#Yup jsjs
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melobin · 9 months ago
im cheating, yup jsjs
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
cheese? i’m not the biggest eater of either LMAO i have to be in the mood for them but nothing goes down quite as well as a nice piece of cheese on toast
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
i feel like the way they treat people they don’t really know is a tell tell sign of how they are as a person. there’s a way you act with friends and a way you act with people you don’t really know. i’ve had experiences in the past where someone i barely knew was horrible to be as a joke because it’s “how they are with people” and when we did become friends, they ended up being an absolutely horrible person so i think it’s a good indicator of their character
let’s play a game
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saturnsringslandfill · 4 months ago
11/11/2024 - Monday.
So it's been a few weeks since I did journaling, I am not going to summarize what happened, my future self when he reads some things will remember what he needs to remember, that's why I'm doing this at the end of the day, so yup.
Anyway, happy beginning of the week! Surprisingly, I'm doing pretty well with my grades for the first quarter of the school year, I'm proud of it :).
My relationship with my best friend is stable for now, so that also keeps me calm. I'm doing really great with my partner (he's going through a honeymoon phase again, and he's infecting me quite a bit JSKAJ), so everything is fine on that side too.
Again, everything is going well at school. It is true that I feel a little anxious about some exams (because I am sure that I will fail those, but oh well, that is not a surprise, really JSJ).
Anywayssss, yup, imma go sleep (lies, all lies). By-bye!
I give this day a 9/10 (★★★★★/☆).
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bwoahtastic · 5 years ago
Minttu follows Antonio on Instagram and somehow that makes me incredibly happy 🥺
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zachvincnt · 6 years ago
send 🍬 for a family headcanon.
La relación con sus hermanos no fue particularmente cercana mientras crecían, principalmente porque siempre andaba por su cuenta y porque tuvo que asistir a clases avanzadas, además de que luego se mudó lejos por la universidad a los 15. Pero eso cambió cuando su mamá murió y a partir de ahí ha notado una mejora significativa en la relación que lleva con cada uno de ellos; aunque la que más le ha sorprendido es la que tiene con @eilccn, porque se ha vuelto muy cercana y estar con ella lo hace sentir bastante ‘normal’, a pesar de las burlas que le hace. De hecho, creo que es por eso que lo hace sentir tan normal.
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nevsluvr · 3 years ago
❓do you believe in ghosts and why?
yup i most definitely do, mostly bc where i live a couple dozen people have died and weird shit happens sometimes like when my granny had recently passed i could see her silouhette on the staircase and it was a bit scary tbh but yeah, i believe in them bc i’ve experienced them jsjs
get to know me emojis
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ndn-craft · 4 years ago
Yup jsjs xornoth who? Those three if they team up for real will be the truly nightmare of the server no doubt jssj
God yeah poor Scott. You know sometimes you have to let yourself be killed so you can give the fans what they want jsjs just don't let him find out that Jimmy knew about it and didn't say anything tho jssj -nebula
Through the power of friendship, and this gun Jimmy found, Xornoth is defeated
He helped Sausage and fWhip kill Jimmy, it’ll be even now <3
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yeojimon · 4 years ago
and OH MY GOD YES (jsjs vivid reference) IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE AMONG US FIC!!!!!!!!! also dwdw if ur dealing w things and dont want to write, just dont write! your feelings will ALWAYS come first. ilysm
its almost done yup!!!! and ty ily too 🥺 im getting things under control a bit more and christmastime is giving me so much serotonin so like,,
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zodiac-hour · 7 years ago
Una pregunta, ¿los Acuarios suelen ser tímidos y misteriosos? ¿Reservados? Me gusta un chico Acuario, yo soy no soy de las chicas que van a donde su crush y le hablan y intentan algo. Yo solo los admiro desde lejos jsjs. Este chico es mi compañero de salón ya llevamos juntos 2 años y le he hablado súper súper poco. El habla con los demás, puede ser porque yo tampoco le habló a el pero solo quería saber como son los acuarios😂. PD: lamento hecharte la biblia de mi vida acá.
Yup, somos pequeños seres llenos de misterio y magia (qué cursi) pero sí. No todos somos tímidos, pero la mayoría de los acuarios sí. Cuando agarramos confianza es otra cosa. Así que yo digo que intentes hablarle de lo que sea, para que empiece a abrirse más contigo. Saludos, te mando besos y amor-MamiSuga
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oneonedreams · 5 years ago
Random. Random.
Hari ini hari ke 78 sejak pertama kali kasus Covid-19 di umumkan. Yup, lambat laun pemerintah udah mulai kehabisan amunisi. Juni nanti rencananya sekolah dan mall akan dibuka kembali, beberapa alasan diantaranya agar perekonomian dan kehidupan bisa berjalan normal. Pff, apa itu normal?
Belum juga juni, selama pekanan menuju lebaran ini justru masyarakat bolak balik berbondong-bondong ke pasar. Banyak macam tujuannya. Dan aku gak mau balik mengecam masyarakat dengan tindakannya. Kemarin ada tulisan tentang 'exit strategy' yang kemungkinan sih memang dijalankan pemerintah haha.
"Berhasil menjadikan masyarakat sebagai komponen paling salah dalam penanganan wabah Corona. Strategi mitigasi kegagalan mengatasi wabah, malah kini masyarakat yang di-bully habis-habisan."
Sementara itu tadi dapet cerita dari papski dan buski tentang penyaluran bantuan. Beberapa pembagian bantuan masih tidak tepat sasaran. Untuk kabupatenku nih dapet teh panasnya, kalo data yang dipakai masih menggunakan data penduduk tahun 2015. Dimana terdapat kasus orang yang sudah meninggal pun masih dapat bantuan, adapun para janda yang justru gak kena bantuan tersebut. Malah teh panas lainnya, di wilayah lain pak rw diberikan jatah sebesar 25k dari setiap dana bantuan keluarga. Jsjs.
Oh iya dari dulu aku kepikiran dan muncul lagi barusan, gimana caranya biar kita punya akses data penduduk yang terupdate. Mungkin kalo pak rt/rw gak mampu mendigitalisasi pekerjaannya, yaudah serendah-rendahnya menjadi tugas kelurahan atau desa yang tentu harapannya ada pada pegawai setingkat sarjana yang ngerti tentang pengoperasian komputer, internet dsb. Dan data tersebut terintegrasi sama bpjs, ah my mind... masih bingung berupa apa bentuknya, apakah web? Kadang mikir apakah terlalu riskan juga ya takut di bobol dan diperjual belikan. Atau sebetulnya hal yang aku pikirin ini udah ada dan hanya akunya aja kurang main?
Lalu perihal kenapa malah makin banyak orang ke pasar? kalau jawabannya karena mau lebaran doang memang ada betulnya. Tapi kan kalo gak punya uang mah gak akan bisa beli apapun. Salah satu alasannya memang karena masyarakat mendapatkan uang bantuan tadi. Aku gak mau mikir benar salah, karena pasti emang kompleks banget hal ini, dan males gamau pusing atau kepikiran haha. Belum lagi sudah rahasia umum kayaknya kalau pertokoan-pertokoan tetap buka dengan pintu-pintu kecil yang sering dibuka tutup. Ya gimana, pedagang pun kan butuh pemasukan.
Dan pasti aparat juga tau hal tersebut. Walaupun ada pertokoan yang sempat viral dan sempat ditegur, pada akhirnya semuanya kembali adem ayem. Kalau mau berpikir positif, barangkali aparat juga mengawasi sih.
Lalu hal random yang kutemui lagi ketika tadi menemukan komentar netizen subang yang bilang,
"(subang) sepi sedari dulu kala karena tidak ada hiburan yang menarik dan pekerjaan yg menjamin, makanya orang berbondong-bondong ke kota orang."
Hahaha mmh, bener sih. Bahkan aku dan salah satu temanku pernah sampai pada kesimpulan kalo di kota ini tuh pilihan pekerjaannya sempit, gak banyak. Makanya warga sini banyak hijrah, kayak ke karawang, purwakarta, bandung, jakarta dan kota lainnya. Terlepas dari pikiran sempit atau tidak, ya kenyataan memang kadang tak selalu indah. Adapun subang itu salah satu 'pemasok' tkw yang banyak juga dari jabar. Ah, barangkali diri ini sotau yaudah silahkan bantu dicari ya.
Kayaknya udah terurai deh pikiran mumetku hari ini hahaha.
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kwangsomin-blog · 7 years ago
‘ep : 379
Firstly congrats to Running Man fam for reaching a double digit viewership (10.1% ??) !! 
Honestly when the news broke out that Gary is leaving I was heartbroken and the whole messy KJK & Jihyo drama with the rumored additional members (Hodong) I was doubly upset about it because the two members were the ace and they are as important as the whole casts! And then the new news that two new members would join them I instantly fell in love with Somin because she was one of my favourite guest cast! SO CONGRATS! Let’s continue running not walking (;
So here is my recap / review of this week’s episode
We start with the episode from last week’s. They showed a small section of JSJ & Jaesuk’s section from last week. They added more cute moments of Somin & Kwangsoo watching them!! I swear she’s so fresh. So adorable and really made it funny. and da da da daaaaaam Kwangsoo’s turn to meet chopper <3
Somin gave some cute comments to lighten up the mood. Honestly with every punishment trip I could see her motivating and encouraging Kwangsoo to have fun like how in Indonesia despite her braving her way on the cable thingy she arrived safely on the tiny island and brought some snacks she’d binged on in the main island for Kwangsoo. On this trip she was really trying to liven things up. Best moment of the episode imo. 
SO BIG SPOILER : Chopper has a thing for Kwangsoo xD I felt his segment was not as long as JSJ & Jaesuk. Despite him going into the cage of death alone but it was cute. I think he toned down from his overdramaticness we are used to so it was a nice change^^ YUP he kissed the croc <3 
After them completing they got to use their chance card and they choose the dangerous kind. ALL four would visit a wildlife tour to see wild crocodiles. OKAY this trip was another highlight. So many fluttering and cray comments exchanged from Kwangsoo to Somin xD Like how she was so worried that when the baby crocs hatched from their eggs and be released to the wildlife would their parents know their babies and Kwangsoo was like hell yeah it was adorable. SIDE NOTE : PD’s editing was a little better this episode!!
So I shared some screencaps earlier there were some little moments they share in the background. It was adorable (: I just wanted to highlight here how even though they were teased but not so heavily but they were not encouraged to make shippy moments and I find that nice because their interactions were not forceful. They’re just at the background enjoying their trip/missions. 
The foursome somehow managed to complete their selfie mission and unfortunately for Kwangsoo the time when he was right the others choose otherwise and hence they were not able to go have a meal at their preferred restaurant xD Overall the Aussie trip was fun. We had the two resident hyungs who had their moments, a chatter box Somin and her few banters with unlucky kwangsoo. 
* I didn’t fully watched the NZ trip but I did see Jihyo & KJK did their swing challenge! AS expected our ace <3
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sleepyljihoon · 5 years ago
i hope your christmas is filled w lots of food, joy and love!! and have a great new year 💖💖 also i just saw your most recent post ... YOU'RE AT A CAT CAFE?? i hope you pet many good bois augh my dream is to visit a cat cafe .. i hope i can do it over break!! i have a couple moodboard ideas planned so i hope you enjoy them!! sorry for not being too active :(( - kmbnet anon 💓
It's okay if you can't reply fast! We're all busy with the upcoming holidays and stuff yk :)
Also thank uuu, hope your Christmas and New Year are well spent as well!!
And yup, the cat cafe was so cute. There was a cat sleeping on a chair beside our table and I could pet it all I want heh :') One day you'll visit one I'm sure, I highly recommend them
Ooh really?? Aww I'm excited jsjs I'm sure your moodboards will turn out great 💞
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bwoahtastic · 4 years ago
Okay but, I know this doesn't quite fit with the idea you had but if the drivers were superheroes what power would they have?
Ooohh you're in for a ride jsjs. I spend a good few hours on this and yeah am obsessed already
Sebastian Vettel: he would have visions about the future. Not necessarily what will happen, but a possible future.
Charles Leclerc: according to @loving-ricciardo there is someone in the series Misfits whose superpower is making other people horny by touching them and yup that would be Charles.
Max Verstappen: he would be all about fire. Shooting fire from his hands, heating up hot chocolate for Lando, he can do it all.
Daniel Ricciardo: shape-shifting. Be it being another human to confuse you, or a badger to chew on shoes, or insects to scare you. Please don't expect him to shift into something serious though.
Antonio Giovinazzi: healing magic hair powers like Rapunzel, you heard it here first.
Kimi Räikkönen: some sort of ice power. But you all probably guessed that one
Valtteri Bottas: invisibility. Idk not to be rude but maybe he sometimes already has that power
Lewis Hamilton: he would be able to charm anyone and everything into doing what he wants. Like he will smile and you will forget you're fighting.
George Russell: heightened senses. Yes he will hear everyone's secret farts and spot differences to f1 cars from miles away
Nicholas Latifi: lowkey vibe with him having wings. That would be awesome
Alexander Albon: telekinesis. He doesn't use it a lot unless Lando wants to float around for a bit. Also useless to move your boss away from you
Esteban Ocon: regenerative abilities. Very useful, I think he's quite clumsy so very quick healing would be his saviour
Kevin Magnussen: Water bending. He my pretty little mermaid you can't convince me otherwise. Like annoy him and suddenly the water in your water bottle will attack you
Romain Grosjean: time manipulation/time freezing. He will mostly do it to keep people out of trouble though
Pierre Gasly: mind reading. And yes that leads to embarrassing situations.
Daniil Kvyat: superhuman strength, I think he would just yeet stuff away as if it weighs nothing all the time
Lando Norris: power absorption. He can literally take any power he wants. Mostly steals Dan's powers to change into the Aussie and annoy Max, but his pranks are not limited to that
Carlos Saint Jr: mind manipulation. You'd never be sure what you really think around him, not cos he uses the power a lot but because its like a Pavlov effect jsjs
Lance Stroll: talking to animals. It ain't much, but you can bet your ass cats always spill the tea.
Checo Perez: teleportation. I have the feeling he would be popping up everywhere just to scare everyone
Nico Hülkenberg: look he will just hulksmash a bitch, it's simple
Jenson Button: phasing - which is just a fancy word for walking through walls. You won't even be safe in the bathroom
Yuki Tsunoda: I can see him just being an epic human fighter like Black Widow. Don't know if that's technically a superpower but I think you'd see it as such after he whoops your ass.
Fernando Alonso: his power is being a little bitch - jk he would have something cool like laser beams from his eyes - and that's all on him having a death stare hehe
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rengiyuus · 8 years ago
I'm happy,, but also upset (?) and yup it's fun but I liked sims 3 better because I had more extras purchased (you know clothes, furniture and all that Jazz) I miss you too like present time bc I do all the time -🌹
oh no i’m sending you all the love in the world to cheer you up!! and tru...jsjs i like sims 4 more bc it looks nicer to me!! even tho i got it last night my sim already went thru 2 relationships hehe
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titaniumbadger · 8 years ago
Yup i think Luna and Amber are good at freestyling even tho we havent had much moments to see them do a dance battle type of thing lol. Krystal is quite precise like you said and her training shows. And her and her sis sometime look like they lack stanima in dances it kinda depends. But JSJ seems to be a better dancer and jess the better singer. W/ vic even her most recent solo dance to 5H at an award show was a lil stiff. Sometimes it feels like her former training messes w/ her current dancing
Oh for sure all of that. I think Jess always had a stronger voice and Krys was probably always better at dancing, so SM just went with it. I do wish they had worked on Krystal's technique more if she was gonna be a lead singer. f(x) has always been the odd SM group out in terms of vocal technique. All the other groups have at least two members with above average technique. But yeah, I wish Luna and Amber had gotten put on more of those dancing shoes back in the day, but they don't make them anymore :( as far as Vic is concerned, I think you're right. I think she might be worried that if she commits too hard to f(x) style, she'll lose her classical technique. However, she's too old to have a career in classical anymore anyway, so I sorta wish she would let it go, but I do realize that sounds kinda harsh...
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ndn-craft · 4 years ago
Yup jsjs so please empires members make him participate in more lore stuff please we need answers, we need corrupted/villain jimmy.
And I really need some flower husbands explanation bc idk where they stand but those two just mess with our hearts and I need something to be prepared for. Like are they gonna be enemies? Are they friends??? -nebula
I’ll become a channel member, please jimmy asjhdfgks
The “we have a lot of history together” line hits me so hard, what do you mean mr smajor
In Scotts eyes, they’re relatively okay, he doesn’t consider him an enemy nor an ally
But in Jimmys?? It’s more hostile because of how Scott helped fWhip multiple times, despite Scott saying “he’s not choosing a side” but actions speak louder than words
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bwoahtastic · 5 years ago
Lando with his warm smile and wanting to hold him? Yup that me jsjs
And summer being too overwhelming but loved IMMA SCREAM
And Maxies little half smiles sdkdjdk yes
And for the last part I just imagine Valttri hugs and sndjeudus 😭😭
Thank you so much, you're the bestest❤🥺
Thank you to everyone who kept asking me about this fic. I never realised there were so many people waiting for the last chapter and I'm sorry it took so long!
I really hope you'll like this, please let me know what you think!
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