#You can tell the Windfish to screw right off.
changeling-rin · 2 years
The Chain are walking through a Hyrule that isn’t Lore’s - this detail is important - and somehow randomly meet someone from the DL discord. The DL Discord person sees Lore and says “Gwekki! Ur’a buxew ri newwer tiy!”
How does Lore respond? (And how does the rest of the chain react to Lore’s response?)
"Hello! It's nice to meet you!"
(Quick thing, contractions don't exist in Koholish. You'd use 'It is', except that there's also no space, so more like 'Itis'. Which, when ciphered, becomes Urua! The translation is contracted though, they're a very casual people)
Lore, in response, says, "Tiy xeleb rewekek regew Qubeseduag ri axëweq ëufeger ided."
He's apologetic, later.
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