#Yukihisa Maki Fan Fics
truelovevoltage · 5 years
Pregnancy - Yukihisa Maki
It started off as a harmless meeting every Friday night. At first, it was all fun and games no feelings attached, that’s all there is to it until that one night. Y/N wasn’t quite sure what really happened, she knew that she was having one of the best nights with Yukihisa. The further they kept going the deeper her feelings fell into the well. 
She thought to herself that even if she did fall in love with him, she will not tell him. She will do everything in her power to keep that feeling to herself. She’s going to keep the promise that she will not say the “L” word. She’s not going to tell him how she really felt about the Doctor who has a weird way of showing his affections to others. 
When her monthly was late, it didn’t really bother her because she would have irregular visits from time to time. However, a few weeks have passed and she started to worry. She tried to remember that night and how amazing it was, it must’ve happened that night, where the protection broke but neither of them realized it. 
Once that was done she went and bought a pregnancy kit to test out her theory. She was nervous, she knew her status between Yukihisa and she didn’t want to ruin his life but how is she going to deal with the pregnancy by herself? What is she going to do if she is indeed carrying his child at this very moment? Her hands shook as she waited for the test to deny or confirm her theory. 
After a few minutes, she was scared to look at the results but she needed to see it herself, there’s no going back. She held the edge of the sink for extra support, she was going to be a mother soon. A lot of things ran through her head and it was too much during that time. One thing’s for sure she was going to keep the child and raised them on her own, all she has to do now is leave her dream job. It’s a huge sacrifice, but it’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make. 
The following day Y/N walked towards Shunichiro Tachibana’s office and gave him her resignation letter. “Mr. Tachibana after this project I will be resigning from the company.” Y/N stated. Shunichiro was confused, there was no problem with the production or the project itself, why is she suddenly leaving the company? “Hmm... May I ask why? This is your dream isn’t it?” He clasped his hands together and rested his chin on top. “It is my dream job that is correct but I feel like I’ve lost myself. I am resigning because I want to find myself and be happy.”
“Is this because of Yuki? Are you two not in good terms? Are you just going to run away like that?” 
Hearing his name made it hard for her to breathe but she needed to keep her composure. “No Sir, this is not because of Dr. Maki. I’ve been meaning to visit my parents as well and I’m hoping that they can somehow help me with this slump. This is my own decision and I just need a change of pace, change of scenery even and I know what you’re going to say... Why can’t I just take time off and bounce back after I’ve gotten out of my slump but I believe that this is something that’ll take time. As much as it pains me to say goodbye to my dream job, I have to do this. I apologize for the inconvenience.” 
Shunichiro knew that there was some truth behind what Y/N has just declared to him but he wasn’t quite convinced. He knew that she was hiding something but he wasn’t going to pry. “It’s really sad to see someone young and talented like you go just like that, but I’m not a demon and will decline your resignation letter. I don’t know what you’re going through right now but I hope you overcome it.” 
That same night, Y/N invited Yukihisa out. She knew that it’s not their usual Friday rendezvous but she needed to do this now. He happily agreed to meet with her that night at a bar where they could talk. “Someone couldn’t wait to see me until Friday huh?” He smirked. 
Y/N tried her best to act normal around him so that he doesn’t get suspicious. But knowing his friendship with her boss, he must’ve said something about her resignation letter to Yukihisa. “What are you going to drink this time? I suggest the -” 
“Yukihisa I’m in love with you.” Y/N looked at him to show that she was serious. 
Y/N’s sudden declaration of love took Yukihisa by surprise. He held his hand out and she knew what he wanted. “You knew from the very start that this is going to end the moment you fell for me.” He gave her an icy stare. Y/N already knew that this was going to happen, it was easier this way because then she can leave without raising his radar. “I know and I’m sorry but I can’t help it but fall for you. I love you, very much. I know what this means it’s the end but at least I was able to tell you how I feel right? And don’t worry, I’ll be back to my normal self in no time.” She smiled at him. 
This is the very first time the Yukihisa couldn’t anticipate what was running through her head right now. “I’m sorry but I need to go, I still have a project to finish.” She excused herself and left Yukihisa at the bar. 
It was her last week in the company and just like she said, she was back to normal and ready to bounce back. It was still a mystery to Shunichiro how cheerful Y/N is right now considering that she was going to be gone from the company in a couple of days. Once the project is released, she’ll be gone from the company forever. Shunichiro wanted to talk to her and persuade her to stay but that is something she can’t do. There was no one who could change her mind. 
The two tried to avoid each other in the company but Shunichiro would find ways for them to cross paths. This irritated Y/N but she needed to calm herself. She didn’t want Yukihisa to detect any change in her behaviour due to her pregnancy. It seems like Shunichiro didn’t bother telling Yukihisa about Y/N’s resignation, he didn’t feel like he needed to know what was going on with her life since they already ended things with each other. 
The advertisement was a huge success. Everyone loved it and gave a positive vibe to those who saw it, even the actors really got moved. But since it’s the day of the release, it also meant that it’s Y/N last day. Only a few coworkers know that she was leaving but no one really knew the reason why. Natsume wasn’t buying her reason but he knew there must be something else. 
Y/N knew that she needed to at least attend the party tonight. Since she’s pregnant she needed to stay away from liquor or anything that’ll harm her child. Yukihisa watched her from a distance, he wanted to make sure that she was okay. He knew that she pushed herself to make this production a success and it paid off. He also noticed how one of her coworkers was very close to her the entire night, he didn’t like the feeling of jealousy but he knew he had no right to be feeling this way. He was the one who didn’t want any relationship blooming from his little game and he basically turned her confession down.  
Natsume didn’t leave Y/N side the entire night, he didn’t know why Y/N was acting strange and why she needed to quit the job at Addison & Rhodes. “I don’t know what the hell is going on Y/N but please tell me why you’re leaving.” 
“Natsume please not now. Let’s just enjoy the part and I swear I’ll tell you in a bit on the way home okay?” 
Natsume didn’t like the suspense he all he had to do was to be patient. He just wanted to be by her side at this time he was afraid that she might do something stupid. After making their rounds and greeting everyone, Y/N suddenly felt fatigued. Natsume noticed right away and held her by the waist to keep her balance. The two excused themselves from everyone and decided to go home, Yukihisa’s eyes, on the other hand, followed as the two of them exited the party. 
Natsume waited for Y/N to explain what was going on, Y/N said it was a long story and asked him if he wanted to stay at her place for a bit and then she can tell him the story. She hoped that her childhood friend wouldn’t judge her for what has happened during the past weeks. She knew that he’ll probably lecture her about everything that has happened and she was prepared for that. Y/N started her story from day one and Natsume was listening, but as he was listening his hands formed into a fist. “Natsume... I’m pregnant and he’s the father. I’m not going to tell him, because this is not what he needs in his life right now.” 
“Are you insane?!?! How are you going to take care of the child by yourself?!? Aren’t you being unfair to Dr. Maki and your child? He’s not going to know that he has a kid and your child won’t know who his father is.” 
Y/N knew the consequences, she knew what she was going to say to her kid if they look for their Father. She was going to tell them that their father is no longer with them and it was just the two of them. “You know how stupid and crazy that sounds Y/N? I wish you could’ve told me about it earlier.” 
It was suddenly quiet but Natsume’s words shocked Y/N. There’s no way she’ll let him do that even if he volunteered. She just couldn’t, this isn’t what she wanted for her childhood friend. People would be suspicious and she didn’t want to ruin his life just how she didn’t want to ruin Yukihisa’s life. “I’ll be the father of the child.” 
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