#Yuya probably gave Kalmia a list of female leads she should not be like
cheerleaderman · 5 days
*Ramshackle ran out of coffee* Yuusha: I don’t suppose you have coffee in your pocket?
Yuya:*pulls 2 things of coffee out their pockets* I have the instant and the pods for the coffee machine
@scint1llat3 okay I’ll leave now…actually I got something for @skriblee-ksk too
Yuya: I need you to burn this book
Kalmia: I thought you were enjoying that book?
Yuya: Read 136 to 140
Kalmia:*reads the pages* … ??? !! ….
*They brunt the book*
okay I’m being mean but Yuya is a petty person Kiyuu getting the pretty meal and Kalmia getting the leftovers from the cuts outs even though Yuya could make it look more presentable she’ll get pretty meals once the friendship becomes mutual
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