deresutepremium · 3 years
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dragonowlie · 8 years
I hate it when you have a dream and can only remember stuff past the halfway point ugh
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adreus · 8 years
Why did you start to dislike Arc-V?
i’m glad you asked “start” because i would have to write an in-depth essay on why i dislike it overall… so here’s pre-lancers (which was the nail in the coffin considering i had 0 attachment to half of them and failed to comprehend what made them function as a likeable party)
so i think it started because of how disappointing reiji is as a “rival” (he dueled twice in the first 49 episodes, one against serena’s stupid bodyguard dude); then reiji’s plans were vaguely nefarious for ~100 episodes and he was barely admonished because arc-v attempts to run on dramatic irony but fails to understand how to give it intrigue–yuuya is frustrating to watch because of both his inherited smile crusade (which as portrayed in the show is a harmful attitude) and things like “OH MY GOD YUZU’S GONE!!!!!! FUSION TOOK YUZU!!!!!” when the audience and reiji know that she’s fine. 
it’s like yuuya was kept in some sort of plot quarantine; for the first two seasons the only one in pursuit of the plot was yuuto, who appeared every 5 episodes, did something relevant, then was blown away lest yuuya interact with anything moderately important. in the mean time we were subjected to 2-episode duel after 2-episode duel, each long and boring unless you were here for the tcg boner. what made duels in a5 initially interesting was the dynamic action fields– which we eventually lost in favor of reiji’s 8-bit platformer.
the cast is absolutely wasted, one of the things zexal did awful at was introducing too many gimmicky side characters for yuuma’s number club, so it was exciting when a5 had cuter, more interesting characters (and, yes, tcg boner!)… then it just added more… and more… like when highkey shonen anime run into plot walls and go “oh crap what do we do? LET’S ADD 20 MORE CHARACTERS AND ALSO FAIL TO USE THEM.” at least previous ygos have the decency to prioritize their bad casts.
do not even get me started on how we’re supposed to believe the cast thinks yuu4 and yuzu4 look the same when it’s plain as day to viewers that they are different (AND RECENTLY RURI HAD NO PROBLEM TELLING YUUYA AND YUUTO APART?). and the ost of this show, which is already weak in wake of conisch’s departure, is used like a studio audience–“hey kids the ost is sad and therefore you should feel sad rn”
(inhales) (exhales) sorry mom a5 is bad + unfortunately i can’t detach my feelings toward it from my feelings toward zexal considering i watched both of them on sundays for years straight and had to deal with so many people slamming zexal throughout its entire life cycle while sucking a5′s dick despite its constant narrative failures
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yumeayonie · 9 years
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I’m proud to announce that Pre-orders for Yuzu 4 + Shun are up!
As well as Denruri mini straps hehehe.... Items should arrive at the beginning of Nov.(if something happens then items will get here no later than early Dec.) I will ship items out as soon as I get them!
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deresutepremium · 3 years
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