#You said Middlesbrough???
trentoomuch · 5 months
PSYCHOLOGIST: you can't hear images
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let-me-luve-you · 1 year
Part 2 of the Road to the World Cup Series
Christian Pulisic x Reader
Summary: Christian and his high school sweetheart celebrate their son as well as qualifying for the World Cup.
Warning: Hints at sex (at the end)
Word Count: 3.3K
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“Momma! Momma! Wake up!” Y/N felt someone trying to shake her. “Daddy! Get up!” She felt bouncing and opened her eyes to find a very happy four year old bouncing between his two parents. “Momma!”
Y/N and Christian welcomed a healthy baby boy on March 30, 2018.Cayden Mate Pulisic is a clone of his father. There is nothing of Y/N in him. Christian likes to tell her that Cayden got her personality and heart, but so far, he is all Christian. 
Today, Y/N laid in a hotel room with Christian and Cayden in San Jose, Costa Rica on her baby’s fourth birthday. She couldn’t believe he was already turning four and by the look on his face, he was super excited to be four. 
“Happy birthday Cay! Come give Momma a hug.” Y/N said, pulling the young boy towards her. As he hugged her, she quietly got out of bed. She checked to make sure Christian was still asleep. “Let’s get ready while Daddy sleeps a little bit more. He’s got a big game tonight and needs his rest.”
“Is he not going to play with me today because he needs rest?” Cayden asked with his innocent eyes big and sad. 
“He is going to play with you. Remember we are going to lunch with grandma and grandpa. Daddy is going with us. Then you get to go with Daddy and the boys.” Y/N reminded the young boy of their day plans. 
“Oh yeah! I get to see the boys! I’m so excited!” He smiled at his mom. Quickly gathering what they needed to get ready for the day, Y/N took Cayden into the bathroom and set him on the counter. 
“Brush your teeth for me real quick please. I’m going to get dressed and then I’ll help you.” Cayden nodded and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. Y/N dressed quickly in  a USMNT tee and some ripped jeans. She watched Cayden finish brushing his teeth before helping him off the counter to get dressed. 
“I want to look like Daddy today Momma.” He said as he looked out the outfit she had picked out. “I want my jersey.”
“I know baby, but you’ll get it dirty before the game. We can put it on you before you ride with Daddy on the bus.” He looked annoyed but nodded. Y/N had picked out a dark wash pair of jeans with a US soccer shirt. “This work until after lunch?” 
“Yeah. Can I go see if Daddy is awake now?” Cayden asked. His mom nodded before opening the door for him. She peaked around the corner to see Cayden climb up on the bed and poke his dad’s nose. Christian scrunched his face up before wrapping an arm around Cayden.
“Ten more minutes bud. Cuddle with me for ten minutes and then we can get up and play.” Christian said as he kissed Cayden’s forehead. Cayden let out a happy sigh as he cuddled closer to Christian. Next thing Y/N knows, both of her boys are snoring softly. 
Y/N checked the clock and saw that it was only 6:45 am. She never understood how Cayden was such a morning person when neither his dad nor mom were. Y/N decided to go finish getting ready for the day. She knew that if the US wins tonight, she will be up late with an early flight tomorrow morning, so she might as well start working on packing bags after she finished her hair and make up. 
Walking back into the room, Y/N saw the abundance of toys on the floor. She picked a couple of small ones to keep out that could easily fit into Cayden’s backpack and then packed the rest in his little suitcase. They had been to a lot of places in the past few weeks. They started in London before going to France back to London before traveling to Middlesbrough and back to London with Chelsea FC. Then traveled to Houston, Texas for training before traveling to Mexico for a World Cup Qualifying match. From there, they went to Orlando before ending in Costa Rica. Normally, Cayden wouldn’t have made all of the trips, but Christian really wanted him to be there for the last leg of qualifying so they would be together on his birthday. As for the Europe trip, they’re babysitter was out sick so they had no choice but to load him up.
Shockingly enough, Cayden didn't complain. He has had small moments of crankiness, but he has enjoyed being around his dad so much as well as his dad’s teammates. No one adored Christian more than Cayden. Whatever Christian did, Cayden did. It was Y/N’s absolute favorite thing to witness.
As she continued to clean up around the room, she had moved onto packing hers and Christian’s stuff. Christian woke up and saw his son tucked into his chest. Not bothered to be sleeping in jeans. Looking for his beautiful wife, he saw her folding clothes and putting them into his suitcase. He noticed she left out his outfit to wear to the stadium, a tee and shorts for his carry on, and an outfit to wear after the game. It was the small things like that, that made him fall even deeper in love with her. 
“Babe,” He whispered to get her attention. Y/N turned around and smiled at the man holding their son. “Come lay down with us.”
Nodding her head and putting the clothes down, she crawled on the bed and snuggled as close to Christian as she could without squishing Cayden. Christian gave her a small kiss on the forehead as they cuddled close and just enjoyed the quiet. 
It was now 8:15 am and it was almost time to wake Cayden up to go eat breakfast with the team. Before you could wake him up, he woke up on his own. 
“Morning birthday boy!” Christian whispered, knowing Cayden did not like a lot of noise when he first woke up. Cayden looked up at him before smiling and digging his face into Christian’s chest. “Stretch it out bub.”
“Morning daddy.” Cayden whispered back before turning to Y/N. “Morning Momma.” He leaned up and gave you a kiss on the cheek before turning and doing the same to Christian. Christian grabbed him and started tickling him. Cayden’s laughter filled the room.
“How about you let Daddy get up and then we will go downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone? Sound good?” Y/N asked Cayden. Cayden nodded before giving Christian another kiss before moving towards you. She grabbed his socks and shoes from beside the bed and helped him get them on before she did the same for herself. Christian was quick in the bathroom and was already dressed in his game day attire. 
“Let's go see everyone, birthday boy!” Christian said as he grabbed Cayden and carried him out of the room. When they entered the ballroom that the team had rented out, everyone yelled ‘happy birthday Cayden,’ at the young boy smiling brightly in his father’s arms. He wiggled to be let down and then ran around the room to greet everyone. 
Kelley and Mark joined the young family after breakfast. Y/N felt bad they couldn’t do a lot of things she knew Cayden would rather be doing, but they had plans for Christian’s days off when they returned back to London. Christian did play with Cayden all morning before lunch. Tyler and Weston did as well. Other teammates played for a bit before going to do other things. 
After lunch, Kelley and Mark joined Y/N, Christian, and Cayden in their room for cupcakes. Christian wanted to lay down for a bit before he had to leave so he said he would eat his cupcake later tonight before laying on the bed. Cayden ate his cupcake before going and laying his head on his dad’s stomach facing Christian. Y/N sat on a small chair next to the couch, quietly talking to her in-laws. Christian joined into the conversation every once in a while, but his main focus was running his hand through Cayden’s hair, watching him fight sleep. Soon enough, both boys were out cold. 
Kelley and Mark were Y/N’s ride to the stadium, so they stayed and talked while also watching tv. Mark also fell asleep so Y/N and Kelley talked about random things that came up. 
Y/N woke Christian after he was asleep for a little over an hour. He slowly got out of bed, leaving Cayden to his midafternoon nap. He knew the little boy needed as much sleep as he could get. He felt horrible for dragging him all over the world but he is so grateful to have him with him to make these memories more memorable. 
As it got closer for Christian to leave, he woke the little one up and gave him his wake up cuddles. He was never annoyed that his son did this. If anything, he took advantage of being able to wake him up when he could because he knew Cayden wouldn’t do this forever. 
“Let’s get your jersey on you bub.” Christian whispered as he rubbed the boys back. Cayden nodded his head and lifted his arms when his dad set him back on the bed. Mark and Kelley watched with love written on their faces. They loved watching Christian be a dad. “There we go! You look just like me. No one will be able to tell the difference when I put my jersey on.”
Cayden smiled with pride as the rest of you gave a little laugh. Cayden hopped off the bed before running to Kelley.
“Granma, did you hear that?” She smiled big at her grandson and nodded.
“I did. Your daddy is going to have to put on a different jersey so I can tell the two of you a part.” Mark laughed as Cayden looked offended that she would suggest such a thing.
Christian watched on as Cayden bounced from his parents to his wife and back again. He put on his shoes and packed the last few things in his backpack as well as Cayden’s. 
“Alright Cay, you ready to get on the bus?” Christian asked. Cayden nodded before he sprinted to his father. Christian held his hand and led him towards Y/N.
“You be good for Daddy. I will come get you in a little bit so you can sit with me during the game. Okay?” Cayden nodded. You stood up and turned to Christian, “Good luck tonight. Go do your thing. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Christian said before giving you a quick kiss. He pulled Cayden out the door carrying both backpacks on either shoulder. Y/N laughed because normally Cayden is all for wearing his own backpack. 
After an hour of sitting in the lobby talking with other US family members, the Pulisics decided to head to the game. Kelley and Mark headed to the concession stand to get Cayden a water and some food before they sat down as Y/N went down to get him as he sat on the bench watching the guys warm up. 
When Sarah saw Y/N walk up, she grabbed Cayden’s hand and led him to her. Sarah was always a blessing when Christian was traveling with the national team. She runs the social media for them and has always looked after Cayden when he tags along. No one asked her, she just did. She claimed that it wasn’t an issue. Gave her something to do when she wasn’t posting. 
“Thanks Sarah. Do you need anything?” Y/N asked as she pulled Cayden over the railing with his badge hanging around his neck. 
“I’m good. Thank you though.” She smiled at her. “Oh! You have to see this.” Sarah pulled out her phone and it was a picture of Christian walking hand in hand with Cayden during the walk through. Then she swiped and showed her a picture of their arrival. Lastly, showed her a picture of Cayden sitting in his father’s lap on the bench as Tyler, Brenden, and Weston sat around them. “I was going to send these to you forever ago but got busy and forgot until I saw you. I’ll send them now.”
“These are amazing! Did you take them?” Y/N asked.
“I did.” She smiled at her as she looked back down at her phone to text the young mom.
“I love them! Thank you! Is it okay if I post them later? Might not be today, but within the next few days?” Y/N always made sure to ask because she never wanted to get any of the content team in trouble. 
“Yeah! Go ahead whenever!” Sarah looked over where Brent was calling to her, “I’ve gotta go, but enjoy the game!”
“Thanks Sarah! Good luck!” Y/N turned to look at Cayden as he walked up and down the aisle. She pointed towards Kelley and Mark and told him they had a snack for him. Cayden took off running towards his grandparents a few sections over and a few rows up. Cayden stopped to talk to Walker’s wife before moving on towards his grandparents.
As the game started, Cayden had moved to her lap to watch. This wasn’t a have to win game like last time, they just couldn’t lose by six. Still, in the back of her mind, she still remembered that October night a little over four years ago.The first half was fine. It was nil-nil at half. Y/N could breathe a little. When the second half started, she started to tense as they got a goal and then shortly got a second. She was terrified that what should be a ridiculous way to not qualify, could actually happen. Cayden, unaware of the situation, was jumping between her legs while cheering. 
When Christian was subbed off in the 84th minute, Cayden slowly started to lose interest, despite knowing these players well. When the final whistle blew, everyone wearing USA celebrated. They had done it. They had qualified for the World Cup. All the families knew that it would be a little bit before the boys came out so they all just sat around waiting. Cayden didn’t understand why.
“I want Daddy!” He yelled. “I want to go see Daddy.”
“I know baby, but we have to wait for them to come out here to us. We can’t go to the locker room right now.” She said, running her hand over his head. Cayden started to cry. She knew he was tired. It was past his bedtime, but she dealt with it because she knew he would stop crying the second he saw Christian. You continued to rock him as he cried, trying to calm him down. 
Tyler was the first one out, he did a quick interview and then talked with his family before he laughed and ran back in to continue celebrating. More players came out for interviews and each one set the little boy off a little bit more. When Walker was done talking to his wife, he saw Cayden bawling his eyes out and told Y/N he would grab Christian. True to his word, Christian came out.
“Hey Cay. No need for tears. I’m here.” Christian said as he took his son and rocked him. Cayden hugged Christian’s neck tight as he tried to calm himself down. Christian rubbed his hand up and down his back as he whispered sweet words to him. “It’s okay. I’m here. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I love you Cayden Mate.”
“I love you too Daddy.” Cayden said as he pulled back to look at his dad. Christian puckered his lips to get a kiss and Cayden was quick to give him one. Christian then wiped Cayden’s tears off his face and gave him a tickle to make him laugh. Everyone around was watching with smiles on their faces.
“Now, I’m going to give you back to Momma and then I’ll be back in just a little bit to take pictures.” Christian said. 
“No, I go with you.” Cayden said about to start crying again. 
“Not right now, but when I come back, you can come with me, okay?” Christian compromised. He did not want his son going in there while they were still spraying each other with champagne and beer. Y/N smiled at Christian understanding and reached for Cayden. He wasn’t happy about it, but he went with her. 
Y/N sat back down with Kelley and Mark. They were going to take Cayden for the night and bring him to their room before the bus left for the airport. Y/N just hoped he fell asleep on the car ride back to the hotel. 
Christian was right. The whole team came out in full uniform to see their families properly. Christian quickly hugged his mom and dad before taking Cayden back in his arms. He gave Y/N a kiss and smiled down at her as she congratulated him on qualifying. 
“I’m going to take him and go change. Want me to take him with me to the hotel?” He asked his parents. They nodded. Mark told him he would collect the young boy in the lobby. “I’ll see you here in a bit.” 
Cayden was fighting sleep as Christian walked with him to the locker room. By the time they walked in, Cayden was out cold. It didn’t matter how loud the guys were, they were not going to wake him up. Christian laid him in his locker. His head on his jacket. Christian quickly changed and shoved his stuff into his bag. He scooped up his son and headed towards the bus. It wasn’t much longer before they were headed back to the hotel to celebrate some more before their early flight back home.
Christian held Cayden closer as his little breaths tickled his neck. If it wasn’t for his teammates wanting him and Y/N to celebrate with them, he would easily choose to curl up in bed with his two favorite people and go to sleep, but he knew he had a week off before he had to return back to Chelsea training. 
Mark watched his son walk into the lobby with two bags over his shoulder while also holding a sleeping Cayden. Mark took Cayden carefully before telling Christian to be safe and that he would see him in a little bit. 
Christian walked into the room to put his and Cayden’s bag down. He saw Y/N fixing her hair in the mirror and walked up and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“Hi baby.” He said sensually as he kissed her neck. 
“Don’t even. We can do that when we get back. We only have five more hours until we need to leave for the airport. Let’s go spend an hour or two with everyone before coming back here and letting me show you how proud I am of you and how much I love you.” She said as she turned in his arm and stood up on her toes putting her lips to his. 
“Then let’s hurry up and leave so we can get back here.” He laughed as he gave her a small kiss. When they reached the restaurant that stayed open just for them, he heard the guys cheering and he smiled bright at his wife. Tonight was going to be a good night.
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microsuedemouse · 8 months
Some recent, unconnected thoughts I have had about Gavin Troy:
Honestly it’s a travesty we never got a flashback or something to see him in constable uniform. I would so dearly have loved to see him in that. Please picture him in the hat
I have become so, SO convinced that he and Ben would be best friends. In my increasingly-sprawling plans/WIPs for various AUs in which Gavin stayed in or near Midsomer and close to the Barnabys, the two of them becoming really close friends has become a staple. Genuinely - I think I feel as strongly about this as I do about shipping Gavin and Cully, somehow. It has become! very important! to me!!
I feel like he must miss the murderers of Midsomer, sometimes. Like. Obviously not in the sense of wanting more murders to happen, but just… I bet the murderers in Middlesbrough are way less creative. Don’t you think he must miss the challenge once in a while? The puzzle and the novelty of it all?
Also, I gave him a dog in one of my WIPs. (Well. Cully gave him a dog. But y’know.) And I’ve already gotten SO attached to said dog for him. Remember when I said ‘someone get that boy a dog’? I did it myself and I was right for it. I can’t wait to write more about Gavin Troy and his dog.
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ljblueteak · 1 year
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Paul McCartney on Sgt. Pepper. Photos by Michael Cooper
(transcribed below)
I came up with the title and went to Robert with some drawings for the idea of the cover. I had come to the conclusion that The Beatles were getting a little bit safe, and we were a little intimidated by the idea of making 'the new Beatles album.' It was quite a big thing: "Wow, follow that!" So to relieve the pressure I got the idea, maybe from some from friends or something I'd read, that we shouldn't record it as The Beatles.
Mentally we should approach it as another group of people and totally give ourselves alter egos. So I came up with the idea of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and the song 'It was Twenty Years Ago Today', and I started mentioning this to Robert in our late-night talks.
The original concept was actually a little bit different from how it turned out. I'd always liked those floral clocks that they have at seaside towns; they have a little green bank and put flowers in the shape of a clock. The original idea was that it was going to be a presentation from the Mayor of Middlesbrough or somewhere. There'd be this floral bank and there'd be us there and then at other parts of the cover we were going to have all the band's heroes--they were going to be on a photo, maybe behind the wall or something.
So there were these two ideas that eventually got pushed into one and then I said to everyone, 'OK, who are your favourites?" Marlon Brando was one of the first choices, and James Dean, Monroe--all those obvious ones and then other suggestions started to come in. George came up with all the Hindus, Babaji was his, and then there were things like footballers from our youth, you know, we had little joke things--Albert Stubbins--he's a footballer and so he was in and then it kind of snowballed.
I took all these ideas, the floral clock, the kind of presentation by a mayor, these heroes of ours, and Robert and I went with them to Peter Blake. Peter had all these sculptures of little people around, because he was married to Jann Haworth at the time and Jann was doing all those surfers and things like John Betjeman as a teddy bear and all that, so they crept in there.
The famous flowers that started off as the floral clock then became a guitar and the word 'Beatles'--they weren't marijuana leaves, they just looked like them--and so the Americans thought "Wow, well, this is it, it's all happening." We started shooting the cover and people would say, "Oh, can I come, can I come?" and we let more or less everyone come along, but eventually it got to the point where we had to say, "That's enough!"
So Robert would get all this and he'd show all the Indian stuff to George; and there'd be H.G. Wells and Johnny Weissmuller, Issy Bonn and all those people, and Burroughs would have been a suggestion probably from Robert, and there were a few kind of LA guys that Robert had slipped in. He'd slip in people that we didn't even know but we didn't mind, it was the spirit of the thing.
I don't know how many nights Michael spent on it but we were only there for that one night, the last night. They did all this without us. It was very nice when we turned up and it was all done, but not as impressive as when I saw the cover; just actually looking at the set wasn't as impressive as seeing the finished cover.
Jesus and Hitler were on John's favourites list but they had to be taken off. John was that kind of guy but you couldn't very well have Hitler and so he had to go. Gandhi also had to go because the head of EMI, Sir Joe Lockwood, said that in India they wouldn't allow the record to be printed. We said "You're kidding, they'll love it," but he said no, so that was something the lawyers made us take off. There were a few people who just went by the wayside.
We went to Burman's, the theatrical costumiers, to have all our outfits made up and the Stones did the same for the Satanic Majesties album.
It was great. The main centrefold was originally going to be a drawing by The Fool--Simon Posthuma and Marijke Koger, Dutch artists who'd produced some surrealistic work. They depicted us all up in the clouds and it was all very very acid, everything everywhere, lots of colours--but Robert didn't like it as art and so he vetoed it. We said "No man, it's really good. We love it, we love it."
The shoes were made by Anello and David, which was the first place we came into contact with, and we got our lovely handmade Beatle boots there.
Robert and I went down to Peter's house and Peter developed it all from there. The lists were his idea, and all the cut-outs instead of using real people, and then the floral clock got changed around; but basically it was the original theme.
The 'Welcome The Rolling Stones' was something they put in. They sort of asked us if we minded and we said, "No, no, not at all." Peter organized a fairground painter to paint the drum as that was someone that he used to hang out with.
From Blinds & Shutters
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elmaestrostan · 9 months
Not linking this because it’s from eternal trash fire The S*n and I feel dirty even giving them my click, but this made me laugh:
Emery admits that is unacceptable for a club who have won the trophy seven times — but not since 1957.
He said: “I was watching something about how many times Villa won the FA Cup and it hasn’t happened for a long time.
“The last time we played in the final was against Arsenal in 2015, nearly ten years ago.
“We have to be more demanding because winning this trophy brings a lot of prestige for the players, the club, every supporter and coach.
“I wanted to paint a mental picture for the players about winning the FA Cup and that if we were successful we would also then qualify for the Europa League.”
So four-time Europa League winner Emery — who also won seven domestic trophies with Paris Saint-Germain — got his squad together and went round each one, in what amounted to a game of: ‘What have you won?’
He said: “I wanted to know how many had been successful in cup competitions before — maybe not the FA Cup — and maybe in other countries.
“For example, I was successful in winning cups in France with PSG and Moussa Diaby was also successful and won a trophy in France, too.
“I told them about my experience in Spain where I reached some semi-finals but only one final with Sevilla against Barcelona — and we lost.
“It is very important to try to share those experiences with the players and make them aware of the prestige that winning the FA Cup brings.”
It is fair to say Villa will need to raise their cup game considerably to win the famous competition this term.
Emery joked: “I asked John McGinn about his record because he was here for most of the failures!
"He said he’s never won an FA Cup tie here before but he wants to break that record! And it has helped us understand our motivation before we left for Middlesbrough.
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Drabble - Oh, just one more thing. The dog
The four of them looked at the door. Dr. Clarkson, Isobel, Cora, and Robert were in the middle of an argument when Mary entered. Cora's eyes shot fire when she looked at Isobel.
"I'm sorry. Are you in the middle of something?" She asked, holding an envelope and letter in her hand.
Dr. Clarkson was the first one to speak. "We're discussing the arrangements."
"Oh, good" Mary said. "we've had a letter from Evelyn Napier. He's in a hospital in Middlesbrough and he's heard that we're a convalescent home now, and wonders if he can come here once he's released."
"Of course, he can come here." Cora said with a compassioned voice. Evelyn Napier had been an old family friend and he should come here as soon as he was able to travel again. She was sad to hear he got wounded. So many dear young men were getting killed and injured.
"Well, now, just a minute." Dr. Clarkson started.
"There's no question of him coming here." Isobel finished.
Cora let out a gasped. "What?"
"The Middlesbrough General will have their own arrangements for where their patients convalesce." Isobel continued.
Dr. Clarkson said: "I'm afraid Mrs Crawley is right. Downton must function as part of the official system, or it cannot function at all."
Cora had turned towards Robert with a desperate plea in her eyes. What were they thinking. Isobel was barking at her like a sergeant major and she gave orders to her servants. And now they were not even able to say who would stay here at their house?
"Now, I think perhaps I should make one thing clear." Robert's voice was terrifying low. "Downton is our house and our home and we will welcome in it any friends or relations we choose. And if you do not care
to accept that condition, then I suggest you give orders for the nurses and the patients and the beds and the rest of it to be packed up and shipped out at once!" He shouted the last words.
Cora felt a smirk around her mouth, she tried to control it. She loved Robert so much, especially when he stood up for what he cared for. And even though just before he was going to defend Isobel, she could hear it in the way he said: 'Cora, I'm sure…' But it did not matter. He was setting both Dr. Clarkson as Isobel in their place. They should understand that this was their home, and it was up to their goodwill that it was now a convalescent home.
Dr Clarkson looked at Isobel and after a slight hesitation he said: "Thank you, Lord Grantham, for making your position so clear."
Cora was still trying to hold back her smile, she gave both Dr. Clarkson and Isobel stern looks, although inside she felt joy. Robert was irresistible when he was like this.
"Oh, just one more thing. The dog." Isobel had not given up her fight yet, Cora thought. "What should we do to stop Isis getting into the patients' rooms?"
Robert had turned towards his desk, but at this question he turned back around. "I can answer that…" He stopped for a second to give his answer more dept. "Absolutely nothing!"
"Ah." Isobel followed Dr. Clarkson and Mary out of the room.
Robert had again turned towards his desk and was moving papers. Cora knew he did not really look at them. She stepped closer and put her hands on his shoulders and back. Slowly she moved her hands up and down. She felt his body react, like she had hoped.
Cora started massaging his shoulders, she felt him slowly relax under her hands. She placed a kiss on his neck. She took his earlobe between her thumb and index finger and softly tugged on it, immediately placing a kiss on it. "Thank you. My love, my hero." Her hands moved to his chest, and she pressed him against hers. Robert was too tall to be able to lay her head on his shoulder from the back, so she rested it against his shoulder blades.
Robert put his hand on top of Cora's, he could feel her desire in the way she pressed herself against him. He took her hands in his hands and turned around. "This is our home." He said seductive. Robert brought Cora's hands to his face and placed a kiss on top of her knuckles. He then placed his hand on her cheek and brought her face up towards his, their lips met, and they crashed into a passionate kiss.
Cora pressed herself firm against Robert, she felt he stumbled back against the desk. This aroused her even more, knowing he had not expected this move of her. One hand on her cheek, the other on the small of her back. She moved her hand down and took him in her hand. This erupted a gasp from Robert, and she felt him getting stiff. Softly massaging him, she felt his kiss getting more intense. His tongue against hers. His hand had lowered from her cheek to her breast. And even though she was wearing a corset, she could feel his touch. A soft moan escaped her throat. Robert intensified his kiss even more. Cora was melting into a puddle of desire for him.
Loud laughter came from the drawing room, there was only a screen between the two rooms and abruptly Cora stepped back from Robert. She quickly glanced at the screen and door, but nobody was there. They had not been seen. Cora put her hand on Robert's arm and gave him a more descent kiss on his cheek. "I will thank you in full tonight." She did not wait for Robert to respond; she turned around and walked back into the great hall. Her back straight and full of confidence, she had won this battle with Isobel. To be fair, Robert had won it for her, but that did not matter.
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toast-com · 1 year
Fleetmates (4-17-23)
Locomotion listened to the noisy arguing of his fleetmates. The news they had received, of the two new Locovirs, joining their group of 10, had stirred up the group.
"I think Manager's looking to replace us." Middlesbrough, always the pessimist, spoke gravely. "Why else would he build two more Locovirs?"
"How can you be so sure he's replacing us?" Diligence, exact and logical in her thinking, interjected. "For all of our knowledge, Manager's just building two more of us to add to the fleet."
The others nodded, murmuring amongst themselves, as Middlesbrough's face reddened slightly and his gaze flickered to look at the table.
"I think..." Everyone at the table turned to look at Locomotion rose from his seat. "You lot are worrying and theorizing over nothing."
As the oldest Locovir of the fleet, Locomotion often had to put his fleetmates fears to rest. "We haven't met the new Locovirs, they're still being built. As Diligence said, new fleetmates doesn't always mean someone is getting replaced."
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ingek73 · 2 years
Mark Bolland: the PR guru whose job was to ‘make Camilla more presentable’
Royal ‘spin doctor’ Prince Harry mentions in his memoir is widely believed to be Bolland
Caroline Davies
Fri 24 Feb 2023 16.00 GMT
As Camilla is crowned alongside the king at Westminster Abbey on 6 May, might she cast her mind back some 20 years and reflect on the debt of gratitude she undoubtedly owes to one man in particular?
If the Duke of Sussex is present – though it’s not certain Charles’s avenging younger son will be – might he too dwell, with less appreciation, on the part played by the same man in his stepmother’s once unthinkable transformation from mistress to queen consort ?
As he writes in his memoir, Spare, Harry sees himself as collateral damage in the campaign orchestrated in the late 90s and early 00s to rehabilitate Charles and pave the way for marriage to Camilla, partly though “the new spin doctor Camilla had talked Pa into hiring”.
Unnamed in the book, he is widely believed to be Mark Bolland, who meticulously choreographed those early first steps towards the realisation of his royal master’s non-negotiable ambition: to reign with Camilla seated on the throne beside him.
Today, Charles’s popularity soars compared with the “sagging” reputation Harry describes immediately following Diana’s death. And Camilla’s acceptance reached its zenith when the late Queen Elizabeth II used her platinum jubilee message to express her “sincere wish” she become queen consort.
Bolland, described in Valentine Low’s book Courtiers as “clever, charming, manipulative” and “one of the most colourful and interesting players in the royal drama of the last 30 years”, is now long gone from palace life. He departed St James’s in 2002, after six years as assistant then deputy private secretary, to set up his own PR consultancy, initially with Charles and Camilla as star clients until ties were severed in early 2003.
Yet the way he seemingly set about his task, which at the time sent shudders through a Buckingham Palace old guard unfamiliar with Bolland’s brand of PR alchemy, clearly made a deep impression on a then teenaged Harry. Indeed, from Harry’s narrative, it may be possible to detect some of the seeds of his trenchant loathing of the press and his accusations of palace collusion with the fourth estate back to the, some would say, overzealous methods Bolland is alleged to have employed.
“Bolland’s number one job was to make Camilla more presentable. And he was very, very successful. Very good at it,” said one royal observer.
“If you look at Camilla now, she’s on the privy council. She was a firm favourite of the queen. And when she became queen consort, that was the culmination of the job that Bolland started.”
The problem was that at Buckingham Palace, just down the Mall from St James’s, they simply did not know how to deal with him. Stories unflattering to other royals were appearing.
And the way they were dealt with caused concern. The Earl of Wessex found himself trounced. And Harry has lamented being spun “right under a bus”.
Critics attributed this partly to Bolland, and claimed he operated on a “Charles good, all other royals bad” basis in his quest to augment the then Prince of Wales. It’s a claim Bolland has previously denied, insisting it was put about by Buckingham Palace courtiers jealous of the success of Charles’s team.
During the Bolland era there was consternation at Buckingham Palace. People feared leaks. People were saying that bad things were happening and discussing where they were coming from, the Guardian has been told. Everybody was very stressed.
“But he did a great job for Charles. What people – what Harry in particular – call ‘leaking’, well that’s just information. There’s a difference,” said the royal observer.
Reportedly called “Lord Blackadder” by William and Harry – another sobriquet for the smooth operator was, apparently, “Lip Gloss” – Toronto-born Bolland, who was schooled at a Middlesbrough comprehensive, was definitely different from the traditional idea of a courtier. Depicted in the latest season of The Crown as young, dynamic and decisive, he was lured to St James’s, aged 30, in 1996 from the Press Complaints Commission, where he was director, and enjoyed easy access to Fleet Street editors. He was friends with Rebekah Brooks, then Wade, who at the time was editor of the News of the World.
Under his auspices, Camilla was introduced to New York society in 1999. That same year, the first photograph of Charles and Camilla together, leaving her sister Annabel’s 50th birthday party at the Ritz, attracted so many photographers that the British Epilepsy Association reportedly urged broadcasters not to reuse footage in case it triggered seizures. A first meeting with the queen and Camilla, at a Highgrove party for ex-King Constantine of Greece, followed.
Then there was the PCC’s 10th anniversary party, hosted by Bolland’s then partner who became his husband, the Conservative peer Guy Black, who is now deputy chair of the Telegraph Media Group but back then had succeeded Bolland as director of the PCC. Stars mingled with politicians and royals against the backdrop of the Gilbert Collection at Somerset House: an “unadulterated, alpha plus, 24-carat triumph”, one admirer told the Observer. With Charles, Camilla and William together in public for the first time, it was another significant milestone.
The narrative was changing. But at what cost?
Harry certainly believes he was sacrificed in the process, along with his brother. In Spare, he points the finger at the unnamed Bolland for aiding and abetting the “pinpoint accurate” details that appeared of 16-year-old William’s first private meeting with Camilla, though “royal sources” have reportedly denied these claims made in the book of leaking on behalf of Camilla.
He also writes of being “horrified, sickened” at a seven-page spread in the News of the World, which had obtained a dossier of evidence of his teenaged drinking and drug taking. Bolland, on not being able to deny the story, had in response informed the newspaper of a visit Harry had made to a rehabilitation centre. The result was an overspun story: “Worried Charles chose to terrify Harry away from drugs by sending him to therapy sessions with hardcore heroin addicts.” A “family friend” was quoted: “He has never done drugs since.” A win-win for Charles.
Except the rehab centre visit had taken place two months before the evidence obtained by the newspaper and was a “typical part of my princely charitable work”, according to Harry’s book. Bolland later explained, in a rare newspaper interview in the Guardian in 2003, that he had told the News of the World about the visit, but had subsequently been “embarrassed” at the newspaper’s overzealous attempts to be helpful. “They presented it in a much more triumphalist manner than was justified,” he said.
Harry’s conclusion is he was spun “right under a bus” in order to portray Charles as a “harried single dad coping with a drug-addled son”.
Another alleged example of Bolland’s discomfiting spinning occurred when Prince Edward’s Ardent Productions crew failed to obey palace instructions for all media to leave St Andrews after a photocall with William while at university. Stories appeared quoting a “royal aide” saying Charles was “incandescent” and called his brother a “fucking idiot”. Bolland later told the Guardian: “I doubt I used that language, but it’s probably got my fingerprints on it.”
Bolland declined the offer to comment for this article.
In December 2001, the Daily Telegraph, in a highly critical article, called Bolland “the real power behind” the future king and asked: “Has the puppet master of St James’s finally pulled one string too many?” Another, in the Spectator, asked: “Charles’s spin doctor may be good for the prince’s ego but is he good for the royal family and the nation?”
Bolland, who was about to set up his own PR consultancy, departed St James’s in February 2002, although he retained Charles and Camilla as clients until 2003. Relations between him and Charles’s new private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, imported from Buckingham Palace, over the handling of stories were reportedly strained.
After his consultancy contract expired, he maintained links with Camilla for several months, until it became too difficult. “That’s when I said to Camilla: ‘I love you dearly, let’s have lunch or dinner a couple of times a year, but I can’t be at the end of a phone any more,’” he said in a 2004 interview for the British Journalism Review.
But he did not disappear completely, rocking up as a columnist at the News of the World, called Blackadder, in which he sometimes shared his critical analysis of Charles and his aides. He disbanded the column little more than a year later, finding it too time-consuming.
In 2006 he surfaced again, this time in the form of a witness statement on behalf of the Mail on Sunday, which was embroiled in legal action with Charles over its publication of his travel journal, in which he described some Chinese officials as “appalling old waxworks”.
In the statement, he not only said Charles’s travel journals were not especially private – being circulated to between 50 and 75 people – but also revealed Charles “often referred to himself as a ‘dissident’ working against the prevailing political consensus”.
It was revealing, too, about the way Bolland operated.
Back in 1999, when Charles did not attend a return banquet hosted by the Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, during his state visit to the UK, a St James’s Palace spokesperson denied reports it was a “snub” by Charles, a known admirer of the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama, and saying the prince had a previous engagement.
Roll forward to that 2006 witness statement, and Bolland attests he was given “a direct and personal instruction” by Charles to draw the media’s attention to his banquet boycott and that Charles was “delighted” at the ensuing coverage.
One former royal correspondent wonders how proactive Charles himself was back in those Bolland days. “I suppose the question is how far Charles himself led that campaign. How much he was on board with it. He must have been, otherwise Bolland wouldn’t have done it.”
Bolland’s task was to “win over the Mail and the Sun, particularly, because they were very pro-Diana”, added the correspondent. In that, he very much succeeded.
Years have since passed. Camilla’s stock continued its ascent. But few could disagree over who first laid the foundations for the journey that will ultimately culminate on 6 May when the crown is finally and firmly placed on the head of the nation’s new queen consort.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
UK: British Muslim leaders urge peace as far-right riots spread
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/uk-british-muslim-leaders-urge-peace-as-far-right-riots-spread/
UK: British Muslim leaders urge peace as far-right riots spread
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British Muslim leaders and social media users have urged people to abide by the law and avoid rioting while coming out to defend their communities from far-right riots which have gripped the country over the past week.
In scenes posted to social media, far-right mobs have attacked mosques, launched attacks on black and Asian people, clashed with police and looted shops. 
The racist and Islamophobic attacks have triggered local groups to mobilise to protect their communities.
Unverified reports have also emerged on social media of screenshots purportedly from far-right group chats with lists of areas that will allegedly be targeted.
“When the Bradford riots happened, there was a rumour that the far-right will enter Bradford city centre. Based on that, young Asian Pakistani lads rioted against the police and some of them were sentenced up to 25 years. Don’t make that mistake,” says Birmingham-based Imam Asrar Rashid in a video posted to social media.
Rashid made the comments from a street gathering in the Midlands city, where residents had converged in anticipation of far-right riots.
“Don’t allow the far-right to provoke you into violence, for which you will be sentenced to tens of years in jail, it’s not worth it,” he said while cautioning people against wearing face masks or clashing with police.
Local police said on Monday that “a large number of people” had gathered in Birmingham’s Bordesley Green in response to reports of a far-right rally. The police added that no clashes took place.
However, reports also emerged on Monday of an attack on a pub in Birmingham’s Yardley area, where rumours had spread of a far-right gather inside the premises.
The pub’s windows were smashed, with videos posted to social media showing a man being attacked by a group of men.
Amid reports that the perpetrators were Muslim, members of the Sheldon Mosque visited the pub in a bid to ease tensions.
“I can only just rightly say to the management here that I’m very, very sorry about what has happened here today… and that is not a true reflection of who we are as a community,” said one of the mosque members in a video taken in the pub, where his group were seen standing alongside the pub’s management and a customer who reportedly witnessed the attack.
“You don’t have to apologise for everybody, its just a small minority on everybody’s side. You don’t have to apologise for the people who are bad, just as I don’t have to apologise for the idiots,” said a customer, who had later shared a hug with the group from the mosque.
“I love you all, every one of ya,” the customer added.
The local mosque has offered to cover the damages to the pub, according to the BBC.
In Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, local residents came together on Monday for a community clean up effort after riots on Sunday.
The effort was organised by the Amal Project Teesside, alongside Middlesbrough Methodist Church and Jamia Masjid Al-Madina mosque, according to North East Bylines.
The violence began in Southport, North West England last week after the murder of three girls with the UK-born suspect arrested in the case falsely identified as being Muslim and an asylum seeker.
Police have warned against the spread of false information, such as the religion of the suspect, and said prosecutions against those stirring up the hatred will follow.
Activists have accused politicians and media outlets of stirring up anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Fury as fly-tippers dump mountain of rubbish including unwanted toys dirty mattresses and plastic bottles down alleyway just days after deep-clean
By Ed Holt Published: 12:06 BST, 28 July 2024 | Updated: 15:59 BST, 28 July 2024 Residents have been left furious after fly-tippers dumped a mountain of rubbish in an alleyway just days after it was deep cleaned.  An astonishing nine tonnes of waste including, food scraps and mattresses were left down the street in Middlesbrough.  Locals were horrified to find the passage between Errol Street and Abingdon Road completely blocked by the numerous piles of litter.    The fly-tippers also struck just nine days after the path was deep-cleaned. Kelly Grey, 40, who has lived in the area for five years, said: ‘The fly-tippers come at all hours of the day and night. They’re so brazen. The alleyway between between Errol Street and Abingdon Road before and after fly tippers struck. A shocking nine tonnes of rubbish was dumped down the ginnel just nine days after it was deep cleaned  The litter dumped down the street included dirty mattresses, unwanted toys and food scraps  The fly tippers have left residents furious. One woman said: ‘The rubbish attracts rats and with the warm weather the smell is unbearable. ‘You can’t sit out of open your windows, it’s horrible’ ‘They just use the alleyways as a dumping ground. It’s vile to walk out your door to see rubbish piled up. ‘When the alley was cleaned it was great but it barely lasted a week. It’s soul-destroying.’ Another woman said: ‘The rubbish attracts rats and with the warm weather the smell is unbearable. ‘You can’t sit out of open your windows, it’s horrible.’ Six workers from the council’s environmental services team spent hours clearing the latest mess at the taxpayers’ expense. In the past year Middlesbrough Council has received 5,500 complaints about fly-tipping across the city. Residents are now demanding the council take action to crackdown on litter louts. Since the start of the year 44 people have been fined up to £800 for environmental crime-related offences including fly-tipping. Councillor Janet Thompson, the council’s Executive member for Community Safety, said: ‘This is beyond a joke, and those responsible should be ashamed of themselves. ‘Fly-tipping is selfish, needless and inconsiderate and it’s an outrage that law-abiding residents should have to put up with this sort of behaviour. ‘It’s also an insult to our hard-working operatives who tackle incidents like this day in, day out – we will go after these people and we will prosecute them. ‘By working together we can hold them to account, and reclaim our streets for the vast majority who care for their neighbourhoods.’ Share or comment on this article: Fury as fly-tippers dump mountain of rubbish including unwanted toys, dirty mattresses and plastic bottles down alleyway just days after deep-clean Source link via The Novum Times
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murciadiarionews · 1 year
Rikki Doolan Biography | Profile, Pastor, Gospel Musician, Al Jazeera Gold Mafia, Relationship With Uebert Angel
Rikki Doolan Comprehensive Biography & Profile
Rikki Doolan, also known as Pastor Rikki Doolan, is a British national known for his roles as a pastor, musician, and business associate of Uebert Angel. He is best known as the personal assistant to Prophet Uebert Angel and also serves as Angel’s deputy at his Good News Church. Rikki Doolan has been involved in several controversies and gained notoriety for his role in Al Jazeera’s 2023 documentary “Gold Mafia” documentary which implicated him in gold smuggling and money laundering activities in Zimbabwe. Doolan was recorded on film repeatedly telling Al Jazeera’s undercover reporters that he and Angel would be able to arrange a meeting with President Mnangagwa in exchange for a “facilitation” fee, which was originally pegged at US$200,000. During the meetings, Doolan said money laundering would not be a challenge “as long as you grease the wheels.” This biography provides a detailed overview of Rikki Doolan’s life, career, controversies, and his response to the Al Jazeera “Gold Mafia” documentary.
How Old is Pastor Rikki Doolan?
Rikki Doolan was born in June 1982, making him 41 years old as of 2023 .
Who is Rikki Doolan’s Wife?
Rikki Doolan is married to Nichola Doolan. Nichola is reported to be the niece of Prophet Uebert Angel. The couple has publicly shared moments of their life, such as when Uebert Angel gifted them a Mercedes Benz C-Class sedan .
Early Life and Education
There is no publicly available information on Doolan’s early life, upbringing and education.
Rikki Doolan’s Drug Addiction and Homelessness
After university, Doolan embarked on a journey around the world, indulging in drugs and alcohol, searching for meaning. His travels took him through Thailand, Nepal, Australia, and New Zealand, where he honed his musical skills and lived a rock and roll lifestyle.
Returning to Manchester, Rikki found himself homeless, busking to survive. His life on the streets was harsh, and he struggled with addiction and hopelessness. Despite his musical talents, he felt lost and trapped in a cycle of despair.
Spiritual Awakening & Redemption
One rainy day, seeking solace in Manchester Cathedral, Rikki had a transformative experience. He began studying American music history, which led him to gospel music. The music of artists like Mahalia Jackson touched him deeply, and he found himself drawn to church.
Returning to Middlesbrough, Rikki reconnected with his family and started promoting live music events. However, his partying and drug use continued until one day, he stumbled upon a church where gospel music was playing. This experience led him to embrace Jesus, and his life began to change dramatically. He became a pastor, joined the worship team, and dedicated his life to spreading God’s word through music.
Career Religious Activities
Rikki Doolan is a pastor in Uebert Angel’s Good News Church, a congregation with branches in 15 countries. He is actively involved in the church’s operations and outreach activities .
Apart from his pastoral duties, Doolan is also a musician who describes himself as a Gospel Rock n Roll music artist. However, specific details about his musical career, such as albums or notable performances, are not widely documented.
Business Endeavours
Doolan has held multiple directorships in companies based in the United Kingdom. He was the director of Farming Zimbabwe Ltd and The Churchill Organisation Ltd, both now dissolved. He is currently the director of Reputation Mafia Ltd.
Relationship to Uebert Angel
Rikki Doolan is closely associated with Uebert Angel, one of Zimbabwe’s most influential diplomats and religious leaders. Angel appointed Doolan as his deputy in various ventures, and they have worked together on multiple initiatives, including controversial schemes exposed in the Al Jazeera “Gold Mafia” documentary .
Al Jazeera Gold Mafia Documentary
In March 2023, an Al Jazeera documentary called Gold Mafia alleged that Uebert Angel offered to use his status as an influential Zimbabwean diplomat to launder millions of dollars through a gold-smuggling scheme.
Doolan is said to have been involved in the scheme, suggesting a laundering scheme that involved the undercover Al Jazeera reporters (who they believed to be Chinese criminals) sending over a billion dollars of illicit cash to Zimbabwe through Angel.
The money would then be used to purchase Zimbabwean gold, which Doolan said could be transported to Dubai and sold for legitimate money.
Doolan also offered to set up a face-to-face meeting with President Emmerson Mnangagwa on the sidelines of the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow in 2021 in exchange for a facillitation fee of US$200 000.
The gang also offered to help launder money by building properties near the tourist town of Victoria Falls.
Rikki Doolan’s Response To Al Jazeera Gold Mafia Documentary
Following the documentary’s release, Rikki Doolan faced significant backlash.
In a now-deleted video on his Twitter feed, he appeared unapologetic, defending his actions and stating that he knew he was being filmed.
However, this response was widely mocked and criticised for lacking substance and failing to address the serious allegations made against him .
Doolan, who is a pastor in Angel’s Good News Church, also dismissed the Al Jazeera documentary as edited to portray a false narrative.
He denied being a gold dealer and that he or Angel would be able to arrange a meeting with President Mnangagwa for a fee.
“The documentary circulating right now is brutally edited to portray a false narrative. I’m not a gold dealer, and I never have been, so what they are pushing is a false narrative.”
Doolan also added,
“I am a proud British man. I am also a businessman and as a businessman I represent my interests.
“I am a British businessman and I don’t apologize for being that.”
Personal Life
Doolan lives in Middlesbrough with his wife, Nichola, who is also the niece of Prophet Uebert Angel.
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jrpneblog · 6 months
Still running, but only just.
With less than a month of the season left North End are still hanging in there in the battle to reach the top six. Norwich City are the team everyone is chasing in that sixth spot and the Canaries are next up to visit Deepdale this Saturday. North End`s interest in the end of season lottery was maintained after a thumping 4-1 win against Huddersfield Town and Norwich conceding a two goal lead to only draw at Sheffield Wednesday. At half time the difference was ten points and North End were gone but at full time the difference was only five points with Norwich coming to Deepdale this weekend and North End then playing their game in hand at Southampton next Tuesday evening. Of course there are other runners such as Hull, Middlesbrough, Coventry and, of course, Norwich themselves so it is not cut and dried but I think North End need to beat Norwich and win three out of the other four games to be in with a chance.
Last Saturday we went to Watford for our annual Gentry Day celebration and while off the pitch we were Premier League class I am afraid on the pitch we were mediocre given the circumstances surrounding the game. The Hornets had a couple of decent players it has to be said but you could see why they have not won at home since last November. North End probably only had two decent chances in the game via Hughes and Keane and I just thought we would show more hunger to take the three points than we did. The draw was a fair result on the day but we really must win games like this if we are to have any chance.
Only Tuesday evening the faithful at Deepdale were treated to a late, late show via Mulitin Osmajic. The big Montenegrin striker score a seven minute hat-trick in the last part of the game to turn round an encounter that was not going North End`s way at half time. It a poor opening half North End never really got to grips with the Terriers and the visitors found themselves one up just before the break. North End equalised courtesy of a Keane penalty ten minutes into the second half but it was the introduction of Browne and Osmajic with fifteen minutes to go that completely turned the game for North End. By the end of proceedings "Magic" had the match ball and with Norwich only drawing at Sheffield Wednesday it was game on again in the craziest league of all.
Saturday sees the biggest game of the season for North End with the team everyone is chasing, Norwich City, visiting the hallowed turf of Deepdale. The game is a must win for North End with anything else probably seeing the end of our interest in the play offs. Norwich have quietly crept into the top six almost under the radar although their away record is only nineteenth in the division. The Canaries have won five drawn six and lost ten of the twenty one games they have played away from Carrow Road and although they have scored thirty five goals they have conceded forty one. Just twenty one points of their sixty eight have come away from home so I really do think the this is a game North End can, and must, win if we are to carry the show on to Southampton on Tuesday evening.
Let us hope it is second tome lucky as we head to St Mary`s Stadium on Tuesday evening to play our re-arranged game against Southampton. It is possible the Saints may be confirmed in the play offs before we travel to the South coast and while many things are still undecided in the Championship it is a long odds on bet that Southampton will finish fourth. The Saints have a very decent home record having won thirteen, drawn three and lost only four this season. They have scored forty eight goals so far this term and only conceded twenty six and are the second highest scorers at home behind Ipswich Town. It looks tough on paper but not impossible and the home side may just be a little off the pace if their place in the top six has already been confirmed.
And finally this week:- We may not have quite reached the Premier League on the field but off it our fans must rank in the top flight. The superb, non stop singing at Watford on Saturday for those we were remembering was outstanding as was the various attire worn by the Gentry as we celebrated the lives of those no longer with us. We may not be the most fashionable team in the land but we are the one and only North End and everything that goes with us. These are not fans, they are Gentry!
NORWICH CITY (H) League - Home Win
SOUTHAMPTON (A) League - Away Win
Preston to beat Norwich City 23/10
A £5 Stake returns £16.50 on bet365
Returns £101.00 Stake £180.00
Percentage profit+/-loss - 43.89%
Predictions 36 won 10 lost 26
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maxtreadtyres · 6 months
Does Proper Storage of Tyres Affect Tread Depth?
A vehicle’s safety is more important than anything else. When it comes to car efficiency, and most importantly security, it is very important to frequently replace car tyres with proper maintenance of the vehicle and get things changed within a period.
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Several car owners neglect this aspect of their vehicle and affect the major functioning of the vehicle within time. So it depends on the skill and the other major functions of the period. Having said that a bit of vigilance will tell you before your annual servicing of the vehicle to take the major other functions and aspects of the formation of the vehicle within overtime.
Furthermore, indications are bald patches, bulges, splits, and cracks within the surface of the tyre that measure the performance of the vehicle.
It's ordinarily much better to replace your Hankook Tyres Middlesbrough extended and affect maintain the tyre performance of the vehicle to make sure of the changes within a respective period.
In this blog, you have another option of the vehicle to make sure about the changes within time so that it depends on the other factors and boosts the performance of the living.
Tread depth
With consideration of the vehicle types to start with, please note that tyres are not meant to be stored for extensive periods as they affect the performance of the vehicle.. Generally, storing a tyre for several months in imperfect conditions will inflict severe damage on the tyre to manage its performance.
It is because of the corrosive effect of ozone on rubber to maintain the performance of the vehicle. The low temperature also plays a role and affects the performance of the vehicle. People should consider the other factors to maintain it in a specific period. Tyre wear patterns
Proper tyre formation of the vehicle will majorly affect the performance of the vehicle over time. One important point to remember is that tyres should always be kept in an upright position that maintains the performance of the vehicle.
This would prevent any type of deformation and make it easier for you to mount them on wheels to manage the performance of the vehicle.
Make it a point to never hang tyres or stack them in other formations of the previous tyres that measure the performance of the vehicle and follow the other formation of the vehicle.
Tyre pressure
People should consider the other parts of the vehicle. An overused tyre loses the tread structure, followed by smoothening of the surface to major the performance of the vehicle.
While a smooth surface might be right for an F1 or a drag track, that takes care of the other types of tyre formation and maintains the performance of the vehicle within time. If you do not choose tyres for the proper functioning of the vehicle then it will affect the proper function and composition of the vehicle. Cracks or bulges
With modern technology you have more information about the tyre pressure is necessary for retaining its life throughout the year to maintain the performance. Variations in tyre pressures can cause a plethora of problems such as bubbling and extra pressure to check it over time.
The imbalance of the pressure range can be detected by the sideward movement to check the other changes in the vehicle within time. If your tyres have cracks or bulges then your vehicle will not be maintained in a specific manner. It is up to you to choose the correct option of the vehicle within time and get the other changes.
 Age of the tyres
As you know proper age of tyres maintains the performance of the vehicle within time and gets the other factors of the vehicle.  The tread of the tyres is a groove-like pattern that allows them to establish a perfect grip on the road for the proper performance of the vehicle.
Upon experiencing extreme friction from different kinds of roads, the treads lose their desired shape to get the tyres functioning in a specific period. This causes a loss of grip on terrains, and the damage to treads to maintain it in a specific period.
Vibration or noises
Proper tyre performance of the vehicle but mishaps can always be avoided by teaching the people the ways with which they can easily maintain the performance of the tyre.
For obvious reasons, tyres have a significant impact on other information of tyres that measure handle the performance of the vehicle to maintain it in a specific direction and boost the performance of the vehicle within time.
Given below are the ways with which a driver can detect the possibility of having a flat tyre it will majorly mention the performance of the vehicle. Conclusion
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However, this is not the case with certain companies, as they have full stocks and a well-established location to check the other types of Buy Tyres Middlesbrough formation that majorly handle the performance of the vehicle. So check our website and book your tyres with us now!
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candy-floss-crazy · 7 months
Stop The World I Want To Get Off
The world is currently in a state. The Middle East is in the middle of one of its endless cycles of violence. Russia and Ukraine are still going at it hammer and tongs. The Houthis are trying their best to sink any passing ships. The economy is in the doldrums. Prices are up, fuel is up, food is up. Middlesbrough don't look like achieving promotion this year. And now, PETA the animal rights organisation is calling upon Carousel manufacturers to stop using fibreglass horses on their rides, as evidently "Animal-themed carousels unintentionally celebrate the exploitation of sentient beings," FFS, just when you think people cannot be any more crackers than some of the fruit loop examples we have seen popping up over the last few years, we have this. What's next, an amnesty for little girls to hand in their My Little Pony Dolls. Perhaps stuffed teddy bears will be in their sights, I mean, all that cruel exploitation of the poor little stuffed dears. More worrying is the fact that going by some of PETA's past campaigns, the said little girls might find themselves being smacked in the mouth by tofu pies. Or even being drenched in paint! Perhaps they will skin the carousel horses and hold the bodies up, presumably dripping in resin. What about your local funfair. You might turn up to find that PETA have descended through the night and released all the carousel horses. Bit far fetched? No more than the bloody stupidity emanating from PETA. Read More Here..... Read the full article
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qnewsau · 8 months
Transgender priest Selina McMahon's journey with the Church
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/transgender-priest-selina-mcmahons-journey-with-the-church/
Transgender priest Selina McMahon's journey with the Church
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Transgender priest Reverend Selina McMahon chats to QNews about her fascinating journey and her new role within the Anglican Church in Queensland.
Rev. Selina McMahon didn’t take the typical path to life with the Church. 
She was born and raised in Middlesbrough, England before studying astronomy and then becoming a software developer. 
However, she tells me in her broad North Yorkshire accent that’s when things changed.
“God got a hold of me and said, ‘Hey, come on, I’ve got a job for you to do,’ but didn’t actually say that it was going to be Ipswich,” she says laughing. 
Selina is talking about Ipswich in Queensland where she relocated to after seeing an advert in the UK and wanting a change. 
A change is what Selina got, but not entirely what she expected. 
Discovering Selina
When she first arrived she hadn’t transitioned because she had been running from Selina her whole life. 
“I’ve cross-dressed ever since I was a teenager, but I never ever believed I would transition because I didn’t feel confident enough or brave enough,” she says. 
“It was only after I came to Australia that I actually thought I was going to end up having to do this anyway.”
The catalyst was a friend transitioning in the UK and Selina feeling that it was “her turn.”
“That was the beginning of like a three-year process of working out how I was going to do it, how I was going to manage it with the parish and with my family.”
After a long process of discussions and support from the Church, Selina transitioned three years ago and within the parish, she was already serving.
Despite a small drop-off of parishioners, the reaction was overwhelmingly positive.
“Thankfully, broadly speaking, they were happy that actually that the same person that they got used to and got to know and love and maybe was actually still going to be their rector for the forthcoming future, so they stuck with it,” she says. 
Some parishioners also felt they could be more open with Selina.
“I had some people come up to me to say ‘We didn’t tell you but our granddaughter married another woman a week or two ago. That’s why we weren’t at church because we went to their wedding but we couldn’t tell you because we didn’t know how you would react’,” she says. 
LGBTQIA+ outreach role
Being visible to the church-going community is a key part of Selina’s new role. 
She is going to be an LGBTQIA+ outreach officer for the Anglican Church in Southern Queensland.
In the UK a similar position as a Transgender Outreach Officer was established and Selina saw the opportunity for a role that represented the whole LGBTQIA+ community. She just had to convince the Church of its importance.
“[I said] you’ve already got rainbow people in your congregation, you may not know who they are, they are terrified that you find out if you want to actually make them feel a real part of the congregation, there are some of the things you’re going to have to do,” she says. 
The role was approved and is part of a new approach from the Church. They are currently undertaking a listening exercise with the LGBTQIA+ community. 
The purpose of the exercise is to hear from LGBTQIA+ people who are current or former members of the church to find out about their experiences and understand past wrongdoings.  The Church is going to use that exercise to develop a formal apology. 
A stand-up act
Not only did Selina not take the typical approach to the church, but she’s also not your typical Reverend. 
She is a huge Doctor Who fan and used the show as inspiration for how she told people about her transition. 
“You know the whole idea of regeneration the same person but a different cover and the phrases that I’ve used in my transition speech, sometimes I just basically plagiarised [from Doctor Who] them because they actually were quite appropriate,” she says laughing. 
Throughout our chat, she cracks countless jokes so it comes as a surprise but not a shock that she has taken up stand-up comedy. 
“There aren’t many transgender clergy who do stand up!” she says, and it’s hard to disagree. 
Selina is a one-of-a-kind and there’s no doubt she is and will continue to make a difference to LGBTQIA+ people in the Church and beyond. 
If you would like to find out more about the Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s listening exercise, contact [email protected] or call Dr Peter Catt on (07) 3835 2239.
Read next: Anglican Church Southern Queensland apology
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hrwglobal · 9 months
Fofana fires injury update as 10 Chelsea players set to miss Preston clash
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Chelsea star Wesley Fofana has issued a three-word update on his recovery from injury this week. The French defender is continuing his rehabilitation programme after sustaining an anterior cruciate ligament injury back in July 2023. Speaking on Chelsea's pre-season tour of the United States, manager Mauricio Pochettino said he was hopeful Fofana would return from injury at some point this season. "Really sad, really bad news," the Blues' boss said. "We feel so sad. All we can do is to help him. We wish him all the best and hope it's as soon as possible be with the team again this season. I hope he can be ready to play . "We have seen all the information and know it can be difficult. The problem is different bodies evolve in different ways. Hopefully everything goes well with his recovery and he can be ready as soon as possible before the end of the season." Fofana has now offered an update on his recovery with a post on Instagram. The 23-year-old posted a picture with the message: "One day less." Fofana is just one of the long-term absentees at Stamford Bridge with the likes of Reece James, Marc Cucurella, Trevoh Chalobah and Robert Sanchez all still sidelined through injury. Pochettino revealed that Ben Chilwell and Carney Chukwuemeka will not be available to play for Chelsea against Preston in the FA Cup third round tie on Saturday despite returning to full team training this week. READ MORE: Kylian Mbappe breaks silence over possible Arsenal and Chelsea transfer with clear message READ MORE: Mbappe signs, Nkunku starts, Osimhen chance - Chelsea dream attack after January transfers The pair have both been missing since October. Romeo Lavia, Benoit Badiashile, Christopher Nkunku and Lesley Ugochukwu are all out the game too. Pochettino will be forced into rotating his squad, with Nicolas Jackson unavailable after he joined up with his Senegal teammates for the African Cup of Nations. "Chilwell and Carney are not available for tomorrow," Pochettino said on Friday. "We will see for the next game, Middlesbrough or Fulham. They are doing well, we are happy with their evolution. "Lavia is recovering after his injury. We don't know when he will return. Problem in his quad during the game against Palace." He continued: "Benoit I think is going to be available next week. "Armando, it's a possibility to play for him," Pochettino admitted. "I am going to tell you Christoph is not going to start tomorrow as he suffered issues during the week but he is going to be in the squad. We need to be careful with him. "Armando has the possibility to be more involved as he is one of our main striker. Amazing potential and qualities and now is to forget his injury of last year." Sign up to our Chelsea WhatsApp service and get all the latest breaking news and in-depth stories from football.london's dedicated Chelsea writers direct to your phone. By signing up to this free service you will be the first to know the news from Stamford Bridge as it happens. To join our Chelsea community, all you have to do is click this link to join and you're in! Story SavedYou can find this story in  My Bookmarks.Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Read the full article
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