#Your Bag Spa Price List
cucitasbogor · 2 years
HUBUNGI, Call 0811 1749 490, Cuci Tas Gucci Gardenia Hills Bogor
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KLIK https://wa.me/628111749490, Tempat Cuci Tas Gunung Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Kulit Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Kanvas Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Terdekat Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Branded Terdekat Gardenia Hills Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-QN-i1DNrX-CqdEMPYRbg
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centracucitasbogor · 2 years
AHLINYA, Call 0811 1749 490, Cuci Tas Kanvas Sempur Bogor
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KLIK https://wa.me/628111749490, Jasa Cuci Tas Carrier Sempur Bogor, Jasa Cuci Tas Gunung Sempur Bogor, Jasa Cuci Tas Golf Sempur Bogor, Jasa Cuci Tas Kulit Sempur Bogor, Jasa Cuci Tas Kanvas Sempur Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-QN-i1DNrX-CqdEMPYRbg
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diamondluxesugar · 1 year
Gifts and Being Spoiled - Non Allowance
Let’s discuss Gifts.
I’m not talking about $30 for a pedicure or a Starbucks gift card and tumbler. I’m talking about the jewelry, the cars, the thousand dollar bags and shoes, the stocks and bonds, the gold and silver bars, kinds of gifts. Unless you’ve grown up accepting gifts or have made enough money to buy these things for yourself, it may make you feel uncomfortable. Who wouldn’t? We’re talking about receiving thousands of dollars worth of gifts.
Hell, this is something that even the most experienced SBs have had to work to become accustomed to, and even now gifts of a certain caliber can make a lady a little bit nervous. The easiest way to become comfortable with receiving luxury gifts is by desensitizing yourself to the cost.
Note: this is not desensitizing yourself to just start swiping your credit card for whatever purchase you want. This is to remove the feelings of doubt, shame, and insecurity that surround owning expensive items while those around you may not yet share in your wealth.
One exercise I did was write down every single thing I wanted to purchase. I broke it into the following categories: useful, nice, frivolous.
The useful items are things I would use on a consistent basis. Think computer, KitchenAid mixer, exercise bike, spa passes, etc. These will be more tailored to your own needs.
The nice items are things that don’t make or break any given experience, but would be fantastic to have and would increase my quality of life. Think multiple pairs of running shoes, a $300 outdoor hammock swing, new matching bedroom set, etc. Once again, these are more tailored to your needs.
The frivolous things are anything else. Think of the Chanel bags, the jewelry, shopping spree at Bloomingdale’s. Items that won’t make it break your experience of life.
Throw literally everything you can on this list and include the prices. When you see something on TikTok, add it to the list. When your coworker is talking about that sous vide, add it to the list. Big or small, just add it.
At this point you’ll have an idea of what you like and want, and how your SD can best gift you. Maybe you aren’t a clothing girl, but will go crazy in the homegoods section. Your gifting doesn’t have to look like mine, and that’s okay. This is your time to be spoiled!!
This brings me to my second thought: using your belongings.
It can be nerve-racking and ostracizing being the only girl with real gold in your ears. You may want to leave your good items in a safe or only wear them on special occasions.
Shoes and bags and jewelry and clothing is meant to be worn, not to sit in a dust bag for admiration. Your exercise bike is meant to be used. Running shoes are meant to be worn down. Don’t be afraid to use your gifts, because you’ll appreciate them more and will become used to using your most expensive items.
The last thing I would like to leave you ladies with is simple: Gratitude. Be grateful for the gifts that come into your life. Be grateful for the person providing the gifts. Be grateful for the journey of becoming a woman who has the capacity to receive. It’s okay fantastic to thank your SD/SBF for gifting you with something. In fact, most of these men are surrounded by people that use and take from them. Say thank you and mean it and watch how your experiences change.
Happy Sugaring ✨
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
The Perfect Match Part Nine || Taylor and Cale Makar
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Summary: When Taylor Makar meets Elizabeth “Liezel” Estroff he quickly discovers how compatible she is with his older brother Cale. Despite his parents early protestation to leave well enough alone, Taylor makes it his mission to set Cale up with his perfect match.
Authors Note: So uh this chapter got a little out of hand and does not wrap up the series (minus epilogues) like I had expected it do so you're getting one more before the main story wraps. Plus it's a long one...sorry not sorry.
FC Claim: Kirrilee Berger.
Warnings: cursing, sexual content at the end // Word Count: 9,388
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Cale: Safe travels today Liez. 
Cale: And give the baby giraffe a hug for me when you see him next. 
Liezel: I will. Thanks again for everything. 
Cale: Does that everything include what happened at the club? Because I can’t get it out of my mind. 
Liezel: I meant what I said. I really really like you Cale. 
Cale: So is this something you’d want to give a try? 
Cale: This being us. 
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Liezel: Sorry, thought I could get a reply off before we took off but yeah….just got back to Amherst and I’m exhausted. 
Liezel: Are you sure you’d want a long distance relationship?
Cale: Liez…I’m a pro hockey player. Any relationship I have is going to have an element of long distance. 
Cale: And it’s not like plane ticket prices would ever be a barrier. 
Liezel: So you’re sure? 
Cale: Liez. I want to give us a shot so if that means zoom dates and late night facetimes then yeah I’m sure. But are you? 
Liezel: Will those late night facetimes include hints of what could have happened if your d partner and time weren’t against us? 
Cale: Yeah Liez. 
Liezel: Then count me in. 
Liezel: For the record, that was going to be the answer regardless. 
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Twenty Four. There was nothing fashionable about the age other than it was another full revolution around the sun. Outside the ground was wet with a spring rain and if she didn’t have office hours scheduled for today, Liezel was tempted to skip her singular class and just stay home curled up in bed. It was her birthday after all. 
While attempting to be an adult about it and go on with her day, Liezel heard a knock at her door and when she answered it there was a flower delivery man with a bouquet of two dozen pink roses standing on the other side. Gasping softly, she nodded when he asked her name and signed for the bouquet before taking it from him and carrying it over to her coffee table. 
Searching for a card, Liezel eventually found one and when she opened it all she could do was shake her head. 
Happy Birthday Liez. Take some time for yourself today because you deserve it. - C. 
Attached to the card was a scheduling card for a local spa with today’s date and 3:30pm listed. She had class this morning and then office hours from 1-3 so Cale had picked a time that worked within her schedule. 
Shaking her head once again, Liezel grabbed her phone, shooting him a text even if she knew he’d be asleep. 
Liezel: You’re too much. The roses are beautiful. And you know I love a good massage. Thank you. 
Pocketing the appointment card and sniffing the roses one more time, Liezel grabbed her things and an umbrella and headed to campus to brave the day. 
By the time she returned to her apartment, it was shortly after 5 and Liezel was a bit surprised to see Taylor waiting by her door, grocery bags sitting beside him along with a gift bag and flowers. 
“Thought you were done with office hours at 3:30.” He murmured, standing up. 
“I was…but then I had a massage…” Liezel replied a little confused. “How long have you been waiting here?” 
Checking his watch, Taylor shrugged.
“‘Bout twenty minutes.” 
Shaking her head at him, Liezel moved to open her door and was immediately pulled into a Taylor hug. 
“Happy birthday.” 
“Thanks Tay.” She murmured letting him in and offering to take bags from him. 
“Nope I got them.” He insisted. “But these are for you.” He added handing over the bouquet of flowers. “They’re beautiful Taylor. Thank you.” 
“Looks like they aren’t the only flowers you got today though…” He trailed off as he stepped through the door and saw the big bouquet of roses from this morning. 
“Uh yeah…” Liezel murmured, her voice going a little sheepish. After all she couldn’t exactly tell him ‘yeah your brother sent them.’ 
“Someone likes you.” He teased, setting everything down before murmuring for her to go change while he started dinner. 
Yeah someone definitely did and she was lucky for sure. Changing, Liezel returned to find Taylor hovered over her stove, a bottle of wine and glasses behind him just waiting to be poured. Taking control of that, she popped the cork and poured them each a glass before sitting down at the small table to watch him cook. 
As she sat there her phone buzzed and she looked down seeing a return message from Cale. 
Cale: You deserve so much more. Wish I was there. 
Sighing softly, Liezel snapped a quick picture of Taylor’s back and sent it back to Cale. 
Liezel: Wish you were too but at least I have one Makar cooking me dinner. 
Liezel: Facetime later? 
Cale: Sounds like a plan. Have fun with T. 
Closing their text thread, Liezel turned her attention back to Taylor asking how his day was. 
As smells of good food filled her kitchen, Liezel inquired on whether she could open her present. 
“I mean it was for after dinner but I guess so.” Taylor relented, turning to watch her. Inside was another bottle of wine and a container of tiramisu from a local bakery along with a gift card for her favorite local restaurant ‘for a night when he’s busy but she doesn’t feel like cooking.’ 
“Thanks Tay. This is awesome.” 
“Course Liez.” Taylor murmured, reaching for her and pulling her in for a hug. “You’re my best friend and it’s your birthday.” 
Resting her head on Taylor’s shoulder, Liezel just relaxed once again grateful to have him in her life. Twisting her slightly so he could continue cooking, Taylor kissed her head murmuring for her to go sit down and he’ll bring dinner over. 
With their seating of choice being her couch, Liezel grabbed the glasses of wine and made her way over, getting comfortable and pulling a blanket over her lap.
Grinning as Taylor followed with the food, Liezel eagerly took the plate and dug in, thanking him for cooking. As they ate, Liezel flipped on a game show and she and Taylor took turns commenting on how stupid some of the contestants were. 
When they settled in for dessert, Taylor poured her another glass of wine, and by the time he left needing to go study she was finishing off her third. 
Locking up behind him, Liezel sent Cale a text that his brother had left and she was free to talk whenever. 
Within five minutes Liezel’s phone was ringing with a facetime from Cale and she answered it, propping her phone up against her thigh. 
“Hey handsome, how’s Cali?” Liezel greeted her boyfriend, her stomach swirling from the longing of distance as his ruddy cheeks entered her vision. 
“Warm but I don’t think you want to hear me talking about the weather.” Cale replied, situating his ipad beside him, giving her a glimpse of the long lines of his body hidden under clothing. 
“I mean I’d prefer other lines of conversation.” Liezel agreed, just drinking him in. It was hard starting a relationship long distance, but for Cale it was worth it. She definitely missed his body though. The brief tease in Denver just wasn’t enough.
“What did T make you for dinner?” 
“Just some pasta and chicken, nothing crazy.” Liezel shrugged, again zoning in on Cale’s body and missing whatever he said next. 
After repeating her name a few times Cale chuckled. 
“How much did T give you to drink Liez?” 
“Two…no three glasses of wine.” 
“So you’re a little drunk huh? Is that why you can’t take your eyes off me?” 
“Just want to see that body of yours.” Liezel murmured, pouting a bit because for some reason Cale was always wearing clothes. 
“Is that right?” Cale teased. “Is this what you want?” He questioned, pulling his shirt over his head with one hand revealing what seemed like acres of pale skin. Liezel immediately licked her lips and shifted a bit on her couch because god was he hot. Broad shoulders. Abs defined but stomach still soft. There was absolutely nothing about his body that Liezel could complain about. 
“I cannot wait until I get to touch you.” She practically purred, eyes heavy with the combination of alcohol and desire. 
“Yeah? What would you do to me?” Cale questioned, playing into Liezel’s desire. 
 “Well…first I’d kiss you.” Liezel mused. “Because I certainly didn’t get to kiss you as much as I wanted to when I was in Denver.” Then she paused for a moment as if planning her next move.
“Then I’d touch every inch of you, appreciating all those muscles you work so hard for.” Her eyes flashed with want as she thought about it in detail. “I’d rub those nipples of yours that like to peek through your shirt sometimes and then I’d kiss down your body to that soft happy trail.” 
Through her phone Liezel could see Cale getting just the slightest bit red and ruddy. 
“And after kissing all over, I’d pull your sweats down to see what you’re packing down there. Get my hands on you properly.” Sighing, Liezel flashed Cale a wicked grin. “And if your suit pics are any indication…I’m gonna have my hands full.” 
Cale’s blush deepened and Liezel’s grin grew. 
“Hmm…I really want to see just how red you can get there bud…” She teased. “And whether your dick gets just as rosy as your cheeks.” 
Lingering on that thought, Liezel got up and shifted to her bed where she could get more comfortable. “But you know…since I’m the birthday girl…maybe you should be telling me what you’d like to do to me….” 
Though phone sex clearly wasn’t something Cale was fully comfortable with, by the time they hung up twenty minutes later, both were basking in the afterglow of orgasm having touched and talked and explored. And if the phone sex was that good, Liezel couldn’t wait until Cale could actually do all the things he’d talked about. 
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After Birthday phone sex, Liezel and Cale had frequently taken a few minutes out of their day to listen to and talk each other through mutual pleasure in addition to the talking they did, mostly over text, about anything and everything. And with Cale starting playoffs in just two more days, they were taking advantage of what was probably Cale’s last off day until playoffs were over. 
“You like doggy style huh?” Cale groaned, imagining fucking into his girlfriend from behind. 
“Can feel you so deeply that way…” Liezel replied with a moan. “Want to feel your cock buried inside me Ca….” 
“Hey Liez!” Taylor’s voice called out as he made his way into her apartment much to her surprise. Frantically, Liezel pulled her fingers out from her pants where she’d been teasing at her clit and raced to hang up the facetime with Cale before his brother realized just who she’d been talking to. 
Her cheeks were red as he rounded the corner and immediately Taylor froze seeing her slightly mussed state. 
“Did I uh…walk in on something…?” He questioned a bit embarrassed but also teasing her heavily. 
“Shut up Taylor…yes you did…” Liez whined, reaching for a tissue to wipe her fingers on and rushing to fix her rumpled state to look less like she was in the middle of phone sex. 
“That the boyfriend?” 
“Yes Taylor.” Liezel replied, a little annoyed even though she was the one that had given Taylor a key in the first place. 
“Eh you can call him back later…there’s a new food truck I wanted to try and you’re coming with me.” 
Knowing that Taylor wasn’t asking, Liezel sighed and moved to clean herself up, taking her phone with her to the bathroom. 
Cale: Holy fuck Liez….was that my brother that just walked in on you?!
Liezel: Sorry C. Your brother failed to mention that he was coming over…and I’m not sure he would have been quite so teasing/chirping if he knew it was you I was in the middle of phone sex with. I’ll make it up to you tonight…promise. 
Cale: He doesn’t know it was me right? 
Liezel: Nope, just that it was ‘my boyfriend’ 
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Dating a pro hockey player generally was one thing, but dating one during playoffs…it was another entirely. It wasn’t anything that Liezel couldn’t handle though. Sure Cale’s texts were more sporadic and he was more focused on the team but she had her own life and things to do. 
But when word of Cale’s suspension reached her with a text from Taylor saying that it looked like he wasn’t the only hot headed Makar, Liezel’s faith in dating a hockey player was put to the test for the first time. 
Liezel: T says they suspended you for the hit last night. I can’t say it’s undeserved but I’m sorry. 
Cale: Why the fuck is T telling you it's not any of his fucking business
Liezel: I mean YOU could have told me but apparently that didn’t cross your mind. 
Cale’s read receipts showed Liezel that he saw her reply but he didn’t send anything after that. Cale’s anger toward his brother was completely uncalled for and Liezel sighed, sinking into her couch. She’d never dealt with Cale being angry before and it wasn’t something she particularly liked. 
She was on her fifth episode of Say Yes to the Dress when Taylor let himself in, calling out that he had brought food. 
Liezel simply lifted a hand in acknowledgement and snuggled further into the couch, her mood having sunken when first one hour, then two, then three passed without an apology from Cale. 
Abandoning the food, Taylor rounded the couch and lifted her feet, sinking to the couch before draping them back over his thighs. 
“You having a bad day or something Liez?” He questioned softly. 
“Something like that…” She agreed, sighing softly. 
“Alright…wine and dinner coming right up then.” Taylor declared, shifting her feet again so he could stand to go retrieve the items from her kitchen. When he returned he handed her a glass and a plate of food before moving to get his own dinner. 
Lifting her legs again, he settled onto her couch and pulled her feet back into his lap foregoing any comments he may have about her moping television choice. 
While Taylor had no interest in the show, it was mildly entertaining watching Liezel’s reactions to the dresses. Mid episode his phone buzzed and pulling it from his pocket Taylor saw a text from his mom. 
Laura: Have you talked to your brother at all today?
Taylor: Nope. Came over to have dinner with Liez and she was having a bad day so now we’re chilling and she’s binging Say Yes to the Dress. 
Laura: Sure you’re just thrilled about that…
Taylor: Still don’t know why she enjoys this but she does so it’s whatever. At this rate I could probably pick out her wedding dress when she marries Cale for her. 
Laura: Oh yeah? 
Taylor: yeah. Slim silhouette or whatever…no ball gowns or whatever the hell mermaid is. 
Taylor: She likes lace. Not crazy about massive amounts of ‘sparkle’. 
Taylor: Basically something simple with a little pop to make it hers. And nothing overly sexy. 
Laura: Sounds like you’re an expert. 😂
Taylor: I mean I could have done without…but it makes her happy. 
After a few more hours, Taylor left and Liezel crawled into bed having still not heard anything from Cale. This was something they were going to have to have a chat about at some point. Because it wasn’t fair to her…or to Taylor who apparently hadn’t heard from Cale at all today. 
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Each tick of the clock on the scoreboard brought the avs closer to defeat and when the final horn sounded, Liezel sighed softly. 
A first round exit in game 7. An utter disappointment after a year of struggles. No repeat as Stanley Cup champions. Liezel couldn’t even bear to keep the broadcast on because Cale just looked so sad and defeated.
Though it was late, Liezel was determined to stay up for a bit in case Cale wanted to talk. She’d never dealt with him like this before but what good was she as a girlfriend if she wasn’t there to support him. 
And then she saw the photos as she doomscrolled twitter. 
Cale sitting in his locker in full gear as the locker room cleared out around him. 
Liezel knew Cale well enough to know that he was carrying the weight of the loss on his shoulders. Especially with the suspension. 
Closing twitter, Liezel pulled up her usual travel site. There was a 7:15 am flight leaving Boston nonstop to Denver which would get her there around 10:30 am. With the semester over in less than a month anyway, most of her classes had switched to workshops for their papers and such so it wasn’t like there was any reason she couldn’t be off campus for a couple of days. 
Booking the flight, Liezel climbed out of bed and quickly packed a bag with everything she would need. Then she set an alarm on her phone and crawled into bed to nap for an hour or two before getting in her car to drive to Boston. 
When she arrived at the airport she checked in and then pulled out her phone to text Taylor before he showed up at her place to find her missing. 
Liezel: Think I forgot to mention it but I have to go out of town for a couple days for a meeting. I’ll let you know when I’m back. 
Though she felt bad about lying to him, she couldn’t exactly tell him that she was up and flying across the country to comfort her boyfriend, his brother. Taylor would have a conniption. 
Thankfully her flight boarded on time and she was able to sleep a little on the flight even if she was still absolutely exhausted. 
Arriving in Denver she booked an Uber to take her to Cale’s building. It wasn’t until she arrived that she sent him a text attaching a picture of his building.
Liezel: Hoping you’re awake by now….you wanna come let me in? 
Cale: Wait…you’re here? 
Liezel: Would I be asking you to let me in if I wasn’t…?
Cale: Holy shit Liez…calling down to the front desk now to let you in. They’ll get you to the right floor. Turn left off the elevator, end of the hall on your right. 
A minute after receiving the text the building’s front door was opening and as Cale promised she was directed to the elevator and to Cale’s floor. Once on his floor, she followed his instructions and by the time she got to the end of the hall Cale was there waiting for her from his doorway. 
He looked cozy in a pair of joggers and a pullover, glasses on his face which wasn’t a look that Liezel had seen all that often. He looked completely shocked to see her and quickly pulled her into a soft hug. 
“What the hell are you doing here Liez?” He murmured softly in her ear. 
“You looked like you could use a hug or two….dozen.” Liezel replied. “And no reason I can’t work on school work remotely for a couple days.” 
“You…geez Liez…come in…” Cale declared pulling her into his condo and offering to take her bag. “I can’t believe you’re here…” 
Setting her bag in the hall he hugged her again and swept her into the kitchen, immediately searching for something to make for lunch. 
“Cale…you don’t have to go all hosty on me you know…” Liezel declared. “I came to check on you not to have you doting on me.” 
“I could eat.” Cale said simply. “And I wouldn’t believe you if you said you weren’t hungry.” 
Rolling her eyes slightly, Liezel relented and hoisted herself onto the counter closest to her to watch Cale as searched his kitchen for something to cook.  She was a little hungry but she was also exhausted having slept for like two hours and then dozed on the plane. 
“You know I’m sure there are plenty of places we could order from…” Liezel suggested. “And then you could let me cuddle you while we wait….” 
Cale continued to stare into his mostly empty refrigerator before he turned and looked at her a moment later. “Yeah, I guess that could work.” He agreed. “Anything in particular you want?” 
Shaking her head, Liezel hopped off the counter. 
“Nope. Order whatever. I’m gonna use your bathroom and then I’ll meet you on the couch.” 
Liezel breezed through his apartment with a familiarity that reminded Cale this wasn’t her first visit. For a moment he nearly forgot that he was supposed to be ordering an early lunch but then he pulled himself together, placing an order from one of his regular places he hoped Liezel would enjoy. 
Nothing about any of this felt real. From a fucking first round exit against Seattle of all teams, to his girlfriend just showing up at his door like she lived down the street not across the entire country, Cale felt like surely he must be dreaming. 
But then Liezel called for him from his couch and his body moved in her direction before he’d even given it that instruction. She looked soft in a pair of black joggers and an oversized hoodie from travel and despite the pain and shock still raging through his system he couldn’t help but smile a bit. 
His girlfriend was here. 
She’d flown to Denver for him. 
That might just be the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for him. 
Setting his phone on the coffee table, Cale flopped onto the couch beside her and after a moment’s hesitation, Liezel slid to press her body against his, tucking herself against his side. 
“Hey.” She murmured softly, peering up at him, her gaze warm. 
“Can’t believe you’re here Liez.” He mumbled. 
“Thought you could use a little love…” Her words heightened that twisting feeling in his gut that Cale couldn’t seem to describe other than it wasn’t a bad feeling. 
As her head rested against his shoulder, Liezel’s fingers brushed against his chest and side and Cale let out a deep breath, his body relaxing under her. 
After that she didn’t say anything and neither moved until Cale’s cell was buzzing from the front desk asking if he had ordered food and should they send the guy up. 
Liezel was still quiet as they delved into lunch and Cale was worried until he realized that she looked exhausted and was clearly trying not to fall asleep mid meal. 
“Did you even sleep last night?” He questioned softly. 
“An hour or two and then dozed on the plane…” She murmured softly, shrugging. “And you don’t look like you slept all that much more than that.” 
Admittedly, Cale had tossed and turned for longer than he would have liked after he finally got out of his gear, cooled down for the final time of the season, and headed home. 
Finishing her lunch, Liezel tossed her trash and then turned to him leaning against the counter until he was also finished. 
“Come nap with me Cale.” She stated softly, kissing his cheek before letting him stand. 
Though Cale wasn’t big on taking naps, even pregame naps were sometimes a struggle, he nodded and motioned for her to head to his room. 
Cale watched as she turned down the sheets on one side of the bed, took her glasses off and then tugged her hoodie up and off her body, leaving her in just a thin layering tank over her bra. Slipping under the covers she looked at him, her eyes communicating ‘are you coming or what?’ loud and clear. 
Pulling back the rest of the blankets Cale slid in beside her, feeling her shift close as he did so, her body tucking against his. 
This was admittedly not how he pictured things going when he had her in his bed for the first time. At the same time though it provided him comfort that he didn’t realize until now that he needed. Playoffs had sucked. Hell this season had sucked. And the last thing he deserved was his girlfriend catching an early morning flight to come be with him. Especially not after the way he had treated her during playoffs. 
“Tell your brain to pipe down Cale...it’s being too loud.” Liezel mumbled, her voice filled with the fatigue from lack of sleep. “Just close your eyes and nap with me.” 
Yet here she was, soft and warm with curves he had dreamed of more than once. She was way too good for him and it amazed him that she had done this for him. 
God he adored her. 
With the rise and fall of her breathing while she slept, eventually Cale drifted off too. He slept steadily for a while and then started dozing in and out for a bit longer before finally tensing and causing Liezel to stir against him. When he looked at the clock it was almost 3:30 and they had been napping for a little over two hours. 
She still looked tired as she stretched against him, yawning, but she rolled to face him, eyes warm. 
Cale didn’t think that he had ever seen her without her glasses on but either way she was beautiful. 
“Got any plans for the rest of the day?” She whispered, her voice still laced with sleep as she pressed her lips to his gently and quickly. 
“Not really.” He replied, shrugging a bit. Cupping her cheek for a moment, Cale pulled her into a soft kiss just trying to communicate how much it meant to him that she was here. 
“We could go for a walk…you could show me some of Denver…” Liezel murmured between kisses. “If you’re up for it…” 
It took a minute, but eventually Cale nodded. 
Pulling herself out of bed, Liezel put her glasses back on and then moved toward Cale’s bathroom to clean up a bit and get ready to go out. 
Within fifteen minutes, Liezel was letting Cale lead her out of his apartment and down to the garage where his car was. It wasn’t long before they were nearing Ball Arena and Cale was pulling into a parking lot near the river where there was a park. 
Liezel let Cale lead the way, occasionally asking questions about things she could see off in the distance or some of the art in murals along the riverway. Though he didn’t make a move to hold her hand, Liezel was okay with that, it wasn’t who Cale was and they were in public and she completely understood. 
He always paused to wait for her though when she stopped to look at something and when they reached a bit more secluded portion of the trail, he pulled her into a tight hug murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ against her ear. 
“Yeah well I kind of really really like you.” Liezel replied back, kissing his freshly shaven jaw before withdrawing. 
Walking a while longer, Cale suggested getting dinner somewhere and Liezel agreed feeling a bit hungry herself and achy from trying to keep up with her pro athlete boyfriend. She definitely was not in as good of shape as he was. 
Thankfully, Cale had a place nearby that he enjoyed and they settled into a back corner where they were most likely to go unnoticed. 
During dinner Cale asked about how her papers were going and they talked about the implications of her research before finally heading back to the car and back to his apartment. 
As they settled in to watch episodes of the Office so that Cale could talk her through where she was in the series, they continued sharing tidbits about anything that didn’t involve hockey. 
After just a few episodes Liezel murmured that she was ready for bed given that her body was still two hours ahead and she had only gotten about four solid hours of sleep in the past day. After changing into shorts and slipping out of her bra, she settled into the same side of the bed as she had earlier knowing that Cale would join her whenever he was ready. 
Though she was asleep by the time he did join her, Liezel relaxed as the weight of Cale’s body shifted the bed and he slid just a little closer. 
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By the time they woke, Cale’s body was pressed up against hers and Liezel could feel his morning wood pressing against her hip. 
Though she’d slept with a few guys, this was the first time that she had actually spent the night with someone without having had sex. It held a weight that made her breath catch and the feeling of him made her stomach pool with lazy arousal, her body as into him as his clearly was into her. 
Feeling his fingers flex along her hip, Liezel glanced up at him seeing those blue eyes peering down at her. 
“Morning.” She whispered, holding his gaze for a moment before pressing her lips against his. What she had intended to be a light greeting morphed into deeper exploratory kisses as Cale responded. There were no complaints from Liezel though because she certainly had not gotten to kiss him enough. 
After a few minutes, they pulled themselves from bed and while Liezel used the bathroom, Cale moved to make her coffee and start some breakfast. 
Sitting at the counter of his island, Liezel sipped at the coffee while watching Cale move around the space making some eggs and sausage. 
“So any plans today?” She questioned, watching as Cale seemed to think for a moment before his shoulders slumped. 
“Locker clean out.” He mumbled. 
Liezel knew that was not going to be a fun time for him but she tried not to make a big deal of it. 
“Well…while you do that I can spend some time on my papers and then later we can do whatever you want.” She offered. 
And that was exactly what they did. Liezel made herself comfortable on his couch with her laptop to do some writing and Cale headed to the rink to pack his stuff up for the summer. 
It wasn’t long before Toewser was inviting him over for dinner to help him get out of his head. 
“Appreciate that but I’m gonna have to pass.” Cale declared, trying to prevent his cheeks from giving him away. 
“C’mon. You’ve had a day to mope, you shouldn’t be alone.” 
“I can’t okay…” Cale insisted. “Won’t be alone.” He added in a mumble. 
“Facetime date with Liez doesn’t count as not alone….” Toewser accused before his eyes quickly went wide as he spotted a strand of long dark hair sticking to the back of Cale’s shirt as he turned. “Unless it’s not just a facetime date…” 
Though Cale tried to hide it, now that Devon had noticed that one thing, more pieces clicked into place one after another. Long hair on his clothes, a tinge of tinted chapstick on his lips, a slight whiff of what was decidedly feminine perfume. 
“Alright. Fair enough. Spend time with your girl.” He whispered, shoving Cale gently. “I won’t interrupt this time. Just be smart and use protection unless you want to join the dad club.” 
“Fuck off.” Cale mumbled. “We’ll do a Nuggets game or something before I head home for the summer.” 
“Sure. Not sure how long she’s staying but dinner invitation is open for you both.” 
Thankfully Toewser was the only one that seemed to catch on to the fact that Liezel had come to town to see Cale. After chatting with a few of the other guys as everyone packed up, Cale headed out to get back to his girlfriend. 
Stopping for some groceries on the way home since he didn’t have much, Cale also picked up another bottle of the wine Liez had liked so much the last time she was here wanting to surprise her. 
When he got home she was basically just as he had left her, though her hands sped along her keyboard as she typed whatever thoughts needed put to paper. 
Moving quietly so that he didn’t disturb her, Cale put everything away and then leaned against the counter watching her. And the more he looked at her, really looked at her, the more beautiful she was. From the way she bit her lip when she was focused to her mussed hair from running her fingers through it when something didn’t come out the way she had intended it to, and every other little quirk in between Cale said his thanks that Taylor was stupid enough not to want her for himself. 
Eventually Liezel looked up and immediately a smile and a blush adorned her face. 
“How long have you been watching me?” She asked, blushing more when Cale could only shrug. 
“Didn’t want to interrupt.” Cale stated simply. “Your brain looked like it was firing away with something important.” 
Turning to the fridge, Cale pulled out a bottle of water and moved to take it to her. 
“Any thoughts on lunch?” He asked. “I stopped at the store.” 
“I’m not picky.” Liezel insisted, taking the bottle of water to sip at. “But let me come help.” 
“Nope.” Cale assured her. “Focus on school. I’ve got it.” 
Because she did still really need to make some more progress on her paper Liezel complied, only pausing to eat the salad that Cale put in front of her. After eating, Cale settled in beside her with a book of his own and the two of them sat in silence, together but doing things independently. 
By three o’clock, Liezel had made good progress on her paper and closed her laptop. With her neck feeling stiff, she attempted to stretch, wincing slightly. 
Without hesitation, Cale closed his book and gestured for her to come closer, his hands immediately going to her neck and shoulders. 
“I get finding a zone and staying in it, but you really should try to stretch more.” He chastised softly. 
“Probably not going to listen.” She declared though she knew he was right. 
“Didn’t expect you would.” He assured her just continuing to massage some of her tension away. 
As her muscles relaxed, Liezel tipped her head back to kiss Cale’s cheek in thanks before getting up to stretch and use the bathroom. 
When she returned she stood looking out Cale’s window. 
“Taylor texted me earlier asking when I was coming home…” She murmured. “Told him I was going out of town for a meeting when I left so I'm not sure how long I can stay under that cover.” 
The longer they hid this from Taylor the harder it got, but Liezel certainly wasn’t going to tell him without Cale’s approval. 
At first, Cale didn’t say anything but after a moment he set his phone aside and got up, coming to stand beside her. 
“Tell him you’ll be back Thursday.” He murmured. “There are flights and I want you for another day.” 
“Thursday.” Liezel agreed quietly. After all, it was up to him how long she was welcome since she had just dropped herself on him. She was glad though that he wanted to be greedy and keep her for another full day. 
Cale was very different from Taylor in that Taylor always let her know with physical affection that her presence was wanted and that he enjoyed her company. Cale held his affections tighter to his chest and it was the little things, him declaring that she shouldn’t leave until Thursday and the way he had been looking at her while she studied that communicated that. 
Still, he hadn’t made the effort to kiss her since she had arrived, only returning her kisses. It meant that Liezel couldn’t help but wonder if he really did want her even if she told herself that it was just how he was. 
“I’m gonna go check in with Taylor.” She eventually stated, brushing past him to grab her phone and call her best friend before he flipped out and put out a missing person’s report on her. 
By the time she finally got Taylor off the phone, Cale was in the kitchen, cutting vegetables in preparation for dinner. 
“He’s worried about you.” She declared softly. “So you might want to check in with him yourself at some point.” 
Cale nodded in acknowledgement, pushing the cutting board and knife in her direction as a signal for her to take over while he started on another part of whatever he had decided to make for dinner. 
Taking over, Liezel quickly tired of the silence and paused, pulling out her phone to put some music on. 
It didn’t take long for Cale to smile as Queen played over the speaker. 
“You know when my brother told me he had met someone with the same music taste as me I didn’t think anything of it. Certainly didn’t think I’d end up really really liking them.” Cale grinned. 
“You know how mad at me he was when I couldn’t go to your game in Boston with him that first year…” Liezel replied. “He really wanted me to meet you.” 
A thoughtful look crossed Cale’s face and after a moment he shook his head. 
“Has he been trying to set us up this whole time?” 
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Liezel admitted. “If so he’s gonna kill us for hiding things from him.” 
“Eh he’s gonna kill us for doing that regardless.” Cale teased. “We’ll tell him when he brings you home with him this summer.” 
Knowing that they had just put a timeframe in place for telling Taylor took a weight off Liezel’s shoulders. Just another month or so of hiding this, that was doable. 
Once dinner was ready, they settled in to eat and then cleaned up before making their way to the living room where Cale put on the Office once more. 
Shifting on the couch, Cale stretched his legs out to lounge and let the arm closest to Liezel fall open. With him glancing over at her with a tired but relaxed expression, Liezel chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before scooting closer to Cale and settling into the gap beside him. 
As she did, his arm tightened around her and his body relaxed. Cale had actually made the first move to cuddle her. This was definitely a first. 
Focusing on trying to follow the episode, Liezel glanced over at Cale a few times to find that his eyes were always on her every time. After about the fourth time, she turned her head to face him. 
“Do I have something on my face?” She questioned softly. 
“No.” Cale replied quickly. 
“Then why are you staring at me?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to stare at my beautiful girlfriend…” 
Unconsciously, Liezel’s cheeks flushed and she turned back to the tv not sure how to take that compliment. 
After a moment, Cale’s head dipped and his chin rested against the top of her head. A few minutes later, his fingers brushed lightly as he ran his hand up her arm making her shiver. 
Her shiver in turn made Cale inhale sharply. Still Liezel continued to focus on the tv causing Cale to move his other hand to her jaw, brushing against the sensitive skin there for a moment before turning her head toward him. 
Their eyes met until Cale shifted to bury his face against her neck, the small stubble he’d grown overnight scratching slightly as he mouthed kisses into her skin. It felt good and Liezel appreciated having her boyfriend’s attention solely on her. 
When he pulled away, he kissed down her shoulder, his hand shifting to her waist. 
“C’mere Liez.” He murmured subtly guiding her to straddle his hips, his hand on her waist sliding to rest at her side just under her boobs as he pulled her close. 
It wasn’t until his thumb brushed against the side of her boob in a way that definitely wasn’t accidental that Liezel pulled away. 
“What are you doing Cale?” 
“Trying to get you in the mood.” He looked caught off guard that she had pulled back and Liezel sighed. 
“Because you just want sex as an escape or because you want me?” Liezel further questioned, only making Cale look more confused. Climbing off his lap, Liezel moved to the other side of the couch. 
“Okay what did I do wrong?” Cale asked, trying to take things back a notch and discuss this like adults. 
“I’m not going to have sex with you because it’s a distraction from being eliminated or because it’s something you think we’re supposed to do.” Liezel replied. “I’m not going to have sex with you when you haven’t even kissed me since I got here.” 
“I’ve kissed you…” Cale defended almost immediately. 
“No. You’ve kissed my body and you’ve returned kisses when I’ve kissed you. You haven’t kissed me once.” Liezel clarified. “And that’s fine. I get that you aren’t overly physically affectionate. You don’t have to be. But I don’t have to have sex with you when I’m not sure you want it for the right reasons. So I’m going to get a shower.” 
Letting out a breath, Liezel pushed herself off the couch and moved towards Cale’s room to gather her things for a shower from her bag. She didn’t like pushing him away or telling him no but she also didn’t want to have sex when things felt forced. As she started the water and began undressing she couldn’t help but sigh. Maybe coming out here unannounced had been a mistake. 
By the time she finished, slipping into pajamas and returning to Cale’s bedroom, he was sitting at the foot of the bed waiting for her. 
“Come here please?” He requested, patting the spot beside him and shifting awkwardly. Once she was seated he continued. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I didn’t go about this the right way.” Cale looked a bit like this was the last thing he wanted to be doing but then he licked his bottom lip and his tone shifted. “I just…ever since the first time you were here and maybe even before that I’ve wanted you so bad. And since we started dating I’ve only wanted you more. I’ve had dreams about your curves and the way you sound when you moan. And I assumed that you wanted it just as badly so I guess I skipped a few steps and didn’t actually ask you what you wanted.” Cale rambled. 
“Can we start over? I promise I’ll kiss you properly, that I won’t skip straight to second base.” 
Biting her lip, Liezel turned her head to look at Cale. Holding his stare, she could see the want for her deep in his eyes. That was ultimately all she wanted. To know that he didn’t just want sex, he wanted her. And it wasn’t like she was entirely blameless, she hadn’t communicated her needs earlier and had just assumed that he would know when clearly that wasn’t the case. 
“Yeah.” She agreed. “We can start over. But maybe not right this minute. Let’s go watch tv for a bit and see where it goes.” 
Though Cale’s shoulders slumped for a moment almost like he was disappointed he quickly composed himself and nodded, heading back to the living room while she finished putting everything from her shower away. 
“Cute pjs.” Cale murmured from the couch as she entered the room and he saw the oversized band t-shirt she was wearing over a pair of black sleep shorts. 
Liezel was about to ask if that was sarcasm but the look in Cale’s eyes assured her that it was completely genuine and he really did think she looked cute even with still wet hair and no makeup. 
“Thanks.” She declared, blushing a bit while sinking into the couch about a body’s width away from him. 
Within just a few minutes, Cale let his arm fall palm up into the space between them, silently signaling that Liezel could hold his hand if she wanted to but that the ball was in her court. 
Lacing her fingers with his, Liezel bit back a smile and just focused on the tv, somewhat lost now that Cale had watched a couple episodes without her. 
After about ten minutes or so, Cale tugged at their joined hands gently pulling them towards his body. It was a signal that he wanted her to come closer, but lacked any force to make her if she didn’t want to. Nodding her assent that she would, Cale tugged again, pulling her toward him until their hips bumped together. 
“You’re amazing for coming here…” He whispered softly. “I definitely didn’t deserve it but I’m happy to have you.” 
“It’s what partners do Cale.” Liezel declared. “Support and comfort each other. Be there for each other.” 
His thumb brushed against her hand as he murmured his agreement and when she looked up, his gaze was warm as he watched her. That statement had given him a whole new level of appreciation for her and made the twisting feeling in his stomach return with a vengeance. 
“I’m going to kiss you now.” He mumbled before dipping his head to press his lips to hers, soft but firm. Though Liezel returned the kiss happily, Cale ended it after a moment not wanting her to feel like he was ignoring her request for some time before he made a move sexually. 
“You didn’t have to stop…” She murmured in assurance. “I wouldn’t mind making out with my boyfriend.” 
“Well come here then…” Cale stated, a smug smile on his lips as he used his free hand to grip behind her left knee pulling her over onto his lap once more. Rolling her eyes slightly, Liezel reached up to mess up his hair knowing it would drive him slightly crazy. Then she waited, lips pouty, for him to initiate the kiss again. 
When he did, it blew every previous kiss out of the water. It was deep but exploratory, as this was the first time that they could kiss without fear of any interruption or fear that they weren’t on the same page. It was sensational, it made Liezel’s toes curl and set hormones on high alert all through her body. 
After dropping Cale’s hand, Liezel carded her fingers through his hair while they kissed, drawing pleased sounds from his throat as she lightly scratched his scalp. Cale’s hands in turn shifted to her waist and remained there, his fingers massaging the skin of her hips over her clothing. 
After a few minutes, Liezel reached down to guide Cale’s hand up to cup the side of her breast. She had stopped him when he tried this before but now she was content that Cale really did want her and she was ready for him to touch her. 
The smug smile against her lips while they kissed was expected and she scraped her nails against his scalp a bit more as a silent ‘you’re a jerk’ signal. That train of thought was killed though when Cale brushed his thumb over her nipple, separated only by the thin material of her t-shirt. It sent a flood of desire to her core and she moaned into the kiss pushing Cale to continue his teasing touches. 
As things continued to get hot and heavy, Liezel shifted further into Cale’s lap, grinding her hips against his. She needed more. Cale was quick to respond, shifting from thumbing her pebbled nipple to aligning her over him in a way that pressed his hard dick right where she wanted him most. If it weren’t for their clothing he could slide home easily. 
Breaking their makeout session, Liezel dropped her head to Cale’s shoulder as she ground against him, getting wetter and wetter by the minute, his occasional curse only adding to the sensations. 
“Liez. Fuck. Bed now before I cum in my clothes.” Cale mumbled, hands gripping tightly at her hips to still her. 
Nodding, Liezel moved to stand and then reached to pull Cale up off the couch, kissing him again before retreating toward his room with a peek over her shoulder. She could see the line of his dick pressing against his sweats and it only made her want to see and feel everything he was packing more. 
As she reached the foot of his bed, Cale murmured for her to wait. In a moment his hands were sliding around her waist from behind and he was pressing kisses to her neck. 
“Can I take this off you?” He questioned, fingers playing with the bottom hem of her shirt. 
“Only if yours comes off too.” Liezel replied, her voice slightly sultry. Despite all the workout pictures Taylor had sent her and all the times she and Cale had facetimed each other since they started dating, she had only seen Cale shirtless a couple of times and she was eager to see his body in person. 
Lifting her arms so that Cale could pull her shirt off of her, Liezel couldn’t help the pang of nervousness that hit with Cale also seeing her body in person for the first time. When he spun her, his eyes raking over her body, Liezel ducked her head, only to be stopped as his fingers brushed against her chin. 
“Don’t get shy with me now.” He murmured before kissing her deeply, lifting her to lay her onto his bed. “You’re beautiful.” 
Cale kissed her again before shifting back to pull his own shirt over his head. Miles of pale skin revealed to her gaze along with a spattering of chest hair that Liezel couldn’t wait to feel against her skin. 
“Damn.” She breathed, licking her lips in appreciation because yeah all that is hers for the taking and she wanted nothing more. She’d been dreaming about touching him like this for so long and now she finally could. 
Things continued to get hot and heavy as they continued to kiss, chests pressed against each other and hands exploring as Cale hovered over her. When Cale pulled away, his fingers drifting to the waistband of her shorts, Liezel could only lift her hips in approval, permitting him to remove them and show him all of her. 
Though he didn’t comment, his eyes grew dark as they took her in and the intensity of the want in them made her shiver. 
Before he could settle back onto the mattress, Liezel shifted to scoot up to the head of the bed instead of in the middle and then propped herself up to watch as Cale pushed his sweats and boxer briefs to the floor, his dick standing proudly against his stomach. 
“Get over here…” She murmured, the anticipation only building having wanted this for weeks if not longer than that. 
Cale quickly complied, and if Liezel thought the feeling of Cale’s chest pressed against hers was good, it was nothing compared to the feeling of him pressed against her head to toe. 
“Need to be inside you…can I?” Cale mumbled after a few more minutes of lazy, heated kisses. 
“Yeah…please,” Liezel replied with a whimper as the head of Cale’s dick brushed against her clit. 
Wrapping her legs around his waist, Liezel felt Cale align himself before slowly pressing into her, ripples of pleasure rolling through her immediately. It was the perfect stretch as her body relaxed around him, welcoming him into her depths. 
“Fuck Liez.” Cale groaned, sweat starting to gather on his skin. 
“You should do that.” She gasped, nails digging into his biceps. 
Cale snorted fondly and reached between their bodies to gently brush his index finger against her clit, wanting to make sure that she was fully relaxed. While lazily touching her, he pulled out slowly before pressing back inside her, spurred on by the breathy moans spilling from her throat. 
“Cale….more.” Liezel pleaded softly. Slow was good but she knew that this could be so much better. 
Complying with her request, Cale picked up his pace a bit, his hips moving smoothly as he thrust inside of her. 
Liezel wasn’t unfamiliar with the way sex could make her feel but somehow this was different. The mechanics were the same, and Cale’s penis wasn’t all that different from men she’d been with before even if he had a bit more girth, yet the intensity of it all felt like it had been cranked up to eleven. 
Honestly there were so many sensations to focus on that Liezel’s brain struggled to land on any of them. Cale must have felt her slight detachment because after a moment he pulled out of her and pulled his hand from her body, his gaze warm and concerned. 
“Talk to me Liez.” He requested, kissing her nose. 
“Too many things….” She mumbled. It wasn’t a good explanation but it must have been enough for Cale to gather her meaning because he shifted off of her, moving to sit with his back against the headboard, his dick still hard and standing proudly against his stomach. 
“C’mere.” He requested, his fingertips stroking up her arm as her body settled enough to move. As she did, Cale reached to help pull her onto his lap, her chest facing his and his dick pressed against her stomach. After kissing her deep and slow for a few minutes one of his hands moved to her hip. 
“Lift up for me just a little.” He prompted and when she did she felt him settle the head of his dick back at her entrance. “Now slide down Liez.” With his hand guiding her hips she lowered herself until he was buried fully inside her once more. For a moment all she could focus on was how full she felt with him stretching her like this. When Cale’s thumb brushed against her clit she shuddered and moaned softly, her hips jumping against his a bit. 
“Just grind against me Liez.” Cale murmured as he trailed kisses along her neck. Rolling her hips in small circles provided a new layer of sensation, one very different from thrusting but more intimate at the same time. She could feel every twitch of Cale’s dick inside her, and each time she gasped out. 
“Cum for me Liez.” Cale groaned after a few more minutes. “Let me see you cum on my cock.” 
Crying out, Liezel’s orgasm rolled over her, causing her to clamp down tight around him as her whole body shuddered once more. It was not her usual orgasm, but instead left her drowning in much more of a haze. 
“Liez…fuck…I can’t…” Cale grunted, making a half effort to pull her off of him before his release hit, causing him to fill her with pulse after pulse of his sticky semen. 
The feeling of it drew a whine from her throat and she clamped around him again as aftershocks rolled over her. Cale twitched inside her again and Liezel whimpered, some sensitivity starting to create some discomfort. 
Pulling out of her, Cale continued to hold her close as they both came down from their orgasms, their lower halves sticky with each other’s fluids. 
It was a few minutes later that Cale went a little tense, his heart rate accelerating beneath her. 
“Shit Liez we didn’t…condom..” He mumbled. Nosing against his neck, Liezel processed his words. No they definitely hadn’t used a condom, but it wasn’t the end of the world. 
“IUD Cale. We’re fine.” She replied, feeling him immediately calm beneath her. That had been nothing like what she had expected her first time with Cale to be like but they got the result, and well there would be plenty of time to figure the rest of it out. 
For now she was just going to enjoy being in Denver with him until Thursday.
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morbsxadorbs · 1 year
okay, so!
I know I’ve been talking about a @morvantmortuary ita bag for ages now, but I haven’t posted any photos! this is bc I kept having to migrate it between base bags due to my own indecisiveness/occasional misfortune - I’d find one that I really liked and wear it for a while, but then before long I’d spot another base come down into my price range, but then not long after the zipper would come undone and be nonfunctional, etc. it really felt like I was maybe cursed there for a hot minute :’D
but so today, I finally got a pretty solid-feeling nylon coffin base I ordered not long ago, and it was actually cheaper than the previous coffin-shaped base I’d ordered!!
so I decided I would just go ahead and take photos now, before anything happens to it when I wear it out tonight lmao
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Ta-da! here it is, in all its glory. it’s a little lumpy bc I’ve already got all my stuff in there, but I think it works for a more ‘casual outing’ bag.
more photos below to save space 🖤
here’s a tour of the pins in the insert:
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so of course as I’m tallying these up, I’m realizing just how many of them are pieces I’ve collected like a magpie over the years :’D but I did go back and find sources for the ones I could!!
I got the Cafe du Monde button and the embalming machine on two separate trips to NOLA, one before I started grad school and one after.
I’m pretty sure I got the hearse and the scythe at an Oddities show in Austin after COVID wound down a bit (but I know the artist for the scythe is BatsintheBelfry on etsy, and I love a lot of their stuff!).
the MCR pin is from a hipdot preorder years ago, the knife was from a kickstarter preorder around the same time, and the love letter (which has more to do with the manuscript version) was a birthday present before I started grad school. (I think it might have come from Maya Kern’s store??? I’m not sure.)
the Horror heart was also I think a lucky freebie in an order for a little outfit for chibi!Maxi.
the death’s head is from VeronaBlack on etsy
the Maggie skele-kitty is from queerwatercolors on etsy
the Eat Racists alligator is from lostlustsupply on etsy
and the bi bracelet I turned into a zipper pull is from FlorenceMaeHandmade, also on etsy
and then we had a lot of room on the side hinge, so I added some pinback buttons that didn’t work on the insert:
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the bi heart was I’m pretty sure a xmas present from my favorite ex
the Final Survivor pin is from BearBonesArt on etsy, who does a lot of really cute slasher-related stuff. (it’s more mint-colored than it looks in the photo, my house lighting is just odd.)
and the reassuring reaper pin is from DanyelleOrwickArt on etsy. it’s probably one of my favorites, and she has a whole collection of them that I want to buy the rest of when I have the cash 🖤 maybe at my next job lmao
we did try putting all the tiny!Morvants in the display window! but, uh. :’D
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it’s maybe. a little cramped in there. (they did used to call these kinds of coffins toe-pinchers, after all!)
so we might go with something like this for our Outing this evening:
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(at least until we’re seated and the lights go down lol.)
while I’m mentioning artists, just a reminder that I got the tiny!Morvants (and stunt!Maxi, who is still undergoing a repair spa stay) from NoizFoxy on etsy! they were a joy to work with each and every time, they were super thoughtful when it came to details, and they always kept me updated in the process, so if you ever decide you want a small friend of your own (be it OC or blorbo), I would recommend them when they have an open listing 🥰
okay! thanks for letting me babble about this, I know it’s super niche but I’m just happy it got put together!! I’m looking forward to wearing it out later 👻🖤
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valpoupdates · 6 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Casablanca Activities
April 1st-30th: Solace Spa has added 1 eyelash esthetician and 1 nail art specialist to the Solace family!  As they get their footing and settle into their new positions, they will be offering their services at a discounted price for the entire month.  Don’t be fooled though; they both have extensive experience, wonderful customer service, and quality results.  Please contact the front desk to make a reservation: +56 312-209-XXXX.
April 3rd: Agustín’s Jazz Lounge is offering a free small group class for first time clients to dip their toes in the water and learn the basics of that instrument you’ve always wanted to learn.  The groups will be for 2-5 students for 1 hour, allowing for personalized, one-on-one attention.  The free trial class schedule is as follows:
7 PM: Guitar lessons; bass lessons. 8 PM: Piano lessons; harp lessons. 9 PM: Violin lessons; cello lessons.
April 14th: Little Leaves Tea House is hosting an Attack On Titan pop-up shop!  The entire cafe will be transformed and decorated as though it were a tavern in Paradis Island; merchandise (keychains, hoodies, mugs, notebooks, etc.) will be sold; the drinks will be themed; and there will be plenty of photo opportunities.
Quilpué Activities
April 6th: El Jardín will be hosting an Intro to Vegetable Gardening on Saturday from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, hosted by Dra. Florencia Gomez, author of several best-selling and insightful books on the topic: Huerto Ecológico and El Alma en Jardinería.  Come learn how you can start your own garden even if you don’t have a backyard.  Tips, tricks, and goodie bags will be provided.  Please come in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
April 8th: Quilpué Zoo celebrates National Zoo Lovers Day with free general admission!  There will be a special coloring book pdf that you can download on the Quilpué Zoo website, as well as a special National Zoo Lovers Day merchandise that you can buy in the gift shop.
April 7th-13th: Welcome to Quilpué’s Restaurant Week!  For one week, many restaurants in Quilpué will be offering a special and discounted menu.  Participating restaurants will be donating all proceeds from the special menu to the local food bank.  This week-long event is both a foodie’s dream and a large charity event.  Not every restaurant is participating, so make sure you check valparaisofoodbank.cl for more details.
April 23rd-25th: Plaza de Sol is having a Summer’s End Sale!  Take an additional 20-40% off on top of sales and discounted pricing on participating shops.  If you’re looking to prepare an outfit or house decor for next year’s summer with prices that won’t break the bank, or if you’re looking to get a head start on autumn trends, you’ll be sure to find it at Plaza de Sol, Quilpué’s largest mall.
Valparaíso Activities
April 5th: Fish Frenzy Aquarium will be hosting a re-enactment of Finding Nemo using boat puppets from 11 AM - 2 PM!  Does your child like fish?  Do they like boats?  Do they like Pixar Movies?  If so, they’ll love this event, where all three will be combined in a fintastic way!
April 18th: Valparaíso Centro Médico is looking for volunteers to help the prospective graduating class of 2024.  Volunteers are needed to pretend to be patient cases for medical school students.  You will be given a list of symptoms and some helpful dialogue to assist you in acting as a patient for the students to interact with and diagnoses.  Lunch will be provided for volunteers.  If you’re a medical student and you’re interested in participating in this practice session, please contact us at volunter_vcm.cl.  The practice will start 1 PM - 4 PM, but volunteers are to arrive at 12 PM.
April 20th-21st: The local Valparaíso Animal Shelter is partnering with Biblioteca Santiago Severín for an adoption weekend!  For Saturday and Sunday, from 10 AM - 3 PM, the animal shelter will bring their cats and dogs and have tents and tables set up outside of the library.  All animals will be named after famous poets and authors, and all will be adoptable.  Come meet your new best friend!
April 29th: Candlelight Concert: The Best of Hans Zimmer—the performance will be held at Parque Cultural de Valparaíso from 9 PM - 10 PM. The Candlelight Concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations.  Bring your partner or a loved one and come listen to a beautiful melody of Hans Zimmer’s greatest works and bask in the glow of soft candlelight.
Viña del Mar Activities
April 1st: Club Divine is hosting a stand-up comedy night! From 8 PM - 9 PM, there is a lineup of local LGBTQIA+ comedians performing their sets for 10-15 minutes each. Each performer’s favorite drink will be provided and discounted at the bar for the night.
April 7th: The Parque Nacional La Campana is working with the Humanities Department of the Universidad de Bellas Artes to give you the opportunity to take your creativity outdoors with their newest event, Nature Journaling!  From 9 AM - 2 PM, you’ll meet up with like-minded individuals, guided by both artists and park rangers to combine creative writing, art, biology, and nature.  Please dress appropriately for hiking.  You are welcome to bring your own supplies, but simple paper, pencils, and color pencils will be provided. 
April 26th: The Golden Beach Street is hosting their annual Summer’s End Bonfire.  From 8 PM - 11 PM, bonfires will be lit on several beaches (Playa Acapollo, Playa El Sol, Playa Blanca, to name a few ) to celebrate the end of the summer and to welcome in the autumn and its bright colors and cooler air.  Participating restaurants may give discounts during this time, and fireworks will be lit at the end of the night.
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strikhedonia9 · 2 years
Vietnam Diaries: Part 2 - Hanoi
We landed in Hanoi at 7.30 am ICT (ICT stands for Indochina time, and it’s one and a half hours ahead of IST). The airport was pretty empty. We got our stuff, and we were off to Hanoi Paradise Center Hotel and Spa where we had booked our stay for the next four days. This hotel is in Old Quarter, which is probably the most happening place in Hanoi. We had booked the hotels online, and it had great reviews, and the rooms looked great. When our cabbie dropped us off we were looking around expecting to see a big hotel entrance. Imagine our shock when the receptionist walked up to us, pointed towards a really dark, narrow, and shady looking alley and said “this way please”. We looked like someone who had just been asked to have a glass of bitter gourd juice! Luckily, the hotel turned out to be as good as the reviews suggested. The rooms were quite comfortable, and the staff very friendly. The receptionist even gave us a map of Hanoi, and told us about the places we could visit, and the things we could do there. Given that four out of the five of us were vegetarians, she even told us how to ask for vegetarian food in Vietnamese. “An chay” means “Vegetarian”. “An trung” means “I eat eggs”. These phrases could save your life if you’re an eggetarian, or like me, a vegetarian.
Most of the things we had planned were in Old Quarter, and first on the list was Ho Hoan Kiem (meaning “Lake of the returned sword”). Now there’s a story behind why it was named so, and I was expecting a really fancy one that would blow my mind, but it was a pretty simple one which I’m not gonna write about here.  We freshened up, and left for Hoan Kiem lake which was a very short walk from the hotel. 
Hoan Kiem lake is one of the most visited places in Hanoi. The lake was named Ho Luc Thuy in the past which means “Green water lake” (not very creative, but makes sense because the water is green). There are a few things of interest here. There is the Ngoc Son temple (means Temple of the Jade mountain) which has a preserved specimen of a giant turtle, the beautiful Huc bridge which leads you to the Ngoc Son temple, and the turtle tower in the middle of the lake. 
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One thing I was glad I did was wake up early one morning, and go for a walk around this lake. There were people walking, running, and exercising of course, but the highlight was a group of people dancing to some slow, melodic Vietnamese music. Now I’m not really into dancing (mostly because I suck at it), but this was a really pleasant sight. It looked peaceful and refreshing, and far better than the drunken dancing that I’m used to seeing. We later went on to realize that this is a very common thing in Vietnam, and found people dancing to music near the beaches too. This is one of the things I must say I really loved about Vietnam.
If you visit Hanoi, your trip is incomplete without visiting their night markets. The Old Quarter night market is of course second to none. It is open Friday to Sunday from 7pm to 12am, and no vehicles are allowed here during this time, as the streets leading to the night market are cordoned off. It has to be covered by foot. We thought this was good for two reasons. One was of course that it’s really peaceful to walk around without having to look out for vehicles, or be annoyed by unnecessary honking. The second was that it was a good way to burn off all the calories that we consumed, stuffing ourselves with every new type of food that we could find. The night market has almost everything. Rows and rows of shops selling clothes, shoes, bags, handicrafts, souvenirs, action figures, ceramics, and so many other things. Prices are low, but haggling and bargaining is an absolute must, and it is also expected.
Where there are streets full of people there is of course food! The street parallel to the night market was filled with restaurants. The restaurants had put small stools and tables which even came onto the roads. All of them were filled, and people seemed to be really enjoying themselves. It’s a nice way to take a break from all the walking and shopping, and chill with a cold beer and some authentic Vietnamese street food.
Another thing that’s high up on the list of things to do in Hanoi for tourists is watch the water puppet show in the Thang Long water puppet theater. Now I didn’t go for this, because I thought “who’d wanna watch a puppet show?”. But, it’s known to be an award winning puppet show, and two of my friends who went to the show thoroughly enjoyed it. It is better to buy the tickets directly at the theater than buying it online. It is about ₹800 (or $10) cheaper.
Any blog on Vietnam or Hanoi always has mention of the train street. This was something we were curious about, and we decided to check it out one evening. We didn’t regret it one bit. We had read about this place. We had read that it was a narrow street lined with eateries and shops, with a track running down the middle. When the train passes by there’s just a few inches between the shops and the train. It sounds dangerous but it’s totally safe, and very thrilling. Just before the train arrives there are people who walk around making sure the tracks are clear. We sat in one of the cafes feeding on junk and sipping cold beer, and watched three trains pass by. It’s definitely something that I would recommend.
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Besides these there are a lot of guided tours from Hanoi. There’s the Ninh Binh province tour, the HaLong bay tour, the Bat Trang (this has nothing to do with Batman) ceramic village tour etc. We had decided to go for Ninh Binh, and HaLong bay tours.
to be continued.....
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lsundarinfo · 13 days
Must-See Winter Destinations for Your Next Vacation
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Winter is the magical time to explore destinations that are covered by snow, festive lights and a magical ambience all around. The season of snowflakes, hot cocoa and cozy sweaters has a unique charm that tempts all adventurous souls to embrace the beauty of the world. What better way to embrace the frosty months than by venturing off to breathtaking international destinations? From charming European cities adorned with twinkling lights to exotic tropical paradises that will melt away your winter blues - this blog post got you covered to be transported to some amazing places across the globe for an unforgettable experience, making this winter one for the books! 
Documents You Need for an International Travel
While many people associate winters with staying indoors, it’s actually one of the best seasons to travel. With fewer crowds, cheaper prices, winter travel allows you to explore destinations in a whole new light. 
Before you pack your bags, it is important to ensure that you have all the necessary documents for an international trip. The specific requirements may vary based on your destination and nationality, so it is best to check with the embassy of the country you plan to visit. However, here is a list of general documents required for a seamless international travel experience: 
Note : This list is a general guideline; always check with the relevant authorities for up-to-date information and specific requirements for your destination.
How to obtain an IDP and important things to know before traveling
Obtaining an International Driving Permit (IDP) is an essential step before embarking on your winter travels to a foreign country. An IDP serves as a valid form of identification and allows you to legally drive in over 150 countries worldwide, including popular winter destinations like Canada, Japan, and Switzerland.
To obtain an IDP, you will need to visit your nearest automobile association or motor vehicle agency in your home country. The process may vary slightly depending on where you live, but generally, you will need to provide the following documents:
1. A completed application form: You can usually find this form online, make sure to fill it out accurately and provide all necessary information.
2. A valid driver's license: Your IDP is not a stand-alone document and must be accompanied by a valid driver's license from your home country.
3. Two passport-sized photos: These photos should meet the specific requirements set by the issuing authority. It's always best to check beforehand to avoid any delays in getting your IDP.
4. Proof of identity: Typically, this includes a copy of your passport or other government-issued photo identification.
5. Application fee: There is usually a small fee associated with obtaining an IDP that varies depending on where you live.
Top 3 Destinations for Winter Travel
To help you plan your next getaway, we’ve curated a list of top 5 international destinations to visit this winter. In this section, we will provide you with detailed information on each of our top international destinations, including the must-see attractions, exciting activities to partake in, and useful driving tips for navigating around.
1. Reykjavik, Iceland
Known for its breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders, Reykjavik is a must-visit destination during the winter season. The city transforms into a winter wonderland with snowy streets and festive decorations. The Golden Circle route takes you to iconic sites like Þingvellir National Park, Geysir, and Gullfoss. With an IDP in hand, you can easily navigate the country's picturesque roads and witness the Northern Lights dancing in the night sky.
Attractions: One of the top attractions in Reykjavik is the stunning Blue Lagoon geothermal spa. Surrounded by snow-covered mountains, this unique experience allows you to relax in warm waters while taking in the beautiful scenery. Another popular attraction is the Golden Circle tour, where you can see iconic landmarks such as Gullfoss waterfall and Geysir hot spring.
Activities: For adventure seekers, Reykjavik offers thrilling activities such as snowmobiling on glaciers or exploring ice caves. You can also go whale watching or take a Northern Lights tour for a chance to witness this spectacular natural phenomenon.
Driving Tips: If you plan on renting a car to explore outside of Reykjavik, make sure to prepare for icy roads and snowy conditions. It's recommended to rent a 4x4 vehicle and check weather updates before heading out.
2. Lapland, Finland 
Located in the northernmost part of Finland, Lapland is often referred to as a winter wonderland. With its breathtaking natural beauty and abundance of outdoor activities like skiing, husky sledding, and reindeer safaris, Lapland offers a unique winter experience like no other. If you're planning a trip to this Arctic wonderland, here's your comprehensive guide to the attractions, activities, and driving tips for an adventure of a lifetime.
Attractions: You can start your journey from Rovaniemi at the Santa Claus Village, the official hometown of Santa Claus to meet the man in red. For winter sports enthusiasts, Levi Ski Resort is a paradise. Enjoy downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, and even take a ride on a snowmobile. Husky safaris are a popular activity in Lapland if you wish to experience the thrill of mushing your own team of huskies through the pristine snow covered mountains.
Activities: Traverse the snow covered landscapes on a snowmobile. You can also experience the tranquility of Lapland by trying your hand at ice fishing. Drill a hole in the frozen lakes, drop your line and enjoy the peaceful surroundings while you wait for a catch. One can also indulge in an ice hotel experience as you get to stay in a unique ice hotel, where everything from the walls to the furniture is crafted from ice. This surreal experience is available in places like Kittilä, providing a one-of-a-kind accommodation option.
Driving Tips: Ensure your rental car is equipped with winter tires for enhanced safety on icy roads. Plan your activities during the daytime, and if you're venturing out in the evening, drive cautiously in the dark. Be cautious of wildlife, especially reindeer, which may roam freely on roads.
 3. Switzerland: Alpine Bliss
Switzerland transforms into a winter paradise with its snow-capped mountains, charming villages, and world-class ski resorts. Take a scenic drive through the Swiss Alps, exploring destinations like Zermatt, Interlaken, and the Jungfrau region. The well-maintained roads and breathtaking scenery make Switzerland a dream destination for winter road trips.
Attractions: You can  witness the iconic Matterhorn, one of the most famous peaks in the Alps, in the car-free village of Zermatt. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or take a scenic ride on the Gornergrat Railway for panoramic views. You can also board the Jungfraubahn and experience the breathtaking journey to Jungfraujoch, the "Top of Europe." Marvel at the stunning views of the Aletsch Glacier and surrounding peaks.
Activities: Switzerland is a world class paradise for skiing and snowboarding which can be enjoyed in renowned resorts like Verbier, St. Moritz and Davos. You can also try ice skating on outdoor ice rinks, such as the one in the heart of Zurich or the picturesque rink at Lake St. Moritz. 
Driving Tips: Ensure your rental car is equipped with winter tires for enhanced safety on icy roads. Stay informed about road conditions, especially if you plan to drive through mountain passes. The Swiss traffic information service provides real-time updates.
Winter is the perfect time to embrace the beauty of the world, and a road trip with an IDP opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you're chasing the Northern Lights in Iceland, meeting Santa in Finland, or exploring the Alps, these winter wonderlands promise unforgettable experiences for the intrepid traveler. So, buckle up, hit the road, and let the magic of winter unfold before you.
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sneakerspasydney · 2 months
Reviving Your Luxury: The Art of Designer Bags Restoration and Cleaning
Designer handbags are pieces of art, status symbols, investments, not only accessories. A Chanel bag showcases timeless elegance, while a Louis Vuitton tote represents contemporary appeal. These luxury goods, whether a Chanel bag. Your bags may suffer from daily use, environmental conditions, and accidental spills. That is where the magic of designer bag restoration and cleaning finds application. This blog will walk you through the principles of maintaining your luxury handbags in perfect shape so they will continue to wow for years.
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The Importance of Proper Care
Designer handbags may have high price tags, and rightly so. Their worth stems from the workmanship, materials, and brand reputation, as well as from their maintenance, which depends on constant cleaning and prompt repair. Ignoring stains, marks, or wear and tear will reduce their value and beauty over time. Good maintenance keeps your bag looking good and increases its lifetime, justifying the purchase.
Understanding Designer Handbag Cleaning
Designer handbag cleaning is more difficult than just running it over a moist cloth. Every material—leather, suede, or fabric—requires particular cleaning techniques and products. Here is a list of some often-used items, together with maintenance tips:
Leather: Use a delicate cloth and a leather cleaner, especially for premium leather. Avoid water, as it can break leather. Periodically conditioning the leather will keep it flexible and prevent it from drying out.
Suede: Suede is especially delicate and prone to stains. For tough stains, use a suede eraser; otherwise, gently remove debris with a suede brush. Steer clear of water-based cleaners since they produce streaks.
Fabric: Dirt and stains will be lifted from fabric bags using a soft brush and a mild fabric cleaner. First, always test a small, covert area to ensure the cleaner doesn't discolor anything.
Regular cleaning helps to avoid long-term damage and keeps luggage looking new. Depending on their use, it's advised to clean designer handbags every few months.
The Art of Designer Bags Restoration
Restoring the bag to its natural beauty requires more than just washing; it also needs repairs. This procedure could comprise:
Color Restoration: Over time, sunlight and daily use cause colors to fade. If necessary, professionals can either totally modify the color or restore the original hue.
Hardware Polishing: The bag hardware—including buckles, clasps, and zippers—may tarnish or scratch. Replace broken hardware and polish to give your bag a new life.
Stitching Repairs: In addition to their appearance, loose or damaged stitches could compromise the integrity of the bag. Expertly stitched repairs guarantee that your bag stays fashionable and robust.
Replacing Linings: A bag's internal lining can deteriorate over time, causing rips or offensive smells. Changing the lining will make the bag seem fresh all around.
DIY vs. Professional Services
While small cleaning is doable, restoration is better left to experts. Sometimes, especially if you need to become more familiar with the particular requirements of luxury materials, DIY projects can backfire more than they help. Expert services include tools, knowledge, and products to manage even the most delicate restorations.
When to Seek Professional Help
See a specialist if your bag shows structural problems, significant stains, or scratches. Check your purses often for damage; don't wait too long to fix any. Early intervention helps prevent little problems from turning into more serious ones.
Sneaker Spa Sydney is the only place to search for excellent designer bag restoration or cleaning. Their knowledge of luxury goods helps them to guarantee that your designer handbags get the treatment they need. Sneaker Spa Sydney has the knowledge and expertise to bring your bags back to life, from comprehensive cleaning to delicate restoration. Trusting your valuable items to experts will help you enjoy your designer bags for many more years.
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a01684587 · 2 months
Tips for Surviving a Long Layover
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://trailtravelz.com/
Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, filled with new destinations, adventures, and cultural discoveries. However, one aspect of travel that can often be less exciting is the long layover. Whether you're flying halfway around the world or making a connecting flight, long layovers can test even the most seasoned traveler's patience. Fortunately, with some strategic planning and a positive mindset, you can turn a potentially tiresome layover into a productive or even enjoyable part of your journey. Here are some valuable tips for surviving a long layover:
1. Plan Ahead: Before embarking on your journey, research the airports where you have layovers. Check their facilities, amenities, and layout to get an idea of what to expect. Some airports are equipped with comfortable lounges, quiet areas, or even sleeping pods that you can utilize during your layover.
2. Pack Essentials in Your Carry-On: Ensure your carry-on bag contains essential items such as a travel pillow, blanket, eye mask, earplugs or noise-canceling headphones, snacks, and a refillable water bottle. These items can significantly enhance your comfort during a long wait.
3. Stay Connected: Most airports nowadays offer free Wi-Fi. Take advantage of this to stay connected with loved ones, catch up on work or emails, stream movies, or plan the next leg of your journey. Having entertainment options can make time fly by faster.
4. Explore Airport Amenities: Many airports have evolved into mini cities with a wide range of amenities. Use your layover to explore what the airport has to offer. Some may have art exhibits, cultural displays, spa services, fitness centers, or even local cuisine options worth trying.
5. Stretch Your Legs: Sitting for extended periods can be uncomfortable and unhealthy. Make it a point to walk around the terminal regularly. Some airports even have designated yoga or stretching areas where you can relax and rejuvenate.
6. Take a City Tour: If your layover is particularly long (usually several hours), check if the airport offers city tours for passengers with extended waits. This can be a fantastic opportunity to see a glimpse of the city you're in without the hassle of arranging visas or transportation.
7. Catch Up on Rest: If your layover is overnight or if you're exhausted from a long flight, look for quiet areas or lounges where you can rest or even take a nap. Some airports have sleeping pods or comfortable seating options that can provide much-needed rest.
8. Plan for Meals: Food options at airports can vary widely in terms of quality and price. Research restaurants or cafes in advance, or use apps that list airport dining options. Alternatively, pack some snacks or a light meal to save money and ensure you have something to eat during your layover.
9. Stay Informed: Monitor flight updates and gate changes closely, especially if you have a tight connection. Use airport apps or check with airline staff for real-time information to avoid missing your connecting flight.
10. Stay Positive and Flexible: Approach your layover with a positive mindset. Sometimes unexpected delays or changes in plans can occur, but staying calm and flexible can make the experience less stressful. Use the time to relax, reflect on your travels, or engage in activities you enjoy.
By following these tips, you can transform a potentially tedious layover into a productive or enjoyable part of your journey. Remember, preparation and a positive attitude are key to making the most out of any travel experience, including long layovers.
SEO Tags: #LongLayoverTips, #AirportSurvivalGuide, #TravelTips, #FlightHacks, #AirportAmenities, #TravelComfort, #LayoverActivities, #AirportGuides
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mahamid110 · 10 months
👉 Mini Refrigerator and Personal Beauty Fridge ✅ Mirrored Door with Dimmable LED Light
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Paris Hilton Mini Refrigerator and Personal Beauty Fridge, Mirrored Door with Dimmable LED Light, Thermoelectric Cooling and Warming Function for All Cosmetics and Skincare Needs, 4-Liter, White
-33% Discount 
Sale Price $39.99
List Price: $59.99
 👉 Product Dimensions: 9.3"D x 7"W x 10"H
 👉 Brand: Paris Hilton
 👉 Capacity: 4 Liters
 👉 Configuration: Freezerless
👉 Color: White
 👉 Special Feature: Compact
 👉 Installation Type: Countertop, Tabletop
 👉 Number of Doors: 1
 👉 Finish Type: Glossy
 👉 Shelf Type: Removable shelf
Click Now Get Instant -33% Discount >>
About this item
✅  FASHION MEETS FUNCTION: As cute as it is compact. An iconic addition to any bathroom vanity, makeup desk, bedroom or office desk. Top dorm room essentials. Exterior: 9.3" x 7"x 10". Interior storage: 5.5" x 5.3" x 7.9". Includes removable shelf and door pocket.
✅  CHILL OUT: Keep your cosmetics and drinks cool. Unwind with a mini wine bottle but also perfect for face mask skin care, creams, serums and more. Optimal temperature for your beauty products without causing them to freeze or congeal as it would in your standard kitchen fridge
✅  THAT'S HOT: Treat yourself to a self care spa day. Relax while your face oils, essential oils and hair masks refresh your inner glow. Retain warmth for your preheated facial spa towels, cosmetic waxes, green tea or coffee without having to rewarm over and over.
✅  HELLO GORGEOUS: The cosmetic fridge door dons a makeup mirror with a dimmable LED light to help perfect your makeup and get selfie ready. No ring light needed when sitting in front of this fridge. Store all your makeup bag contents in this mini fridge and never go without your must-haves. Loves it.
✅  SHINE ON: Slay on the go with the convenient built-in carry handle. Great for glamping, music festivals and hotels. Includes AC cord for home use and DC cord for car/mobile use. Insulation maintains already achieved temperature for up to several hours when unplugged depending on the environment.
Click Now Get Instant -33% Discount >>
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cucitasbogor · 2 years
TERDEKAT, Call 0811 1749 490, Cuci Tas Golf Gardenia Hills Bogor
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KLIK https://wa.me/628111749490, Tempat Cuci Tas Terdekat Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Branded Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Branded Di Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Valenttino Terdekat Gardenia Hills Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Carrier Gardenia Hills Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-QN-i1DNrX-CqdEMPYRbg
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centracucitasbogor · 2 years
REKOMENDASI, Call 0811 1749 490, Jasa Cuci Tas Carrier Sempur Bogor
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KLIK https://wa.me/628111749490, Tempat Cuci Tas Kulit Terdekat Sempur Bogor, Tempat Cuci Tas Branded Terdekat Sempur Bogor, Cuci Tas Terdekat Dari Lokasi Saya Sempur Bogor, Cuci Tas Express Sempur Bogor, Jasa Cuci Tas Branded Terdekat Sempur Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-QN-i1DNrX-CqdEMPYRbg
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stylishclutchbag · 1 year
Rakhi Gifts for Sister that She'll Cherish: Thoughtful and Heartwarming Ideas
When the festival of Raksha Bandhan is just around the corner, it's time to start brainstorming the perfect rakhi gifts for your beloved sister. After all, she's not just a sibling, but a lifelong friend and confidante. This year, let's move beyond the usual and explore some truly thoughtful and heartwarming rakhi gift ideas that will leave a lasting impression. Here are some creative suggestions to make this Raksha Bandhan truly special with unique Rakhi gifts for sister ideas.
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Personalized Treasures: Crafting Memories Together
The magic of personalized gifts lies in their ability to encapsulate shared memories. Consider gifting your sister a personalized photo album filled with snapshots from your childhood adventures, family gatherings, and cherished moments. You can also opt for a customized calendar featuring your favorite sibling moments or a personalized mug that she can start her day with. These rakhi gifts for sister ideas not only showcase your thoughtfulness but also remind her of the beautiful journey you've shared.
Handmade with Love: Infusing Warmth into Rakhi Gifts
In a world dominated by mass-produced items, a handmade gift stands out as a labor of love. Get creative and craft something unique for your sister this Raksha Bandhan. Whether it's a hand-painted tote bag, a hand-knitted scarf in her favorite color, or a piece of jewelry that you've meticulously designed, these rakhi gift ideas for sister speak volumes about the effort you're willing to invest to bring a smile to her face.
Experiences Over Possessions: Gift of Unforgettable Moments
Sometimes, the most cherished gifts are experiences rather than physical possessions. Consider planning a spa day, a weekend getaway, or a movie marathon featuring all her favorite films. You could even enroll in a cooking class or an art workshop together. These rakhi gifts for sister ideas not only create lasting memories but also strengthen the bond you share by spending quality time together.
Literary Escapades: Nurturing Her Love for Reading
If your sister is an avid reader, then a book is undoubtedly a fantastic rakhi gift idea. However, take it up a notch by curating a personalized reading list for her. Include books that align with her interests or introduce her to new genres. To make it even more special, write a heartfelt note explaining why each book is meaningful to you. This thoughtful gesture will showcase your understanding of her passions and create a deeper connection.
Subscription Surprises: Gifts that Keep on Giving
In the digital age, subscription services have taken gift-giving to a new level. Whether it's a subscription to her favorite magazine, a streaming platform, or a gourmet snack box, these rakhi gift ideas for sister will continue to bring joy long after the festival is over. Every time she receives a new delivery, she'll be reminded of your love and thoughtfulness.
Green Gifts for a Greener Tomorrow: Nurturing Nature Together
If your sister has a green thumb, consider giving her the gift of plants. A potted indoor plant or a collection of her favorite flowers will not only brighten up her space but also symbolize the growth of your relationship. You could also take it a step further and gift her a gardening kit or a workshop on urban gardening, allowing you both to bond over a shared interest in nurturing nature.
Culinary Adventures: Savoring Flavors of Togetherness
For the sister who loves to cook or experiment in the kitchen, culinary-themed gifts can be a delightful surprise. Invest in high-quality kitchen gadgets, a cooking class featuring a cuisine she's always wanted to master, or a selection of exotic spices to elevate her dishes. These rakhi gifts for sister ideas will not only indulge her culinary passions but also give you opportunities to cook and savor meals together.
As Raksha Bandhan approaches, remember that it's not the price tag but the thought behind the gift that truly counts. These thoughtful and heartwarming rakhi gift ideas for sisters go beyond material possessions, aiming to create lasting memories, strengthen the bond you share, and showcase your understanding of her unique preferences and passions. Whether it's a personalized treasure, a handmade creation, an unforgettable experience, or a subscription surprise, each gift choice reflects your love and appreciation for the amazing sister she is. This year, make Raksha Bandhan truly special with these creative and unique rakhi gifts for sister ideas that she will cherish for a lifetime.
Must Read : Sister's Special Day: Rakhi Gift Ideas to Make Memories
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catspredise4568 · 2 years
Why do you need the best pet care?
If pets are the source of limitless love and unending happiness, you must show them twice as much love, care, and attention. And you can only do this if you have trustworthy and best pet care where you can buy everything your furry friends need. You may get the healthiest bag of cat or dog food from the top-selling brands in pet stores, top-notch pet toys, grooming supplies, and much more, all in a matter of minutes. However, locating the most excellent pet care is the real challenge. We'll outline the characteristics to search for.
 Essential Characteristics of the best pet care service in Nagpur:
It must provide a wide selection of pet products: Pets require more than simply a balanced diet. They need cozy bedding, stylish clothes, chic accessories, healthy pet supplements, and services that encourage relaxation and your pet's general well-being because they are such an important member of your family. Their list of necessities is endless, and reputable pet care should stock them in large quantities to give them a comfortable and healthy lifestyle.
 A helpful, informed, and friendly staff: No pet parent is born with an extensive grasp of their animal companions' physiology, psychology, and mental health. If you're a first-time pet owner, you'll need the right advice to choose foods and treats that are nutritionally satisfying for your sweet dog or cat. And that occurs when you enter the best pet care facility that only hires knowledgeable and experienced employees, so they can comprehend your pet's needs and make product recommendations accordingly.
 Provides all types of pet grooming services: Caring for your pet properly entails more than just feeding them nutritious food and taking them in for regular checkups. Let's pay attention to the significance of pet grooming in the lives of your small buddy, even though these two factors are essential for guaranteeing your pet's excellent health. Aren't we all proud of how we display ourselves? Likewise, do our pets! When their coats shine, the overgrown hair is trimmed, the nails are clipped, the teeth, paws, and ears are cleansed, and finally, when they have their eagerly awaited bath, they look magnificent. This is the spot to go if you're looking for professional pet spa services. Stop searching and go there right away!
 Finding the best pet care for your cute baby might be challenging, especially if you need to know which pet care service in Nagpur is the best. A quality pet care facility will offer your dog and cat comprehensive care by offering wholesome pet foods, treats, chic clothing, practical accessories, and a wide range of pet grooming goods and services. Additionally, once inside, you may quickly decide which option best suits your requirements and price range. You won't need much time to realize that it's the ideal location for you and your pet! A renowned and top pet service, Little Pet Paradise offers a variety of luxury pet grooming services, a pet spa, pet clothing, and accessories.
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marketingbudget · 2 years
5 Promotional Products You Can Use on Your Next Event
Looking to get a great return on your marketing investment? In good times or bad it's always wise to seek those marketing tools that will give you further for your marketing bone. When it comes to promotional comps getting the stylish return on your marketing investment means chancing products that will give you more announcement prints for your marketing bone. To find these kinds of promotional products you'll first need to understand what characteristics to look for in a product while developing your promotional idea. I like to view these kind of promotional products as billboards because they not only promote your brand and products or services to the donors but also promote and announce to others who read your company's communication on the promotional product.
With this understanding in mind you should acclimate your thinking when budgeting for a promotional product. Make sure your focus remains on investment return and not just on price or volume. You'll get further from a creation choosing a promotional product billboard, as I call them, indeed if it means spanning down the number of promotional particulars you buy. This approach is superior to using a one dimensional product like say bottled water with a custom marker which will only be seen by the philanthropist as once it's consumed it will not be giving off any announcement prints unless of course the scrap man sees the bottle. I know I gave you an extreme illustration but I did this to illustrate to you the significance of seeking out these promotional product billboards. There are numerous types of promotional products that I would classify as billboards. Some of the important orders I would include are customized screens, custom screen published or exaggerated vesture, yard signs, banners, customized bags, cushion stickers, inflatable products, and custom ingrained auto tones to name just a many. clearly at the top of this list would be products like custom screen published vesture like t- shirts and exaggerated headdresses which are far and wide in our society with people walking around flashing one brand or another amusement as mortal billboards promoting all kinds of businesses and associations. People love to get these products as they feel further than happy to promote your business in exchange for a casual composition of apparel that they can use. This kind of practical promotional gift along with effects like screens are especially effective during bad profitable times when these products actually help out the philanthropist in a small way by giving them commodity they can use on a regular base in their lives. Bags are great billboards for promoting your business.
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There are numerous products and operations that you can promote your business with using bags from retail shopping bags to tote bags to packs and spa bags. There are custom-made promotional bags for nearly every kind of business and budget. The great part about this kind of advertising and brand creation is that the philanthropist carries your promotional communication around for everyone to see. You simply can not beat that in any creation getting overdue aides to promote your business. It's so good it nearly sounds illegal. Some of the further classic types of billboard promotional products actually act lower performances of the real thing like signs, yard signs, and banners. These are fairly affordable means of advertising and promoting your business and indeed though they do not come complete with a philanthropist to carry them around with like the bag order they're veritably effective in that one product can be viewed by numerous implicit guests in important the way a billboard works. Inflatable products work in a analogous way bringing attention and frequently business to a business. For those of you strange with the term inflatable products these are large balloons you frequently see on the roofs and out front of retail stores designed to get consumers attention as they drive by in their buses . One frequently overlooked billboard promotional product is the auto dome that people down south in particular use everyday when ensconcing their auto to keep the searing heat and sun from their auto innards. This is a great promotional tool that's in my opinion under employed. It provides a large imprint area and can be viewed by numerous people who pass by the situated auto it's displayed in throughout the time. Again this is one of those products with the philanthropist furnishing the free labor to set up the shade and drive it to locales each around city promoting your business every time they situate their auto. also, people love this as a promotional gift and will use it for times to come. Whatever product you choose to do for your coming creation make sure to try incorporate one of these promotional product billboards into your crusade and reap the benefits from some of the stylish return on your marketing bone to be set up anywhere.
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