#Yuji Iwasaki
demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Cipher Academy chapter 33 color page
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freusan · 1 year
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Cipher Academy by NISIOISIN & Yuji Iwasaki, Chapter 33: "Everyone Has Their Own Way of Being a Tank"
THE COLOR PAGE IS GORGEOUS!!! Iwasaki does not miss with these
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comradeyurika · 10 months
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Anonymity Requested remains the most fun character in the series, and Yosaimura is a good foil for her, too. I really enjoyed how they played off each other in this week's chapter
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tokiro07 · 1 year
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Another color image of our girl Anonymity courtesy of Iwasaki himself! I appreciate getting an alternate view of her color scheme, especially since this lets us see her in the standard uniform rather than the tracksuit
There is a non-zero chance that I end up using this image as my icon somewhere. Haven't figured out where yet
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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thedespondent · 2 years
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Excited about the new Shonen Jump series starting this weekend, Cipher Academy by Nisio Isin and Yuji Iwasaki. Isin is a deliberately awkward writer obsessed with wordplay and obtuse trickery, so conceptually this is a perfect fit.
It's not hard to solve what the message is on the cover, mind. It's literally on the same page.
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kurisusteiner · 2 years
Ok I like this girl and this new manga as well
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Manga: Cipher Academy
Art: Yuji Iwasaki | Story: Nisioisin
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asknarashikari · 2 months
One of my Headcanons. (Interview Style)
Me: These are the bunch of kids that are always 100% keeping it real with me.
Manobu Kiba: First son and child of Yuji Kiba and Random. Dad... help me with the dry cleaners. No. I'm not the only child on this branch.
Masao Kurenai: First son and child of Kurenai Wataru and Random. I'm his number 1 son who's always 100% keeping it real with him.
Weston Yamato Daimonji: 2nd child and 1st son. And that's the truth of what Masao oniisan said. Masao is always the realest person I know. Which we all got from our old man.
Yanagi Daimonji: 3rd child and second daughter. Dad's a bit goofy, cringy, and horny. Yet he puts most of his strength into raising all of us. His real godly powers... mostly restrained and rarely uses them.
Asari: First daughter and child of Ziin and Random. Mom loves dad way too much, especially when they get intimate. But I know they do care about us. It's just that me and full-siblings flew out of the nest to find ourselves. Thanks, dad, for the courage.
Atsuhiko Ozu: 1st child and son. Woooo... Heck yeah. I get to learn some of dad's powerful magics. Also, our relationship with our dad... is similar to Goofy and his son Max.
Freya: 1st daughter of Agri and Random. I do know mom loves him very much just by the way they look at each other and interact.
Irisu: Iwasaki: I'm the only daughter and 2nd child from Ryuuji Iwasaki and a primordial god. And yes, I do have an Onii-san who's named is the same as my mother. Ryuji Iwasaki II.
Marika Igasaki: Just turned 14, 2 months ago. And yes, I am younger than Yoshiharu by 2 years. And dad... *gets hyper excited* I love dad buying me all the science-y stuff, so me and Auntie Kasumi and I can go do science experiments! Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. Besides that... *breathes, then calm and slow down* Dad... Dad genuinely loves mom very much. I can tell just about how they interact.
Me: *worried dog face meme here* I hope you never meet Science Squad, Mari-chan...
Rhion Ashena Gast: I'm Rhion Ashena Gast, and I'm an 8 years old genius prodigy. Heir-elect to N'Kosopa. As of now... my full 4 siblings, my 5 Husty siblings, and my 3 Brasieri siblings are the biggest group to by in the category of "We are the biggest daddy's boys and girls." That does include my 3 siblings from Akka Radwav.
...I'll take your word for it Random
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 7 months
Who's in your harem again? Can we get like a list or somethin?
For Riders: Yuji Kiba (555) (w/ 4 kids) Shun Daimonji (Fourze) (w/ 4 kids) Shapool (Gaim) (w/ 3 kids) Kiba (Build) (w/ 3 kids) Heure (Zi-O) (w/ 4 kids) Jin (Zero-One) (w/ 3 kids) Subaru Uchuyaro (Zero-One) (w/ 4 kids) Zooous (a reincarnation of him) (Kamen Rider Saber) (w/ 4 kids) Michinaga Azuma (Geats) (w/ 4kids) Ziin (Geats) (w/ 5 kids)
For Sentai: Kai Ozu (Magiranger) (w/ 2 kids) Chiaki Tani (Shinkenger) (w/ 2 kids) Agri (Goseiger) (w/ 3 kids) Ryuji Iwasaki (Go-busters) (w/ 3 kids) Takaharu Igasaki (Ninninger) (w/ 6 kids) Canalo (Ryusoulger) (w/ 4 kids) Tametomo Imizu (Kiramager) (w /3 kids) Jiro Momotani (Donbrothers) (w/ 7 kids) Gira Husty (King-Ohger) (w/ 4 kids) Yanma Gast (King-Ohger) (w/ 5 kids) Akka (King-Ohger) (w/ 3 kids)
Those in waiting: Nagi Matsuo (Ninninger) Jou Akuse (Boonboomger) Sabimaru Tsuruhara (Gotchard) Kajiki Ryo (Gotchard)
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textilecocoon · 2 years
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2007年にはじまった日本の夏じたくも15回目。 夏じたくの会を立ち上げ、牽引し、育ててくださった アトリエ Kinami 久保紀波さんを中心とした 「日本の夏じたく」はこの2023年で一区切りです。
2023年5月19日~21日 10:00~17:00(入場は16:30まで)※21日は16:00閉場 受付:三溪記念館 9:30受付開始 会場:三溪園  神奈川県横浜市中区本牧三之谷58-1 アクセスは三溪園ホームページでご確認ください。 https://www.sankeien.or.jp
イベントのお申し込み等詳細は夏じたくHPへ https://n-natsu-s.jimdo.com
COCOON 西川の最新情報は インスタグラムをご覧ください https://www.instagram.com/cocoon_oharu/
▶︎三溪記念館 総合受付 和紙 中村功/ #拝宮手漉き和紙工房
▶︎白雲邸 染色 久保紀波/ アトリエKinami
染織 岩崎訓久・悦子/ 染織iwasaki
染織 石川文江/ 楮布織
染織 西川はるえ/ Textile COCOON
木  富沢麻子/ a_wood
古代装身具 片桐光治/ limul 
墨画 石塚智之/ アトリエKinami
古典織物 中島洋一
漆 箱瀬淳一/ 箱瀬工房
日本刺繍 飯島桃子
染色 大き令子/ reikokiaburada
▶︎臨春閣玄関 竹  吉田佳道/ 竹の工芸よしだ
▶︎蓮華院 硝子 濱舘寛/ ipada 硝子 村木未緒/ ipada
呈茶 杉本百合子/すすり茶 空間 田中寛子
▶︎林洞庵 錫 今井章仁
金属 石井雄次/ Metal art and Jewelry YUJI ISHII
▶︎旧燈明寺本堂 硝子 荒川尚也/ 晴耕社ガラス工房
花  珠寳 / 青蓮舎
▶︎協力: 小熊廣美 / 書 辛島綾 / しつらい
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demifiendrsa · 10 months
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Cipher Academy chapter 49 color spread
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freusan · 1 year
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Cipher Academy by NISIOISIN & Yuji Iwasaki vol 3 cover has been revealed!
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comradeyurika · 1 year
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This was such a good chapter of Cipher Academy. It really highlights Iroha's strength as a character; he's not the best at decoding battles compared to the rest of the class, but when it comes to understanding people, he's top notch. I love how he was able to cut right to the core of Tayu and Kyora's relationship and in doing so was able to get Tayu to accept him as a friend finally. Their interactions have been interesting going all the way back to their first battle.
Certainly Tayu could have found a way to respond and keep the battle going, but once Iroha asked that question I think she accepted that he was worthy of winning and for her to accept him as a friend.
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robbarracuda · 2 years
Manga First Impression: Cipher Academy (Chapter 1 - Spoilers)
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The second of 4 new Weekly Shonen Jump premieres is now out, this one called Cipher Academy. The art is handled by Yuji Iwasaki (to my knowledge this is their first weekly serial), and on writing duties is Nisio Isin who I'm aware has quite the bibliography to his name as the creator of the long-running novel series Monogatari, as well as other novel series like Juni Taisen: Zodiac War, Pretty Boys Detective Club, and who previously wrote for Shonen Jump with Medaka Box.
I'll admit I have very little first-hand familiarity with the writings of Isin, mainly extending to having watch the first episode of Katanagatari in a college anime club meeting, but I did think it was an interesting story idea, so let's see what he's got here for his first WSJ manga in a decade+.
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Our protagonist is Iroha Irohazaka, a student at the titular Cipher Academy: a military academy which cultivates code-breakers to be prepared for whatever the next big military conflict is. Despite the academy being previously all-girls, Iroha is granted attendance as the "token boy" (actual manga words) of his class. After keeping one of his classmates, Kogoe Horagatoge, from being discovered by another classmate, she returns the favor by gifting him a special pair of glasses that can decipher hidden codes within assignments and riddles: a godsend for a protag who was struggling with a crossword puzzle.
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Iroha is later cornered by the pursuing student, Kyora Toshusai (heiress to a weapons manufacturing company), who grants him a riddle to solve. Failure to do so will lead to him becoming her manservant, but luckily the glasses serve their purpose and help illuminate the path to the right answer. ...whoever's translating this for VIZ should probably be paid exponentially more than what they're currently getting because jesus christ.
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So the overall basic gist is a "non-battle battle manga" where riddles and codes are the name of the game. It's quite a lot of setup and premise to take in at once, and the chapter's definitely very text heavy/visually busy as an unavoidable fact of its existence, but I do like the character designs here and even though I'm far from well-versed in riddles and word logic, I'll admit my interest is piqued.
...and then Kogoe pops up at the end and ominously and reveals that she's simply using Iroha as a pawn to get at some cryptocurrency hidden in the academy.
...I'm not joking btw, she straight-up says "Cryptocurrency"
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...this is gonna suck, isn't it?
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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frillyshonenjump · 2 years
First Impression Review: Cipher Academy
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i consider myself a pretty big fan of puzzles—i’m not the best at them, but i can breeze through games like sudoku easily. this manga is probably teaching me that codes are on a whooooole ‘nother level.
every so often i look at a fresh new series instead of looking at old things i’ve missed, and seeing this one written by Nisioisin, who wrote some of my favorites ever, i was curious and decided to read the first 3 chapters and see what vibes it gave me!
this kind of review will be different in that, because it’s not fleshed out yet with only three chapters released/read, it’s only based on what i’ve seen so far as opposed to jumping the gun and giving a whole rating off the bat.
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right now, it’s a bit tough to say for sure—the plot is definitely introduced early to understand it and there’s a good feel of what dynamic you’re going to see between the presumed primary characters, but it definitely has that nisioisin touch of oddness...and harem. i did not expect both the plot to be a race for a cryptocurrency hoard and the MC to be a token boy in an all-girls cypher school. but then again, this is written by the person who made monogatari so i should have expected it.
things i like so far:
the artwork! i don't believe i've seen this particular artist before, but the work i've seen in this manga by Yuji Iwasaki is really eye-catching! it's expressive but works really nicely for a story about code breaking.
the historic background behind the plot! i actually find myself liking more and more historic fiction and war stories (as you will see next week for my next full review) and learning things in the stuff i read, and it's still fascinating to hear of women being codebreakers in wartimes.
the paneling and pacing! the panel work on this manga is quite simple and all squares and rectangles, outside of the 1-page spreads of puzzles that are seen so far-- nowadays i don't see this much, if at all, so it kinda lets me take a breather from the action-packed and tightly-squeezed panelling done in other WSJ works.
things i'm iffy about so far:
that cryptocurrency though...SLJFSKG im not a fan of any of the sort but as long as it's something that's just in the background and not dwelled upon too much (though, may be impossible as that's the ultimate goal of the protagonists and perceived antagonists) it should be ok.
harem aspect. i am fully expecting this to come into play if the MC is a boy in an all-girls school, as harems are INCREDIBLY common already. there's a budding romance between the two main characters already, so maybe it won't pop up, but i'll remain wary for now.
overall, i'll be keeping an eye on this manga for a few more chapters or as long as it lasts - full aware of the WSJ cutting board every few seasons, and we'll have to see if this one will make the cut.
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