#Yuga actually makes me legitimately angry lol
alright I’m like on episode 40-something of yugioh sevens and I think I’ve identified why I hate it and while there are multiple reasons, it solely comes down to the main character, Yuga Ohdo.
I don’t like to use the word Mary Sue as a criticism for characters but legitimately this is the only word I can find to describe him. Yuga at the start tries to mod his Duel Disk to integrate rush dueling because he feels the current rules are too strict (which they aren’t.. what) and while that’s all well and good, he pretty much forces everyone else to adapt and use that play style as well. He’s surprised that Goha wants to take him down for essentially hijacking all of their equipment which will probably lose them millions of dollars if they don’t fix it, and Yuga thinks it’s alright to just be a selfish asshole and get in the way of a company who has a somewhat reasonable goal.
Also Yuga.. is just a nothing character in general. His personality is “nice boy who also likes to invent things” and i wish, I WISH the last thing was used more. Most of the time it’s forgotten or just disregarded until it needs to be brought up again for plot convenience (Ex: his meeting with Asana or him trying to defeat Neil/Nail). Additionally, I notice he just. Cheats very blatently?? Sure, Yugi cheated but he had the excuse of being conceptualized before the TCG rules were finalized. For example, Yuga literally rewriting the data of his friends cards just to make super charged up cards to win against Nail. They even bring it up IN THE SHOW that he cheats but nothing is done about it, and whenever he’s in a pinch he just pulls cards out of his ass because he’s Yuga Ohdo and can’t lose.
Finally, him being the “chosen one” is Mary Sue bullshit and I will not apologize for saying so.
I would love to rewrite the series one day where Yuga is a college student who struggles with what he wants to be and how he never wanted to be the King of Duels. But alas, that is for another day.
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