sailortiefling · 7 years
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I love them so much... (original ref pose even though i changed it a little -> x)
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I've spent far too long looking at this list because literally all of these could be turned into angst so i'm just gonna put whatever ones that catch my attention lol So how about yukogeki with G, J, O, or U???
Sorry this took so long, friend. I ended up rewriting it twice and I’m still not satisfied how it turned out lol. I apologize if this isn’t what you pictured orz. (Though it isn’t angsty or at least I didn’t intentionally try to make it as such)
Still, I’m always grateful for you sending in requests, so thank you!
I will post on AO3 later.
YukoGeki G: A Fistfight
Gekikara’s whole body pulsed with energy. All their senses were awake. They were aware of Yuko’s presence pressed against their back. Yabakune students swarmed around them like annoying flies.
Gekikara and Yuko had been making their way to school. They had cut through a field and had been laughing and goofing around, when they were suddenly ambushed by a bunch of pissed off and vengeful Yabakune weaklings.
Twenty against two.
A fight was the best way to start the morning.
Yuko bounced on her toes. Her excitement was evident, as it was contagious. “These are our kind of odds, don't you think Geki?”
Gekikara’s dark chuckle brought visible shivers to those around them. They cracked their knuckles in anticipation. “Yes, Yuko-san. It's going to be so much fun breaking them.”
Not liking that they were being underestimated, the Yabakune students charged forward. Yuko reacted with inhuman speed. She ricocheted from one person to the next. Her short form blasted through waves of enemies like nothing.
She was an unstoppable storm bearing down on anyone who stood in her way.
Several people tried to swing at Yuko’s head with bats or metal poles. With lightning reflexes, Yuko grabbed onto one girl's pole with her bare hands and forced it to snap it up out of the girl's grasp.
There was a slight pause in which the girl had a look of our astonishment until Yuko delivered a backhanded swing on her. The crack of bones breaking resounded across the battlefield as Yuko sent the unlucky girl careening into other students.
Several students who witnessed this gave Yuko a wide berth. Yuko, on her part, could smell the fear in them.
With a broad grin, she swung away.
The Yabakune yankii’s never knew what hit them.
Gekikara slammed relentless punches into any that dared cross their path. Their bloody fists enjoyed the loud crunch of bones underneath every forceful hit.
One girl with brass knuckles managed to get a hit in on Gekikara’s face. Her smug grin was immediately wiped as Gekikara only laughed at the pain. They licked their bleeding lips and returned the punch twofold, breaking the girl's nose and sending her down in one foul swoop.
They spun around to deliver a roundhouse kick right into an unsuspecting girl’s groin. It was an immediate K.O her. Gekikara grabbed the girl’s collapsing body and chucked it into one of the clusters groups of girls that tried to overwhelm Yuko. They tumbled like dominoes. All of them  crumbled under the weight of each other.
A bigger girl grappled Gekikara from behind. Gekikara thrashed wildly. They slammed the back of their head into the girl’s face and elbowed her right in the boob.
The bigger girl cursed. “You fucker-”
Gekikara dropped kicked her right in the stomach. Gekikara rolled right back onto their feet and delivered a swift kick to her head. The bigger girl didn't get up after that.
Laughter echoed from both Yuko and Gekikara as they lay waste to everyone around them.
The scene before them was complete chaos. Students laid in a torrent mess, bleeding and hurt. Despite the numbers difference, it was a one sided fight on their end.
But for Gekikara and Yuko, it had been nothing short of euphoric.
One student, who had somehow managed to survive their curb stomping tried to crawl away, only for Gekikara to step hard onto their back.
The helpless student squirmed underneath Gekikara’s foot. They stomped harder on the student, eliciting a small, pathetic squeak from the terrified girl.
Gekikara stood over her triumphant, with a savage gleam in their eyes. “Hey, are you mad?”
The girl sputtered nonsense words before passing  out in fear.
Gekikara smirked at the laughable sight that was Yabakune yankiis whimpering in agony.
Yuko threw the pole behind her. It landed with a hard thunk on someone's unlucky head.
“Thanks for having my back, Geki.” Her bright smile directed at them made Gekikara's heart beat faster than it already was.
“Of course, Yuko-san.” Gekikara gave Yuko a genuine smile. They would always have her back, no matter what.
Gekikara attempted to wipe the blood of their face, but only succeeded in smearing it. The blood was going to be a pain to wash of later, but the early morning brawl had been fun. Gekikara would do it all over again, even if it did ruin their uniform.
“Ah here, let me clean your face.” Yuko took out her small handkerchief. She had to get on her tippy toes to reach Gekikara’s face. It was pretty adorable watching Rappapa’s fearless leader attempt to do so.
Yuko did gentle wipes across Gekikara’s face. Very few people had ever been so gentle with them. The soft moment was such a giant contrast to the carnage that both members of Rappapa had created mere moments ago.
“You did really good in this fight,” said Yuko. When she had finished cleaning their face, she presssed a quick kiss to Gekikara’s cheek.
Gekikara’s eyes lit up. Today was shaping up to be a great day.
There was a slight tinge of pink on Gekikara’s face. Their smile was practically beaming. “Thank you, Yuko-san.”
Yuko gave her thumbs up. “It's no problem.”
They basked in the afterglow of the fight. Each enjoying the small moment together and taking a small reprieve from the rush of adrenaline. Gekikara leaned on Yuko and proped their head on Yuko’s. Normally, Yuko wouldn’t like being used as a head rest, since it always reminded her of her small stature, but if it was Gekikara, she didn’t mind so much.
The moment was interrupted by Yuko’s phone pinging. She flipped it open to read the text message she received. “Oh, it’s Sado.”
She made a similar face of agony that was currently present on the beaten Yabakune students had. “Crap, we’re so late for early morning practice. Sado’s going to kick our asses.”
Gekikara rubbed the back of their neck nervously. They were certainly going to get more than an earful from Rappapa’s sadistic Vice President.
“Race you there!” Yuko didn't even give Gekikara time to process what she said before she took off running in the direction of the school.
Gekikara shook their head in amusement before running in after her.
Both leaving the bloody aftermath behind them.
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rukakikuchi · 7 years
Half asleep morning cuddles (寝ぼけた朝の抱擁) (OS)
Just got in the mood for writing this. @almightyyuna I think you’ll enjoy this. ;)
8 in the morning. As the sunlight peaked through the apartment window, two figures were soundly sleeping in bed. Not far from them, a grey furred cat was stretching as the morning sun hit its face, letting out a silent yawn as one of its ears, one that was nipped, twitched slightly. Two other cats, one black and one orange with stripes visible, stirred awake, but the black one was persistent to not get up, both eyes (one with a scar over the eyelid) closed tightly.
Yuko slowly opened her eyes, feeling a familiar pair of arms wrapped around her small waist. She looked down, smirking. “I knew it.” The scars and bruises on her skin and painted nails made it obvious.
She turned her head slightly to see Gekikara was still deep asleep. Her long dark hair spread out on the pillows, her head close to Yuko’s ear so she could feel the soft breathing tickle down her neck. Her peaceful sleeping expression warmed her heart as she slowly turned to face her.
“Geki...” she nudged her shoulder a bit, whispering to stir the girl awake. “Ne, Gekikara... it’s morning~”
“Mm...?” Gekikara opened her eyes slightly, smiling upon the angelic face in front of her. “Oh... morning, Yuko...”
“You snuck out of your bed again to sleep with me, didn’t you?”
She shook her head. “No... just woke up early... wanted to cuddle...” her voice was still drowsy, the girl gently nuzzling into Yuko’s chest. “Decided to sleep in...”
“Well, time to get up. We gotta go help Black babysit, remember?” Yuko reminded the girl, ruffling her hair.
Geki just shook her head again, her eyelids gently shutting.
“I’m still sleepy... Can you make breakfast?”
Yuko chuckled. “If you fall asleep again, you’re going to miss breakfast.”
“I want.. bacon pancakes...” she said, her voice trailing off a bit at the end.
The orange cat jumped up on the bed. Looking at her with heterochromia eyes, it went next to her and started licking her cheek, making the sleepy girl laugh.
“Tickles, hahaha...”
“See, he wants you to wake up too,” Yuko said.
“Oh okay...” Gekikara yawned as she propped herself up, kissing Yuko’s cheek. “Eggs, too? With the bacon pancakes.”
Yuko chuckled, petting her head. “Eggs, too. Scrambled?”
“Gotcha. I’ll go start it,” she said as she got up from the bed, walking to the kitchen. “Don’t fall asleep again,” she said.
“Hai~” Geki answered absentmindedly as she pet her cat.
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I don't know if you'll write this one because idk if you do yukogeki stuff but its worth a shot lol so how about yukogeki with #15??
@almightyyuna Sorry for the delay. But here it is! Happy Birthday again friend  ҉*\( ‘ω’ )/*҉
I hope you don’t mind if I used some influences from your own headcanons
*As a note on this particular fic, I also had Geki go by they/them/their so I hope that I did this right
Under the cut and also on AO3
 The intricately woven sounds of their instruments playing, filled the music room. Gekikara banged away at the drums as Sado and Shibuya let out a racing tune to the start of the group’s next session. The tone was set off by the easing transition of Yuko’s french horn, Torigoya’s flute, and Black’s clarinet all together becoming less chaotic and into a synced melody. A meshing of all their personalities into one unit.
They might be the school’s top fighters, but Yuko would always say that that wasn’t an excuse not to practice. They were still a music club after all.  
Gekikara lost themselves to the music.  It was so easy to get pulled into the harmonizing beat. Playing here with their friends, it was freeing. It felt like this was exactly where they belonged. It felt like home.
As the intensity of their practice continued, Gekikara noticed from the corner of their eye that Yuko was staring in Geki’s direction. There was a look in her eyes that was indescribable. When Yuko caught Gekikara’s gaze, she gave Geki a wink that almost caused them to drop their drumsticks.
By some miracle, they managed to catch themselves and continue playing. Something was brewing in Yuko’s bright eyes. A hint of mischievousness mixed with something deeper. Her eyes pierced right into Gekikara.
Geki could feel their heart thump thump thump in sync with the drums. Without warning, Yuko paused playing and with a wide grin, yelled, “I love you~!”  
She continued to sing the dumb pop song off beat to Geki and without any remorse as to messing up their practice.  Yuko didn’t even care that she was singing the song lyrics incorrectly. “I want you~ I need you~”
Her voice was loud and booming. It was honestly kind of amazing how she could project her voice so loud over their music playing. It was a spontaneous outburst. A very Yuki thing to do. Still, it took Gekikara and the rest of Rappapa by surprise.
“Y-yuko-san!” The sudden exclamation of love caused Gekikara to lose their rhythm altogether, which in turn, caused the drumsticks to slip out of their hands and right into the back of Shibuya’s head. This abruptly ended their session in a mess of uncoordinated sounds and a string of curses mainly from Shibuya. A blush colored Gekikara’s face, turning it into a bright tomato red color.  The others stopped playing, all a little confused at Yuko’s sudden outburst until they all caught sight of a blushing Gekikara.
Geki mumbled apologies as they hid their face in behind their hands. Yuko, of course, was not abashed by such things. It was not in her nature to be, because Yuko was always genuine in her feelings and her actions.
Sado pulled Yuko’s cheek. “Yuko-san, you said you wanted to practice seriously, but you’re the one who’s messing around.”
Of course, there was a smirk on Sado’s face as she watched Gekikara, who was still beat red, squirm in their seat. Yuko laughed as she playfully swatted Sado’s hand away.
“Sorry,” she said sounding in no way apologetic. “Geki was playing so intensely that I got distracted.”
Yuko still had a teasing smile on her face. She put down her horn and put a gentle hand on a flustered Geki’s shoulder. “Sorry, Geki. You were playing so good that I got carried away.”
Geki tried to compose themselves. But it was hard when Yuko was still looking at them with such pride and love. Gekikara somehow managed a small, “It’s fine” despite their heart still pounding really hard.  
Torigoya tilted her head. “Mm, so is Yuko-san going to be punished for messing up practice?”
“Oi.” Yuko did not look pleased with that implication.  
“Since you gave Geki a heart attack and ruined practice, make it up to us with dinner,” said Shibuya. It was more of a command than a request. It was obvious she was pissed at the surprise attack from the back of her head.
“ Yakiniku .” That came from Black, who with her lightning speed, was already packed and ready to go. Yuko grumbled. She tried to protest for something cheaper with no luck.
“You heard the group,Yuko-san,” said Sado. Her sharp smile was a warning to Yuko that she wasn’t going to escape that easily from this.
Yuko huffed and folded her arms over her chest. “You’re all merciless. Fine, but lets pack up first.”
As Rappapa began to pack up and clean, it was if they were in sync just like the music they had been playing. All the pieces fit together. A unit that worked well even in the simplest things.
Once finished, the group made its way off campus. Geki hung back with Yuko. Hesitantly, they tugged at Yuko’s sleeve. “Yuko-san…”
Yuko looked up curiously at them. “Hmm?”
Geki rubbed the back of their neck. Their face turned a bright pink as they tried to find the courage to speak, to give words to their happiness.
“I-I love you~”
They tried to sing back, though it came out a little wobbly. Yuko laughed and pulled Geki down to her level before planting a kiss on their cheek. Geki’s face broke into a wide smile. Their heart beating wildly as when they play their drums. Yuko threaded her arm with Geki’s as they all continued to walk together to the restaurant.
As she watched the group,Yuko in particular, Geki couldn’t help but be content. Elation rose in their chest.
To be loved.
What a wonderful feeling.
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sailortiefling · 8 years
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LISTEN I know this is late but that wasn’t gonna stop me lol
So here’s your mistake riddled valentine’s day fluff
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Gdi a lot of the prompts bring me flashbacks to the 14 pages of angst you wrote last time so I'm gonna do my best to try and avoid those ones lol. How about gekitabe with D, E, or N??
No angst this time I promise lol
As always thank you for sending in a prompt request!
I will post this on AO3 later
Gekitabe N: The Color Green
Warnings: Some nudity and implied sex but nothing graphic
The deep green color of Gekikara’s sukajan always reminded Otabe of her childhood home in Kyoto, where she had wandered and played in the garden and among the trees. It was no surprise then, that Otabe had a fondness for the jacket and had a tendency to “borrow” it whenever Gekikara stayed over.
They were currently spending their lazy Sunday afternoon in her futon and enjoying a smoke. It wasn’t something they did often, especially with any of their friends around, but when they were alone together, they were allowed to give in to some of their vices.
They had spent the night together, which wasn’t an uncommon thing nowadays. Gekikara rested her back against the wall, cigarette in hand. Otabe could feel her eyes tracing her bare back. She was possibly observing the scratches and light bruises left over from last night.
Not that Otabe minded at all, it hadn’t been the first time since they’ve seen each other naked. It probably wouldn’t be the last. either.  
Otabe was sitting near the end of the futon. She had gotten up to put some clothes but had only gotten so far as putting on her underwear before her eyes were drawn to the glossy green jacket, that had been hastily tossed aside in their hurried frenzy last night.
She ran her fingers over the silky material of the jacket. With a gentle caress, Otabe’s fingers skimmed over the dragon design. The dragon’s eye bore into her. It’s presence stood protective over Mount Fuji. It’s teeth invited anyone to try and dare challenge it. Despite the fierce image the jacket tried to convey, the flowers at the bottom gave it a small softness to it as well. Underneath the mighty dragon, there lay something a lot more serene.  
It was meant to be intimidating (and somewhat tacky), but Otabe found it to be beautiful in it’s own way. She wrapped Gekikara’s sukajan around her shoulders.  It had a nice aroma of sweet spices and sometimes, like today, a hint of smokiness.   
Otabe turned to Gekikara, who seemed to be deep in thought. “You know, I really like your jacket. I might actually steal it for myself,” she joked, with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
Gekikara blinked out of her daze. The cigarette, that she had been holding loosely in her hand, was now held a little more tightly. She mumbled something into her cigarette. Her eyes darted away from Otabe. Her demeanour now suddenly shy. Gekikara blew out some smoke, possibly hoping it would help hide her pink cheeks. It didn’t work, but Otabe wouldn’t tell her that.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”Otabe couldn’t help but tease her. It was hard not to when she was being so bashful all of the sudden.
Gekikara seemed to shrink a little into the futon. The comforter wrapped around her half naked form like a small fluffy shield.  “…I said I like you better….without it.”
It pleased something deep in Otabe, to see the deep red blush on Gekikara’s face. It was always adorable to watch Gekikara be so emotive.
Well, she had been plenty emotive last night too, thought Otabe. But she tucked those memories away for a second. Otabe approached her and with swift movement, she was straddling Gekikara. A smirk was present on her lips. “You like me better without the jacket or without anything on at all?”
Otabe’s hands slipped Gekikara’s cigarette away from her hand. Otabe took her own slow inhale of the cigarette. The smoke wafted around them, giving a hazy atmosphere to the room.
Gekikara’s hands settled on Otabe’s hips and she ran small circles with her thumb. Her eyes had a dangerous and enticing look in them.  Gekikara took the cigarette back and snuffed it out without breaking eye contact. Her predatory smile sent shivers down Otabe’s spine. She pulled Otabe closer and pressed her mouth close to Otabe’s ear. With a low voice, she whispered, “Stop stealing my jacket.”
With a swift motion, Gekikara swept her jacket off Otabe’s shoulders and put it on her own bare body. Otabe rolled her eyes at Gekikara’s satisfied smirk. Otabe, however, was not undeterred, instead she took it all in stride. “If I don’t stop, what will you do about it, hm?”
The question prompted Gekikara’s predatory smile to return. Her sharp teeth peeked out. Dark eyes illuminated with sparks of desire.
Gekikara’s body moved forward and pinned Otabe down. Her nails dug into Otabe’s sides. Otabe didn’t object to their positions at all. She was more than interested to see where this would go. Gekikara adjusted herself and pressed their foreheads together. Her voice was raspy and deep. It was enough to make Otabe shiver again. “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”
Ever since she was a child, the color green reminded her of gardens, and trees, and home.
That part was still true, but now, when she thought of the color green, she imagined a tangle of dark hair, smoky kisses, and the aroma of sweet spices.
*Later, Geki gets Otabe her own sukajan so she can stop stealing Geki’s. It doesn’t work lol.
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sailortiefling · 7 years
Do i wanna draw these gays in their uniform or am i too lazy so i’ll draw them in normal clothes????
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sailortiefling · 7 years
I wanna draw yukogeki now >:V
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sailortiefling · 7 years
I want to write fanfiction again
If I did it’d be a lot of just geki pieces or yukogeki pieces with another ship here or there like sadoyuko/sadogeki/sadoblack
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sailortiefling · 7 years
A long time ago i said i was gonna draw Geki getting hugs from other members of maji 1 rappapa (+ otabe) Im not gonna do that anymore since im just gonna upgrade them to smooches >:v Sadogeki is next on my list >:3€
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sailortiefling · 8 years
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me whenever I try to draw/write anything
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sailortiefling · 7 years
I know if i want there to be more yukogeki content I either gotta make it myself or ask others to make it but... i don’t ask others to make it because i’d rather give them prompts for things that I know they like :’v
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sailortiefling · 7 years
Tagged by: the rad au making machine @tyrant-king-toru :3
Relationship status: single and (for today) i’m alright with that :v
Favourite color: uhhhhh purples, reds and pinks (i can’t really pick a specific for each lol)
Lipstick or chapstick: because I was in band for 8 years of my life I permanently have chapstick with me and i use it all the time
Last song I listened to: Dumb Dumb by Red Velvet
Top three shows: MajiGaku (besides maji 5), Yamegoku, and Avatar the last airbender :v
Top three characters:  Yuko and Gekikara from Majigaku are tied for first and then the third spot is always changing but right now it’s Bakushu from Yamegoku
Top three ships: uhhhhh #1 would be yukogeki but like after that it honestly depends on how i feel lol
And I’m not gonna tag anyone in particular but if anyone wants to do it go ahead lol
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sailortiefling · 8 years
Things I remember about maji 2:
Gekikara gets stabbed, seems to be doing fine, then ????, and then the yukogeki scene
Episodes 9 and 11 because of cennezu
Yuka and Yuki exist
Shibuya betrays majijo
Maeda is pretty fucked up mentally (and I don’t blame her)
Otabe is there for some reason???
Things I dont remember about maji 2:
everything else including the plot
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sailortiefling · 8 years
When I feel like shit I noticed I either watch the yukogeki scene from maji 2 or the scene with Geki and their mom from the first musical because honestly I don’t know how to make myself feel better I only know how to make myself feel worse
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sailortiefling · 8 years
God talking about Geki and kisses makes me want to 
a) write that yukogeki fanfic I had in mind or b) draw some smooches
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