#Yuugo Hachiken
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happycricketbox · 9 months ago
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A sticker design of Silver Spoon! My favoritest manga ever!!!!
I put it on dark background for contrast - here's what the printed version looks like :)
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komabaichirouu · 3 months ago
hey friends did you know that each silver spoon opening and ending represents one of the four seasons? as well as hachiken's character arc as time goes on?
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kiss you (op1) represents represents summer. like it's straight up a summer love song, mentioning going to the beach and whatnot. the sunlight is emphasized in the visuals too. hachiken is shown building some confidence but making mistakes from not being used to his environment (stepping into poop, walking into electric fence, etc.).
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hello especially (ed1), then, represents spring, the first half of season 1. it shows hachiken literally Warming up alongside the weather, starting off in the cold morning hour and progressing through the day and the season (as seen by the wheat growing and maturing)
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life (op2) is pretty obviously fall. the leaves are turning red, hachiken has a more confident demeanor, he's accustomed himself to this new life, but colder days are coming.
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oto no naru hou e (ed2) represents winter! (sad that the rest of the Tales of winter saga won't be adapted..) lots of cold pastel colors, and a few shots depicting characters warming up and/or in winter clothing. you see their cold breath as well.
the song itself is about supporting a friend, extending "warmth" to them as it were, which is what hachiken does for mikage and komaba during season 2.
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and that's all! this is a crosspost of a thread ive already made on twitter and bluesky. i don't like using tumblr very much but it is the best place to post art and character analysis without getting swallowed by the 'algorithm' within a few hours. i may post in depth analysis of each opening and ending on their own eventually, but i'm hesitating because of how inconvenient it is to analyse movement in text form. lots of gifs to be made, probably.
stay cool, and read silver spoon :)
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readtilyoudie · 10 months ago
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Silver Spoon Vol 10
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thaliangeldraws · 1 year ago
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finally doodled this little idea for some silly shirts on arakawa protags
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elz-vrx · 7 months ago
I'm currently re-reading Silver Spoon and I forgot how fantastic this series is. I don't think there's a single character who isn't fun or intriguing in their own way.
I also forgot how much I love Hachiken as the protagonist. He fits so well into the story. I also forgot how funny every single scene with the Mikages is.
Absolutely fantastic series.
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drgeoduck · 2 years ago
A teacher is retiring after a long career. One student wants to tell him how important that career was to them.
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dailybigbro · 2 years ago
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Today’s Big Bro is Shingo Hachiken from Silver Spoon! He loves his little brother!
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hannahilation · 1 year ago
9 people you want to get to know better tag game-- tagged by @nearo
Three ships: hmmmmmmmm, ships is a tough one to think about like i dont really think of characters in terms of shipping often,
i guess marcille and falin from dungeon meshi
yuugo hachiken and aki mikage from silver spoon
and i guess from recency bias miorine and sulleta from gundam
First ship: i want to say dave and jade from homestuck
Last Song: into you by dead by sunrise recommended by a close friend
Last Movie: probably one piece film red but like i cant be 100% sure, but if it's last movie in theaters i just honestly cant remember at all
Currently Reading: manga, just lots of different manga, mostly yuri manga but i also actively keep up with like one piece and chainsaw man, everyday maintenence of shinozaki-kun, recently read insomniacs after school which left a very good impression on me
Currently Watching: haven't really kept up with ongoing anime in a long time, but i'm watching arknights season 1 slowly but surely
Currently Consuming: nothing currently, though i had some fries a bit earlier i guess, and gonna make some carbonara later
Currently Craving: nothing really, pretty full from the fries still
fun doing something like this once in a while, a good exercise in killing the part of me that cringes at how corny like early forums and sites like deviantart were with these, and more enjoyment in the learning about other people
yeah don't really know which mutuals to tag, i guess i know these people well enough for this @yuriathames @walkinfromnowhere @beckkeep
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renegadebraveheart · 2 years ago
Gonna try to get some attention on my crossover fanfic series again!
Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus - Monokuma hosts yet another killing game, this time with 17 individuals from other worlds! How original. Taking place in Monocity, The City That Never Sleeps... Without One Eye Open. Other Danganronpa characters shall eventually enter the fray to stop the spread of despair across the fictional multiverse. Ai Mizuno from Zombie Land Saga is our protagonist.
Danganronpa: Fictional Guardians - Multiple refugees from other worlds are pulled into an adventure filled with hope, despair, and newfound friendships. Battling Monokumas across a variety of locations across the multiverse, this group they form must find a way to shut them down for good. If only it were that easy...
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Danganronpa: Fictional Epicenter - The sequel to Danganronpa: Fictional Nexus has begun! 18 participants in a killing game within a strange college campus! Join Yuugo Hachiken, Sayori, Dimitri, Saki Nikaido and others as they brave through Dean Monokuma’s halls of learning & despair! Must read Fictional Nexus beforehand. Currently on hiatus.
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Side note: I am not really a master writer (or graphic designer based on the images I made here), but I hope y’all enjoy if you read them.
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jplupine · 1 year ago
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Name: Yuuno Hachiken
Birthday: Unspecified | Age: 17-20s
Gender: Woman | Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Human | Postion: Farmer
Info: Yuuno became overprotective of her brother in childhood because he would often get bullied. She would hit first and ask questions later whenever she saw her brother cornered, but this behavior led to a form of codependency between the twins with Yuugo relying on Yuuno to always get him out of trouble and save him. Yuugo chooses to go to a farming trade school out in the sticks to get away from it all, and Yuugo goes with to watch out for him. However, in this new environment and surrounded by interesting new people, Yuugo and Yuuno slowly learn to find their independence from each other, branching out from their small closed-off world. Yuuno especially thrives here, loving the animals and fresh food while figuring out what she wants to do with her life.
Love Interest: Komaba
Fic: Gin Shoujo | Theme: Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney
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technopadablog-blog · 1 year ago
15 Rekomendasi Manga Perkebunan dan Manga Peternakan
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Rekomendasi manga perkebunan dan manga peternakan terbaik - Menjalani pekerjaan dengan berkebun, beternak hewan serta bertani sebagai profesi tentunya tidak menarik bagi kebanyakan orang. Tetapi jika kamu menjalankan pekerjaan itu dalam game tentunya akan menyenangkan seperti contoh dalam game Harvestmoon. Sama halnya jika membaca manga dengan tema perternakan dan perkebunan, tentunya menarik. Manga dengan tema agrikultural selain ceritanya yang menarik untuk diikuti, dengan membaca manga perkebunan dan manga peternakan maka dapat sekaligus menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan kita. Nah, kali ini animelovers akan membagikan beberapa rekomendasi anime manga perkebunan dan peternakan terbaik dan terpopuler.
Rekomendasi Manga Perkebunan dan Manga Peternakan
1. Silver Spoon
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manga tentang peternakan, Yuugo Hachiken mendaftar di Ezonoo, sekolah menengah pertanian, dimana ia sama sekali awam dengan dunia pertanian dan peternakan. Sedangkan teman-teman sekolahnya merupakan anak-anak yang memang sudah berkecimpung dalam dunia pertanian dan peternakan. Mereka semua masuk ke sekolah itu demi mengasah dan meningkatkan skill mereka guna mecapai karir. Di sekolah ini Yuugo belajar banyak hal tentang beternak hewan yaitu memberi makan, mengambil telur, memeras susu sapi serta bercocok tanam. Genre: Comedy, Shounen, Slice Of Life, Agriculture, Lifestyle Change, School Life. Silver Spoon, yang dalam bahasa Jepang dikenal sebagai "Gin no Saji," adalah sebuah manga yang ditulis dan digambar oleh Hiromu Arakawa, yang juga dikenal sebagai pengarang dari "Fullmetal Alchemist." "Silver Spoon" adalah manga yang berfokus pada kehidupan di sebuah sekolah pertanian dan menggabungkan elemen-unsur komedi, drama, dan pertanian. Berikut adalah sinopsis singkatnya: Sinopsis: Cerita "Silver Spoon" mengikuti Yuugo Hachiken, seorang siswa SMA yang baru saja masuk ke Sekolah Pertanian Ezonoo, sebuah sekolah pertanian di pedesaan. Yuugo adalah seorang siswa kota yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan atau pengalaman tentang kehidupan di pedesaan atau pertanian. Dia memutuskan untuk mendaftar di sekolah tersebut karena ingin menjauh dari tekanan akademik di sekolah menengah sebelumnya. Namun, begitu dia tiba di Sekolah Pertanian Ezonoo, Yuugo menyadari bahwa kehidupan di pedesaan dan sekolah pertanian memiliki tantangan dan dinamika yang berbeda. Dia belajar tentang pekerjaan keras, tanggung jawab, dan kehidupan di sebuah peternakan. Yuugo juga bertemu dengan berbagai teman sekelas yang memiliki latar belakang dan tujuan yang berbeda-beda dalam dunia pertanian. Sementara Yuugo awalnya menghadapi kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan baru, dia bertemu dengan karakter-karakter yang menginspirasi dan bersemangat tentang pertanian. Bersama-sama dengan teman-temannya, dia belajar tentang budidaya tanaman, perawatan hewan, dan berbagai aspek lain dari pertanian. Dia juga mengejar impian dan tujuannya sendiri di sekolah pertanian. "Silver Spoon" menggambarkan perjalanan Yuugo dalam mengejar impian dan menemukan makna dalam kehidupan di pedesaan. Manga ini mengeksplorasi konsep-konsep seperti pertanian, pertanggungjawaban, persahabatan, dan pertumbuhan pribadi. Ini juga menciptakan cerita yang menghibur dengan humor dan dinamika antarkarakter yang khas dari karya-karya Hiromu Arakawa. 2. Ja - Joshi ni Yoru Agriculture
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Manga tentang perkebunan, Setelah ayahnya menikah lagi, Inageshi dan Ayahnya pindah dari kota ke desa Ogawara yaitu desa pertanian. Di keluarga barunya itu yaitu keluarga Nozawa, ia mulai belajar seluk beluk pertanian. Kini ia telah memiliki keluarga baru dan beberapa saudara perempuan cantik. Yashiro adalah yang tertua, cantik dan tampak polos tetapi memiliki sisi liar padanya. Mayu anak yang bersemangat dan vokal tetapi takut terhadap serangga mati. Ringo adalah yang termuda tetapi yang terpintar,ia ibarat ensiklopedia informasi tentang hal-hal penting dan tidak penting. Ikatan persaudaraan mereka belum begitu kuat, tetapi dengan melewati hari bersama dengan berkebun semakin meningkatkan hubungan persaudaraan diantara mereka. Genre: Comedy, Seinen, Slice Of Life, Agriculture, Countryside.   3. Ja Ja Uma Grooming UP!
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Manga tentang peternakan kuda, Kuze Shunpei merupakan seorang siswa SMA yang sedang menjalankan liburan musim semi sekolah dengan berlibur ke Hokkaidou menggunakan motor. Ketika dia kehilangan dompetnya dan terdampar di pegunungan tanpa uang serta sepeda motornya kehabisan bensin, ia kemudian pingsan sisi jalan yang bersalju. Ketika dia bangun dia menemukan dirinya telah diselamatkan dan dibawa ke peternakan Watarai, sebuah peternakan kuda yang melahirkan kuda ras. Di sana ia bertemu dengan sejumlah orang, pemilik peternakan dan keluarganya (yang mencakup empat anak perempuan). Shunpei benar-benar tidak cocok untuk kehidupan bertani, dan pendidikan kotanya sangat kontras dengan kerja keras yang dibutuhkan untuk membantu pertanian. Namun, terlepas dari semua ini, ia mencoba yang terbaik agar dapat diterima di keluarga ini. Genre: Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Slice Of Life, Agriculture, Countryside. Baca juga : 10 karakter Anime Manga Berambut Afro Terpopuler 60 Rekomendasi Anime Manga Ninja Terpopuler 200 Rekomendasi Komik Cinta Segitiga Romantis Terbaik Demikian daftar anime manga dengan tema perkebunan dan peternakan terbaik, untuk daftar manga lengkapnya dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini:
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manga perkebunan, manga pertanian dan manga peternakan
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manga perkebunan, manga pertanian dan manga peternakan Read the full article
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komabaichirouu · 4 months ago
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This is a handkerchief that was handed out as a prize for a fair's lottery back in 2014! I ordered it and it finally came in!
I'll see if i can scan it properly on campus, but in the meantime, I'm posting this for all silver spoon enjoyers on the hellsite to see
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readtilyoudie · 8 months ago
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Silver Spoon Vol 8
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theotakufiles · 2 years ago
Silver Spoon Manga
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Silver Spoon is a heartwarming and humorous coming-of-age series that follows the journey of Yuugo Hachiken, a high school student who finds himself enrolled in an agricultural boarding school with unusual but endearing classmates. In this unconventional setting, Yuugo must navigate through the trials and tribulations of rural life, while discovering his own identity and purpose amidst the challenges of farming and animal husbandry. With each episode, Silver Spoon takes us on an emotional rollercoaster as we witness Yuugo's growth, witness his deepening relationships, and embrace the beauty of nature. Will he succeed in finding his place in this unfamiliar world? Join Yuugo on this unforgettable adventure filled with warmth, laughter, and valuable life lessons.
Help support the remarkable talent and creativity of the manga author behind 'Silver Spoon Manga' by purchasing their incredible work at gekimanga.com. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of young Yugo Hachiken as he navigates the challenges and aspirations of a unique agricultural school. By buying this manga, you not only obtain a fantastic read but also actively contribute to sustaining and encouraging the artist's remarkable storytelling journey. Emerge yourself in a world filled with memorable characters, heartwarming moments, and thought-provoking themes by getting your copy now from gekimanga.com!
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nekochanpurr · 2 years ago
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I just finished the Silver Spoon manga…. So freaking good. I felt like they did Aki dirty though. They could have drawn her cuter sometimes…
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zel-draws · 4 years ago
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my bestie @goosecourt inspired me. catboy hachiken supremacy
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