#Yr y3 spoilers
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wasteofart · 1 year ago
I'm sure people have said this before but that look on Simon's face when Wille yelled at his parents wasn't worry or hurt or shock. It was plain fear. He saw himself in the future being the one Wille is yelling at, he saw the anger in his eyes and he saw his dad. He saw himself in the same place his mother was in when Micke left them. Especially with what happened with Sara and his dad, he realized people don't change even if they try to. He didn't recognize Wille anymore, the caring person he fell in love with but he saw the angry alcoholic he might become.
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palehottubchild · 1 year ago
i wasnt convinced they would ever take the route of august king after the video, but the way they have set up the 5 episodes are making me more and more convinced its a real possibility. First off the way they made an effort to reiterate how easy it is for august to take on the social part of the job with Willes birthday party felt very intentional to show how bad Wille is at it and how natural it comes to August. Like they wanted to underline one last time who would actually be able to deal with this type of social outing situation.
Also to me the letter August wrote to himself combined with the initation situation to me was a big fat posterboard showing how August is capable and willing of change. The video itself plays a big role in this as it shows that it is easy to revert back to old habits when times are tough but also how hard August is willing to work to overcome that and rectify his mistakes (mind you I am not saying this absolves him from the horror that is taking and spreading the video in the first place, I am just saying that this shows how hard he is willing to fight).
His kind of redemption throughout the season in general poses August in a way more positive light than season one originally placed in him, which feels intentional since it would have been very easy to make him undergo the same treatment as Vincent and double down on the elitist rich white man.
Lastly the way they show the toll it takes on all of the royal family now, and also Simons family, shows that Wille is ultimately not fit to be King. He can't deal with the responsibility of being king (already couldnt before the video got leaked), he makes rash impulsive decisions, his parents are not fit to deal with the double responsibility of being parents and king and queen, Simon and Wille's relationship is crashing and burning, Simon can't deal with the pressure of being this public. etc etc. not even mentioning linda sara and everyone else involved, nobody is capable of dealing with the situation at hand.
Obviously this is all my opinion and my own interpretation and you're all free to disagree (and id love to hear your thoughts!!) but to me the most probable and ideal situation seems to be August as king at this point
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