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Some more peoples from EO
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Congreso aprobó sanciones contra difusión de víctimas de delito por servidores públicos

CHILPANCINGO, Guerrero * Enero 15, 2025 ) LXIV Legislatura | Guerrero El pleno del Congreso de Guerrero aprobó por unanimidad el dictamen con proyecto de decreto por el que se reforma el artículo 304 Bis del Código Penal del Estado en materia de “Revelación o difusión indebida”, para establecer sanciones claras en contra de las personas servidoras públicas que, en el ejercicio de sus funciones, difundan información confidencial relacionada con los delitos y sus víctimas. Al argumentar el dictamen de la iniciativa turnada por la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, el diputado Carlos Eduardo Bello Solano, presidente de la Comisión de Justicia, destacó la importancia de establecer sanciones claras en contra de las personas servidoras públicas que difundan de manera indebida información reservada o confidencial relacionada con algún delito o víctimas, con penas de 2 a 6 años de prisión y multas de 100 a 300 veces el valor de la Unidad de Medida y Actualización. Precisa el dictamen que la norma va en contra de quien reproduzca, revele, difunda, entregue, publique, exponga, remita, distribuya, transmita, oferte, comercialice, intercambie o comparta imágenes, audios, videos, indicios, evidencias, objetos, instrumentos, documentos o información reservada o confidencial del lugar de los hechos o del hallazgo, o productos relacionados con uno o varios hechos señalados por la ley como delitos, o con el procedimiento penal. Dichas sanciones, agrega, se aplicarán cuando se trate de cadáveres de mujeres, niñas o adolescentes, o se refiera a las circunstancias de la muerte, de las lesiones o del estado de salud de la víctima. El diputado Bello Solano puntualizó que esta iniciativa es un acto de justicia moral que tiene como objetivo proteger la dignidad de las personas que han sido víctimas, evitando que su sufrimiento se utilice con fines sensacionalistas o de entretenimiento. “Las víctimas merecen respeto, protección y justicia; merecen que su dolor no sea tratado como un objeto de consumo público”, recalcó. Clarificó, asimismo, que las personas servidoras públicas son las y los representantes de elección popular, funcionarios, empleados y, en general, toda persona que con independencia de su jerarquía o adscripción desempeñe un empleo, cargo o comisión dentro de los poderes Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Judicial, los ayuntamientos, órganos autónomos y órganos con autonomía técnica, mismos que deberán actuar en observancia de los principios de disciplina, legalidad, objetividad, profesionalismo, honradez, lealtad, imparcialidad, integridad, rendición de cuentas, transparencia, eficacia y eficiencia, como lo señala la Ley 465 de Responsabilidades Administrativas para el Estado de Guerrero. Dictámenes Las diputadas y diputados de la LXIV Legislatura aprobaron los dictámenes de la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Gobernación por medio de los cuales se ratifica la entrada en funciones de Aurelio Patiño Torres al cargo y funciones de presidente del Ayuntamiento de General Heliodoro Castillo, y por los que se resuelven afirmativamente las renuncias a su derecho de asumir el cargo y funciones de la regidora de Zapotitlán Tablas, Yuritzi Carrillo Sánchez, a partir del 19 de noviembre del 2024; de la regidora suplente del mismo municipio, Inés Sánchez Mendoza, y de la regidora propietaria del Ayuntamiento de Petatlán, Nilda Maciel Pardillo. De la misma forma, se designó a María de los Ángeles Laura Elena Guerrero Leos como síndica procuradora de Teloloapan, Guerrero, hasta en tanto subsista la licencia por tiempo indefinido concedida a la ciudadana Petra Salgado Brito. Del mismo modo, la Mesa Directiva designó al diputado Robell Urióstegui Patiño para que se traslade a dicho municipio y proceda a darle posesión del cargo. Además, se aprobó por unanimidad un dictamen con proyecto de acuerdo por el que se exhorta a los 84 ayuntamientos y al Concejo Municipal de Ayutla de los Libres a que apliquen la legislación vigente que prohíbe el uso de plásticos de un sólo uso, a través de campañas de concientización entre la población y la vigilancia de negocios. ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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Pokes with stick are you alive?
Hello! just barely, ive been working on my final for this month for several weeks.
I actually made a ref for a story relavent npc in the dnd campaign im playing in! I wanna polish up Yuritzi's(my pc) ref so that i can post them together so that people can see how i made them opposites.
also working on the fic for my transformers ask blog, its taking longer because i have some other priorities ;^;
I am able to answer asks, about my tf headcanons, about my OCs, etc, cause thats what i did in my free time before i put the autobots-in-training blog on a short break to write the fic.
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This is Yuritzi O’Hara Aka Lightning Hunter from https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/lightning-hunter/list?title_no=492521.
Art commision by: https://www.deviantart.com/watch/nomae0527/deviations
#Ygo#Ygo manga#Yugioh#Yugioh ocs#yugioh vrains#vrains#ygo vrains#lightning hunter#Yuritzi O'hara#Yuritzi
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Un día en el pasado de Jancer con su familia.
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#i'm at walmart and i overheard a frat boy answer the phone with 'sup u lil bad bitch' and a couple seconds later he said 'i miss u too mom'#walmart#yuritzi#softcuIts#nochillatall
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#Se busca urgente por ASESINATO de joven en México es peligrosa yuritzi#Si la ven comuníquese con su policia local gracias
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mutuals do you promise to read my book when I write it
#I have to write like 2 books before I can introduce Citlali but omg she is such a girlboss#Her Eero and Quim’s friendship as teens>>>#The way Quim hides his true nature and Telilo ends up doing the same-#Can’t wait to write that bit#The way Yuritzi helps Eero process his emotions and they both improve as people.#The best.#I love now Ms N’Guessan and Miss Ramachandran are secretly gay like. Love them#Seua’s book >>>#I’m gonna have a total of 5 books I think#Cynna and Jay are the bi male x bi female relationships we all need#Oreste being such a simp for Amancia.#Kenji and Caley being gym bros to lovers.#And the way Kenji secretly tells Seua about the society without anybody knowing!?!?!?#Half of this book is me venting but it’s fine guys I’ll get paid for it#Love this story so much but I can’t put it into words yet#Ill do it soon#Ill do it#And you will all read it.#Just remembered Florian#He such an arse at the beginning but they have to rely on him even though he can’t be trusted and it’s the best thing#And the way he gets redeemed too.#Best thing
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#pódcast#literatura#libros#poesía#sobremesa literaria#Yuritzi Ávalos#moléculas para sobre/vivir#Spotify
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Afinan detalles por el 30 aniversario del CECYTEM
Afinan detalles por el 30 aniversario del CECYTEM
Responsables de siete CECyTE´s realizaron reunión preparatoria Morelia, Michoacán, a 23 de febrero de 2021.- Michoacán, Guerrero, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tamaulipas y Tlaxcala, son los siete CECyTE’s que cumplen 30 años de formar jóvenes competitivos y de ofrecer educación media superior. Por ello, el titular del Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Michoacán…

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#CECyTE#CECyTEM#Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Michoacán#Guerrero#Hidalgo#Michoacan#ODES#Rocío Serrano Barrios#San Luis Potosí#Sonora#Tamaulipas#Teodardo Muñoz Torres#Tlaxcala#Yuritzy Magaña de los Santos
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They took off as fast as they could. They didn’t mean for it to happen, but somehow it did. They may have started a small stampede on accident, but it was totally NOT THEIR FAULT. The twins, Yolotli and Yuritzi sprinted criss cross each other screaming.
“Umama is going to KILL US YURI!”
“I’m sure her and baba won’t find out!”
They both yelled at each other as they made sure to evade large hoofs.
They heard giggling and saw their baby sister riding a rhino off to the side. The little menace was revelling in the chaos. How she managed to get on one in the middle of a stampede is baffling. Yeah they were so dead.
She just laughed uncontrollably as the rhino sprinted forward.
“Maybe we should’ve brought her leash.”
“Thank Bast nobody knows we’re out here!”
The animals start veering to the right heading for huts and other structures used for hunting and storage. The children veer left hoping to avoid the destruction that was sure to happen. Maybe if they got far enough nobody will be able to implicate them.
As they cleared the small hill they started relaxing and laughing.
“HA! We made it!” said Yuri in disbelief sure they were about to be trampled.
“Lotli see I told you nobody would know!”
The next second they heard a throat clear to their left while they bent to catch their breaths. Their eyes practically flew out of their sockets. They turned slowly to see their mother and father, Uncle M’baku and Auntie Ayo and Aneka.
“Hello all! What a coincidence that you’re here too!” Yuri said with a fake grin plastered on her face.
“Nice weather we’re having right?!” accompanied Yolotli.
Right then a loud crash sounded from the other side of the hill.
The twins winced slightly but still tried to act casual.
“What did you do?” said their mother with no preamble.
“Why do you assume we did something?!” both twins folded their arms and said indignantly.
Right then several more crashes sounded from behind them. They winced and got sheepish looks on their faces. Their mother glared and their father looked almost confused at how they managed this much chaos in such a short time.
Meanwhile, there were several more crashes and then a loud explosion. The twins shoulders lifted to their ears higher and higher at the sound of each crash.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad umama!”
As soon as Yuri said that, a piece of a hut roof came flying landing right beside them still on fire.
The twins both laughed nervously knowing there was no way they were getting out of this one.
“Where is your sister?!” asked their father.
Their eyes widened as they turned to look at each other. Luckily the animals came around the bend and there was Amahle still having the time of her life riding a rhino.
The twins chuckled again nervously.
“Kids right?” They said in unison.
Their parents faces took on an unimpressed look.
“AMAHLE COME ON!” the twins yelled.
She stood on the rhino while it ran then flipped off landing effortlessly on her feet. All the adults’ mouths dropped open in shock. Amahle cackled like a mad woman and sprinted towards the group.
“LET’S GO AGAIN! LET’S GO AGAIN!” Amahle cheered once she got closer.
At this point her mother’s hand had come to rub her face and their father was looking to the sky almost as if praying for strength. They finally took a look behind them at the result of the stampede. Everything was destroyed and trampled.
“I don’t even know if i want to know how this happened.” M’baku mumbled.
The twins began to explain at the same time.
“See what had happened was-”
“It wasn’t even us forreal-”
Their mother just raised a hand and shook her head with her eyes closed. They clamped their mouths shut and looked at her nervously. She pointed towards home and they dropped their heads and slowly made the trudge to their house.
Okoye looked at her husband at a loss. Their children were so sweet and caring, but they seemed to always find themselves in some kind of trouble. They both looked at the destruction and wondered if they made a mistake procreating. Maybe their genes were never meant to mix. Okoye and Attuma do enough damage on their own. Having those traits mixed and amplified in offspring might have been detrimental to the planet.
They both started laughing to themselves because they had no idea what else to do. They didn’t even feel like they were existing in reality right now. How do you even start a stampede?!
Everybody started the walk back to the city. Aneka could barely walk with how much she was laughing, M’baku was still shaking his head in disbelief and Ayo kept looking back at the destruction with a nervous look.
At the same time, Amahle was running in circles around everyone yelling “RHINO RIDE! RHINO RIDE! RHINO RIDE!” completely unfazed by the events that unfolded.
Bast help us all.
#remember i said attoye kids would be walking chaos#well here’s a lil sneak peak#they would totally cause the destruction of a small country without even meaning to#attoye babies#attoye#attuma okoye#okoye x attuma#attuma x okoye#okoye#attuma#black panther#wakanda forever#black panther 2#black panther wakanda forever#talokan#alex livinalli#danai gurira#wakanda#mcu#talokanil#mcu fic#mcu phase 4#enemies to lovers#otp: the huntress and the shark
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Xochitl and Yuritzi, they meet and they have very different reactions to it.
Xochitl is a teifling cleric, xe once cried after accidentally killing someone.
Yuritzi is a human bard, she is currently trying to get one of her party mates to murder with glee. It is not working.
i drew this back in like, may, before my wrist gave out.
I miss drawing 😔
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La última presentación de libro del 22
Hoy volví porque es la presentación de Moléculas para sobre/vivir, el poemario de Yuritzi Ávalos. Estoy en el café, que es un lugar precioso, con una curación de libros buenísima: libros de arte, literatura de culto, ciencias sociales. Y en este catálogo selecto está el poemario que publicamos con mucha dificultad tres personas que creen que pueden dedicar su vida a los libros, que siguen en el camino para descubrir la adultez, que tienen problemas mentales, que procrastinan, que se enredan en líos amorosos y profesionales que complican la tarea de mantener su proyecto editorial con vida.
Estoy sentada en el café y me siento nerviosa. Es la última presentación que tenemos este año. Regresé a medio día porque quería arreglarme con tiempo en mi casa, tenía el refri vacío y pensé que era buena idea comer en el centro. Me bajé de la combi enfrente de una taquería, estaba repleta y me fui de largo, subí por Abasolo porque ahí hay comida también. Otra taquería, no pude entrar. Un negocio de birria que me llama la atención desde hace meses, estaba lleno. Me metí en una tercera taquería a la vuelta del café. Entró una señora a vender obleas y le compré una. Comí muy rápido y me empezaron a angustiar varias cosas: el hecho de quedarme ahí sentada sin consumir nada mientras había personas haciendo fila para que les dieran un lugar y la idea de llegar muy temprano al café y sentarme a esperar el evento sin consumir nada, porque no pienso consumir nada. Me senté en la plaza frente al café y me comí un pedazo de oblea, estaba bañada de chocolate y amaranto, el bullicio de la gente se difuminaba detrás de la oblea crujiendo en mi boca, las luces cálidas que colgaban sobre la calle y los matices naranjas en la base de las pocas nubes esponjosas sobre mí me calmaron un poco. Decidí entrar y tomar algunas fotos, publicar algunas stories o algo. Y sin embarto, ahora estoy aquí sentada, con las manos frías y el corazón agitado, desviando mi atención en esta entrada de un blog al que siguen puras cuentas falsas que ofrecen servicios sexuales.
Todo salió bien, terminó la presentación y yo salí entera a pesar de que me tocó hablar en público. Y al final terminé tomándome un frappé de caramelo.
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Lightning Hunter and thundercode talker made by https://www.deviantart.com/alicekurocross/art/COM-Partners-893193297
#ygo#ygo manga#Yugioh#Yugioh ocs#Yugioh vrains#Yugioh vrains oc#ygo vrains#vrains#lightninghunter#Yuritzi O'hara#Yuritzi
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Y bueno, hoy es el cumpleaños de la madre de mi bebé bello, Yuritzi. Quise hacer un dibujito porque si, osi.
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Commission for @lightninghunterproject and their character Yuritzi! You can read their comic here: Lightning Hunter ~
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