depois, o grande-sacerdote dá à mulher um remédio que a torna estéril. Deste modo, o Exaltado Filho dos Deuses, na sua sabedoria, evitou a miséria e a fome.”
Incidentalmente, A Crônica de Akakor não é mais do que um remake do mito da Atlântida e de Eldorado, com enxertos de lendas locais (as Amazonas), ficção científica (Duna), deuses astronautas (Däniken), teorias catastrofistas (Velikovsky) e distopias históricas (soldados nazistas), todas costuradas para “unificar” o “verdadeiro e elevado conhecimento dos Deuses que moldou a vida de todos os povos da Terra” do qual podemos apenas “reaprender e redescobrir”.
Tatunca desembaraçou-se de certos entraves e ousou ir muito além de outros autores do gênero, no que foi precursor ao falar de um sistema subterrâneo de túneis cortando a América do Sul e em “prever” o fim do mundo para o final de 2011 (recalculado depois para 2012) ao citar o Chilam Balam (chilam refere-se a um sacerdote que fornecia oráculos), os livros dos sacerdotes maias, segundo o qual a história teria começado em 3113 a.C., o ano zero de seu calendário, e terminaria em 24 de dezembro de 2011 d.C. (recalculado para 12 ou 21 de dezembro de 2012).
Elementos da Crônica de Akakor foram usados, sem os devidos créditos, por Steven Spielberg para permear o seu esdrúxulo Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal), que se referiu a Akakor como “Akator”, apenas trocando o k pelo t. Transcorridos mais da metade do filme, a corrida pelos segredos dos deuses astronautas atinge a apoteose nas pirâmides da cidade perdida de “Akator”, recriadas digitalmente em pleno coração do Amazonas.
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Na sequência final, Spielberg faz decolar das pirâmides um gigantesco disco voador que parte não para o espaço, mas para uma dimensão paralela.
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O bilionário filme de 2008 teve um orçamento de US$ 185 milhões e rendeu quase US$ 800 milhões apenas nas bilheterias. Se Tatunca Nara enganou o mundo com suas fantasias, pelas quais pagou um alto preço, Spielberg foi quem mais lucrou com elas ao reciclá-las sem ter de pagar nada a Tatunca ou a família de Karl Brugger. Quem enganou quem?
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Rumores acerca da morte de Tatunca circularam diversas vezes, mas sabe-se que ele ainda está vivo e reside em um modesto barraco em seu sítio a algumas dezenas de quilômetros de Barcelos, ao longo do rio Negro, onde cultiva diversas plantas frutíferas que comercializa com os comerciantes locais. Sabe-se também que ele tem um “filho adotivo”, um soldado de nome Francisco Alves.
Em 2003, para escapar das penas da Justiça, Tatunca declarou-se “mentalmente instável”, embora continue a oferecer seus serviços como um guia de turismo, devidamente autorizado pelo Ibama (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis), para todas as partes dispostas, geralmente turistas ou exploradores mal informados e/ou mal intencionados querendo chegar à região montanhosa do rio Padauari, na fronteira com a Venezuela, onde estaria Akakor.
O mito de Eldorado nunca morre, mas todo aquele que o busca, sim, ainda mais se estiver acompanhado de Tatunca Nara.
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Tatunca Nara em foto de Karl Brugger.
[1] Nehberg, Rüdiger. Der Selbstgemachte Häuptling, Hamburg, Kabel, 1991.
[2] A Serra do Aracá ocupa uma área de 18.187 km², ou 15% dos 122.475,728 km² de área do município de Barcelos, sendo este é o segundo maior município do Brasil, menor em área apenas do que Altamira, com 159.695,938 km².
Leia todas as partes desta saga:
Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 | Parte 4 | Parte 5 | Parte 6 | Parte 7 | Parte 8 | Parte 9
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Made in U.S.A. (Jean-Luc Godard, 1966)
Cast: Anna Karina, László Szabó, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marianne Faithfull, Yves Afonso. Screenplay: Jean-Luc Godard, based on a novel by Donald Westlake. Cinematography: Raoul Coutard. Film editing: Françoise Collin, Agnès Guillemot. 
Jean-Luc Godard's Made in U.S.A. wasn't released in the titular country until 2009 because Godard failed to secure the rights to the Donald E. Westlake novel on which it was based, although it's unlikely that even Westlake would recognize the film's relationship to the novel he published under the pseudonym Richard Stark. It's an allusive (and some would say elusive) ramble through all manner of detective fiction and film noir, often wearing its sources on its sleeve, with references to fictional characters, movie actors (e.g., Richard Widmark, whose name László Szabó bears in the film), filmmakers (e.g. Otto Preminger), and screenwriters (e.g. Ben Hecht). But it's also, as the character played by Jean-Pierre Léaud and bearing the name of the director Don Siegel says, “a political movie. Just like a Disney movie, only with blood.” Anna Karina's detective Paula Nelson is searching for the killer of one Richard Politzer, except that we never hear the last name in the film: It's always blocked out by some off-screen sound like a car horn. The reason seems to be that Godard is alluding to the Marxist philosopher Georges Politzer, a figure of some controversy in the  hyperpolitical France of the 1960s. Most of the movie's literary, cinematic, political, and historical allusions can be ignored, if you just want to let the bright colors of Raoul Coutard's cinematography dazzle you and the foolery of the film’s parody and nonsense scenes wash over you. (If you want more, there's a very good short film about the allusions included with the Criterion Collection edition of the movie, which is also currently available on the Criterion Channel.) 
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movienized-de-blog · 7 years ago
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Cruel (2017) - mehr auf: http://movienized.de/cruel-2017/
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alexlacquemanne · 2 years ago
Danger : Diabolik ! (Diabolik) (1968) de Mario Bava avec John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli, Claudio Gora, Terry-Thomas et Adolfo Celi
L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) de Bertrand Tavernier avec Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau et Jacques Hilling
Les Grandes Familles (1958) de Denys de La Patellière avec Jean Gabin, Jean Desailly, Pierre Brasseur, Bernard Blier, Françoise Christophe, Annie Ducaux et Louis Seigner
Les Ambitieux (The Carpetbaggers) (1964) de Edward Dmytryk avec George Peppard, Carroll Baker, Alan Ladd, Bob Cummings, Martha Hyer et Elizabeth Ashley
Bathing Beauty (1944) de George Sidney avec Red Skelton, Esther Williams, Basil Rathbone, Bill Goodwin, Jean Porter, Nana Bryant, Carlos Ramírez et Ethel Smith
Que les gros salaires lèvent le doigt ! (1982) de Denys Granier-Deferre avec Jean Poiret, Michel Piccoli, Daniel Auteuil, François Perrot, Tchéky Karyo, Nadia Barentin, François Lalande, Florence Pernel, Jeanne Lallemand et Marie Laforet
Pain, Amour et Fantaisie (Pane, amore e fantasia) (1953) de Luigi Comencini avec Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Marisa Merlini, Virgilio Riento, Tina Pica et Maria-Pia Casilio
Les Ripoux (1984) de Claude Zidi avec Philippe Noiret, Thierry Lhermitte, Régine, Grace de Capitani, Julien Guiomar, Albert Simono et Claude Brosset
Scoop (2006) de Woody Allen avec Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Woody Allen, Ian McShane, Romola Garai et Julian Glover
Sous le signe de Monte-Cristo (1968) d'André Hunebelle avec Paul Barge, Claude Jade, Anny Duperey, Pierre Brasseur, Michel Auclair, Raymond Pellegrin et Paul Le Person
Une femme sous influence (A Woman Under the Influence) (1974) de John Cassavetes avec Gena Rowlands, Peter falk, Fred Draper, Lady Rowlands, Katherine Cassavetes, Matthew Laborteaux et Matthew Cassel
L'Enquête corse (2004) d'Alain Berberian avec Christian Clavier, Jean Reno, Caterina Murino, Didier Flamand, Juliette Poissonnier, Pierre Salasca, Éric Fraticelli et Alain Maratrat
Didier (1997) d'Alain Chabat avec Jean-Pierre Bacri, Alain Chabat, Isabelle Gélinas, Lionel Abelanski, Michel Bompoil, Jean-Marie Frin, Zinedine Soualem et Elliot
Les Aventuriers de l'arche perdue (Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981) de Steven Spielberg avec Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott, Alfred Molina et Wolf Kahler
M. Hobbs prend des vacances (Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation) (1962) de Henry Koster avec James Stewart, Maureen O'Hara, Fabian, John Saxon, Marie Wilson et Reginald Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Carole Lombard, Robert Montgomery, Gene Raymond, Jack Carson, Philip Merivale et Lucile Watson
Ulysse (Ulisse) (1954) de Mario Camerinia avec Kirk Douglas, Silvana Mangano, Anthony Quinn, Rossana Podestà, Jacques Dumesnil, Sylvie et Daniel Ivernel
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 4, 5
Le Jardin de la mort - L'ange destructeur - Vendetta - Qui a tué Cock Robin ? - Sombre automne - Le Fruit du péché - Un village très coté - Le Ver dans le fruit - Les Sonneries de la mort - Meurtre dans un collège anglais
L'agence tous risques Saison 1, 2
Détournement - Le candidat - Un si jolie petite ville - Immigration clandestine - Poussière de diamants - Otages à l'orphelinat - Les mustangs : première partie - Les mustangs : deuxième partie - Histoire d'eau - Pression amicale - Le pain quotidien - La pêche miraculeuse - Agitateurs - Acier - La guerre des taxis - Le Scorpion du désert - Tirez sur le Cheik - Eclipse - Les marchands de poison - Dites-le avec du plomb - La vache maltaise - Pas si facile que ça
Affaires sensibles
10 mai 1981 : l’arrivée de la gauche au pouvoir - Ali contre Foreman : choc des titans à Kinshasa - Le 6 février 1973. L'incendie du collège Pailleron - Sharon Tate : l’Ange et le Démon - Voici l’histoire de Hurricane - Harlem, 21 février 1965 : Malcolm X est mort
Friends Saison 5, 6
Celui qui embrassait - Celui qui a des triplés - Celui qui accepte l'inacceptable - Celui qui rate son week-end - Celui qui a du mal à se taire - Celui qui emménage - Celui qui avait des souvenirs difficiles à avaler - Celui qui s'était fait piquer son sandwich - Celui qui avait une sœur un peu spéciale - Celui qui prenait de bonnes résolutions - Celui qui riait différemment - Celui qui avait un sac - Celui qui découvre tout - Celui qui prenait des coups - Celui qui enviait ses amis - Celui qui ne savait pas se repérer - Celui qui se sacrifiait - Celui qui ne savait pas flirter - Celui qui sauvait des vies - Celui qui jouait à la balle - Celui qui devait casser la baraque - Celui qui était à Las Vegas : 1re partie - Celui qui était à Las Vegas : 2e partie - Ceux qui revenaient de Las Vegas - Celui qui console Rachel - Celui qui était de mauvaise foi - Celui qui perdait sa belle assurance - Celui qui avait une belle bagnole - Ceux qui passaient leur dernière nuit
Coffre à Catch
#101 : Une belle petite pause dans un torrent de merde ! - #102 : Hornswoggle, Evan Bourne : le renouveau à la ECW ! - #103 : WWE Draft : la fin du Mercato d'été à la ECW ! - #104 : CM Punk et Mark Henry champions du monde !
Top Gear Saison 18, 17, 19
Spécial Journée Circuit - Made in China - Une course comme sur un green - La Vallée de la Mort - Une Lamborghini à la mer - Les pires voitures de l'histoire - Spécial Afrique : Première partie - Spécial Afrique : Deuxième partie - 1500 km à fond de 5ème
Un Chalet à Gstaad (2021) de Josiane Balasko avec Josiane Balasko, Armelle, Philippe Uchan, Stéphan Wojtowicz, Justine Le Pottier et George Aguilar
Friends, mes amours et cette chose terrible de Matthew Perry
Undertaker : Rise Of The Deadman de Rodrigo Lorenzo, Edu Menna, Serg Acuna et Chad Dundas
La renaissance des héros Marvel, Tome 7 : Phénix de Greg Pak, Greg Land et Kirkham
Catch : L'âge d'or, 1920-1975, l'épopée du catch français et les "Michel-Ange" du ring de Christian-Louis Eclimont
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years ago
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OPEN TODAY TIL 5 PM. NEW IN THE BOOKSHOP: MADE IN U.S.A. - UN FILM DE JEAN-LUC GODARD • First and only edition of the one-of-a-kind Japanese Jean-Luc Godard "MADE IN U.S.A." film book. This heavy photo-book is printed on thick board pages and made up of full-colour stills from Godard's 1966 classic "MADE IN U.S.A.", starring Anna Karina, Jean-Pierre Léaud, László Szabó, Yves Afonso, and Marianne Faithfull. Includes text/dialogue fragments throughout in French; profiles on the actors, Godard, cinematographer Raoul Coutard, producer Georges de Beauregard; lyrics to Marianne Faithfull's featured "As Tears Go By"; comic strip; and other texts in Japanese and French. • "With its giddily complex noir plot and color-drenched widescreen images, Made in U.S.A was a final burst of exuberance from Jean-Luc Godard’s early sixties barrage of delirious movie-movies. Yet this chaotic crime thriller and acidly funny critique of consumerism—starring Anna Karina as the most brightly dressed private investigator in film history, searching for a former lover who might have been assassinated—also points toward the more political cinema that would come to define Godard. Featuring characters with names such as Richard Nixon, Robert McNamara, David Goodis, and Doris Mizoguchi, and appearances by a slapstick Jean-Pierre Léaud and a sweetly singing Marianne Faithfull, this piece of pop art is like a Looney Tunes rendition of The Big Sleep gone New Wave." • A very special collectable Godard book, available via our website and in the bookshop. • #worldfoodbooks #jeanlucgodard #madeinusa #annakarina #jeanpierreleaud #lazloszabo #yvesalfonso #mariannefaithfull #raoulcoutard (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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cinemasentries · 8 years ago
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Jean-Luc Godard + Jean-Pierre Gorin: Five Films (1968-1971)
Out on:
Dual Format
18th Sept. 2017                                          
Fast sell:
A superlative box set, with five innovative film collaborations from the legendary French director Jean-Luc Godard and maverick film writer Jean-Pierre Gorin, shot in a revolutionary style in an attempt to disseminate explosive political ideas, and shake up cinema.
Key talent:
Director Jean-Luc Godard (Breathless, Weekend) Cast Anne Wiazemsky (Au Hasard Balthazar, Tout Va Bien) Gian Maria Volontè (A Fistful of Dollars, Le Cercle Rouge) Juliet Berto (Weekend, Mr Klein) Yves Afonso (The Clockmaker of St Paul, Made in USA)
Un film comme les autres [A Film Like Any Other] An analysis of the social upheaval of May 1968 made in the immediate wake of the workers’ and students’ protests. The picture consists of two parts, each with with identical image tracks, and differing narration. British Sounds, aka: See You at Mao An examination of the daily routine at a British auto factory assembly line, set against class-conflict and The Communist Manifesto. Vent d’est [Wind from the East] A loosely conceived leftist-western that moves through a series of practical and analytical passages (“an organization of shots,” Godard called it) into a finale based around the process of manufacturing homemade weapons. Lotte in Italia / Luttes en Italie [Struggles in Italy] Not necessarily a film about the struggles in Italy — largely shot, in fact, in Godard and Anne Wiazemsky’s home at the time — this is a discursive reflection on a young Italian woman’s shift from political “theory” to political “practice” and, at the same time, a self-questioning of its own practice and theories. Vladimir et Rosa [Vladimir and Rosa] A searing and satirical comic-reportage on the trial of the Chicago Eight, featuring Juliet Berto and Godard and Gorin themselves.
We like it because:
After finishing his controversial film Weekend in 1967, Jean-Luc Godard shifted gears to embark on engaging more directly with the radical political movements and social upheaval of the era, and thus create a new kind of film, or, as he eventually put it: “new ideas distributed in a new way.” This new method in part involved collaborating with the precocious young critic and journalist, Jean-Pierre Gorin. Both as a two-person unit, and as part of the loose collective known as the Groupe Dziga Vertov (named after the early 20th-century Russian filmmaker and theoretician), Godard and Gorin would realize “some political possibilities for the practice of cinema” and craft new frameworks for investigating the relationships between image and sound, spectator and subject, cinema and society. The Blu-ray debut of these essential and long-unavailable films is something to be celebrated by cineastes who can discover an influential and vital moment in the history of French cinema, one that provides a crucial glimpse of Godard’s radicalization, and of the aesthetic dialogue between him and Gorin that, in essence, served to invent a modern militant cinema. As Godard told an English journalist of the era, film is not a gun — but “a light which helps you check your gun.” Featuring the wonderful and beguiling Anne Wiazemsky (Au Hasard Balthazar) in multiple roles, as well as fascinating pan-European cast of actors in the various films, including Gorard regular Juliet Berto (Weekend), and Godard himself, this essential box-set comes loaded with extras, and a 100-page full-colour book, and is a must for film fans looking for something profound, exciting and vital in French film-making.
Editor's Notes:
Editor’s notes SPECIAL EDITION CONTENTS: High-definition digital transfer High-definition Blu-ray (1080p) and standard-definition DVD presentations Original uncompressed monaural audio Optional English subtitles A conversation with JLG - Interview with Jean-Luc Godard from 2010 by Dominique Maillet and Pierre-Henri Gibert 100-page full-colour book containing English translations for the first time of writing by, and interviews with, Godard and Gorin, and more PLUS MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED! DETAILS RRP: £59.99 Region: B/2 Rating: TBC Genre: Drama Duration: TBC mins Language: French, English, and Italian Subtitles: English Aspect Ratio: 1.37:1 Audio: Mono Colour Discs: 6 Director: Jean-Luc Godard Cast: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Juliet Berto, Anne Wiazemsky, Gian Maria Volontè, Juliet Berto, Yves Afonso Dual Format UK Cat No: FCD1511 UK Barcode: 5027035016801
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musiciswindofmysoul · 8 years ago
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agnes baltsa,
agnes obel,
agustín barrios-mangoré,
agustìn lara,
aklan akdağ,
alaturka records,
alice russell,
alper tuzcu,
amadeus [the electric string quartet],
amália rodrigues,
amy winehouse,
ana belén,
ana moura,
andreas baksa,
angela mc’cluskey, 
anna rf & imamyar hasanov,
anoushka shankar,
antonio martín y coll,
aphrodite’s child,
argentina santos,
arvo pärt,
aşa (asha),
aşık ömer erkan & cihadi özel,
astor piazzolla,
avam garde trio,
ayangil türk müziği orkestra ve korosu,
ayşedeniz gökçin,
ayşenur kolivar,
barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra,
bb king,
bengi bağlama üçlüsü,
besa kokëdhima,
beth hart,
billie holiday,
birds on a wire (rosemary standley & dom la nena),
bob dylan,
bonnie lee,
branford marsalis quartet,
brian hyland,
brooklyn funk essentials,
bulutsuzluk özlemi,
camille o’sullivan,
can kazaz,
carlos do carmo,
caro emerald,
cat stevens,
cem karaca,
cengiz özkan,
cevdet çağla,
charles aznavour,
cirque du soleil,
claude bolling, 
concha ‪buika,
cristina branco,
daniela andrade,
deep purple,
derya türkan,
dhafer youssef,
dire straits,
dolunay obruk,
dulce pontes,
eartha kitt,
edith piaf,
eileen khatchadourian,
eleni karaindrou (‪Ελένη Καραΐνδρου‬),
elis dubaz & çağatay azat,
ella fitzgerald,
emerson, lake & palmer,
ennio morricone,
enrico macias,
ensemble galatia,
eric clapton,
erkan oğur & ismail hakkı demircioğlu,
ertan tekin & murat aydemir & çağ erçağ,
etta james,
evanthia reboutsika (Ευανθία Ρεμπούτσικα),
eydie gormé,
əzizə mustafazadə,
fausto amodei,
ferahnaz gündoğdu,
ferman akgül & kara güneş,
fikret kızılok,
fleetwood mac,
françoise hardy,
frank slay [and his orchestra],
fuat saka & maria farantouri,
gabriella ferri,
garou & daniel lavoie & patrick fiori,
gary moore,
george dalaras,
gigliola cinquetti,
girls from mars,
gomidas vartabed,
hani niroo,
hank williams jr,
herbie hancock,
hespèrion xxi,
homayoun shajarian,
ifigeneia ioannou (Ιφιγένεια Ιωάννου) & triantafyllos chalkias (Τριαντάφυλλος Χαλκιάς) & dimitris sfingos (Δημήτρης Σφίγγος),
inti illimani,
irit dekel & eldad zitrin,
isfar sarabski,
istvan sky kék ég & estas tonne & pablo arellano & indrė kuliešiūtė,
itzhak perlman,
ivan kupala (Иван Купала),
iyeoka okoawo,
izumi yukimura, 
jacques brel,
jan garbarek & anouar brahem & shaukat hussain,
janis joplin,
jason becker,
jeff beck,
jethro tull,
jimmy barnes & joe bonamassa,
joe bonamassa,
joe satriani,
john dowland,
john lee hooker,
john themis & makoulis tsahouridis,
josu zabalondo,
jülide özçelik,
kal cahoone,
karl denver,
karsu dönmez & yuri honing,
kat frankie,
katie melua,
king crimson,
klazz brothers & cuba percussion,
kudsi erguner & erol parlak & pierre rigopoulos,
l'arpeggiata & christina pluhar,
lana del rey,
lara fabian,
lazer lloyd,
le trio joubran,
led zeppelin,
lena chamamyan,
léo ferré,
leonard cohen,
leyla pınar,
lhasa de sela,
light in babylon,
los moussakis,
louis armstrong,
marc aryan,
marco uccellini,
marianne faithfull,
marissa nadler,
marjan farsad,
mark eliyahu,
markéta irglová & glen hansard,
martha wainwright,
mary hopkin,
mehmet güreli,
melihat gülses,
melvin taylor & the slack band,
mercan dede,
mercedes sosa,
mighty sam mc'clain,
mississippi fred mc'dowell,
modern jazz quartet,
mohsen namjoo,
mor karbasi,
morena son,
muammer ketencoğlu,
münip utandı,
nasser shamma,
naum petreski & dd synthesis,
neşet ertaş,
nick cave & warren ellis,
nick cave and the bad seeds,
nicola di bari,
nida ateş,
nihil piraye,
nina simone,
no blues,
no land,
noora noor,
odessa chen,
ofra haza & goran bregovic,
oh land,
okan murat öztürk,
omara portuondo,
ömer altuğ,
özlem özdil,
patti smith,
paulo bragança,
peter breiner and his chamber orchestra,
pierre akendengué & hughes de courson,
pink floyd,
pj harvey,
plain white t’s,
rachael yamagata,
renaud garcia-fons & derya türkan,
rəşid behbudov,
riff cohen,
rosemary standley,
ruşen alkar,
salif keita,
selda bağcan,
serdar ateşer,
şevki bey,
shahram nazeri,
şimdi ensemble,
simon and garfunkel,
sinéad o`connor,
şirin pancaroğlu & bora uymaz,
şirin pancaroğlu & meriç dönük & jarrod cagwin,
sister rosetta tharpe,
sita nursanti,
skip james,
snowy white,
soap kills,
solveig slettahjell,
sona jobarteh,
sophie zelmani,
stacey kent,
stavros xarchakos & nikos dimitratos,
stephan micus,
sümeyra çakır,
susie arioli swing band,
suzanne vega,
symphonic theater of dreams,
talip özkan,
tanita tikaram,
the alan parsons project,
the animals,
the blues overdrive,
the cranberries,
the doors,
the modern jazz quartet,
the moody blues,
the pretty reckless,
the rolling stones,
the strawbs,
the sweet,
the yardbirds,
timur selçuk,
tom jones,
tom waits,
tom yorke,
tori amos,
tracy chapman,
tülay german,
udi hrant,
ünol büyükgönenç,
vasiliki papageorgiou & hasan esen,
victor jara,
violeta parra,
white lion,
yaël naïm,
yannis markopoulos (Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος),
yarınistan & vasiliki papageorgiou & taner öngür,
yaşar kurt,
yeni türkü,
yma sumac,
yngwie j. malmsteen,
yves montand,
zbigniew preisner,
zeca (josé) afonso,
zekai dede efendi,
zeynep karababa,
zülfü livaneli.
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kwebtv · 4 years ago
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Les Roses De Dublin -  TF1  -  November 10, 1981 -  December 15, 1981
AKA:  Die Rosen von Dublin
Mini Series (6 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Jean-Claude Bouillon as Christophe Bardol
Bernice Toolan as Spring Kavanaugh
Paul Kinlay as Anthony Kavanaugh
Yves Afonso as Paulo
Paul Bennett as Tom Kavanaugh
Emmit Bergin as Ian Kavanaugh
Denys Hawthorne as Arthur Hogan
Tom Hickey as Peter O’Reilly
Eamon Kelly as Oncle Rory
Jacques Maury as Homère Kratsinas 
Colm Meaney as Michael Kavanaugh
Pascale Roberts as Cora
Karl Michael Vogler as Fritz Huntzinger
Brendan Cauldwell as Seamus
Eamon Keane as Desmond
Pat Layde as Eamon Kavanaugh
Mairin O’Sullivan as Mary Kavanaugh
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Jean Yanne and Mireille Darc in Weekend (Jean-Luc Godard, 1967) Cast: Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Yves Afonso, Blandine Jeanson. Daniel Pommereulle, Paul Gégauff, Omar Diop, László Szabó. Screenplay: Jean-Luc Godard, based on a story by Julio Cortázar. Cinematography: Raoul Coutard. Music: Antoine Duhamel. "You say you want a revolution / Well, you know, / We all want to change the world." I'm old enough to remember when John Lennon and Paul McCartney were denounced as capitalist reactionaries for that song, especially for lines like "But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao / You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow." So watching Jean-Luc Godard's satire Weekend takes me back to the days of a revolutionary fervor that now seems naive, especially since the violent year of 1968 culminated in the election of Richard Nixon, and Mao has been relegated to the ranks of history's tyrants. Still, there's nothing naive about Weekend, which although it now looks less like a great film than a self-indulgent one at least demonstrates the indulgence of a great self, i.e., Jean-Luc Godard's. Is Godard celebrating the revolutionary spirit or sending it up? Weekend ranges from fascinating to stupefying, from bravura filmmaking like the pan along the traffic jam and the repeated 360-degree pan around a farmyard where a pianist is playing a Mozart sonata, to the eye-glazing extended readings from the works of Stokely Carmichael and Frantz Fanon and the drum solo accompanied by a Whitmanesque poem by Lautréamont. Pauline Kael got it right when she called Weekend a "vision of Hell," but what seems most significant now is that it's a hell that lies just beneath us, covered by the veneer of civilization. In Weekend, civilization is showing cracks being widened by unbridled consumerism. And who's to say in the age of climate change denial, abrogation of human rights, and raging corporate globalization that those cracks haven't widened still further? This is a film made by a man who definitely doesn't "know that it's gonna be all right."
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fcinetv · 5 years ago
Une Veuve en or
Une Veuve en or Actors: Michèle Mercier,Daniel Ceccaldi,Yves Afonso Director: Michel Audiard Country: français,italien,ouest-allemand Genres: Comédie Duration: 85
<p>La vie d'un couple heureux devient un enfer quand l'épouse se voit proposer un héritage de taille à condition de devenir veuve. Son amour pour son mari sombre bientôt dans son désir de l'argent.</p> ... source https://fcine.tv/une-veuve-en-or-5144-streaming
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