badxbabyyy · 8 months
Playing human is boring as fuck. What's worse is being an actual disgusting rapist human. Alhamdullilat to myself for never being able to be a human. Yes male or female, I'm lookin' at you Hailie Kaye White aka Hailie niggerfucker Banks on Instagram. You threatened Fadi Malkosh's job in secret to the men then made the faggots suggest Fadi Malkosh goes to the club where you were fucking men in the ripped open by a nigger baby vagina you have for $75 (real shit Fadi😂). Then you had his "crew" as the loser puts it suggest the nightclub and then you stood there with your ugly face and saggy implants, with your in-person photoshop technology ("LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO" -Fadi Malkosh) seeing if he'll make a move or he ends up homeless with no job. You didn't even want jobless, you planned homelessness with the women for him if he looked at you and thought anything ugly and didn't hit on you. Yet he STILL thought you were a butter face with a BIG FUCKIN HUGE NOSE. Yes it's rape and you tried to make my baby homeless, that's why I gave you the breast cancer I said I would when I telepathed you in jail. That's why you look sickly skinny right now, and can't get your mini Brazilian Butt Lifts and Liposuction for that wide-assss waist of yours. I will skin you alive with different knives and electricity once there's no laws and it's anarchy. And you'll keep getting cancer right now, and that plastic surgery melting off your face is Fadi Malkosh. Keep melting ugly plastic faced Jewish cuntess raggedy ann naturally fat and ugly Mongolian Turkish Jewish dark bitch. Keep bleaching your skin then spray tanning it, with your hammerhead toe shark toes. You too, CIA agent cuntess cop whore Nicolette Anne Huffman aka Nikki that made herself a playlist then did witchcraft and had your demon/soul float to Fadi Malkosh and create it with his physical body. I gave you bone cancer for starving yourself through anorexia, I know your biggest fear, being huge. Because you want small bones like mine. And to be naturally thin like me. Before the meds and fluoride dawg. So enjoy your growing giant bones and your feet are even uglier than Hailie's which I never thought could be possible once I saw hers in a photo with Fadi Malkosh on a boat. Why don't you take ME on a boat or yacht you fucking FAG Fadi Malkosh bitch??? You took me to fuckin ihop then posted about it on Facebook, lolllllll fuckin loser. Yes I deleted a couple of whores I got jealous of you talking to or potentially talking to, then some guys to make it seem less obvious it was me. I didn't know you had cameras all around your Tallahassee apartment. Even in the bathroom you creep. Then make fun of me with your cousin Omar Malkosh, who is the ugliest male I've ever seen in my entire life. He looks like a literal monkey walking around, or he got stuck between evolving into a human from a monkey. Anyway, take me somewhere romantic in Paris once so I can have the memory you bitch. Or I'll take you. I'm not marriage material. Marry your ugly fake lying about their virginity whores overseas. I'm straight on marriage. BUT I want to fuck u & make out still, you're scary when I let my gangster shield down but we're making out idgaf, u at least could give me that but if you're gonna talk like you're acting like you're human I need you to STFU because its a huge turn off. God being lame and boring is SAD and grOss, but I cant help you if you won't REMEMBER you're literal God of the universe & humans and that I'm your Goddess. Try harder to remember the beginning babe. I have visions from the past too, but I never told you because I know what it sounds like to a brainwashed by religion fucktard. Religion is comedic really.
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