#You know we lost alll the soft post
crossxskulled · 11 months
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"Hi Ryuji" She goes and gets on her tip toes and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Because she can.
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"And if it ain't the lady of the hour! How you been holdin' up? Just got back frommmmm-- !"
Well now. This was an undoubtedly tender way to usher in a greeting. It makes him aware of just how much she's been busting the borders of being comfortable around those she cares for. So in short, the kiss was like a miniature blessing, one that immediately causes the delinquent to get a touch bashful as he shoots a smile at her.
"Huh, didn't know I had more than one birthday per year now." Despite the rosy tint highlighted upon his cheeks, he'd lean in, bumping his forehead lightly to Futuba's as a gesture of affection.
"The sight of me get'cha in that good of a mood?"
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writingmysanity · 1 year
I sent this before but I think it might have been eaten because tumblr eats alll my asks :( but: 📓 for the witcher! (also are you still taking witcher related requests?)
This is your second ask, yes?? How about this time we do witcher!!
I have this Eskel x kit!reader story I've been brainstorming HARD for for like... months.
It's called "when we were gods" and it follows Eskel and Kits adventures, how they met, their histories, everything from the beginning until they are able to settle.
I have a bit for it-- um please enjoy. It's meant more as a teaser that I planned on posting when I was ready to start sharing the story but I am so excited that I can't keep it to myself!
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Silence echoes between the waves, whispered words lost in the distant hum of a siren few can hear – a name cried from the depths. Shadows flicker between the trees lining the shoreline, the movement almost too quick to be discerned before it stops all together.
Nothing else seems to move – breathe for several minutes. There is nothing but the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.
Nothing, then all at once, life begins again. The gentle rustle of the leaves shaking in the wind, rocking the canopy above the awaiting shadow. Songbirds have long since retired for the night, nestled high in branches above. Crickets chirp in the distance, filling the silence between the trees, whispering through the leaves.
Nothing, then all at once.
Forward, and back.
The lapping of the water slows before it begins to recede, pulled back like a blanket as her figure rises from the tides. Slow and steady she starts towards the shore, water draped over her shoulders like a shawl, shifting and sloshing as she moves. It splatters and sprays to her feet, puddles forming around her steps. Like the water she wears, her skin seems to shift, opaque and shining in the silvery light of the full moon.
Once at the shore line, she stops. her gaze locks on the shadowy tree line expectantly- her lips parted in a whisper of a smile as he raises her hand towards the figure waiting for her. An invitation.
“You came.” Her voice is airy, somehow both distant and near, soft and pliable – a tone meant only for him. His very own siren song.
Slowly, he steps from the shadows, the darkness slipping from his body as he steps into the light. Dark hair ruffles in the wind, pale skin and golden eyes nearly glowing in the moon’s light. Before he gets near the shoreline his hand is already reaching for hers with a smile.
“You called.”
Ummmm *shoves this at you and runs away* thank you for showing interest. If you'd like to hear my psychotic ramblings about the complete complexities I've spun myself through for this story -- please let me know. There is so much and I'm busting at the seams to share and I don't know where to start.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
can i request a hc on being best friends with dazai, chūya, oda and akutagawa (platonic and separate) and also maybe being in the pm or ada? thank you! :)
My first BSD request! When I tell you I fell in LOVE with the anime, omg. I binge watched the entire show and the movie within a couple days and can’t wait till they release more! So in these hc’s, I focused on both how you guys became friends and what you guys would do as best friends. Also, Akutagawa’s part got kinda long and more focused on how you guys became friends, hope that’s okay. Reader is gender neutral and hope you enjoy! Also after posting this, I saw that these got realllyy long. Hope that’s okay too!
Possible TW: mention of suicide, but nothing too heavy, and it’s in Dazai’s part
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2/DARK ERA ARC (I think it’s episode 13-16 if I’m not wrong, but if you haven’t watched it yet, skip Oda’s part)
Being Best Friends with Dazai, Chūya, Akutagawa and Oda HCs
Imagine just having a nonstop sugar rush
Actually, remember how he was after eating the mushrooms? That’s the kind of energy y’all radiate together
If you’re both in the ADA, you both goof off so much that you have to sit at separate desks alll the way on the other side of the room so that you can try to get your work done
The keyword being try
It doesn’t work
Poor Kunikida is going to pop a blood vessel at any second and everyone is so used to now that nothing even surprises them anymore
Oh, Kunikida is yelling at Dazai and (y/n) with smoke practically coming out of his ears? What else is new
Always going to the little cafe to slack off too
Messing with Atsushi also the highlight of both of your guys day
You guys have a mini competition going on which is: who can get/convince Atsushi to do their reports the most without getting caught?
You both get caught all the time (duh). Kunikida foams at the mouth for tricking poor Atsushi and the poor sap himself is ready to pass out 
If you guys are both in the PM, imagine goofing and slacking off but on a darker scale
“Hey (Y/N)! Wanna know how many bones are exactly in the human body? ”
“Hm, I’m slightly disgusted but intrigued..continue.”
Also, pranking Chūya any chance you can get
You and Dazai together = the bane of Chūya’s existence
Surprisingly, no matter in the ADA or PM you don’t join him on the suicide attempts and you try to deter him from doing it in your presence at least
“Dazai, do you mind not trying to drown yourself in the river while we’re working a case? Besides, you already tried it before and it’s a pretty stale method.”
Cue dramatic gasps and antics from him again
He did try to convince you to join when you first met him, but changed his mind overtime when he started to enjoy your company
He’s smart enough to know what you’re saying, and he understands. At first, he wanted to leave this world by any means, but since you came into his life as once of the closest people to him since Oda, he perhaps doesn’t want to leave you just yet
He doesn’t stop the attempts but he does slow down on them
You still have to pretty much save him all the time still though
“Oh (Y/N)! My hero of a best friend, what would I do without you?”
And he wasn’t lying. He feel like he would be lost again if it wasn’t for you to help him keep grounded. Sure, you guys may create chaos together, but he would always keep you safe no matter what. He would put his life before yours, because you deserved it
You’re his best friend after all, and he’s not ready to lose you by any means if he can help it
And he’ll always have your back 100%
Drinking buddies!
I mean seriously, you guys have left the bar or restaurants way past tipsy more than once
You guys definitely have impromptu fashion trips together (no matter how much he denies liking them)
“Hey! That was my last good vest! You’re buying me a new one, and I’m going with you to make sure you’re not being cheap with it either.”
Chūya if you just wanna spend some time together just say that lmao
If you’re in the PM, you guys are always working together. You might even be an executive working alongside him, but no matter what you guys are always on missions with one another
If you’re in the ADA: you guys bonded over Dazai. You were complaining about him while facing Chūya and he happened to agree and add on to the complaints
Boy was he holding onto some grudges
While you both understand that you have your own obligations and loyalties to worry about, it didn’t stop the friendship from growing
If you do have to fight him, he doesn’t go easy on you (he does have a job to do like you) but he doesn’t go out the way to try and kill you either
And you don’t let anyone try to kill him either
Low key turns into a competition
“You fight like an 86 year-old shortstuff!”
“Who are you calling shortstuff?! You weren’t saying that last time when I whooped your ass!”
Regardless, you definitely become like a diary to him, especially after you find out about Arahabiki (which he tells you about over time)
You make him feel human, and he’s forever grateful for that
Being best friends with Chūya can be difficult at times (if you’re on opposite sides) but regardless, you both look out for each other
No matter how annoying you are can be, Chūya cares for you. You’re one of the only people that he doesn’t have to worry about betraying him (what happened with The Sheep still gets to him from time to time)
He begrudgingly calls you his best friend, but never in front of you or other people because 1. If he did you would never shut up about it and 2. he doesn’t want to be seen as “weak” or “soft”
And 3. you don’t need to be put into anymore danger than you’re already in
But you already know that you’re his best friend, cause he’s yours and nothing is changing that
“You’ll be a dumbass if you think I’ll let anything happen to you. Besides, the only person who’s allowed to kick my best friend’s ass is me, and if anyone else tries to they’ll have to deal with me!”
“*GASP* you’re finally admitting that I’m your best friend?!”
Oh man, being his best friend is like a hard to unlock achievement
Congrats (Y/N) on even getting close to this man, let alone enough to build a bond
It’s easier on being friends with Akutagawa if you’re in the PM. Bonus points if you go on missions all the time
But I will say if you are in the ADA, the easiest way to bond with him is to show that you are a force to be wrecking with, and maybe if you hate Atsushi or something too lol
But: think of Pinky and the Brain, but with Aku threatening to kill you every day (spoiler alert: he never does)
The only way that I can see you guys building your friendship is if he sees you in action and how you constantly have his back
He hates it because he knows what he’s doing and he’s been doing it for a while. He’s not an incompetent child (Y/N)!
But as time passes, he slowly gets over it. Don’t get me wrong, he still claims that he hates you asking if he’s okay and telling to “watch out” and things of that nature. But he starts to realize that you know what you’re doing too, and that he also sees that you care about the other subordinates too
He still sees if a sign of weakness, but you came to the realization that he wasn’t purposely doing it to be an ass (but don’t get me wrong, he still has his moments) but that he truly didn’t understand. He never had someone show him that they care for him, and it made you heartbroken
So, you made it your own personal goal to become his friend. And he hated it
At first
It seemed like wherever he was, you were there like his shadow. Going to hunt someone down that didn’t pay his debt? You were there in the background. Walking with Gin to the dry cleaners? You were already there, holding their readied clothes. Going to try and kill the weretiger? You were waiting for him with the car ready to go.
Higuichi started to hate you, until you told her that you did not want him. You just saw that he needed a friend, and you even came to an agreement of sorts. Once you and Akutagawa become strictly friends, you could try and hook them up
You knew it wasn’t happening anytime soon but you didn’t want to crush her dream and you didn’t want a target on your head
You really had to pat yourself on the back, (Y/N). It took some time, but you finally did it! Akutagawa didn’t totally hate you anymore! 
You came to this conclusion after one of your missions went south. Not only did you not get the information that Mori needed, but you came back with a bullet wound. Granted you got reprimanded, and after you got out the meeting, he was waiting outside. For you 
“Maybe if you would stop acting so careless and focus on the mission, then you would have both succeeded and came back uninjured. It’s obvious that you need someone to watch over you like a child. Don’t embarrass me or I will end you myself.” 
Shocked wasn’t the word. He was going to accompany you on all your missions now? Oh wow, is he finally-
“Stop standing there with your mouth open like an idiot (Y/N). You’re bleeding all over the place. Come, so that someone can dress your wound. We have more work now that I have to go behind and clean up your mess. And you’ll be coming with me, so hurry up.”
You smiled. Even though this bullet wound was hurting like hell, you were happy. Happy that, even in his own Akutagawa way, that he was starting to accept you and your friendship.
It would take a while for you to become best friends, but the way your partnership is now, you were fine with that. As long as he knew that someone was standing in his corner no matter what, you were happy.
And he would support you too, in his own Akutagawa way
Okay, this man is loyal no matter what 
He has a good head on his shoulders, he’s understanding, doesn’t have a crazy temper like some people do, and he doesn’t kill anymore
Oda would be one of the best people to be best friends with
I personally believe that it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the ADA or the PM, he only cares about what type of person you are.
Curry buddies!
Also, just imagine telling each other book recommendations and just talking about books in general
You would even look at some of the writing he did have and just UGH
He just wanted to be a writer he deserved a happy ending
If you’re in the ADA, you guys met at the little curry spot he likes so much
You were on a case local to the area when you stopped to grab a bite to eat. You saw him eating the spiciest curry you ever smelt (seriously, you could smell it from where you were sitting!) without making a single face
When he saw you just gaping at him, he was...very confused. Until you finally asked how the hell he was eating that with no issues
“It’s not that bad, it’s pretty good really. If you want to try some I’ll pay for it.”
You took him up on the offer, cause it did look really good. And you have never made a bigger mistake than that
You had to drink so much milk afterwards
And the cook was damn near laughing in tears at you and Oda managed to crack a small smile at your exaggeration
“It’s not that bad.”
And that was the start of your wonderful friendship
He definitely is worried about the conflict of interest because of being in the PM himself and working directly with one of the most vicious executives to ever exist
Seriously, Dazai was still his friend but damn could he do some things that even he couldn’t stomach
And he couldn’t imagine what Mori would make him do if he found out he was being buddy buddy with the enemy
So he kept his distance at first until you saw the kids. His guard was up at first but when he saw how you interacted with them, it melted his heart (on the inside, he was still stone faced on the outside)
So you guys met up a couple of times each month in between jobs and missions
If you’re in the PM, you worked alongside him and related to his stance on not killing anymore. Granted, you both were working on the other side of justice, but if you guys could help it you wouldn’t create bodies if it didn’t have to be any
If you guys weren’t meeting at the curry spot, you were meeting about Bar Lupin
You supported him through and through, especially with his dream of becoming a writer. You even went out to the bookstore a couple of times to try and inspire him to write something for you to read
It didn’t matter if you were in the ADA or the PM, you encouraged him to follow his dream. And when he would look at you confused , and asked why you were doing this, you would always reply:
“I wouldn’t be a good best friend if I didn’t tell you to follow your dreams, now would I? You deserve it, Oda. You’re a good man, and that can’t be said about a lot of people, especially people in the Port Mafia.”
He really did care for you, and in his last final moments before Dazai got there, he thought about you, and how terrible he felt for leaving you behind.
He wanted you to know that he always appreciated you. You reassured him always, never doubting him, and there wouldn’t be enough thanks in the world for that
When you found out about his death, you were devastated. You didn’t want to believe it at first and you kept blaming yourself that maybe you could’ve convinced him more to leave the dangerous life behind and to pursue his dreams
Until you found a letter in your door, which was actually a short story written by him attached to a letter.
“Thank you for being the best friend a man could ask for. I will always appreciate you (Y/N), no amount of words can tell you how much I will. Thank you for letting me live out my dream, even if it was for a short time.”
It really confirmed it when Dazai arrived outside to tell you Oda’s fate, but he stopped once he saw you crying and clutching the letter in your hand
Much time has passed, and Oda’s death still haunts you. But, you continue to live for the both of your sakes. You even try to eat the spiciest curry at restaurants in his memory, but you can just see him shaking his head and cracking a small smile at your silliness
And you also remember his motto: limit to one curry meal per day (it’s silly, but it makes you feel better because it’s his silly motto and how serious he took it)
You even start to read more (and to specific, the series that he wanted to finish)
You see your life in brighter eyes now because of Oda. He was- actually still is- your best friend, and you will continue to live on in his memory
You just hate that you didn’t have the time to tell him how much you appreciated him being in your life, and how much of a positive influence he’s been as your best friend.
But that’s okay, because you think he already knows how much you do
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Those who weave (New Series Snippet)
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So, I’m starting a new series! I’m not dropping Nostalgia of course, and that series is still my priority so this one won’t have scheduled updates, but I’m having a really tough time writing (in general, and for Nostalgia in specific) so I decided to start posting this one.
It is a Reincarnation fic, basically, with some curse elements. Of course, an AU, takes place mainly in the Viking era, late Middle Ages, and modern times.
It is an Ivar/Reader fic, but it does have a lot of Freydis in it, because...it’s me, of course it has Freydis on it. I am trying a new side of her on this one tho!
A few things about this story:
It is a Reader-insert, and though I do have a faceclaim for her (Turkish actress Özge Törer) it is for graphic thingies, no descriptions in the story. However, it isn’t very inclusive, since in some of their lives her and Freydis are half sisters. I’m sorry for that.
It will be divided into three acts/lives: Sight, Love, and Time.
It is a fucking mess. I have to leave behind very important themes of the canon story, like the aspect of Valhalla, and Ivar’s ambitions of fame, and many other things, because they simply don’t fit as conflicts or themes with a multiple-lives dynamic. But I have fun writing this, and I hope you will have fun reading it.
So yeah, I really don’t know how to make these announcement thingies, but I wanted to make one for this cause a) I worked really hard on that graphic thingy and I want you to see it cause I’m stupidly proud of myself, and b) I wanna check who wants to be tagged for this.
I’m tagging those on my ‘All’ taglist, please lemme know if you wanna be added or removed! Love ya!
Snippet of...something under the cut. It technically happens during the Love Act, but it is a scene that doesn’t happen in the main story, an alternate POV of sorts.
So, quick ground rules: Ivar remembers their past lives (not all of it, but he remembers the Reader and Freydis, and sometimes other people), Freydis and the Reader don’t remember anything most of the time (but Freydis has premonitions regarding her and her sister’s futures).
I hope you like it 😉
Katia sits before you on the bed, her back to you and her eyes closed as you methodically brush her hair. Just like you used to when you were children.
Your mother taught you differently than Katia’s mother did, and she remembers how endlessly fascinated you were while growing up at how she chose to wear her hair with rarely any coverings, just as she was so delighted in finding linens and jewels to make and adorn your shawls and veils.
Your fingers replace the brush, and she feels you carefully toying with the strands of her hair.
You sigh, a little wistfully, a little lost.
“I liked it better when your hair was blonde,” You tell her, chuckling after your words like you haven’t just stopped her heart with but a sentence, “I miss braiding it.”
Katia tells herself this is nothing out of the ordinary. Since you were children she has heard you talk of a world neither of you ever knew, little lost promises of a life that was nothing but a dream.
She remembers how you’d wake her up saying your chest hurt and that you didn’t want to leave her alone, how you’d sit at her side in the mornings and ask if you’d ever be back home even as you had breakfast in the only home you had known; and she remembers how just as easily you’d lay by her side and sleep again with no memory of your pain come morning, how you’d smile wistfully and forget your nostalgia with a bite of a biscuit and the start of your day.
All her life, she has written it off as nothing other than illusions, nothing other than the soft heart of her sister lingering in a world of dreams.
Now, she isn’t so sure they are dreams. Now, she isn’t so sure she doesn’t know Ivar, now she isn’t so sure he is crazy.
The man towers over her, but strangely enough, Katia doesn’t feel fear.
All she feels is anger. All she feels is rage and hate.
And a part of her feels strangely vindicated at the lost look in his eyes, like someone she never was -or someone she never stopped being- is cruelly delighted at his pain.
“You are Freydis,” He tells her, and she keeps careful eyes on him but says nothing, “You’re playing games with me, y-you’ve cursed me.”
“Cursed you?” She asks, the beginning of a smile on her lips. To anyone else, she might look like a woman that has lost her mind, but, to him, she dares think, she looks like a woman powerful, a woman he’d wage war against. “I would think I’d have a reason to curse you. Tell me…did I?”
There’s something there, something human in all the rage of a monster, something like pain, like grief. But the man doesn’t allow it to linger for long, and the pain morphs into wrath before her eyes.
“You took everything from me.” He snarls, rough hand grabbing Katia’s arm and forcing her closer. His eyes are piercing and wrathful as they look into hers.
“What is going on here?” You call out from behind her. And the man’s eyes leave her to focus on you as you approach. His hand drops from her arm, and Katia holds her breath.
Pale blue eyes shine as your soft footsteps approach, and as the man’s expression trembles with something like pain, something like hope, something like love; Katia finds herself afraid to turn around and find a woman she doesn’t recognize in her sister’s place.
She notices the change in him at the sight of you, and for the first time she feels fear.
And she waits now, with baited breath, for you to shake off the veil of dreams, the chimera of something that never was, that never would be.
But you don’t. You continue trailing soft and delicate fingers through her long hair, as if you aren’t making dread and fear poison her from the inside with each passing breath of silence.
“Blonde?” She asks, and her voice trembles, but she doesn’t care.
“Mhm,” You mumble, not really paying attention. After a moment, you take a breath and start again, “Ivar’s eyes were very blue today, di-…”
“His name isn’t Ivar. You should know that by now.”
“That’s what he said his name is.” You insist, but there’s a strange stillness to the way you hold yourself now, when she turns to meet your gaze.
“And he says my name is different too, do you believe him?”
“You aren’t Freydis,” You chuckle, saying the name that haunts Katia’s dreams with terrifying ease. And it feels familiar, coming from your lips. As familiar as the curve of your smile, as familiar as the way you look at that monster that pretends to be a man. You reach with your hand to put a lock of dark hair behind her ear, and offer a soft smile, “Your hair is different.”
She asks what she hasn’t dared ask in a whole life at your side, “W-What else is different?”
“Everything is, and…nothing is,” Your eyes are dazed, and though you are looking directly at her Katia would swear you cannot see her. “You’re my sister, and you love me. That hasn’t changed.”
She doesn’t quite understand why a part of her sighs in relief at hearing you admit you know -knew?- of her love for you, but she does understand why a part of her tightens in fear at the implications that swim in her mind.
And she voices another question, “And what he is to you, has that changed?”
She doesn’t say his name, maybe because she doesn’t know which one to utter.
You smile, and your eyes focus a bit on her, see more of her, “That could never change.”
Her eyes fall from yours, for she cannot keep looking into a familiar hue and see familiar warmth.
She feels you lean forward and press your brow against hers, a gesture of comfort that only makes her shut her eyes tight and bite back a sob.
“Alll our Fates are woven together,” You promise, a death sentence as you grasp your sister’s hand. “We may forget, but those who weave our Fates cannot.”
Come morning, you won’t remember the previous night; come morning Ivar’s eyes will be less blue; come morning, his pain won’t make the memories return to you like strings that tighten and tell you he needs you, or who you once were.
Come morning, you won’t remember. But Katia will.
And she will vow to do whatever it takes not to lose you to him.
____ ____ ____
Thank you for reading! Hope I could catch your interest! The first chapter will be up between Tuesday and Wednesday :)
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @1950schick @ietss @peachyboneless @encounterthepast @maggiescarborough @fae-sedai @zuxiezendler @crazybunnyladysworld​ @stupiddarkkside​  @northumbria​  @aprilivar​  
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canyonemoon · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked before
i was tagged by my loves @finewalls​ @aliensyndrome​ @princeofyorkshire​ @onlyforthebravee​ (maybe more, again i’m sorry if i forgot to like your post)
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? had a pretty turqoise one, but it got lost:( now they’re both black
2. a food you never eat? tomato in fresh form, yuck
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? cold cold cold!
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? ehhhhhhh probably doing one of these tag games
5. what is your favourite candy bar? mars i think
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? like participated? yeah i was at the national championships in swimming when i was young
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? how much my mum scared me asfdfdgd
8. what is your favourite ice cream? not to quote the god awful  minions that i’m glad we as a society eradicated, but: banana banana banana banana
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? teaaaaa
10. do you like your wallet? oh yeah!! it’s like one of those fancy push up ones, where your cards are in this magnetic little case, it’s really neat
11. what was the last thing you ate? pancakes
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? noooo, resisted the temptation!
13. the last sporting event you watched? oooof that’s tough!! probably ice skating?
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? salty, and everyone who has other kind of flavoured popcorn are heathens
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? is a text message also whatsapp? i think text text message was my dad
16. ever go camping? wayyy too many times, a lot in sweden when i was younger, and then when we go on our annual kano trip, i hate it asfdgfhf
17. do you take vitamins? yeah, iron and multivitamins
18. do you go to church every sunday? no, my mum stopped trying to get us to go yeeeears ago
19. do you have a tan? not. at. all. asfdhdhd
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? if it’s well done! chinese!
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? the few times i drink soda, i just use a glass
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? usually black trousers, but i also do jeans, and tops/sweaters/blouses = alll the colours
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? ehhhhh sometimes, but i try to stay within the speed limit (especially if there’s someone behind me that wants me to drive faster and they can’t overtake me :))
24. what terrifies you? the thought of losing my family
25. look to your left, what do you see? window and window still
26. what chore do you hate? literally get cleaning the drain in the shower away from me yikes
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? how much i love it asfdgdgd
28. what’s your favourite soda? orange or lemon
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? don’t really go to fast food places, but have gone through the drive-thru on some lazy days asfdgd
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my mum
31. favourite cut of beef? i really don’t,,, know that much about beef to say asfdgdd
32. last song you listened to? song? still by niall horan i think
33. last book you read? a book for uni asfdgdh about early christianity
34. favourite day of the week? friday or sunday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? haven’t tried, already know i failed
36. how do you like your coffee? far away from me adfdgdh
37. favourite pair of shoes? some nike shoes i think
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? i was in such a good steam! went to bed at 22-23! and then quarantine hit, now it’s like 1 asfdgdg
39. at what time do you normally get up? depends entirely on the day and when my classes are, try to be up by 9-10 tho
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i love sunsets in the summer
41. how many blankets are on your bed? back at home, two i think?
42. describe your kitchen plates? like soft in the edges, square, mint green
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? yessss, cuba vodka!!! and rosé wine
44. do you play cards? yes! especially if i win otherwise i get really annoyed quickly
45. what colour is your car? well i don’t own one, but i did talk my parents into buying one (or well, i suggested a car i’d driven while learning to drive, and they ended up liking it too), and it’s dark blue
46. can you change a tire? i know the basics, but i’ve never done it without help from my dad so i wouldn’t be able to do it alone asfdgdh
47. what is your favourite state/province? like in the us?? ehhh don’t think denmark is big enough to have anything like you understand states and provinces in the us, but i love midtjylland (from west to east)
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? i worked as waitress, and headwaitress, at a fish restaurant for two years-ish, and i loved everyone there so much
49. how did you get your biggest scar? got a tattoo baby :D
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? made pancakes for my family!
i’m gonna tag @curlyhairedprince @haznlou @finelinee @tattooedlovers @kissyhl @vilounelle @proudlarents <3
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popculturebuffet · 5 years
Giant Days (Boom) #1 “Like A Sexy Moon”
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In honor of Giant Days grand finale one-shot this week, we go all the way back to the beginning of it’s long and storied ongoing where three first year university students consisting of a flighty energetic goth, a hardboiled detective metaphorically in the body of a med student, and a cheerful and naive small town girl whose mostly hair try to make it through lunch without chaos ensuing. Spoilers: Chaos ensues. Class, and a heartfelt mega-paragraph about my love of the series, is under the cut. 
A few years ago, i’d say about 2016, my mom had her annual oscar party. This isn’t all that relevant to the story, and reveals that even at 27 (I kept forgetting to correct my age on my blog), soon to be 28, I still live at home, but it’s important because it’s where I first read giant days. Buying the first volume during a comixology sale that had it for all of three bucks, I lapped up the series almost immediately,  then when I got home got my hands on every issue that had been out at the time and caught up asap, following the series since then to it’s conclusion this week. , only missing the “Where women blow and men plunder” special. For the past few years, in an ever changing comic book landscape where titles come and go, start strong and peter out or are just plain great or foul from the start but leave all the same , i’ts been my rock. My mountain in a sea of ever changing titles... and Wednesday said mountain breaks off and floats off into the either, maybe to become a new campus for the university of north carolina in the sky I dunno. The point is the series means a lot to me and it’s sad to see it go, even if it’s writer John Allison probably won’t leave my life and knowing him our heroes probably will return, or at least one or two of them will, someday, it’s still a sad end to a heartfelt, ungodly hilarious, sometimes rediculous but always intresting journey. My intrest may of waxed and waned, as is expected when a book runs 4 years, but it never left  my heart. So join me won’t you as I go back to where it all began.. not with the whole volume, but with the first monthly issue of giant days. 
------------------------- Giant Day is the creation of John Allison, who before creating this and other print works By Night and Steeple, which having not read past issue 1 or read it yet respectively will certainly pop up here eventually, was the creator of a large number of web comics, all of which I discovered thanks to Giant Days, in part because Giant Days itself is a Spin-Off from Allison’s second comic strip, and his most famous work pre-Giant Days: Scary Go Round
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Scary Go Round itself was a spinoff/sequel to Allison’s previous comic strip Bobbins, originally following two minor characters from that strip before they were slowly shoved out of the strip in favor of Shelley Winters... and yes the name i intentional, not the actress from Cheers but a bubbly red head with a skewed sense of reality and a can do spirit and her two best friends: local layabout with a heart of gold Ryan, one of shelly’s old friends and Amy, the daughter of Shelley’s ex-boss, a sharp tounged young woman with a healthy libidio who grows from a spoiled princess to a responsible buisness owner. The three deal with relationship issues, wacky shenanigans.. and the supernatural stuff that happens in their town of Tackleford because it’s a hub of spoopy shit Just in case you thought it was just his other print works that were kinda weird in comparison to the mostly grounded Giant Days, nope. While his stuff post the original bobbins is well grounded in character work, it’s all got a tinge of weird to it. If you have the time check it out. While some things may fly over your head unless you read the original bobbins, and I strongly suggest you don’t, it’s otherwise a very good read and very much the blue print for his stronger later stuff. 
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And as noted it’s from this weird and wonderful early goop we get the protaganist of this book: Esther DeGroot, a perky goth girl who intitally showed up with her best friend Sarah and their muscle Big Lindsay to have LIndsay beat amy into the ground for chatting up a singer they liked. Thankfully she quickly grew out of having her friends beat up college drop outs and instead became a weird, snarky goth and rival to Shelley’s snarky buttoned up sister Erin for the heart of local shy awkard lab assitant Eustace “The Boy” Boyce, himself introduced as fumbling assitant to local inventor and longtime pal of Shelley’s Tim. And you can now see why I had to get into everyone else as SGR’s characters tend to intersect and that web only widens. 
Esther would eventually win, and Erin would eventually end up in hell then forgotten from everyone’s memories shortly after, with Esther and Eustace staying together for the duration of the strip and through many shenanigans and were actually a rather adorable couple. By this time Esther and Eustace were just as much leads as the main three and Esther was a close friend of Ryan’s to the point he and Sarah went out briefly in their Senior Year.. when Sarah was 18 thankfully. Though Ryan did get punched over it by a drunken awkard teenager so things sorted themself out. Big Lindsay quitely disappeared and was revealed to have gottten pregnant. Both would later show up in Giant Days. The strip ended, after a soft launch for the next strip which we’ll get to in a second, with Esther and freinds graduating, Ryan and Sarah breaking up, Shelley leaving town (She’d later return but story for another time), and Ryan and Amy, who had a whole will they or won’t they thing, getting together. 
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Allison did this for a reason: He felt Scary Go Round was collapsing under it’s mound of Continuity and thus decided to switch to a fresh cast. Same continuity but with less ties to the old so new readers wouldn’t be turned off. Thus came Bad Machinery. Set up during the waning days of SGR, it followed Sarah’s weird sister Lottie, her sluthy best friend Shauna and a bunch of other bright young kids i’m only not getting into because i’ve introduced enough characters and most of the ones i’ve introduced are either vital to SGR or show up in Giant Days , but are all fantastic, focusing more on the mystery while also having some coming of age stuff of it’s own as by the series end years later, the characters all grew into their late teens. It’s an excellent read and again worth checking out if you haven’t and unlike SGR is in print with the print versions adding more pages to the story and revising bits. I haven’t read them but I intend to eventually because of the revisal, but if you can’t afford them the entire originals are online free. 
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Bad Machinery would later be a hit in it’s own right, as the print collections show, but in it’s first years it was actually a shaky proposition to uproot everything, replace almost the entire cast (Though Ryan and Amy, now married, stayed around as supporting cast, with Ryan being the kids teacher and Amy eventually mentoring Shauna), and change the genre from 20 somethings and teens slice of life to a bunch of 11-12 year olds coming of age and solving mysteries. And at first things dipped a bit apparently and Allison panicked and started working on a backup plan. And that backup plan was where Giant Days comes in: A Spinoff following esther and two new characters as they navigate college. He did three self published issues of it, the first put online, before focusing back on bad machinery as it picked up, and many other projects we’ll cover some day. Esther as a result was kinda left in limbo while Erin and Eustace’s stories moved forward. It seemed Esther and her new pals Daisy and Susan were lost to time...
Until 2015 when Allison agreed to do a mini-series for Boom! Studios that picked up where the original series left off, eventually getting picked up as an ongoing that lasted all the way to last month, with 2 winter specials, a one shot trip to Australia, and a final one shot finishing the series Wednesday.  As for said series I do own it, Boom has since republished it, and we will get to it.. but I felt given this is where I and probably most other fans of the series came in, it was the best place to start and issue #1 of the boom series recaps what’s come so far and re-introduces the cast well. Kinda like the second episode of a series after the pilot: some things have changed, including the series now having Artist Lisa Tremain on board to draw instead of Allison himself, some new characters have been added, but it’s still the same show and still a good point to start. And with ALLL that exposition out of the way, including exposition to set up characters for ISSUES down the line, and a little more to go, let’s dig in.  As seen at the top, the first cover is great. The yellow and red works well, as does the simple image of a morose Esther fiddling with her phone, boxing gloves on the back for reasons we’ll see shortly. A good genre setter and an excellent cover, something the series always delivers with. 
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We open on our three Heroines, on their third week of college,  with a helpful narration that does a good job summing each up, so I don’t have to and you know how I like to jabber, the giant barrage of paragraphs before should be proof: Naive cheerful Daisy, dramatic and funloving esther, and serious and sardonic Susan. There will be, and already is, more to each as they grow and we learn more, and Esther of course has a few years of comics behind her to start, Giant Days even being named after a Esther and Eustace centric arc from Scary Go Round, but not something I could fit into the exposition wall. 
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As you can see the ladies are having a nice talk about if they would be friends without living in the same hall, with Susan bursting Daisy and Esther’s bubble.. but it fits her personality. Susan is a realist, she sees the world how it is. Daisy is an optimist seeing the world how it SHOULD be and Esther navigates the space between, as she can be realistic once in a while but mostly tries to avoid reality like the plauge in this series. She had a tad of this in Scary Go Round but it’s really dialed up here, but there’s a good reason for why i’ll get to after Susan helpfully outlines the indie issues for me and new readers.
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See this is why I went here first: while I will cover these issues, themselves covering their first three weeks of college, eventually, it covers most of what happened pretty well and makes it easy to fill in the blanks that it glossed over. The first issue did indeed turn into a scott pilgrim style brawl where Esther boxed her way to victory, Susan set someone on fire and Daisy tried to use meditation to fight but Paul Mcartney’s ghost said no. It’s not a bad issue but tone wise the series would be something much more diffrent. 
Issue 2 is where I need to go into more detail: Esther cheated on Eustace with the douchebag you rightfully see in a heap above, who then spread their night around and got his commupance. Esther told Eustace.. who dumped her over it and drove her into a depressive state, a weird heavy metal society, and booze, which she can drink because you can drink at 18 in England. She was saved from it by her new galpals.. and Erin, who was supposed to likely be a recurring character, possibly on the same level as two we’ll get to soon, and definitely figured into a major plot with Daisy, as Allison admitted. But with the gap between issues and having other plans for Erin, he decided to write her out.  Susan pegs Esther as a drama queen soon after, a “sodding drama magnet”, attracting attention like I attract X-Men comics and Kirk Cameron attracts terrible Christian movies designed to stroke his own ego. She proves this by handing her a piece of paper and well....
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Well look on the bright side Esther, you have a good career as the bride of dr.doom with those skills. I mean he’s single, has a spooky castle, does magic.. he’s basically a goth’s wet dream he just needs to black up his uniform a bit. Or put on that awful leather made out of a human armor he had. Yes that was a thing. Comics are weird. 
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The rest of the group chase after an angry Esther who after this immortal line, challenges Susan to a bet: if Susan wins she gets a nice massage, if Esther wins she gets to dress Susan up however she likes to torment her.
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 And somehow DAISY is the one who has a coming out story in a few issues. Jokes aside I do like the friendship here: They’ll razz each other, give Daisy time, and poke at their flaws gently, or be brutally honest, but their truly and honestly friends and it shows. It feels real and it’s one of the series big draws.  The girls run into Esther’s friend Ed. Ed has a huge crush on Esther, even when she had a boyfriend something to the series credit he was called out on, but not the nerves or charisma to actually try and ask her out. Shockingly, I liked, and still liked, Ed a lot as he reminded me of well.. myself in college. Pining after girls or starring without actually going anywhere and the series will deconstruct this as we go. He’s also basically the fourth main character, getting issues focusing entirely on him and arcs of his own, but the girls are still the main focus. Susan freezes however upon seeing his friend...
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This is our fifth lead, McGraw. Basically a more emotive and british Ron Swanson who as you can see clearly has a history with Susan and Susan splits before they can say more. While McGraw falls back on the old men streotype of “We don’t have to talk about it”, though unlike say Tim Taylor it’s less “I genuinely believe this nonsense, as well as that men are  incapable of commuincating unless my neighbor tells me otherwise and all loves sports. I unsuprsingly got divorced once the kids all left the house, aug aug aug”  and more “I don’t want to talk about this nor do I want to force my new friend to talk about a touchy subject yet. “ Susan is likewise closed off but in her own special Susan way and Esther reveling in Susan having drama after accusing her of being a drama queen. This ends about as well as you’d expect. 
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Daisy has had best friends for all of three weeks and she’s already figured out lies are a key part of friendship. Good for her. Esther heads off for the Gym, and while Daisy declines due to, and i’m not making this up this is a genuinely good joke of john’s, worrying she’ll become a killing machine. Esther however needs it to work out her feelings over Eustace because punching shit is better than wallowing in her misery over loosing the love of her, at this point, short life. 
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That panel on the right... that’s a blessed image. And really this image showcases the true heart of the series: as I said the girls are there for each other but it dosen’t feels schmaltzy or forced, it feels real and has plenty of great lines to add to that. Daisy goes back to try talking to Susan, but Susan takes a bit and when she finally works up the energy to visit daisy. 
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I I understand that feeling. It’s like the realization Mr. Rogers had sex at least once. You don’t WANT to know something that pure and innocent is capable of fucking, but you do now and it will haunt you like that ghost that won’t stop stealing my soap. BUY YOUR OWN SOAP JEREMY I’M BROKE SON. Of course this wasn’t actually sex stuff as Susan soon relays to Esther as she fears she upset the poor humanoid afro lesbian. 
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Side note I love the phrase having a fiddle and will save it for future use. But yeah with Susan somehow spooked, she suggests Esther change the subject as soon as they get in there. 
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Susan.. ya brought this on yourself. Naturally she tries to avoid getting into the subject until eventually this happens. 
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I’ll be saving this for future reference of course. And Susan gives us a LITTLE to go on... about two panels worth of ominus foreshadowing to the eventual reveal without any actual info about what in the bloody hell actually happened. 
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Of course Susan calls for dinner time and says they’ll have to earn the rest later. Naturaly McGraw is also going in for dinner and Susan once again tries to deflect as her friends bascially call him a snack. I mean he is ron swanson crossbred with berkely brethead. who wouldn’t?
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I love the line above.. especially since really the comic DOES pass. While there is boy drama, and girl drama for Daisy, this issue has plenty else going on besides wanting to bang someone, though given Esther won’t shut up about McGraw while talking to the human equilveant of an active volcano.. 
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She’s lucky she didn’t instead bash her face in with a tray, but she’s a friend after all. Susan saves the savage beatings for her enemies and McGraw is wise enough to not let his tray anywhere near her and to duck if she tried her own. Natrually given her Drama Magnet powers Esther somehow finds the one cowboy in all of England. 
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His chivlary, genuine or dudebro wise unfortunately causes a chain reaction. 
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Naturally Susan was hoping for something like this, loudly gloating at activating the drama field and at having won the bet and tries to use the high that being right gives a person to run McGraw out of town. 
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Unfortunatley for her, while her speech is awesome i’ll admit, it’s also entirely unfair: She expects him to change schools, and given his focus on architecture and general no nonsense nature he choose this one for a reason. Just because you two have a history dosen’t mean you can just make him leave and McGraw, as seen above, isn’t taking it. And he responds just as badassly. 
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Gross? A little. But worth it to basically win the argument without even invoking the fact you have the moral highground. Yeah he had to know she was going here too, but again he came her for a reason and has no reason to leave. She can be an adult about this and work past it or just avoid him, also like an adult. Esther, not wanting to deal with Susan’s smug or her rage both of which are probably ping ponging back and forth, sits with Ed and talks about her dramatic nature. She really dosen’t intend to call it on herself, but does like not knowing what will happen every day. 
This really sums up Esther’s character to start: She enjoys life, loves the hell out of it, but often fails to see the consequences of her actions. The drama field sometimes is just shit happening to her because she happens to be young, attractive and entergetic, but other times it happens, like with the blow up of her relationship, because she does something impulsive and it blows up in her face. Speaking of character insight we get a character defening inner monologue from ed. 
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And that’s Ed’s pain:  To Esther she sees it genuinely as him just being her friend. And I do think even with his massive crush he genuinely cares about her more than just wanting to be with her, but worried she’ll reject him, as I can again relate. And even worse is the worry of not wanting to make their friendship weird. And i’ve had crushes on female friends that have gone both ways: it’s made things toow eird to continue, but i’ve also had plenty where I was gently turned down and we’re still on good terms to this day. One of my best friends was a result of this. What makes it work, when we’ve seen this plot a thousand times before, is that both the narrative and Ed don’t think he’s ENTITLED to Esther. Yes the above has him asking god to make her love him.. but it’s not in a forceful sense.. it comes off more as a desperate want for them to end up together or for him to be able to move on. It’s what seperates ed from a “nice guy”: Sure he’s into Esther, but he dosen’t think he deserves her, or that because their friends he’s earned her or any such nonsensical bullshit. He’s just hopelesly infatuated with the first girl he met in college and wants to either see where it goes, or have the feelings end so he can move on with someone he does have a future with. I”ve been there. Shit sucks and Allison handles it well without falling into entitlement territory, and given just HOW many geek gets the girl storylines have been written, having it treated realistically with it being treated with him having to get over her instead of her just being oblvious is refreshing and I wish i’d had a narrative like this when I was Ed’s age to smack me in the face and tell me “No it dosen’t work that way, say something or move on man. “ With that monster of a pargraph done let’s check back with the girls. 
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Again, I love the character interactions and how that’s the focus here over anything else, even my word sandwitch up there. But speaking of things, Esther just up and asks Daisy what she was watching. Turns out...
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Yup, Daisy just likes ASMR, which I now know just what it is, just a static reflex people get. Susan tests it to prove Daisy is normal and it’s just good clean fun. Esther tries to put nosepicking under the same, Elbow’s susan over it and we get this to close out our main trio for the issue. 
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I am glad he showed off more lady friendships, but they would’ve been a hell of a couple had Allison went that way. Could be an intresting AU, especailly if you keep Daisy gay and have their being bi or pan, dealers choice, affect things. HOw would that effect their relationshpis, how long would it last, would the McGraw thing impact stuff.. it’s some food for thought is all i[’m saying. We close however on Ed and McGraw as Ron Jr. unpacks his stuff and helps ed with his key sticking by rubbing a pencil on it because Graphite is a lubricant. Huh. Neat. And then we end on this. 
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And on that note, we end issue 1. No write in contests though i’m damn sure given he’s mentioned he’d want a ROM/Giant Days crossover for the absurdity John Allison would love that. 
Final Thoughts;  An excellent start to the BOOM! series and a good second pilot. It’s clear stuff happened but the series helps you get the gist well enough to not have to buy the collection of the first three issues, and the characters are all dynamic with plenty of laughs as well as genuine moments. Susan and Esther’s banter is hilarious and both Esther and Susan are given plenty of layers: Esther’s grappling with her sorrow over her nuking her first romance and Susan being sharp witted, quick to be smug with Esther, but still gentle with Daisy and trying to careful with her given her sheltered life before College. Daisy isn’t given much layers in this issue, but is sitll shown to be incredibly sweet and realstically naive. McGraw is a welcome addition, his past with susan providing an intresting mystery for what was intended to be just 6 issues and solved by the end, while also having some intresting swagger to him enough to not make him JUST her love intrest or Ed’s best friend. Tremain’s art is also great, diffrent than what most of the series would end up being, a bit sketchier with more dot eye, but still nice and stylish. I’ll also confess the cafeteria scene is what let me know the book existed as I read it in the back of another boom title, I can’t remember which honestly, wher eit was featured as a preview and was intstantly intrigued. Overall a strong start. There’s a reason the series both caught on and lasted as long as it did and i’ll miss it terribly. I won’t be reviewing as time goes by this week, though I may post some quick thoughts on it, but I intend to review the full series, including the 3 indie issues and specials, so i’ll probably get to it at some point. An excellent series that I can’t recommend enough. 
If you liked this review, feel free to reblog it, follow me for more, or comisson one for a comic of your choice for just 5 bucks. Until then, have some giant days of your own. 
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everything-you-mist · 8 years
Cold Snap
The wind whipped Iyaena’s hair about her violently, forcing her to squint if she wanted to see at all as she clung to the saddle of the great cloud serpent. She was fairly certain she lost her hairband many feet below their ascent, but even in her limited vision, she knew this was worth everything. The sun was at her back, the wide expanse of sky above her interrupted only by thick clouds and the horned head of her carrier. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears, the familiar ache in her chest a dull warning to stay calm but she didn't care. She knew she’d regret it, she knew she’d hurt and cough but this…!
Below them was the Eastern Kingdoms. If she leaned off the side just a little, she could see alll three dwarven mountains, clear as day. She could see miles of ocean and forest all around her, painting the world below her in the dark watercolors of dawn, the hues bleeding into each other without the details of the landscape. From up here, it felt like she could go anywhere. She could drop down to Elwynn and fly loops around Stormwind Keep, or take the long flight north and see the crimson towers of Silvermoon. She could visit every place in her books, they were all real and in reach! This was freedom!
The serpent weaved and bobbed through the air, bouncing Iyaena’s nerves in the pit of her stomach as the pair twisted through the air, climbing higher and higher, only to dive steeply down the way they came, toward Stormwind’s gate and into the city. She felt herself rise off her seat, two leather straps about her waist the only thing beyond her meager strength keeping her from being thrown off completely. The rush of the wind whistled in Iyaena’s ears, gravity forcing her roughly back into her seat as the cloud serpent pulled up just above the heads of passers-by, sending them over the blue roofs of the Trade District and close enough to the Cathedral’s spire to touch if she’d wanted to.
Iyaena squeezed her eyes shut, the whooshing of the wind past the cathedral scaring her. In the pretend safety of the darkness, she felt the saddle shift a ways as her flight took her over the western ocean. Only after leaving land far behind them did she dare to peek. Below her was endless blue stretching into the shadows on the horizon, the great waves sparkling in the sunrise and she felt herself being captured by its beauty, her nerves settling to a simmer as she gazed out over the endless ocean. She idly wondered where they were going, but gave it little thought. Wherever they went, it would be new from up here.
Far sooner than Iyaena ever expected, a thin strange light grew more and more apparent ahead of them as they approached a group of dark shapes on the horizon. Those undefined shades becoming islands and the light turned a sickly green as the shrinking distance brought it into focus. Iyaena knew this place, seen only from the safety of Dalaran’s walls. The Broken Shore.. Iyaena felt her fear rekindle in her stomach as she called out to the serpent, voice all but lost in the salty sea winds.
“We have to turn back! It’s not safe here!” But, whether because she couldn't be heard over the wind, or because her mount chose to ignore her, the pair stayed on course, flying past the safety of Dalaran and heading inland. With a loud boom, muffled like distant cannon fire, a break in the clouds above Iyaena opened wide, horrible felbats falling in great droves to chase her. Iyaena cried out, leaning down over the saddle and praying for help but still, her serpent flew on heedless of the danger. Screeching filled her ears as the swarm grew closer and closer, and a dark foreboding laugh rose over the clamor and echoed endlessly in her thoughts.
She braced herself, and the attack began. All around her, horrible claws and teeth tore at her and her friend, and as Iyaena reached for her arcane abilities.. they refused to come. Her mind was a blank, not a spell circle or incantation coming to mind through the blanket of terror falling over her. She heard the low snap of one of the saddle’s straps being cut, then another. Her stomach churned with the weightlessness of falling as the saddle was left behind the fleeing serpent. The felbats followed it, ignoring the elf falling to the ocean below, and without the frenzy of the bats screeching in her ear, she was met with silence as she began her rapid descent.
She screamed, desperately trying to recall anything that could save her: slow fall, portals, blink, anything to stay alive, but as the ocean grew closer and closer as she fell, she saw the darkness bubbling beneath it. The boiling ocean rose to meet her, the beautiful blue water turning black as it climbed, streaks of white outlining eyes and a horrible toothy maw that laughed at her horror. The sha opened it’s mouth wide in it’s horrid mirth, leaving Iyaena to plummet into the abyss, accompanied by nothing but her own screaming..
Iyaena woke with a start, crying out sharply as she sat up in bed. Nearby, Kaly was awake in an instant, the low hiss of her strange part-owl, part-cat form filling the air of the small room they shared as she stood with her feathers on end, scanning the room for threats. On the other side of the wall, she heard the bang of a boot being thrown, followed by a string of obscenities as Mr. Firebeard made very clear his opinion of the sudden noise in the middle of the night.
Iyaena’s heart was pounding, her chest tight and painful and her lungs aching for air as her body panicked over the perceived danger… but there was none. It was only her and Kaly in the dark room. She wasn't anywhere near the Broken Shore, and certainly not on the back of a Cloud Serpent. She was safe under the mountain, in Ironforge. Kaly seemed to realize the same, shedding her form as she walked over to check on the young mage.
“Hey, you okay? What was that about?” she asked gently, sitting beside the makeshift sleeping bag.
“I’m sorry,” Iyaena replied meekly, a bit ashamed of herself for getting so worked up. “It was only a nightmare. Too many scary stories before bed, I suppose. I’m okay, I promise.”
“You sure?”
Iyaena nodded, and Kaly finally relented.
“Alright. M’going back to bed then. Night, Yena.” Kaly turned, letting herself slink to the floor on all fours, right back to the owlcat form she favored these days. She was out like a light the moment she curled up, soft growling snores filling the air and leaving Iyaena to her thoughts once more.
It was surreal, being here. She was living with an elf and a dwarf in a city built into a mountain, on the other side of the planet from her home. She was working for a Pandaren, she was learning magic from a human and (hopefully) a Highborne, she had met every race under the Alliance banner, and even some that weren't. Her world had grown exponentially, overwhelming her with new experience. Even her nightmares were far more grand out here.
Iyaena heard the bells chiming five. There was no point in going back to sleep now, so she rolled out of bed instead and reached for her pack. Her medicine bag was getting light. Fourteen doses left.. Enough for a week. Quietly, she thanked Elune for doctors. One in Ironforge even, and not too expensive. She just had to pick up the refill. The vanilla-flavored refill! Swallowing a dose of the bitter variant, Iyaena fetched her book from the pack and headed out the door. Even if Falkner didn’t have her medicine ready, she could read on the porch until it was.
The nightmare already fading into the back of her mind, she headed out, already excited again for the day ahead.
((I know it’s been a lot of Iyaena recently, but she’s so nice to write about, I can’t help it! There is an Aly post and a Lia post in the works, I promise.  @kaldenflintheart for Falkner, @crazyprophet-box-o-plots for Haldreth.))
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