#You got this Delta! The chase is finally over X'DDDD
scuddle-bubble101 · 4 months
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"Now that, that's settled over- Hand over the boy, and no one gets hurt. Plain and simple, I don't want to have to end up fighting for him-"
"...Uhh...... h-huh?"
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"P-ple-ease I-...I'm s-sorry- I...I d-didn't m-mean too."
"Didn't- mean to- Huh?"
"I'm s-sorry, h-he just p-passed out a-and- And I panicked-"
"Woah, woah kiddo, calm down... You're not in trouble. Just take a moment to breathe and walk me through what happened ok?"
"I- I h-hurt him, a-and h-he collapsed and I j-just- I'm s-sORRY, i-i don't KNOW WHAT TOo DOooo an-an- And s' all my fault!"
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"None of this is your fault. I've been tracking those glitches he does for awhile now. You didn't cause those ok?"
"There you go, your ok buddy. We'll get through this alright? But, I need you to calm down first ok? I'm not gonna hurt you or Agnus ok?"
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"Don't have the soul to do that sort of thin-"
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